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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Creative Industries and Developing Countries: Voice, Choice and Economic Growth by
Markets in Fashion: A phenomenological approach by Aspers, Patrik
The Accountancy of Investment; Including a Treatise on Compound Interest, Annuities, Amortisation, and the Valuation of Securities by Sprague, Charles Ezra
Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market by Bagehot, Walter
Contributions to Econometrics and Statistics Today: In Memoriam Günter Menges by
Isolation and Aggregation in Economics by Schlicht, Ekkehart
Finanzierung Und Investitionen Im Gesundheitsbetrieb: Betriebswirtschaft Für Das Gesundheitswesen by Frodl, Andreas
Sustainable Politics and the Crisis of the Peripheries: Ireland and Greece by Botetzagias, Iosif, Leonard, Liam
The Economics of Deep-Sea Mining by
Ordnungspolitischer Reformbedarf der Europäischen Rundfunkordnung by Vlainic, Marijan
Road Pricing: Ziele, Beispiele, Konsequenzen by Feuersänger, Kerstin
Beiträge Zur Diskussion Und Kritik Der Neoklassischen Ökonomie: Festschrift Für Kurt W. Rothschild Und Josef Steindl by
Water Resources and Land-Use Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute On: "Water Resources and Land-Use Planning by
Unternehmensplanung: Referate Eines Kolloquiums an Der Fernuniversität Hagen, 11. Und 12. Juli 1981 by
Comparative Economic Systems: An Assessment of Knowledge, Theory and Method by
Dynamic Travel Choice Models: A Variational Inequality Approach by Chen, Huey-Kuo
Services in the Global Market by Nusbaumer, Jacques A. E.
Evolutionary Foundations of Equilibria in Irrational Markets by Luo, Guo Ying
James M. Buchanan: Eine ökonomische Theorie der Verfassung by Fenner, Christoph
European Cities, Planning Systems and Property Markets by
Cars and Carbon: Automobiles and European Climate Policy in a Global Context by
Internationalization of Industry: An Assessment in the Light of a Small Open Economy (Switzerland) by Borner, Silvio
Employment and the Transfer of Technology by Henn, Rudolf, Lübbe, Hermann, Späth, Lothar
Surviving Hard Times - A Livingbook by Scholes, Patricia Renard
Robuste Entscheidungen: Optimale Auswahl Im Rahmen Weicher Modelle by Brachinger, H. W.
Basque Cooperativism by
Die Zollpolitik der Europäischen Union: Der gemeinsame Außenzolltarif im Spannungsfeld zwischen budgetärer Einnahmefunktion und globaler Handelslibera by Petermann, Jan-Henrik
Die Europäische Schuldenkrise: Ursachenanalyse, Status quo und Lösungsalternativen by Rohm, Thomas
The Euro Area and the Financial Crisis by
Population Change and the Economy: Social Science Theories and Models by
Handbook of Doing Business in South East Europe by
International Negotiation in China and India: A Comparison of the Emerging Business Giants by Worm, V., Kumar, R.
Schlüsseltechnologie-Industrien: Standortverhalten Und Einfluß Auf Den Regionalen Strukturwandel in Den USA Und in Kanada by Bathelt, Harald
Aggregation and Representation of Preferences: Introduction to Mathematical Theory of Democracy by Tanguiane, Andranick S.
Operations Research: Beiträge Zur Quantitativen Wirtschaftsforschung by
Philosophy in Economics: Papers Deriving from and Related to a Workshop on Testability and Explanation in Economics Held at Virginia Polytechni by
Positive and Normative Analysis in International Economics: Essays in Honour of Hiroshi Ohta by Nakagawa, Hironobu, Uchida, Tatsuya
Handbook of Doing Business in South East Europe by
Collaborative Communities of Firms: Purpose, Process, and Design by
Consumer Knowledge and Financial Decisions: Lifespan Perspectives by
International Negotiation in China and India: A Comparison of the Emerging Business Giants by Worm, V., Kumar, R.
The New Post-Oil Arab Gulf: Managing People and Wealth by
Wege Zu Einem Nachhaltigen Umgang Mit Süßwasser: Jahresgutachten 1997 by
Computer-Aided Production Management by
Gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen by
Total Quality Management as a Holistic Management Concept: The European Model for Business Excellence by Zink, Klaus J.
Missing Data Methods: Cross-Sectional Methods and Applications by
The Nordic Varieties of Capitalism by
Resuscitating America: An Independent Voter's Guide to Restoring the American Dream by Swisher, C. Aaron
The International Monetary System: Its Institutions and Its Future by
Economic Aspects of German Unification: Expectations, Transition Dynamics and International Perspectives by
Overcoming Isolation: Information and Transportation Networks in Development Strategies for Peripheral Areas by
From Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities by Rosser, J. Barkley
New Directions in Spatial Econometrics by
British Historical Statistics by Mitchell, B. R.
Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy Based on Parametric Control by Ashimov, Abdykappar A., Sultanov, Bahyt T., Adilov, Zheksenbek M.
Handbook of Healthcare System Scheduling by
Responding to a Resurgent Russia: Russian Policy and Responses from the European Union and the United States by
Societal Dynamics: Understanding Social Knowledge and Wisdom by Betz, Frederick
Linear predictive regression framework: Predictive power of dividend yields and structural break detection by Prochownik, Lukasz
Struktur vertikaler Beziehungen zwischen Automobilherstellern und Zulieferern by Richter, Christoph
Der Einfluss neuer Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien auf Schülerleistungen in der Bildungsproduktion by Bernecker, Christian
Die EWWU - ein optimaler Währungsraum? by Doros, Markus
The Control of Inflation by Meade, J. E.
A Treatise on the Industry of Nations - Volume 1 by Eisdell, Joseph Salway
A Treatise on the Industry of Nations: Or, the Principles of National Economy and Taxation by Eisdell, Joseph Salway
Fiat Money Inflation in France by White, Andrew Dickson
An Essay on the Principle of Population by Malthus, Thomas Robert, Malthus, T. R. (Thomas Robert)
Rethinking the Post Soviet Experience: Markets, Moral Economies and Cultural Contradictions of Post Socialist Russia by Hass, J.
Wirtschaftsstruktur und Industriebetriebe der Region Reutlingen: Dargestellt anhand der Textilfirma Heinzelmann und der Messgerätefirma Wandel & Golte by Engelhart, Roland
Strategisches Debitorenmanagement (KMU): Powered by Innovation and IT by Del Buono, Angelo
Stabilizing Self-dynamic Socioeconomies: Evolutionary and ecological perspectives on farming economic systems for human needs by Wallace, Rodrick
Positionierung der europäischen Bahnen im Güterverkehr by Wolf, Christoph
Die Institutionen der Europäischen Union - Reformen und Ausblick by Oehme, Marc, Seip, Ingo
Strings Attached: Untangling the Ethics of Incentives by Grant, Ruth W.
Capitalism and the Jews by Muller, Jerry Z.
How Creativity Is Changing China by Wuwei, Li
Entrepreneurial Marketing by
Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs, and Well-being by
Ethics and the Market: Insights from Social Economics by Clary, Betsy Jane, Figart, Deborah M., Dolfsma, Wilfred
The Land Governance Assessment Framework by Deininger, Klaus, Selod, Harris, Burns, Anthony
Reformansätze des Gewerbesteuersystems: (K)eine endlose Diskussion? by Metzing, Maria
Consumer Credit in Europe: Risks and Opportunities of a Dynamic Industry by Vandone, Daniela
Democracy Under Stress: The Global Crisis and Beyond by
The Practice of Econometric Theory: An Examination of the Characteristics of Econometric Computation by Renfro, Charles G.
The Spanish Financial System: Growth and Development Since 1900 by
Macroeconomic Policy, Credibility and Politics by Tabellini, G., Persson, T.
Entwicklungs- und Wachstumsstrategien in ausgewählten Ländern Subsahara-Afrikas - eine vergleichende Betrachtung by Grötschel, Theo Tino
Do we really need nuclear power facilities in Germany?: In the Context of Climate Change and Cost Aspects by Metzing, Maria
Rural Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction Policies by
Selling the Welfare State: The Privatisation of Public Housing by Forrest, Ray, Murie, Alan
Zheng He's Art of Collaboration: Understanding the Legendary Chinese Admiral from a Management Perspective by Hum, Hoon Sin
A critical analysis of the re-emergence of international capital mobility by Baumgarten, Matthias
Pricing the Future: Finance, Physics, and the 300-Year Journey to the Black-Scholes Equation: A Story of Genius and Discovery by Szpiro, George G.
A Plea for Peasant Proprietors by Thornton, William Thomas
Cambodia's Economic Transformation by
Internationalization of Emerging Economies and Firms by
Motoring the Future: VW and Toyota Vying for Pole Position by Wimmer, Engelbert
Philosophical Basics of Ecology and Economy by Manstetten, Reiner, Faber, Malte
Internationalization of Emerging Economies and Firms by
Innovation by Demand: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Demand and Its Role in Innovation by Green, Ken, Tomlinson, Mark, McMeekin, Andrew
Seasonality, Rural Livelihoods and Development by
Human Resource Management in the Digital Economy: Creating Synergy between Competency Models and Information by
An Enquiry Into the Ideology and Reality of Market and Market System by Lepper, J.
Economic and Policy Lessons from Japan to Developing Countries by
Public Policies for Fostering Entrepreneurship: A European Perspective by
Aging in China: Implications to Social Policy of a Changing Economic State by
Missing Data Methods: Time-Series Methods and Applications by
The Gold Ring: Jim Fisk, Jay Gould, and Black Friday, 1869 by Ackerman, Kenneth D.
The Crisis of Capitalist Democracy by Posner, Richard A.
The Courageous State: Rethinking Economics, Society and the Role of Government by Murphy, Richard
Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas by Stilwell, Frank
An Essay on the Principle of Population (Two Volumes in One) by Malthus, Thomas Robert
Financial Exclusion and the Poverty Trap: Overcoming Deprivation in the Inner City by Mosley, Paul, Lenton, Pamela
Managed Care: Neue Wege Im Gesundheitsmanagement by Amelung, Volker Eric
Private Equity in Poland: Winning Leadership in Emerging Markets by Klonowski, D.
The Causes and Consequences of Income Tax Noncompliance by Dubin, Jeffrey A.
Globalization and Localization: The Chinese Perspective by
The Crisis and the Left: Socialist Register 2012 by
On the Make: Clerks and the Quest for Capital in Nineteenth-Century America by Luskey, Brian P.
The Political Economy of Development in Kenya by Hope Sr, Kempe Ronald
Private Equity in Poland: Winning Leadership in Emerging Markets by Klonowski, D.
The Oxford Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics by
Globalization and Localization: The Chinese Perspective by
Industry and Trade (Two Volumes in One) by Marshall, Alfred
Cornered: The New Monopoly Capitalism and the Economics of Destruction by Lynn, Barry C.
Econometric Modeling of Japan and Asia-Pacific Economies by
National System of Political Economy: The History (Three Volumes in One) by List, Friedrich
Violence and Racism in Football: Politics and Cultural Conflict in British Society, 1968-1998 by Bebber, Brett
Trade in Ideas: Performance and Behavioral Properties of Markets in Patents by Ullberg, Eskil
Luxury Strategy in Action by
Multinationals in China: Business Strategy, Technology and Economic Development by Pearce, R., Zhang, S.
Hybrid Forms of Governance: Self-Suspension of Power by
China's Economic Reform: A Study with Documents by
China's Place in Global Geopolitics: Domestic, Regional and International Challenges by
Internationalisation Theory and Technological Accumulation: An Investigation of Multinational Affiliates in East Germany by Jindra, B.
Law and Markets by Robson, A.
Asian Yearbook of International Law: Volume 15 (2009) by
Growth in Transition by
Multinationals in China: Business Strategy, Technology and Economic Development by Pearce, R., Zhang, S.
Wissenstransfer Mit Wikis Und Weblogs: Fallstudien Zum Erfolgreichen Einsatz Von Web 2.0 in Unternehmen by Stocker, Alexander, Tochtermann, Klaus
Hybrid Forms of Governance: Self-Suspension of Power by
Globalization, Hegemony and the Future of the City of London by Talani, L.
Politische Verantwortung privater Unternehmen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung? Das Beispiel Nike by Fenner, Christoph
Nachhaltige Gewerbegebiete: Ein Fallbeispiel by Denk, Heiner
Gewalt an beruflichen Schulen by Süßmann, Uli
Waste and Environmental Policy by
The Remittance Market in India: Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Options by Afram, Gabi G.
A New Nation of Goods: The Material Culture of Early America by Jaffee, David
Contested Capitalism: The Political Origins of Financial Institutions by Carney, Richard W.
Port Hope Simpson, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Tombstone by Pritchard, Llewelyn
Monetary Policy in the European Monetary System: A Critical Appraisal by Loureiro, Joao
Utilization of Residual Forest Biomass by Hakkila, Pentti
Citizens in Europe: Civic Activism and the Community Democratic Experiment by Moro, Giovanni
Die Online-Angebote der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Haase, Karsten
America, Wake Up! We are Destroying the American Economy and Ourselves: The economic fraud called Government Budget Deficit by Harry, Bright
Deutschland in der Weltwirtschaftskrise der 1930er Jahre by Daub, Thorsten
Der ökonomische Strukturwandel Spaniens und seine Folgen by Lueske, Markus
Case Study: History and Recent Developments in Bangladeshs Grameen Bank by Gruissem, Frederik
Euro-Bonds, Europäischer Währungsfonds oder ein neuer institutioneller Rahmen für den Euro-Raum? by Rohm, Thomas
Die Ursachen der neuen Weltwirtschaftskrise by Rohm, Thomas
A Global History of the Financial Crash of 2007-10 by Lybeck, Johan A.
Ordnungstheorie Und Ordnungspolitik by
Doing Business with China: Avoiding the Pitfalls by Hamilton, S., Zhang, J.
Europe, Japan and America in the 1990s: Cooperation and Competition by
German Yearbook on Business History 1984 by
Technology and Regulation: How Are They Driving Our Markets? by
Investment Confidence and Business Cycles by Blatt, John M., Boyd, Ian
Subgame Consistent Economic Optimization: An Advanced Cooperative Dynamic Game Analysis by Yeung, David W. K., Petrosyan, Leon A.
Heidelberg Congress on Taxing Consumption: Proceedings of the International Congress on Taxing Consumption, Held at Heidelberg, June 28-30, 1989 by
Lectures on Schumpeterian Economics: Schumpeter Centenary Memorial Lectures, Graz 1983 by
Regional Science: Retrospect and Prospect by
Multiple Criteria Decision Methods and Applications: Selected Readings of the First International Summer School Acireale, Sicily, September 1983 by
Regression and Factor Analysis Applied in Econometrics by Schilderinck, J. H. F.
Social Choice and Democracy by Schofield, Norman
Ethical Social Index Numbers by Chakravarty, Satya R.
Welfare and Efficiency in Public Economics by
Joseph Alois Schumpeter: A Reference Guide by Augello, Massimo M.
Towards a Market Economy in Central and Eastern Europe by
Sustainable Development for Central and Eastern Europe: Spatial Development in the European Context by
Homogeneous Denumerable Markov Processes by Hou, Zhenting, Guo, Qingfeng
Operations Research and Economic Theory: Essays in Honor of Martin J. Beckmann by
The Effects of Deregulation on U.S. Air Networks by Reynolds-Feighan, Aisling J.
Unemployment, Choice and Inequality by Sattinger, Michael
Doing Business with China: Avoiding the Pitfalls by Zhang, J., Hamilton, S.
From Keynesianism to Monetarism (Routledge Revivals): The evolution of UK macroeconometric models by Kenway, Peter
The Multivariate Normal Distribution by Tong, Y. L.
Wine Industry - France and Australia: A Comparative Analysis by Gruda, Jon, De Vries, Jordy, Marsman, Tomas
United States of Europe: European Union and the Euro Revolution by
Hayek in Mind: Hayek's Philosophical Psychology by
A Savage Empire: Trappers, Traders, Tribes, and the Wars That Made America by Axelrod, Alan
German Yearbook on Business History 1982 by
The Reform of Health Care: Shaping, Adapting and Resisting Policy Developments by
Entrepreneurship and Global Competitiveness in Regional Economies: Determinants and Policy Implications by
Stochastic Linear Programming by Kall, P.
Die Organisationsstruktur Der Europäischen Gemeinschaften: Rechtliche Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten Und Grenzen by Hilf, M.
Nationale Entwicklung Und Internationale Zusammenarbeit: Herausforderung Ökonomischer Forschung Festschrift Zum 65. Geburtstag Von Willy Kraus by
Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Bosch, Karl
Statistik für Nichtstatistiker by Bosch, Karl
Übungs- Und Arbeitsbuch Mathematik Für Ökonomen by Bosch, Karl
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