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Economics in 2011

National Strategies for Regional Integration: South and East Asian Case Studies by
Is the Market a Test of Truth and Beauty? (Large Print Edition): Essays in Political Economy (Large Print Edition) by Yeager, Leland B.
A New Understanding of Poverty by Meadowcroft, John, Niemietz, Kristian
Development Role of Eu in South Asia by Tripathi, Dhananjay
Demography and the Economy by
Diagnosing the Philippine Economy: Toward Inclusive Growth by
Brics and Development Alternatives: Innovation Systems and Policies by
Maynard's Revenge by Taylor, Lance
Chocolate Nations: Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa by Ryan, Órla
South Africa Pushed to the Limit by Marais, Hein
South Africa Pushed to the Limit: The Political Economy of Change by Marais, Hein
Poverty in Haiti: Essays on Underdevelopment and Post Disaster Prospects by
New Economics as Mainstream Economics by Sawyer, Malcolm
Industrial Dynamics in China and India: Firms, Clusters, and Different Growth Paths by
Religion, Consumerism and Sustainability: Paradise Lost? by
The Economics of the Financial Crisis: Lessons and New Threats by Annunziata, Marco
Shaping Global Industrial Relations: The Impact of International Framework Agreements by
Nonlinear Financial Econometrics: Markov Switching Models, Persistence and Nonlinear Cointegration by Pascalau, Razvan, Gregoriou, Greg N.
See No Evil: Uncovering the Truth Behind the Financial Crisis by Banks, E.
Nonlinear Financial Econometrics: Forecasting Models, Computational and Bayesian Models by
Asymmetry and Aggregation in the EU by Mayes, D., Virén, Matti
Local Economies and Global Competitiveness by
Community, Market and State in Development by
Marx's Theory of Price and Its Modern Rivals by Nicholas, H.
ASEAN Industries and the Challenge from China by
The Future of Leadership Development: Corporate Needs and the Role of Business Schools by
Liberalizing Financial Services and Foreign Direct Investment: Developing a Framework for Commercial Banking FDI by Páez, L.
Asset Markets, Portfolio Choice and Macroeconomic Activity: A Keynesian Perspective by Asada, T., Flaschel, P., Mouakil, Tarik
The Foundations of Modern Time Series Analysis by Mills, Terence C.
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Econo: Essays in Honour of Malcolm Sawyer by Arestis, P.
Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality by
Natural Resources and Local Livelihoods in the Great Lakes Region of Africa: A Political Economy Perspective by
The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve: Manifesto for a Second Monetarist Revolution by Brown, B.
Japan, China and Networked Regionalism in East Asia by Rathus, J.
South-South Cooperation: Africa on the Centre Stage by
The 'Invisible Hand' and British Fiction, 1818-1860: Adam Smith, Political Economy, and the Genre of Realism by Courtemanche, E.
Green Trade Agreements by Colyer, D.
Cluster-Based Industrial Development: A Comparative Study of Asia and Africa by Sonobe, T., Otsuka, K.
Perspectives on Rules of Origin: Analytical and Policy Insights from the Indian Experience by Das, R., Ratna, R.
Emerging Asia: Essays on Crises, Capital Flows, FDI and Exchange Rates by Rajan, R.
Central Banking and Financialization: A Romanian Account of How Eastern Europe Became Subprime by Gabor, D.
International Financial Integration: Competing Ideas and Policies in the Post-Bretton Woods Era by Endres, A.
Central Banks and Coded Language: Risks and Benefits by Muchlinski, Elke
Islamic Economics and Finance: A European Perspective by
The Spanish Economy: A General Equilibrium Perspective by
A Social and Economic Theory of Consumption by Kivinen, David
Preludes to the Icelandic Financial Crisis by
Banking in China by Cousin, V.
Institutions, Human Development and Economic Growth in Transition Economies by Tridico, P.
Fighting Financial Fires: An IMF Insider Account by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Risk Tolerance in Financial Decision Making by
Social Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Behaviour and Performance by
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development by Naudé, Wim
A Theory of the Producer-Consumer Household: The New Keynesian Perspective on Self-Employment by Maruyama, Yoshihiro, Sonoda, Tadashi
Globalisation, Democratisation and Radicalisation in the Arab World by
Technology, Innovations and Growth by Sengupta, J. K.
Europe and the Financial Crisis by Talani, Leila Simona, Della Posta, Pompeo
The Life Cyclists: Fisher, Keynes, Modigliani and Friedman - Founders of Personal Finance by Read, C.
The Evolution of Nordic Finance by Andersen, Steffen Elkiær
Financial Econometrics Modeling: Market Microstructure, Factor Models and Financial Risk Measures by
Financial Econometrics Modeling: Derivatives Pricing, Hedge Funds and Term Structure Models by
Capital in Disequilibrium (Large Print Edition): The Role of Capital in a Changing World (Large Print Edition) by Lewin, Peter
The Financial Crisis: Origins and Implications by
An Assessment of the Global Impact of the Financial Crisis by
Globalization: A Threat to International Cooperation and Peace? by Panic, M.
Ethical Leadership: Global Challenges and Perspectives by
From the Great Recession to Labour Market Recovery: Issues, Evidence and Policy Options by
The Pure Time-Preference Theory of Interest (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Herbener, Jeffrey M.
Geld, Bankkredit und Konjunkturzyklen by Huerta de Soto, Jesús
Werten Und Wissen: Beiträge Zur Politischen Ökonomie by Willgerodt, Hans
Europäische Innovations- und Spezialisierungsdynamik im Gesundheitssektor by Schröder, Christian, Welfens, Paul J. J., Emons, Oliver
Die aktuelle Finanzkrise by
Gesundheitsökonomie und Wirtschaftspolitik by
Cluster- und Innovationsdynamik in Europa by
Repenser les economies africaines pour le developpement by
Regulation and Instability in U.S. Commercial Banking: A History of Crises by Hendrickson, Jill M.
Japan's Financial Slump: Collapse of the Monitoring System Under Institutional and Transition Failures by Suzuki, Yasushi
Deep Freeze (Large Print Edition): Iceland's Economic Collapse (Large Print Edition) by Howden, David, Bagus, Philipp
Health Inequality and Development by
Gender and the Economic Crisis by
Capitalism, Colonialism & Globalization: Studies in Economic Change by
Executive Economics: Ten Tools for Business Decision Makers by Maital, Shlomo
Peru: Country Program Evaluation for the World Bank Group, 2003-09 by World Bank
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance: The Contribution of Economic Theory and Related Disciplines by Sacconi, Lorenzo, Blair, Margaret, Freeman, R. Edward
Ordo 62: Jahrbuch Für Die Ordnung Von Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by
The Wealth of Nations by Smith, Adam
The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible: A Free Market Odyssey by Schoolland, Ken
Die Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1930er Jahre in Deutschland: Ursachen, Verlauf und Maßnahmen der Wirtschaftspolitik by Beck, Stefanie
Issues in Finance: Credit, Crises and Policies by
Econophysics of Order-Driven Markets: Proceedings of Econophys-Kolkata V by
Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 by Marx, Karl
Optimization in Economics and Finance: Some Advances in Non-Linear, Dynamic, Multi-Criteria and Stochastic Models by Craven, Bruce D., Islam, Sardar M. N.
Optimal Control and Dynamic Games: Applications in Finance, Management Science and Economics by
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
'Poor Carolina': Politics and Society in Colonial North Carolina, 1729-1776 by Ekirch, A. Roger
Debt Free America by Sewell, Omar K.
Refusal to License- Intellectual Property Rights as Abuse of Dominance by Schmidt, Claudia
Customer Knowledge Management: Improving Customer Relationship Through Knowledge Application by Wilde, Silvio
European Economic Governance and Policies, Volume I: Commentary on Key Historical and Institutional Documents by Quaglia, Lucia, Dyson, Kenneth
Integrative Document and Content Management: Strategies for Exploiting Enterprise Knowledge by Asprey, Len, Middleton, Michael
World Accumulation by Frank, Andre Gunder
Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2011-2012 by
Dynamic Formal Epistemology by
Theory and Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility by
Infrastructure Productivity Evaluation by
The Sociology of Economic Life by Swedberg, Richard, Granovetter, Mark
The Economic Decline of Empires by
Handelsbarrieren und internationaler Schmuggel: Theoretische Ansätze von Hansen und Bhagwati by Leschonski, Stefan
Non-Standard Spatial Statistics and Spatial Econometrics by Paelinck, Jean H. Paul, Griffith, Daniel A.
Foundations of Mathematical and Computational Economics by Dadkhah, Kamran
Gender and Macroeconomic Policy by Griffith, Breda, Nallari, Raj
Das Innovationsverhalten des Mittelstands by Gerth, Alexander
Investments 2010: Strategien Für Unsichere Zeiten by
Die Auswirkungen Von Corporate Governance Auf Die Fremdfinanzierungskosten Von Unternehmen: Eine Empirische Analyse Der Folgen Von Aktientransaktionen by Wendt, Stefan
An Economic Analysis of Bilateral Investment Treaties by Sasse, Jan Peter
Kostenmanagement Und Rechnungswesen Im Gesundheitsbetrieb: Betriebswirtschaft Für Das Gesundheitswesen by Frodl, Andreas
General Management Für Medizinbetriebe: Das Ifm-Management-Modell by Seelos, H. -Jürgen
Social Banking and Social Finance: Answers to the Economic Crisis by Benedikter, Roland
Wohlstand Ohne Kinder?: Sozioökonomische Rahmenbedingungen Und Geburtenentwicklung Im Internationalen Vergleich by Tivig, Thusnelda, Henseke, Golo, Czechl, Matthias
Mutual Fund Performance and Performance Persistence: The Impact of Fund Flows and Manager Changes by Lückoff, Peter
Financial Market Regulation: Legislation and Implications by
No More Hunger by Pelley, William Dudley
An Economic History of Modern Britain 3 Volume Paperback Set by Clapham, John
NAFTA und das Migrationsproblem zwischen Mexiko und den Vereinigten Staaten (USA) by Kos, Ksenija
No More Hunger by Pelley, William Dudley
Ageing, Health, and Productivity: The Economics of Increased Life Expectancy by Ours, Jan Van
50 Schlüsselideen Wirtschaftswissenschaft by Conway, Edmund
50 Schlüsselideen Management by Russell-Walling, Edward
South Asia: Beyond the Global Financial Crisis by
Die Zukunft von Agrarsubventionen in der EU: Herausforderungen durch aktuelle Marktentwicklungen bei Nahrungsmitteln und nachwachsenden Rohstoffen by Kraut, Simone
The Phenomenon of Money (Routledge Revivals) by Crump, Thomas
Transforming the U.S. Workforce Development System: Lessons from Research and Practice by
Founding Choices: American Economic Policy in the 1790s by
Entwicklung eines Constructed-Response-Tests: zur Messung der Lernwirksamkeit pädagogisch-didaktischer Interventionen by Kahle, Janina
Ausblick auf die globalen Finanzmärkte in der Zukunft by Warnecke, Christian
Konsumentennachfrage nach Liquidität: Das Diamond/Dybvig Modell und die Zinsstrukturkurve by Droste, Friedrich
The New Stage of Capitalism: A Marxist Update on Its Revolution by Weinin, Ding, Tongyu, Zhang
Planters and the Making of a New South: Class, Politics, and Development in North Carolina, 1865-1900 by Billings, Dwight B.
Die Wahl der richtigen Methode: handlungsorientierter Unterricht vs. Frontalunterricht by Struggl, Daniel
European Yearbook of International Economic Law by
Ansätze eines professionellen Währungsmanagements by Rother, Michael
New Developments in the Theory of Networks: Franchising, Alliances and Cooperatives by
Complex Economics: Individual and Collective Rationality by Kirman, Alan
Erweiterung des Euro-Währungsgebiets: Eine kritische Würdigung der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion by Hoffmann, Susan
Economic Growth in the Regions of Europe: Theory and Empirical Evidence from a Spatial Growth Model by Sardadvar, Sascha
Economics Evolving: A History of Economic Thought by Sandmo, Agnar
The Politics of Income Inequality in the United States by Kelly, Nathan J.
Risikostrukturausgleich und Innovationsanreize by Fürleger, Christoph
Die Wirtschaftsgeographie von Ruanda unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der sozioökonomischen Entwicklung nach 1994 by Bartoschek, Oliver
Coalition Politics and Economic Development by Nooruddin, Irfan
Die Konjunkturkrise 2008-2009 by Bartschat, Nicolas
Do Structured Products Give Equity Like Returns?: An Empirical Analysis in the UK market by Subandh, Vishal
Truth, Errors, and Lies: Politics and Economics in a Volatile World by Kolodko, Grzegorz
Standortstruktur und Strukturentwicklungsdynamik in der Thüringer Forst- und Holzwirtschaft by Kramp, Thomas
When does Coordination require Centralization?: Strategische Kommunikation: Zentralisierung vs. Dezentralisierung? by Droste, Friedrich
Coalition Politics and Economic Development by Nooruddin, Irfan
Asset Recovery Handbook: A Guide for Practitioners by Gray, Larissa, Brun, Jean-Pierre, Scott, Clive
Macroeconomics as a Second Language by Olney, Martha L.
Der Fall EADS: Der Airbus: Beleg für den Erfolg der europäischen Industriepolitik? by Hennig, Pascal
An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Smith, Adam
Rff Global Environment and Development Set by Various
Environmental Economics: A Theoretical Inquiry by Maler, Karl-Goran
Economic Equality and Fertility in Developing Countries by Repetto, Robert
Intergenerational Solidarity by
Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy by Palcic, D., Reeves, E.
The Development of Tropical Lands: Policy Issues in Latin America by Nelson, Michael
Rural Women at Work: Strategies for Development in South Asia by Dixon-Mueller, Ruth B.
The Future of Alaska: Economic Consequences of Statehood by Rogers, George
Water Management and Agricultural Development: A Case Study of the Cuyo Region of Argentina by Frederick, Kenneth D.
Korean Entrepreneurship: The Foundation of the Korean Economy by
Preludes to the Icelandic Financial Crisis by
Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust by Mitsopoulos, M.
Globalization, Wealth, and Power in the Twenty-First Century by Nester, W.
Intergenerational Solidarity: Strengthening Economic and Social Ties by
Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust by Mitsopoulos, M.
Power and Influence: The Embeddedness of Nations by Loparo, Kenneth A.
A Moderate Compromise: Economic Policy Choice in an Era of Globalization by Suranovic, S.
Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy by Palcic, D., Reeves, E.
The Rise of Indian Multinationals: Perspectives on Indian Outward Foreign Direct Investment by
Public Economics and the Quality of Life by Evans, Alan, Wingo Jr, Lowdon
Power and Influence: The Embeddedness of Nations by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Conservation and Economic Efficiency: An Approach to Materials Policy by Page, Talbot
The Florida Experience: Land and Water Policy in a Growth State by Carter, Luther J.
Falling Behind: Explaining the Development Gap Between Latin America and the United States by
Globalization, Wealth, and Power in the Twenty-First Century by Nester, W.
Korean Entrepreneurship: The Foundation of the Korean Economy by
A Guide to Maintaining a Sound Economy by Chambers, Madeline
Doing Business in the ASEAN Countries by Bhasin, Balbir B.
Macroeconomic Policy After the Conservative Era: Studies in Investment, Saving and Finance by Epstein, Gerald A., Gintis, Herbert M.
The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey by
Analyse du Centre de bénévolat de Laval (Québec): Un dispositif de l'économie sociale by Dumay, Miguel, Kwizera, Lydia
ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ECONOMICS Kemetic Wisdom of Saving and Investing in Wealth of Body, Mind, and Soul for Building True Civilization, Prosperity and Spi by Ashby, Muata
Liquidity and Crises by
Geometric Data Analysis: From Correspondence Analysis to Structured Data Analysis by Le Roux, Brigitte, Rouanet, Henry
Notwendigkeit einer gemeinsamen EU-Wirtschaftspolitik als Ergänzung zum Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt by Lorenz, Stefan
Events going green - Nachhaltigkeit in der Veranstaltungsbranche: Ein ernsthafter ökologischer Ansatz oder doch nur Marketing? by Von Lenthe, Louisa
How to solve the Lack of Volatility in the standard MP model by Tiecke, Kathrin
Kenya: Policies for Prosperity by
Happiness, Growth, and the Life Cycle by Easterlin, Richard A.
A Model of Central Bank and Treasury Behavior: Lectures by Amos, Michael Patrick
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