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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Medicare und Medicaid als staatliche Träger von Gesundheitsversorgung in den Vereinigten Staaten by Meusel, Lena
Strengthening Social Protection in East Asia by
Europe and the Euro: Integration, Crisis and Policies by Marelli, Enrico, Signorelli, Marcello
Language in International Business: Developing a Field by
Optimum currency area. Is a fixed exchange rate regime more suitable than a flexible one? by Roth, Sofia
Pricing Interest Rate Risk Derivatives Using Binomial Trees with MATLAB by Esse, Alexander
Behavioural Approaches to Corporate Governance by Gordon, Cameron Elliott
The Future of Industrial Man by Drucker, Peter F.
The Origin of the Prolonged Economic Stagnation in Contemporary Japan: The factitious deflation and meltdown of the Japanese firm as an entity by Otaki, Masayuki
Technology Transfer Between the US, China and Taiwan: Moving Knowledge by
Social Structure and Mobility in Economic Development by
Public Economics in an Age of Austerity by Atkinson, Tony
Youth Employment in Nepal by Raju, Dhushyanth, Rajbhandary, Jasmine
Externalitäten von FDI für die investierenden Unternehmen by Metzler, Michael
Comparing Post War Japanese and Finnish Economies and Societies: Longitudinal perspectives by
Moving Out of Poverty: An inquiry into the inclusive growth in Asia by Estudillo, Jonna P., Otsuka, Keijiro
Operational Risk Management in Container Terminals by Su, Eric, Tang, Edward, Lai, Kin Keung
Trade Liberalisation and Poverty: Vietnam now and beyond by Le, Minh Son, Singh, Tarlok, Nguyen, Duc-Tho
Chinese Entrepreneurship: An Austrian economics perspective by Yu, Fu-Lai Tony, Kwan, Diana
Human Development and Capacity Building: Asia Pacific trends, challenges and prospects for the future by
Technology and Globalisation: Networks of Experts in World History by
Economics and Modern Warfare: The Invisible Fist of the Market by Taillard, Michael
China's Belt and Road: The Initiative and Its Financial Focus by Yu, Xugang, Rizzi, Cristiano, Tettamanti, Mario
Fundamentals of Intravitreal Injections: A Guide for Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioners and Allied Health Professionals by Waqar, Salman, Park, Jonathan C.
Internationalität Und Unternehmenserfolg: Eine Kontextspezifische Perspektive by Dittfeld, Marcus
Development of Circular Economy in China by Zhao, Jingxing, Li, Wenjun, Qi, Jianguo
Balancing Development and Sustainability in Tourism Destinations: Proceedings of the Tourism Outlook Conference 2015 by
Recent Advances in Robust Statistics: Theory and Applications by
Public Debt Management: Separation of Debt from Monetary Management in India by
Quantitative Regional Economic and Environmental Analysis for Sustainability in Korea by
Regional Free Trade Areas and Strategic Trade Policies by
Auswirkung der Geldpolitik der EZB auf den privaten Sektor by Lehmeier, Stefan
Governance and Regulations: Contemporary Issues by
Innovation and Strategy by
Studying Hong Kong: 20 Years of Political, Economic and Social Developments by
Advances in Chinese Brand Management by
Energy Relations and Policy Making in Asia by
The Development of Eco Cities in China by
Jobs and Growth: Brazil's Productivity Agenda by Dutz, Mark a.
Business Rhetoric in German Novels: From Buddenbrooks to the Global Corporation by Schonfield, Ernest
Steuerliche Optimierung von Immobilienanlagen aus der Perspektive eines Privatanlegers by Botvinnikova, Jana
Implementierung von Yardstick Competition in der deutschen Anreizregulierung von Gas- und Elektrizitätsversorgern by Botvinnikova, Jana
The Evolution of the Non-Market Economy Treatment in the Multilateral Trading System by Zhang, Bin
Incidencia del Micro-Crédito en la Economía Solidaria en la Provincia de San Juan 2005-2010 by Pérez Santos, Bélgica María, Mateo, Ricardo
Fundamentals of Intravitreal Injections: A Guide for Ophthalmic Nurse Practitioners and Allied Health Professionals by Park, Jonathan C., Waqar, Salman
Degrowth by Kallis, Giorgos
Guide to Performance-Based Road Maintenance Contracts by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Promoting Green Local Currency Bonds for Infrastructure Development in ASEAN 3 by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Decoding Article 6 of the Paris Agreement by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, vol 2: A Shared Future for Humanity by Zepp-Larouche, Helga
La monnaie, le crédit et le change, la circulation, ses instruments, son mécanisme. 7e édition by Arnauné, Auguste
Xxive Congrès National Corporatif, Xviie de la C.G.T, Compte Rendu Des Débats: Paris, 17-20 Septembre 1929 by Confédération Générale Du Travail
Xxvie Congrès National Corporatif, Xxe de la C.G.T., Rapports Moral Et Financier: Conférence d'Unité, 30-31 Août 1925. Conférence Féminine, 25 Août 19 by Confédération Générale Du Travail
La Restauration Financière de la France, Discours. Chambre Des Députés, 3-4 Février 1928 by Poincaré, Raymond
8e Congrès. Lyon, 5-8 Mai 1921 by Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation
Une Combinaison nouvelle en matière d'économie sociale ou Diminution des impôts by Bertron, Adolphe
Le Problème Cotonnier Et l'Afrique Occidentale Française, Une Solution Nationale: CE Projet a Été Approuvé Par Le Conseil Municipal, Le 23 Décembre 19 by Bloud, Henry
Documents, Mémoires Et Notes Et Monographie. Fascicule 1 by Valeurs Mobilieres
Documents, Mémoires Et Notes Et Monographie. Fascicule 2 by Valeurs Mobilieres
Documents, Mémoires Et Notes Et Monographie. Fascicule 3 by Valeurs Mobilieres
Les Déficits, 1852-1868 by Allain-Targé, François
Le Bananier, Culture, Industrie, Commerce: Elèves Des Écoles Professionnelles, Des Traceurs, Dessinateurs, Contremaîtres Et Chefs de Service by Boone, Ray C. P.
Commission Du Budget Et Des Finances Du Grand Conseil Des Intérêts Économiques by Indochine Française Grand Conseil Économique Et Financier
Les Pouvoirs de Contrôle Du Fisc En Matière d'Impôts Sur Le Revenu by Bertin
Thèse Pour Le Doctorat Ès Sciences Politiques Et Économiques by Coste
Lettre Sur Le Commerce de la Librairie, La Propriété Littéraire Au Xviiie Siècle by Diderot, Denis
La Cristallerie Fougeraise, Les Oeuvres d'Un Vicaire Breton: Et d'Une Bibliographie Des Éditions de la Vénerie by Du Breau, O.
Théorie Et Pratique Du Commerce Et de la Marine. Traduction de l'Espagnol by de Uztáriz, Gerónimo
14e Congrès National, Nîmes, 26-27 Mai 1927 by Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation (Franc
15e Congrès National, Grenoble, 17-20 Mai 1928 by Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation (Franc
16e Congrès National, Royan, 17-20 Mai 1929 by Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation (Franc
Traité Général de Science Économique by Cornélissen, Christian
Mémento Du Receveur Des Finances by L. Martinet
Mémento Du Receveur Des Finances by L. Martinet
17e Congrès National, Tours, 29-1er Juin 1930 by Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation
La Coopération À l'Étranger, Angleterre Et Russie, Cours Sur La Coopération Au Collège de France by Gide, Charles
Mémoires Et Comptes-Rendus. Congrès Commercial de la Pomme de Table, Bourges, 26-27 Juin 1926 by Cong La Pomme de Table
La coopération dans les pays latins, Amérique latine, Italie, Espagne, Roumanie by Gide, Charles
Etude Sur Les Pensions de Retraite Et Les Soldes Des Militaires Non Officiers de la Gendarmerie by Impr Th Martin Le Progrès de la Gendarmerie
La Charité Privée À Paris by Du Camp, Maxime
Du Besoin de Nouvelles Institutions En Faveur Du Commerce Et Des Manufactures by Vallet d'Artois, Jean-François
Le Moyen de soy enrichir profitable et utille a toutes gens by Girault, François
Les Opérations de Banque. 13e Édition by Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean-Gustave
Liste Alphabétique Des Meubles Et Objets Mobiliers Susceptibles d'Être Soumis À La Taxe Du Luxe: Hommages Décernés À l'Ingénieur Bernard Vigan Et Au C by S. a. Impr Charentaise Rousseau Et Cie Éditeurs 14 Rue Souff
Les Origines Du Capitalisme Moderne, Esquisse Historique by Sée, Henri
Le Problème Cotonnier Et l'Afrique Occidentale Française, Une Solution Nationale by Bloud, Henry
Initiation Financière by Lévy, Raphaël-Georges
Initiation Financiere by Lévy, Raphaël-Georges
L'Internationale Financière. Tome I. l'Europe by Bonzon, Jacques
Comité de Patronage Des Habitations À Bon Marché Et de la Prévoyance Sociale by Anonyme
Second Compte Des Recettes Et Dépenses Rendu Par Le Département de l'Administration by Bnf Vide
Traité-Formulaire Théorique Et Pratique Des Sociétés Commerciales. Règles Générales Des Sociétés: Bagnoles Et Tessé-La-Madeleine by Parisot, Léon
Impôts Cédulaires Et Impôt Général Sur Le Revenu. Instruction Générale, 31 Janvier 1928 by France
Études Sur La Vie Économique En Bretagne, 1772-An III: Travaux de Ville, Journaux, Tableaux, Algèbre, Langues Étrangères, Musique Et Plainchant, Machi by Sée, Henri
Comptes Et Budgets Publiés En 1829, En Exécution de l'Art. 6 de la Loi Du 17 Août 1828 by Seine
La Pêche Du Saumon, Dans l'Allier, À La Bajasse, Près Brioude by Montalban
Documents Relatifs À M. Jean Entraygues, Négociant by Salon Des Indépendants
Les Opérations de Banque. 11E Édition by Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean-Gustave
Questions Économiques. Les Fers En 1860 by Besqueut, Jules
Du Réformisme À La Lutte Des Classes, Discours by Monmousseau, Gaston
Observations Présentées À La Commission Instituée Près Le Ministère Des Finances by D' Artois, Louis
Inauguration Du Canal de Suez, Rapport Présenté À La Chambre de Commerce de Mulhouse by Bian, Louis
Crédit Foncier d'Algérie Et de Tunisie. Société Anonyme. Siège Social, Alger: Siège Administratif, Paris. Succursales Et Agences En Algérie-Tunisie-Ma by Impr Chaix
Crédit Foncier d'Algérie Et de Tunisie. Société Anonyme. Siège Social, Alger: Congrès de Metz, 27 Juin-1er Juillet 1927 by Impr Chaix
Système Des Contradictions Économiques Ou Philosophie de la Misère. Tome 1 by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Le Livre de la Comptabilité Agricole: 18e Session Des Semaines Sociales de France, Havre, 2-8 Août 1926 by Mouillot, F.
Traité d'Économie Politique by Cassel, Gustav
La Répartition de la Dette Publique d'Avant-Guerre Autrichienne Et Hongroise by Commission Des Réparations
Rapport Fait Au Nom de la Commission Des Marchés, Affaire Vallobra by Vitalis, Léon
Méthode Élémentaire, Théorique Et Pratique, Pour Apprendre Sans Maître La Tenue Des Livres by Bourcq, N. -T
Des Finances de la France, Avant Et Après La Révolution de Juillet by de Suleau, Élysée
Cours Élémentaire Et Pratique de la Tenue Des Livres En Parties Doubles by Gerard, Joseph
Traité de la Bourse Et de la Spéculation by Borel, L.
Douzième Congrès National, Nancy, 21-22 Mai 1925: Opinion Des Chambres de Commerce, Associations Industrielles, Métallurgiques Et Minières by Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation
Les Causes Principales Du Surhaussement Des Monnoyes de France, Et La Manière d'y Remédier by de Coquerel, Nicolas
Le crédit agricole en Yougoslavie by Vorkapi, Radivoje L.
L'Économie Mondiale Et La Société Des Nations by Hantos, Elemér
Human Factors in Cotton Culture by Vance, Rupert B.
Negotiation Madness by Nelson, Peter
Seven Lean Years by Winston, Ellen, Woofter, T. J.
Statistique Et Expérience, Remarques de Méthode: Abrégé de l'Histoire de la Peinture. Biographie Des Peintres Par Ordre Alphabétique. Volume 2 by Simiand, François
Building the Skyline: The Birth and Growth of Manhattan's Skyscrapers by Barr, Jason M.
An analysis of the benefits and critique between the free trade agreements NAFTA and CETA in a historical comparison by Petersen, Paul
Management Control in Public-Private Partnerships: Between International Governmental Actors and the Private Sector by Konrad, Thomas S.
Hedge: A Greater Safety Net for the Entrepreneurial Age by Colin, Nicolas
Historic Tales of Arlington, Texas by Barker, Evelyn
A Mission for Development: Utah Universities and the Point Four Program in Iran by Garlitz, Richard
Historic Tales of Arlington, Texas by Barker, Evelyn
Contemporary Film and Economics: Lights! Camera! Econ! by Staley, Samuel R.
Operational Law in International Straits and Current Maritime Security Challenges by
Builders of a New South: Merchants, Capital, and the Remaking of Natchez, 1865-1914 by Anderson, Aaron D.
Die Argentinienkrise 2001 und die Rolle des IWF: Der Weg Argentiniens von einem der zehn reichsten Staaten in den 1930er Jahren zu einem "Pleitestaat" by Kuttner, Gerhard
The Theoretical and Practical Dimensions of Regionalism in East Asia by Klecha-Tylec, Karolina
Assessing the Economic Impact of Tourism: A Computable General Equilibrium Modelling Approach by Siriwardana, Mahinda, Meng, Samuel
Revolutionizing Economic and Democratic Systems: Reinventing the Third Way by Nordberg, Kenneth
Realising the 'Triple Dividend of Resilience': A New Business Case for Disaster Risk Management by
Emerging Powers in Africa: A New Wave in the Relationship? by
The Euro and the Crisis: Perspectives for the Eurozone as a Monetary and Budgetary Union by
La Economía en un Espectro Multicolor: DIEZ COLORES DIEZ ECONOMÍAS ... sus descripciones, sus contrastes, y, sus aplicaciones dentro de una posible ec by Velasquez, Andres, Vrant, Andres
Citizens, Europe and the Media: Have New Media Made Citizens More Eurosceptical? by Conti, Nicolò, Memoli, Vincenzo
Crowding Out Fiscal Stimulus: Testing the Effectiveness of Us Government Stimulus Programs by Heim, John J.
The Euro: Why It Failed by Jespersen, Jesper
Collision or Collaboration: Archaeology Encounters Economic Development by
Financial Liberalisation: Past, Present and Future by
Development Aid and Sustainable Economic Growth in Africa: The Limits of Western and Chinese Engagements by Raudino, Simone
Economic Welfare and Inequality in Iran: Developments Since the Revolution by
Analysis of Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Rwanda: A Case Study of BPR and I&M Bank (BCR). Period of study 2008 to 2013 by Ntuite, Sylvain R.
Investing in the Trump Era: How Economic Policies Impact Financial Markets by Sargen, Nicholas P.
Industrial Districts in History and the Developing World by
China's Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, February 2016 by Center for Macroeconomic Research of Xiamen University
Quantum Economics: The New Science of Money by Orrell, David
China: Innovative Green Development by Hu, Angang
Economic Success of Chinese Merchants in Southeast Asia: Identity, Ethnic Cooperation and Conflict by Landa, Janet Tai
China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice: Volume I: Domestic and International Economic Policies by Joshua, John
Law and Economics in Europe and the U.S.: The Legacy of Juergen Backhaus by
Ngos, Social Capital and Community Empowerment in Bangladesh by Islam, M. Rezaul
Transport Systems of Russian Cities: Ongoing Transformations by
Energy Return on Investment: A Unifying Principle for Biology, Economics, and Sustainability by Hall, Charles a. S.
Explorations in Public Sector Economics: Essays by Prominent Economists by
Energy Transitions in Japan and China: Mine Closures, Rail Developments, and Energy Narratives by Lim, Tai Wei
Perspectives on Economic Development and Policy in India: In Honour of Suresh D. Tendulkar by
Stalled Democracy: Capital, Labor, and the Paradox of State-Sponsored Development by Bellin, Eva
India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation: The Unfinished Economic Agenda by
The Anti-TTIP Movement in Germany. The Role of Framing and Information and Communication Technologies in Mobilizing the Masses by Lurz, Katharina
Principles of Public Finance by Ihori, Toshihiro
Monetary Policy in India: A Modern Macroeconomic Perspective by
Enjoyable Econometrics by Franses, Philip Hans
Russia's Response to Sanctions by Connolly, Richard
Post-Growth Politics: A Critical Theoretical and Policy Framework for Decarbonisation by Ferguson, Peter
Eco-Capitalism: Carbon Money, Climate Finance, and Sustainable Development by Guttmann, Robert
Jacob Schiff and the Art of Risk: American Financing of Japan's War with Russia (1904-1905) by Gower, Adam
Qualität in Der Medizin Quantifizieren?: Eine Begriffsklärung in Der Pay-For-Performance-Diskussion by Weigel, Thomas Friedrich
Attitudes Towards Europe Beyond Euroscepticism: Supporting the European Union Through the Crisis by Di Mauro, Danilo, Memoli, Vincenzo
Blockchain: 5 Ways Blockchain will Benefit your Business by Capostagno, Simone
In Search of the Two-Handed Economist: Ideology, Methodology and Marketing in Economics by Freedman, Craig
Social Entrepreneurship and Tourism: Philosophy and Practice by
New Trends in Finance and Accounting: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting by
Benedetto Cotrugli - The Book of the Art of Trade: With Scholarly Essays from Niall Ferguson, Giovanni Favero, Mario Infelise, Tiziano Zanato and Vera by
Reduced Modelling of Planar Fuel Cells: Spatial Smoothing and Asymptotic Reduction by He, Zhongjie, Li, Hua, Birgersson, Karl Erik
How the Chinese Economy Works by Guo, Rongxing
Safe at Home with Assistive Technology by
Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: Post-Crisis Perspectives by
Practical Economics: Economic Transformation and Government Reform in Georgia 2004-2012 by Gilauri, Nika
Small Powers and Trading Security: Contexts, Motives and Outcomes by Magcamit, Michael Intal
China's Economic Growth: Towards Sustainable Economic Development and Social Justice: Volume II: The Impact of Economic Policies on the Quality of Lif by Joshua, John
Risk Management, Strategic Thinking and Leadership in the Financial Services Industry: A Proactive Approach to Strategic Thinking by
Service Business Model Innovation in Healthcare and Hospital Management: Models, Strategies, Tools by
Multiprojektmanagement Im Krankenhaus: Prozesse, Methoden, Strukturen by Harsch, Monika
China's Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, September 2016 by Cmr of Xiamen University
North American Perspectives on the Development of Public Relations: Other Voices by
The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Capital Markets by Campanella, Dominik
Japanese Direct Investment in Mexico's Transport Equipment Sector: Macro Impact and Local Responses by
An International Comparison of Financial Consumer Protection by
Entrepreneurship in Former Yugoslavia: Diversity, Institutional Constraints and Prospects by
Microeconomic Theory by Wang, Susheng
Cross-Border Outsourcing and Boundaries of Japanese Firms: A Microdata Economic Analysis by Tomiura, Eiichi
Bestandsmanagement in Supply Chains by Tempelmeier, Horst
10 Economias para la Innovacion: DIEZ PERSPECTIVAS ECONOMICAS, DIEZ ABORDAJES INNOVADORES cientos de conexiones entre la economía y la innovación cien by Vrant, Andres, Velasquez, Andres
Competition Regulation and Regulatory Governance by Mutuku, Caroline
World Inequality Report 2018 by
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