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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2003

The Euroarea and the New EU Member States by
Rethinking Stabilization Policy by The Federal Reserve Bank
European Works Councils: Pessimism of the Intellect Optimism of the Will? by
Targeting Development: Critical Perspectives on the Millennium Development Goals by White, Howard, Black, Richard
Decentralization and Development Partnership: Lessons from Uganda by Saito, Fumihiko
Unbundled Government: A Critical Analysis of the Global Trend to Agencies, Quangos and Contractualisation by
The Application of Econophysics: Proceedings of the Second Nikkei Econophysics Symposium by
Economic Development in Saudi Arabia by Al Rajhi, Ahmed, Al Salamah, Abdullah, Malik, Monica
Critics of Henry George: An Appraisal of Their Strictures on Progress and Poverty, Volume 1 by
The Big Problem of Small Change by Sargent, Thomas J., Velde, François R.
A Course in Public Economics by Leach, John
Consumerism in Twentieth-Century Britain: The Search for a Historical Movement by Hilton, Matthew
Rational Herds: Economic Models of Social Learning by Chamley, Christophe
Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis by
Rational Herds by Chamley, Christophe P.
Reconstructing War-Torn Societies: Afghanistan by
Property Rights and Managerial Decisions in For-Profit, Nonprofit, and Public Organizations: Comparative Theory and Policy by Carroll, K.
Locating Global Advantage: Industry Dynamics in the International Economy by
Reconstructing War-Torn Societies: Afganistan by
Developing Locally: An International Comparison of Local and Regional Economic Development by
The Complex Dynamics of Economic Interaction: Essays in Economics and Econophysics by
Economic Dynamics and General Equilibrium: Time and Uncertainty by Borglin, Anders
Essays on Microeconomics and Industrial Organisation by
Selbstanzeige ALS Instrument Zur Kriminalitätsbekämpfung: Eine Rechtsökonomische Analyse by Heesen, Eva
Zwischen Binnenmarkt Und Wahrung Nationaler Identität: Das Verbot Nicht-Tarifärer Handelshemmnisse in Der EU by Rauer, Nils
Japan's Policy Trap: Dollars, Deflation, and the Crisis of Japanese Finance by Mikuni, Akio, Murphy, R. Taggart
Coaching Für Führungskräfte: Erklärungsmodell Und Fallstudien by Riedel, Jens
Steuerlehre: Aufgaben Und Klausuren Zur Zwischen- Und Abschlussprüfung Mit Kostenlosen Lösungen Zu Den Veranlagungszeiträumen 2003 Und 2004 Im Interne by Jürgenliemk, Ilse, Dittrich, Sabine
Motivation, Agency, and Public Policy: Of Knights and Knaves, Pawns and Queens by Le Grand, Julian
China's Third Economic Transformation: The Rise of the Private Economy by
China's Third Economic Transformation: The Rise of the Private Economy by
German and Japanese Business in the Boom Years by
Kalecki's Economics Today by
The Economics of Public Spending by
Reforming the Financial Sector in Central European Countries by
E-Merging Media: Kommunikation und Medienwirtschaft der Zukunft by Schrape, Klaus, Zerdick, Axel
Vom Ordoliberalismus Zur Sozialen Marktwirtschaft: Stationen Des Neoliberalismus in Deutschland by Ptak, Ralf
What Should I Do If Reverend Billy Is in My Store? by Talen, Bill
Market and Society: Two Theoretical Frameworks by Zafirovski, Milan
Trinkgeld - Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse, einem Kellner oder einer Kellnerin Trinkgeld zu geben by Ramert, Stefan
Governance of Water-Related Conflicts in Agriculture: New Directions in Agri-Environmental and Water Policies in the EU by
New Directions: Efficiency and Productivity by Färe, Rolf, Grosskopf, Shawna
The Sponsor: Notes on Modern Potentates by Barnouw, Erik
Governing the Market: Economic Theory and the Role of Government in East Asian Industrialization by Wade, Robert
The Triumph of the Flexible Society: The Connectivity Revolution and Resistance to Change by Hinds, Manuel
Practical Financial Economics: A New Science by Murphy, Austin
The Contingent Valuation Method in Health Care: An Economic Evaluation of Alzheimer's Disease by Nocera, Sandra, Telser, Harry, Bonato, Dario
Economic Development in a Globalized Environment: East Asian Evidences by WAN Jr, Henry Y.
Political Economy of Transition and Development: Institutions, Politics and Policies by
Debt's Dominion: A History of Bankruptcy Law in America by Skeel, David A.
Preserving Power Through Coalitions: Comparing the Grand Strategy of Great Britain and the United States by Sampanis, Maria
Rural industry in India. Policy perspectives, past performance and future options by Chadha, G. K.
Ukraine's Wto Accession: Challenge for Domestic Economic Reforms by
Beyond Management by Objectives: A Management Classic by Batten, Joe D.
Innovationslogik und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum: Theorie und Empirie autopoietischer Innovationsdynamik by Aßmann, Jörg
Foreign Exchange Intervention as a Monetary Policy Instrument: Evidence for Inflation Targeting Countries by Hüfner, Felix
Natives, Europeans, and Africans in Sixteenth-Century Santiago de Guatemala by Herrera, Robinson a.
Carpet Capital: The Rise of a New South Industry by Patton, Randall L.
Japanese Finance: Corporate Finance and Capital Markets in Changing Japan by
Dynamic Efficiency and Path Dependencies in Venture Capital Markets by Schertler, Andrea
Unmaking Goliath: Community Control in the Face of Global Capital by Defilippis, James
The New Economy in East Asia and the Pacific by
Regions, Spatial Strategies and Sustainable Development by Counsell, David, Haughton, Graham
Reform in Cee-Countries with Regard to European Enlargement: Institution Building and Public Administration Reform in the Environmental Sector by
Creating Value with Knowledge: Insights from the IBM Institute for Business Value by
The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries by Cortada, James W.
Game Theory and Economics by Montet, Christian, Serra, Daniel
Strategic Public Finance by Bailey, Stephen
Unmaking Goliath: Community Control in the Face of Global Capital by Defilippis, James
Cultural Economy Reader by
Myth, History and the Industrial Revolution by Coleman, D. C.
Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Emu: Interactions and Coordination by
The Divergent Dynamics of Economic Growth by Day, Richard H.
Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis: Theory and Policy in General Equilibrium by Chadha, Jagjit
Uncertain Times: Kenneth Arrow and the Changing Economics of Health Care by
Global Health and Governance: Hiv/AIDS by
Latin American Economic Crises: Trade and Labour by
Global Health and Governance: HIV/AIDS by
Contribution of Information and Communication Technologies to Growth by Zhen-Wei Qiang, Christine, Pitt, Alexander, Qiang, Christine Zhen-Wei
The Failure of the United Nations Development Programs for Africa by Ratsimbaharison, Adrien M.
Grundlagen by Lachmann, Werner
Financial Governance in East Asia: Policy Dialogue, Surveillance and Cooperation by
Designing Financial Systems in East Asia and Japan by
Regions, Spatial Strategies and Sustainable Development by Haughton, Graham, Counsell, David
The Rise of "The Rest": Challenges to the West from Late-Industrializing Economies by Amsden, Alice H.
Knowledge Flows, Governance and the Multinational Enterprise: Frontiers in International Management Research by
Winning in Asia, U.S. Style: Market and Nonmarket Strategies for Success by
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models: Twenty Years Later by
Beyond Structural Adjustment: The Institutional Context of African Development by
Beyond Structural Adjustment: The Institutional Context of African Development by
Economic Trends No.601 December 2003 by Na, Na
Feeding the Market: South American Farmers, Trade and Globalization by Higman, Sophie, Hellin, Jon
Development and the Learning Organisation: Essays from Development in Practice by Eade, Deborah, Roper, Laura, Pettit, Jethro
Practical Microfinance: A Training Manual by Harper, Malcolm
Konturen der neuen Welt(un)ordnung by
Accounting and Accountability in Emerging and Transition Economies by
Neues Europa -- Alte Eu?: Fragen an Den Europäischen Integrationsprozess by
The Political Economy of New Slavery by
Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment: The Collected Essays of Robert J. Gordon by Robert J., Gordon, Gordon, Robert J.
Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment by Gordon, Robert J.
Industrial Sunset: The Making of North America's Rust Belt, 1969-1984 by High, Steven
Third-Sector Development: Making Up for the Market by Gunn, Christopher
European Union and the Race for Foreign Direct Investment in Europe by
Controlled Capitalism: (Capitalism or Socialism in 2004?) by Peterson, Warren E.
Third-Sector Development: Making Up for the Market by Gunn, Christopher
Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition by
Organizing the New Industrial Economy by
Harrod: Writings on Economics: 7 Volume Set: A Palgrave MacMillan Archive Collection by Harrod, R.
The Economic Dimensions of Globalization by Das, D.
Exchange Rate Dynamics: A New Open Economy Macroeconomics Perspectives by
Economics of Art and Culture: Invited Papers at the 12th International Conference of the Association of Cultural Economics International by
Adam Smith in Context: A Critical Reassessment of Some Central Components of His Thought by Montes, L.
New Asian Regionalism: Responses to Globalisation and Crises by
From Monopoly to Competition: The Transformations of ALCOA, 1888 1986 by George David, Smith, Smith, George David
Greece in the European Union by
The Mind of Wall Street: A Legendary Financier on the Perils of Greed and the Mysteries of the Market by Levy, Leon, Linden, Eugene
Governing the Asia Pacific: Beyond the 'New Regionalism' by
Theory and Management of Collective Strategies in International Business: The Impact of Globalization on Japanese-German Business Collaboration in Asi by Haak, R.
Corporate Governance in a Changing Economic and Political Environment: Trajectories of Institutional Change by
Learning to Be Employable: New Agendas on Work, Responsibility and Learning in a Globalizing World by
The Wto and Developing Countries by
Welfare Economics: Towards a More Complete Analysis by Ng, Y.
Learning to Be Employable: New Agendas on Work, Responsibility and Learning in a Globalizing World by
The WTO and Developing Countries by
The Economics of E-Commerce and Networking Decisions: Applications and Extensions of Inframarginal Analysis by
International Finance and the Developing Economies by Bird, G.
Bringing Technology and Innovation Into the Boardroom: Strategy, Innovation and Competences for Business Value by Management, European Institute for Technology and Innovation
London and the English Economy by Fisher, F. J.
Keynes, Pigou and Cambridge Keynesians: Authenticity and Analytical Perspective in the Keynes-Classics Debate by Ambrosi, Gerhard Michael
Strategy and Performance: Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Global Marketplace by
Who Pays for Bank Insolvency? by
Who Pays for Bank Insolvency? by
Corporate Governance in a Changing Economic and Political Environment: Trajectories of Institutional Change by
Trade Policy Reforms in Latin America: Multilateral Rules and Domestic Institutions by
Interest Rate Modelling by Svoboda, S.
Trade Policy Reforms in Latin America: Multilateral Rules and Domestic Institutions by
The Imagined Economies of Globalization by Cameron, Angus, Palan, Ronen P.
Destiny of Change: How Relevant Is Man in the Age of Development? by Schneider, Kenneth R.
Industrial Efficiency and Social Economy (Volume One) by
Structural Reform in Japan: Breaking the Iron Triangle by Sakakibara, Eisuke
Managing Global Financial and Foreign Exchange Rate Risk by Homaifar, Ghassem A.
Trade and Industrial Policy Under International Oligopoly by Ono, Yoshiyasu, Lahiri, Sajal
Principles of Macroeconomics by Lwamugira, Pirudas L.
Advances in Behavioral Economics by
European Air Law Association: Arline Liability: Arline Liability by Dagtoglou, P. D., Ehlers, P. N.
Economy and Industry in Ancient Egypt by Kaplan, Leslie C.
The Impact of Economic Anxiety in Postindustrial America by Wiefek, Nancy
Technology Transfer for Entrepreneurs: A Guide to Commercializing Federal Laboratory Innovations by Gross, Clifford, Allen, Joseph
Global Gambits: Big Steel and the U.S. Quest for Manganese by Priest, Tyler
La Elaboración del Círculo Productivo Romano como Imperio Mediterráneo (348-218 AC): Materiales arqueológicos para una historia crítica del período me by Domínguez Pérez, Juan Carlos
Who Marries Whom?: Educational Systems as Marriage Markets in Modern Societies by
Social and Environmental Impacts in the North: Methods in Evaluation of Socio-Economic and Environmental Consequences of Mining and Energy Production by
Computational Models in the Economics of Environment and Development by Duraiappah, A. K.
The Philosophy of Taxation and Public Finance by McGee, Robert W.
Economic Lessons from the Transition: The Basic Theory Re-examined: The Basic Theory Re-examined by Konrad, Michele, Kazmer, Daniel R.
The Illusion of Economic Stability by Ginzberg, Eli
Aspects of Globalisation: Macroeconomic and Capital Market Linkages in the Integrated World Economy by
Economic Policy Issues for the Next Decade by
Challenges to Asian Urbanization in the 21st Century by
Social and Environmental Impacts in the North: Methods in Evaluation of Socio-Economic and Environmental Consequences of Mining and Energy Production by
Connectionist Approaches in Economics and Management Sciences by
Schedule-Based Dynamic Transit Modeling: Theory and Applications by
The Risks of Terrorism by
Institutional Conflicts and Complementarities: Monetary Policy and Wage Bargaining Institutions in Emu by
The Geography of Small Firm Innovation by Black, Grant
Globalization and a High-Tech Economy: California, the United States and Beyond by Bardhan, Ashok, Jaffee, Dwight, Kroll, Cynthia
Computational Models in the Economics of Environment and Development by Duraiappah, A. K.
Is the Market Moral?: A Dialogue on Religion, Economics, and Justice by Rebecca M. Blank, Northwestern Universit, McGurn, William