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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Criminology in 2019

America the Beautiful and Violent: Black Youth and Neighborhood Trauma in Chicago by Voisin, Dexter
Pacifying the Homeland: Intelligence Fusion and Mass Supervision by McQuade, Brendan
The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators by Rothberg, Michael
Outlaw Women: Prison, Rural Violence, and Poverty in the New American West by Connolly, Catherine, Dewey, Susan, Zare, Bonnie
America the Beautiful and Violent: Black Youth and Neighborhood Trauma in Chicago by Voisin, Dexter
A Year Inside MS-13: See, Hear, and Shut Up by D´aubuisson, Juan José Martínez
The Workplace Violence Prevention Handbook by Philpott, Don
Pacifying the Homeland: Intelligence Fusion and Mass Supervision by McQuade, Brendan
The Implicated Subject: Beyond Victims and Perpetrators by Rothberg, Michael
The Girls: An All-American Town, a Predatory Doctor, and the Untold Story of the Gymnasts Who Brought Him Down by Pesta, Abigail
Visions of Political Violence by Ruggiero, Vincenzo
Wirtschaftsschutz in Der PRAXIS: Positionen Zur Unternehmenssicherheit Und Kriminalprävention in Der Wirtschaft by
A Jungian Inquiry into the American Psyche: The Violence of Innocence by Burnett, Ipek S.
Politicising and Policing Organised Crime by Mann, Monique
Routledge Handbook of South Asian Criminology by
Digital Forensic Education: An Experiential Learning Approach by
Polizeiliche Pro-Organisationale Devianz: Eine Typologie by Zum-Bruch, Elena Isabel
Emotions and Mass Atrocity by
Battle Scars Are Beautiful: From Victim To Victory by Michele, René
Visions of Political Violence by Ruggiero, Vincenzo
Voices from Prison by Swartsfager, Ames K.
The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture and the Nation (Revised and Updated Edition) by Kumar, Ravish
Sri Lanka, Human Rights and the United Nations: A Scrutiny Into the International Human Rights Engagement with a Third World State by Ananthavinayagan, Thamil Venthan
Paying for the Past: The Case Against Prior Record Sentence Enhancements by Frase, Richard S., Roberts, Julian V.
Briefs of Leading Cases in Law Enforcement by Walker, Jeffery T., del Carmen, Rolando V.
Violence Exposure and Transitional Coping Strategies Among International Students in Poland by Omeni, Edward
You Can't Stop the Revolution: Community Disorder and Social Ties in Post-Ferguson America by Boyles, Andrea S.
You Can't Stop the Revolution: Community Disorder and Social Ties in Post-Ferguson America by Boyles, Andrea S.
Consent: A Memoir of Unwanted Attention by Freitas, Donna
The Economics of Crime: An Introduction to Rational Crime Analysis by Winter, Harold
Policing in an Era of Homeland Security by Oliver, Willard M.
John Hume in America: From Derry to DC by Fitzpatrick, Maurice
Inside the Manson Jury: From Deliberation to Death Sentence by Tubick, Herman, Tubick, Helen, Herman, Deborah
Love Has a Name by McDermott, Mary
The First Day of the Rest of My Life: Surviving Childhood Sexual Abuse by Nystrom, Priscilla
Clinical and Psychological Perspectives on Foul Play by Morewitz, Stephen J.
John Hume in America: From Derry to DC by Fitzpatrick, Maurice
Narcissistic Abuse: The Complete Guide to Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse - Discover How to Identify Narcissism in Ourselves and Others by Heal, Sharon
Gewalt unter der Maske by Petrovec, Dragan
Policing and Minority Communities: Contemporary Issues and Global Perspectives by
Globalization and Its Impact on Violence Against Vulnerable Groups by
Savage Ecology: War and Geopolitics at the End of the World by Grove, Jairus Victor
Sexual Violence: A Bibliography of Theory, Research, and Intervention by Snyder, Leonard, Laube, Herbert H., Cho, E. J.
The Little Old Lady Killer: The Sensationalized Crimes of Mexico's First Female Serial Killer by Cervantes, Susana Vargas
The Little Old Lady Killer: The Sensationalized Crimes of Mexico's First Female Serial Killer by Cervantes, Susana Vargas
Law and Society Today by Tejani, Riaz
Toward a Criminology of Disaster: What We Know and What We Need to Find Out by Harper, Dee Wood, Frailing, Kelly
Frauen in Führungsetagen internationaler Unternehmen und Wirtschaftskriminalität: Kriminalität in der globalisierten Welt by Reinholz, Till
Criminal (In)Justice: A Critical Introduction by Fichtelberg, Aaron
Organized Crime and Terrorist Networks by
The Use and Abuse of Music: Criminal Records by Peters, Eleanor
Through These Eyes Part 2: Fallen Hero by Noland, Denny
Hands On The Bible: Abuse the poor to get rich I am President Trump and I approve of this message for my Bible commands it (Luke 12:47) by K, M.
Post-War Prostitution: Human Trafficking and Peacekeeping in Kosovo by De Wildt, Roos
Reimagining Justice, Human Rights and Leadership in Africa: Challenging Discourse and Searching for Alternative Paths by
Criminal Process by Ashworth, Andrew, Redmayne, Mike, Campbell, Liz
Routledge International Handbook of Delinquency and Health by
Essential Criminal Law by Lippman, Matthew
Methods of Criminology and Criminal Justice Research by
Understanding Homeland Security by Martin, Gus
Cybercrime: Eine Einführung by Huber, Edith
Paradoxes of the Popular: Crowd Politics in Bangladesh by Chowdhury, Nusrat Sabina
China's Commercial Sexscapes: Rethinking Intimacy, Masculinity, and Criminal Justice by Tsang, Eileen Yuk-Ha
Understanding Criminal Behaviour: Psychosocial Perspectives on Criminality and Violence by Jones, David
The Upper Limit: How Low-Wage Work Defines Punishment and Welfare by Bonnet, François
The Upper Limit: How Low-Wage Work Defines Punishment and Welfare by Bonnet, François
What Is Rape?: Social Theory and Conceptual Analysis by Hänel, Hilkje Charlotte
Minimizing Harm: A New Crime Policy For Modern America by Rubin, Edward
Paradoxes of the Popular: Crowd Politics in Bangladesh by Chowdhury, Nusrat Sabina
Juvenile Justice: An Active-Learning Approach by Marcum, Catherine D., Schmalleger, Frank A.
Misdemeanorland: Criminal Courts and Social Control in an Age of Broken Windows Policing by Kohler-Hausmann, Issa
Police Use of Excessive Force against African Americans: Historical Antecedents and Community Perceptions by Robertson, Ray Von, Chaney, Cassandra D.
Right-Wing Extremism in Canada by Perry, Barbara, Scrivens, Ryan
Violent Memories: Mayan War Widows In Guatemala by Zur, Judith
Youth, Murder, Spectacle: The Cultural Politics Of ""Youth In Crisis"" by Acland, Charles R.
Contagion, Counter-Terrorism and Criminology: Justice in the Shadow of Terror by Hamilton, Claire
Culture Of Honor: The Psychology Of Violence In The South by Nisbett, Richard E., Cohen, Dov
Understanding Criminal Behaviour: Psychosocial Perspectives on Criminality and Violence by Jones, David
Casualties of Community Disorder: Women's Careers in Violent Crime by Baskin, Deborah, Sommers, Ira
Control Balance: Toward a General Theory of Deviance by Tittle, Charles R.
Criminological Controversies: A Methodological Primer by Hagan, John L., Gillis, A. R., Brownfield, David
Inequality, Crime, and Social Control by Bridges, George S., Myers, Martha a.
Black Girlhood, Punishment, and Resistance: Reimagining Justice for Black Girls in Virginia by Battle, Nishaun T.
Social Perspectives on Death and Dying by Auger, Jeanette
Law and Society: A Sociological Approach by Chriss, James J.
Deep Learning Applications for Cyber Security by
Measures of Performance and Effectiveness for the Marine Corps' Sexual Assault Prevention Programs by Farris, Coreen, Schell, Terry L., Tankard, Margaret
Craftivism and Yarn Bombing: A Criminological Exploration by McGovern, Alyce
Inside America's Concentration Camps: Two Centuries of Internment and Torture by Dickerson, James L.
The Architect: How to transform yourself and your world by
The Green Beret Survival Guide: Advice on Situational Awareness, Personal Safety, Recognizing Threats, and Avoiding Terror and Crime by Morris, Brian
Banking Supervision and Criminal Investigation: Comparing the EU and Us Experiences by Lasagni, Giulia
Death on the Derwent: Sue Neill-Fraser's Story by Bowles, Robin
Unbelievable: The Story of Two Detectives' Relentless Search for the Truth by Miller, T. Christian, Armstrong, Ken
In My Father's House: A New View of How Crime Runs in the Family by Butterfield, Fox
The Escape Artists: A Band of Daredevil Pilots and the Greatest Prison Break of the Great War by Bascomb, Neal
Public Opinion, Crime, And Criminal Justice by Roberts, Julian, Stalans, Loretta
The Myth of the Queer Criminal by Dennis, Jeffery P.
Subsidiaritätsgrundsatz Und Tatsachenfeststellung Unter Der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention: Analyse Der Rechtsprechung Zu Art. 3 Emrk by Brunner, Arthur
Mapping and Analysing Crime Data: Lessons from Research and Practice by
Poverty, Ethnicity, And Violent Crime by Short, James F., Jr.
Nordic Nationalism and Penal Order: Walling the Welfare State by Barker, Vanessa
Volunteer Police, Choosing to Serve: Exploring, Comparing, and Assessing Volunteer Policing in the United States and the United Kingdom by Jones, Carol Borland, Wolf, Ross
Corporate Investigations, Corporate Justice and Public-Private Relations: Towards a New Conceptualisation by Meerts, Clarissa A.
Experiences in Researching Conflict and Violence: Fieldwork Interrupted by
The Gangs of Bangladesh: Mastaans, Street Gangs and 'Illicit Child Labourers' in Dhaka by Atkinson-Sheppard, Sally
Handbook on Crime and Deviance by
Gewalt und Radikalität: Ausgewählte Beiträge des 23. Deutschen Präventionstages (11. und 12. Juni 2018 in Dresden) by
Wie kann sexueller Missbrauch in einer sexualisierten Gesellschaft vermieden werden? Mögliche Präventionsmaßnahmen by Krämer, Annabelle
She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement by Kantor, Jodi, Twohey, Megan
Deviance Management: Insiders, Outsiders, Hiders, and Drifters by Bader, Christopher D., Baker, Joseph O.
Surveilling and Securing the Olympics: From Tokyo 1964 to London 2012 and Beyond by
Indelible in the Hippocampus: Writings from the Me Too Movement by
Aktenzeichen 1 KL-So 59/42: Die Ermittlungsakte Cäzilie Bauer: Dokumentation eines Verbrechens by Hofmann, Ulrike Claudia
Deviance Management: Insiders, Outsiders, Hiders, and Drifters by Baker, Joseph O., Bader, Christopher D.
Living Beyond the Silence by Wells-Simonson, Sharon R.
Peterloo: The English Uprising by Poole, Robert
Women in the Criminal Justice System: Tracking the Journey of Females and Crime by
Crime Solvability Factors: Police Resources and Crime Detection by
Mischief, Morality and Mobs: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Pearson by
Community Re-Entry: Uncertain Futures for Women Leaving Prison by Pedlar, Alison, Arai, Susan, Yuen, Felice
Social Dilemmas by Komorita, Samuel S., Parks, Craig D.
The Community Justice Ideal by Karp, David, Clear, Todd R.
The Limits Of Social Cohesion: Conflict And Mediation In Pluralist Societies by Berger, Peter L.
The Geography of Illegal Drugs by Rengert, George F.
The Left Strikes Back: Class Conflict In Latin America In The Age Of Neoliberalism by Petras, James
Crime in Context by Taylor, Ian
Understanding America's Gun Culture by Hovey, Craig, Fisher, Lisa
Law Enforcement in the Age of Black Lives Matter: Policing Black and Brown Bodies by
Socio-Physics: Applying the Natural Sciences to Criminal Justice and Penology by Blakely, Curtis
Aborigine Trail: Trials, Travail, and Triumph Using Psychology with Aborigine Police by Rudofossi, Dan, Moloney, Matthew
The Afterlives of the Terror: Facing the Legacies of Mass Violence in Postrevolutionary France by Steinberg, Ronen
The Politics of Punishment: Prison Reform in Russia, 1863-1917 by Adams, Bruce F.
Islamist Extremism in Kosovo and the Countries of the Region by Krasniqi, Kolë
Tough on Crime: The Rise of Punitive Populism in Latin America by Bonner, Michelle
Drawing Power: Women's Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival by
Unintended Consequences of Domestic Violence Law: Gendered Aspirations and Racialised Realities by Nancarrow, Heather
A Handbook for Evidence-Based Juvenile Justice Systems by Lipsey, Mark W., Wilson, John J., Howell, James C.
Grundlegung Der Kirchenrechtssoziologie: Zur Realität Des Rechts in Der Römisch-Katholischen Kirche by Hahn, Judith
Making Surveillance States: Transnational Histories by
Journal of Prisoners on Prisons, V28 #1 by
The Social Dynamics of Family Violence by Hattery, Angela J., Smith, Earl
The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice by
Criminal Law and the Authority of the State by
The Art of War for Computer Security by Madsen, Tom
Mental Health Homicide and Society: Understanding Health Care Governance by Horton, David P.
Medicine, the Penal System and Sexual Crimes in England, 1919-1960s: Diagnosing Deviance by Weston, Janet
Race, Education, and Reintegrating Formerly Incarcerated Citizens: Counterstories and Counterspaces by
Tulsa, 1921: Reporting a Massacre by Krehbiel, Randy
Prison Dog Programs: Renewal and Rehabilitation in Correctional Facilities by
Behind Closed Doors by Fiennes, Natalie
Mask Off: Masculinity Redefined by Bola, Jj
Gangs, Drugs and (Dis)Organised Crime by McLean, Robert
Drug War Pathologies: Embedded Corporatism and U.S. Drug Enforcement in the Americas by Bartilow, Horace A.
Drug War Pathologies: Embedded Corporatism and U.S. Drug Enforcement in the Americas by Bartilow, Horace A.
Getting Wrecked: Women, Incarceration, and the American Opioid Crisis Volume 46 by Sue, Kimberly
Punishing Poverty: How Bail and Pretrial Detention Fuel Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System by Scott-Hayward, Christine S., Fradella, Henry F.
Punishing Poverty: How Bail and Pretrial Detention Fuel Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System by Scott-Hayward, Christine S., Fradella, Henry F.
Understanding Criminal Networks: A Research Guide by Bichler, Gisela
What Makes a Terrorist: Economics and the Roots of Terrorism - 10th Anniversary Edition by Krueger, Alan B.
Thievery: Catholic Church Exposed! by Cochran, Les
Getting Wrecked: Women, Incarceration, and the American Opioid Crisis Volume 46 by Sue, Kimberly
Understanding Criminal Networks: A Research Guide by Bichler, Gisela
The Social Dynamics of Family Violence by Hattery, Angela J., Smith, Earl
Civil Action and the Dynamics of Violence by
Change or Continuity in Drug Policy: The Roles of Science, Media, and Interest Groups by Tieberghien, Julie
The Death Penalty in Late-Medieval Catalonia: Evidence and Significations by Sabaté, Flocel
I'm Not for Sale by Rodeghero, Ginger
Police in Schools: An Evidence-Based Look at the Use of School Resource Officers by Duxbury, Linda, Bennell, Craig
Police in Schools: An Evidence-Based Look at the Use of School Resource Officers by Duxbury, Linda, Bennell, Craig
Gender Violence in Ecofeminist Perspective: Intersections of Animal Oppression, Patriarchy and Domination of the Earth by Hunnicutt, Gwen
Employment Screening and Non-Conviction Information: A Human Rights Perspective by Thomas, Terry, Bennett, Kevin
Heritage, Memory, and Punishment: Remembering Colonial Prisons in East Asia by Lee, Hyun-Kyung, Huang, Shu-Mei
Außenseiter: Zur Soziologie Abweichenden Verhaltens by Becker, Howard S.
#Metoo and the Politics of Social Change by
How Mediation Works: Resolving Conflict Through Talk by Garcia, Angela Cora
A Concise History of Revolution by Kamrava, Mehran
Revenge: On the Dynamics of a Frightening Urge and Its Taming by Kaplan, Suzanne, Bohm, Tomas
Sex and International Tribunals: The Erasure of Gender from the War Narrative by Mibenge, Chiseche Salome
Sex Files by Demwuth, Selem
Race Relations in America: A Christian Guide to Unite Christians in the Faith by Baldwin, Patrick
Gringo Injustice: Insider Perspectives on Police, Gangs, and Law by
Aftershocks: Healing PTSD From Sexual Assault and Childhood Sexual Abuse by Brunson Lcsw, Susan
Violence Against Children in the Criminal Justice System: Global Perspectives on Prevention by
Gringo Injustice: Insider Perspectives on Police, Gangs, and Law by
Pathways to Recovery and Desistance: The Role of the Social Contagion of Hope by Best, David
Tantamount: The Pursuit Of The Freeway Phantom Serial Killer by Hester, Victoria R., Pardoe, Blaine L.
Community Risk and Protective Factors for Probation and Parole Risk Assessment Tools: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Dorch, Edwina Louise
Love with Accountability: Digging Up the Roots of Child Sexual Abuse by
Handbook on Risk and Need Assessment: Theory and Practice by
Routledge Handbook on Victims' Issues in Criminal Justice by
The Global Prosecution of Core Crimes Under International Law by Soler, Christopher
Malbuch Tiere ab 10 Jahre: Malbuch Fantastische Tiere mit Wölfe, Tiger und Pferde by Marshall, Nick
Dunkelfeldstudien Im Vergleich: Bewertung Der Aussagekraft Von Untersuchungen Zur Kriminalitätsbelastung by Liebl, Karlhans
State Violence, Torture, and Political Prisoners: On the Role Played by Amnesty International in Brazil During the Dictatorship (1964-1985) by Meirelles, Renata
The Emerald Handbook of Narrative Criminology by
North Carolina Murder & Mayhem by Jackson, Rick
North Carolina Murder & Mayhem by Jackson, Rick
Re-thinking the Political Economy of Immigration Control: A Comparative Analysis by Sitkin, Lea
Police Leadership: Changing Landscapes by
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