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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

The Portfolio Theorists: Von Neumann, Savage, Arrow and Markowitz by Read, C.
The Reform of Health Care: Shaping, Adapting and Resisting Policy Developments by
Englische Wirtschaftsgeschichte by Ashley, W. J.
Bangladesh: Politics, Economy and Civil Society by Lewis, David
Changing Concepts Of Business Income by Study Group on Business Income
Chile: An Economy in Transition by Ellsworth, Paul Theodore
The Dynamics of Euro-African Co-Operation: Being an Analysis and Exposition of Institutional, Legal and Socio-Economic Aspects of Association/Co-Opera by Djamson, E. C.
Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Modelling and Policy Evaluation by
European Economic Integration as a Challenge to Industry and Government: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives on International Economic Dynamics by
Infinite Horizon Optimal Control: Deterministic and Stochastic Systems by Carlson, Dean A., Haurie, Alain B., Leizarowitz, Arie
Leitfaden Für Umwelthandbücher Mit Praxisbeispielen: Gliederung Analog Din ISO 9001 Szenarien Für Umweltbetriebsstörungen by
Money, Trade, and Competition: Essays in Memory of Egon Sohmen by
Business Ethics in Progress? by
The Econometrics of Demand Systems: With Applications to Food Demand in the Nordic Countries by Edgerton, David L., Assarsson, Bengt, Hummelmose, Anders
Staatsangehörigkeit Soziale Grundrechte Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit: Nach Dem Recht Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Der Volksrepublik Polen by
Interkulturelles Management: Synergien in Joint Ventures Zwischen China Und Deutschsprachigen Ländern by Peill-Schoeller, Patricia
Efficiency, Institutions, and Economic Policy: Proceedings of a Workshop Held by the Sonderforschungsbereich 5 at the University of Mannheim, June 198 by
Dynamic Policies of the Firm: An Optimal Control Approach by Hilten, Onno Van, Kort, Peter M., Loon, Paul J. J. M. Van
Nonlinear Evolution of Spatial Economic Systems by
Economic Policy in a Demographically Divided World by Dalen, Hendrik P. Van
State Aid and State Interference: Illustrated by Results in Commerce and Industry by Baden-Powell, George
Economic Theory In Retrospect: Irwin Series In Economics by Blaug, M.
Evolving Economics: Exploring the Crises of Capitalism and a Long-Term Vision of the Economy of a More Sustainable, Egalitarian, and Liber by Firmage, Joseph P.
National Strategies to Harness Information Technology: Seeking Transformation in Singapore, Finland, the Philippines, and South Africa by
Evolving Economics: Exploring the Crises of Capitalism and a Long-Term Vision of the Economy of a More Sustainable, Egalitarian, and Liber by Firmage, Joseph P.
The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures: The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries by
Health and Animal Agriculture in Developing Countries by
Energy 2000-2020: World Prospects and Regional Stresses by
Global Migration and Development by
Money: Lectures on the Basis of General Equilibrium Theory and the Economics of Institutions by Richter, Rudolf
Police Research in the Federal Republic of Germany: 15 Years Research Within the "Bundeskriminalamt" by
The Social Market Economy: Theory and Ethics of the Economic Order by
Das Management Von Stoffströmen: Geteilte Verantwortung - Nutzen Für Alle by
Ökonomie Und Mathematik: Rudolf Henn Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Modeling Dynamic Transportation Networks: An Intelligent Transportation System Oriented Approach by Ran, Bin, Boyce, David
Information and Pricing in Road Transportation by Emmerink, Richard H. M.
Wissenschaft Und Gesellschaft: Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Technischen Universität Berlin 1879-1979 by
Technologie, Wachstum Und Beschäftigung: Festschrift Für Lothar Späth by
Aal- Und E-Health-Geschäftsmodelle: Technologie Und Dienstleistungen Im Demografischen Wandel Und in Sich Verändernden Wertschöpfungsarchitekturen by
Cardinalism: A Fundamental Approach by
"Politik nur für Erwachsene?" Problem der politischen Handlungskompetenz: Schülerinnen und Schüler einer Jahrgangsstufe 7 nehmen im Rahmen der Unterri by Bösenberg, Alexander
Die Konzentration auf dem deutschen Strommarkt unter den Bedingungen der Deregulierung by Salmenn, Hanna, Schmacker, Ann Katrin, Asendorf, Steffen
Controlling Im Gesundheitsbetrieb: Betriebswirtschaft Für Das Gesundheitswesen by Frodl, Andreas
The Evolution of a Nation: How Geography and Law Shaped the American States by Berkowitz, Daniel, Clay, Karen B.
Global Elites: The Opaque Nature of Transnational Policy Determination by
Japan's Nuclear Crisis: The Routes to Responsibility by Carpenter, S.
Modern Linear and Nonlinear Econometrics by Plasmans, Joseph
Entstehung Von Kooperationsfähigkeit: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Analyse Am Beispiel Technologieorientierter Unternehmen by Rasmus, Anke
Economic Development and Social Change in the People's Republic of China by Kraus, W.
Preference, Value, Choice, and Welfare by Hausman, Daniel M.
Equilibrium and Evolution: Alfred Marshall and the Marshallians by Hart, N.
Global Elites: The Opaque Nature of Transnational Policy Determination by
Towards an Integrated Paradigm in Heterodox Economics: Alternative Approaches to the Current Eco-Social Crises by
Contributions to Stock-Flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley by
Japan's Nuclear Crisis: The Routes to Responsibility by Carpenter, S.
Holistic Analysis of Household Decision-Making: Adoption of Agricultural Technologies and Development in Ethiopia by Gebre-Mariam, Yohannes Kebede
Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences After 1960 by
An Information Theoretic Approach to Econometrics by Judge, George G., Mittelhammer, Ron C.
Information Theoretic Approach to Econometrics by Mittelhammer, Ron C., Judge, George G.
China's Expanding Role in Global Mergers and Acquisitions Markets by Wolf, Charles, Jr., Chow, Brian G., Jones, Gregory S.
Rethinking Rational Choice Theory: A Companion on Rational and Moral Action by de Jonge, Jan
The Stock-Flow Consistent Approach: Selected Writings of Wynne Godley by Lavoie, Marc
Preference, Value, Choice, and Welfare by Hausman, Daniel M.
Economic Growth and Development by
Sports Economics by Blair, Roger D.
German Yearbook on Business History 1987 by
Erwerbsarbeit Und Unterhaltswirtschaft: Strukturelle Änderungen Der Erwerbsarbeit Und Ihre Wechselwirkungen Zu Unterhaltswirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten by Niessen, Hans-Joachim, Schröder, Antonius, Haarland, Hans P.
A Supply-Side Agenda for Germany: Sparks from the United States, Great Britain, European Integration by
Japanese Global Management: Theory and Practice at Overseas Subsidiaries by Yamazaki, K.
Spaces of International Economy and Management: Launching New Perspectives on Management and Geography by
Continuous Improvement Strategies: Japanese Convenience Store Systems by Marutschke, D.
Population Growth, Income Distribution, and Economic Development: Theory, Methodology, and Empirical Results by Heerink, Nico
Economies in Transition: The Long-Run View by
The Good and the Economical: Ethical Choices in Economics and Management by
Economic History of Transport in Britain by Savage, Christopher, Barker, T. C.
Science and Industry in the Nineteenth Century by Bernal, J. D.
Transportation for the Future by
Social Dilemmas and Cooperation by
Technological Change in a Spatial Context: Theory, Empirical Evidence and Policy by
Beiträge Zur Angewandten Wirtschaftsforschung: Gottfried Bombach Zum 70. Geburtstag by
The Theory of Oligopoly with Multi-Product Firms by Okuguchi, Koji, Szidarovszky, Ferenc
The Economics of Transformation: Theory and Practice in the New Market Economies by
Verläufe: Seelische Gesundheit Und Psychogene Erkrankungen Heute by
The Nigerian Banking Sector Reforms: Power and Politics by Apati, S.
A Reappraisal of the Efficiency of Financial Markets by
From Technology Transfer to Technology Management in China by
Durch Die USA Und Canada Im Jahre 1887: Ein Tagebuch by Lewin, Louis
The Statistical Analysis of Categorical Data by Andersen, Erling B.
The Applied Economics of Labour by
Short History of Economic Progress: A Course in Economic History by Brenner, Y. S.
State Structure, Policy Formation, and Economic Development in Southeast Asia: The Political Economy of Thailand and the Philippines by Raquiza, Antoinette R.
The Economics of the Patent System by Kaufer, E.
Continuous Improvement Strategies: Japanese Convenience Store Systems by Marutschke, D.
The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom from 1870 to 2005 by Lee, Clive
Japanese Global Management: Theory and Practice at Overseas Subsidiaries by Yamazaki, K.
Spaces of International Economy and Management: Launching New Perspectives on Management and Geography by
Gabler Lexikon Corporate Finance by
Introduction to the Economic History of China by Kirby, Stuart
Die Auswirkungen der Weltwirtschaftskrise auf die Automobilbranche: Ursachen, Maßnahmen und Folgen by Klecha, Tobias
Geographies of Commodity Chains by
Switzerland and the European Union: A Close, Contradictory and Misunderstood Relationship by
Die Auswirkungen der Subprimekrise auf die Private Equity Branche by Stoll, Melanie
Corporate Venture Capital: Bridging the Equity Gap in the Small Business Sector by McNally, Kevin
"Phantom of Fear": The Banking Panic of 1933 by Fuller, Robert Lynn
Methods of Mathematical Economics: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Fixed-Point Theorems by Franklin, Joel
Arbeitsbuch "Kostenrechnung" by Zöller, W., Uebele, H.
Wer Verantwortet Den Industriellen Fortschritt?: Auf Der Suche Nach Orientierung Im Geflecht Von Unternehmen, Gesellschaft Und Umwelt by Detzer, Kurt
Economic Theory of Fuzzy Equilibria: An Axiomatic Analysis by Billot, Antoine
Optimum and Equilibrium for Regional Economies: Collected Papers of Noboru Sakashita by
Concepts and Models of a Quantitative Sociology: The Dynamics of Interacting Populations by Weidlich, W., Haag, G.
Theory of Markets: Trade and Space-Time Patterns of Price Fluctuations a Study in Analytical Economics by Roehner, Bertrand M.
Urban Traffic Networks: Dynamic Flow Modeling and Control by
Competitive European Peripheries by
Solarvorhaben by
Deutsche Direktinvestitionen in Der Volksrepublik China: Vielfältige Perspektiven Erfolgreicher Zusammenarbeit by Wang, Zhile
Global Interdependence: Simulation and Gaming Perspectives Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of the International Simulation an by
Technological Change, Economic Development and Space by
Test Policy and Test Performance: Education, Language, and Culture by
European Monetary Integration: EMS Developments and International Post-Maastricht Perspectives by
Partial Identification of Probability Distributions by Manski, Charles F.
Infrastructure and the Complexity of Economic Development by
Internationale Umweltpolitik: Eine Analyse Aus Umweltökonomischer Sicht by Krumm, Raimund
Telearbeit: Ein Praktischer Wegweiser by Gröpler, Klaus, Rensmann, Jörg Hubert
Globalization of Services: Some Implications for Theory and Practice by
Cross-Cultural Knowledge Management: Fostering Innovation and Collaboration Inside the Multicultural Enterprise by Del Giudice, Manlio, Della Peruta, Maria Rosaria, Carayannis, Elias G.
Working Hard, Working Poor: A Global Journey by Fields, Gary S.
Global Development Finance 2012 by World Book, Inc
History of Spatial Economic Theory by Ponsard, C.
Case Management in österreichischen Krankenanstalten: Herausforderung und Chance by Gottwald, Susanna
Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and East Asia: A Challenge for Japan and Germany by
Export Activity and Strategic Trade Policy by
India: Acquiring Its Way to a Global Footprint by
Crisis Management in Chinese Organizations: Benefiting from the Changes by Alas, Ruth, Gao, Junhong
China and Europe: The Implications of the Rise of China for European Space by
The Cooperation Challenge of Economics and the Protection of Water Supplies: A Case Study of the New York City Watershed Collaboration by Hoffman, Joan
Environmental Amenities and Regional Economic Development by
Sustaining China's Economic Growth: After the Global Financial Crisis by Lardy, Nicholas
The Use of Economic Valuation in Environmental Policy: Providing Research Support for the Implementation of EU Water Policy Under Aquastress by
Real Adjustment Processes Under Floating Exchange Rates by
Population, Economy, and Welfare in Sweden by
The Consistent Preferences Approach to Deductive Reasoning in Games by Asheim, Geir B.
India: Acquiring Its Way to a Global Footprint by
Best Practices in Management Accounting by
Interactive Learning for Innovation: A Key Driver Within Clusters and Innovation Systems by
The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000 by Francks, Penelope
Eisenhower and the Cold War Economy by McClenahan, William M., Becker, William H.
Crisis Management in Chinese Organizations: Benefiting from the Changes by Alas, Ruth, Gao, Junhong
Networked Consumers: Dynamics of Interactive Consumers in Structured Environments by Silver, Steven
Evolution of Competition Laws and Their Enforcement: A Political Economy Perspective by Mehta, Pradeep
Exporting Services: A Developing Country Perspective by
Access to Knowledge in India: New Research on Intellectual Property, Innovation and Development by Subramanian, Ramesh, Shaver, Lea
Public Finance: An International Perspective by Greene, Joshua E.
Your Macroeconomic Edge: Investing Strategies for the Post-Recession World by Romero, Philip J.
German Yearbook on Business History 1988 by
Foundations of Economic Development by Aulin, Arvid
Zwischen Wirtschaftstheorie Und Wirtschaftspolitik: Ausgewählte Beiträge Von Gottfried Bombach by Bombach, Gottfried
Reducing CO2 Emissions: A Comparative Input-Output-Study for Germany and the UK by Proops, John L. R.
In-Patient Treatment for Alcoholism: A Multi-Centre Evaluation Study by Küfner, Heinrich
Urban Agglomeration and Economic Growth by
German Yearbook on Business History 1986 by
The Global Race for Foreign Direct Investment: Prospects for the Future by
Nonlinear Dynamical Economics and Chaotic Motion by Lorenz, Hans-Walter
Technologietransfer Internationalisierungs- Und Nationalisierungstendenzen by Stoll, Peter-Tobias
Multinationals in the New Europe and Global Trade by
Chinese International Investments by Fetscherin, Marc, Alon, Ilan
Europa Imaginieren: Der Europäische Binnenmarkt ALS Kulturelle Und Wirtschaftliche Aufgabe by
The China-Latin America Axis: Emerging Markets and the Future of Globalisation by Fornés, G., Philip, A. Butt
Interregional Migration: Dynamic Theory and Comparative Analysis by
Applied Stochastic System Modeling by Osaki, Shunji
The Future of Transportation and Communication: Visions and Perspectives from Europe, Japan, and the U.S.A. by
Wages, Regime Switching, and Cycles by Greenberg, Edward, Ferri, Piero
The Global Industrial Complex: Systems of Domination by
Work Time Regulation as Sustainable Full Employment Strategy: The Social Effort Bargain by Lajeunesse, Robert
Chinese International Investments by Alon, Ilan, Fetscherin, Marc
Bank Regulatory Reforms in Africa by
Der Wettbewerb im deutschen Strommarkt: Eine institutionenökonomische Analyse by Lüdtke, Matti
Getting it Wrong: How Faulty Monetary Statistics Undermine the Fed, the Financial System, and the Economy by Barnett, William A.
Selling to the Masses: Retailing in Russia, 1880-1930 by Hilton, Marjorie
Cotton and Race in the Making of America: The Human Costs of Economic Power by Dattel, Gene
Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about Our Money System and How We Can Break Free by Brown, Ellen Hodgson
Just Growth: Inclusion and Prosperity in America's Metropolitan Regions by Benner, Chris, Pastor, Manuel
Social Innovation: Blurring Boundaries to Reconfigure Markets by
Wages, School Quality, and Employment Demand by Card, David, Krueger, Alan B.
Sacred and Public Land in Ancient Athens by Papazarkadas, Nikolaos
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Verlieren deutsche Großstädte ihren Zentralitätsstatus? by Fink, Julian
Die Haushaltspolitik der US-Bundesstaaten - Lehren für die EWWU by Kindervater, Tom
Chinas Durst nach globalen Ressourcen: Konfliktpotential und ökonomische Konsequenzen by Kindervater, Tom
Deutschland auf dem Weg zur Basarökonomie by Kindervater, Tom
Makroökonomische Multifaktormodelle zur Prognose von Aktienrenditen: Empirische Analyse europäischer Aktien der Banken- und Industriebranche by Schepers, Christoph
Logistik Und Qualitätsmanagement Im Gesundheitsbetrieb: Betriebswirtschaft Für Das Gesundheitswesen by Frodl, Andreas
A Way Forward: Building a Globally Competitive South by
Target leverage and capital structure adjustment speed across German industries by Weidinger, Christian
Innovation, Knowledge and Growth: Adam Smith, Schumpeter and the Moderns by Kurz, Heinz D.
Designing Public Procurement Policy in Developing Countries: How to Foster Technology Transfer and Industrialization in the Global Economy by
Uniting on Food Assistance: The Case for Transatlantic Cooperation by
Die Transformation des Wohnbausektors der Stadt Chemnitz unter Berücksichtigung der Plattenbausiedlungen by Glöckner, Stephan
More and Better Jobs in South Asia by The World Bank, World Bank, Policy
Airport Economics in Latin America and the Caribbean: Benchmarking, Regulation, and Pricing by Serebrisky Tomas Sebastian, Serebrisky, Tomas Sebastian
The Cartoon Introduction to Economics, Volume II: Macroeconomics by Bauman, Yoram
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