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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2011

Agrarian Angst and Rural Resistance in Contemporary Southeast Asia by
Japan, China and Networked Regionalism in East Asia by Rathus, J.
Integrating Insurance and Risk Management for Hazardous Wastes by
Restructuring the American Financial System by
Children and the Capability Approach by
Capitalism at Risk: Rethinking the Role of Business by Paine, Lynn S., Bower, Joseph L., Leonard, Herman B.
Economic Indicators For Dummies by Griffis, Michael
The International Institute of Agriculture and Its Influence on Economic Welfare: Reply to Some Comments Made by the Minister of Agriculture of France by 1849-1919, Lubin David
Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?: How the European Model Can Help You Get a Life by Geoghegan, Thomas
American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900 by Brands, H. W.
Explaining Metals Prices: Economic Analysis of Metals Markets in the 1980s and 1990s by MacAvoy, Paul W.
Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond by
Megatrends in Retail Real Estate by
India's Economic Development Strategies 1951-2000 A.D. by
Choice and Allocation Models for the Housing Market by Rouwendal, J.
Bank Mergers: Current Issues and Perspectives by
Econometrics of Health Care by
Spot Pricing of Electricity by Tabors, Richard D., Schweppe, Fred C., Caramanis, Michael C.
Monetary Policy in Pacific Basin Countries: Papers Presented at a Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco by
Productivity Growth and the Competitiveness of the American Economy: A Carolina Public Policy Conference Volume by
Televised Legislatures: Political Information Technology and Public Choice by Crain, W. Mark, Goff, B.
The Status of Civil Science in Eastern Europe: Proceedings of the Symposium on Science in Eastern Europe, NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Septem by
Measuring the Unmeasurable by
Wirtschaftsstatistik Im Bachelor: Grundlagen Und Datenanalyse by Akkerboom, Hans
Labor, Employment and Agricultural Development in West Asia and North Africa by Tully, Dennis
Efficiency Analysis by Production Frontiers: The Nonparametric Approach by SenGupta, Jati
The Regulation of Motor Vehicle and Traffic Safety by Blomquist, Glenn C.
The Psychological Impact of Unemployment by Feather, Norman T.
Benefits, Costs, and Cycles in Workers' Compensation by
Regulation and Macroeconomic Performance by Goff, Brian L.
Telekommunikationswirtschaft: Deregulierung, Privatisierung Und Internationalisierung by Graack, Cornelius, Welfens, Paul J. J.
Oil & Gas Databook for Developing Countries: With the Special Reference to the Acp Countries by
Test Policy and the Politics of Opportunity Allocation: The Workplace and the Law by
Cooperative Research and Development: The Industry--University--Government Relationship by
Theories of Income Distribution by
Input-Output Analysis: Current Developments by
Resilience of an African Giant: Boosting Growth and Development in the Democratic Republic of Congo by Herderschee, Johannes, Kaiser, Kai-Alexander, Herderschee, Han
David Ricardo: A Biography by Weatherall, D.
Long-Run Economic Growth by
Multiregional Input -- Output Models in Long-Run Simulation by Toyomane, N.
Structural Change in Macroeconomic Models: Theory and Estimation by Vilares, M. J.
The Future of Economic History by
EU Eastern Enlargement and the Russian Transformation Crisis by Welfens, Paul J. J.
The Economics and Policies of Integration -- A Finnish Perspective by
Taxation, Growth and Fiscal Institutions: A Political and Economic Analysis by Lee, Albert J.
Business Aspects of Web Services by Weinhardt, Christof, Blau, Benjamin, Conte, Tobias
Public Policy and Agricultural Development by
The Constitution of Liberty: The Definitive Edition by Hayek, F. a.
Theorie und Praxis der Regulierung monopolistischer Bottlenecks am Beispiel des Elektrizitätsmarktes in Deutschland by Schlotmann, Peter
The Fragile Fabric of Union: Cotton, Federal Politics, and the Global Origins of the Civil War by Schoen, Brian D.
Energy Security: Europe's New Foreign Policy Challenge by Youngs, Richard
Geldpolitik der Zentralbanken im Vorfeld, während und nach der Finanzmarktkrise by Rottmann, Martin
Die wachsenden ausländischen Direktinvestitionen indischer Unternehmen - eine Chance für den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland? by Logen, Michael
Neoclassical Economic Theory, 1870 to 1930 by
Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources by
Contributions to Modern Econometrics: From Data Analysis to Economic Policy by
Integrated Environmental Modelling: Design and Tools by Brouwer, F. M.
Models for Analyzing Comparative Advantage by Kendrick, David Andrew
The Silver Mania: An Exposé of the Causes of High Price Volatility of Silver by Streeter, W. J.
The Value-Added Tax: Orthodoxy and New Thinking by
Macroeconomic Prospects for a Small Oil Exporting Country by
Aggregation, Efficiency, and Measurement by
Changes in the Field of Transport Studies: Essays on the Progress of Theory in Relation to Policy Making by Polak, J. B., Van Der Kamp, J. B.
Criminal Dilemmas: Understanding and Preventing Crime by Sieberg, Katri K.
Economy & Ecology: Towards Sustainable Development by
East European Transport Regions and Modes: Systems and Modes by
Herausforderung Innovation: Eine Interdisziplinäre Debatte by
Enabling Innovation: Innovative Capability - German and International Views by
Selection of Models by Forecasting Intervals by Merkies, A. H.
Preisrisiken durch versteckte Optionen in Bankprodukten: Analyse, Duplikation und Risikomanagement mittels moderner Finanzinstrumente by Nadolny, Björn
Conflicts, Demography and the Economic Volatility in Developing Countries by Messerle, Robert
Risk Habitat Megacity by
European Research Reloaded: Cooperation and Integration Among Europeanized States by
China as a Leader of the World Economy by Chow, Gregory C.
Chindia Rising: Implications for Global Competitiveness by Sheth, Jagdish N.
Das "Magische Viereck" der Deutschen Wirtschaftspolitik: Das Stabilitätsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1967 by Habenicht, Marc
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision by Goodhart, Charles
Mexico's Economic Dilemma: The Developmental Failure of Neoliberalism by Delgado Wise, Raúl, Cypher, James M.
China as a Leader of the World Economy by Chow, Gregory C.
Lernwiderstände in der formalisierten beruflichen Weiterbildung: Analyse der Ursachen und Implikationen für die Unterstützung von Lernprozessen by Ackerschott, Martina
Ill-Gotten Money and the Economy by Slot, Brigitte, Geller, Michael, Yikona, Stuart
Breeding Latin American Tigers: Operational Principles for Rehabilitating Industrial Policies by Devlin, Robert, Moguillansky, Graciela
Overhaul: An Insider's Account of the Obama Administration's Emergency Rescue of the Auto Industry by Rattner, Steven
Econned by Smith, Yves
Economic Policy Making and Business Culture: Why Is Russia So Different? by Dyker, David A.
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Inflation und Staatsverschuldung. Eine kritische Betrachtung by Von Kathen, Robin
Organization, Automation, and Society: The Scientific Revolution in Industry by Brady, Robert Alexander
Labor Mobility In Six Cities: A Report On The Survey Of Patterns And Factors In Labor Mobility, 1940-1950 by Palmer, Gladys Louise, Brainerd, Carol P.
Foreign Direct Investment in Post-Crisis Korea: European Investors and 'Mismatched Globalization' by Cherry, Judith
Government Policies and the Working of Financial Systems in Industrialized Countries by
Inequality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement by
Econometrics of Financial High-Frequency Data by Hautsch, Nikolaus
Flexibility and Commitment in Planning: A Comparative Study of Local Planning and Development in the Netherlands and England by Tvrdý, M., Thomas, D.
Generalized Convexity, Generalized Monotonicity: Recent Results: Recent Results by
Working on the Quality of Working Life: Developments in Europe by
Urban Residential Location Models by Putman, S. H.
La Bagarre: Galiani's "Lost" Parody by
Rationale Technikfolgenbeurteilung: Konzeption Und Methodische Grundlagen by
Soviet Foreign Trade: The Decision Process by Gardner, S. H.
Bank Management in a Changing Domestic and International Environment: The Challenges of the Eighties by
Bifurcation Analysis: Principles, Applications and Synthesis by
Energy Policy Modeling: United States and Canadian Experiences: Volume II Integrative Energy Policy Models by
Introductory Econometrics by Dhrymes, P. J.
Enforcing Environmental Standards: Economic Mechanisms as Viable Means? by
Job Design and Industrial Democracy: The Case of Norway by Bolweg, Joep F.
Regional Models of Trade and Development by Berendsen, B. S. M.
Population Growth and Urban Systems Development: A Case Study by Van Der Knapp, G. a.
Bayesian Analysis and Uncertainty in Economic Theory by
Pricing and Cost Recovery in Long Distance Transport by
An Incomes Policy for the United States: New Approaches by
New Insights Into the Theory of Giffen Goods by
The Reasons for Underdevelopment: The Case of Decolonisation in Somaliland by Strangio, Donatella
The Great Economic Train Wreck: When America Went Off the Rails by Clark, Kevin H.
Asian Regionalism and Japan: The Politics of Membership in Regional Diplomatic, Financial and Trade Groups by Hamanaka, Shintaro
Human Rights, Natural Resource and Investment Law in a Globalised World: Shades of Grey in the Shadow of the Law by Cotula, Lorenzo
Lead and Public Health: Science, Risk and Regulation Volume 10 by Mushak, Paul
Business Innovation in Asia: Knowledge and Technology Networks from Japan by McNamara, Dennis
The Rise of Asia: Trade and Investment in Global Perspective by
Multinational Corporations and the Emerging Network Economy in Asia and the Pacific by
Die internationale Finanzkrise 2007/2008: Problemfelder und Risikopotentiale von Forderungsverbriefungen by Rahn, Jochen
Institutional Economics: Contributions to the Development of Holistic Economics Essays in Honor of Allan G. Gruchy by
The Role of Systems Methodology in Social Science Research by Cavallo, R.
Management and Regional Science for Economic Development by Chatterji, Manas
Lexeconics: The Interaction of Law and Economics by
Dutch-Asiatic Trade 1620 - 1740 by Glamann, Kristof
Allocation of Industry in the Andean Common Market by Ter Wengel, J.
Public Utility Regulation: The Economic and Social Control of Industry by
Human and Energy Factors in Urban Planning: A Systems Approach: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Factors Influencing Urban Design" by
Inhabiting the Earth as a Finite World: An Examination of the Prospects of Providing Housing in a Finite World in Which Prosperity Is Fairly Shared, N by
Monetary Conditions for Economic Recovery by
Dictionary of International Commerce by Miller, W. J.
Currency Competition and Monetary Union by
On the Road for Work: Migratory Workers on the East Coast of the United States by Thomas-Lycklama-Nijeholt, G.
Energy Resources and Economic Development in India by Tyner, W. E.
Agrarian Structures and Agrarian Reform: Exercises in Development Theory and Policy by Cohen, S. I.
Chile 1970-73: Economic Development and Its International Setting: Self Criticism of the Unidad Popular Government's Policies by
The Banking and Credit System of the USSR by Kuschpèta, O.
Modeling for Government and Business: Essays in Honor of Prof. Dr. P. J. Verdoorn by
Transformations Through Space and Time: An Analysis of Nonlinear Structures, Bifurcation Points and Autoregressive Dependencies by
The Institutional Economics of the International Economy by
Quadrilingual Economics Dictionary by
Academic Economics in Holland 1800-1870 by Butter, I. H.
Enabling Innovation: Innovationsfähigkeit - Deutsche Und Internationale Perspektiven by
Non-Standard Employment and Quality of Work: The Case of Italy by
Energy Policy Modeling: United States and Canadian Experiences: Volume I Specialized Energy Policy Models by
Ethical Universals in International Business by
International Banking and Financial Centers by
Operations Research and Environmental Management by
Applied Econometrics Using Eviews, SPSS and Excel with Applications in Arab Countries by Charbaji Ph. D., Abdulrazzak
The Limits of Economic Science: Essays on Methodology by McKenzie, R. B.
The Study of Time IV: Papers from the Fourth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Alpbach--Austria by
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: New Agenda in Its Third Decade by Yamazawa, Ippei
Value Chains in Development: Emerging Theory and Practice by
World Commodities And World Currency by Graham, Benjamin
Personal Income Distribution: A Multicapability Theory by Hartog, J. a.
Between People and Statistics: Essays on Modern Indonesian History Presented to P. Creutzberg by
Das Auf und Ab der Wirtschaft: Die Konjunktur und verschiedene Konjunkturzyklen by Habenicht, Marc
The Keynesian System by Wright, David McCord
Ten Years Of Wall Street by Winkelman, Barnie F.
Economic Doctrine and Method: An Historical Sketch by Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Early Economic Thought: Selections From Economic Literature Prior To Adam Smith by
A Study Of The Federal Reserve by Mullins, Eustace Clarence
American Ideals Verses The New Deal by Hoover, Herbert
Banking And The Business Cycle: A Study Of The Great Depression In The United States by Phillips, Chester Arthur, McManus, Thomas Francis, Nelson, Richard Ward
Social Change In The Industrial Revolution: An Application Of Theory To The British Cotton Industry by Smelser, Neil J.
The Russian Fur Trade, 1550-1700 by Fisher, Raymond H.
The Ante-Bellum Southern Commercial Conventions by Van Deusen, John G.
The Art of Speculation by Carret, Philip L.
Developing The Little Economies: A Survey Of Area Development Programs In The United States by Gilmore, Donald R.
Economic Institutions And Cultural Change by Dixon, Russell Ayers, Eberhart, Ennis Kingman
The Medici Bank: Its Organization, Management, Operations, And Decline by De Roover, Raymond
China's Regulatory State: A New Strategy for Globalization by Hsueh Romano, Roselyn
Capitalism And American Leadership by Cox, Oliver C.
China's Regulatory State: Oil and the State in Saudi Arabia by Hsueh Romano, Roselyn
Rich Man, Poor Man: Pictures Of A Paradox by Goslin, Omar Pancoast, Goslin, Ryllis Alexander
The South Sea Bubble by Carswell, John
Prosperity and Depression: A Theoretical Analysis of Cyclical Movements by Haberler, Gottfried
After Adam Smith: A Century of Transformation in Politics and Political Economy by Milgate, Murray, Stimson, Shannon C.
Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus by Weber, Max
The Theory of Money and Credit by Von Mises, Ludwig
Creating Wine: The Emergence of a World Industry, 1840-1914 by Simpson, James
The Powerful Consumer: Psychological Studies Of The American Economy by Katona, George
Let's Try Barter: The Answer to Inflation and the Tax Collector by Wilson, Charles Morrow
Ethnic Minorities in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Racially Changing Communities by Varady, D.
International Macroeconomic Modelling for Policy Decisions by
Social Economics: Retrospect and Prospect by
Econometric Modeling in Economic Education Research by
Main Economic Policy Areas of the EEC -- Toward 1992: The Challenge to the Community's Economic Policies When the 'Real' Common Market Is Created by t by
Allocation Models and Their Use in Economic Planning by Heesterman, Aaart R.
Building Chicago Economics: New Perspectives on the History of America's Most Powerful Economics Program by
Chindia Rising: Implications for Global Competitiveness by Sheth, Jagdish N.
Rationalisation and Unemployment (Routledge Revivals): An Economic Dilemma by Hobson, J. A.
Steuerwettbewerb als Ursache einer Erosion der nationalstaatlichen Finanzbasis?: Die Wirkungen des Steuerwettbewerbs auf die fiskalische Performance e by Drognitz, Martin
Translating Empire: Emulation and the Origins of Political Economy by Reinert, Sophus A.
Economics of Space and Time: Scientific Papers of Tönu Puu by
A Theory of the Producer-Consumer Household: The New Keynesian Perspective on Self-Employment by Maruyama, Yoshihiro, Sonoda, Tadashi
Technology, Globalization, and Sustainable Development: Transforming the Industrial State by Ashford, Nicholas A., Hall, Ralph P.
Marx's Theory of Price and Its Modern Rivals by Nicholas, H.
Cases about Redefining Global Strategy by Siegel, Jordan, Ghemawat, Pankaj
Exploratory and Explanatory Statistical Analysis of Spatial Data by
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