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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Introduction to Mathematical Models in Market and Opinion Research: With Practical Applications, Computing Procedures, and Estimates of Computing Requ by Harder, T.
Current Developments in the Interface: Economics, Econometrics, Mathematics: State of the Art Surveys Presented on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversar by
Destiny and Control in Human Systems: Studies in the Interactive Connectedness of Time (Chronotopology) by Musés, C.
Shifting Frontiers in Financial Markets by
Project Planning and Income Distribution by Helmers, F. L. C. H.
Progress in Utility and Risk Theory by
Foreign Capital, Savings and Growth: An International Cross-Section Study by Gupta, K. L., Islam, M. a.
Law and Economics: An Institutional Perspective by
Wirtschaftspolitik: Module Der Volkswirtschaftslehre Band III by Wildmann, Lothar
Shaping India: Economic Change in Historical Perspective by
Behavioural Economics and Policy Design: Examples from Singapore by
Late Medieval Ipswich: Trade and Industry by Amor, Nicholas R.
Justice and Conflicts: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions by
Economic Fundamentals of Power Plant Performance by Heshmati, Almas
History of the Great American Fortunes - Vol. II by Myers, Gustavus
China's Role in Global Economic Recovery by
Commercial Activity, Markets and Entrepreneurs in the Middle Ages: Essays in Honour of Richard Britnell by
Asia's Rise in the 21st Century by Lemco, Jonathan, MacDonald, Scott
Diversity and Transformations of Asian Capitalisms by
Environmental Economics: Theory and Policy in Equilibrium by Wiesmeth, Hans
The Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin, Peter
Fighting Market Failure: Collected Essays in the Cambridge Tradition of Economics by Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina
Studies in the Economics of Uncertainty: In Honor of Josef Hadar by
Corporate Tax Reform: Taxing Profits in the 21st Century by Sullivan, Martin A.
Explanation and Experiment in Social Psychological Science: Realism and the Social Constitution of Action by Greenwood, John D.
Challenges and opportunities to the Telecoms Industry: The journey from 1-sided to 2-sided business models by Straube, Sebastian
Freeing Growth - A Neo-Capitalist Manifesto [US Trade Size]: What measures would deliver rapid, long term sustainable economic growth? An integrated, by Douglas, Niall E.
The negative basis - Credit Default Swap contracts and credit risk during the financial crisis by Schnare, Matthias
Discretization of Processes by Jacod, Jean, Protter, Philip
Structural Macroeconometrics: Second Edition by Dejong, David N., Dave, Chetan
Minor Marshallians and Alfred Marshall: An Evaluation by Groenewegen, Peter
Engineering the Financial Crisis: Systemic Risk and the Failure of Regulation by Friedman, Jeffrey, Kraus, Wladimir
Poverty and Development in China: Alternative Approaches to Poverty Assessment by Lu, Caizhen
Social Failures of EU Enlargement: A Case of Workers Voting with their Feet by Meardi, Guglielmo
The Making of the Economy: A Phenomenology of Economic Science by Düppe, Till
The Life Cyclists: Fisher, Keynes, Modigliani and Friedman - Founders of Personal Finance by Read, C.
As China Goes, So Goes the World by Gerth, Karl
The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Re-Vision of Capitalism by Bloom, Howard
Vertikale Beschränkungen - Logik, Funktionsweise und gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte am Beispiel der amerikanischen Bierindustrie by Bollmann, Sven
An Analysis of State-owned Enterprises and State Capitalism in China by Szamosszegi, Andrew, Kyle, Cole
A Critical History of the Economy: On the birth of the national and international economies by Walter, Ryan
Capitalism Communism And Cowism - A New Economics For The 21st Century by Dasa, Sahadeva
Classical Political Economy and Modern Theory: Essays in Honour of Heinz Kurz by
Moderne Methoden zur Wechselkursprognose: Ein Vergleich fundamentaler und charttechnischer Instrumente by Strozinsky, Lars
Monetary Transmission in Diverse Economies by
Applications of Differential Geometry to Econometrics by Marriott
Moderne Schamanen: Experten, Politiker und die Wirtschaftskrise by Seuhs, Roland
A. W. H. Phillips: Collected Works in Contemporary Perspective by
Globalization and Regional Dynamics: East Asia and the European Union from the Japanese and the German Perspective by
Fehler Und Fehlerkultur Im Krankenhaus by Löber, Nils
The Powerful Consumer: Psychological Studies Of The American Economy by Katona, George
Strategic Responses to the EU Emission Trading Scheme: An Empirical Study in the Oil and Gas Industry by Hecker, Simon, Noy, Marc
Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World by Escobar, Arturo
Kompetenzentwicklung 2.0 - Social Software-Lernszenarien und ihr Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Selbstlernkompetenzen in der beruflichen Weiterbildung by Biroth, Marion
Global Trends: Facing Up to a Changing World by Done, A.
Global Trends: Facing Up to a Changing World by Done, A.
Low Cost Carriers - Business Model, Impacts of its Expansion and Challenges: Analysis of the European Low Cost Carriers by Minkova, Veronika
VAR und die Realität - 30 Jahre nach C. Sims Kritik by Ludwig, Maximilian
Ideas, Interests and Foreign Aid by Van Der Veen, A. Maurits
Ideas, Interests and Foreign Aid by Van Der Veen, A. Maurits
Commodity Price Dynamics: A Structural Approach by Pirrong, Craig, Pirrong, Stephen Craig
The European Union by El-Agraa, Ali M.
The European Union by El-Agraa, Ali M.
Corporate Sustainability Management: The Art and Science of Managing Non-Financial Performance by McElroy, Mark W., Van Engelen, J. M. L.
Financing Higher Education and Economic Development in East Asia by
Les procédures budgétaires de L'Union européenne de 2009 à 2011 - Du traité de Nice au traité de Lisbonne by Saarilahti, Ilkka
Crises of Governments: The Ongoing Global Financial Crisis and Recession by Barro, Robert J.
Urbanization and Environmental Quality by Orishimo, I.
Knowledge Perspectives of New Product Development: A Comparative Approach by
Developments in Econometric Analyses of Productivity: Measurement and Modeling Issues by Dogramaci, Ali
Topological Social Choice by
Money in a Free Society: Keynes, Friedman, and the New Crisis in Capitalism by Congdon, Tim
Dare to Care: A Love-Based Foundation for Money and Finance by Robson, Ernie, Bohtlingk, Louis, B. Htlingk, Louis
Crime and Economics: An Introduction by Fox, Chris, Albertson, Kevin
Energy, Trade and Finance in Asia: A Political and Economic Analysis by Lim, Tai Wei
Blah Blah Blah: What to Do When Words Don't Work by Roam, Dan
The Truth about Money by Bendavid, Meyer Joel
The European Union: Economics, Policies and History by Senior Nello, Susan
Turkmenistan: Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of Development: Strategies of Power, Dilemmas of Development by Peyrouse, Sebastien
Death of the Liberal Class by Hedges, Chris
International Networks of Banks and Industry by Fennema, M.
The Measurement of Monetary Policy by Perryman, M. Ray
Management in der Gastronomie by Meyer, Hartmut
Die See- Und Küstenfischerei Mecklenburgs Und Vorpommerns 1918 Bis 1960: Traditionelles Gewerbe Unter Ökonomischem Und Politischem Wandlungsdruck. Ver by Raillard, Susanne
Managementsoziologie by Buß, Eugen
Mathematical Economics by Lancaster, Kelvin
Human Development Report 2011: Sustainability and Equity: Towards a Better Future for All by
Measuring Water Quality Benefits by Desvousges, William H., Smith, V. Kerry
Urban Simulation: Models for Public Policy Analysis by
Organization and Decision Theory by
Economies of Scale, Transport Costs and Location: Studies in Applied Regional Science Series by Norman, George
Information and Efficiency in Economic Decision by SenGupta, Jati
Regional Econometric Modeling by
Social Systems and Learning Systems by Reuver, H. a., Hanken, A. F. G.
Studies in the Management of Government Enterprise by
Labor Economics: Modern Views by
Macroprudential Regulatory Policies: The New Road to Financial Stability? by
Selections from the Works of the Baron de Humboldt, Relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, and Mines of Mexico by Humboldt, Alexander Von, Von Humboldt, Alexander
The Internationalization of Japan by
Economic--Environmental--Energy Interactions: Modeling and Policy Analysis by
Balanced Growth: Finding Strategies for Sustainable Development by
The Evaluation of Social Policies by Crane, J. a.
Empirical Explorations in Regional Growth by Ghali, M. a.
Jobs and Training in the 1980s: Vocational Policy and the Labor Market by Doeringer, P. B., Vermeulen, B.
Samuelson and Neoclassical Economics by
Economic Theory: A Critic's Companion by Van Meerhaeghe, Marcel Alfons Gilbert
Currency Convertibility: The Gold Standard and Beyond by
Voices from the 99 Percent: An Oral History of the Occupy Wall Street Movement by
Prophets and Markets: The Political Economy of Ancient Israel by Silver, M.
Models of Intraurban Residential Relocation by Porrell, F. W.
Microeconomic Theory by
The Supply-Side Effects of Economic Policy by
Money and Economic Growth by Sijben, J. J.
Economic Structure and Policy: With Applications to the British Economy by
The Great Depression Revisited by
Workplace Perspectives on Education and Training by
The World Bank and the Poor by Laar, A. Van De
Promoting Balanced Competitiveness Strategies of Firms in Developing Countries by Wang, Vivienne W. L., Carayannis, Elias G.
L'Indépendance Absolue Des Américains Des États-Unis... by Griffith, Thomas Waters
Ganzheitliches Stadtmarketing: Eine Arbeitsgrundlage zur Erstellung eines Stadtmarketingkonzeptes am Beispiel Bad Homburgs by Kolloge, Christoph
Rohstoffpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschand: Aktuelle Rohstoffsituation und Neuausrichtung der deutschen Rohstoffpolitik by Leutner, Harald
Analysing the Structure of Economic Models by
Welfare Reform in America: Perspectives and Prospects by Sommers, P. M.
Economics Social Institutions: Insights from the Conferences on Analysis & Ideology by
Forecasting Models for National Economic Planning by Heesterman, Aaart R.
Applied Decision Analysis and Economic Behaviour by
Towards an Advanced Modelling of Complex Economic Phenomena: Pretopological and Topological Uncertainty Research Tools by Gil-Lafuente, Anna M., Aluja, Jaime Gil
Small and medium-sized enterprises in Bulgaria: Trends and challenges in their debt financing by Vasilev, Dimitar
Wettbewerbsbedingungen auf den Märkten für mobile Kommunikation: Eine Darstellung auf den Märkten für mobile Kommunikation herrschender Bedingungen, R by Vujasinovic, Nenad
The Economics and Politics of Climate Change by Helm, Dieter, Hepburn, Cameron
The Failure of Capitalist Production: Underlying Causes of the Great Recession by Kliman, Andrew
Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies by
Econometrics Methods for Labour Economics by Bazen, Stephen
Contributions to Econometric Theory and Application: Essays in Honour of A.L. Nagar by
Imports and Economic Growth by Van Bochove, C. a.
Matrices and Simplex Algorithms: A Textbook in Mathematical Programming and Its Associated Mathematical Topics by Heesterman, Aaart R.
The Collected Economics Articles of Harold Hotelling by Hotelling, Harold
Quantitative Methods in Budgeting by
Mathematical Theory of Economic Dynamics and Equilibria by Makarov, V. L., Rubinov, A. M.
Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the Political Economy of Institutions and Late Development by Lo, D.
Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
The Federal Reserve Bank, Treasury, Income Taxes and Debt: Connecting the Dots? by O'Malley, A. P.
Adoption of New Food Products: An Investigation Into the Existence and the Characteristics of Food Innovators by Kleyngeld, H. P.
The World Under Pressure: How China and India Are Influencing the Global Economy and Environment by Dahlman, Carl
Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Lenin, Vladimir Ilich
India's Economy: Performance and Challenges: Essays in Honour of Montek Singh Ahluwalia by
Market Power and the Economy: Industrial, Corporate, Governmental, and Political Aspects by
American Manufacturing in a Global Market by
Informationsbedarf Und Informationsinstrumente Des Betrieblichen Emissionsmanagements: Eine Analyse Im Rahmen Des Europäischen Handels Mit Treibhausga by Romeo, Christiane
Social Conflict, Economic Development and the Extractive Industry: Evidence from South America by
Bildung des Strompreises für Haushaltskunden eines ehemaligen kommunalen Monopolisten in einem liberalisierten Markt: Am Beispiel der Stadtwerke Düsse by Jablonski, Matthias
Leitfaden der Volkswirtschaftslehre by Adler, A.
Risk Management In UK Banking - The Role Of Derivatives Hedging In Particular by Vasilev, Dimitar
Fundamentals, Speculation, and the Pricing of Crude Oil Futures by Hoehl, Thomas
Creating Jobs in the 21st Century, 2nd Edition: A New Global Economic Development Paradigm by Johns, David R.
Der Verband Der Hochschullehrer Für Betriebswirtschaft: Geschichte Des Vhb Und Geschichten Zum Vhb by
Facts and Models in Hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing, Held at Tutzing, Oberbayern, by
Cities in Transition: Problems and Policies by
Konzeption Und Grenzen Freiheitlicher Demokratie: Dargestellt Am Beispiel Des Verfassungsrechtsdenkens in Den Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika Und Des by Steinberger, H.
Islamic Economics and Finance: A European Perspective by
The New Industrial Geography: Regions, Regulation and Institutions by
Non-State Actors and Authority in the Global System by
Städtetourismus in Europa by Swienty, Sarah, Stiehl, Eva
Horizontale Fusionen: Die Theorie nach Farrell und Shapiro und ihre Relevanz bei Kartellentscheidungen by Breuninger, Moritz
Qualitative and Quantitative Mathematical Economics by
Handbook of the History of Economic Thought: Insights on the Founders of Modern Economics by
Mathematische Optimierung: Grundlagen Und Verfahren by Oettli, W., Blum, E.
The Effects of Cause-Related Marketing on Customers' Attitudes and Buying Behavior by Steckstor, Denise
Multivariate Modellierung Operationeller Risiken in Kreditinstituten by Bayer, Verena
How Firms Can Strategically Influence Open Source Communities: The Employment of 'Men on the Inside' by Lee, Viktor
Applied Intermediate Macroeconomics by Hoover, Kevin D.
Uniting Struggles: Critical Social Research in Critical Times by
Economic Development in the Americas Since 1500: Endowments and Institutions by Sokoloff, Kenneth L., Engerman, Stanley L.
Economic Development in the Americas since 1500 by Sokoloff, Kenneth L., Engerman, Stanley L.
Chancen und Möglichkeiten des Gyrocopters als Expertenzubringer in der Notfallmedizin im Vergleich zu Rettungshubschraubern by Buchholz, Johannes
Die Funktionsfähigkeit Des Sicherheitsmechanismus Der Vereinten Nationen / The Functional Effectiveness of the Security Mechanisms of the United Natio by Schaefer, Michael
Synergetic Economics: Time and Change in Nonlinear Economics by Zhang, Wei-Bin
A Cross-Border-Only Regulation for Consumer Transactions in the EU: A Fresh Approach to EU Consumer Law by Twigg-Flesner, Christian
The American Economy: A Student Study Guide: A Student Study Guide by Thomas, Wade L., Carson, Robert B.
Microcredit and International Development: Contexts, Achievements and Challenges by
Grundlagen Der Geldtheorie by Claassen, Emil M.
Experiments in Quantitative Finance by
Seeds for Growth. Financing Smallholder Farming in Southern Africa by
Strategisches Management Von Universitäten Und Fakultäten by Kohmann, Oliver
Exile on Wall Street: One Analyst's Fight to Save the Big Banks from Themselves by Mayo, Mike
Celebrity, Inc.: How Famous People Make Money by Piazza, Jo
Artisans of Empire: Crafts and Craftspeople Under the Ottomans by Faroqhi, Suraiya
Capitalist Revolutionary: John Maynard Keynes by Bateman, Bradley W., Backhouse, Roger E.
Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction by Allen, Robert C.
Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World by McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen
Foreign Investment and Dispute Resolution Law and Practice in Asia by
Business Networks: Strategy and Structure by Todeva, Emanuela
On the Mysteries of Unemployment: Causes, Consequences and Policies by
Banking in Central and Eastern Europe 1980-2006: From Communism to Capitalism by Barisitz, Stephan
Environment, Development and Change in Rural Asia-Pacific: Between Local and Global by
International Business Geography: Case Studies of Corporate Firms by Wever, Egbert, Pellenbarg, Piet
BWL für Ingenieure by Steven, Marion
Mathematik für Wirtschaft und Technik by Gohout, Wolfgang
Crime and Economics: An Introduction by Albertson, Kevin, Fox, Chris
China's Political Economy in Modern Times: Changes and Economic Consequences, 1800-2000 by Deng, Kent G.
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