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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Cognition in 2010

Energy Psychology Journal, 4:1 by Church, Dawson
The Evolution of Intelligent Systems: How Molecules Became Minds by Richardson, K.
The Ultimate Guide to Sensory Processing Disorder: Easy, Everyday Solutions to Sensory Challenges by Ostovar, Roya
The Career Within You: How to Find the Perfect Job for Your Personality by Stabb, Ingrid, Wagele, Elizabeth
8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Take-Charge Strategies to Empower Your Healing by Rothschild, Babette
Why Him? Why Her? by Fisher, Helen
Social Representations of Intelligence by Mugny, Gabriel, Carugati, Felice
The Magical Child Within You: Inside Every Adult Is a Magical Child to Discover. by Davis, Bruce
Difficult Personalities: A Practical Guide to Managing the Hurtful Behavior of Others (and Maybe Your Own) by Edwards, Hazel, McGrath, Helen
Friedens- Und Konfliktforschung: Eine Einführung by
Psychologie - Kultur - Gesellschaft by
Talking Politics: A Psychological Framing of Views from Youth in Britain by Bhavnani, Kum-Kum
The Political System Matters: Social Psychology and Voting Behavior in Sweden and the United States by Holmberg, Soren, Donald, Granberg, Granberg, Donald
Principles and Practice of Lifespan Developmental Neuropsychology by
The Epic Roles of Consciousness: Emergent Patterns of Individual Consciousness by Geldart, Walter J.
Über den Umgang mit Borderline-Patienten by Barbier, Monika
The Evolutionary Glitch: Rise Above the Root of Your Problems by Garoli, Albert
Laughter by Bergson, Henri Louis
The Evolutionary Glitch: Rise Above the Root of Your Problems by Garoli, Albert
What Does Death Look Like? by Gross Lcsw Cmp, Donalyn
Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology by
The Social Psychology of Knowledge by
Why You Are What You Are (1922) by Lebarr, Georges Henri
The Effect Of The Destruction Of Peripheral Areas On The Differentiation Of The Neuroblasts (1909) by Shorey, Marian Lydia
The Sensations Of The Alimentary Canal (1915) by Boring, Edwin Garrigues
The Inaccuracy Of Movement: With Special Reference To Constant Errors (1909) by Hollingworth, Harry Levi
The Man Who Lost His Past (1903) by Richardson, Frank
What Makes Us Unhappy? (1882) by Gross, Joseph B.
The Feeling Of Effort (1880) by James, William
Teaching Evidence-Based Practice: A Special Issue of Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention by
Gender, Humiliation, and Global Security: Dignifying Relationships from Love, Sex, and Parenthood to World Affairs by Lindner, Evelin
Exploring Intimacy: Cultivating Healthy Relationships through Insight and Intuition by Robins, Suzann Panek
The Essential Guide to Overcoming Avoidant Personality Disorder by Kantor, Martin
Defeating Depression: Recognizing Its Many Faces by Houpt, Edisn W., Jr.
Defeating Depression: Recognizing Its Many Faces by Houpt, Edisn W., Jr.
Out of Our Heads: Why You Are Not Your Brain, and Other Lessons from the Biology of Consciousness by Noë, Alva
White Identities: A Critical Sociological Approach by
In His Image by Lanphere, Michael E.
The Social Psychology of Minority Influence by Mugny, Gabriel, Perez, Juana, Perez, Juan A.
Speech and Reasoning in Everyday Life by Uli, Windisch, Windisch, Uli
The Hidden Genius of Emotion: Lifespan Transformations of Personality by Haviland-Jones, Jeannette, Magai, Carol
Feeling and Healing Your Emotions: A Christian Psychiatrist Shows You How to Grow to Wholeness (16pt Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Baars, Conrad W.
Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average by Hallinan, Joseph T.
Tax Evasion: An Experimental Approach by
Genes, Brain and Development by
Shell-Shock And Other Neuropsychiatric Problems Part 2: Presented In Five Hundred And Eighty-Nine Case Histories From The War Literature, 1914-1918 (1 by Southard, Elmer Ernest
Shell-Shock And Other Neuropsychiatric Problems Part 1: Presented In Five Hundred And Eighty-Nine Case Histories From The War Literature, 1914-1918 (1 by Southard, Elmer Ernest
The Encyclopedia Of Face And Form Reading Part 2: A Complete Summary Of Character Analysis (1920) by Stanton, Mary Olmstead
Was bedeutet Identität nach Lothar Krappmann und Karl Haußer? by Daniel, Britta, Tonn, Hans-Peter
Handbook of Forensic Neuropsychology by
The Politics of Happiness: What Government Can Learn from the New Research on Well-Being by Bok, Derek
Das Kranke Gedachtnis (1911) by Ranschburg, Paul
Das Seelenleben Des Menschen Im Gesunden Und Im Kranken Gehirn (1901) by
Das Gefuhl: Eine Psychologische Untersuchung (1908) by Ziegler, Theobald
Le Langage Interieur Et Les Paraphasies: La Fonction Endophasique (1904) by Saint-Paul, Georges
Psychologie Des Menschlichen Gefuhlslebens (1922) by Storring, Gustav
Psychologie Du Rire (1902) by Dugas, Ludovic
Uber Den Ursprung Des Melanotischen Pigments Der Haut Und Des Auges (1908) by Meirowsky, Emil
Uber Aphasie Und Andere Sprachstorungen (1902) by Bastian, H. Charlton
Psychologische Untersuchungen Uber Die Funktionen Der Hirnrinde, Zugleich Eine Vorstudie Zur Lehre Von Der Afasie (1901) by Storch, Ernst
Psychophysik (1905) by Gutberlet, Constantin
Le Nevraxe V9: Recueil De Neurologie Normale Et Pathologique (1907) by
Uber Bewegungsempfindungen (1891) by Delabarre, Edmund Burke
Uber Subjektive Horerscheinungen: Und Subjektive Optische Anschauungsbilder (1908) by Urbantschitsch, Viktor
Das Problem Der Funktionen Des Nervensystems (1912) by Baglioni, Silvestro
La Psychophysique (1901) by Foucault, Marcel
Charakterologie Als Wissenschaft (1907) by Sternberg, Theodor
Psycho Phone Messages (1921) by Grierson, Francis
Der Geniale Mensch (1890) by Lombroso, Cesare
Bewusstsein Und Hirnlokalisation (1898) by Bechterew, W. Von
Allgemeine Naturgeschichte Der Parasiten: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Bei Dem Menschen Schmarotzenden Arten (1879) by Leuckart, Rudolf
Beitraege Zur Neuern Mikroskopie, Book 1-3 (1858) by Reinicke, Friedrich
Einleitung In Die Vergleichende Gehirnphysiologie Und Vergleichende Psychologie (1899) by Loeb, Jacques
Das Grundgesetz Alles Neuro-Psychischen Lebens (1900) by Pikler, Julius
La Psychologie Des Sentiments, Part 1-2 (1896) by Ribot, Theodule Armand
De La Raison Du Genie: Et De La Folie (1861) by Flourens, Pierre
Uber Die Theorie Des Lichtes (1842) by Cauchy, Augustin Luis
Psychologie Du Caractere (1896) by Levy, Albert
De Anima: De Sensu, De Memoria, De Somno Similique Argumento (1829) by Aristotle, M., Bekkeri, Immanuelis
De La Protection Legale Des Enfants: Contre Les Abus De L'Autorite Paternelle (1878) by Fuzier-Hermann, Ed
Le Determinisme Biologique Et La Personnalite Consciente (1897) by Le Dantec, Felix Alexandre
Das Gefuhlsleben: In Seinen Wesentlichsten Erscheinungen Und Bezugen (1884) by Nahlowsky, Joseph Wilhelm
Psychobiology V2 (1920) by
Elements De Psychologie Physiologique V1 (1886) by Wundt, Wilhelm Max
Anleitung Zum Studium Der Wissenschaftlichen Botanik Nach Den Neuesten Forschungen, Part 2 (1854) by Willkomm, Moritz
La Medicina Delle Passioni (1861) by Descuret, Jean Baptiste Felix
Nouveau Traite Des Sensations V2 (1876) by Guillaume, Jean Marie Amedee
The Right Hand and the Left Hand of History: A Special Issue of Laterality by
Der Bewusstseinsmechanismus: Im Gehirne Des Menschen (1897) by Langweiser, Karl
La Neurasthenie: Epuisement Nerveux (1891) by Bouveret, Leon
Recherches Sur Les Refractions Extraordinaires Qui Ont Lieu Pres De L'Horizon (1810) by Biot, Jean Baptiste
Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation by
La Psychologie Des Sentiments, Part 1-2 (1896) by Ribot, Theodule Armand
Der Werth Der Symptome Der Sogenannten Traumatischen Neurose (1892) by
Le Lavater Des Temperamens (1829) by De Rubempre, Morel
Das Lokalisationsgesetz V1: Eine Psychophysiologische Untersuchung (1900) by Uschakoff, Ivan
Le Langage: Essai Sur La Psychologie Normale Et Pathologique De Cette Fonction (1905) by Leroy, Eugene Bernard
Beschreibung Der Intelligenzstorungen In Folge Einer Hirnverletzung (1888) by Rieger, Conrad
Once a Warrior--Always a Warrior: Navigating The Transition From Combat To Home--Including Combat Stress, Ptsd, And Mtbi by Hoge, Charles
International Handbook of Anger: Constituent and Concomitant Biological, Psychological, and Social Processes by
Psychology and the Political Experience by Alan, Hughes, Hughes, Alan
Contexts of Accommodation: Developments in Applied Sociolinguistics by
Towards a Theory of Thinking: Building Blocks for a Conceptual Framework by
Relationship Roulette: Improve Your Odds at Lasting Love by Diamond, Carol
Playing the Lying Game: Detecting and Dealing with Lies and Liars, from Occasional Fibbers to Frequent Fabricators by Scott, Gini
The Business of Neuropsychology by Barisa, Mark T.
Temperament Essentials by Joyce, Diana
Neuropsychology of Epilepsy and Epilepsy Surgery by Lee, Gregory P.
The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Murphy, Joseph
Adam's Tongue: How Humans Made Language, How Language Made Humans by Bickerton, Derek
Pediatric Neuropsychology Case Studies: From the Exceptional to the Commonplace by
Homöostase und Persönlichkeit: Das Kompensationsprinzip in der Typologie von C.G. Jung in Bezug auf das Konzept der Homöostase in Psychologie und Sys by Hofmann, David
My Twisted Mind by Solfound
The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Volume 52 by
My Twisted Mind by Solfound
Emotions in the Field: The Psychology and Anthropology of Fieldwork Experience by
Emotions in the Field: The Psychology and Anthropology of Fieldwork Experience by
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology: Volume 42 by
The Individual, Communication, and Society: Essays in Memory of Gregory Bateson by
Cognition & Emotion: Reviews of Current Research and Theories by
Consulta para Sapos: Una aventura psicológica by De Board, Robert, Condom Bosch, Jose Luis
You Can Choose To Be Happy: Rise Above Anxiety, Anger, and Depression by Stevens, Tom G.
Law and Happiness by
When Language Breaks Down by Asp, Elissa D., de Villiers, Jessica
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury by
Iconoclast: A Neuroscientist Reveals How to Think Differently by Berns, Gregory
Contribution A L'Etude Clinique Des Troubles De La Parole Dans L'Epilepsie (1902) by Vincent, Albert Ferdinand Jules
Beziehungen Des Seelenlebens Zum Nervenleben: Grundlegende Tatsachen Der Nerven Und Seelenlehre (1903) by Hirt, Eduard
Die Transitorischen Bewusstseinsstorungen Der Epileptiker (1903) by Raecke, Julius
Zeitschrift Fur Psychologie V73 (1915) by Exner, S., Kries, J. V.
Der Ausdruck Der Gemutabewegungen Des Menschen (1903) by
Archivio Di Psichiatria, Neuropatologia, Antropologia Criminale V25: E Medicina Legale (1904) by
Die Temperamente, Ihr Wesen, Ihre Bedeutung Fur Das Seelische Erleben Und Ihre Besonderen Gestaltungen (1905) by Hirt, Eduard
Die Normaltauschungen In Der Lagewahrnehmung (1905) by Spearman, Charles
L'Hypnotisme Revenu A La Mode: Histoire Et Discussion Scientifique (1888) by Franco, Jean Joseph
Neudrucke Von Schriften Und Karten Uber Meteorologie Und Erdmagnetismus (1898) by
Beitrage Zur Charakterologie V1: Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Padagogischer Fragen (1867) by Bahnsen, Julius Friedrich August
Du Genie D'Hippocrate, Et De Son Influence Sur L'Art De Guerir: Sur Les Fonctions Du Cerveau (1824) by Gall, F. J., Des Alleurs, Charles Auguste Hardy
Uber Gesichtsfeld Ermudung: Und Deren Beziehung Zur Concentrischen Gesichtsfeldeinschrankung Bei Erkrankungen Des Centralnervensystems (1893) by Koenig, Wilhelm Julius
Die Lehre Vom Tastsinne Und Gemeingefuhle: Auf Versuche Gegrundet (1851) by Weber, Ernst Heinrich
An Experimental Examination Of The Phenomena Usually Attributed To Fluctuation Of Attention: The Intermittence Of Minimal Visual Sensations (1906) by Ferree, Clarence Errol
Contribution A L'Etude De La Perception Stereognostique (1900) by Markova, Klavdia
Die Hauptgesetze Des Menschlichen Gefuhlslebens (1892) by Lehmann, Alfred George Ludvig
L'Expression De Emotions Et Des Tendances: Dans Le Langage (1892) by Bourdon, Benjamin
How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist by Newberg, Andrew, Waldman, Mark Robert
Contemporary Psychoanalytic Foundations: Postmodernism, Complexity, and Neuroscience by Leffert, Mark
Contemporary Psychoanalytic Foundations: Postmodernism, Complexity, and Neuroscience by Leffert, Mark
The Charismatic Personality by Oakes, Len
Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life by Gallagher, Winifred
A History of Personality Psychology: Theory, Science, and Research from Hellenism to the Twenty-First Century by Dumont, Frank
Emotions in American History: An International Assessment by
Embedding Evidence-Based Practice in Speech and Language Therapy by
Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul by Brown, Stuart, Vaughan, Christopher
The Graph Theoretical Approach in Brain Functional Networks: Theory and Applications by Fallani, Fabrizio, Babiloni, Fabio
Formative Experiences by
Psychology of the Moral Self: With an Essay from the Philosophy of the Moral Feelings by John Abercrombie by Bosanquet, Bernhard
Will You Still Need Me? Feeling Wanted, Loved, and Meaningful as We Age by Browne-Miller, Angela
Neurosociology: The Nexus Between Neuroscience and Social Psychology by Franks, David D.
Kognitive Persönlichkeitstheorien: Carl Rogers' klientenzentrierte Gesprächspsychotherapie by Krause, Arno
Sensation, Perception and Action: An Evolutionary Perspective by Zanker, Johannes
Die Bewegungs-Ataxie: Nach Fremden Und Eigenen Beobachtungen (1863) by Eisenmann, Gottfried
Gemutserregungen Und Krankheiten (1908) by Cohn, Paul
Schwindel: Autokinesis Externa Et Interna (1908) by Stein, Stanislaus Von
Die Pupillenstorungen Bei Geistes Und Nervenkrankheiten (1904) by Bumke, Oswald
Experimentelle Studien Uber Ruckenmarks Verletzungen (1903) by Luxenburger, August
Graphologie (1908) by Poppee, Rudolphine
Experimentelle Untersuchungen Zur Tatbestandsdiagnostik (1905) by Wertheimer, Max
Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Bewusstseins, Auf Physiologischer Grundlage (1914) by Legahn, Friedrich August
Die Gestaltwahrnehmungen V1 (1913) by Buhler, Karl
Gehirn Und Ruckenmark: Leitfaden Fur Das Studium Der Morphologie Und Des Faserverlaufs (1905) by Villiger, Emil
Folelseslivets Grundelementer: Med At Udkast Til En Temperamentslaere (1920) by Jorgensen, Carl
I Segni Rivelatori Della Personalita (1902) by Lombroso, Paola
Uber Tastblindheit Und Uber Storungen Der Raumlichen Wahrnehmungen Der Sensibilitat (1916) by
Essai De Topographie Cerebrale: Par La Cerebrotomie Methodique (1878) by Bitot, Pierre
Die Farbenblindheit, Ihr Wesen Und Ihre Bedeutung (1878) by Magnus, Hugo
Experimentelle Untersuchungen Uber Das Gedachtnis (1895) by Lewy, Waldemar
Die Fruhesten Differenzirungsvorgange Im Centralnervensystem (1897) by Schaper, Alfred
Des Phenomenes De Synopsie, Audition Coloree Photismes, Schemes Visuels, Personnifications (1893) by Flournoy, Theodore
Die Functionsstorungen Des Grosshirnes (1898) by Adamkiewicz, Albert
Gehirn Und Seele: Rede, Gehalten Am 31 October 1894 In Der Universitatskirche Zu Leipzig (1896) by Flechsig, Paul
Die Gesichts-Empfindungen Und Ihre Analyse (1882) by Kries, Johannes Von
Die Migrane: Und Der Umschriebene Gesichtsschwund (1894) by Mobius, Paul Julius
Des Etats Seconds: Variations Pathologiques Du Champ De La Conscience (1892) by Laurent, Louis Henri Charles
Die Farbenblindheit: Ihre Prufungsmethoden Und Ihre Praktische Bedeutung (1882) by Geissler, Arthur
Die Entstehung Der Gesichtswahrnehmung (1876) by Ueberhorst, Carl
Die Frage Nach Der Geschichtlichen Entwickelung Des Farbensinnes (1879) by Marty, Anton
Die Seelenblindheit Als Herderscheinang Und Ihre Beziehungen Zur Homonymen Hemianopsie Zur Alexie Und Agraphie (1887) by Wilbrand, Hermann
Die Innerliche Sprache Und Die Verchiedenen Formen Der Aphasie (1890) by Ballet, Gilbert
Eubiotik: Entwurf Einer Historisch Und Psychologisch Begrindeten Lehre Der Gluckseligkeit (1852) by Russdorf, Emil Von
Die Lateralsections-Theorie: Und Ihre Bedeutung Fur Das Pribramer Ganggebiet (1889) by Stelzner, Alfred Wilhelm
Die Speculative Idee In Humboldt's Kosmos: Ein Beitrag Zur Vermittlung Der Philosophie Und Der Naturforschung (1849) by Biedermann, Gustav
I Fattori Psicologici Delle Vittorie Navali (1900) by Gavotti, Giuseppe
Estudio Clinico Terapeutico Y Analisis Quimico Microscopico De Las Aguas De Cestona (1844) by Ramos, Eugenio Munoz, Enriquez, Aurelio
Gehirn Und Geist: Entwurf Einer Physiologischen Psychologie (1863) by Piderit, Theodor
Du Plaisir Et De La Douleur (1885) by Bouillier, Francisque
Die Menschlichen Und Tierischen Gemutsbewegungen Als Gegenstand Der Wissenschaft (1889) by Steinitzer, Max
Die Mehrheit Geistiger Personlichkeiten In Einem Individuum: Eine Psychologische Studie (1894) by Landmann, Samson
Die Natur Und Entstehung Der Traume (1874) by Strumpell, Ludwig
Das Stottern Und Seine Grundliche Beseitigung, Part 1-2: Durch Ein Methodisch Georduetes Und Praktisch Erprobtes Verfahren (1895) by Gutzmann, Albert
Handbook of Individual Differences in Cognition: Attention, Memory, and Executive Control by
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