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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Routledge Handbook of Higher Education for Sustainable Development by
Investing for Beginners: 5 Manuscripts - Why This is Your Last Chance to Buy Cryptocurrency and Experience 10X Profits Before it's Too Late by Satoshi, Stephen
Real Estate Valuation Theory: A Critical Appraisal by Mooya, Manya M.
Technology Transfer and Economic Growth in Sub-Sahara African Countries: Lessons from East Asia by Agola, Nathaniel O.
Electronic Democracy in Europe: Prospects and Challenges of E-Publics, E-Participation and E-Voting by
Floating Offshore Wind Farms by
The Competence of the European Union in Copyright Lawmaking: A Normative Perspective of EU Powers for Copyright Harmonization by Ramalho, Ana
Selected Issues in Experimental Economics: Proceedings of the 2015 Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (Cmee) Conference by
Monetary Policy and the Oil Market by
Alternative Energy Sources and Technologies: Process Design and Operation by
Dynamic Locational Phases of Economic Activity in the Globalized World by Ishikawa, Toshiharu
Economic Miracle Market South Korea: A Blueprint for Economic Growth in Developing Nations by Schneidewind, Dieter K.
Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Issues, Obstacles and Perspectives by
Sport Mega-Events in Emerging Economies: The South American Games of Santiago 2014 by Shonk, David J., Silva-Bórquez, Jorge, Bravo, Gonzalo a.
Economics of Higher Education: Background, Concepts, and Applications by Toutkoushian, Robert K., Paulsen, Michael B.
National Test: System Design of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone by Xiao, Lin
Australia's Red Tape Crisis: The Causes and Costs of Over-regulation by
Easy Money: Evolution of Money from Robinson Crusoe to the First World War by Kaul, Vivek
Resettlement Policy in Large Development Projects by
Report on the Development of Household Finance in Rural China (2014) by Gan, Li, Yin, Zhichao, Tan, Jijun
Religion and Urbanism: Reconceptualising Sustainable Cities for South Asia by
Too much finance. Finanzwesen und Wirtschaftswachstum by Metzler, Michael
Easy Money: The Greatest Ponzi Scheme Ever and How It Threatens to Destr oy the Global Financial System by Kaul, Vivek
The Changing Fortunes of Central Banking by
Agent-Based Models in Economics by
Easy Money: Evolution of the Global Financial system to the Great Bubble Burst by Kaul, Vivek
Differential Games in Industrial Economics by Lambertini, Luca
Moderne Finanzmathematik - Theorie Und Praktische Anwendung Band 2: Erweiterungen Des Black-Scholes-Modells, Zins, Kreditrisiko Und Statistik by Desmettre, Sascha, Korn, Ralf
Die Irrtümer des David Ricardo. Die Ursachen und Wirkungen des Außenhandels by Turba, Jessica
Steuerungsproblematik bei Center-Konzepten. Cost-Center, Profit-Center und Service-Center: Eine vergleichende Würdigung by Pomes, Robert
Partition Function Form Games: Coalitional Games with Externalities by Kóczy, László Á.
The Unfinished System of Karl Marx: Critically Reading Capital as a Challenge for Our Times by
Unto This Last and Other Essays on Political Economy by Ruskin, John
Authoritarian Capitalism by Carney, Richard W.
Structural Econometrics of Auctions: A Review by Hubbard, Timothy P., Nekipelov, Denis, Gentry, Matthew L.
Zur Wettbewerbspositions-Lebenszyklusphasen-Matrix "ADL-Matrix": Grundlagen der Portfolio-Analyse und absatzmarktorientierte Portfolio-Konzepte by Anonym
The Economic Theory of Community Forestry by Robinson, David
Slowenien als Zielland für ausländische Direktinvestitionen. Ökonomische Analyse und Zukunftsperspektiven by Vajda, Denis, Neumann, Dieter
Maritime Networks: Spatial structures and time dynamics by
Navigation by Judgment: Why and When Top-Down Management of Foreign Aid Doesn't Work by Honig, Dan
Die Geldschöpfung der Geschäftsbanken by Troeger, Annemarie
Changing trends in North-South trade contexts? An assessment of the intra-industry trade patterns between Germany and Nigeria by Bayo, Kareem
From Economics to Political Economy: The Problems, Promises and Solutions of Pluralist Economics by Thornton, Tim B.
A Business History of India: Enterprise and the Emergence of Capitalism from 1700 by Roy, Tirthankar
Critical Junctures in Mobile Capital by
Late Neoclassical Economics: The restoration of theoretical humanism in contemporary economic theory by Madra, Yahya M.
A Business History of India by Roy, Tirthankar
Sustainable World: The Utilitarian Economy (where EVERYONE has a chance) by Gittens, Nigel
Regional Growth and Sustainable Development in Asia by
Economic Thought and Institutional Change in France and Italy, 1789-1914: A Comparative Study by
Economic Foundations for Creative Ageing Policy, Volume II: Putting Theory Into Practice by Klimczuk, Andrzej
Energy, Environment and Transitional Green Growth in China by
Palestine Ltd.: Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory by Haddad, Toufic
Asean+3 Bond Market Guide 2018: Myanmar by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Asean+3 Bond Market Guide 2018: Cambodia by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Indonesia: Enhancing Productivity Through Quality Jobs by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Gender Equality Results Case Study: India: Enhancing Energy-Based Livelihoods for Women Micro-Entrepreneurs by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Assessment of the Energy Sector: Enhancing Social Sustainability of Energy Development in Nepal by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
The Manual of Strategic Economic Decision Making: Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Solve Complex Problems by Grover, Jeff
Advances in Efficiency and Productivity by
Shifting Power in Asia-Pacific?: The Rise of China, Sino-Us Competition and Regional Middle Power Allegiance by Fels, Enrico
The Impact of Cleavages on Swiss Voting Behaviour: A Modern Research Approach by Goldberg, Andreas C.
The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume I: The Private and Social Costs of Smoking and Their Remedies by Joshua, John
The Transition from Capitalism: Marxist Perspectives by
Sunspots and Non-Linear Dynamics: Essays in Honor of Jean-Michel Grandmont by
Investment and Competitiveness in Africa by
The Theory of Mixed Oligopoly: Privatization, Transboundary Activities, and Their Applications by
Improving Access and Quality of Public Services in Latin America: To Govern and to Serve by
Economic History of Warfare and State Formation by
The Life Insurance Industry in India: Current State and Efficiency by Parida, Tapas Kumar, Acharya, Debashis
Judging the State in International Trade and Investment Law: Sovereignty Modern, the Law and the Economics by
Southeast Asian Affairs 2018 by
Research Outline for China's Cultural Soft Power by Zhang, Guozuo
Political Economy of China-Taiwan Relations: Origins and Development by Chen, Chien-Kai
Transformations of Global Prosperity: How Foreign Investment, Multinationals, and Value Chains Are Remaking Modern Economy by Dowlah, Caf
Austrian Reconstruction and the Collapse of Global Finance, 1921-1931 by Marcus, Nathan
Lost Omaha by Bednarek, Janet R. Daly
Exploring Inspiration Economy by Buheji, Mohamed, Ahmed, Dunya
Le Budget de la viguerie d'Aigues-mortes en 1460, d'après le manuscrit original inédit by Impr de Clavel Et Chastanier
Des Budgets de 1832 Et 1833 by La Gervaisais, Nicolas-Louis-Marie Magon
Comparaison Des Budgets de 1830 Et de 1843. Epître À M. Le Ministre Des Finances by Le Rond, Jean
Considérations Morales Sur Les Finances by de Lévis, Gaston
100 Millions À Rendre Aux Contribuables Ou 10 Millions À Prendre Aux Rentiers: Opinion Du Général Foy, 1824 by La Gervaisais, Nicolas-Louis-Marie Magon
Du Rachat Des Chemins de Fer by Le Febvre, F.
Manuel Des Impôts by Helly, Henry
de l'État Périlleux Des Finances Et Du Quatre Pour Cent Chabrol by Fazy, James
Solution de la Question Financière by Fillod, A.
Thèse de Doctorat. Études Sur Le Taux de l'Intérêt Dans Le Prêt d'Argent by Laurans, J. -E
Nouvelles Observations Sur La Vente Des Bois Et Autres Moyens de Crédit Public by Martel, Étienne
Quelques Considérations Sur Les Finances de la France. 2e Édition by Krasi Ski, W. Adys Aw
Des Doctrines Du Rapport Sur Le Budget Des Recettes by La Gervaisais, Nicolas-Louis-Marie Magon
Quatre Millions À Retrancher Du Budget de 1831 by Gosse, Etienne
L'Union Des Cultivateurs Pour Obtenir La Diminution Des Impôts Et Nommer Des Représentants: Du Peuple Intéressés À Améliorer Le Sort Des Habitants Des by Grollier, Eugène
Crédit Locatif de Paris. Caisse Des Loyers by Marc, G.
Des Courtiers. Tome 1 by Fabre, Jules
Finances d'Haïti, Emprunt Nouveau, Même Banque by Marcelin, Frédéric
Du Rapport Sur Le Budget Des Dépenses by La Gervaisais, Nicolas-Louis-Marie Magon
La Vérité Économique. de l'Impôt, Du Crédit by La Gervaisais, Nicolas-Louis-Marie Magon
Impôt Sur Le Revenu En Angleterre by Melliet, Léo
Régénération Financière Et Sociale de la France, Par l'Émission Solidaire by Maubert, Prosper
Copie de Deux Lettres Adressées À S. Exc. M. Le Ministre Des Finances by Labbé, A.
Le Déficit et les nouveaux impôts by de Gasparin, Paul
La Situation financière et le budget de 1850 by de Laval, E.
Moyens Pratiques d'Améliorer La Situation de l'Agriculture, Du Commerce: Et Des Consommateurs En France, Sans Diminuer Les Ressources Du Trésor by Macaire, David
Thèses de Doctorat. Les Finances de l'État Et l'Administration Financière À Rome Sous La République: En Droit Romain. Historique Et Théorie Du Budget by Guerrier de Dumast, René
de la Nécessité de Maintenir l'Amortissement: Et Des Motifs Qui Peuvent Seuls En Justifier La Réduction by Juvigny, Jean-Baptiste
Caisse Générale Des Chemins de Fer. Assemblée Générale Du 6 Février 1864. Rapport: Procès-Verbal de l'Assemblée. Résolutions by Mirès, Jules-Isaac
Les Derniers Jours de l'Économie Actuelle Et Les Sept Trompettes Apocalyptiques: Dédié Aux Enfants de Dieu by Galichet
Mémoires Sur Les Finances de la France En 1816 by de la Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Frédéric Gaëtan
Dignité Du Commerce Et de l'État de Commerçant by Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham-Hyacinthe
Lettre Au Comte de Villèle, Ministre Des Finances Sur Le Projet de Remboursement: Ou de Réduction Des Rentes by Mosbourg, Jean Antoine Michel Agar
Le Travail Et l'Impôt, Base Unique. La Justice Pour Tous, Et Pour Tous La Même Protection by Fleury
Seconde Lettre Au Comte de Villèle, Ministre Des Finances Sur Le Projet de Remboursement: Ou de Réduction Des Rentes by Mosbourg, Jean Antoine Michel Agar
Dernières Considérations Sur Le Remboursement: Ou Sur La Réduction Des Arrérages d'Une Partie de la Dette Publique by Gaudin, Martin-Michel-Charles
Dix Années de Déficit, 1859-1869 by Keller, Émile
Banque Hypothécaire by Jouanne, Jules
Répertoire Du Service de la Comptabilité Des Trésoriers-Payeurs Généraux: Et Des Receveurs Particuliers Des Finances by Martinier, Eugène
L'État Et Les Tarifs de Chemins de Fer by Cavaignac, Godefroy
Opinion Sur Le Remboursement de la Rente by Malebouche, Fortuné
Histoire Financière. de la Situation Financière Et Du Budget by Faucher, Léon
Sur l'Administration Des Finances Pendant Le Gouvernement de Juillet Et Sur Ses Résultats: En Réponse Aux Rapports de M. Le Ministre Des Finances Des by Lacave-Laplagne, Pierre-Jean-Joseph
Le Livre Des Tarifs, Spécialement Rédigé Pour Les Maisons de Banque Et Destiné À Faciliter: Les Recouvrements En France Et À l'Étranger, En Accélérant by George, J.
Banque Agricole de Crédit Et de Circulation by Marestaing, Th
Observations Sur La Situation Financière, Adressées À l'Assemblée Nationale by Fould, Achille
Lettres Sur Le Budget, Adressées À M. Lepoitevin Saint-Alme: Rédacteur En Chef Du Corsaire Satan, 20 Mai-12 Juin 1846 by Goupy, Louis
Lettres À M. Le Comte De, Sur Le Commerce Des Colonies, Par Un Ancien Administrateur by Kermellec, De
Des Déchéances En Matière de Concessions Minières by Merlin, Ch
Du Système Financier Ou Coup d'Oeil Analytique Sur Le Budget de 1822 by Guérard de Rouilly, Antoine
Des Réformes Sociales, Et En Particulier Des Banques Hypothécaires Au Point de Vue de la Misère by Mourgue, Paul
Cours Élémentaire, Théorique Et Pratique de la Tenue Des Livres En Partie Double: Professeurs Et Élèves. Guide Du Professeur. Corrigé Des Exercices de by Guyet, J. -A
de la Reconnaissance Légale Des Marchés À Terme by Fey, Édouard
Des Institutions Commerciales En France by Hutteau d'Origny, Antoine-François
Examen Du Budget Proposé Par Le Ministre Des Finances Pour l'Année 1817 by de Mondenard
Des Finances de France Et Du Budget Proposé Pour 1816: Avec Un Projet de Loi Pour Un Meilleur Établissement Financier by de Mondenard
Développement Des Motifs d'Un Travail Sur Les Finances by Froust, Jean-Marie
Sur La Nécessité Et Les Moyens de Réduire Les Dépenses Gouvernementales: Mémoire À M. Le Ministre Des Finances by de Girardin, Alexandre
Mémoire Sur Les Finances by Guillaume
a la Chambre. Du Projet de Réduction Des Rentes, Faisant Suite Aux Réponses À M. Humann by La Gervaisais, Nicolas-Louis-Marie Magon
Sur Le Remboursements Des Rentes 5, 4 1 by de Girardin, Alexandre
Idées Sur Les Finances by Edek, W.
L'Art de Payer Ses Dettes Ou Le Code Du Débiteur by Edmond-Raoul, G.
La Faillite et la loi by DuPont, Mathieu
Guide Général En Affaires Civiles Et Commerciales by Escoffier, P.
Système de Divagations Peu Économiques Du Citoyen Proudhon, Par Un Grigou by Dlancy
La Déduction des dettes et des charges dans l'impôt sur les successions by DuBois, Ernest
Réforme Commerciale, Comme Étant Le Seul Moyen de Sauver Les Sociétés by Durand, J. -J
La Fin Des Révolutions, Appel Au Jugement de la France, Fondation Du Crédit National by Du Bourg, Joseph-Patrice
Questions Administratives Et Financières by Girardin, Émile
Unité de Rente Et Unité d'Intérêt by Girardin, Émile
Cashing in on Cyberpower: How Interdependent Actors Seek Economic Outcomes in a Digital World by Peters, Mark T.
The New Global Road Map: Enduring Strategies for Turbulent Times by Ghemawat, Pankaj
Redefining Global Strategy, with a New Preface: Crossing Borders in a World Where Differences Still Matter by Ghemawat, Pankaj
Dallas Got It Right: All Roads Lead to Dallas by Matthews, Laurie, Wyly, Andrew, Wyly, Sam
Towards a Critique of Bourgeois Economics: Essays of Thomas T. Sekine by Sekine, Thomas T.
The Broken Ladder: How Inequality Affects the Way We Think, Live, and Die by Payne, Keith
Producer and Organizational Decision-Making: Is Behavioral Economics Losing Its Way? by Schwartz, Hugh
The Development of Economic Thought: An Overview by Cammarosano, Joseph R.
Another Marx: Early Manuscripts to the International by Musto, Marcello
International Retailers' Performance in Host Countries: The Roles of Strategies, Consumer Perceptions and the Local Environment by Morbe, Lukas
Macroeconomic Policy After the Crash: Issues in Microprudential and Macroprudential Policy by Barwell, Richard
Aprendizaje Tecnológico, Innovación y Crecimiento: Implicaciones para Puerto rico by Marques-Velasco, Rene
Global Financial Crisis and Its Ramifications on Capital Markets: Opportunities and Threats in Volatile Economic Conditions by
China's Change: The Greatest Show on Earth by Peyman, Hugh
Consumption Patterns of the Middle Class in Contemporary China by Zhu, Di
Brand Fans: Lessons from the World's Greatest Sporting Brands by Smith, Aaron C. T., Stavros, Constantino, Westberg, Kate
The Job Guarantee and Modern Money Theory: Realizing Keynes's Labor Standard by
Newtonian Microeconomics: A Dynamic Extension to Neoclassical Micro Theory by Estola, Matti
Revolution of Innovation Management: Volume 2 Internationalization and Business Models by
Tectonic Shifts in Financial Markets: People, Policies, and Institutions by Kaufman, Henry
A Socially Responsible Islamic Finance: Character and the Common Good by Moghul, Umar F.
Human Capital in Gender and Development by Calkin, Sydney
Encyclopaedia of Historical Metrology, Weights, and Measures: Volume 3 by Gyllenbok, Jan
Another Marx: Early Manuscripts to the International by Musto, Marcello
Economy, Finance and Business in Southeastern and Central Europe: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Economies of the Balkan and E by
China's Change: The Greatest Show on Earth by Peyman, Hugh
Modern Evolutionary Economics by Nelson, Richard R., Dosi, Giovanni, Helfat, Constance E.
L'influence des facteurs socio-culturels sur le développement économique et social. Le cas de l'Afrique Subsaharienne by Benoit-Pequignet, Léo
Techniques for Evaluating the Differences in Multiregional Input-Output Databases: A Comparative Evaluation of CO2 Consumption-Based Accounts Calculat by Owen, Anne
Ownership Unbundling and Related Measures in the EU Energy Sector: Foundations, the Impact of Wto Law and Investment Protection by Dralle, Tilman Michael
The Energy Transition: An Overview of the True Challenge of the 21st Century by Petit, Vincent
Analytical Methods in Statistics: Amistat, Prague, November 2015 by
Computational Intelligence Applications to Option Pricing, Volatility Forecasting and Value at Risk by Chang, Elizabeth, Mostafa, Fahed, Dillon, Tharam
Low-Carbon Energy in Africa and Latin America: Renewable Technologies, Natural Gas and Nuclear Energy by Shephard, Les E., Guerrero-Lemus, Ricardo
Capitalism from Within: Economy, Society, and the State in a Japanese Fishery by Howell, David L.
Verlorene Gewissheiten: Streiflichter auf 50 Jahre schweizerische Wirtschaftspolitik by Bürgenmeier, Beat
Employers' Economics Versus Employees' Economy: How Adam Smith's Legacy Obscures Public Investment in the Private Sector by McDermott, John F. M.
Institutionalisation Beyond the Nation State: Transatlantic Relations: Data, Privacy and Trade Law by
Policy Innovations for Affordable Housing in Singapore: From Colony to Global City by Phang, Sock-Yong
International Entrepreneurship: The Pursuit of Opportunities Across National Borders by
Des Indemnités Dues À La Propriété Privée Par Suite de la Guerre by Vincent
Opérations de Banque, Traité Théorique Et Pratique. 10e Édition by Courcelle-Seneuil, Jean Gustave
Comptabilité Commerciale. Nouveau Guide Du Teneur de Livres: Contrôle Infaillible Pour Éviter Toutes Les Erreurs Du Journal Et Du Grand Livre by Forestier
L'Unique Moyen de Soulager Le Peuple Et d'Enrichir La Nation Française: Suivi de Essai Sur La Théorie Et La Pratique Du Commerce Des Grains En France by Goyon de la Plombanie
Gender, Class and Power: An Analysis of Pay Inequalities in the Workplace by Dawson, Tricia
Pastures of Change: Contemporary Adaptations and Transformations Among Nomadic Pastoralists of Eastern Tibet by Tan, Gillian G.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security: Aspects of Euro-Mediteranean Business Cooperation by
Measurement and Analysis of Performance of Industrial Crop Production: The Case of Iran's Cotton and Sugar Beet Production by Rashidghalam, Masoomeh
Beitragsentwicklung in der PKV als Risiko und Maßnahmen zur Risikobegrenzung by Meyer, Christian
A Study Into Financial Globalization, Economic Growth and (In)Equality by Čausevic, Fikret
Oases and Globalization: Ruptures and Continuities by
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