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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Einführende Unterrichtssequenz zur Förderung der Kompetenz bei der Lösung von Rechtsfällen im Ökonomieunterricht: Planung, Durchführung und Evaluation by Berger, Stefan
The Outline of Sanity by Chesterton, G. K.
Outline of Sanity by Chesterton, G. K.
The Dynamics of Local Learning in Global Value Chains: Experiences from East Asia by
Humanistic Ethics in the Age of Globality by
Retail Internationalization in China: Expansion of Foreign Retailers by Siebers, L. Qixun
Mobilising Capital for Emerging Markets: What Can Structured Finance Contribute? by
Retail Internationalization in China: Expansion of Foreign Retailers by Siebers, L. Qixun
Chinese Investment in Australia: Unique Insights from the Mining Industry by Austin, I., Huang, X.
The Dynamics of Local Learning in Global Value Chains: Experiences from East Asia by
Humanistic Ethics in the Age of Globality by
Deficit: Why Should I Care? by Bussing-Burks, Marie
Institutions, Human Development and Economic Growth in Transition Economies by Tridico, P.
Liberalizing Financial Services and Foreign Direct Investment: Developing a Framework for Commercial Banking FDI by Páez, L.
Indian Multinationals: The Dynamics of Explosive Growth in a Developing Country Context by Nayak, Amar
Chinese Investment in Australia: Unique Insights from the Mining Industry by Huang, X., Austin, I.
Indian Multinationals: The Dynamics of Explosive Growth in a Developing Country Context by Nayak, Amar
The Adam Smith Review, Volume 6 by
Konjunkturzyklen - Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in der kurzen, mittleren und langen Frist by Krönig, Moritz, Mayer, David
DebtOcracy: & Odious Debt Explained by Robinson, David E.
Europe, East Asia and Apec: A Shared Global Agenda? by
Risk and Social Change in an African Rural Economy: Livelihoods in Pastoralist Communities by McPeak, John G., Little, Peter D., Doss, Cheryl R.
The Role of Policymakers in Business Cycle Fluctuations by Granato, Jim, Wong, M. C. Sunny
The Culture of Commerce in England, 1660-1720 by Glaisyer, Natasha
Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Nationalökonomie by Leser, Emanuel
Money and Security: Troops, Monetary Policy, and West Germany's Relations with the United States and Britain, 1950 1971 by Zimmermann, Hubert
The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect by
Entrepreneurship, Geography, and American Economic Growth by Acs, Zoltan J., Armington, Catherine
Federalism and Economic Reform: International Perspectives by
Foundations for a Disequilibrium Theory of the Business Cycle: Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Assessment by Chiarella, Carl, Flaschel, Peter, Franke, Reiner
Walrasian Economics by Walker, Donald A.
Finance Capitalism and Germany's Rise to Industrial Power by Fohlin, Caroline
Economic Development and Cooperation in the Pacific Basin: Trade, Investment, and Environmental Issues by
Business Cycles And Economic Growth by Dusenberry, James S.
Business Ethics by Johnston, Herbert
A Guide for the Young Economist, Second Edition by Thomson, William
Capitalism and American Leadership by Cox, Oliver C.
Priorisierte Medizin: Ausweg Oder Sackgasse Der Gesundheitsgesellschaft? by
Medical Decision Making: A Health Economic Primer by Felder, Stefan, Mayrhofer, Thomas
The Wealth of Nations by Smith, Adam
The Wealth of Nations by Smith, Adam
Organisation Und Umwelt by
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 15 by
Towards Life Cycle Sustainability Management by
Optimisation of Production Under Uncertainty: The State-Contingent Approach by Rasmussen, Svend
Schweizerische Nationalbank: Die SNB wurde mit Ausbruch der Finanzkrise 2007 stark gefordert. Mit welchen weiteren Herausforderungen dürfte die Gel by Dreyer, Caesar
Das Chinesische Währungssystem: Eine ökonomische Analyse der Interventionen auf dem Devisenmarkt by Jäger, Michael
Modeling Risk Management for Resources and Environment in China by
Libertärer Paternalismus - Eine Einführung by Pusch, Karolin
The Tyranny of Utility: Behavioral Social Science and the Rise of Paternalism by Saint-Paul, Gilles
The Poverty of Clio: Resurrecting Economic History by Boldizzoni, Francesco
States of Credit: Size, Power, and the Development of European Polities by Stasavage, David
Global Projects: Institutional and Political Challenges by
Governing the Global Economy: Politics, Institutions and Economic Development by
Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare by
The Invisible Hook: The Hidden Economics of Pirates by Leeson, Peter
Inflation Targeting in Mena Countries: An Unfinished Journey by Boughzala, Mongi
Foreign Direct Investment in China: Spillover Effects on Domestic Enterprises by Deng, Ziliang
Bank Performance, Risk and Firm Financing by
Economic Forecasting and Policy by Carnot, N., Koen, V., Tissot, B.
Marketing Im Gesundheitsbetrieb: Betriebswirtschaft Für Das Gesundheitswesen by Frodl, Andreas
Insurance for Unemployment by Brasse, Valerie, Beenstock, Michael
Economic Forecasting and Policy by Carnot, N., Koen, V., Tissot, B.
Beyond the Enclave: Towards a Pro-Poor and Inclusive Development Strategy for Zimbabwe by
Lebenszyklusorientierte Betriebskosten Bei Gebäudetechnischen Anlagen Im Deutschen Krankenhaussektor by Theis, Fabian
Developing Multicultural Leaders: The Journey to Leadership Success by Muna, F., Zennie, Z.
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Economic Policy: Essays in Honour of Malcolm Sawyer by Arestis, P.
Globalization: A Threat to International Cooperation and Peace? by Panic, M.
Mobile Chinese Entrepreneurs by Wai-Wan, Chan, Kwok-Bun, Chan
The Politics of Neoliberal Reforms in Africa. State and civil society in Cameroon by Konings, Piet
Inflation Targeting in Mena Countries: An Unfinished Journey by Boughzala, Mongi
Developing Multicultural Leaders: The Journey to Leadership Success by Muna, F., Zennie, Z.
Verfahren, Methoden und neue Ansätze zur Beurteilung von Länderrisiken by Kochalumottil, Beena
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism by Bockman, Johanna
Link between trade liberalisation and economic growth by Magg, Felix
Building Capitalism (Routledge Revivals): Historical Change and the Labour Process in the Production of Built Environment by Clarke, Linda
International Economic Actors and Human Rights by McBeth, Adam
Trainingsbuch Zu Varian: Grundzuge Der Mikrookonomik by Varian, Hal R., Bergstrom, Theodore C.
Creating Risk Capital: A Royalty Fund Solution to the Ownership and Financing of Enterprise by Whalley, Ian
Advances in Econometrics: Theory and Applications by
Economic Growth and Income Inequality in China, India and Singapore: Trends and Policy Implications by Rao, Bhanoji, Mukhopadhaya, Pundarik, Shantakumar, G.
Rationalisation and Unemployment (Routledge Revivals): An Economic Dilemma by Hobson, J. A.
Chinese Economists on Economic Reform - Collected Works of Guo Shuqing by Shuqing, Guo
AIDS, Gender and Economic Development by
Innovations in Macroeconomics by
Changing Inequality: Volume 8 by Blank, Rebecca M.
National Income and Economic Growth (Routledge Revivals) by Kurihara, Kenneth Kenkichi
The Economic Development of Continental Europe 1780-1870 by Saul, S. B., Milward, Alan
Reassessing the Paradigm of Economics: Bringing Positive Economics Back into the Normative Framework by Mosini, Valeria
Questioning Financial Governance from a Feminist Perspective by
Institutional Economics and National Competitiveness by
Questioning Financial Governance from a Feminist Perspective by
Applying Care Ethics to Business by
Thrift and Thriving in America: Capitalism and Moral Order from the Puritans to the Present by
AIDS, Gender and Economic Development by
Wachstumstheorie und politische Implikationen by Hoppe, Hendrik
Chancen und Risiken kooperativer Modelle bei der Distribution von nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Lebensmitteln by Hafner, Melanie
Anforderungen an Lehrkräfte im Dualen System beim Einsatz von Wikis in Lehr-Lern-Arrangements by Löwenstein, Katharina
Economic Reforms, Regionalism, and Exports: Comparing China and India by Wignaraja, Ganeshan
Essays In Economics And Econometrics: A Volume In Honor Of Harold Hotelling by
The Economic Factors In The Growth Of Russia: An Economic-Historical Analysis by Chirovsky, Nicholas L.
A Decade of Debt by Rogoff, Kenneth, Reinhart, Carmen
Stock Market Primer by Rosenberg, Claude N., Jr.
Contingent Capital in der Finanzmarktkrise by Jungmann, Martin
Sustainable und Responsible Investment als Kapitalanlagealternative für private Investoren in Spanien by Seufert, Martin
Essays In Dynamics And Econometrics by Fossati, Eraldo
Export Diversification and Economic Growth: An Analysis of Colombia's Export Competitiveness in the European Union's Market by Mejía, Juan Felipe
Asia and China in the Global Economy by
Mathematics for Economists by Pemberton, Malcolm
Success in Agricultural Transformation: What It Means and What Makes It Happen by Tsakok, Isabelle
The Systemic Dimension of Globalization by
Max Weber on Economy and Society (Routledge Revivals) by Holton, Robert, Turner, Bryan
Dumped on, Bond Market Spits Crises! by Odoom, C. Fiifi
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money by Keynes, John Maynard
The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the Future of the World Economy by Varoufakis, Yanis
A History of Heterodox Economics: Challenging the Mainstream in the Twentieth Century by Lee, Frederic
Understanding the Eu Budget by Patterson, Ben
Funding Sources for Community and Economic Development by
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
Studies in East Asian Economies: Capital Flows, Exchange Rates and Monetary Policy by Kahsay, Shibeshi Ghebre, Handa, Jagdish
Zur Bedeutung von Banken in der Neukeynesianischen Makroökonomik by Mahler, Tina
The Economics of Henry George: History's Rehabilitation of America's Greatest Early Economist by Bryson, P.
La Gestione del Trasferimento Tecnologico: Strategie, Modelli E Strumenti by Conti, Giuseppe, Granieri, Massimiliano, Piccaluga, Andrea
The Economics of Henry George: History's Rehabilitation of America's Greatest Early Economist by Bryson, P.
Lässt sich die monetäre Analyse in der Zwei-Säulen-Strategie der EZB ökonomisch begründen? by Sarrazin, Sascha
Besteuerung und Subventionierung in der Seeschifffahrt by Biesenbach, Achim
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Zahlungsbilanz und Wechselkurs in der internationalen Verflechtung der Marktwirtschaften by Suárez Gonzalez, Denis, Lehmann, Melanie
Leadership or Chaos: The Heart and Soul of Politics by Schofield, Norman, Gallego, Maria
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: A Research Annual by
Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction by
Zur Diskussion um den Mindestlohn in Deutschland: Theoretische Argumente und empirische Evidenz by Kummer, Ingrid
Statistics Tables: For Mathematicians, Engineers, Economists and the Behavioural and Management Sciences by Neave, Henry R.
Elementary Statistics Tables by Neave, Henry
Business and Politics in Europe, 1900 1970: Essays in Honour of Alice Teichova by
Market Structure and Competition Policy: Game-Theoretic Approaches by
Money And Credit: Their Influence On Jobs, Prices, And Growth by Commission on Money and Credit
Rediscovering Political Economy by
From Red to Green?: How the Financial Credit Crunch Could Bankrupt the Environment by Hudson, Julie, Donovan, Paul
Die Beiträge von Nash, Harsanyi und Selten in der Spieltheorie by Obrist, Michael, Schorneck, Dominic
Klimaschutz und Ernährung by Kowalla, Janine
Effizienzmarkthypothese vs. Behavioral Finance by Beau, Tobias
Geographische Strukturanalyse Hettstedt by Schulz, Stefan
Comparative study of activities of Sawmilling Industry on the Environment of two selected locations within Southern Nigeria by Ekpe, Sonigitu
The Resource Curse in the context of "Socialism of the 21st Century": How Governance in Venezuela and Ecuador Influences the Transfer of National Reso by Anonymous
The Outline of Sanity by Gilbert, Keith Chesterton
Die Krise der Bayerischen Landesbank by Rudowicz, Jennifer
Der "Index of Economic Freedom" der Heritage Foundation - Konzept und Bedeutung by Feese, Daniel
An Introduction to Agricultural Economics by Nmadu, Job, Taye, Amos
This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly by Reinhart, Carmen M., Rogoff, Kenneth S.
Success in Agricultural Transformation: What It Means and What Makes It Happen by Tsakok, Isabelle
The Internationalisation of Competition Rules by J. Sweeney, Brendan
Asian Versus Western Management Thinking: Its Culture-Bound Nature by Zhang, Yingying, Kase, Kimio, Slocum, Alesia
Beyond Territory: Dynamic Geographies of Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Innovation by
Green Trade Agreements by Colyer, D.
Pro-poor Growth and Liberalization in Developing Economies: The Case of Nepal by Acharya, Sanjaya
Asian Versus Western Management Thinking: Its Culture-Bound Nature by Slocum, Alesia, Kase, Kimio, Zhang, Yingying
Fundamentals of Economic Development Finance, Second Edition by Bischak, Susan Giles
Popular Financial Delusions by Smitley, Robert Lincoln
Die saisonale Arbeitslosigkeit im Hochsauerlandkreis: Betroffene Branchen, Ursachen und Ausmaß by Glusa, Stefan
Planned Economies: Confronting the Challenges of the 1980s by
One Illness Away: Why People Become Poor and How They Escape Poverty by Krishna, Anirudh
The Medieval Fenland by Darby, H. C.
Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe by
International Business and Government Relations in the 21st Century by
Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Parts A - C by
FREEDOM AND PROSPERITY IN THE 21st CENTURY: A Multinational Compendium by Lazarashvili, Zviad Kliment, Chapidze, Gari T., Ihejirika, Chieke E.
The Frontier Wage: The Economic Organization of Free Agents by Dempsey, Bernard W., Thunen, Johann Heinrich Von
Portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for Resource Allocation by
Emissions Trading: Institutional Design, Decision Making and Corporate Strategies by
Constructing a Social Welfare System for All in China by China Development Research Foundation
Risiko, Unsicherheit und Ambiguität: (Risk, Uncertainty and Ambiguity) by Adam, Philipp
Taylorism At Watertown Arsenal: Scientific Management In Action, 1908-1915 by Aitken, Hugh George Jeffrey
The Board Of Directors And Business Management by Towl, Andrew R., Copeland, Melvin T.
Behavioural Economics and Business Ethics: Interrelations and Applications by Rajko, Philip Alexander
Frank H. Knight in Iowa City, 1919 - 1928 by
Wisconsin, Labor, Income, and Institutions: Contributions from Commons and Bronfenbrenner by
Grundzüge Der Mikroökonomischen Theorie by Ströbele, Wolfgang, Meyer, Ulrich, Schumann, Jochen
General Equilibrium Theory of Value by Balasko, Yves
On Labour: Its Wrongful Claims And Rightful Dues, Its Actual Present And Possible Future by Thornton, William Thomas
The Arab Economies in a Changing World by Noland, Marcus, Pack, Howard
Die wirtschaftliche Krise Argentiniens in den Jahren 2001/02 - Ursachen, Verlauf und Konsequenzen by Brinkmann, Lukas
Credit-Default-Indizes und ihre Nutzung by Bachmann, Tim
Trade Liberalisation and Poverty in South Asia by
Global Projects by
Development Poverty and Politics: Putting Communities in the Driver's Seat by Mathema, Ashna, Martin, Richard
"Lohnt sich Arbeit noch?" Die ökonomische, politische und rechtliche Bedeutung des Lohnabstandsgebots: Die Hartz-IV Reformdebatte 2009/2010 by Czaplinski, Robert
Wirtschaftsförderung auf kommunaler Ebene by Suárez Gonzalez, Denis, Lehmann, Melanie
Small Works by Donaldson, John a.
Global Environment of Contemporary Public Action by Amedzro St-Hilaire, Walter Gérard
Drg-Vergütung in Deutschen Krankenhäusern: Auswirkungen Auf Verweildauer Und Behandlungsqualität by Hilgers, Sina
Beyond the Resources of Poverty: Gecekondu Living in the Turkish Capital by Eroglu, Sebnem
Constructing a Social Welfare System for All in China by China Development Research Foundation
South-South Cooperation: Africa on the Centre Stage by
Security Markets: Belarus, Ukraine and Russia by Busse, David
Credit Default Swaps by Bachmann, Tim
Crossing Wall Street - The Road to Independent Financial Security by Clark, Robert L.
Carry Trades und Wechselkurse by Heiderich, Magdalena, Bachmann, Tim
Refugees, Recent Migrants and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways by
The Economics of Excess: Addiction, Indulgence, and Social Policy by Winter, Harold
Creativity, Innovation and the Cultural Economy by
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