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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Comparative Religion in 2011

To Live Ancient Lives: The Primitivist Dimension in Puritanism by Bozeman, Theodore Dwight
Abraham: One God, Three Wives, Five Religions by Worthington, Frances
The Bloody Sacrifice (Large Print Edition) by Rodgers, Charlotte
Christianity and Islam by Zinner, Samuel
Qur'an Revealed by Greer, Robert C.
Hinduism and Buddhism by Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.
Nations Before Nationalism by Armstrong, John A.
Religion, the Enlightenment, and the New Global Order by
Religion, the Enlightenment, and the New Global Order by
Denominational Doctrines: Explained, Examined, Exposed by Dawson, Samuel G.
Sound and Communication: An Aesthetic Cultural History of Sanskrit Hinduism by Wilke, Annette, Moebus, Oliver
Expanding Religion: Religious Revival in Post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe by Tomka, Miklós
The New Sciences of Religion: Exploring Spirituality from the Outside in and Bottom Up by Grassie, W.
The New Sciences of Religion: Exploring Spirituality from the Outside in and Bottom Up by Grassie, W.
Das Gottesbild im Wandel der Zeiten: Ist das Gottesbild des Mittelalters heute noch zeitgemäß? by Baudisch, Wolfgang
Sharia law and the religious factor in a secular state like Nigeria: Islam versus Christianity in Nigeria and the Perennial Pogrom and Acrimony: a Pan by Orjinta, Ikechukwu Aloysius
Who Put the Extreme in Islamic Extremist?: A Study of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael by Rosson, M. E.
Hebrew Theism: The Common Basis of Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedism by Newman, Francis William
Between a Church and a Hard Place: One Faith-Free Dad's Struggle to Understand What It Means to Be Religious (or No t) by Park, Andrew
Contemporary Paganism: Religions of the Earth from Druids and Witches to Heathens and Ecofeminists by Harvey, Graham
Religion, Politics, and the Moral Life by Oakeshott, Michael
Was zeichnet die adventistische Reformationsbewegung aus?: Eine Untersuchung zu den Hintergründen und einzelnen Glaubenssätzen by Ganci, Rebecca
Selbst- oder Fremderlösung?: Buddhistische und christliche Erlösungswege im Vergleich by Lau, Linda
The Hero: A Study in Tradition, Myth and Drama by Raglan, Lord
Where Is God?: "Man Shall Not See Me and Live" (Exodus 33:20) by Jannen, William
Where Is God?: "Man Shall Not See Me and Live" (Exodus 33:20) by Jannen, William
Studien zur Wissenschafts- und zur Religionsgeschichte by
Islam und Fundamentalismus by Anonymous
Contemporary Muslim and Christian Responses to Religious Plurality by Winkler, Lewis E.
Reiki and Christ-Based Healing: Differences and Dangers by McClenton, Rhonda J.
Contemporary Muslim and Christian Responses to Religious Plurality: Wolfhart Pannenberg in Dialogue with Abdulaziz Sachedina by Winkler, Lewis E.
The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere by Butler, Judith, Taylor, Charles, Habermas, Jurgen
The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere by Butler, Judith, Habermas, Jurgen, Taylor, Charles
Hinduismus: Leben mit den Göttern - Lebensgestaltung im Alltag by Bauhaus, Nina
Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist by Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro
Islam and Christianity: Theological Themes in Comparative Perspective by Renard, John
Travel and Religion in Antiquity by
No Longer the Same: Religious Others and the Liberation of Christian Theology by Brockman, D.
Louis Massignon: The Vow and the Oath by Laude, Patrick
Japan: Ethnizität und Religion by Knapp, Christopher
The Gardnerian Book of Shadows by Gardner, Gerald
Die Bedeutung der Achtsamkeit für den Zen-Weg by Hanke, Marc
Fuite de l'Absolu: Observations cyniques sur l'Occident postmoderne Volume I by Gosselin, Paul
Humour and Religion: Challenges and Ambiguities by
The Gospel of Thomas by Zinner, Samuel
Islam and the Baha'i Faith: A Comparative Study of Muhammad 'Abduh and 'Abdul-Baha 'Abbas by Scharbrodt, Oliver
Lob und Anbetung Gottes im Judentum: Geschichtliche Hinführung und Betrachtung der Praxis im zeitgenössischen Judentum by Jäggi, David
World Religions: An Indispensable Introduction by McDermott, Gerald R.
Islamophobia: The Challenge of Pluralism in the 21st Century by
Afro-Eccentricity: Beyond the Standard Narrative of Black Religion by Hart, W.
Afro-Eccentricity: Beyond the Standard Narrative of Black Religion by Hart, W.
The Vedic Prophecies: A New Look into the Future: The Eastern Answers to the Mysteries of Life by Knapp, Stephen
The Mystical State: Politics, Gnosis, and Emergent Cultures by Versluis, Arthur
Fingers and Moons by Leggett, Trevor
Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn Volume 4 by Brown, Karen McCarthy
Referring to God: Jewish and Christian Perspectives by Helm, Paul
Comparative Theology and the Problem of Religious Rivalry by Nicholson, Hugh
Desert Wisdom: A Nomad's Guide to Life's Big Questions from the Heart of the Native Middle East by Douglas-Klotz, Neil
Christians and Muslims: From History to Healing by Cragg, Kenneth B.
The Quran: God's Word or Satan's Great Deception? by Tharp, John W.
Christians and Muslims: From History to Healing by Cragg, Kenneth B.
The Search for God: A Hopeful Journey of Faith and Reason by Boyd, William Lee
Principia Discordia by Ravenhurst, Omar Khayyam, Malaclypse the Younger
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Christianity Before Christ by Graves, Kersey
Odinism: present, past and future by Osred
Faith and Conflict: Reflections on Christian Faith's Impact on the Rise of the Holocaust by Schoenfeld Ph. D., Eugen ---
The Science of the Greater Jihad: Essays in Principial Psychology by Upton, Charles
Jesus and Moses in India by Farooq, Asad
The Lost Meaning of Death: New Lectures on Ancient Wisdom by Kuhn, Alvin Boyd
Jesus and Moses in India by Farooq, Asad
Studies On Hinduism V2: Brahmanism by Zacharias, Hans Conrad Ernst
On The Eightfold Path: Christian Presence Amid Buddhism by Appleton, George
The Fear Of The Dead In Primitive Religion by Frazer, James George
The Golden Bough by Frazer, James George
Direct Sales and Direct Faith in Latin America by Cahn, P.
Direct Sales and Direct Faith in Latin America by Cahn, P.
Islam, Christianity and the Mystic Journey: A Comparative Exploration by Netton, Ian Richard
Islam, Christianity and the Mystic Journey: A Comparative Exploration by Netton, Ian Richard
The Varieties of Religious Experience by James, William
The Oxford Handbook of Global Religions by
God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World by Prothero, Stephen
The Akashic Light: Religion's Common Thread by Baumann, T. Lee
Through Death's Gate: A Guide to Selfless Dying by Morwood, Joel
The Dawn And Twilight Of Zoroastrianism by Zaehner, R. C.
Conscience on Trial: Three Public Religious Disputations Between Christians and Jews in the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Centuries by Braude, Morris
Faith and Reason: A Comparative Study of Pascal, Bergson and James by Roberts, James Deotis
The Cambridge Companion to Miracles by
The Cambridge Companion to Miracles by
Forgotten Religions: Including Some Living Primitive Religions by
East Is East: Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, a Comparison by Fingesten, Peter
Beyond Mythology: A Challenge to Dogmatism in Religion by Boynton, Richard Wilson
Manisis: The Interpreter Of The Divine Law For The Manistic Dispensation by Beverly Hall Publisher
The Cult Files: True stories from the extreme edges of religious beliefs (16pt Large Print Edition) by Mikul, Chris
Cultes, Mythes Et Religions by Reinach, Salomon
Network Apocalypse: Visions of the End in an Age of Internet Media by
Religionskonflikte im säkularen Verfassungsstaat by Hausin, Michael
Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden und Ökumene: BFP Ökumene by Dilger, Gregor
Interdependenzen von Religion und Wirtschaft im Katholizismus by Berg, Melanie
Immortality: The Mysteries of Religion Simplified by McLeskey, James Meadows
Conflict: Christianity's Love vs. Islam's Submission by Gwynn, Murl Edward
Introduction to Ancient Mesopotamian Religion by Schneider, Tammi J.
Studies in Comparative Religion: 1974 Commemorative Annual Edition by
Muslims and Jews in America: Commonalities, Contentions, and Complexities by
Paganism In Christianity: A New Testament For Rational Believers by Pratt, Charles Edgar
Religious Symbolism by
Religion and Magic: Tomorrow, V3, No. 1, Autumn, 1954 by Deren, Maya
Symbolism In Religion And Literature by
Pythagoron: The Religious, Moral And Ethical Teachings Of Pythagoras by Huson, Hobart
Sumerian Mythology: A Study Of Spiritual And Literary Achievement In The Third Millennium B. C. by Kramer, Samuel Noah
Isis Unveiled V2, Theology: A Master-Key To The Mysteries Of Ancient And Modern Science And Theology by Blavatsky, H. P.
Witnessing to Western Muslims - A Worldview Approach to Western Faith by Shumack, Richard
Sacred Royalty: From the Pharaoh to the Most Christian King by Hani, Jean
God vs. Judaism and Christianity by Chambers Jr, Harold Theophilus
The Kumulipo: A Hawaiian Creation Chant by
The Cross Above the Crescent: The Validity, Necessity and Urgency of Missions to Moslems by Zwemer, Samuel Marinus
The Religion Of Islam: A Comprehensive Discussion Of The Sources, Principles And Practices Of Islam by Ali, Maulana Muhammad
Akkadian Prayers and Hymns: A Reader by
Donkeys in the Biblical World: Ceremony and Symbol by Way, Kenneth C.
Ancient Egypt The Light of the World: Vol. 1 and 2 by Massey, Gerald
The Supernaturalness Of Christ: Can We Still Believe In It? by Smith, Wilbur M.
Islam and the West: The Clash Between Islamism and Secularism by Lodi, Mushtaq
Children of the East: The Spiritual Heritage of Islam in the Bible by Appel MD, James
The Nordic Polytheist Bookshelf: An Annotated Booklist for the Study of Heathenry, Ásatrú and Northern Tradition Paganism by Ingirún
Witchcraft: A Critical Study Of The Belief In Witchcraft From The Records Of Witch Hunting In Europe Yesterday And Africa Today by Parrinder, Geoffrey
Buddha and Jesus: : Could Solomon Be the Missing Link? by Sherman, R. E.
Summoning the Gods by Collin, Cleary, Cleary, Collin
If Christ Came Today: Vedanta Quarterly, Message Of The East V27, No. 4, October, November, December, 1938 by Paramananda, Swami
Roman Catholic Church Versus 2nd Vatican Council Reformation: Hoping to Save Souls by Dunn, George T.
Roman Catholic Church Versus 2nd Vatican Council Reformation: Hoping to Save Souls by Dunn, George T.
Idol Anxiety by
Idol Anxiety by
Postmortalitätsvorstellungen der "Azteken" im Vergleich zu den Postmortalitätsvorstellungen der Katholiken in Zamora, Kastilien im 16. Jhd. by Pinzon, Mariana
The Doctrine Of Jehovah's Witnesses: A Criticism by Quidam, Roger D.
Biosophy And Spiritual Democracy: A Basis For World Peace by Kettner, Frederick
Conflict: Christianity's Love vs. Islam's Submission by Gwynn, Murl Edward
Conflict: Christianity's Love vs. Islam's Submission by Gwynn, Murl Edward
Mushrooms, Myth & Mithras: The Drug Cult That Civilized Europe by Ruck, Carl
What Everyone Should Know About Judaism: Answers To The Questions Most Frequently Asked by Applebaum, Morton M.
Christianity and Islam by Becker, C. H.
Learned Ignorance: Intellectual Humility Among Jews, Christians, and Muslims by
The Quest for God and the Good: World Philosophy as a Living Experience by Lobel, Diana
The Quest for God and the Good: World Philosophy as a Living Experience by Lobel, Diana
In Search of God: God, Religious Scriptures & Proof of Divine Rvelation by Gad, Mohamed
In Search of God: God, Religious Scriptures & Proof of Divine Rvelation by Gad, Mohamed
The Word of God: Imams, Priests, and Rabbis Answer Our Questions by Laske, Daniel B.
Heaven on Earth: The Varieties of the Millennial Experience by Landes, Richard
Holy Mountain: Two Paths to One God by Levine, Raphael H., Bayne, Stephen F., Jr.
Children and Childhood in World Religions: Primary Sources and Texts by
Religion and Society: Volume 1: Advances in Research by
Homosexualität - Eine exegetische Analyse und Auseinandersetzung mit Römer 1,26-27 by Walter, René, Weber, Andreas
End-Timers: Three Thousand Years of Waiting for Judgment Day by Ballard, Martin
The Illusion Of Immortality by Lamont, Corliss
Ascent to Heaven in Islamic and Jewish Mysticism by Uzdavinys, Algis
Traditionalism: Religion in the light of the Perennial Philosophy by Oldmeadow, Kenneth
The Return of the Rebel Angels: The Urantia Mysteries and the Coming of the Light by Wyllie, Timothy
Forbidden Mormon Coffee by Warner, T.
Naturalism, Theism and the Cognitive Study of Religion: Religion Explained? by Visala, Aku
Christ and Other Masters: Religions of India by Hardwick, Charles
Judaic and Christian Visions of the Social Order: Describing, Analyzing and Comparing Systems of the Formative Age by
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths: How the World's Religions Can Come Together by Dalai Lama
The Names of God in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: A Basis for Interfaith Dialogue by Byrne, Máire
Procede del Padre y del Hijo: Estudio de la "Clarificación Romana "de 1995 y de sus fuentes patrísticas by Alvarez, Elena
The Names of God in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: A Basis for Interfaith Dialogue by Byrne, Máire
The Hours of Aphrodite: Celebrations by Kettering, F. T.
The Rainbow Bridge: Bridge to Inner Peace and to World Peace by Hunter, Brent N.
The Rainbow Bridge: Bridge to Inner Peace and to World Peace by Hunter, Brent N.
Learning to Speak a New Tongue: Imagining a Way That Holds People Together--An Asian American Conversation by Matsuoka, Fumitaka
Learning to Speak a New Tongue: Imagining a Way That Holds People Together--An Asian American Conversation by Matsuoka, Fumitaka
Religion at Ground Zero: Theological Responses to Times of Crisis by Brittain, Christopher Craig
Religion at Ground Zero: Theological Responses to Times of Crisis by Brittain, Christopher Craig
The Holy Spirit, Chi, and the Other: A Model of Global and Intercultural Pneumatology by Kim, Grace Ji-Sun
The Book of AQUARIA by Watson a. DD, Jacob L., III
The Holy Spirit, Chi, and the Other: A Model of Global and Intercultural Pneumatology by Kim, Grace Ji-Sun
Christ and Other Masters: An Historical Inquiry... by Hardwick, Charles
Fragmens: Essai Sur Les Les Hiéroglyphes Égyptiens by Lacour, Pierre
Ketzerphilosophie des Mittelalters by Glasenapp, Gregor Von
Cultes, Mythes Et Religions. ...... by Reinach, Salomon
Religion and Identity in South Asia and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Patrick Olivelle by
Sufi Aesthetics: Beauty, Love, and the Human Form in the Writings of Ibn 'Arabi and 'Iraqi by Zargar, Cyrus Ali
60 Questions Christians Ask about Jewish Beliefs and Practices by Brown, Michael L.
Breath of Life: God as Spirit in Judaism by Timoner, Rachel
Miracle Cures: Saints, Pilgrimage, and the Healing Powers of Belief by Scott, Robert A.
The Theological and Philosophical Works of Hermes Trismegistus by Chambers Ma Fsa, John David
The Origin, Proliferation, and Institutionalization of Anti-Catholicism in America, and its Impact on Modern Christian Apologetics by Fazzio, Robert
The Fear Of The Dead In Primitive Religion by Frazer, James George
The Kumulipo: A Hawaiian Creation Chant by
Sumerian Mythology: A Study Of Spiritual And Literary Achievement In The Third Millennium B. C. by Kramer, Samuel Noah
The Temple of Jerusalem by Goldhill, Simon
If: How Secure Is Eternal Security? by Hill, William F.
Intifada by Seraphim, Joshua
Comparing the Qur'an and the Bible: What They Really Say about Jesus, Jihad, and More by Richter, Rick
History as Prelude: Muslims and Jews in the Medieval Mediterranean by
Soteriologie. Sünder - Mittler - Erlöser: Das Böse in den unterschiedlichen Religionen by Steblau, Julia
Negotiating Rites by Husken, Ute, Neubert, Frank
Angels: A Very Short Introduction by Jones, David Albert
Perceiving the Divine Through the Human Body: Mystical Sensuality by Cattoi, T., McDaniel, J.
Perceiving the Divine Through the Human Body: Mystical Sensuality by Cattoi, T., McDaniel, J.
Christianity, Islam, and the West by Burns, Robert a.
Ceremony and Ritual in Japan: Religious Practices in an Industrialized Society by
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