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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2018

Monetäre Integration in Westafrika. Das Potenzial der UEMOA als optimales Währungsgebiet: Eine detaillierte Betrachtung der wirtschaftspolitischen Sit by Lukitsch, Carolin
Trade Multilateralism in the 21st Century: Building the Upper Floors of the Trading System Through Wto Accessions by
International Trade and International Finance: Explorations of Contemporary Issues by
Special Economic Zones in India: Status, Issues and Potential by Deb, Saubhik, Mukherjee, Arpita, Pal, Parthapratim
Rules for Scientific Research in Economics: The Alpha-Beta Method by Figueroa, Adolfo
Innovation and Iprs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities by
Advanced Business Analytics: Essentials for Developing a Competitive Advantage by Bhaduri, Saumitra N., Fogarty, David
Health Econometrics by
Will Miami Survive?: The Dynamic Interplay Between Floods and Finance by Sullivan Sealey, Kathleen, Burch, Ray King, Binder, P. -M
Introduction to Microfinance by Watkins, Todd A.
Long-Term Impact of Marketing: A Compendium by Hanssens, Dominique M.
Governance Institutions and Economic Development: Emerging China, India, East Asia and Brazil by Roy, Kartik C.
Developmental State and Millennium Development Goals: Country Experiences by
Macroprudential Regulation and Policy for the Islamic Financial Industry: Theory and Applications by
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting: Selected Contributions from the Itise Conference by
Islamic Finance and Africa's Economic Resurgence: Promoting Diverse and Localized Investment by Muhammad Al Amine, Muhammad Al Bashir
Set Functions, Games and Capacities in Decision Making by Grabisch, Michel
Time Series Econometrics by Neusser, Klaus
European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2016 by
Climate Change Challenge (3c) and Social-Economic-Ecological Interface-Building: Exploring Potential Adaptation Strategies for Bio-Resource Conservati by
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, Tools and Applications for Economic Modelling: Lectures Given at the Cost Training School on New Economic Com by
Stochastic Models with Power-Law Tails: The Equation X = Ax + B by Damek, Ewa, Mikosch, Thomas, Buraczewski, Dariusz
The Global Impact of Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Economics, Policy, and Interdependence by
Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling by
Intellectual History of Economic Normativities by
Rabi N. Bhattacharya: Selected Papers by
Energy Policies for Sustainable Development Strategies: The Case of Nigeria by Emodi, Nnaemeka Vincent
Efficiency and Competitiveness of International Airlines by Heshmati, Almas, Kim, Jungsuk
Economic Activities Under the Japanese Colonial Empire by
The Federal Reserve and Its Founders: Money, Politics, and Power by Naclerio, Richard
Introduction to Microfinance by Watkins, Todd A.
Global Capitalism, Global War, Global Crisis by Morton, Adam David, Bieler, Andreas
Dreams for Lesotho: Independence, Foreign Assistance, and Development by Aerni-Flessner, John
Statistics for Non-Statisticians by Madsen, Birger Stjernholm
Modern Evolutionary Economics by Dosi, Giovanni, Helfat, Constance E., Nelson, Richard R.
The Federal Reserve and Its Founders: Money, Politics, and Power by Naclerio, Richard
Public Financial Management Systems - Sri Lanka: Key Elements from a Financial Management Perspective by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Carec Road Safety Engineering Manual 1: Road Safety Audit by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
The Ha Noi Action Plan 2018-2022 by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Carec Road Safety Engineering Manual 2: Safer Road Works by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Asia Bond Monitor - March 2018 by Asian Development Bank, Asian Development Bank
Open Data in Southeast Asia: Towards Economic Prosperity, Government Transparency, and Citizen Participation in the ASEAN by Stagars, Manuel
Work Stress and Health in a Globalized Economy: The Model of Effort-Reward Imbalance by
Financing Sustainable Development in Africa by
Health and Well-Being in India: A Quantitative Analysis of Inequality in Outcomes and Opportunities by Borooah, Vani Kant
Entrepreneurship in Post-Communist Countries: New Drivers Towards a Market Economy by
The Use of Alternative Benchmarks in Anti-Subsidy Law: A Study on the Wto, the EU and China by Müller, Sophia
Experimental Legislation in China Between Efficiency and Legality: The Delegated Legislative Power of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone by Martinek, Madeleine
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part XI: Orwellian Rectifiers, Mises' 'Evil Seed' of Christianity and the 'Free' Market Welfare State by Leeson, Robert
The Evolution and Determinants of Wealth Inequality in the North Atlantic Anglo-Sphere, 1668-2013: Push and Pull by Di Matteo, Livio
The Economic Gulag: Patriarchy, Capitalism, and Inequality by Bahlieda, Robert
Routledge Revivals: Theories of Planning and Spatial Development (1983) by
Implementing Climate Change Adaptation in Cities and Communities: Integrating Strategies and Educational Approaches by
Concepts and Instruments for a Rational Bioenergy Policy: A New Institutional Economics Approach by Purkus, Alexandra
Dynamics of Distribution and Diffusion of New Technology: A Contribution to the Historical, Economic and Social Route of a Developing Economy by Diebolt, Claude, Mishra, Tapas, Parhi, Mamata
Us Firms' Business Competence in the Taiwanese It Industry by Chen, Pi-Chi, Kim, Young-Chan
The Financial Crisis: Implications for Research and Teaching by
Society and Economics in Europe: Disparity Versus Convergence? by
Profitable Forex.: The ultimate guide for trader. by Clark, Adam
Twin Peaks for Europe: State-Of-The-Art Financial Supervisory Consolidation: Rethinking the Group Support Regime Under Solvency II by Erdélyi, Olivia Johanna
Capital Structure in the Modern World by Miglo, Anton
Natural Gas Pipeline Regulation in the United States: Past, Present, and Future by Mason, Charles F., Oliver, Matthew E.
Il piombo dell'imperatore: Il relitto di Rena Maiore e le miniere del princeps in età augustea by Genovesi, Stefano
Democracy and Financial Order: Legal Perspectives by
China's Fiscal Policy: Theoretical and Situation Analysis by Peiyong, Gao
Fair Progress?: Economic Mobility Across Generations Around the World by Narayan, Ambar, Van Der Weide, Roy, Cojocaru, Alexandru
Essentials of Time Series for Financial Applications by Guidolin, Massimo, Pedio, Manuela
Die Spieltheorie: Nash und das Gefangenendilemma by 50minuten
Das 7-S-Modell: Schlüssel zum Erfolg eines Unternehmens by 50minuten
Die PESTEL-Analyse: Bessere Prognosen durch Umfeldanalysen by 50minuten
Routledge Revivals: The Commerce of Nations (1923) by Bastable, C. F.
Routledge Revivals: Trade and the Empire (1903): Mr. Chamberlain's Proposals Examined in Four Speeches and a Prefatory Note by Asquith, H. H.
Panic of 1893: Washington's First Great Depression by Ramsey, Bruce
Principes Élémentaires d'Économie Politique. 4e Édition: Enseignement Spécial Des Lycées Et Collèges Et Cours Supérieurs de l'Enseignement Primaire by Telliez
Atlas Du Commerce by Le Clerc, Nicolas-Gabriel
Tableau Comparatif de la Valeur Du Franc Et de Celle de la Livre Tournois: Suivi Du Tableau Comparatif de la Valeur de la Livre Tournois Et de Celle D by Brochand, F.
Notice Sur l'Urgente Nécessité de Remplacer Tous Les Impôts Actuellement Payés En France: Par Un Impôt Unique Sur Le Capital by Chardon, François-Olivier
Vers Le Socialisme Agraire, Le Mouvement Social Dans Nos Campagnes by Barde, Louis
Sur Les Moyens de Ramener l'Abondance Et Le Bon Marché de Plusieurs Denrées Et Subsistances: Spécialement Des Viandes Et Du Bois. Conseil Général de l by Boncerf, Pierre-François
Exercices Pratiques de Tenue Des Livres En Partie Double À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires: Faisant Suite Aux Exercices de Tenue Des Livres En Partie Sim by Detriché
Du Commerce Français Dans Le Levant Et de Son Développement Possible: Rapport À S. E. M. Le Ministre de l'Agriculture Et Du Commerce by Faure, Félix
Barêmes Et Méthodes Abréviatives, Simplifiant Les Calculs d'Intérêt, d'Escompte Et de Rentes by Charpentier
Réponse a Un Écrit Intitulé Observations Au Conseil Des Anciens, Sur La Résolution Relative: Au Remboursement En Inscription, d'Emprunts Faits Sur Ren by France Directoire
Du Projet de Loi Sur Les Marques de Fabrique Et de Commerce Et Sur Les Noms Commerciaux, Rapport by Walbaum, Florens
Bourse de Paris. Tarif de la Rente 3 Et 4 1 by Dauxerre
Du Rétablissement Des Rentes Foncières Mélangées de Féodalité, Abolies Sans Indemnité: Lois Des 6 Juillet Et 25 Août 1792 Et 17 Juillet 1793 Et Jurisp by Dard, Henri Jean Baptiste
6e Congrès. Paris, 27-29 Septembre 1919 by Cooperatives de Conso
Manuel Du Percepteur Et Du Contribuable. Loi Du 28 Avril 1816: Ordonnances Du Roi, Contributions Directes Et Indirectes, Timbre, Enregistrement, Douan by Guillaume
Des Pertes Qu'occasionera À l'État l'Emprunt de 120 Millions Adjugé Au Prix de 84 Fr. Pour 5 Fr.: Et Des Moindres Pertes Comparatives Que Lui Aurait O by Seguin, Armand
Étude d'Une Voie Navigable Profonde Entre Nantes Et l'Océan, Compte Rendu Général Des Études: Chambre de Commerce de Nantes by Carlier, Émile-Marie
de la Réduction Des Impositions de 1819 by Seguin, Armand
Suite de l'Écrit Des Résultats Sinon Assurés, Au Moins Extrêmement Probables, Des Dispositions: Financières de M. Le Ministre Des Finances Relatives A by Seguin, Armand
Du Projet de Remboursement Ou de Réduction Des Rentes by Seguin, Armand
Du Projet de Remboursement Ou de Réduction Des Rentes by Seguin, Armand
Le Vray Tarif, Par Lequel on Peut Avec Une Grande Facilité Faire Toutes Sortes de Comptes: Pour Servir À Tous Marchands by Naulot, Claude
Rapport Aux Obligataires by Secrétariat Général Du Comité
Observations Sur La Vente Des 23.114.516 Francs de Rentes Qui Appartiennent Au Trésor Royal by Seguin, Armand
de la Lettre de Change Et Du Billet À Ordre Ou Commentaire Sur Le Titre VIII Du Code de Commerce by Persil, Eugène
Mécanique de l'Échange by Maizeroy, René
Guide Théorique Et Pratique Du Contribuable En Matière de Contributions Directes: Précédé d'Une Lettre de M. Évariste Bavoux. 5e Édition by Isoard, J. -E
Le Morcellement Des Valeurs Mobilières, Les Salaires, La Part Du Capital Et Du Travail by Neymarck, Alfred
Des Co-Obligés Aux Dettes Des Émigrés by Jollivet, Jean-Baptiste-Moïse
de la Liberté Du Commerce Et de la Protection de l'Industrie: Lettres Échangées, 1846-1847 Entre MM. Blanqui Et Émile de Girardin by Girardin
Le capital by Montagne
5e Congrès National de la Fédération Nationale Des Coopératives de Consommation: Paris, 22-24 Septembre 1918, Compte-Rendu by Cooperatives de Conso
Bien de Famille by Jacquemont Du Donjon, Victor
Projet de Taille Tarifiée, Pour Faire Cesser Les Maux Que Causent En France: Les Disproportions Ruineuses Dans Les Répartitions de la Taille Arbitrair by Castel de Saint-Pierre, Charles-Irénée
Xxie Congrès National Corporatif. Xve de la C.G.T., Compte-Rendu Des Travaux: Orléans, 27 Septembre-2 Octobre 1920 by Confédération Générale Du Travail
Thorstein Veblen: Economist and Social Theorist by Murphey, Murray
Economic and Geopolitical Perspectives of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Eurasia by
Thorstein Veblen: Economist and Social Theorist by Murphey, Murray G.
Wie beeinflusst das Internet der Dinge die Wirtschaft? by Kück, Roxanna
Real Estate, Construction and Economic Development in Emerging Market Economies by
Eurotragedy: A Drama in Nine Acts by Mody, Ashoka
Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy: Perspectives, Promises, and Problems by Schweitzer, Stuart O., Lu, Z. John
Foreign Aid and the Future of Africa by Kalu, Kenneth
Simple Models of Income Redistribution by Simonovits, András
Issues in Indian Public Policies by
The Populist Temptation: Economic Grievance and Political Reaction in the Modern Era by Eichengreen, Barry
Commerce and Strangers in Adam Smith by Nohara, Shinji
The Wall Street Trilogy by Sutton, Antony C.
Transport Infrastructure in Time, Scope and Scale: An Economic History and Evolutionary Perspective by Hasselgren, Björn
Brand Platform in the Professional Sport Industry: Sustaining Growth Through Innovation by Zheng, Jingxuan, Mason, Daniel S.
Sustainable Consumption: Key Issues by Middlemiss, Lucie
Bankenregulierung nach der Finanzkrise. Die Auswirkungen des neuen Regelwerks auf die Geschäftstätigkeit deutscher Genossenschaftsbanken by Mielke, Sebastian
Wohnungsmarktsituation und Bereitstellung von bezahlbarem Wohnraum by Kliesch, Martin
Die Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank seit der Finanzkrise. Auswirkungen auf die Vermögensverteilung in Deutschland by Flöter, Tobias
Compliance Im Sport: Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Bitcoinpreneur: A Beginners Guide to Bitcoin, and Everything You Need to Know to Start Investing by Vasi, Abdul
Changing the Indian Economy: Renewal, Reform and Revival by
Konzepte und Strategien der individuellen Gesundheitsförderung by Steiner, Marion
The Analysis of the causes of food price increase and policy options to enhance food security in Rwanda by Mugabi, Stephen, Rwanyamugabo, David
Wirtschaftsmathematik I: Grundlagen Für Bachelor-Studiengänge by Kircher, Jens, Hitzler, Dieter
The Management of Global Careers: Exploring the Rise of International Work by
Determinants of Economic Growth in Africa by
Aristotle's Critique of Political Economy: With a Contemporary Application by Gallagher, Robert L.
Using R for Data Analysis in Social Sciences: A Research Project-Oriented Approach by Li, Quan
Retail Worker Politics, Race and Consumption in South Africa: Shelved in the Service Economy by Kenny, Bridget
Kryptowährungen. Unser alternatives Zahlungsmittel der Zukunft? by Beqiraj, Agon
Climate Change Policies and Challenges in Indonesia by
Water Use and Poverty Reduction by Islam, MD Fakrul
Financial Security in China: Situation Analysis and System Design by He, Dexu
Cultural Territorial Systems: Landscape and Cultural Heritage as a Key to Sustainable and Local Development in Eastern Europe by
The Language of Economics: Socially Constructed Vocabularies and Assumptions by Mitchell, Robert E.
Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 20 by
Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services by
The Economics of Emergency Food Aid Provision: A Financial, Social and Cultural Perspective by Furey, Sinéad, Caraher, Martin
Integrated Evaluation for the Management of Contemporary Cities: Results of Siev 2016 by
The Limits of Fiscal Policy by Makin, Anthony J.
Zahlungen Für Ökosystemdienstleistungen: Zwischen Marktprinzipien Und Kommunikation by Nicolaus, Kristin
International Finance and Open-Economy Macroeconomics by Gandolfo, Giancarlo
The Theory of Extensive Form Games by Alós-Ferrer, Carlos, Ritzberger, Klaus
Ist Fiskalpolitik anti- oder prozyklisch? Evidenz aus USA, Kanada und UK by Veit, Lukas
Desarrollo del tercer mundo y Desarrollo humano by Vahedi, Mohsen
Social Norms, Bounded Rationality and Optimal Contracts by Basov, Suren
The Development of Bric and the Large Country Advantage by Ouyang, Yao
Micro-Performance During Postwar Japan's High-Growth Era by
Technology Development and Marketing: With Cases & Theories by Kim, Junmo
Realistic Simulation of Financial Markets: Analyzing Market Behaviors by the Third Mode of Science by
Macroeconomics, Trade, and Social Welfare by Ohyama, Michihiro
Fair Queueing by Chun, Youngsub
An Economic Analysis of Conflicts: With an Application to the Greek Civil War 1946-1949 by Christodoulakis, Nicos
Energy, Complexity and Wealth Maximization by Ayres, Robert
Varieties and Alternatives of Catching-Up: Asian Development in the Context of the 21st Century by
Votes, Parties, and Seats: A Quantitative Analysis of Indian Parliamentary Elections, 1962-2014 by Borooah, Vani Kant
Economic Diversification and Growth in Africa: Critical Policy Making Issues by Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Trends in Mathematical Economics: Dialogues Between Southern Europe and Latin America by
Vivre et travailler en Périgord Noir: Economie. Faits et analyses. by Boyer, Guillem
Selected Papers from the Asia Conference on Economics & Business Research 2015 by
Export Performance of Marine Products from India by Balasubramaniam, Swaminathan, Tarpara, V. D., Dhandhalya, M. G.
The Walrasian General Equilibrium Theory by Hadifar, Siamak
The Fed and Lehman Brothers: Setting the Record Straight on a Financial Disaster by Ball, Laurence M.
Nivel de correspondencia entre los ingresos tributarios y el gasto público en la provincia Valverde: Período 2013-2016 by Pérez Silverio, Wilsón Simeón
Die Wirkung der Kronzeugenregelung auf die Kartellstabilität: Aktueller Stand und Probleme by Reischmann, Katja
Bitcoin als Anlagegut. Ein Entwicklungsvergleich über zehn Jahre mit Gold und Geldmarktfonds by Ruiz De Bustillo Ohngemach, Juan
Green Economy Reader: Lectures in Ecological Economics and Sustainability by
Water Policy in Mexico: Economic, Institutional and Environmental Considerations by
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Finance in Japan by Takehara, Hitoshi, Suto, Megumi
Management, Society, and the Informal Economy by
Big Business and Brazil's Economic Reforms by Kormann, Luiz
Fair Development in China by
Innovation Drivers and Regional Innovation Strategies by
Management and Neoliberalism: Connecting Policies and Practices by Styhre, Alexander
Das frühsozialistische Gedankengut und seine möglichen Anwendungsgebiete in der kapitalistischen Wirtschaftsordnung by Wargus, Hannes
Wie lässt sich Wohlstand messen? Suche nach Alternativen zum Bruttoinlandsprodukt by Pyatnytsya, Ludmyla
Cotton Enterprises: Networks and Strategies: Lombardy in the Industrial Revolution, 1815-1860 by Conca Messina, Silvia
The Ocean of Tomorrow: Investment Assessment of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms: Methodology and Applications - Volume 1 by
Control Systems and Mathematical Methods in Economics: Essays in Honor of Vladimir M. Veliov by
Integrated Groundwater Management: Concepts, Approaches and Challenges by
Applied Statistics for Economics and Business by Özdemir, Durmuş
A Revolution in Economic Theory: The Economics of Piero Sraffa by Sinha, Ajit
Indian Indenture in the Danish West Indies, 1863-1873 by Roopnarine, Lomarsh
La crise de trop by Lordon-F
Multiplying Mighty Davids?: The Influence of Energy Cooperatives on Germany's Energy Transition by Debor, Sarah
The Evolution of Agricultural Credit During China's Republican Era, 1912-1949 by Turvey, Calum G., Fu, Hong
Sustainable Consumption: Key Issues by Middlemiss, Lucie
Post-Industrial Development in East Asia: Taiwan and South Korea in Comparison by Chiang, Min-Hua
Why Australia Slept: Why Australia is in danger of sleepwalking into the future by Hendy, Peter
Monetary and Financial Policy in the Euro Area: An Introduction by Fandl, Maximilian
Trade, Development and Structural Change: Central and Eastern Europe by Voicu, Anca M., Sen, Somnath, Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada
See More