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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

State and Economic Development in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia by Tesfaye, Aaron
Developed Nations and the Economic Impact of Globalization by Moak, Ken
Realizing the Full Potential of Social Safety Nets in Africa by
Disintermediated finance peer-to-peer lending and payday loans by Kreutzer, Christian
Anreize von Bail-Out-Regeln und Moral Hazard by Kass, Kathrin
Protection or Free Trade: An Examination of the Tariff Question, with Especial Regard to the Interests of Labor by George, Henry
Die Finanzierung des Sozialsystems. Der Weg aus der Vergangenheit in die Zukunft by Windhager, Thomas
Progress and Poverty: An Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth; The Remedy (Hardc by George, Henry
Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability: An Integrated Economic and Ecological Approach by Hussen, Ahmed
Protection or Free Trade: An Examination of the Tariff Question, with Especial Regard to the Interests of Labor (Hardcover) by George, Henry
Progress and Poverty: An Inquiry into the Cause of Industrial Depressions and of Increase of Want with Increase of Wealth; The Remedy by George, Henry
Ökosystemdienstleistungen: Konzept, Methoden Und Fallbeispiele by
Stories of Progressive Institutional Change: Challenges to the Neoliberal Economy by Figart, Deborah M.
Consumer Reaction, Food Production and the Fukushima Disaster: Assessing Reputation Damage Due to Potential Radiation Contamination by Aruga, Kentaka
Market Segmentation Analysis: Understanding It, Doing It, and Making It Useful by Grün, Bettina, Leisch, Friedrich, Dolnicar, Sara
Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics by
Economic Wealth Creation and the Social Division of Labour: Volume I: Institutions and Trust by Gilles, Robert P.
State Failure and Distorted Urbanisation in Post-Mao's China, 1993-2012 by Zheng, Yazhuo, Deng, Kent
The Success of English Land Tax Administration 1643-1733 by Pierpoint, Stephen
Renewable Power and Energy, Volume II: Wind and Thermal Systems by Price, Gary D.
God's Economy by McKenzie, Ron
Heterodox Investment Theory: Stochastic Predictability and Uncertainty by Pistorius, Thomas
The European Gas Markets: Challenges and Opportunities by
Innovation, Governance and Entrepreneurship: How Do They Evolve in Middle Income Countries?: New Concepts, Trends and Challenges by
General Equilibrium Foundation of Partial Equilibrium Analysis by Hayashi, Takashi
Business Opportunities in the Pacific Alliance: The Economic Rise of Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico by Virzi, Nicholas, Spillan, John E.
An Economic Analysis of the Rise and Decline of Chinese Township and Village Enterprises by Jin, Cheng
The Economy of South Asia: From 1950 to the Present by Roy, Tirthankar
Catalonia in Spain: History and Myth by Tortella, Gabriel
Rapidly Changing Securities Markets: Who Are the Initiators? by
Varieties of Capitalism in Southeast Asia by Moore, Joel David
Advances in Time Series Analysis and Forecasting: Selected Contributions from Itise 2016 by
Renewable Energy Clusters: Recurring Barriers to Cluster Development in Eleven Countries by Jaegersberg, Gudrun, Ure, Jenny
Renewable Power and Energy, Volume I: Photovoltaic Systems by Price, Gary D.
Global Women in the Start-up World: Conversations in Silicon Valley by Zucker, Marta
Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Diversity, Trends, and Perspectives by
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (Gdpr): A Practical Guide by Voigt, Paul, Von Dem Bussche, Axel
Economic Transformation and Business Opportunities in Asia by Hoontrakul, Pongsak
Precarious Professional Work: Entrepreneurialism, Risk and Economic Compensation in the Knowledge Economy by Styhre, Alexander
Novel Psychoactive Substances: Policy, Economics and Drug Regulation by
The World Bank and Transferring Development: Policy Movement Through Technical Assistance by Bazbauers, Adrian Robert
Turkish Multinationals: Market Entry and Post-Acquisition Strategy by Ayden, Yuksel, Demirbag, Mehmet, Tatoglu, Ekrem
The Econometrics of Multi-Dimensional Panels: Theory and Applications by
Overcoming Uncertainty of Institutional Environment as a Tool of Global Crisis Management by
Complete Economics for Cambridge Igcse and O Level Student Book 3rd Edition by Titley
Confucian Capitalism: Shibusawa Eiichi, Business Ethics, and Economic Development in Meiji Japan by Sagers, John H.
The Deconstruction of Employment as a Political Question: 'Employment' as a Floating Signifier by
Research in Economic History by
The German Ocean: Medieval Europe around the North Sea by Ayers, Brian
Baden and the Modern State: The Implementation of Administrative and Legal Reforms in the German State of Baden During the 19th Century by Selgert, Felix
Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Learning from History by
Taming the Anarchy: Groundwater Governance in South Asia by Shah, Tushaar
Recession at Work: HRM in the Irish Crisis by Coughlan, Anne, Roche, Bill, Teague, Paul
Buchanan's Tensions: Reexamining the Political Economy and Philosophy of James M. Buchanan by
Buchanan's Tensions: Reexamining the Political Economy and Philosophy of James M. Buchanan by
Technology, Globalization, and Sustainable Development: Transforming the Industrial State by Ashford, Nicholas A., Hall, Ralph P.
Traité De La Science Des Finances: Des Revenus Publics. T. 2. Le Budget Et Le Crédit Public by Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul
Varieties of Capitalism and Business History: The Dutch Case by
Introduction to the Eurasian Economic Union by Vinokurov, Evgeny
Richard Cantillon P: Entrepreneur and Economist by Murphy, Antoin E.
Functionings of Land: Analysing Compulsory Acquisition Cases from Scotland by Rao, Jyoti
A Study of the Turning Point of China's Debt by Lin, Song, Wang, Lin, Zhu, Xiaohuang
The Diversity of Emerging Capitalisms in Developing Countries: Globalization, Institutional Convergence and Experimentation by
Reassessing the Role of Management in the Golden Age: An International Comparison of Public Sector Managers 1945-1975 by
Growth Frontiers in International Business by
Political Economy of Macao Since 1999: The Dilemma of Success by Pan, Guanjin, Hao, Yufan, Sheng, Li
A Marxist History of Capitalism by Heller, Henry
Analyse der Patienten-Arzt-Beziehung aus Sicht spieltheoretische Modelle und eine Abschätzung der Ergebnise by Hartmann, Marc H.
Cultural and Civilisational Links Between India and Southeast Asia: Historical and Contemporary Dimensions by
Tin and Global Capitalism, 1850-2000: A History of "the Devil's Metal" by
John Law P: Economic Theorist and Policy-Maker by Murphy, Antoin E.
The Satisfaction of Change: How Knowledge and Innovation Overcome Loyalty in Decision-Making Processes by Della Peruta, Maria Rosaria, Del Giudice, Manlio
The Nature of the Firm in the Oil Industry: International Oil Companies in Global Business by Beyazay, Basak
Technology, Globalization, and Sustainable Development: Transforming the Industrial State by Ashford, Nicholas A., Hall, Ralph P.
The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume IV: The Private and Social Costs of Overeating and Their Remedies by Joshua, John
A Marxist History of Capitalism by Heller, Henry
Econophysics of the Kolkata Restaurant Problem and Related Games: Classical and Quantum Strategies for Multi-Agent, Multi-Choice Repetitive Games by Ghosh, Asim, Chakrabarti, Bikas K., Chatterjee, Arnab
Metrics of Subjective Well-Being: Limits and Improvements by
Overview and Evaluation of Existing Frugal Innovations in Healthcare by Weinhold, Julia
Dictionnaire De L'économie Politique: Contenant L'exposition Des Principes De La Science [...], Volume 1... by Coquelin, Charles
L'industrie Dans La Grèce Ancienne... by Francotte, Henri
L'industrie Dans La Grèce Ancienne, Volume 2... by Francotte, Henri
Étude Économique De La Grèce De Sa Postion Actuelle De Son Avenir: Suivie De Documents Sur Le Commerce De L'orient, Sur L'égypte, Etc... by LeConte, Casimir
Dependent Growth: Foreign Investment and the Development of the Automotive Industry in East-Central Europe by Pavlínek, Petr
Forces Productives Et Commerciales De La France, Volume 1... by Dupin, Charles
Simple Lessons for Understanding the Economy: A Handbook for Macroeconomics by Lopez-Aqueres, Waldo
Studien aus der Florentiner Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Band II. by Doren, Alfred
Histoire Du Commerce De Toutes Les Nations: Temps Anciens Et Moyen Âge... by Scherer, Hermann
Karl Andrees Geographie des Welthandels: Eine wirtschaftsgeographische Schilderung der Erde. by Heiderich, Franz, Sieger, Robert, Andree, Karl
Escritos Póstumos De J. B. Alberdi, Volume 3... by Alberdi, Juan Bautista
Harmonies Et Perturbations Socials... by Bastiat, Frédéric, Martinelli, Jules
Les Finances Françaises De 1870 À 1878, Volume 1... by Mathieu-Bodet, Pierre
Système Des Contradictions Économiques, Ou Philosophie De La Misère, 1... by Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Regulating and Managing Food Safety in the EU: A Legal-Economic Perspective by
The Responsible Economy by Frank, Jefferson
Gustav Von Schmoller and Adolph Wagner: Legacy and Lessons for Civil Society and the State by
Vilfredo Pareto: An Intellectual Biography Volume I: From Science to Liberty (1848-1891) by Mornati, Fiorenzo
China's Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Report, February 2018 by Center for Macroeconomic Research at Xiamen University
Regulating Pharmaceutical Prices in India: Policy Design, Implementation and Compliance by Bhaskarabhatla, Ajay
The Political Economy of Neo-Modernisation: Rethinking the Dynamics of Technology, Development and Inequality by Baek, Seung Jin
Mathematik Für Ökonomen: Ökonomische Anwendungen Der Linearen Algebra Und Analysis Mit Scilab by Kohn, Wolfgang, Öztürk, Riza
Innovationskultur als Vorraussetzung für digitale Transformation by Bartlmann, Verena
Economic Development, Climate Change, and the Environment by
Ecology, Economy and Society: Essays in Honour of Kanchan Chopra by
La Théorie De L'économie Politique: Fondée Sur Les Faits Résultans Des Statistiques De La France Et De L'angleterre, Volume 2... by Ganilh, Charles
Les Progrès De La Science Économique Depuis Adam Smith: Revision Des Doctrines Économiques, Volume 2... by Block, Maurice
Studien aus der Florentiner Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Band II. by Doren, Alfred
Indian and Chinese Enterprises: Global Trade, Technology and Investment Regimes by
Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit: The Economic Theory of Uncertainty in Business Enterprise, and its Connection to Profit and Prosperity in Society by Knight, Frank H.
Gambling on War: Confidence, Fear, and the Tragedy of the First World War by Ransom, Roger L.
Gambling on War: Confidence, Fear, and the Tragedy of the First World War by Ransom, Roger L.
Role of Optimization Techniques in Agriculture by Pk, Jaslam
Risk, Uncertainty, and Profit: The Economic Theory of Uncertainty in Business Enterprise, and its Connection to Profit and Prosperity in Society (Har by Knight, Frank H.
Análisis Integral de la Economía Mundial Comparación del Sistema Monetario del Siglo XIX Y XX para Cuantificar su Contribución al Desarrollo de la Hum by Gutierrez Garcia, Alfredo
La Loi Sur Le Contrat De Travail... by Mavaut, Hector
Histoire De L'économie Politique, Depuis Les Anciens Jusqu'à Nos Jours... by Blanqui, Adolphe-Jérôme
Microeconomics for Public Decisions by Steinemann, Anne
SME's and European Integration: Internationalisation Strategies by Hegge, Birgit
Switzerland in Europe: Continuity and Change in the Swiss Political Economy by
Global Financial Crises and Reforms: Cases and Caveats by
The African Manufacturing Firm: An Analysis Based on Firm Studies in Sub-Saharan Africa by Mazaheri, Ata, Mazumdar, Dipak
Advances in Applied Economic Research: Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Applied Economics (Icoae) by
Risk Adjustment, Risk Sharing and Premium Regulation in Health Insurance Markets: Theory and Practice by
L'économie De La Paix Et La Richesse Des Peuples... by Audiganne, Armand
Rural Development in Punjab: A Success Story Going Astray by
Foreign Aid for Indian NGOs: Problem or Solution? by Sundar, Pushpa
The Adam Smith Review, Volume 6 by
Public Opinion on Economic Globalization: Considering Immigration, International Trade, and Foreign Direct Investment by White, Roger
Familial Foundations of the Welfare State: Building the National Health Insurance Systems in South Korea and Taiwan by Wang, Hye Suk
Development Finance: Innovations for Sustainable Growth by
Sustainable Development in Energy Systems by
Dollarization and De-Dollarization in Transitional Economies of Southeast Asia by
Environmental Challenges in the Baltic Region: A Perspective from Economics by
Principles of Microeconomics: An Integrative Approach by Kolmar, Martin
Measuring Regional Specialisation: A New Approach by Ochojski, Artur, Kopczewska, Katarzyna, Churski, Pawel
China's Lessons for India: Volume I: The Political Economy of Development by Ramesh, Sangaralingam
Regulations and International Trade: New Sustainability Challenges for East Asia by
Mental Health Economics: The Costs and Benefits of Psychiatric Care by
The Political Economy of Robots: Prospects for Prosperity and Peace in the Automated 21st Century by
Southeast Asia Beyond Crises and Traps: Economic Growth and Upgrading by
Spanish Economic Growth, 1850-2015 by Prados de La Escosura, Leandro
Introduction to International Political Economy by Dillman, Bradford, Balaam, David N.
Gold: Geld, Kredit, Ware: Ein Neuer Blick Auf Finanzgeschichte Und Gegenwart by Kaskaldo, Olga
The Interface of Competition Law, Industrial Policy and Development Concerns: The Case of South Africa by Strunz, Balthasar
Poverty, Chronic Poverty and Poverty Dynamics: Policy Imperatives by
Werte ALS Governance-Mechanismus in Transnationalen Unternehmen: Eine Empirische Analyse Der Wirkung Von Werten in Grenzüberschreitenden Kooperationen by Elsner, Annika
Bitcoin: Mining, Storing and Trading by Suresh, Poornima, Nair, Suresh
The London Experiment - An Econometric Approach to Assessing Foreign Direct Investment by Meyer, Sebastian
Seigniorage: On the Revenue from the Creation of Money by Reich, Jens
Imperial Theory and Colonial Pragmatism: Charles Harper, Economic Development and Agricultural Co-Operation in Australia by Gilchrist, David J.
Corporate Social Responsibility and Reporting in Sports Organizations by Valeri, Massimo
Cash in East Asia by
Forest Inventory-Based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass Availability by
New Interpretations on the Development of China's Non-Governmental Enterprises by
10 Self-Made Millionaire Habits by Castle-Blugh, Cherise
Catalyzing Development Through ICT Adoption: The Developing World Experience by
The Internal Impact and External Influence of the Greek Financial Crisis by
Entwicklung von Vermögenspreisen und deren Rolle in der Geldpolitik by Anonym
Business Angel Hansi Hansmann: Das Erfolgsgeheimnis Hinter Runtastic, Shpock, Mysugr Und Vielen Anderen Start-Ups by Novak, Florian, Ittner, Lisa
Bensenville by Sebastian, Jonathan W.
Free Trade Agreements and Globalisation: In the Shadow of Brexit and Trump by Melchior, Arne
Critical Issues in Asset Building in Singapore's Development by
Worlds of Taxation: The Political Economy of Taxing, Spending, and Redistribution Since 1945 by
Advances in Mathematical Economics: Volume 22 by
Creativity and Innovation: A New Theory of Ideas by Goorha, Prateek, Potts, Jason
Inclusive Fintech: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Ico by Lee, David Kuo Chuen, Low, Linda
Inclusive Fintech: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Ico by Low, Linda, Lee, David Kuo Chuen
Bensenville by Sebastian, Jonathan W.
The Russian Economy under Putin by
How Nations Succeed: Manufacturing, Trade, Industrial Policy, and Economic Development by Yülek, Murat A.
Bankers and Empire: How Wall Street Colonized the Caribbean by Hudson, Peter James
Land of the Fee: Hidden Costs and the Decline of the American Middle Class by Fergus, Devin
Trust: Creating the Foundation for Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries by Khanna, Tarun
Handbook of Dynamic Game Theory by
Energy in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities by Hafner, Manfred, Tagliapietra, Simone, de Strasser, Lucia
Nigerian Capitalism by Schatz, Sayre P.
Die Folgen der deutschen Währungsunion by Walz, Steffen
How Rational Irrationality Shaped the 2016 Presidential Election by Carter, Seth
The unintended Health Consequences of the Green Revolution in Punjab, India by Luwanda, Lameck
Principles of Macroeconomics: Activist vs. Austerity Policies by Meeropol, Michael A., Sherman, Howard J., Sherman, Paul D.
Trading in Uncertainty: Entrepreneurship, Morality and Trust in a Vietnamese Textile-Handling Village by Horat, Esther
High-Tech Industries, Employment and Global Competitiveness by
Ageing in Advanced Industrial States: Riding the Age Waves - Volume 3 by
Das Book: On Growth and Development by Silva, Dan
China's Pension Reforms: Political Institutions, Skill Formation and Pension Policy in China by Meng, Ke
Principles of Macroeconomics: Activist vs. Austerity Policies by Sherman, Howard J., Meeropol, Michael A., Sherman, Paul D.
Climate Change and Adaptation Planning for Ports by
Japanese Development Cooperation: The Making of an Aid Architecture Pivoting to Asia by
China's Economic Growth: A Miracle with Chinese Characteristics by Wu, Yanrui
Economic Development in Saudi Arabia by Al Salamah, Abdullah, Malik, Monica, Al Rajhi, Ahmed
China in the Wake of Asia's Financial Crisis by
Sustainable Development in Rural China: Farmer Innovation and Self-Organisation in Marginal Areas by Wu, Bin
Seminal Studies in Regional and Urban Economics: Contributions from an Impressive Mind by
The European Roots of the Eurozone Crisis: Errors of the Past and Needs for the Future by Baldassarri, Mario
China's Lessons for India: Volume II: The Political Economy of Change by Ramesh, Sangaralingam
The Politics of Commercial Treaties in the Eighteenth Century: Balance of Power, Balance of Trade by
Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India by Luo, Dan, Bhalla, A. S.
Monetary Policy, Financial Crises, and the Macroeconomy: Festschrift for Gerhard Illing by
India as an Organization: Volume Two: The Reconstruction of India by Basu, Dipak, Miroshnik, Victoria
Comparative Kurdish Politics in the Middle East: Actors, Ideas, and Interests by
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