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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Markets & the Liability of American Business: 2011 Markets in the United States and Todays Economy & Government by Reeves, Jayson
Umweltmanagement in deutschen und amerikanischen Unternehmen by Dötsch, Alexander
Who Needs to Open the Capital Account? by Subramanian, Arvind, Williamson, John, Jeanne, Olivier
Commercial Law of the European Union by Moens, Gabriël, Trone, John
How China's Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders by Kuhn, Robert Lawrence
Sustainability Networks: Cognitive Tools for Expert Collaboration in Social-Ecological Systems by Hukkinen, Janne
Economics of Air Pollution by Kumar, Surender
Quality of Service im Internet: Eine ökonomische Analyse by Vogler, Timo
Markets, Morals, and Policy-Making: A New Defence of Free-Market Economics by Colombatto, Enrico
Permit Trading in Different Applications by
Artisan Entrepreneurs in Cairo and Early-Modern Capitalism (1600-1800) by Hanna, Nelly
Commanders of Dutch East India Ships in the Eighteenth Century by Bruijn, Jaap R.
Keelmen of Tyneside by Fewster, Joseph
Global Leadership in Transition: Making the G20 More Effective and Responsive by
A Study in Trade-Cycle History: Economic Fluctuations in Great Britain 1833 1842 by Matthews, R. C. O.
Russian Culture, Property Rights, and the Market Economy by Procaccia, Uriel
New State of MCDM in the 21st Century: Selected Papers of the 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making 2009 by
Asset Prices, Booms and Recessions: Financial Economics from a Dynamic Perspective by Semmler, Willi
Ecosystem Services and Global Trade of Natural Resources: Ecology, Economics and Policies by
Die Entwicklung der Gesundheitssysteme in den ehemaligen Ostblockstaaten am Beispiel der Tschechischen Republik: Eine theoretische Analyse by Wiefel, Janina
Sraffa and Modern Economics, Volume II by Mongiovi, Gary, Ciccone, Roberto, Gehrke, Christian
The Art of Speculation by Carret, Philip L.
Innovation and Regional Growth in the European Union by Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés, Crescenzi, Riccardo
Eine Analyse der Rechtfertigung für staatliche Regulierung im Finanzsektor by Hanisch, Max
The Chicago Credit Market: Organization and Institutional Structure by Palyi, Melchior
The Trade Impact of European Union Preferential Policies: An Analysis Through Gravity Models by
Alberta's Political Pioneers: A Biographical Account of the United Farmers of Alberta by Mardon, Austin
Gesundheit Bei Der Arbeit ALS Thema Von Kammern: Kleinbetriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement Auf Der Agenda Beruflicher Und Wirtschaftlicher Selbstverwal by Ammon, Ursula, Maylandt, Jens, Pröll, Ulrich
Organisation Im Gesundheitsbetrieb: Betriebswirtschaft Für Das Gesundheitswesen by Frodl, Andreas
Invisible Hands, Russian Experience, and Social Science: Approaches to Understanding Systemic Failure by Hedlund, Stefan
Barriers to Asset Recovery by Gray, Larissa, Stephenson, Kevin, Power, Ric
The Economic Theory of Eminent Domain by Miceli, Thomas J.
Regulating Global Corporate Capitalism by Picciotto, Sol
Regulating Global Corporate Capitalism by Picciotto, Sol
Dragon's Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa by Brautigam, Deborah
Fiscal Federalism in India by Mahapatra, Mihir
Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States by Hanieh, Adam
Health Care Reform Simplified: Guide Your Family and Your Business Through Health Care Reform by Parks, David
Regional and Local Economic Development by Breitbach, Carrie, Hague, Cliff
Poor Poverty: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies: The Impoverishment of Analysis, Measurement and Policies by United Nations
Le Marché aux Bestiaux de la Villette et les abattoirs de la ville de Paris. Guide historique et pratique, etc by Thomas, Ernest
Reformen am Arbeitsmarkt am Beispiel von Hartz IV by Backhaus, Andreas
Nuovi Modelli Di Business E Creazione Di Valore: La Scienza Dei Servizi by Varaldo, Riccardo, Cinquini, Lino, Di Minin, Alberto
Die ökosoziale Marktwirtschaft und die neue (soziale) Marktwirtschaft: Natürliche, gesellschaftsvertragliche, spontane und künstliche Elemente by Lira-Mayer, Julia
Was regeln internationale Zollabkommen und Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen? by Brause, Steve
The Use of Management Projections for Valuations: A BVR Special Report by
Economics and Diversity by D'Ippoliti, Carlo
The New Brazil by Roett, Riordan
Leistungsbilanzungleichgewichte im Euro-Raum: Ursachen, Probleme und Perspektiven by Wagner, Livia
China and Africa Development Relations by
The Dollarization Process in Ecuador by Suarez-Cruz, Eduardo
(Auch) Nutzen oder (nur) Nachteil aus Brain-Drain? by Rauch, Carolin
Inclusiveness in India: A Strategy for Growth and Equality by
Emergent Results of Artificial Economics by
A Guide to the World Bank by World Bank
Getting the Most Out of Free Trade Agreements in Central America by
Meeting the Balance of Electricity Supply and Demand in Latin America and the Caribbean by Andrés, Luis Alberto, Yépez-García, Rigoberto Ariel, Johnson, Todd M.
The Political Economy of Decentralization Reforms: Implications for Aid Effectiveness by Eaton, Kent, Kaiser, Kai-Alexander, Smoke, Paul J.
The Divine Economy: A Study In Stewardship by Conrad, Alphin Carl
The Business Cycle by Matthews, R. C. O.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Development by
Men, Women, and Money: Perspectives on Gender, Wealth, and Investment 1850-1930 by
Quantitative Financial Risk Management by
Charting China's Future: Domestic and International Challenges by
Charting China's Future: Domestic and International Challenges by
Underemployment: Psychological, Economic, and Social Challenges by
Physiocracy, Antiphysiocracy and Pfeiffer by
The Recession and Beyond: Local and Regional Responses to the Downturn by
Les defis de la Centrafrique. gouvernance et stabilisation du systeme economique by Yele, Roger, Doko, Paul
The Economic Theory of Eminent Domain: Private Property, Public Use by Miceli, Thomas J.
Trade Expansion through Market Connection by World Bank
The Wealth Of Nations: Abridged by Smith, Adam
The Second Law of Economics: Energy, Entropy, and the Origins of Wealth by Kümmel, Reiner
The Origins of Business, Money, and Markets by Roberts, Keith
Capitalism 4.0: The Birth of a New Economy in the Aftermath of Crisis by Kaletsky, Anatole
Beyond the Myth: Indian Business Communities in Singapore by Bhattacharya, Jayati
Regulating the British Economy, 1660�1850 by
Britain and Europe Since 1945: Historiographical Perspectives on Integration by Daddow, Oliver
Complex Evolutionary Dynamics in Urban-Regional and Ecologic-Economic Systems: From Catastrophe to Chaos and Beyond by Rosser, J. Barkley
Economic Growth in Britain and France 1780-1914 (Routledge Revivals): Two Paths to the Twentieth Century by O'Brien, Patrick, Keyder, Caglar
Economic Efficiency and Social Welfare (Routledge Revivals): Selected Essays on Fundamental Aspects of the Economic Theory of Social Welfare by Mishan, E. J.
The Foundations of Modern Time Series Analysis by Mills, Terence C.
Economic Behaviour (Routledge Revivals): An Introduction by Harbury, Colin
Evolutionary Macroeconomics (Routledge Revivals) by Foster, John
Money, Credit and the Economy (Routledge Revivals) by Coghlan, Richard
Encyclopedia of International Development by
Reaktionen der Devisenmärkte auf temporäre Schocks by Reichenberger, Jan
How the Globalization of Capital Markets Has Affected the Listing Behavior of Foreign Issuers: The Case of Daimler's Listing on the NYSE by Wöller, LL M. (Fordham) Andreas
Trade and Economic Growth: Growth and Welfare Effects of Trade and Comparative Advantage by Martins, Julia
The Theory of Economic Integration by Balassa, Bela
The World Economy in Transition (Routledge Revivals) by Beenstock, Michael
Multilateralism and Regionalism in Global Economic Governance: Trade, Investment and Finance by
Macrojustice: The Political Economy of Fairness by Kolm, Serge-Christophe
Great Recession, The: History, Ideology, Hubris and Nemesis by Heng, Michael Siam-Heng
Global Ecology and Unequal Exchange: Fetishism in a Zero-Sum World by Hornborg, Alf
Estimation of Spatial Panels by Yu, Jihai, Lee, Lung-Fei
Happiness Economics: A New Road to Measuring and Comparing Happiness by van Praag, Bernard M. S., Ferrer-I-Carbonell, Ada
The Reinterpretation of Italian Economic History by Fenoaltea, Stefano
Adam Smith: And the Scotland of His Day by Fay, C. R. 1884
China's Exchange Rate System Reform: Lessons for Macroeconomic Policy Management by Yip, Paul Sau Leung
Die Griechenland-Krise: Ein Beweis für die Unwirksamkeit von Schuldenbremsen? by Molz, Georg
A Solutions Manual for General Equilibrium, Overlapping Generations Models, and Optimal Growth Theory by Bewley, Truman F.
Von der Immobilienblase zur Finanzkrise: Ursachen und Folgen von Preisblasen und was die Geldpolitik dagegen tun kann by Brauers, Maximilian
How I Trade and Invest in Stocks and Bonds by Wyckoff, Richard D.
Managerial Economics: Concepts and Principles by Stengel, Donald N.
The Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Islamic Banking: A Comparative Look at the United Kingdom and Malaysia by Aldohni, Abdul Karim
Market and Society: The Great Transformation Today by
Colonial Social Accounting by Deane, Phyllis
Cyclical Movements in the Balance of Payments by Chang, Tse Chun
Global Electrification: Multinational Enterprise and International Finance in the History of Light and Power, 1878 2007 by Hausman, William J., Hertner, Peter, Wilkins, Mira
The Roman Bazaar: A Comparative Study of Trade and Markets in a Tributary Empire by Bang, Peter Fibiger
Camille Gutt and Postwar International Finance by Crombois, Jean F.
In Search of China's Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus by
The German Economy in the Twentieth Century (Routledge Revivals): The German Reich and the Federal Republic by Braun, Hans-Joachim
Problems of Economic Policy (Routledge Revivals) by Hartley, Keith
The Phenomenon of Money (Routledge Revivals) by Crump, Thomas
Austrian Economics (Routledge Revivals): Historical and Philosophical Background by
Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial Collapse by Senate Subcommittee on Investigations, United States
Towards a Northeast Asian Security Community: Implications for Korea's Growth and Economic Development by
Too Much Luck: The Mining Boom and Australia's Future by Cleary, Paul
Ragnar Nurkse: Trade and Development by
Die Soziale Marktwirtschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland - ein realisiertes Konzept?: Analyse von Genesis, theoretischem Gehalt und praktischer Verw by Thalemann, Gero
East Texas Lumber Workers: An Economic and Social Picture, 1870-1950 by Allen, Ruth A.
The Logic of Classical Liberalism: Ethics, Society, and Economics by Guenin, Jacques De
Wall Street and the Financial Crisis: Anatomy of a Financial Collapse by United States, Senate Subcommittee on Investigations
Revolt! by Asimakopoulos, John
Ragnar Nurkse (1907-2007): Classical Development Economics and Its Relevance for Today by
A 'Short Treatise' on the Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1613) by Serra, Antonio
The Greenbacks and Resumption of Specie Payments, 1862-1879 by Barrett, Don C.
The Russian Fur Trade, 1550-1700 by Fisher, Raymond H.
Die Bedeutung und Wirkung der Östlichen Partnerschaft und Zentralasienstrategie der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Europäischen Nachbarschaftspoliti by Korzer, Manfred
Das Krankenhaus Zwischen Ökonomischer Und Medizinischer Vernunft: Krankenhausmanager Und Ihre Konzepte by Bär, Stefan
New Global Ict-Based Business Models by Lindgren, Peter
A Dictionary of International Trade Organizations and Agreements by Holden, Patrick
Strukturwandel im Ruhrgebiet: Genese und Wandel eines monostrukturellen Wirtschaftsraums by Blanke, Moritz
Supply Chain Coordination in Case of Asymmetric Information: Information Sharing and Contracting in a Just-In-Time Environment by Vogt, Guido
Barriers to Trade in Services in the Cefta Region by Sestovic, Lazar, Handjiski, Borko
Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran: A Moment in World History by Bulliet, Richard
Ours to Master and to Own: Workers' Control from the Commune to the Present by
Förderung der Studienorientierung by Onuscheit, Kai, Hasse, Stefan
The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America by Marrs, Jim
The Great Reset by Florida, Richard
Endogenous Origins of Economic Reforms in India and China: The Role of Attitudinal Changes: India (1980-1984) and China (1978-1982) by Maluste, Rajiv G.
Fur, Fortune, and Empire: The Epic History of the Fur Trade in America by Dolin, Eric Jay
The Global Economic Crisis: New Perspectives on the Critique of Economic Theory and Policy by
The Semiotics of Law in Legal Education by
The Global Great Recession by Canterbery, E. Ray
Das Internet Der Zukunft: Bewährte Erfolgstreiber Und Neue Chancen by
Odious Debt: Law-And-Economics Perspectives by Bonilla, Stephania
Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung und deren Auswirkung auf das Rentensystem: Ein Vergleich zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Republik Türkei by Sakalli, Mithat
Taiwan's Democracy: Economic and Political Challenges by
Taiwan's Democracy: Economic and Political Challenges by
How America Was Financed: The True Story of Northeastern Pennsylvania's Contribution to the Financial and Economic Greatness of the United State by Dombroski, Thomas And Ronald W.
Official Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations 1851 by Anonymous
Assessing Cost Recovery; A New Comparative Framework in Line with WFD Article 9 by Ammermüller, Britta
Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe by
Taiwan's Economic Transformation: Leadership, Property Rights and Institutional Change 1949-1965 by Kuo, Tai-Chun, Myers, Ramon H.
The Power Of Inspired Salesmanship by Bennett, Millard
Tycoons and Tyrant: German Industry from Hitler to Adenauer by Lochner, Louis Paul
Ethik und Volkswirtschaft in der Geschichte by Brentano, L.
Chr. W. Dohm - Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Nationalökonomie by Rappaport, Mordché Wolf
Die volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung Bulgariens von 1879 bis zur Gegenwart by Von Battenberg, Franz Joseph Prinz
Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft by Bücher, Karl
Unterrichtsskript Volkswirtschaftslehre: Alle wichtigen Gebiete mit den Kernaussagen by Wünsche, Manfred
World Commodities And World Currency by Graham, Benjamin
Origin Management: Rules of Origin in Free Trade Agreements by Van De Heetkamp, Anne, Tusveld, Ruud
The Fourth Economy: Inventing Western Civilization by Davison, Ron
Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance by Gilli, Manfred, Maringer, Dietmar, Schumann, Enrico
Die Devisenmärkte in der Krise: Von der Weltfinanzkrise zur Eurokrise by Reichenberger, Jan
The Global Curse of the Federal Reserve: Manifesto for a Second Monetarist Revolution by Brown, B.
Crisis: Cause, Containment and Cure by T.
Die Zinstheorie - Beispiele für das EUR-Währungsgebiet by Mack, Patrick
The Economic Reader: Textbooks, Manuals and the Dissemination of the Economic Sciences During the 19th and Early 20th Centuries. by
Global Perspectives on Insurance Today: A Look at National Interest Versus Globalization by
Doing Money: Elementary Monetary Theory from a Sociological Standpoint by Ganßmann, Heiner
The Qatar-Nepal Remittance Corridor: Enhancing the Impact and Integrity of Remittance Flows by Reducing Inefficiencies in the Migration Process by Endo, Isaku, Afram, Gabi G.
What Went Wrong with Economics: The flawed assumptions that led economists astray by Reiss, Michael
Euro: How save to it by Thayer, William
Global Competitive Strategy by Spulber, Daniel F.
Finanzmarktstabilität und -regulierung: Lehren aus der jüngsten Weltwirtschaftskrise 2008 by Liefke, Oliver
British Industrialists: Steel and Hosiery 1850 1950 by Erickson, Charlotte
The Origins of Mercosur: Democracy and Regionalization in South America by Gardini, G.
Challenges for the Singapore Economy After the Global Financial Crisis by
Die Zukunft Der Dienstleistungsökonomie: Momentaufnahme Und Perspektiven by Stampfl, Nora S.
The Origins of Mercosur: Democracy and Regionalization in South America by Gardini, G.
The Local Alternative: Decentralization and Economic Development by
The Local Alternative: Decentralization and Economic Development by
Die Finanz- und Wirtschaftspolitik des US-Präsidenten William Jefferson Clinton 1993-2001 by Roy, Ludovic
Transitions to Sustainable Development: New Directions in the Study of Long Term Transformative Change by Grin, John, Rotmans, Jan, Schot, Johan
Die Schwankung von Beta-Faktoren und mögliche Begründungen: The fluctuation of beta-factors and possible substantiations by Raulf, Frank
Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market by Bagehot, Walter
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
From Windfall to Curse?: Oil and Industrialization in Venezuela, 1920 to the Present by Di John, Jonathan
Der Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt by Kilger, Moritz
Sozialer Kapitalismus by Chan, Shu Kai
Die Komplexität des Social Engineerings in der Entwicklung marktwirtschaftlicher Strukturen in Entwicklungsländern: Moderne Technologien und Armutsbek by Krüger, Hannes
Photovoltaik (solare Stromerzeugung) als Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen Energiezukunft in Deutschland by Maleshkova, Pavlina
International Economics of Resource Efficiency: Eco-Innovation Policies for a Green Economy by
Vertikale Integration Im Erdgasmarkt: Eine Industrieökonomische Betrachtung by Schumacher, Thomas
Fiat Money Inflation in France by White, Andrew Dickson
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