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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2012

Money... by Kinley, David
And the Pursuit of Happniness by Johns, Helen, Ormerod, Paul
Indian Economy: Trends and Challenges by
Understanding the Crisis in Greece: From Boom to Bust by Mitsopoulos, M., Pelagidis, Theodore
Mineral Rents and the Financing of Social Policy: Opportunities and Challenges by Hujo, Katja
Economic Development Through Regional Trade: A Role for the New East African Community? by Perkidis, N., Yeung, M., Kimbugwe, K.
The Nigerian Banking Sector Reforms: Power and Politics by Apati, S.
Fiscal Decentralization and Development: Experiences of Three Developing Countries in Southeast Asia by
The Nationalization of Scientific Knowledge in the Habsburg Empire, 1848-1918 by
Developmental Politics in Transition: The Neoliberal Era and Beyond by
The Gold Standard Peripheries: Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a Global Setting by Øksendal, Lars Fredrik, Ögren, Anders
Contributions to Stock-Flow Modeling: Essays in Honor of Wynne Godley by
Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences After 1960 by
Equilibrium and Evolution: Alfred Marshall and the Marshallians by Hart, N.
Economies in Transition: The Long-Run View by
Credit Guarantee Institutions and SME Finance by Leone, Paola, Vento, Gianfranco A.
The Return of England in English Literature by Gardiner, M.
Sustainability Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the Political Economy of Institutions and Late Development by Lo, D.
Internationalisation Theory and Technological Accumulation: An Investigation of Multinational Affiliates in East Germany by Jindra, B.
Modernism and Market Fantasy: British Fictions of Capital, 1910-1939 by Mickalites, C.
Law and Markets by Robson, A.
From Crisis to Recovery: Old and New Challenges in Emerging Europe by
Globalization and the BRICs: Why the BRICs Will Not Rule the World for Long by Beausang, Francesca
The University in the Age of Globalization: Rankings, Resources and Reforms by
An Enquiry Into the Ideology and Reality of Market and Market System by Lepper, J.
Exchange Rate Alignments by Mills, J.
European Union Budget Reform: Institutions, Policy and Economic Crisis by
Geographical Indications and International Agricultural Trade: The Challenge for Asia by
Globalization, Hegemony and the Future of the City of London by Talani, L.
Networked Consumers: Dynamics of Interactive Consumers in Structured Environments by Silver, Steven
Greek Banking: From the Pre-Euro Reforms to the Financial Crisis and Beyond by Pasiouras, F.
The Unbalanced Economy: A Policy Appraisal by Temple, Paul, Driver, Ciaran
Poverty Reduction and Changing Policy Regimes in Botswana by
Towards an Integrated Paradigm in Heterodox Economics: Alternative Approaches to the Current Eco-Social Crises by
The Euro Crisis by
Models of Balance of Payments Constrained Growth: History, Theory and Empirical Evidence by
Best Practices in Management Accounting by
Rethinking the Post Soviet Experience: Markets, Moral Economies and Cultural Contradictions of Post Socialist Russia by Hass, J.
On Skidelsky's Keynes and Other Essays: Selected Essays of G. C. Harcourt by Harcourt, G.
The Making of a Post-Keynesian Economist: Cambridge Harvest by Harcourt, G.
Transformation of the Employment Structure in the EU and Usa, 1995-2007 by
The Genesis and Ethos of the Market by Bruni, L.
Foundations for New Economic Thinking: A Collection of Essays by Dow, S.
Financial Crisis and Institutional Change in East Asia by Lai, Jikon
The Spanish Financial System: Growth and Development Since 1900 by
The Political Economy of State-Owned Enterprises in China and India by
Cross-Cultural Connections in Crime Fictions by
Positive and Normative Analysis in Inter: Essays in Honour of Hiroshi Ohta by Nakagawa, Hironobu, Uchida, Tatsuya
The Stock-Flow Consistent Approach: Selected Writings of Wynne Godley by Lavoie, Marc
Latin American Urban Development Into the 21st Century: Towards a Renewed Perspective on the City by
The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom from 1870 to 2005 by Lee, Clive
The Historical Consumer: Consumption and Everyday Life in Japan, 1850-2000 by Francks, Penelope
The Rise of Economic Societies in the Eighteenth Century: Patriotic Reform in Europe and North America by
The Portfolio Theorists: Von Neumann, Savage, Arrow and Markowitz by Read, C.
The Rise of the Quants: Marschak, Sharpe, Black, Scholes and Merton by Read, C.
Economic Integration and the Location of Industries: The Case of Less Developed East Asian Countries by Kuroiwa, I.
Interactive Learning for Innovation: A Key Driver Within Clusters and Innovation Systems by
Growth, Inequality and Social Development in India: Is Inclusive Growth Possible? by Nagaraj, R.
Economic and Policy Lessons from Japan to Developing Countries by
Internet Econometrics by
Policy Regimes and the Political Economy of Poverty Reduction in Malaysia by Khoo, B.
Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War by Lambert, Nicholas A.
In the Grip of Transition: Economic and Social Consequences of Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine by
Ökonomik als allgemeine Theorie menschlichen Verhaltens by
Forschungswerkstatt Innovation: Verständnisse - Gestaltung - Kommunikation - Ressourcen by
Migration und Integration als wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Ordnungsprobleme by
Bedeutung der finanziellen Entwicklung im Aufholprozess von Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern by Vargas, Mauricio
Ökonomische Bildung und Wirtschaftsordnung by
Empirische Makroökonomik und mehr by
Mises on Money (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by North, Gary
Infrastructure and the Political Economy of Nation Building in Spain, 1720-2010 by Bel, Germa
Global Capitalist Crisis and the Second Great Depression: Egalitarian Systemic Models for Change by Navarro, Armando
The Business of Everyday Life: Gender, Practice and Social Politics in England, C.1600-1900 by Lemire, Beverly
The Tragedy of the Euro (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Bagus, Philipp
Ordo 63: Jahrbuch Für Die Ordnung Von Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft by
Principles of Economics by Marshall, Alfred
Acuerdos, Desacuerdos, y Recuerdos (Large Print Edition) by Rasco, Jose Ignacio
Money Well Spent?: The Truth Behind the Trillion-Dollar Stimulus, the Biggest Economic Recovery Plan in History by Grabell, Michael
Using Excel for Principles of Econometrics by Briand, Genevieve, Hill, R. Carter
Rethinking Rational Choice Theory: A Companion on Rational and Moral Action by De Jonge, Jan
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists by Sutton, Antony C.
Macroeconomics Beyond the NAIRU by Naastepad, C. W. M., Storm, Servaas
Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty by Duflo, Esther, Banerjee, Abhijit V.
Two Asias: The Emerging Postcrisis Divide by
Outrageous Fortunes: The Twelve Surprising Trends That Will Reshape the Global Economy by Altman, Daniel
Die Finanzierung der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung: Effekte von Demografie und medizinisch-technischem Fortschritt by Mergard, Nancy
A Dynamic Approach to the Language Adjustment of Expatriates and the Interaction of their Hierarchy Level and Assignment Vector: An Empirical Analysis by Eichinger, Michael
The Restructuring of Capitalism in Our Time by Tabb, William
Make It in America, Updated Edition: The Case for Re-Inventing the Economy by Liveris, Andrew
Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2012-2013 by
E-Learning: Die Zukunft Des Digitalen Lernens Im Betrieb by Magnus, Stephan
Best Practice in Einkauf Und Logistik: Erfolgsstrategien Der Top-Entscheider Deutschlands by
Euro-Bankmarketing: Strategien Im Privatkundengeschäft by Klöppelt, Henning
Betriebswirtschaftliche Führungslehre Grundlagen -- Strategien -- Modelle: Ein Entscheidungsorientierter Ansatz by
New Structural Economics: A Framework for Rethinking Development and Policy by Lin, Justin Yifu
Psychology of the Stock Market by Selden, G. C.
Innovatorenorientierte Akzeptanzforschung Bei Innovativen Medientechnologien by Schlohmann, Knut
Applied General Equilibrium: An Introduction by Cardenete, Manuel Alejandro, Guerra, Ana-Isabel, Sancho, Ferran
Stochastic Differential Games. Theory and Applications by Tsokos, Chris P., Ramachandran, Kandethody M.
Freight Forwarder's Intermediary Role in Multimodal Transport Chains: A Social Network Approach by Schramm, Hans-Joachim
Just Growth: Inclusion and Prosperity in America's Metropolitan Regions by Pastor, Manuel, Benner, Chris
Anatomy of Global Stock Market Crashes: An Empirical Analysis by Sen, Chitrakalpa, Chakrabarti, Gagari
Innovative Regulierung: Chancen Für Telekommunikation Und Medien in Deutschland by Sonnenschein, Martin, Ferrari, Tilo, Börnsen, Arne
Korean Science and Technology in an International Perspective by
Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries: The Complexity of Coordination by
Performance Measurement with the Balanced Scorecard: A Practical Approach to Implementation Within SMEs by Biazzo, Stefano, Garengo, Patrizia
The Financial Systems of Industrial Countries: Evidence from Financial Accounts by
Optimization of Temporal Networks Under Uncertainty by Wiesemann, Wolfram
Child Soldier Victims of Genocidal Forcible Transfer: Exonerating Child Soldiers Charged with Grave Conflict-Related International Crimes by Grover, Sonja C.
Congestion-Prone Services Under Quality Competition: A Microeconomic Analysis by Moon, Dong-Joo
Export Consortia in Developing Countries: Successful Management of Cooperation Among SMEs by Antoldi, Fabio, Cerrato, Daniele, Depperu, Donatella
Die Entstehung der Volkswirtschaft by Bücher, Karl
Geschäftserfolge in Den USA: Erfahrungen Deutscher Unternehmen Im Land Der Ungenutzten Möglichkeiten by Droege, Walter P. J.
Der Neue Verkaufsmanager: Wie Sie Mit Ihrem Team Den Durchbruch Zur Spitze Schaffen by Scheelen, Frank M., Tracy, Brian
Bestände-Controlling: Materialfluß-Analyse -- Bestände-Management Fallstudien by
Finanzinnovationen: Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Strategien, Beispiele by Graf Von Bernstorff, Christoph
Marken-Power: Warum Aldi, Ikea, H&m Und Co. So Erfolgreich Sind by Schneider, Dirk, Wileman, Andrew
Bismarcks Sozialpolitik: Voraussicht oder Reaktion auf wirtschaftliche, soziale oder politische Zwänge der Arbeiterschaft in Deutschland um 188 by Matzk, Martin
Englische Wirtschaftsgeschichte by Ashley, W. J.
Impact of Globalization on Organizational Culture, Behavior, and Gender Roles by Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana
Impact of Globalization on Organizational Culture, Behavior, and Gender Roles (Hc) by Radovic-Markovic, Mirjana
Messen Im Wandel: Messemarketing Im 21. Jahrhundert by Hochheimer, Harald
Aktienanalyse Heute: Gewinnmaximierung an Der Börse by
Motivation Und Begeisterung: Entdecken Und Aktivieren Sie Ihre Talente! by Lasko, Wolf
Regulierung Und Unternehmenspolitik: Methoden Und Ergebnisse Der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Rechtsanalyse by
Graphen--Algorithmen--Programme by Walther, Hansjoachim, Nägler, Günter
Grundlagen Der Statistik Und Ihre Anwendungen: Festschrift Für Kurt Weichselberger by
Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions: An Interdisciplinary Approach with Emphasis on Marketing Applications by
Versicherungsmathematik by Wolff, Karl-Heinz
Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power, and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800 by Grafe, Regina
Advantage: How American Innovation Can Overcome the Asian Challenge by Segal, Adam
Entwicklung Und Bedeutung Der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Theorie: Zum 100. Geburtstag Von Erich Gutenberg by
Modelling for Financial Decisions: Proceedings of the 5th Meeting of the Euro Working Group on "Financial Modelling" Held in Catania, 20-21 April, 198 by
Ascent after Decline by
The Economics of Industrial Innovation by Freeman, Chris
Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation by Balleisen, Edward J.
Outdoor-Training: Wie Manager Und Teams Über Grenzen Gehen by
Infrastructure and the Space-Economy: Essays in Honor of Rolf Funck by
Management Von Marktpreis- Und Ausfallrisiken: Instrumente Und Strategien Zur Risikominimierung in Banken by
Das Kontroll- Und Transparenzgesetz: Herausforderungen Und Chancen Für Das Risikomanagement by Saitz, Bernd, Braun, Frank
Tropical Forestry Handbook: Volume 2 by
Scaling Social Impact: New Thinking by Bloom, P., Skloot, E.
Zur Übertragbarkeit des Wettbewerbsrechts auf das Gesundheitswesen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen aus wettbewerbstheoretischer Sicht by Karnaseril, Jessika
Contrarian Investment Strategies: The Psychological Edge by Dreman, David
Unleash Your Business: A Step-By-Step Guide To Finding Financing for Marketing Your Home-Based Business 2012 Edition by Lively, Dennis
Fund Applied Econometrics 1e by Ashley, Richard A.
Digital Value Network: Erfolgsstrategien Für Die Neue Ökonomie by Aldrich, Douglas F., Sonnenschein, Martin
Der Weg in Die Neteconomy: Märkte, Portale, Projekte by Vogel, Robert
Die Japanischen Manager: Wie Sie Denken, Wie Sie Handeln, Wie Sie Weltmärkte Erobern by
Lautlos Führen: Richtig Entscheiden Im Tagesgeschäft by Badaracco, Joseph L.
Innovation, Resources and Economic Growth by
E-Markets: B2b-Strategien Im Electronic Commerce: - Marktplätze - Fachportale - Plattformen by Schneider, Dirk, Schnetkamp, Gerd
Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Bei Schrumpfender Bevölkerung: Eine Empirische Untersuchung by Felderer, B.
Aspects of Central Bank Policy Making by
Verkehr und Tourismus by
Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by
Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by
Intranational Macroeconomics by
Incentives for Research, Development, and Innovation in Pharmaceuticals by
Ohio Canal Era: A Case Study of Government and the Economy, 1820-1861 by Scheiber, Harry N.
The Role of Labour Standards in Development: From Theory to Sustainable Practice? by
Regulating the Risk of Unemployment: National Adaptations to Post-Industrial Labour Markets in Europe by
Doomed to Internationalization and Modernization of Corporate Culture: The Russian Experience of German Firms by Anghel, Ghenadie
Understanding Regulation: Theory, Strategy, and Practice by Lodge, Martin, Baldwin, Robert, Cave, Martin
The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis by Morgan, Glenn, Campbell, John, Crouch, Colin
Internationalisierung, Nachfrage- und Standortentwicklung in der Schiffbauindustrie by Kubat, Christian
Dezember 1911 by
Januar 1911 by
Globalization and Development: Current Trends by
Economic Growth and Development (Second Edition) by Van Den Berg, Hendrik
A History of Homo Economicus: The Nature of the Moral in Economic Theory by Dixon, William, Wilson, David
Wenn Führungskräfte Irren: Die 20 Gefährlichsten Manager-Fehler by Mansaray, Nabbie
Wie Unternehmen Sich Selbst Erneuern: Konzepte Für Die Umsetzung by
Kredite Aktiv Verkaufen: Kunden Erfolgreich Gewinnen Und Betreuen by
Inside Wall Street: Im Machtzentrum Des Kapitalismus by Stockheim, Ulrich
Lebensversicherungsmathematik by Gerber, Hans U.
Der Praktische Einsatz Von Datenverarbeitungssystemen: Kybernetische Und Betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte by Billeter, Ernst P.
Teaching IFRS by
Order and Control in American Socio-Economic Thought: Social Scientists and Progressive-Era Reform by McCann, Charles
Carbon Markets or Climate Finance: Low Carbon and Adaptation Investment Choices for the Developing World by
Der Erhalt freiberuflicher nichtärztlicher Heilmittelerbringer auf dem Gesundheitsmarkt: Spezialisierung, Diversifizierung, Kooperation by Lohmeier, Karin
Solomon's Knot: How Law Can End the Poverty of Nations by Cooter, Robert D., Schäfer, Hans-Bernd
Introduction to International Economics by Jepma, Catrinus, Jager, Henk
Internet Econometrics by
Credit Guarantee Institutions and SME Finance by Leone, Paola, Vento, Gianfranco A.
Corporate Communication: Tactical Guidelines for Strategic Practice by Goodman, Michael B.
The Art of Speculation by Carret, Philip L.
Growing Past Kant by Trader, Jim
Erfolgsmodell Mittelstand: 12 Unternehmer Geben Einblicke in Ihr Denken Und Handeln by
Exploding Markets: Wachstumsstrategien Für Das 21. Jahrhundert by Helbig, Thomas, Lindenau, Rainer
Ne(x)T Economy: Mit Digitalen Geschäftsmodellen Zum Erfolg by Neumann, Dietrich, Kröger, Fritz, Sonnenschein, Martin
Customer Banking: Kundenorientierung ALS Unternehmensaufgabe by
Relationship Banking: Kundenbeziehungen Profitabler Gestalten by
Best Services: Wie Sie Ihre Servicequalität Permanent Verbessern by
Handbuch Der Metallmärkte: Erzvorkommen, Metallgewinnung, Metallverwendung, Preisbildung Handelsregelungen by
Net Value: Der Weg Des Digitalen Kunden by Singer, Marc, Hagel III, John
Speedmanagement Für Fusionen: Schnell Entscheiden, Handeln, Integrieren -- Über Frösche, Hasenfüße Und Hasardeure by Feldman, Mark L., Spratt, Michael F.
Interdisziplinäre Managementforschung Und -Lehre: Herausforderungen Und Chancen by
High Value Management: Spitzenerfolge Durch Innovatives Lernen, Coachen, Führen by Schwendner, Raimund
See More