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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2003

On the credibility issue of exchange rate target zones by Rau-Göhring, Matthias
Leasing Public Land: Policy Debates and International Experiences by
Marriage and the Economy by
Russia's Economic Transitions by Spulber, Nicolas
Marriage and the Economy by
International Financial Governance under Stress by
Aspekte Interkultureller Kompetenz: Lernen Im Kontext Von Länder- Und Organisationskulturen by Hauser, Regina
Die Wirkungen Der Geldpolitik in Deutschland: Ökonometrische Untersuchung Traditioneller Und Alternativer Transmissionsmechanismen by Jennes, Barbara
Stärkere Eigenverantwortung in Der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: Eine Agency-Theoretische Betrachtung by Musil, Antje
E-Venture-Capital: Unternehmensfinanzierung in Der Net Economy Grundlagen Und Fallstudien by Kollmann, Tobias, Kuckertz, Andreas
Der Kundenwert Im Marketing: Theoretische Hintergründe Und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten Einer Wert- Und Marktorientierten Unternehmensführung by Tewes, Matthias
Innovations- Und Projektmanagement by Horsch, Jürgen
The South, the Nation, and the World: Perspectives on Southern Economic Development by Coclanis, Peter A., Carlton, David L.
Limits to Power: Asymmetric Dependence and Japanese Foreign Aid Policy by Miyashita, Akitoshi
Contemporary Economic Issues in Developing Countries by Baffoe-Bonnie, John, Khayum, Mohammed
Dynamic Programming in Economics by Dana, Rose-Anne, Van, Cuong
Water Development and Poverty Reduction by
Environmental Policy in an International Perspective by
The Measurement and Valuation of Health Status Using Eq-5d: A European Perspective: Evidence from the Euroqol Biomed Research Programme by
The Quality of Life in Korea: Comparative and Dynamic Perspectives by
Economic Assessment of Election Programmes: Does It Make Sense? by
The Info Mesa: Science, Business, and New Age Alchemy on the Santa Fe Plateau by Regis, Edward, Jr.
Economic Development and the Division of Labor by Yang, Xiaokai, Sachs, Jeffrey D.
Multinational Corporations and European Regional Systems of Innovation by Cantwell, John, Iammarino, Simona
Foreign Direct Investment, Democracy and Development: Assessing Contours, Correlates and Concomitants of Globalization by de Soysa, Indra
No Shortcuts to Power: African Women in Politics and Policy Making by
The Economist's Tale: A Consultant Encounters Hunger and the World Bank by Griffiths, Peter
Mensch, Markt und Staat by Weede, Erich
Rainbow's End: The Crash of 1929 by Klein, Maury
The Real World of NGOs: Discourses, Diversity and Development by Hilhorst, Dorothea
Reintegrating India with the World Economy by Srinivasan, T. N., Tendulkar, Suresh
The Chastening: Inside the Crisis That Rocked the Global Financial System and Humbled the IMF by Blustein, Paul
Competitiveness in Small Developing Economies: Insights from the Caribbean by Wint, Alvin G.
The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues by
The Half-Life of Policy Rationales: How New Technology Affects Old Policy Issues by
Conditionality & its management by Bretton Woods Institutions: Implications beyond the formal conditions by Pichler, Lukas
In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth by
Historical Development Of Capitalism In The United States And Its Affects On The American Family: From Colonial Times To 1920: Volume One by Lyles, Lionel D.
Stakeholding and New Labour by Prabhakar, R.
Impact of Trade on Labor: Issues, Perspectives and Experiences from Developing Asia by
Statistik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Bücker, Rüdiger
Mathematik für Volks- und Betriebswirte by Kockelkorn, Ulrich, Dinge, Achim, Kallischnigg, Gerd
Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics by Chafuen, Alejandro A.
Challenging Foreign Aid: A Policymaker's Guide to the Millennium Challenge Account by Radelet, Steve
Commodifying Everything: Relationships of the Market by
ICM Millennium Lectures on Games by
Financial Crisis, Contagion, and Containment: From Asia to Argentina by Desai, Padma
Ökonomie Der Abwasserbeseitigung: Wirtschaftlicher Betrieb Von Kommunalen Abwasseranlagen by Sander, Thomas
Ukrainian Political Economy: The First Ten Years by Kravchuk, R.
Partial Identification of Probability Distributions by Manski, Charles F.
Ukrainian Political Economy: The First Ten Years by Kravchuk, R.
Online-Marktforschung: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Praktische Erfahrungen by
Driving the State: Families and Public Policy in Central Mexico by Byrnes, Dolores M.
Driving the State: Families and Public Policy in Central Mexico by Byrnes, Dolores M.
The European Central Bank: The New European Leviathan? by Howarth, D.
The Candlestick Course by Nison, Steve
Postal Savings and Fiscal Investment in Japan: The Pss and the Filp by Cargill, Thomas F., Yoshino, Naoyuki
Essay on the Production of Wealth by Torrens, Robert
New International Poverty Reduction Strategies by
North Korea in the World Economy by
Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series by Mills, T.
Eine ökonomische Analyse des Finanzsystems der Türkei unter besonderer Berücksichtung des geplanten EU-Beitritts by Sahin, Fatih
China's Emerging Global Businesses: Political Economy and Institutional Investigations by Zhang, Y.
The Arms Trade, Security and Conflict by
Changing Times: Work and Leisure in Postindustrial Society by Gershuny, Jonathan
Manufacturing Competitiveness in Asia: How Internationally Competitive National Firms and Industries Developed in East Asia by
Multinationals as Flagship Firms: Regional Business Networks by Rugman, Alan M., D'Cruz, Joseph R.
Arab Economic Integration: Between Hope and Reality by
Commodifying Everything: Relationships of the Market by
Fixed Income Mathematics by Zipf, Robert
Transition and Development in India by Chakrabarti, Anjan, Cullenberg, Stephen
Weak Convergence of Financial Markets by Prigent, Jean-Luc
Mathematical Location and Land Use Theory: An Introduction by Puu, Tönu
A History of Small Business in America by Blackford, Mansel G.
Leaders and Laggards: Governance, Civicness, and Ethnicity in Post-Communist Romania by Stan, Lavinia
Classical Macroeconomics: Some Modern Variations and Distortions by Ahiakpor, James C. W.
Dollarization: Lessons from Europe for the Americas by
Management: Inventing and Delivering Its Future by
Die Staatengesellschaft Im Globalisierungsprozess: Wege Zu Einer Antizipatorischen Politik by Teusch, Ulrich
Prüfungstraining Mandantenorientierte Sachbearbeitung: Sicher Durch Die Mündliche Prüfung Zum Steuerfachangestellten by Dittrich, Sabine
Supply Chain Balanced Scorecard: Unternehmensübergreifendes Management Von Wertschöpfungsketten by Zimmermann, Klaus
Statistische Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Litz, Hans Peter
Makroökonomik by Fischer, Stanley, Startz, Richard, Dornbusch, Rüdiger
In the Shadow of the Miracle: The Japanese Economy Since the End of High-Speed Growth by Alexander, Arthur J.
Modelling Trends and Cycles in Economic Time Series by Mills, T.
The Philosophy of Keynes' Economics: Probability, Uncertainty and Convention by
Finance Theory and Asset Pricing by Milne, Frank
Digital Economics: How Information Technology Has Transformed Business Thinking by McKenzie, Richard
Global Order and Global Disorder: Globalization and the Nation-State by Suter, Keith
Transition and Development in India by Chakrabarti, Anjan, Cullenberg, Stephen
Alternative Capitalisms by Shaw, Denis, Klak, Thomas, Gwynne, Robert
Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy by Collier, Paul, World Bank, Policy, World Bank Group
Improving Adult Literacy Outcomes: Lessons from Cognitive Research for Developing Countries by Abadzi, Helen
Origins and Growth of the Global Economy: From the Fifteenth Century Onward by Seavoy, Ronald
India as an Emerging Power by Ganguly, Sumit
Women and the Economy: A Reader: A Reader by Mutari, Ellen, Figart, Deborah M.
Women and the Economy: A Reader: A Reader by Mutari, Ellen, Figart, Deborah M.
Careful Economics: Integrating Caring Activities and Economic Science by Jochimsen, Maren A.
Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks by
Turbulent Waters: Cross-Border Finance and International Governance by Bryant, Ralph C.
Managerial Economics for Decision Making by Adams, John, Juleff, Linda
Worlds Apart: Civil Society and the Battle for Ethical Globalization by
Can Labor Standards Improve Under Globalization? by Freeman, Richard, Elliott, Kimberly Ann
Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth by Brown, Lester R.
European Integration, 1950-2003 by Gillingham, John
Integration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals by
Semiparametric Regression for the Applied Econometrician by Yatchew, Adonis
European Integration, 1950-2003 by Gillingham, John
Floating Off the Page: The Best Stories from the Wall Street Journal's Middle Column by Wells, Ken
Semiparametric Regression for the Applied Econometrician by Yatchew, Adonis
Deferred Compensation - Arbeitnehmerfinanzierte Pensionszusage by Zuber, Tanja
Accuracy Improvements in Linguistic Fuzzy Modeling by
Main Street and Wall Street by Ripley, William Z.
Prohibition and Prosperity by Crowther, Samuel
Secret of Wealth by Hobbs, Franklyn
How to Make Investments by Geiger Jones Company, Jones Company
Elements of Pure Economics: Or the Theory of Social Wealth by Walras, Léon
Expenditure Tax by Kaldor, Nicholas
The Philosophy of Keynes' Economics: Probability, Uncertainty and Convention by
The Economics of Physiocracy: Essays and Translations by Meek, Ronald L.
Macrodynamics: Fluctuations and Growth: A Study of the Economy in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium by Hénin, Pierre-Yves
Der Zugang Zu Wirtschaftlicher Netzinfrastruktur by Braun, Sebastian
Small and Medium Enterprises in Transitional Economies by
Challenges to the World Bank and IMF: Developing Country Perspectives by
Unternehmung Wozu: Die Identifikatorische Herausforderung by Meyer-Faje, Arnold
The Internet Revolution: A Global Perspective by
Nation, State and the Economy in History by
The New Welfare: Unemployment and Social Security in Europe by
Regulation of the Pharmaceutical Industry by
Transnational Corporations and Human Rights by
Development Planning and Poverty Reduction by
Mathematische Grundlagen Für Ökonomen by Bradtke, Thomas
How to Reduce Unemployment in Europe by
Economic Trends No.595 June 2003 by Na, Na
Population and Economy: From Hunger to Modern Economic Growth by
The Resurgence of East Asia: 500, 150 and 50 Year Perspectives by
Culture and Management in Asia by
The Resurgence of East Asia: 500, 150 and 50 Year Perspectives by
The Dynamics of the Price Structure and the Business Cycle: The Italian Evidence from 1945 to 2000 by Spiller, Cristina Nardi
Transformation, Wachstum Und Wettbewerb in Rußland by Wiegert, Ralf
The Wealth of Nature: How Mainstream Economics Has Failed the Environment by Nadeau, Robert
Distributional Justice: Theory and Measurement by Bojer, Hilde
Family, Household and Work by
The Offshore World: Sovereign Markets, Virtual Places, and Nomad Millionaires by Palan, Ronen
Economic Theory and Christian Belief by Britton, Andrew, Sedgwick, Peter
Benefit-Cost Analysis: Financial and Economic Appraisal Using Spreadsheets by Campbell, Harry F., Brown, Richard P. C.
The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, 1500 1989 by
Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition by
Open Economy Macrodynamics: An Integrated Disequilibrium Approach by Chiarella, Carl, Asada, Toichiro, Flaschel, Peter
The Other War: Global Poverty and the Millennium Challenge Account by Brainard, Lael, Purvis, Nigel, Graham, Carol L.
Integrity Selling for the 21st Century: How to Sell the Way People Want to Buy by Willingham, Ron
History of Regional Science and the Regional Science Association International: The Beginnings and Early History by Isard, Walter
Economics and Ethics 1: The Microeconomic Basis by Krelle, Wilhelm E.
Real and Financial Economic Dynamics in Russia and Eastern Europe by
The Evolution of New Markets by Geroski, P. A., Geroski, Paul
The End of Irish History?: Critical Approaches to the Celtic Tiger by
Beyond Capital: Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class by Lebowitz, M.
Umwelt- Und Kostenorientierte Unternehmensführung: Zur Identifikation Von Win-Win-Potenzialen by
Transformationsprozess Von Entwicklungsländern: Das Beispiel Mosambik by Simons-Kaufmann, Claudia
Internationales Umweltmanagement by
Internationales Umweltmanagement: Band III: Operatives Umweltmanagement Im Internationalen Und Interdisziplinären Kontext by
Beyond Capital: Marx's Political Economy of the Working Class by Lebowitz, M.
Telematik Im Gesundheitswesen: Vertragsarzt- Und Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte by Kraft, Dennis
Neuronale Netze Im Marketing-Management: Praxisorientierte Einführung in Modernes Data-Mining by
Internationales Umweltmanagement: Band I: Interdisziplinäre Rahmenbedingungen Einer Umweltorientierten Unternehmensführung by
Rethinking Development Economics by
Public Debt and Endogenous Growth by Bräuninger, Michael
Money Demand in Europe: An Empirical Approach by Müller, Christian
Trouble in Paradise: Globalization and Environmental Crises in Latin America by Thanos, Nikki Demetria, Roberts, J. Timmons
The Experience of Middle Australia: The Dark Side of Economic Reform by Pusey, Michael
New Efficiency Theory: With Applications of Data Envelopment Analysis by SenGupta, Jati
Inequality and Social Structure During the Transition by
Global Governance: An Architecture for the World Economy by
A Certain Idea of Europe by Parsons, Craig
Trade and the Environment: Analysis of Reciprocal Interactions by Alpay, Savas
Globalization of Capital and the Nation-State: Imperialism, Class Struggle, and the State in the Age of Global Capitalism by Berberoglu, Berch
Globalization and Multicultural Societies: Some Views from Europe by
Globalization and Multicultural Societies: Some Views from Europe by
Slavery and the Economy of São Paulo, 1750-1850 by Klein, Herbert S., Luna, Francisco Vidal
Politics by Principle, Not Interest: Toward Nondiscriminatory Democracy by Congleton, Roger D., Buchanan, James M.
Politics by Principle, Not Interest: Toward Nondiscriminatory Democracy by Congleton, Roger D., Buchanan, James M.
Road to Prosperity by Paish, George
Dynastic America and Those Who Own It by Klein, Henry H.
Neue Ansätze des Föderalismus aus Sicht der politischen Ökonomie by Kreiler, Till
Reformoptionen in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung: Eine quantitative Analyse by Baumeister, Michael
Capital and Knowledge in Asia: Changing Power Relations by
The Korean Economy at the Crossroads: Triumphs, Difficulties and Triumphs Again by Suh, Chung-Sok, Tcha, Moon Joong
Classical Economics and Modern Theory: Studies in Long-Period Analysis by Salvadori, Neri, Kurz, Heinz D.
Unequal City: London in the Global Arena by Hamnett, Chris
Women and the Labour Market in Japan's Industrialising Economy: The Textile Industry before the Pacific War by Hunter, Janet
Poverty and Exclusion in North and South: Essays on Social Policy and Global Poverty Reduction by
Sustainable Development in Rural China: Farmer Innovation and Self-Organisation in Marginal Areas by Wu, Bin
International Health Care Reform: A Legal, Economic and Political Analysis by Flood, Colleen
The Nature of Capital and Income by Fisher, Irving
Trails and Trials: Markets and Land Use in the Alberta Beef Cattle Industry, 1881-1948 by Foran, Maxwell L.
Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Handbook of Cultural, Social Science, Management and Legal Perspectives by
Europe Unites: The EU's Eastern Enlargement by Poole, Peter
Catastrophe Insurance: Consumer Demand, Markets and Regulation by Grace, Martin F., Klein, Robert W., Kleindorfer, Paul R.
The Experience of Middle Australia: The Dark Side of Economic Reform by Pusey, Michael
Demand for Money: An Analysis of the Long-run Behavior of the Velocity of Circulation by Jonung, Lars
See More