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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2018

Evidence-Based Skills in Criminal Justice: International Research on Supporting Rehabilitation and Desistance by
The Death Penalty from an African Perspective: Views from Zimbabwean and Nigerian Philosophers by
Community-Based Corrections by Alarid, Leanne
The American System of Criminal Justice by Dejong, Christina, Cole, George, Smith, Christopher
Justice Administration: Police, Courts, & Corrections Management by Giacomazzi, Andrew, Peak, Kenneth
Essentials of Criminal Justice by Worrall, John, Siegel, Larry
America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System by Neubauer, David, Fradella, Henry
Introduction to Criminal Justice Brief: Mainstream and Crosscurrents by Fuller
Introduction to Criminal Justice: A Brief Edition by Fuller, John Randolph
Public Confidence in Criminal Justice: A History and Critique by Turner, Elizabeth R.
Let the World Fend for Itself: Big Ron's Baltimore: A Working Man's View of Urban Blight by LaFond, James
Evidence of Love: A True Story of Passion and Death in the Suburbs by Bloom, John, Atkinson, Jim
Bluegrass: A True Story of Murder in Kentucky by Van Meter, William
Domestic Violence Perpetrators: Evidence-Informed Responses by Devaney, John, Lazenbatt, Anne
Från en överlevare till en annan by Brixemar, Alexandra
The Angola Prison Seminary: Effects of Faith-Based Ministry on Identity Transformation, Desistance, and Rehabilitation by Johnson, Byron, Hallett, Michael, Hays, Joshua
Revival: Law in the Modern State (1921) by Duguit, Leon
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law Volume 19, 2016 by
U.S. Government Contractors and Human Trafficking: Two Case Studies of Iraq and Bosnia-Herzegovina by Cole, Celline, Vermeltfoort, Resy
Encountering Correctional Populations: A Practical Guide for Researchers by Fox, Kathleen A., Lane, Jodi, Turner, Susan F.
Racism, Policy and Politics by Murji, Karim
Encountering Correctional Populations: A Practical Guide for Researchers by Turner, Susan F., Fox, Kathleen A., Lane, Jodi
Communicating Revenge in Interpersonal Relationships by Yoshimura, Stephen M., Boon, Susan D.
Racism, Policy and Politics by Murji, Karim
The Logic of Steel by LaFond, James
Criminal Resistance?: The Politics of Kidnapping Oil Workers by Oriola, Temitope B.
The Logic of Force by LaFond, James
Justice, Mercy, and Caprice: Clemency and the Death Penalty in Ireland by O'Donnell, Ian
Who Shaped the American Criminal Justice System?: Innovators and Pioneers by Windell, James
Who Shaped the American Criminal Justice System? by Windell, James
Pathology of Lying, Accusation, and Swindling: A Study in Forensic Psychology by Healy, William, Healy, Mary
The Last Irish Priest by Strawn, Richard
The Costly U. S. Prison System: Too Costly in Dollars, National Prestige, and Lives by Brakke, Paul
The Costly U. S. Prison System: Too Costly in Dollars, National Prestige, and Lives by Brakke, Paul
The Costly U. S. Prison System (in Full Color): Too Costly in Dollars, National Prestige and Lives by Brakke, Paul
The Costly U. S. Prison System (in Full Color): Too Costly in Dollars, National Prestige and Lives by Brakke, Paul
Domestic Violence in Hollywood Film: Gaslighting by Shoos, Diane L.
Outsourcing Legal Aid in the Nordic Welfare States by
Law and Violence: Christoph Menke in Dialogue by Menke, Christoph
Presidents and Mass Incarceration: Choices at the Top, Repercussions at the Bottom by Mancillas, Linda
Historical Mysteries by Lang, Andrew
Social, Psychological, and Forensic Perspectives on Sexual Abuse by
The Prison and the Factory (40th Anniversary Edition): Origins of the Penitentiary System by Melossi, Dario, Pavarini, Massimo
Female Imprisonment: An Ethnography of Everyday Life in Confinement by Frois, Catarina
Zeit Im Arrest: Biographische Und Lebenspraktische Bedeutung Des Jugendarrestes by Eckold, Anja
Getting Past 'The Pimp': Management in the Sex Industry by Bruckert, Chris, Parent, Colette
Wenn Frauen Morden. Serielle Tötung durch weibliche Täter by Hansch, Nora
When Parents Kill Children: Understanding Filicide by
Moral Punishment Instinct by Van Prooijen, Jan-Willem
Berliner Entmündigungsverfahren Gegen Frauen Von 1900-1933: "Geisteskrank, Lügenhaft Und Sexuell Verwahrlost" by Carri, Christiane
Crime and Justice in Contemporary Japan by
Stick Together and Come Back Home: Racial Sorting and the Spillover of Carceral Identity by Lopez-Aguado, Patrick
Stick Together and Come Back Home: Racial Sorting and the Spillover of Carceral Identity by Lopez-Aguado, Patrick
The Peacemaker's Paradox: Pursuing Justice in the Shadow of Conflict by Hayner, Priscilla
Beyond Wondering about Murder from a Judeo-Christian Perspective by Henry, Clay A.
Peace and Resistance in Youth Cultures: Reading the Politics of Peacebuilding from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games by McEvoy-Levy, Siobhan
Desistance from Sexual Offending: Narratives of Retirement, Regulation and Recovery by Harris, Danielle Arlanda
Aggression und Gewalt by Werbik, Hans, Straßmaier, Stephan
The Prevention of Gross Human Rights Violations Under International Human Rights Law by Van Der Have, Nienke
Organized Crime in the United States, 1865-1941 by Allerfeldt, Kristofer
The Rosewood Massacre: An Archaeology and History of Intersectional Violence by González-Tennant, Edward
The Process and Structure of Crime: Criminal Events and Crime Analysis by
Welfare Beyond the Welfare State: The Employment Relationship in Britain and Germany by Behling, Felix
The Peacemaker's Paradox: Pursuing Justice in the Shadow of Conflict by Hayner, Priscilla
Rape on the Contemporary Stage by Fitzpatrick, Lisa
Becoming Delinquent: Young Offenders and the Correctional Process by Garabedian, Peter G., Gibbons, Don C.
Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction by Schmalleger, Frank
Organised Crime Groups Involved in Fraud by Bhardwa, Bina, May, Tiggey
Law and Violence: Christoph Menke in Dialogue by Menke, Christoph
Intelligence Sharing, Transnational Organized Crime and Multinational Peacekeeping by Chido, Diane E.
Contemporary Issues in Victimology: Identifying Patterns and Trends by
Finding Freedom in Confinement: The Role of Religion in Prison Life by
The Great Uprising by Levy, Peter B.
The Great Uprising by Levy, Peter B.
Starting At The Top!: A Who's Who of the Accused by Gorbach, Donald
Control Theories of Crime and Delinquency by
Routine Activity and Rational Choice: Volume 5 by
Die Kriminalpolizei als Werkzeug gegen den Berufsverbrecher? Kriminalpolitik im Kaiserreich, in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus by Marx, Thomas
Jugenddelinquenz. Ursachen, Formen und Präventionsmaßnahmen by Benning, Frederik
Child Sexual Abuse: Moral Panic or State of Denial? by Pilgrim, David
Street Gangs: Terre di Confine by Del Zio, Rossana
Delinquent Youth in a Transforming China: A Generation of Strain by Bao, Wan-Ning
La Malavita a Napoli by de Blasio, Abele
Trapped in a Vice: The Consequences of Confinement for Young People by Cox, Alexandra
Understanding Quality Peace: Peacebuilding after Civil War by
Child Sexual Abuse: Moral Panic or State of Denial? by Pilgrim, David
The Poison Tree: A True Story of Family Terror by Prendergast, Alan
What Makes a Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism - 10th Anniversary Edition by Krueger, Alan B.
Domestic Violence in Diverse Contexts: A Re-Examination of Gender by Zannettino, Lana, Wendt, Sarah
The Beecher Trial: A Review of the Evidence; Reprinted From the New York Times of July 3, 1875; With Some Revisions and Additions by Beecher, Henry Ward
Victims of Crime: Construction, Governance and Policy by Hall, Matthew
Human Trafficking and Security in Southern Africa: The South African and Mozambican Experience by Iroanya, Richard Obinna
Family Group Conferencing with Children and Young People: Advocacy Approaches, Variations and Impacts by Fox, Darrell
Compensated Dating: Buying and Selling Sex in Cyberspace by Chu, Cassini Sai Kwan
Juvenile Crime: Its Causes, Character, and Cure by Day, Samuel Phillips
Internet Infidelity: An Interdisciplinary Insight in a Global Context by
Sind Gewalt und Verbrechen "männlich"? Ursachen männlicher Gewalt by Hofbeck, Dirk
The Police and the Expansion of Public Order Law in Britain, 1829-2014 by Channing, Iain
Demonising the Other: The Criminalisation of Morality by Whitehead, Philip
Young, Muslim and Criminal: Experiences, Identities and Pathways Into Crime by Qasim, Mohammed
Young, Muslim and Criminal: Experiences, Identities and Pathways Into Crime by Qasim, Mohammed
Offending and Desistance: The importance of social relations by Weaver, Beth
The "Dangerous Class" and Revolutionary Theory: Thoughts on the Making of the Lumpen/proletariat by Sakai, J.
The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South by
Methodology of Judicial Proof and Presumption by He, Jiahong
Political Mediation in Modern Conflict Resolution: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Da Rocha, José Pascal
Handbook of Recidivism Risk / Needs Assessment Tools by
Cj by Miller, Roger, Gaines, Larry
Another Day in the Death of America: A Chronicle of Ten Short Lives by Younge, Gary
Rehabilitation Work: Supporting Desistance and Recovery by Graham, Hannah
Sex Work, Immigration and Social Difference by Ham, Julie
The Sexual Murderer: Offender behaviour and implications for practice by Martineau, Melissa, Beauregard, Eric
Public Indecency in England 1857-1960: 'A Serious and Growing Evil' by Harris, Candida, Cox, David J., Stevenson, Kim
Second-Generation Memory and Contemporary Children's Literature: Ghost Images by Ulanowicz, Anastasia
Prisoner Radicalization and Terrorism Detention Policy: Institutionalized Fear or Evidence-Based Policy Making? by Veldhuis, Tinka
Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice That Restores by Gilliard, Dominique DuBois
Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America by Forman, James
Understanding Quality Peace: Peacebuilding after Civil War by
The Private Sector and Criminal Justice by
Criminal Actions and Social Situations: Understanding the Role of Structure and Intentionality by Amatrudo, Anthony
Biometrics, Crime and Security by Urbas, Gregor, Smith, Marcus, Mann, Monique
Criminalizing Children: Welfare and the State in Australia by McCallum, David
A Fragment of the Prison Experiences of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman by Goldman, Emma, Berkman, Alexander
A Complete Collection Of State Trials And Proceedings For High Treason And Other Crimes And Misdemeanors From The Earliest Period To The Year 1783; Vo by Cobbett, William, Jardine, David, Howell, Thomas Jones
Advocating Transitional Justice in Africa: The Role of Civil Society by
Essentials of Community Corrections by Hanser, Robert D.
Revenge and Social Conflict by Christensen, Kit
See Something Say Something: A Field Guide to Recognize Terrorists by Riley, William J.
Executing Freedom: The Cultural Life of Capital Punishment in the United States by LaChance, Daniel
Violence and Honor in Prerevolutionary Périgord by Reinhardt, Steven G.
Support: Feminist Relationship Tools to Heal Yourself and End Rape Culture by Crabb, Cindy
Crime and Social Organization by
Order and Conflict in Public Space by
Restorative Policing: Concepts, theory and practice by Paterson, Craig, Clamp, Kerry
Sozialraumorientierung als Innovation in der Bewährungshilfe by Plaggenborg, Annkristin
Trials of the Farley hills Stalker by Petalwhite, Cordelia Eudora
Reinvent Your Personal Safety: 3 Keys to Successful Self-Protection for Women by Tamas, Matt
Serial Killers Around the World: The Global Dimensions of Serial Murder by Gibson, Dirk C.
War Crimes Trials and Investigations: A Multi-Disciplinary Introduction by Schuhmacher, Jacques, Waterlow, Jonathan
Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress by Pinker, Steven
Fear of Crime Victimization and its Impact on Psychological Well-Being: A Research in Punjab University, Lahore by Uddin, Arbab
The Shawcross Letters: My Journey Into The Mind Of Evil by Fay, John Paul, Whitney, Brian
The Punishment of Death: To Which Is Appended His Treatise On Public Responsibility and Vote by Ballot by Romilly, Henry
Spectatorship, Embodiment and Physicality in the Contemporary Mutilation Film by Wilson, Laura
Der Mädchenhandel by Mexin, Salomon
Qualifizierte Belehrung als Voraussetzung der Vernehmung des Ermittlungsrichters bei Zeugnisverweigerung nach § 252 StPO by Weiß, Dominik
Administration and Management in Criminal Justice: A Service Quality Approach by Sawhney, Rajeev, Allen, Jennifer M.
Cascades of Violence: War, Crime and Peacebuilding Across South Asia by Braithwaite, John, D'Costa, Bina
Biometrics, Crime and Security by Mann, Monique, Urbas, Gregor, Smith, Marcus
Elite Deviance by Simon, David
A Handbook of the Practice of Forensic Medicine: Including the Bio-Thanatology of Newborn Children and the First Part of the Biological Division by Casper, Johann Ludwig
The Garden Of Secrets: Hope And Healing by James, Rosilda Alves Depina
A Reply to the Review of Judge Advocate General Holt, of the Proceedings, Findings and Sentence, of the General Court Martial: In the Case of Major Ge by DLC, Marian S. Carson Collection, Johnson, Reverdy, DLC, Joseph Meredith Toner Collection
Punishment and Reformation: An Historical Sketch of the Rise of the Penitentiary System by Wines, Frederick Howard
Building the Prison State: Race and the Politics of Mass Incarceration by Schoenfeld, Heather
Food as a Mechanism of Control and Resistance in Jails and Prisons: Diets of Disrepute by Murguía, Salvador Jiménez
Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader by Tibbetts, Stephen G., Hemmens, Craig T.
Virtual Reality and the Criminal Justice System: Exploring the Possibilities for Correctional Rehabilitation by Ticknor, Bobbie
Prison Bureaucracies in the United States, Mexico, India, and Honduras by Norris, Brian
United States vs. Charles G. Davis: Report of the Proceedings at the Examination of Charles G. Davis, esq., on a Charge of Aiding and Abetting in the by Davis, Charles G.
Timber Trafficking in Vietnam: Crime, Security and the Environment by Cao, Ngoc Anh
Prison Breaks: Toward a Sociology of Escape by
Sexual Intimacy and Gender Identity 'Fraud': Reframing the Legal and Ethical Debate by Sharpe, Alex
The Criminal Victimization of Immigrants by McDonald, William F.
Entrapping Asylum Seekers: Social, Legal and Economic Precariousness by
Conflict, Education and People's War in Nepal by Rai, Sanjeev
Decarcerating America: From Mass Punishment to Public Health by
Causas de la Violencia Terrorista en el Perú by Gutierrez, Rómulo
Careers in Criminal Justice by Johnston, Coy H.
Scars Across Humanity: Understanding and Overcoming Violence Against Women by Storkey, Elaine
Der Galgen. Zur populären Wahrnehmung eines Gewaltsymbols by Becker, Silja
Journal Of Psychological Medicine And Mental Pathology; Volume 9 by Winslow, Forbes
A Complete Collection Of State Trials And Proceedings For High Treason And Other Crimes And Misdemeanors From The Earliest Period To The Year 1783; Vo by Cobbett, William, Howell, Thomas Jones, Jardine, David
Incentivizing Peace: How International Organizations Can Help Prevent Civil Wars in Member Countries by Tir, Jaroslav, Karreth, Johannes
Foundations of Crime Analysis: Data, Analyses, and Mapping by Walker, Jeffery T., Drawve, Grant R.
Redemption from Within: Adjusting the African Mentality by Uko, Ifeanyichukwu Uko
Redemption from Within: Adjusting the African Mentality by Uko, Ifeanyichukwu Uko
Higher Education and Police: An International View by
Respectable Deviance and Purchasing Medicine Online: Opportunities and Risks for Consumers by Sugiura, Lisa
Carceral Capitalism by Wang, Jackie
The Garden of Secrets: Hope And Healing by James, Rosilda Alves Depina
Pentecostalismo e Ressocialização: Um Estudo Exploratório sobre Afiliação Religiosa e Reintegração Social à Luz das Teorias dos Processos Civilizadore by Do Couto Ferreira, Ítalo
Historical Perspectives on Organized Crime and Terrorism by
Ethical and Legal Perspectives in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (Fasd): Foundational Issues by
The Penal Voluntary Sector by Tomczak, Philippa
Miller's Children: Why Giving Teenage Killers a Second Chance Matters for All of Us by Garbarino, James
Butcher, Baker: The True Account of an Alaskan Serial Killer by Gilmour, Walter, Hale, Leland E.
Miller's Children: Why Giving Teenage Killers a Second Chance Matters for All of Us by Garbarino, James
Sleep, My Child, Forever: The Riveting True Story of a Mother Who Murdered Her Own Children by Coston, John
Wild Escape: The Prison Break from Dannemora and the Manhunt That Captured America by Marcius, Chelsia Rose
To Kill and Kill Again: The Terrifying True Story of Montana's Baby-Faced Serial Sex Murderer by Coston, John
Contribution À La Reconstitution Faciale En Médecine Légale by Tilotta-F
Justice Restaurative Et Auteurs d''infractions À Caractère Sexuel by Sarlet-S
Le Combat Contre Le Trafic Des Migrants Au Canada by Jimenez-E
Débats Sur Le Projet de Loi Antiterroriste Canadien by Dominique-Legault-P
L'Implication Des Sdis Dans La Recherche Des Causes d'Incendies by Chwarzcianek-T
Against Imprisonment: An Anthology of Abolitionist Essays by Scott, David
Liebe Männer, wir müssen reden! by Jaspersen, Gisela
Anti-Semitism on the Campus: Past and Present by
Regulating Police Detention: Voices from Behind Closed Doors by Kendall, John
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