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Economics in 2021

50 Shades of Cashiers Bullsh*t: Swear Word Coloring Book For Cashiers: Funny gag gift for Cashiers w/ humorous cusses & snarky sayings Cashiers want t by Cashier Gift Books, Funny Swear
Le Capital Français Au Service de l'Étranger by Favre, J. -E, Etienne-Bernard
Les Méthodes Allemandes d'Expansion Économique. 7e Édition by Hauser, Henri
Towards a Better Port Industry: Port Development, Management and Policy by de Langen, Peter W.
Le Messagiste Ou Traité Théorique, Pratique Et Législatif de la Messagerie by Hilpert-J
Nuclear Power: Siting and Safety by Openshaw, Stan
The Nuclear Power Decisions: British Policies, 1953-78 by Williams, Roger
Nuclear Power in Crisis: Politics and Planning for the Nuclear State by
The Nuclear Power Debate: A Guide to the Literature by Mansfield, Jerry W.
Leadership in Diversity and Inclusion: Ultimate Management Guide to Challenging Bias, Creating Organizational Change, and Building an Effective Divers by Bowes, Eleanor
Energy Issues and Options for Developing Countries by United Nations
Time for Things: Labor, Leisure, and the Rise of Mass Consumption by Rosenberg, Stephen D.
Nuclear Power in India: A Comparative Analysis by Hart, David
Nuclear Power: Today and Tomorrow by Jay, Kenneth
Coal in Britain by Manners, Gerald
Nuclear Decommissioning and Society: Public Links to a New Technology by
The American Nuclear Power Industry: A Handbook by Starr, Philip, Pearman, William A.
Nuclear Power, Man and the Environment by Pentreath, R. J.
Energy Guide: A Directory of Information Resources by Bemis, Virginia
A Dictionary of Energy by Counihan, Martin
Energy in Europe: Issues and Policies by Weyman-Jones, Thomas G.
Municipal Entrepreneurship and Energy Policy: A Five Nation Study of Politics, Innovation and Social Change by Ellig, Jerry, Burns, Tom R., Woodward, Alison E.
Co-Operation and Development in the Energy Sector: The Arab Gulf States and Canada by Various
Energy Strategies for the UK by Vaidya, Kirit, Littlechild, Stephen
Exodus: A Book for Black Americans Suggesting a Way Out and Up by Robinson, Brooks B.
Terms of Trade and Class Relations by Mitra, Ashok
The Richest Man in Babylon by Clason, George S.
The Competitiveness Report of Zhongguancun Listed Companies (2019) by Zhongguancun Listed Companies Association
China in Ethiopia: The Long-Term Perspective by Tesfaye, Aaron
Towards a Better Port Industry: Port Development, Management and Policy by de Langen, Peter W.
Agricultural Transformation in Nepal: Trends, Prospects, and Policy Options by
Social Transformations in India, Myanmar, and Thailand: Volume I: Social, Political and Ecological Perspectives by
Tourism in Emerging Economies: The Way We Green, Sustainable, and Healthy by Fang, Wei-Ta
Human Capital and Economic Growth: The Impact of Health, Education and Demographic Change by
The World of the Seafarer: Qualitative Accounts of Working in the Global Shipping Industry by
Mögliche wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen des Brexits auf Deutschland: Eine kurze Darstellung by Schuster, Rocky
Unwitting Architect: German Primacy and the Origins of Neoliberalism by Germann, Julian
Made in Hong Kong: Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization by Hamilton, Peter E.
On Informal Institutions and Accounting Behavior by Du, Xingqiang
Tournament Design: How Operations Research Can Improve Sports Rules by Csató, László
Turnpike Theory for the Robinson-Solow-Srinivasan Model by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Mengerian Microeconomics: The Forgotten Anglo-American Contribution to the Austrian School by Jankovic, Ivan
China and the Wto: Why Multilateralism Still Matters by Sapir, Andre, Mavroidis, Petros C.
Business Statistics of the United States 2020: Patterns of Economic Change by
A Guide to Understanding International Trade and the Balance of Payments by Makinen, Gail
Extreme Economies: What Life at the World's Margins Can Teach Us about Our Own Future by Davies, Richard
Made in Hong Kong: Transpacific Networks and a New History of Globalization by Hamilton, Peter E.
Austerity by Fender, John
Hbr's 10 Must Reads 2021: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with Bonus Article "the Feedback Fallacy" by Marcu by Review, Harvard Business, Buckingham, Marcus, Edmondson, Amy C.
Exchange Rate, Credit Constraints and China's International Trade by Yu, Miaojie
The Economics of Human Rights: Using the Living Income/Fair Price Approach to Combat Poverty by Bronkhorst, Ruud
Financial Globalization in the Emerging Balkans: Exploring Financial Trends on the Eve of EU Membership by Ganic, Mehmed
Economics of Tourism in Portugal: Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic by Martinho, Vítor João Pereira Domingues
The Economics of Brexit: Revisited by Whyman, Philip B., Petrescu, Alina I.
Edge, Blue: Endgame for Earth...unless? by Adams, Ed
Money Machine: A Quick & Easy Beginner's All-Ages Guide to Stock Market Investing & Building Passive Income without the Risk of Trial & Error by David, Sensei Paul
Policy Analysis and Modeling of the Global Economy: A Festschrift Celebrating Thomas Hertel by
The Age of Equality by Pomfret
Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Models by Burfisher, Mary E.
Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Models by Burfisher, Mary E.
The Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach by
The Land of Too Much by Prasad
Paths toward the Modern Fiscal State by He
Industrial Eden by Sheehan
Die demografischen Auswirkungen auf das Humankapital und das Arbeitsvolumen in Deutschland: Eine Analyse der bevorstehenden Herausforderungen und Maßn by Ostgathe, Matthias
Development, (Dual) Citizenship and Its Discontents in Africa by Pailey, Robtel Neajai
Frugal Innovation im Dienstleistungsmanagement: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme by Pracz-Groenen, Sabrina
Resource Regimes: Natural Resources and Social Institutions by Young, Oran R.
The Japanese Banking Crisis by Himino, Ryozo
Worker Cooperatives in America by
Economic Development and Export Growth: A Study of Northern Rhodesia, 1920-1960 by Baldwin, Robert E.
Changing the Rules: The Politics of Liberalization and the Urban Informal Economy in Tanzania by Tripp, Aili Mari
Generation Impact: International Perspectives on Impact Accounting by
Erfolgschancen des Sharing Economy Modells in unserer Gesellschaft: Eine wissenschaftliche Analyse by Klippenstein, Julia
Kryptowährungen im Finanzsystem. Eine theoretische Betrachtung von Transaktionskosten by Geese, Julia
The Richest Man in Babylon: Deluxe Hardbound Edition by Clason, George S.
China's E-Science Blue Book 2020 by
Understanding Chinese Gdp by Song, Xuguang
The Principle of Trading Economics by Wang, Zhenying
Science and Technology Parks and Regional Economic Development: An International Perspective by
Beyond Capitalist Realism: The Politics, Energetics, and Aesthetics of Degrowth by Alexander, Samuel
Finanzmarktregulierung im Banken- und Kapitalmarktbereich. Besteht die Notwendigkeit einer Deregulierung? by Willebrand, Arne
Was macht Top-Performer in Unternehmen im Sportbereich aus? Eine Analyse der (Kern-)Kompetenzen der Leistungsträger by Gerkmann Miralpeix, Noah
Vor- und Nachteile einer Bargeldabschaffung. Eine Analyse by Anonymous
Economically Sustainable Development: Practical Models for Long-Term Ngo Viability by Shwayri, Raif
China's Global Disruption: Myths and Reality by Lo, Chi
Chindialia: Development Methodology Re-Configuration for a better world under the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspective of China, India and Australia by Shen, Jiang Hong
Elektro-Offensive und Online-Direktvertrieb in der Automobilbranche. Die Zukunft des stationären Autohauses by Zeller, Maximilian
Volkswirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen, Finanzplätze und Bankenmärkte in Griechenland und Zypern by Willebrand, Arne
Die Europäische Einlagensicherung EDIS. (De)Stabilisert die EU-Einlagensicherung die Finanzmärkte? by Hofmann, Viktoria
Das umweltökonomische Problem der Überfischung der Meere. Umweltproblematik am Beispiel des Gefangenendilemmas by Anonymous
Onlinehandel in selektiven Vertriebssystemen aus wettbewerbspolitischer Sicht by Michel, Christian
From Shortest Paths to Reinforcement Learning: A Matlab-Based Tutorial on Dynamic Programming by Brandimarte, Paolo
Eurasian Economic Perspectives: Proceedings of the 29th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference by
Financing Our Common Future: In the Time of Covid-19 by
Economic Effects of Antidumping by
Freedom from the Market: America's Fight to Liberate Itself from the Grip of the Invisible Hand by Konczal, Mike
The New Great Depression: Winners and Losers in a Post-Pandemic World by Rickards, James
On Practice and Institution: Theorizing the Interface by
On Practice and Institution: New Empirical Directions by
Pinochet's Economic Accomplices: An Unequal Country by Force by
Male and female discrimination in labor participation in the Chinese industry. A qualitative analysis by Wang, Chujun
The Story of Silver: How the White Metal Shaped America and the Modern World by Silber, William L.
Dark Towers: Deutsche Bank, Donald Trump, and an Epic Trail of Destruction by Enrich, David
Carsharing in Deutschland. Eine Potenzialanalyse mit Handlungsempfehlungen für junge Unternehmen by Wunderlich, Felix
El libre comercio destruye la industria y el trabajo: Caso Dominicano by Meléndez Cárdenas, Jorge Luis
Die mögliche CO2-Bepreisung und der Handelskrieg zwischen Amerika, China und der EU. Auswirkungen und Reaktionsmöglichkeiten des Automobilherstellers by Anonymous
A Political Economy of the Measurement of Inflation: The Case of France by Jany-Catrice, Florence
A History of Wine in Europe, 19th to 20th Centuries, Volume II: Markets, Trade and Regulation of Quality by
Commerce as Politics: The Two Centuries of Struggle for Basotho Economic Independence by Maliehe, Sean M.
Auswirkungen von Einkommen und Wohnort auf die Gesundheit: Analyse des Datensatzes "ALLBUScompact 2016" by Raffelsiefen, Maik
Poverty Development by
Futurenomic$: Positioning Your Enterprise to Win in the New Global Economy by Awadu, Keidi Obi
Financial Analysis of the Airlines Qantas and Virgin Australia (2015 to 2017) by Sabnis, Vedhas
Organising Entrepreneurship and Msmes Across India by
Financial Crises: A Selection of Readings by
E-Mobilität mit oder ohne die Brennstoffzelle?: Eine Analyse aus Innovationsmanagement- und Geschäftsmodellsicht sowie Interviewstudie in der deutsche by Brockob, Alina
Pääoman pandemonium: Talouden ydintalvi ja muita maailmanlopun esseitä by Kaurell, Kai
Gender and Family in Japan by
Allyn Abbott Young by Chandra, Ramesh
Role of Information Science in a Complex Society by
Datenanalyse Mit SPSS: Realdatenbasierte Übungs- Und Klausuraufgaben Mit Vollständigen Lösungen by Eckstein, Peter P.
Ancillary Benefits of Climate Policy: New Theoretical Developments and Empirical Findings by
Einflussfaktoren auf das Gehalt eines Angestellten. Analyse anhand des Datensatz "wage2" by Augustin, Philipp
Collaborative R&d and the National Research Joint Venture Database: A Statistical Analysis by Link, Albert N.
Corporate Governance: Normen, Legitimation Und Praktiken in Deutschen Unternehmen, 1870-1930 by Bol, Angela
Das Elektroauto als Innovation in Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. Eine disruptive Innovation by Geese, Julia
The House Is in a State: Christian Wolff's Oeconomica in the Context of Public Welfare by Karaisl Von Karais, Antonia
Impact of Covid-19 on Asian Economies and Policy Responses by
Legend of China, The: The History of Pudong Development by Xie, Guoping
Central Banking 101 by Wang, Joseph J.
Protocols of Money: A Primer on the History and Evolution of Money by Mehta, Shiv
Inflationsziel der EZB. Verbraucherpreise und Vermögenspreise im Fokus by Herrmann, Monika
Common features und Europäische Integration. Die EU und die Ausweitung der Währungsunion by Anonymous
A New Blue Ocean: Prospects for Latin American SMEs in the Belt and Road Initiative by
Conflicting Counsels to Confuse the Age: A Documentary Study of Political Economy in Qing China, 1644-1840 by Dunstan, Helen
Scaling Up Disruptive Agricultural Technologies in Africa by
Alternative Ideas from 10 (Almost) Forgotten Economists by Van Staveren, Irene
Teorie economiche del Novecento. Dall'inizio del secolo a Sraffa by Napoleoni, Claudio
Better Tomorrow: A Personal Perspective on Servant Leadership by Dow, Dave
Global Issues: An Introduction by Seitz, John L., Hite, Kristen A.
On the Value of Money: Unmasking economics deception by Casaca, Paulo
Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Riches by Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques
The Road to Success: A Practical Handbook for Development Practitioners (The NGO Perspective) by Muchuruza, Yusto P.
The Experience Society: Consumer Capitalism Rebooted by Miles, Steven
The Experience Society: Consumer Capitalism Rebooted by Miles, Steven
Die Geldpolitik der Europäischen Zentralbank. Auswirkungen auf private Haushalte, Mieten und Immobilien by Anonymous
A Broad View of Regional Science: Essays in Honor of Peter Nijkamp by
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research by
Erfolgsaussichten und Risiken von E-Scootern im urbanen Raum. Die Großstädte Berlin und Hamburg im Vergleich by Groß, Björn
Programación de juegos: Consejos y trucos para dominar los conceptos clave de la programación by Matthews, Robert C.
Programación de juegos: Guía completa para principiantes para aprender la programación en juegos de la A a la Z by Matthews, Robert C.
Local Governance and Regional Development: Current Perspectives by
Die Herabsetzung der Verguetung des Vorstandes nach § 87 Abs. 2 AktG vor dem Hintergrund der Verguetungsproblematik, der besonderen Rolle des Vorstand by Krämer, Simon
Germanistik in Mittelost- und Suedosteuropa: Bildung und Ausbildung fuer einen polyvalenten Arbeitsmarkt by
Digitalisation and Development: Issues for India and Beyond by
Evaluating Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Projects: An Ethnographic Approach by Kealy, Tony
Official Statistics 4.0: Verified Facts for People in the 21st Century by Radermacher, Walter J.
Women's Economic Thought in the Romantic Age: Towards a Transdisciplinary Herstory of Economic Thought by Rostek, Joanna
Women's Economic Thought in the Romantic Age: Towards a Transdisciplinary Herstory of Economic Thought by Rostek, Joanna
Remaking Ukraine after World War II by Slaveski, Filip
Coevolutionary Pragmatism by Tang, Xiaoyang
The Beginnings of Capitalism in Central Europe by
Joe Biden $1.9 Trillion Economic Rescue Plan: The Joe Biden Policies, Strategies, Target to Combact Covid 19/Other Crisis and Rescue American Economic by Bama, Joe
Mudança institucional e desenvolvimento no Ceará: Da luta entre as oligarquias coronelista e mercantil/industrial a "política industrial" nos anos 199 by Morais, José Micaelson Lacerda
Die Energiewende als Exportschlager?: Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung der deutsch-polnischen Vorschriften zum Uebertragungsnetzausbau im Lichte by Kabacinski, Witold
The International Political Economy of China's Exchange Rate Policy Making by Wang, Zhaohui
Examining the Intersection of Circular Economy, Forestry, and International Trade by
Come Investire Nelle Criptovalute: La guida completa su Blockchain, Mining, Trading, ICO, piattaforma Ethereum, Exchange, Criptovaluta by Alan T Norman
Transnational Actors in International Investment Law by
Bitcoin Origin: Checkmate for central banking by Palacios Mollón, Raúl
Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 1 by
Impact of a structural total factor productivity slowdown on European Economic growth. Secular stagnation in the EU-15 countries and possible policy m by Meirer, Jacques
Institutionell-ökonomische Reform des Ratingmarktes. Eine kritische Analyse der Theorie und Struktur des Ratingsystems by Bogner, N.
Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets: Volume II by
Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets: Volume I by
All-Wetter: Robuste Anlage-Renditen in jedem wirtschaftlichen Umfeld by Führer, Bernhard
Macroeconomics by Wells, Robin, Krugman, Paul
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Managing in a Downturn, Expanded Edition (with Bonus Article "preparing Your Business for a Post-Pandemic World" by Carsten Lun by Allen, James, Review, Harvard Business, Zook, Chris
Der Einfluss von Social Media auf die Kapitalmärkte by Willebrand, Arne
Börsenumsatzsteuer und Spekulationsgewinne. Sollte der Fiskus risikolos mitverdienen? by Willebrand, Arne
Reziprozität als Geschäftsmodell? Analyse und Reflexion des Artikels "Pay what you want" von Gneezy et. al. by Cermak, Luca
The Chinese Digital Economy by Huateng, Ma, Zhaoli, Meng, Deli, Yan
Sovereign Wealth Funds, Local Content Policies and Csr: Developments in the Extractives Sector by
Private Actors in International Investment Law by
Integrating the Organization of Health Services, Worker Wellbeing and Quality of Care: Towards Healthy Healthcare by
Globalization, Migration, and Welfare State: Understanding the Macroeconomic Trifecta by Razin, Assaf
The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets, Third Edition by Boeri, Tito, Ours, Jan Van
An Infinite History: The Story of a Family in France Over Three Centuries by Rothschild, Emma
Social Knowledge: An Essay on the Nature and Limits of Social Science by Mattick, Paul
Covid-19 und der Flug- und Passagierverkehr. Ein Überblick über die Auswirkungen auf Passagieraufkommen, Flugzeugstarts und Flughäfen by Lux, Maike
Money, Credit, and Crises: Understanding the Modern Banking System by Michail, Nektarios
Causal Inference: The Mixtape by Cunningham, Scott
Emerging Markets: Strategies for Competing in the Global Value Chain by Grosse, Robert
New Ideas from Dead Economists: The Introduction to Modern Economic Thought, 4th Edition by Buchholz, Todd G.
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Career Resilience (with Bonus Article Reawakening Your Passion for Work by Richard E. Boyatzis, Annie McKee, and Daniel Goleman by Drucker, Peter F., Roberts, Laura Morgan, Review, Harvard Business
Economic Policies for a Post-Neoliberal World by
A World Divided: Militarism and Development After the Cold War by
Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy That Works for Progress, People and Planet by Schwab, Klaus
Democracy, Markets and the Commons: Towards a Reconciliation of Freedom and Ecology by Peter, Lukas
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