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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Integrierte Versorgung Und Medizintechnik: Leitfaden Zur Weiterentwicklung Des Geschäftsmodells Durch Versorgungsinnovation by Neumeyer, Henriette
Global Economy: Post-Crisis to Sustainable Development by Kovzanadze, Irakli
Global Economy: Post-Crisis to Sustainable Development by Kovzanadze, Irakli
Universal Basic Income and the Threat to Democracy as We Know It by Nelson, Peter
Natural Disasters and Individual Behaviour in Developing Countries: Risk, Trust and the Demand for Microinsurance by Fiala, Oliver
Handlungsempfehlungen für Produktinnovationen by Becker, Nils
Open Innovation im Bankensektor. Instrumente des Innovationsmanagements in Kreditinstituten by Hrupin, Maksim
Die Generation Z. Über die Rekrutierung und Bindung einer neuen Mitarbeiter-Generation by Müller, Samantha
Rethinking Canadian Economic Growth and Development Since 1900: The Quebec Case by Geloso, Vincent
Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy: Volume II: Modeling Land Use and Greenhouse Gas Implications by
Employee Ownership and Employee Involvement at Work: Case Studies by
The Pursuit of Economic Development: Growing Good Jobs in U.S. Cities and States by Gabe, Todd M.
Sovereign Debt Crises and Negotiations in Brazil and Mexico, 1888-1914: Governments Versus Bankers by Weller, Leonardo
Europe's Growth Champion: Insights from the Economic Rise of Poland by Piatkowski, Marcin
Selected Papers from the Asia-Pacific Conference on Economics & Finance (Apef 2016) by
Economic Consequence Analysis of Disasters: The E-Cat Software Tool by Prager, Fynnwin, Chen, Zhenhua, Rose, Adam
A New Construction of Ricardian Theory of International Values: Analytical and Historical Approach by
Competition, Innovation, and Growth in Japan by
Defining and Measuring Economic Resilience from a Societal, Environmental and Security Perspective by Rose, Adam
Medical Decision Making: A Health Economic Primer by Felder, Stefan, Mayrhofer, Thomas
Regional Studies on Economic Growth, Financial Economics and Management: Proceedings of the 19th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference by
Bedeutung Des Wirtschaftsrechts Für Die Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung: Perspektiven Der Ökonomischen Analyse by Wulf, Alexander
Optimal Control Applications for Operations Strategy by Kim, Bowon
The Economic Gulag: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Inequality by Bahlieda, Robert
Die Drittanstellung Von Vorstandsmitgliedern by Laumeyer, Stefan
Treatise - the London Diaries: Business and Management Perspectives by Rajesh, Anupama
The International Legal Responsibility of the European Union in the Context of the World Trade Organization in Areas of Non-Conferred Competences by Ruka, Plarent
Online Growth Options for Retailers: Three Essays on Domestic and International Growth Strategies with Online Retailing by Schu, Matthias
Inequality and Finance in Macrodynamics by
Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels in Deutschland auf den Arbeitsmarkt: Prognosen, Lösungsansätze und Vergleich mit Japan by Hilbrig, Gabriel
An Integrated Approach to Modern Economics by
Energy Sector: A Systemic Analysis of Economy, Foreign Trade and Legal Regulations by
The Unglobals: Groundbreakers in the Age of Economic Nationalism by Munoz, Mark J.
Stronger Than Steel: Forging a Rust Belt Renaissance by Parks, Jeffrey A.
OECD Multi-Level Governance Studies Rethinking Regional Development Policy-Making by Oecd
OECD Economic Surveys: Costa Rica 2018 by Oecd
Water Policy in Chile by
Financial Inclusion & Public Welfare Schemes in J&K by Shalla, Sameer Ahmad
Examining the Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Emerging Economies by
Federalism in Action: The Devolution of Canada's Public Employment Service, 1995-2015 by Wood, Donna E.
Internationalization Strategies of German Universities by Bremer, Ulrich
Nineteenth-Century Individualism and the Market Economy: Individualist Themes in Emerson, Thoreau, and Sumner by Plotica, Luke Philip
Economics of the Anthropocene Age by Figueroa, Adolfo
Stable and Efficient Cubature-Based Filtering in Dynamical Systems by Ballreich, Dominik
The Economics of Addictive Behaviours Volume III: The Private and Social Costs of the Abuse of Illicit Drugs and Their Remedies by Joshua, John
Internet Economy Vs Classic Economy: Struggle of Contradictions by Kuzlaeva, Irina M., Popkova, Elena G., Sukhodolov, Alexander P.
Groups and Markets: General Equilibrium with Multi-Member Households by Gersbach, Hans, Haller, Hans
The Economics of Motorsports: The Case of Formula One by Mourão, Paulo
Reach Beyond Borders: Europeanization Towards Global Regulation by Filipec, Ondřej
Das Potenzial von E-Carsharing zur Verringerung von Straßenverkehrsproblemen am Beispiel der Großstadt Berlin by Baumann, Viktor
The Path to a Modern Economics: Dealing with the Complexity of Economic Systems by Schwardt, Henning
India as an Organization: Volume One: A Strategic Risk Analysis of Ideals, Heritage and Vision by Basu, Dipak, Miroshnik, Victoria
Macroeconomic Policy Framework for Africa's Structural Transformation by
Mega-Regional Trade Agreements by
Selling Out or Buying In?: Debating Consumerism in Vancouver and Victoria, 1945-1985 by Dawson, Michael
Sweden: From Neutrality to International Solidarity by Czarny, Ryszard M.
Logistical Asia: The Labour of Making a World Region by
Sustaining Prosperity, Nature and Wellbeing: What do the Indicators Tell Us? by Bartelmus, Peter L. P.
Aktuelle Diskurse in Der Sozialwirtschaft I by
Die Geschichte des Geldes. Entwicklung vom Tauschhandel zum Electronic Banking by Petersen, Paul
The New Generation of Computable General Equilibrium Models: Modeling the Economy by
How We Misunderstand Economics and Why it Matters: The Psychology of Bias, Distortion and Conspiracy by Shemesh, Yhonatan, Leiser, David
The Primacy of Regime Survival: State Fragility and Economic Destruction in Zimbabwe by Simpson, Mark, Hawkins, Tony
Africa's Path to Economic Development: A Guide for Policy Makers and Scholars by Fomunung, Joseph S.
Central Banking in Turbulent Times by Valimaki, Tuomas, Papadia, Francesco
Mezzanine-Kapital. Die (bilanz-)steuerliche Behandlung von Genussrechten: Sind die neuen Regelungen vom 12.05.2016 zulässig? by Obermaier, Mathias
Communication in International Development: Doing Good or Looking Good? by
Principles of Economics: An Incentives- and Examples-Based Approach to the Consequences of Economic Decisions by Noce, Anthony
Otto Neurath and the History of Economics by Turk, Michael
Because They Could: The Harvard Russia Scandal (and NATO Enlargement) after Twenty-Five Years by Warsh, David
Sustaining Prosperity, Nature and Wellbeing: What do the Indicators Tell Us? by Bartelmus, Peter L. P.
Realm Between Empires: The Second Dutch Atlantic, 1680-1815 by Klooster, Wim, Oostindie, Gert
Laboratory of Socialist Development: Cold War Politics and Decolonization in Soviet Tajikistan by Kalinovsky, Artemy M.
Network Marketing: Chance deines Lebens, Mehr Sicherheit, Mehr Zeit, Unabhängigkeit, Passives Einkommen Geschäftsmöglichkeit der Zukunft by Walter, Andreas
Radical Markets: Uprooting Capitalism and Democracy for a Just Society by Weyl, Eric Glen, Posner, Eric A.
Karl Polanyi's Vision of a Socialist Transformation by
Intervention Research: From Conceptualization to Publication by
Intervention Research: From Conceptualization to Publication (hc) by
Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018: From World Development Indicators by World Bank
States, Intergovernmental Relations, and Market Development: Comparing Capitalist Growth in Contemporary China and 19th Century United States by Cheng, Jinhua
Demeritorisierung der Alterssicherung: Zur Rationalitaet individueller Altersvorsorgeentscheidungen im deutschen Rentenversicherungssystem. Ein mikroa by Finkler, Sebastian
Applied Economics for Development: Empirical Approaches to Selected Social and Economic Issues in Transition Economies by
Global Economy in Transition: The European Union and Beyond by
Agricultural Sector Issues in the European Periphery: Productivity, Export and Development Challenges by
New Challenges in Change Management by
Biomass Energy Economics and Rural Livelihood in Sichuan, China by Chen, Qiu
Landscape Economics by Price, Colin
Mining in the Asia-Pacific: Risks, Challenges and Opportunities by
Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America: Managing Vulnerability, Fostering Resilience by
The Fundamental Principles of Eea Law: Eea-Ities by
Groundwater Pollution Risk Control from an Industrial Economics Perspective: A Case Study on the Jilin Section of the Songhua River by Wang, Jinsheng, Huan, Huan, Xu, Jianwei
Global Capitalism, Global War, Global Crisis by Bieler, Andreas, Morton, Adam David
A Political Economy of the United States, China, and India by Sharma, Shalendra D.
A Political Economy of the United States, China, and India by Sharma, Shalendra D.
The Creative Wealth of Nations by Kabanda, Patrick
PRODUCTIVIDAD Para Vagos. Cómo Pasar de Pensar a Hacer by David Valois
Collective Choice and Social Welfare: An Expanded Edition by Sen, Amartya
Commerce, Finance and Statecraft: Histories of England, 1600-1780 by Dew, Ben
Economics of the Public Sector by
Chinese History in Economic Perspective: Volume 13 by
American Economic History Eight Edition by Carmichael Ph. D., Richard E.
The Entrepreneurial Revolution by Cohen, Emilio, Tseytkin, Vlad
Greed, Power and Politics: The Dismal History of Economics and the Forgotten Path to Prosperity by Cameron, Daniel
The Shifting Global Economic Architecture: Decentralizing Authority in Contemporary Global Governance by Luckhurst, Jonathan
Microfinance for Entrepreneurial Development: Sustainability and Inclusion in Emerging Markets by
Technology and the Environment in State-Socialist Hungary: An Economic History by Pál, Viktor
Neuroeconomic and Behavioral Aspects of Decision Making: Proceedings of the 2016 Computational Methods in Experimental Economics (Cmee) Conference by
Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries: Perspectives from Companies and Regions by
Property Tax in Brics Megacities: Local Government Financing and Financial Sustainability by Salm, Marco
Finance in Central and Southeastern Europe by
Fighting Fraud and Corruption at the World Bank: A Critical Analysis of the Sanctions System by Grasso, Costantino, Manacorda, Stefano
Economic Growth and Development in Ethiopia by
Including a Symposium on Bruce Caldwell's Beyond Positivism After 35 Years by
Principles of Political Economy by Mill, John Stuart
Managerial Economics: Theories and Applied Principles by
The World Economy Through the Lens of the United Nations by
Introductory Econometrics by
American Shale Energy and the Global Economy: Business and Geopolitical Implications of the Fracking Revolution by Thomas, Andrew R.
On Combinatorial Optimization and Mechanism Design Problems Arising at Container Ports by Meiswinkel, Sebastian
Face Time: Event Planning for Business Success by Zaidi, Asif
Der Nexus-Ansatz: Auswirkungen Auf Ip-Boxen Und Alternativansätze by Kaul, Verena
Initial Coin Offering: What You Need to Know to Pick a Profitable ICO by Monroe, Jack
Bankenaufsicht, unkonventionelle Geldpolitik und Bankenregulierung by Kadiric, Samir, Welfens, Paul J. J.
Stabilitätspolitik by Wagner, Helmut
Exploring the Political Economy and Social Philosophy of James M. Buchanan by
Monetary Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa by
Redefining European Economic Integration by Adamski, Dariusz
Sovereign Soldiers: How the U.S. Military Transformed the Global Economy After World War II by Madsen, Grant
An Economy of Well-Being: Common-Sense Tools for Building Genuine Wealth and Happiness by Anielski, Mark
Development: A Very Short Introduction by Goldin, Ian
Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in Dynamic Territories: Contributions from Developed and Developing Countries by
The Origins of Capitalism as a Social System: The Prevalence of an Aleatory Encounter by Milios, John
Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Korea by
Breaking the Ice: The Economics of Hockey by
Fiscal Policies in High Debt Euro-Area Countries by Dallari, Pietro, Ribba, Antonio, Cavallo, Antonella
Understanding Food Insecurity: Key Features, Indicators, and Response Design by Sassi, Maria
Factors Determining Access to Credit Facilities for Farmers in Cherangany Constituency in Trans-Nzoia County by Mbugua, Isaac
Gegen das Vergessen. Anti-Alzheimer durch Antikörper by Kolb, Horst Siegfried
Macroeconomic Theory by Böhm, Volker
Toleration: Group Governance in a Chinese Third Line Enterprise by Chen, Chao
The New Japanese Firm as a Hybrid Organization by Miyamoto, Mitsuharu
China's Industrialization Process by Huang, Qunhui
Agricultural Transition in China: Domestic and International Perspectives on Technology and Institutional Change by Du, Jun
Inequality: An Entangled Political Economy Perspective by Novak, Mikayla
Law and Economics of Personalized Medicine: Institutional Levers to Foster the Translation of Personalized Medicine by Bosshard, Karin
Relevanz Von Naming Rights Für Die Identitätsbasierte Markenführung: Eine Analyse Der Ökonomisierung Von Naming Rights Dargestellt an Einem Beispiel A by Stichnoth, Fabian
Gegenwart Und Zukunft Des Sozialmanagements Und Der Sozialwirtschaft: Aktuelle Herausforderungen, Strategische Ansätze Und Fachliche Perspektiven by
Economics for Sustainable Prosperity by Hail, Steven
Tourism, Territory and Sustainable Development: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Applications in Japan and Europe by Romão, João
International Trade Policy and Class Dynamics in South Africa: The Economic Partnership Agreement by Claar, Simone
The Global Debt Crisis and Its Socioeconomic Implications: Creating Conditions for a Sustainable, Peaceful, and Just World by Rabie, Mohamed
EU Internet Law: Regulation and Enforcement by
Using Energy Crops for Biofuels or Food: The Choice by Kitikidou, Kyriaki, Paschalidou, Annoula, Tsatiris, Michael
Encyclopaedia of Historical Metrology, Weights, and Measures: Volume 2 by Gyllenbok, Jan
Migration, Temporality, and Capitalism: Entangled Mobilities Across Global Spaces by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part XII: Liberalism in the Classical Tradition, Austrian Versus British by Leeson, Robert
Encyclopaedia of Historical Metrology, Weights, and Measures by Gyllenbok, Jan
Stochastic Models for Time Series by Doukhan, Paul
Economic Systems Analysis: Statistical Indicators by Oveshnikova, Lyudmila V., Mikheykina, Lilia A., Sibirskaya, Elena V.
The General Theory of Unemployment: The fatal legacy of Adam Smith and the rehabilitation of John Maynard Keynes by Routley, Vernon
General Systemology: Transdisciplinarity for Discovery, Insight and Innovation by Wilby, Jennifer, Billingham, Julie, Rousseau, David
Organizing and Reorganizing Markets by Brunsson, Nils
Handbook of Research on Military Expenditure on Economic and Political Resources by
Black Market Capital: Urban Politics and the Shadow Economy in Mexico City by Konove, Andrew
Irrational Behavioral Economics: Predicting the Unpredictable by Johnson, Naven
Between Depression and Disarmament: The International Armaments Business, 1919-1939 by Grant, Jonathan A.
Pioneros del marketing by Calleja Vieites, Ana
Black Market Capital: Urban Politics and the Shadow Economy in Mexico City by Konove, Andrew
Multivariate Time Series with Linear State Space Structure by Gómez, Víctor
Stagnation Versus Growth in Europe: Capitalism in the 21st Century by
Contemporary Entrepreneurship: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Innovation and Growth by
Differential Games in Industrial Economics by Lambertini, Luca
Brands, Geographical Origin, and the Global Economy by Higgins, David M.
Equity Markets in India: Returns, Risk and Price Multiples by Singh, Shveta, Jain, P. K., Yadav, Surendra Singh
Limits to Climate Change Adaptation by
Financial Economics: A Concise Introduction to Classical and Behavioral Finance by Hens, Thorsten, Rieger, Marc Oliver
Economic Integration, Currency Union, and Sustainable and Inclusive Growth in East Africa by
Credit Cooperative Institutions in European Countries by
Poverty and Well-Being in East Africa: A Multi-Faceted Economic Approach by
The Tyranny of Uncertainty: A New Framework to Predict, Remediate and Monitor Risk by Abu El Ata, Nabil, Schmandt, Rudolf
Innovation and Inclusion in Latin America: Strategies to Avoid the Middle Income Trap by
Beijing Urban Memory: Historic Buildings and Historic Areas, Central Axes and City Walls by Wang, Fang
The Economics of Uk-EU Relations: From the Treaty of Rome to the Vote for Brexit by
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part X: Eugenics, Cultural Evolution, and the Fatal Conceit by Leeson, Robert
From Keynes to Piketty: The Century That Shook Up Economics by De Haan, Peter
Startups International: Gründergeschichten Rund Um Den Globus: Erfolgsfaktoren, Motivationen Und Persönliche Hintergründe by
Recent Developments in Normative Trade Theory and Welfare Economics by
Employment and Re-Industrialisation in Post Soeharto Indonesia by Chowdhury, Anis, Tadjoeddin, Mohammad Zulfan
Eine kleine Entrepreneuristik: Wie man Reichtümer schöpft by Zemhoute, Youssef
China's Belt and Road Initiatives: Economic Geography Reformation by
A Quantitative Primer on Investments with R by Rosenthal, Dale W. R.
Un conflit entre les trésoriers généraux de France et les consuls d'Aix by Mouan-L
Cours de Comptabilité Industrielle Et Commerciale. 2e Édition by Bepmale-J
Cours de Comptabilité Industrielle Et Commerciale. 3e Édition by Bepmale-J
Guide Des Emprunteurs Au Crédit Foncier by Casse-V
Système Des Contradictions Économiques Ou Philosophie de la Misère. Tome 2 by Proudhon-P
Etudes Économiques Et Sociales by Rambaud-J
Entwicklung Einer Nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Rohstoffbewertung Zur Unterstützung Von Entscheidungsprozessen in Unternehmen by Kolotzek, Christoph
Communication in International Development: Doing Good or Looking Good? by
Price-Cap-Regulierung des Telekommunikationssektors unter Berücksichtigung der Theorie zweiseitiger Märkte by Mutert, Patrick
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