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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2003

Prüfungstraining Rechnungswesen: Sicher in Die Zwischen- Und Abschlussprüfung by Jürgenliemk, Ilse, Dittrich, Sabine
Netzwerkstrukturen Und -Effekte in Organisationen: Eine Netzwerkanalyse in Internationalen Unternehmen by Wald, Andreas
European Regional Growth by
Computer-Aided Introduction to Econometrics by
Animation Im Urlaub: Handbuch Für Planer Und Praktiker by Gayler, Brigitte, Finger-Benoit, Claus
International Waters in Southern Africa by
Consuming the Caribbean: From Arawaks to Zombies by Sheller, Mimi
Internet, Economic Growth and Globalization: Perspectives on the New Economy in Europe, Japan and the USA by
A History of Monetary Unions by Chown, John F.
Consuming the Caribbean: From Arawaks to Zombies by Sheller, Mimi
Global Governance, Economy and Law: Waiting for Justice by Mendes, Errol, Mehmet, Ozay
The Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agbiotech: A Global Perspective by
Social Economics: Market Behavior in a Social Environment by Murphy, Kevin M., Becker, Gary S.
Iraq Under Siege, Updated Edition: The Deadly Impact of Sanctions and War by
Macro-Economics: Making Gender Matter: Concepts, Policies and Institutional Change in Developing Countries by
The Vulnerability of Cities: Natural Disasters and Social Resilience by Pelling, Mark
Women and Land in Africa: Culture, Religion and Realizing Women's Rights by
Measuring Sustainability: Learning From Doing by Bell, Simon, Morse, Stephen
Merchants and Empire: Trading in Colonial New York by Matson, Cathy
Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy by Yates, Michael D.
Naming the System: Inequality and Work in the Global Economy by Yates, Michael D.
The Economics of Exchange Rates by Sarno, Lucio, Taylor, Mark P.
The Wealth of Nations by Smith, Adam, Smith, Adam
The Social Context of Economic Change in Britain: Between Policy and Performance by Casey, Terrence
Development Planning by Lewis, W. Arthur
Einführung in Die Internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen by Sell, Axel
A World Without Walls by Moore, Mike
The China Dream: The Quest for the Last Great Untapped Market on Earth by Studwell, Joe
Labor Markets and Social Security: Issues and Policy Options in the U.S. and Europe by
The Philippine Economy: Development, Policies, and Challenges by Balisacan, A. M.
The New Systems Competition by Sinn, Hans-Werner
Industrial Policy in an Era of Globalization: Lessons from Asia by Pack, Howard, Noland, Marcus
The New Systems Competition by Sinn, Hans-Werner
Stochastic Frontier Analysis by Kumbhakar, Subal C., Lovell, C. A. Knox
Dividend Policy: Theory and Practice by Frankfurter, George, Wansley, James, Wood, Bob G.
Confronting Development: Assessing Mexico's Economic and Social Policy Challenges by
Corn & Capitalism: How A Botanical Bastard Grew To Global Dominance by Warman, Arturo
States in the Global Economy: Bringing Domestic Institutions Back in by
States in the Global Economy: Bringing Domestic Institutions Back in by
Worked Over by Doukas, Dimitra
Worked Over: The Corporate Sabotage of an American Community by Doukas, Dimitra
A Future Perfect: The Challenge and Promise of Globalization by Micklethwait, John, Wooldridge, Adrian
Readings in the Economics of War by Clark, J. Maurice
The Economics Principles of Confucius and His School (Volume One) by Huan-Chang, Chen
The Economics Principles of Confucius and His School (Volume Two) by Huan-Chang, Chen
Strategic Delegation in Firms and in the Trade Union by Merzoni, Guido S.
Transition, Institutions and the Rural Sector by
Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development by Harper, David A.
International Financial Operations: Arbitrage, Hedging, Speculation, Financing and Investment by Moosa, I.
Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics by Barker, Drucilla, Kuiper, Edith
Macroeconomics for Developing Countries by Jha, Raghbendra
On Global Aging: Old-Age Income Systems in the EU and Other Major Parts of the World by Kune, Jan B.
Doing Business in Emerging Europe by Zoubir, Y., Lhabitant, F.
The Big Mac Index: Applications of Purchasing Power Parity by Ong, L.
Internationalization: Firm Strategies and Management by
Greece's New Political Economy: State, Finance, and Growth from Postwar to Emu by Pagoulatos, George
Real-Financial Linkages Among Open Economies by
The Relative Inefficiency of Quotas by Anderson, James E.
Technology Choice in Developing Countries: The Textile and Pulp and Paper Industries by Amsalem, Michel A.
Monetary Policy in Our Times by
Innovation as a Social Process: Elihu Thomson and the Rise of General Electric by Carlson, W. Bernard
Issues in Entrepreneurship: Contracts, Corporate Characteristics and Country Differences by
Globale Und Monetäre Ökonomie: Festschrift Für Dieter Duwendag by
Memoirs of an Unregulated Economist by Stigler, George J.
Competition Policy for Small Market Economies by Gal, Michal S.
Tax Placement by Lux, Lawrance George
Tax Placement by Lux, Lawrance George
Makroökonomik: Theorie Und Politik by Dieckheuer, Gustav
Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction by Camerer, Colin F.
Moving Money by Verdier, Daniel
Selected Readings in Macroeconomics and Capital Theory from Econometrica by
What Determines Savings? by Kotlikoff, Laurence J.
The Location of the Synthetic-Fiber Industry by Airov, Joseph
The Multinational Paradigm by Aliber, Robert Z.
Welfare, Planning, and Employment: Selected Essays in Economic Theory by Bergson, Abram
Urban Migration and Economic Development in Chile by Herrick, Bruce H.
Restoring Europe's Prosperity: Macroeconomic Papers from the Centre for European Policy Studies by Dornbusch, Rudiger
Public Regulation: New Perspectives on Institutions and Policies by
The Frozen Water Trade by Weightman, Gavin
Modellierung Des Strukturwandels Beim Übergang Zu Einer Materialeffizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft: Kopplung Eines Input-Output-Modells Mit Einem Stoffst by Nathani, Carsten
Hausbankbeziehung Und Optimale Finanzkontrakte: Unvollständige Finanzierungsverträge, Selbstbindung Und Unternehmenskontrolle by Schäfer, Dorothea
Ökonomische und sozialpolitische Argumente für und gegen Studiengebühren: Ein Beitrag zur aktuellen bildungspolitischen Diskussion by Meijering, Claudia
Foreign Direct Investment in the Real and Financial Sector of Industrial Countries by
Challenges to the World Economy: Festschrift for Horst Siebert by
West Virginia and Captains the Captains of Industry (Revised) by Williams, John A.
Development Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond the Post-Washington Consensus by
An Economic Assessment of Proposed Cigarette Excise Tax Hikes in the State of West Virginia by Guhl, Nils
Economies of Network Industries by Gottinger, Hans Werner
Southeast Asian Paper Tigers?: From Miracle to Debacle and Beyond by
Innovationsmanagement in Medienunternehmen: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Praxiserfahrungen by
Aktuelle Entwicklungen Im Unternehmensrecht: Stand Und Perspektiven by
Zielvereinbarungen Und Leistungsorientierte Vergütung: Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Und Restriktionen Im Tarifbereich by Krause, Ulrich H.
Rechnungswesen: Fragen Und Fälle Mit Lösungen Aus Rechnen Und Buchführung by Hau, Werner
The Theory of the Individual in Economics: Identity and Value by Davis, John B.
The Theory of the Individual in Economics: Identity and Value by Davis, John B.
Operatives Krisenmanagement: Grundlagen, Methoden Und Werkzeuge Des Ganzheitlichen Risk Management by Mayer, Volker
Managed Care: Grundlagen, Internationale Erfahrungen Und Umsetzung Im Deutschen Gesundheitswesen by Wiechmann, Michael
Central Banking Systems Compared: The ECB, The Pre-Euro Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve System by Apel, Emmanuel
Economic Geography of Higher Education: Knowledge, Infrastructure and Learning Regions by Rutten, Roel, Boekema, Frans
New Political Economies P by
Die subjektive Erwartungsnutzentheorie und ihre Erweiterungen: Der Erklärungsbeitrag von Kapazitäten und Verlustaversion zu beobachteten Phänomenen au by De Ruiter, Bastiaan M.
Conflict and Governance by
Death and Dollars: The Role of Gifts and Bequests in America by
Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process by Snow, Charles C., Miles, Raymond E.
Ökonomie und Expansion by Volkmann, Hans-Erich
Wirtschaftsmathematik by Kamps, Udo, Cramer, Erhard, Oltmanns, Helga
After the Washington Consensus: Restarting Growth and Reform in Latin America by
Spaß Mit Statistik: Aufgaben, Lösungen Und Formeln Zur Statistik by Jeske, Roland
Die Öffentliche Finanzierung: Steuern, Gebühren Und Öffentliche Kreditaufnahme Einführung by Bohley, Peter
The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective by Pfeffer, Jeffrey, Salancik, Gerald R.
Unholy Trinity: Labor, Capital and Land in the New Economy by Foley, Duncan K.
Perspectives on Public Relations Research by Vercic, Dejan, Moss, Danny, Warnaby, Gary
The Indian Ocean Rim: Southern Africa and Regional Cooperation by
The Crisis in Economics: The Post-Autistic Economics Movement: The First 600 Days by
Social and Economic Policies in Korea: Ideas, Networks and Linkages by Shin, Dong-Myeon
The End of Diversity? by
To Form a More Perfect Union: A New Economic Interpretation of the United States Constitution by McGuire, Robert A.
The End of Diversity? by
Wealth by Association: Global Prosperity Through Market Unification by Edmunds, John C., Marthinsen, John E.
Bonds and Bondholders: British Investors and Mexico's Foreign Debt, 1824-1888 by Costeloe, Michael
The Economics of E-Commerce: A Strategic Guide to Understanding and Designing the Online Marketplace by Vulkan, Nir
Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy by Alon, Ilan
Political Economy of Energy in the Southern Cone by Hira, Anil
The Dollar Decade: Mammon and the Machine in 1920s America by Best, Gary
Ökosteuern: Theoretische Grundlagen und Lenkungswirkungen by Peter, Denis
Science and Politics of Foreign Aid: Swedish Environmental Support to the Baltic States by Hassler, B.
Controversy in Marketing Theory: For Reason, Realism, Truth and Objectivity: For Reason, Realism, Truth and Objectivity by Hunt, Shelby D.
Controversy in Marketing Theory: For Reason, Realism, Truth, and Objectivity by Hunt, Shelby D.
Currency Crises in Emerging Markets by
China's Developmental Miracle: Origins, Transformations, and Challenges by So, Alvin Y.
Conservation Agriculture: Environment, Farmers Experiences, Innovations, Socio-Economy, Policy by
The Governance of Relations in Markets and Organizations by
Chinese Capitalists in Japan's New Order: The Occupied Lower Yangzi, 1937-1945 by Coble, Parks
Sacred Markets, Sacred Canopies: Essays on Religious Markets and Religious Pluralism by
Theorie der sozialen Ordnungspolitik by
The Entertainment Economy: How Mega-Media Forces Are Transforming Our Lives by Wolf, Michael
Silent Revolution: The Rise and Crisis of Market Economics in Latin America- 2nd Edition by Green, Duncan
An Anti-Capitalist Manifesto by Callinicos, Alex
The New Deal and Beyond: Social Welfare in the South Since 1930 by
Biotechnology in Comparative Perspective by Fuchs, Gerhard
The Crisis in Economics by
Sustaining China's Economic Growth in the Twenty-first Century by
Toward a Feminist Philosophy of Economics by Barker, Drucilla, Kuiper, Edith
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism by Weber, Max
Tree of Common Wealth by Dudlay, Edmonde
China and the World Trading System: Entering the New Millennium by
Die Neue Ökonomie: Erscheinungsformen, Ursachen Und Auswirkungen: Eine Heinz Nixdorf Studie by
Imperialism Without Colonies by Magdoff, Harry
The Civic Minimum: On the Rights and Obligations of Economic Citizenship by White, Stuart
The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry by Goldman, Marshall I.
From Conflict to Recovery in Africa by
Arts & Economics: Analysis & Cultural Policy by Frey, Bruno S.
Money, Time and Rationality in Max Weber: Austrian Connections by Parsons, Stephen
The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume 1: Rationality and Well-Being by
The Psychology of Economic Decisions: Volume 1: Rationality and Well-Being by
The Piratization of Russia: Russian Reform Goes Awry by Goldman, Marshall I.
Multinationale Unternehmen Und Globalisierung: Zur Neuorientierung Der Theorie Der Multinationalen Unternehmung by Scherer, Andreas Georg
Information Dissemination in Currency Crises by Metz, Christina Evelies
Advanced Planning and Scheduling Solutions in Process Industry by
Options for Global Trade Reform: A View from the Asia-Pacific by Mari Pangestu
Economic Policy in the International Economy by
Economic Trends No.593 April 2003 by Na, Na
Investment: Theories and Analyses by Baddeley, Michelle
Dynamics of Endogenous Economic Growth: A Case Study of the Romer Model by
Globalization or Regionalization of the American and Asian Car Industry? by
Globalization in the Twenty-First Century: Convergence or Divergence? by Hülsemeyer, A.
Globalization or Regionalization of the European Car Industry? by
Globalization in the Twenty-First Century: Convergence or Divergence? by Hülsemeyer, A.
Globalization or Regionalization of the European Car Industry? by
Einführung Statistik: Grundlagen, Techniken Und Verblüffendes by Tiemann, Veith
Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung: Systemperspektiven by
International Trade, Wage Inequality and the Developing Economy: A General Equilibrium Approach by Marjit, Sugata, Acharyya, Rajat
Advances in Economic Design by
Private Participation in Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Trends, Impacts, and Policy Lessons by Harris, Clive, Clive, Harris
Marktchance Individualisierung by
Alternativen Der Kommunalen Wasserversorgung Und Abwasserentsorgung Akwa 2100 by Hiessl, Harald
Agent-Based Computational Demography: Using Simulation to Improve Our Understanding of Demographic Behaviour by
Market Expectations and Option Prices: Techniques and Applications by Mandler, Martin
Foundations of Economic Method: A Popperian Perspective by Boland, Lawrence A.
Globalization and Its Discontents by Stiglitz, Joseph E.
Multilateral Institutions: A Critical Introduction by McNeill, Desmond, Boas, Morten
Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 African-American Executives by Turnock, Judith L., Cobbs, Price M.
Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting by
Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems by
Adam Smith by Hirst, Francis W.
Die gemeinsame Agrarpolitik der EU vor dem Hintergrund der Osterweiterung by Käßer, Anja-Maria
Industrial and Labour Market Policy and Performance: Issues and Perspectives by
Macroeconomics for Developing Countries by Jha, Raghbendra
Understanding Green Consumer Behaviour: A Qualitative Cognitive Approach by Wagner, Sigmund A.
Angst in Den Zeiten Der Cholera: Seuchen-Cordon by Briese, Olaf
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Karmann, Alexander
Lexikon Der Außenwirtschaft by Reining, Adam
Handbuch für Studienreiseleiter by
The Pattern of Aid Giving: The Impact of Good Governance on Development Assistance by Neumayer, Eric
Kundenzufriedenheit Im Tourismus by Dehner, Christian, Dreyer, Axel
Geld Und Kredit: Einführung in Die Geldtheorie Und Geldpolitik by Borchert, Manfred
In Search of a Magic Flute: The Public Funding of Opera - Dilemmas and Decision Making by Ranan, David
Commerce, Culture, and Liberty: Readings on Capitalism Before Adam Smith by
Commerce, Culture, and Liberty: Readings on Capitalism Before Adam Smith by
Der Internationale Währungsfonds (IWF): Aktuelle Reformansätze mit Kritik by Huber, Robert
See More