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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

The Economics of the National Football League: The State of the Art by
Tax Structure And Economic Growth In Nigeria by Nwosu, Damian
Monetary Policy in a Globalized Economy: A Practitioner's View by Mohan, Rakesh
Moderne Lern-Zeiten: Lernen Und Arbeiten in Der Neuen Fabrik by
Redefining the Process of Retirement: An International Perspective by
Ökonomische Probleme Des Zivilrechts: Beiträge Zum 2. Travemünder Symposium Zur Ökonomischen Analyse Des Rechts, 21.-24. März 1990 by
Wirtschaftswachstum, Strukturwandel Und Dynamischer Wettbewerb: Ernst Helmstädter Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Towards a New Map of Automobile Manufacturing in Europe?: New Production Concepts and Spatial Restructuring by
Financial Risk: Theory, Evidence and Implications: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lo by
Ökonomische Theorie Der Internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Von Volkswirtschaften by Reichel, Richard
Konsequenzen Wirtschaftsrechtlicher Normen: Kreditrecht -- Verbraucherschutz -- Allgemeines Wirtschaftsrecht by
The Fecundity of Mathematical Methods in Economic Theory by Brand, H. W.
Neuere Entwicklungen in Der Wirtschaftsethik Und Wirtschaftsphilosophie by
Beiträge Zur Angewandten Mikroökonomik: Jochen Schumann Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Interwar Unemployment in International Perspective by
Economic Theory and International Trade: Essays in Memoriam J. Trout Rader by
Reiseleitung und Gästeführung by Schmeer-Sturm, Marie-Louise
Rural Tax Reform in China: Policy Processes and Institutional Change by Li, Linda Chelan
Marketing Without Advertising: Brand Preference and Consumer Choice in Cuba by Morales, Emilio, Scarpaci, Joseph
European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2012 by
Strukturgleichungsmodelle Mit Mplus: Eine Praktische Einführung by Christ, Oliver, Schlüter, Elmar
Local Governance and Poverty in Developing Nations by
Studies in the History of Public Economics by
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England 7 Volume Set in 8 Pieces: From the Year After the Oxford Parliament (1259) to the Commencement of the C by Rogers, James E. Thorold
Herausforderung Für Die Deutsche Wissenschaft: Jahresgutachten 1996 by
Extrema of Smooth Functions: With Examples from Economic Theory by El-Hodiri, Mohamed A.
Aspekte Der Internationalen Ökonomie/Aspects of International Economics: Festschrift Für Jürgen Schröder Zum 65. Geburtstag/Studies in Honour of Jürge by
One-Dot Theory Described, Explained, Inferred, Justified, and Applied by Yu, Peter Kien-Hong
Die Unternehmer-Elite: Wachstumsstrategien Erfolgreicher Entrepreneure by Müller, Alfred, Glauner, Wolfgang
Investing in Emerging Markets: The Rules of the Game by Gamble, William B.
The Political Economy of the Natural Resources Curse by Deacon, Robert
The Principles of Political Economy by Sidgwick, Henry
The Neglected Impact of Non-Economic Factors on the Development of Financial Crises and Governmental Responses: The Mexican and Malaysian Cases of the by Sumer, Fahrettin
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England: From the Year After the Oxford Parliament (1259) to the Commencement of the Continental War (1793) by Rogers, Arthur G. L., Rogers, James E. Thorold
Nachfrageorientierte Wachstumsansätze und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum by Hammer, Sebastian
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 2 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 1 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 3 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 4 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 5 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 6 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
A History of Agriculture and Prices in England - Volume 7 by Rogers, James E. Thorold
Integration, Sezession und das Austrittsrecht im Lissabon-Vertrag by Wahl, Sascha
German Yearbook on Business History 1981 by
Economic Interdependence and Cooperation in Europe by
The Political Economy of Progressive Taxation by
Operations Management of Distributed Service Networks: A Practical Quantitative Approach by Ahituv, Niv, Berman, Oded
Knowing When You Do Not Know: Simulating the Poverty and Distributional Impacts of an Economic Crisis by
Storable Votes: Protecting the Minority Voice by Casella, Alessandra
Sino-Latin American Economic Relations by
Die kleinen Golfstaaten - Fokussierung versus Diversifizierung by Wille, Adrian
Cimmit 2000 Jahrbuch Immobilien: Märkte -- Entwicklungen -- Visionen by
New Institutional Arrangements for the World Economy by
Gabler Lexikon Werbung by
Theory and Practice of International Trade Linkage Models by Italianer, A.
Transport Decisions in an Age of Uncertainty: Proceedings of the Third World Conference on Transport Research Rotterdam, 26 - 28 April, 1977 by
Die Prognosekraft der industriellen Produktion für Aktienrenditen - eine empirische Analyse by Sahle, Max
Is recycling sensible?: Evaluation of the Efficiency of Germany's Municipal Solid Glass Waste Management System by Fischer, Roman
French Mercantilist Doctrines Before Colbert by Cole, Charles Woolsey
Hamilton and the National Debt: Problems in American Civilization by
Anti-Äquilibrium: Über Die Theorien Der Wirtschaftssysteme Und Die Damit Verbundenen Forschungsaufgaben by Kornai, J.
Ethics in Economics, Business, and Economic Policy by
Monetary and Fiscal Policy in an Integrated Europe by
The Political Economy of the Chinese Coal Industry: Black Gold and Blood-Stained Coal by Wright, Tim
A Treatise on Political Economy by Destutt de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude
The Economists' Voice: Top Economists Take on Today's Problems by
Distributive Justice and Inequality: A Selection of Papers Given at a Conference, Berlin, May 1986 by
Economic Warfare: Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics by Abdelnour, Ziad K.
Reduction of surface sealing in urban areas: A cost-benefit analysis for Munich in Germany by Meyer, Markus
Marketing Für Entscheider: Analysen -- Strategien -- Erfolgskontrollen by Bock, Petra
Abb Der Tanzende Riese: Von Der Fusion Zum Erfolgreichen Global Player by Barham, Kevin, Heimer, Claudia
Gabler Wirtschaftswörterbuch Russisch: Band 1: Deutsch -- Russisch by Salistschew, Wiatscheslaw
Vilfredo Pareto: Beyond Disciplinary Boundaries by
Disequilibrium, Growth and Labor Market Dynamics: Macro Perspectives by Chiarella, Carl, Flaschel, Peter
Die Theorie der komparativen Kostenvorteile nach David Ricardo by Hammer, Sebastian
The Foundations of Economics: History and Theory in the Analysis of Economic Reality by Eucken, Walter
Ungleichheits- und Armutsmessung in Industrieländern by Ilsever, Eyüp
Die Auswirkungen der Elektromobilität auf Österreich und die Emissionsziele by Hirschbichler, Florian
Gabler Lexikon Vertrieb Und Handel by Pepels, Werner
Werte Messen -- Werte Schaffen: Von Der Unternehmensbewertung Zum Shareholder-Value-Management by
Die Hohe Schule Des Total Quality Management by
The Ethical Dimension of Financial Institutions and Markets by
Current Account Imbalances of Selected Middle Eastern Countries: Why and how to solve it by Wille, Adrian
Capital account liberalization and stability of capital markets in India: An empirical analysis by Nair, Lekshmi R.
Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market by Bagehot, Walter
Kompetenzentwicklung mit langzeitarbeitslosen Sozialhilfebeziehenden in der Schweiz by Zurbriggen, Eveline
AIDS und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Afrika - Wege aus der Krise by Kress, Kai
Die Bundesrepublik als konservativer Wohlfahrtsstaat (Esping-Andersen) by Wolf, Christian
Die Kunst Der Klugheit: Lebensweisheiten Nach Baltasar Gracián Zu Neuem Leben Erweckt by
Aktivposten Wissenskapital: Unsichtbare Werte Bilanzierbar Machen by Edvinsson, Leif, Brünig, Gisela
Unternehmerischer Wandel: Konzepte Zur Organisatorischen Erneuerung by
A Microeconomic Approach to the Measurement of Economic Performance: Productivity Growth, Capacity Utilization, and Related Performance Indicators by Morrison, Catherine J.
Handbuch Des Wissenschaftstransfers by
Ferdinand Piëch: Der Auto-Macher by Stiens, Rita
Erfolg Ist Eine Reise: Der Weg Zu Motivation Und Persönlichkeit by Tracy, Brian
Recent Developments in Applied Demand Analysis: Alcohol, Advertising and Global Consumption by Selvanathan, E. a., Clements, Kenneth W.
Recycling and Resource Recovery Engineering: Principles of Waste Processing by Stessel, Richard I.
Bevölkerungsentwicklung, Rentenfinanzierung Und Einkommensverteilung by Weizsäcker, Robert K. Von
Gabler Lexikon Recht in Der Wirtschaft by
Acts of God and Man: Ruminations on Risk and Insurance by Powers, Michael
Demystifying the Chinese Economy by Lin, Justin Yifu
Demystifying the Chinese Economy by Lin, Justin Yifu
Interest Rates, Prices and Liquidity by
Working with Economic Indicators: Interpretation and Sources by Stengel, Donald N.
Energy Demand: Facts and Trends: A Comparative Analysis of Industrialized Countries by Chateau, B., Lapillonne, B.
Regional Exchange Rate Management and Trade Integration in East Asia by Rahman, Mizanur