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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2002

-Acumulacion Capitalista Dependiente y Subordinada by Perzabal, Carlos
European Air Law Association Volume 13: Tenth Annual Conference in Vienna: Tenth Annual Conference in Vienna by Soames, T., Jarolim, G., Dagtoglou, P. D.
European Air Law Association Volume 15: Eleventh Annual Conference in Lisbon: Eleventh Annual Conference in Lisbon by Dagtoglou, P. D., Soames, T., Zineke Dos Reis, A.
Growth and Convergence in Metropolitan America by Pack, Janet Rothenberg
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber, Max
China in the Wto: The Birth of a New Catching-Up Strategy by
Big Players and the Economic Theory of Expectations by Koppl, R.
Sir Hans Singer: The Life and Work of a Development Economist by Shaw, D.
Banking and Monetary Policy in Eastern Europe: The First Ten Years by Winkler, Adalbert
Operating Rules in Organizations: Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Analyses by Reynaud, B.
International Business: Adjusting to New Challenges and Opportunities by McDonald, Frank, Wheeler, Colin
Employee Relations in the Periphery of Europe: The Unfolding Story of the European Social Model by O'Hagan, E.
Corporate Environmentalism in China and Taiwan by Tsai, T.
The Regulation of Science and Technology by
Transition Strategies: Cases from the East German Industry by Hungenberg, H., Wulf, T.
Critical Management Research in Eastern Europe: Managing the Transition by
Economic Management and French Business: From de Gaulle to Chirac by MacLean, M.
Labour Market Planning Revisited by Hopkins, M.
China's Transition to a Global Economy by Webber, Michael
Critical Perspectives on International Political Economy by
Japan and the Reconstruction of East Asia by Kelly, D.
The International Political Economy of Transformation in Argentina, Brazil and Chile Since 1960 by Pang, E.
Inside the EU Business Associations by Greenwood, J.
Adequate Decision Rules for Portfolio Choice Problems by Goodall, T.
Consumption, Jobs and the Environment: A Fourth Way? by Carr-Hill, R., Lintott, J.
Productivity Growth and Economic Performance: Essays on Verdoorn's Law by
The Theory of Culture-Specific Total Quality Management: Quality Management in Chinese Regions by Noronha, Carlos
Trade, Investment, Migration and Labour Market Adjustment by
Understanding How Issues in Business Ethics Develop by
Poverty, Income Distribution and Well-Being in Asia During the Transition by Aiguo, Lu, Montes, Manuel F.
Europe and Globalization by
Japan and China: Cooperation, Competition and Conflict by
Public Policy in the Age of Globalization: Responses to Environmental and Economic Crises by
Latin America: Its Future in the Global Economy by
Economic Recovery in Africa: The Paradox of Financial Flows by Makhan, V.
Energy in the Caspian Region: Present and Future by
Innovation and Social Learning: Institutional Adaptation in an Era of Technological Change by
The Historicity of Economics: Continuities and Discontinuities of Historical Thought in 19th and 20th Century Economics by
Economic Relations Between Britain and Australia from the 1940s-196 by Singleton, J.
The Yo-Yo Yen: And the Future of the Japanese Economy by
Business Cooperation: From Theory to Practice by Arroyabe, J. Fernández de, Peña, N.
Richard T Ely: The Story of Economics in the United States by
EU-Osterweiterung, Euro und Arbeitsmärkte by Belke, Ansgar, Hebler, Martin
Arbeitsmärkte und soziale Sicherungssysteme unter Reformdruck by
Environmental Security in Southern Africa by
Through Structural Adjustment to Transfo by Mlawa, Hasa M.
Nigerian Capital Market by Isaac Olusola Dada, Dada, Isaac Olusola
Constitutionalism in East Africa by Kibwana, Kivutha
West Africa's Political Economy in the Next Millenium: Retrospect and Prospect by Olukoshi, Adebayo
Die Maßnahmen Der XIV Eu-Mitgliedstaaten Gegen Österreich: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Einer "Streitbaren Demokratie" Auf Europäischer Ebene by Schorkopf, Frank
Liberalizing Global Trade in Energy Services by Evans, Peter C.
Japan in Crisis by Maswood, S.
Three Simple Principals of Trade Policy by Irwin, Douglas A.
Poems in Steel: National Socialism and the Politics of Inventing from Weimar to Bonn by Gispen, Kees
Economic Revitalization: Cases and Strategies for City and Suburb by Green Leigh, Nancey, Leigh, Nancey Green, Fitzgerald, Joan
Economic Change Governance and Natural Resource Wealth: The Political Economy of Change in Southern Africa by Reed, David
Unravelling the Rag Trade: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Seven World Cities by
Evolution of the Hungarian Economy, 1848-1998: One-And-A-Half Centuries of Semi-Successful Modernization, 1848-1989 by Kornai, János
State-Led Modernization and the New Middle Class in Malaysia by Embong, A.
State-Led Modernization and the New Middle Class in Malaysia by Embong, A.
Unravelling the Rag Trade: Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Seven World Cities by
The Distribution and Redistribution of Income: Third Edition by Lambert, Peter
The Eclipse of Keynesianism: The Political Economy of the Chicago Counter-Revolution by Na, Na
An Early History of the Economic Institutions of Europe by Nussbaum, Frederick L.
Political Extremism and Rationality by
The Benefits of Price Convergence: Speculative Calculations by Wada, Erika, Warren, Tony, Hufbauer, Gary Clyde
The Future of Success: Working and Living in the New Economy by Reich, Robert B.
Adam Smith and the Classics: The Classical Heritage in Adam Smith's Thought by Vivenza, Gloria
Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte: Folgen und Maßnahmen by Kornprobst, Wolfgang
Ressourcenökonomie des Erdöls by Philippi, Markus
Visual Consumption by Schroeder, Jonathan
Valuing Environmental Preferences: Theory and Practice of the Contingent Valuation Method in the Us, Eu, and Developing Countries by
Regional Development in Greece by Konsolas, N., Papadaskalopoulos, A., Plaskovitis, I.
The Nebi Yearbook 2001/2002: North European and Baltic Sea Integration by
Fostering Sustainable Growth in Ukraine by
Zur Theorie, Empirie Und Politik Der Einkommensverteilung: Festschrift Für Gerold Blümle by
The Pathology of the U.S. Economy Revisited: The Intractable Contradictions of Economic Policy by Perlman, M.
The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model by Martimort, David, Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Political Economy in Macroeconomics by Drazen, Allan
Dragon in a Three-Piece Suit: The Emergence of Capitalism in China by Guthrie, Doug
Der Euro ALS Ankerwährung: Die Mittel- Und Osteuropäischen Beitrittsländer Zwischen Transformation Und Integration by Schweikert, Rainer
Triad Power by Ohmae, Kenichi
Equality and Responsibility by Lake, Christopher
Cooperative Strategy: Economic, Business, and Organizational Issues by
Theories of International Cooperation and the Primacy of Anarchy: Explaining U.S. International Monetary Policy-Making After Bretton Woods by Sterling-Folker, Jennifer
Globalizing South China by Cartier, Carolyn
New Chinese City by
The New Chinese City: Globalization and Market Reform by
Globalizing South China by Cartier, Carolyn
The Post Financial Crisis Challenges for Asian Industrialization by
Marktstruktur, Wettbewerb und gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklungschancen der Verkehrstelematik by Stolte, Oliver
Networks: Standardization, Infrastructure, and Applications by
Technological Change and Regional Development in Europe by
Statistik-Trainer by Schlittgen, Rainer
Technology Transfer Via University-Industry Relations: The Case of the Foreign High Technology Electronic Industry in Mexico's Silicon Valley by Vargas, Maria Isabel Rivera
Understanding the Digital Economy: Data, Tools, and Research by
Shifting Involvements: Private Interest and Public Action - Twentieth-Anniversary Edition by Hirschman, Albert O.
Strategische Akquisition Hochqualifizierter Nachwuchskräfte: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zum Humanressourcenmanagement by Höllmüller, Markus
Restrukturierungszwänge Und Unternehmenskontrolle: Das Beispiel Eisenbahn by Ehrmann, Thomas
Konzern ALS Gründer-Unternehmen: Revolutionäres Innovationsmanagement in Beschleunigten Märkten by Linz, Carsten
Venture Capital in Deutschland Und Den USA: Finanzierung Von Start-Ups Im Gefüge Von Staat, Banken Und Börsen by Gaida, Michael
Interne Märkte: Unternehmungssteuerung Zwischen Abwanderung Und Widerspruch by Lehmann, Patrick
Kompetentes Human Resources Management: Lösungen Für Personalverantwortliche in Einer Veränderten Unternehmenswelt by Schüller, Achim, Strasmann, Jochen, Hauer, Gabriele
Einflussfaktoren Des Erfolgreichen Auslandseinsatzes: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen -- Bestimmungsgrößen -- Ansatzpunkte Zur Verbesserung by Lindner-Lohmann, Doris
Total Quality Management Für Industriebetriebe: Praktiken Zur Leistungssteigerung by Weißmann, Sven
Nationale Kundenbarometer Im Vergleich: Theorie -- Empirie -- Gestaltungsvorschläge by Ertl, Robert
Institutionelle Unternehmenstheorie Und Unvollständige Faktormärkte by Altiparmak, Sabine C.
Konsumentenverwirrtheit ALS Marketingherausforderung by Walsh, Gianfranco
Zeitmanagement Deutscher Und Französischer Führungskräfte by
Informations- Und Kommunikationstechnologie Beim Wissensmanagement: Gestaltungsmodell Für Die Industrielle Produktentwicklung by Heckert, Uwe
Finanzierungsalternativen in Kleinen Und Mittleren Unternehmen: Eine Neo-Institutionalistische Analyse Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Innovatio by Niederöcker, Bettina
Qualitätsmanagement Für Versicherungsmakler: Ein Konzept Für Kleine Und Mittelständische Unternehmen by Orth, Jessika
Problemlösendes Handeln in Der Ausbildung Von Bankkaufleuten: Lehr- Und Lern-Arrangement Zum Bankcontrolling by Reinkensmeier, Sandra
Wissenslogistik: Effektives Und Effizientes Management Von Wissensressourcen by Hartlieb, Erich
Apec and the Construction of Pacific Rim Regionalism by Ravenhill, John
Should Differences in Income and Wealth Matter?: Volume 19, Part 1 by
Which Global Village?: Societies, Cultures, and Political-Economic Systems in a Euro-Atlantic Perspective by
Early Globalization and the Economic Development of the United States and Brazil by DeWitt, John
Henry George's Writings on the United Kingdom by
A Research Annual by
Foreign Direct Investment: Theory, Evidence and Practice by Moosa, I.
Economic Thinking for the Theologically Minded by Gregg, Samuel
Technological Systems in the Bio Industries: An International Study by
The Audit Committee: Performing Corporate Governance by Spira, Laura F.
Mill on Nationality by Varouxakis, Georgios
Austria in the European Union by
Capitalist Development and Economism in East Asia: The Rise of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea by Li, Kui-Wai
Measuring the Impact of the Nonprofit Sector by
Measuring the Impact of the Nonprofit Sector by
Economics as a Political Muse: Philosophical Reflections on the Relevance of Economics for Ecological Policy by Deblonde, M. K.
Afrika Jahrbuch 2000: Politik, Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft in Afrika Südlich Der Sahara by
Critical Issues in Tourism 2e by Shaw, Gareth, Williams, Allan M.
Fractured Europe: 1600 - 1721 by Sturdy, D. J.
Fractured Europe: 1600 - 1721 by Sturdy, D. J.
The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry by
Critical Issues in Tourism 2e by Shaw, Gareth, Williams, Allan M.
In the Name of the Poor: Contesting Political Space for Poverty Reduction by
Advances in Mathematical Economics 4 by Maruyama, T., Kusuoka, S.
The New Russia: Transition Gone Awry by
Globalization and Catching-Up in Transition Economies by Kolodko, Grzegorz W.
Policy Concertation and Social Partnership in Western Europe: Lessons for the 21st Century by
Policy Concertation and Social Partnership in Western Europe: Lessons for the 21st Century by
Technological Innovation and Economic Performance by
Modeling Aggregate Behavior and Fluctuations in Economics: Stochastic Views of Interacting Agents by Aoki, Masanao
Economics of Pesticides, Sustainable Food Production, and Organic Food Markets by
Decent work for all. Targeting full employment in Thailand by Ilo
China's Entrepreneurial Army by Cheung, Tai Ming
Work, Employment and Transition by
Eastern Europe at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century: A Guide to the Economies in Transition by Jeffries, Ian
The Psychology of Nationalism by Searle-White, J.
The Psychology of Nationalism by Searle-White, J.
The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The World Economy in the 21st Century by Gilpin, Robert G.
Statistik by Elpelt, Bärbel, Hartung, Joachim, Klösener, Karl-Heinz
The Future of U.S. Capitalism by Pryor, Frederic L.
Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce AD 300-900 by McCormick, Michael
Einführung in Die Ökonometrie by Assenmacher, Walter
Adam Smith: The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Haakonssen, Knud, Smith, Adam
Macroeconomic Policies of Developed Democracies by Franzese, Robert J., Franzese, Jr.
Freilegung Strategischen Managementwissens: Ein Wissensdiagnostischer Ansatz by Rogers-Wynands, Sabine
Main Player auf dem europäischen Gasmarkt by Schwegmann, Patrick
Studium Der Umweltwissenschaften: Naturwissenschaften by
Which Way Forward: People, Forests, and Policymaking in Indonesia by Pierce Colfer, Carol J.
Small Firms and Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: A Socio-Economic Perspective by
Government and the Economy by Lane, Jan-Erik, Ersson, Svante
Interdisciplinarity in Technology Assessment: Implementation and Its Chances and Limits by
Einführung in Die Industrieökonomik by Bühler, Stefan, Jaeger, Franz
Luxury in the Eighteenth Century: Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods by
Politics and Development: A Critical Introduction by Tornquist, Olle
Volkswirtschaftslehre 1: Grundlegende Mikro- Und Makroökonomik by Cantner, Uwe, Hanusch, Horst, Kuhn, Thomas
Asian Post-Crisis Management: Corporate and Governmental Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage by
Asian Post-Crisis Management: Corporate and Governmental Strategies for Sustainable Competitive Advantage by
Euroscepticism in Contemporary British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the Conservative and Labour Parties since 1945 by Forster, Anthony
Institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen des Neuen Marktes: Eine kritische Analyse und Reformbedarf by Mohr, Michael
Cambridge Controversies in Capital Theory: A Methodological Analysis by Birner, Jack
Capitalist Restructuring, Globalization and the Third Way: Lessons from the Swedish Model by Ryner, J. Magnus
Engendering Economics: Conversations with Women Economists in the United States by Emami, Zohreh, Olson, Paulette I.
Engendering Economics: Conversations with Women Economists in the United States by Olson, Paulette I., Emami, Zohreh
Cash Nexus by Ferguson, Niall
Public Policy and Economic Competition in Japan: Change and Continuity in Antimonopoly Policy, 1973-1995 by Beeman, Michael L.
Monetary Policy, Capital Flows and Exchange Rates: Essays in Memory of Maxwell Fry by
Euroscepticism in Contemporary British Politics: Opposition to Europe in the Conservative and Labour Parties since 1945 by Forster, Anthony
Keys to Prosperity: Free Markets, Sound Money, and a Bit of Luck by Dornbusch, Rudiger
Theory of Incomplete Markets, Volume 1 by Magill, Michael, Quinzii, Martine
Social Choice Mechanisms by Danilov, Vladimir I., Sotskov, Alexander I.
Portfolio Selection and Asset Pricing by Xia, Yusen, Wang, Shouyang
Planning Stability in Material Requirements Planning Systems by Heisig, Gerald
Marktpotenzialanalysen ALS Basis Der Sortimentspolitik: Das Beispiel Presseartikel by Dobbelstein, Thomas
Anwendungspotenziale Synchroner Multimediakommunikation: Der Einsatz Von Multimediakonferenzen Und Business-TV in Unternehmen by Nebe, Ralph
Management Von Softwareprojekten: Erfolgs- Und Misserfolgsfaktoren Bei International Verteilter Entwicklung by Kotulla, Andreas
Unternehmensnetzwerke in Der Multimediabranche: Relevanz Und Gestaltung by Hacker, Tobias H.
Marketing -- Management by
Einzel- Und Volkswirtschaftliche Wirkungen Effizienter Wissensnutzung: Eine Institutionenökonomische Analyse by Baumgart, Kerstin
Wege in Die Selbständigkeit: Die Gründungsaktivität ALS Resultat Eines Individuellen Entwicklungsprozesses by Zumholz, Holger
Produktion Und Controlling: Festschrift Für Manfred Layer Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Effizienzsteigerung Im Umweltschutz: Das Eg-Umweltauditsystem ALS Instrument Anreizorientierter Umweltpolitik by Orthmann, Frank
Börsen in Transformationsökonomien: Rolle, Effizienz Und Strategische Optionen by Walter, Katalin
Immobilienmarkt-Research: Analyse Einer Neuen Bankdienstleistung by Georgi, Alexander
Konfliktfeld Globalisierung: Verteilungs- Und Umweltprobleme Der Weltwirtschaftlichen Integration by Pflüger, Michael
Complexity and Industrial Clusters: Dynamics and Models in Theory and Practice by
Plattformkonzepte in Der Automobilentwicklung by Cornet, Andreas
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