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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Kartellpolitik im Kaiserreich by Böse, Christian
The Development of Modern Industries in Bengal: Reindustrialisation, 1858� "1914 by Ray, Indrajit
The use of internal Capital Markets based on the example of Next & New Look by Meyer, Moritz, Coelho Da Silva Feteiro, Pedro, Karakaisis, Nikolaos
Microeconomics by Cowell, Frank
Competitiveness of Cee Economies and Businesses: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Challenges and Opportunities by
Promoting Sustainable Innovations in Plant Varieties by Kochupillai, Mrinalini
Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Hazards by
Strategy and Game Theory: Practice Exercises with Answers by Toro-Gonzalez, Daniel, Munoz-Garcia, Felix
The Ethics of Biomedical Big Data by
Taxing Soda for Public Health: A Canadian Perspective by Le Bodo, Yann, Paquette, Marie-Claude, De Wals, Philippe
Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems: Modelling and Control by Rigatos, Gerasimos
Governmental Forms and Economic Development: From Medieval to Modern Times by Brouwer, Maria
An Economic and Demographic History of São Paulo, 1850-1950 by Luna, Francisco Vidal, Klein, Herbert S.
Oxford Handbook of Women and the Economy by
Solutions for Business, Culture and Religion in Eastern Europe and Beyond: The 2016 Griffiths School of Management Annual Conference on Business, Entr by
Sports Management as an Emerging Economic Activity: Trends and Best Practices by
Economic Policies Since the Global Financial Crisis by
Models of Capitalism in the European Union: Post-Crisis Perspectives by Farkas, Beáta
Vergaberecht EU Und National by Frenz, Walter
Die Favelas in Brasilien. Entstehung, gegenwärtige Strukturen und Zukunftsperspektiven by Tunc, Talha
Social Trading. Eine perspektivengetriebene ökonomische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung empirischer Forschungsergebnisse by Kreil, Harry
The Infinite Desire for Growth by Cohen, Daniel
Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class Is Leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why That Is a Problem, and What to Do About by Reeves, Richard V.
The Republic of Beliefs: A New Approach to Law and Economics by Basu, Kaushik
A Culture of Growth: The Origins of the Modern Economy by Mokyr, Joel
Ermittlung von Kreditratings mittels Discounted-Cashflow-Verfahren im Entity-WACC-Ansatz: Internes Firmenkundenrating für den nicht börsennotierten Mi by Klawe, Grischa
Die Private Altersvorsorge. Ein Überblick by Anonym
Einflüsse der Digitalisierung auf den risikoorientierten Prüfungsansatz in der Jahresabschlussprüfung by Wilhelm, Denis
Der Bau des Gotthard-Basistunnels. Eine Erfolgsgeschichte? by Bröcker, Fabian
China's Regions in an Era of Globalization by Summers, Tim
Sustainability in Transition: Principles for Developing Solutions by Gliedt, Travis, Larson, Kelli
Can Lovingkindness Meditation increase Trust and Trustworthiness in Strangers?: An economic experiment by Ma, Liweilan
Pratiques managériales républicaines: Cadres, à l'action pour la république! by Motte, Jean Pierre
Broadway and Economics: Economic Lessons from Show Tunes by Rousu, Matthew C.
Did the accounting treatment of financial instruments contribute to the collapse of Lehman Brothers?: A case study of the Repurchase agreement Repo 10 by Sheyretova, Viktoriya
Influence of Credit Risk on the Growth of Microfinance Organizations in Eldoret Municipality (Kenya) by Cheptumo, Irene
Democratizing Money? by Weber, Beat
Mobile telephony and economic growth in Cameroon by Soppo Ntouba, Regine
The Creative Wealth of Nations by Kabanda, Patrick
Rural Transformation in the Post Liberalization Period in Gujarat: Economic and Social Consequences by Mehta, Niti
Identifikation des Innovationscharakters der Blockchain-Technologie by Haberkorn, Nico
Building a Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa by
The Political Economy of Social Choices by
Economic Crisis, Development and Competitiveness in Southeastern Europe: Theoretical Foundations and Policy Issues by
Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making: Essays in Honor of Richard F. Hartl by
Energy and Finance: Sustainability in the Energy Industry by
Healthy at Work: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Handbook of Ratings: Approaches to Ratings in the Economy, Sports, and Society by Karminsky, Alexander, Polozov, Andrey
What Is Health Insurance (Good) For?: An Examination of Who Gets It, Who Pays for It, and How to Improve It by Lieberthal, Robert D.
Psyche of Money: Here is How We Are Misled All About The Idea Of Money by Singh, Raju
The Theory of International Business: Economic Models and Methods by Casson, Mark
The Political Economy of a Living Wage: Progressives, the New Deal, and Social Justice by Stabile, Donald
Verkaufsverbote auf Online-Marktplätzen by Botvinnikova, Jana
Exports, Trade Policy and Economic Growth in Eras of Globalization by Feasel, Edward M.
Aid and Technical Cooperation as a Foreign Policy Tool for Emerging Donors: The Case of Brazil by Farias, Déborah Barros Leal
Der informelle Wirtschaftssektor. Die Bedeutung für die Armutsbekämpfung by Tunc, Talha, Figura, Robin
"Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral". Wie aktuell ist dieser Satz von Bertolt Brecht heute noch? by Thiele, K.
Cie Pemberton Igcse Extended Economics 3rd Edition Book by Dransfield
Analyse des bedingungslosen Grundeinkommens anhand ausgewählter Gerechtigkeitstheorien by Lewinsky, Felix
Subgame Consistent Cooperation: A Comprehensive Treatise by Yeung, David W. K., Petrosyan, Leon A.
Sustainability Through Innovation in Product Life Cycle Design by
Investing in Low-Carbon Energy Systems: Implications for Regional Economic Cooperation by
Sustainable Asset Accumulation and Dynamic Portfolio Decisions by Semmler, Willi, Hsiao, Chih-Ying, Chiarella, Carl
Innovation Networks for Regional Development: Concepts, Case Studies, and Agent-Based Models by
Essays in Economic Dynamics: Theory, Simulation Analysis, and Methodological Study by
Global Sourcing and Supply Management Excellence in China: Procurement Guide for Supply Experts by Helmold, Marc, Terry, Brian
The Impact of Societal and Social Innovation: A Case-Based Approach by Chen, Jeffrey, Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun
The Effects of Social Health Insurance Reform on People's Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditure in China: The Mediating Role of the Institutional Arrangeme by Liu, Kai
Socioeconomic Environmental Policies and Evaluations in Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Yoshiro Higano by
The Wto and Food Security: Implications for Developing Countries by Sharma, Sachin Kumar
Doing Business in ASEAN Markets: Leadership Challenges and Governance Solutions Across Asian Borders by
Sustainable Economic Development: Green Economy and Green Growth by
Development Planning in South Africa: Provincial Policy and State Power in the Eastern Cape by Reynolds, John
Interrogating Disability in India: Theory and Practice by
Prescription for Social Dilemmas: Psychology for Urban, Transportation, and Environmental Problems by Fujii, Satoshi
Upper Middle Class Social Reproduction: Wealth, Schooling, and Residential Choice in Chile by Méndez, María Luisa, Gayo, Modesto
Sustainability in Transition: Principles for Developing Solutions by Gliedt, Travis, Larson, Kelli
Recent Advances in Game Theory and Applications: European Meeting on Game Theory, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2015, and Networking Games and Management, by
Dynamic Modeling, Empirical Macroeconomics, and Finance: Essays in Honor of Willi Semmler by
Voting Experiments by
The Coexistence of Genetically Modified, Organic and Conventional Foods: Government Policies and Market Practices by
The Artful Economist: A New Look at Cultural Economics by
The New Industrial Policy of the European Union by
Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development: International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment by
Neuroeconomics by
Economic Ethics in Late Medieval England, 1300-1500 by Hole, Jennifer
Suspicions of Markets: Critical Attacks from Aristotle to the Twenty-First Century by Rutherford, Donald
Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of James M. Buchanan by
Gamification: Using Game Elements in Serious Contexts by
Unproductive Labour in Political Economy: The History of an Idea by Perrotta, Cosimo
The Global Life of Austerity: Comparing Beyond Europe by
Cryptocurrency Trading & Investing: Beginners Guide To Trading & Investing In Bitcoin, Alt Coins & ICOs For Profit by Vo, Aimee
Financial Tsunami and the Crisis of 2008: Precursors for the next economic crisis by Szary, Ronald J.
Modernisation is Russia since 1900 by Kangaspuro, Markku, Smith, Jeremy
Tacoma's Lincoln District by Davenport, Kimberly M.
Welche Kommunikationschancen bietet der To-Go Markt für die Unternehmenskommunikation? Paleo To-Go "Beef Jerky" by Anonym
Institutionelle Transformation bei der Entstehung des europäischen Kapitalismus am Beispiel Englands by Anonymous
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds: All Volumes, Complete and Unabridged (Hardcover) by MacKay, Charles
Mexico. Political System, Society, History, Economy and Obstacles to Economic Growth by Werner, Thomas, Stalmach, Patrick
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds: All Volumes, Complete and Unabridged by MacKay, Charles
Global Economic Prospects, June 2018: The Turning of the Tide? by World Bank Group
Sveriges Riksbank and the History of Central Banking by
Company of Kinsmen: Enterprise and Community in South Asian History 1700-1940 by Roy, Tirthankar
The Three Regularities in Development: Growth, Jobs and Macro Policy in Developing Countries by Mahmood, Moazam
Civil Society: The Engine for Economic and Social Well-Being: The 2017 Griffiths School of Management and It Annual Conference on Business, Entreprene by
Blood Diamonds in Africa by Mutuku, Caroline
Dead in the Water: Global Lessons from the World Bank's Model Hydropower Project in Laos by
Towards a New Russian Work Culture: Can Western Companies and Expatriates Change Russian Society? by Yastrebov, Gordey, Karacharovskiy, Vladimir, Shkaratan, Ovsey
Entwicklungshilfe. Ein Versuch, der zum Scheitern verurteilt ist? by Stepper, Peter
Estudios Económicos de la OCDE: Costa Rica 2018 by Oecd
Financial Steering: Valuation, Kpi Management and the Interaction with Ifrs by Schwarzbichler, Martin, Steiner, Christian, Turnheim, Daniel
A Brain-Focused Foundation for Economic Science: A Proposed Reconciliation Between Neoclassical and Behavioral Economics by McKenzie, Richard B.
Employment Guarantee Programme and Dynamics of Rural Transformation in India: Challenges and Opportunities by
Untangling the USA: The Cost of Complexity and What Can Be Done About It by Deffarges, Etienne
Die Psychologie der Finanzmärkte: Erklärungsansätze für das Verhalten auf Finanzmärkten abseits vom Homo Oeconomicus by Degenhardt, Guido
Evaluation of Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Namibia (2010-2015) by Nyalugwe, Symon
Economics for Environmental Studies: A Strategic Guide to Micro- And Macroeconomics by Radke, Volker, Endres, Alfred
Global Approaches in Financial Economics, Banking, and Finance by
China's Regions in an Era of Globalization by Summers, Tim
Klausurtraining Statistik: Deskriptive Statistik - Stochastik - Induktive Statistik Mit Kompletten Lösungen by Eckstein, Peter P.
Für und wider Workfare in Deutschland by Martini, Natalie
Der moderne Prometheus by Roeb, Wolfgang
Fallstudien zur Betriebswirtschaftslehre - Band 6: 8 CTR-Fallstudien zum Eventmanagement by
Economic Uncertainty by Nelson, Brent
Redefining Risk & Return: The Economic Red Phone Explained by Lyng Jensen, Jesper, Sublett, Susanne
International Human Resource Management in South Korean Multinational Enterprises by Kang, Haiying, Shen, Jie
Broadway and Economics: Economic Lessons from Show Tunes by Rousu, Matthew C.
Die Anwendung der Diffusionstheorie nach Rogers auf die Adoption von Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCI) bei Exoskeletten by Bröcker, Fabian
Pflegeberufereformgesetz (Pflbrefg): Praxiskommentar by Weiß, Thomas, Meißner, Thomas, Kempa, Stephanie
Accounting and Financial Analysis: Clarkson Plc, Sutton Harbour Holdings Plc, Stobart Group Ltd, Braemar Shipping Services Plc, Wincanton Ltd by Meyer, Moritz, Zheng, Hujing, Jain, Shreyans
Hammer and Silicon by Puffer, Sheila M., McCarthy, Daniel J., Satinsky, Daniel M.
Hammer and Silicon by Satinsky, Daniel M., Puffer, Sheila M., McCarthy, Daniel J.
For-Profit Universities: The Shifting Landscape of Marketized Higher Education by
Hyman Minsky's teoría macroeconómica sobre el financiamiento de la inversión by Lievano, Felix Roberto
Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory by
From Commune to Capitalism: How China's Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty by Xu, Zhun
Applied Macroeconomics for Public Policy by Yanushevsky, Camilla, Yanushevsky, Rafael
The Consistent Application of EU Competition Law: Substantive and Procedural Challenges by
Optimal Down Payment: The Long-Term Home Loan Cost and Risk Minimization Model: A Consumer's Guide to Determining an Optimal Down Payment fo by Franco-Hernandez, Kenneth H.
Gender and Family in European Economic Policy: Developments in the New Millennium by
Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice by Iqbal, Zamir, Mirakhor, Abbas
From Commune to Capitalism: How China's Peasants Lost Collective Farming and Gained Urban Poverty by Xu, Zhun
Time and Economics: The Concept of Functional Time by Rohatinski, Zeljko
Funding the Greek Crisis: The European Union, Cohesion Policies, and the Great Recession by Ikonomou, Constantinos
Understanding Demographic Transitions: An Overview of French Historical Statistics by Diebolt, Claude, Perrin, Faustine
Scenario Analysis in Risk Management: Theory and Practice in Finance by Hassani, Bertrand K.
Labour Force Mobility in the Australian Resources Industry: Socio-Economic and Regional Impacts by
Innovations Lead to Economic Crises: Explaining the Bubble Economy by Johannessen, Jon-Arild
The Origins and Nature of Scandinavian Central Banking by Andersen, Steffen Elkiær
Smes in an Era of Globalization: International Business and Market Strategies by Bijaoui, Ilan
Cross Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology: Current Perspectives and Future Directions by
Case Method and Pluralist Economics: Philosophy, Methodology and Practice by Ardalan, Kavous
International Macroeconomics in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis by
Modern Global Trade and the Asian Regional Economy by
Austria Supreme (If It So Wishes) (1684): 'a Strategy for European Economic Supremacy' by Hörnigk, Philipp Von
Strategisches Controlling und seine Instrumente im Krankenhaus. Steuerungsbereiche und Umfeldanalyse by Seebass, Oliver
Dekolonisierungsgewinner by
Socio-Economic Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 1 by
Socio-Economic Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 2 by
Socio-Economic Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 3 by
Blockchain: 3 Books - The Complete Edition on Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and How It All Works Together In Bitcoin Mining, by Sebastian, Lee
Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian Economics by
The Malaysian Banking Industry: Policies and Practices After the Asian Financial Crisis by Zainudin, Rozaimah, Sok-Gee, Chan, Shahrin, Aidil Rizal
How Growth Really Happens: The Making of Economic Miracles Through Production, Governance, and Skills by Best, Michael
Determinants of profitability in commercial banks in Albania by Hallunovi, Arjeta
Water Policy and Governance in Canada by
Economic Cycles, Crises, and the Global Periphery by Tausch, Arno, Grinin, Leonid, Korotayev, Andrey
North-South Globalization and Foreign Direct Investment: Essays in International Economics by Schwab, Jakob
The Economic Philosophy of the Internet of Things by Juniper, James
The Impact of Tax Legislation on Corporate Income Security Planning for Retirees by Ylvisaker Winger, Ruth
English Taxation, 1640-1799: An Essay on Policy and Opinion by Kennedy, William
Value Creation in International Business: Volume 1: An Mnc Perspective by
Accounting, Capitalism and the Revealed Religions: A Study of Christianity, Judaism and Islam by Joannidès de Lautour, Vassili
From the Great Wall to Wall Street: A Cross-Cultural Look at Leadership and Management in China and the Us by Yen, Wei
Value Creation in International Business: Volume 2: An SME Perspective by
The Economics of the Frontier: Conquest and Settlement by Findlay, Ronald, Lundahl, Mats
A Wealth of Buildings: Marking the Rhythm of English History: Volume II: 1688-Present by Barras, Richard
From Creditor to Debtor: The U.S. Pursuit of Foreign Capital-The Case of the Repeal of the Withholding Tax by Ammendola, Giuseppe
The Incidence of Income Taxes by Black, Duncan
Taxation by Political Inertia: Financing the Growth of Government in Britain by Karran, Terence, Rose, Richard
Taxing Personal Wealth: An Analysis of Capital Taxation in the United Kingdom-History, Present Structure and Future Possibilities by Sandford, C. T.
Instead of the Dole: An Enquiry into Integration of the Tax and Benefit Systems by Parker, Hermione
A History of Czech Economic Thought by Dolezalová, Antonie
Brilliant Business Models in Healthcare: Get Inspired to Cure Healthcare by
Values Deliberation and Collective Action: Community Empowerment in Rural Senegal by MacKie, Gerry, Cislaghi, Beniamino, Gillespie, Diane
Leadership for Global Systemic Change: Beyond Ethics and Social Responsibility by Robinson-Easley, Christopher Anne
Spatial Analysis of Liberia's Transport Connectivity and Potential Growth by
The Open Veins of Africa: The Dynamics of Extractive Accumulation by Dispossession in 21st Century Africa by Mentan, Tatah
Re-Examining the History of the Russian Economy: A New Analytic Tool from Field Theory by
The Politics of Aid to Burma: A Humanitarian Struggle on the Thai-Burmese Border by Decobert, Anne
Contemporary Film and Economics: Lights! Camera! Econ! by Staley, Samuel R.
Vade Mecum Für Unternehmenskäufe by
Advances in Time Series Methods and Applications: The A. Ian McLeod Festschrift by
A Short Guide to the New Silk Road by Nobis, Adam
Country Experiences in Economic Development, Management and Entrepreneurship: Proceedings of the 17th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conferenc by
State, Institutions and Democracy: Contributions of Political Economy by
The Balkans over Years: History and Politics by Mahmutefendic, Tahir
The Balkans over Years: History and Politics by Mahmutefendic, Tahir
Europe's Infrastructure Transition: Economy, War, Nature by Van Der Vleuten, Erik, Högselius, Per, Kaijser, Arne
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Veblen, Thorstein
See More