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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2021

Entrepreneurs and SMEs in Rwanda: The Model Pupil Paradox by Poole, David L.
Absent Management in Banking: How Banks Fail and Cause Financial Crisis by Dinesen, Christian
Die Geschichte Des Ökonomischen Denkens: Eine Kritische Darstellung by Söllner, Fritz
Die erwerbstätige Frau in der Kölner Frauenzunft des Spätmittelalters. Gleichberechtigte Arbeitswelt? by Ellert, Sylvia
The Origins of the Roman Economy by Cifani, Gabriele
Creating Startup Junkies: Building Sustainable Venture Ecosystems in Unexpected Places by Standridge, Jeff D., Amerine, Jeff
Dynamic Optics in Economics: Quantitative, Experimental and Econometric Analyses by
Who Governs?: Legislatures, Bureaucracies, or Markets? by Wood, John H.
Strategic Policy Options for Bracing Nigeria for the Future of Trade by
Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives: Proceedings of the 30th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference by
Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments by
Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Hong Kong by
The Agrarian Problem In The Sixteenth Century by Tawney, Richard Henry
Informal Women Workers in the Global South: Policies and Practices for the Formalisation of Women's Employment in Developing Economies by
The Cotton and Textile Industry: Innovation and Maturity: Case Studies in Industrial History by
Informal Women Workers in the Global South: Policies and Practices for the Formalisation of Women's Employment in Developing Economies by
The European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) crisis of 1992 and the Pound Sterling Crisis by Korbas, Andre
La hegemonía estadounidense y el continente americano: Poder y diplomacia económica en las relaciones internacionales by Santa Cruz, Arturo
La hegemonía estadounidense y el continente americano: Poder y diplomacia económica en las relaciones internacionales by Santa Cruz, Arturo
Conceptual Economics: The Liaising Role in Politics and Social Sciences by Li, Kui-Wai
A Genealogy of Self-Interest in Economics by
Business Ethics from the 19th Century to Today: An Economist's View by Surdam, David George
Financial Sector Development in African Countries: Major Policy Making Issues by Johnson, Omotunde E. G.
Reinventing Liberalism: The Politics, Philosophy and Economics of Early Neoliberalism (1920-1947) by Innset, Ola
The Future of Global Economic Governance: Challenges and Prospects in the Age of Uncertainty by
Business Ethics from Antiquity to the 19th Century: An Economist's View by Surdam, David George
Limited Government & Political Decentralization: An Economic Approach to Politics by Van, Germinal G.
Navigating Covid-19 in Asia and the Pacific by
Guidelines for Preparing a Design and Monitoring Framework (2020 Edition) by Asian Development Bank
Asia Bond Monitor: 11/1/2020 by Asian Development Bank
Making More Money: Newest Money Making Ideas by Reyes, Robinson
Introduction to Buddhist Economics: The Relevance of Buddhist Values in Contemporary Economy and Society by Ng, Ernest C. H.
Marketingstrategien im Gesundheitsmanagement. Corporate Identity und Digitalisierung in der Gesundheitsbranche by Warrelmann, Joana
Empirische Untersuchung ueber den Einfluss des technischen Fortschritts auf die Verteilung der Loehne in Deutschland unter Beruecksichtigung der Tarif by Spies, Sabrina
Macroeconomics, Third Edition by Tuerck, David G.
Wettbewerbs- und Allokationspolitik. Wie vielversprechend sind die Instrumente des Kartellamtes im Kampf gegen illegale Kartelle? by Anonymous
Daylight Robbery: How Tax Shaped Our Past and Will Change Our Future by Frisby, Dominic
Ceta's Investment Chapter: A Rule of Law Perspective by Dionysiou, Kriton
Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments by
African Food Systems in Crisis: Part One: Microperspectives by
Britain's Food Supplies by Fenelon, K. G.
Food Supplies in the Aftermath of World War II by Hirsch, Edith
African Food Systems in Crisis: Part Two: Contending with Change by
Le Coton, Son Régime, Ses Problèmes, Son Influence En Europe: Nouvelle Série Des Études Sur Le Régime Des Manufactures by Reybaud, Louis
Pirating and Publishing: The Book Trade in the Age of Enlightenment by Darnton, Robert
Post-Industrial Society: The Choice Between Innovation and Tradition by
Italy-China Trade Relations: A Historical Perspective by Strangio, Donatella
The Lonely Century: How to Restore Human Connection in a World That's Pulling Apart by Hertz, Noreena
Credit Nation: Property Laws and Institutions in Early America by Priest, Claire
Africa's Last Colonial Currency: The CFA Franc Story by
How to Plan A Money Printing Rice Mill by Agarwal, Amit
Euro-Austerity and Welfare States: Comparative Political Economy of Reform During the Maastricht Decade by Bolukbasi, H. Tolga
Plattformökonomie: Literatur & Fallbeispiel by Völker Ba, Andreas
Évaluation de l'impact de la mise en oeuvre de l'Objectif de Développement Durable (ODD 8) dans les pays à faible revenu by Niyungeko, Antoine
China in Africa: Between Imperialism and Partnership in Humanitarian Development by
Notes on Monetary System of Ancient Kashmir by Stein, M. a.
Robert Triffin: A Life by Maes, Ivo
The Richest Man in Babylon: with The Magic Story by Rensselaer Dey, Frederick Van, Clason, George S.
Quantitative Economics with R: A Data Science Approach by Dayal, Vikram
The Dynamics of Welfare Markets: Private Pensions and Domestic/Care Services in Europe by
The Political Economy of Money and Banking in Imperial Brazil, 1850-1889 by Villela, André a.
After the Accord by Garbade, Kenneth D.
Finance and Sustainability: Proceedings from the 2nd Finance and Sustainability Conference, Wroclaw 2018 by
Eurasian Economic Perspectives: Proceedings of the 25th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference by
The Prince of Slavers: Humphry Morice and the Transformation of Britain's Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1698-1732 by Mitchell, Matthew David
China's Growing Footprint in North Africa. Does soft power or hard power explain China's Growing? by Hesahm Abdo Ahmed Mahmoud, Angie
The Coming Global Revolution: From Neo-liberalism to Neo-welfarism by Simsek, Hasan
What Everyone Should Know About GDP by Gaurav Cfa, Amit
Digitalization in Finance and Accounting: 20th Annual Conference on Finance and Accounting (Acfa 2019) Prague, Czech Republic by
Marxism: A Graphic Guide To The Work Of Karl Marx: Marxism And Christianity by Beddingfield, Brock
An Introduction To Marxism: Reading Guide With Graphic: Marxism And The Philosophy Of Science by Gilruth, Anabel
Marxism Fundamental: Graphic Introduction Of Karl Marx's Original Philosophy: Marxism And The Philosophy Of Science by Kailiponi, Denny
Compounded Economic Growth: A Moral Vision For A Society Of Free, Prosperous, And Responsible Individuals: How To Not Be Stubborn by Degooyer, Latoya
Importance of Economic Growth, Moral Obligations, Rights: Take Trends Of Growth And The Overwhelmingly Positive Outcomes For Societies: Benefits Of Ec by Hilden, Eloisa
Importance of Economic Growth, Moral Obligations, Rights: Take Trends Of Growth And The Overwhelmingly Positive Outcomes For Societies: Self Growth by Waiters, Nicole
Take Responsibility For Your Life: An Inspiration And Optimism About Our Future Possibilities And A Free, Prosperous Society: Benefits Of Economic Gro by Paola, Emmanuel
Compounded Economic Growth: A Moral Vision For A Society Of Free, Prosperous, And Responsible Individuals: Importance Of Economic Development by Dils, Takako
Take Responsibility For Your Life: An Inspiration And Optimism About Our Future Possibilities And A Free, Prosperous Society: Free Society by Brighter, Wiley
Marxism Fundamental: Graphic Introduction Of Karl Marx's Original Philosophy: Marxism Definition by Case, Genia
Marxism: A Graphic Guide To The Work Of Karl Marx: Marxism Leninism by Heimbaugh, Lamar
An Introduction To Marxism: Reading Guide With Graphic: Marxist Revolution by Dorvil, Jolie
China's Economic Arrival: Decoding a Disruptive Rise by
Inclusive Development and Poverty Reduction by
Welfare Doesn't Work: The Promises of Basic Income for a Failed American Safety Net by Hamilton, Leah
Become An Incredible New You by Basu, Bannya
The Institutional Foundations of the Digital Economy in the 21st Century by
From Food Scarcity to Surplus: Innovations in Indian, Chinese and Israeli Agriculture by Gulati, Ashok, Zhou, Yuan, Huang, Jikun
Monetary Policy in Rwanda: 1964--Present by Rusuhuzwa, Thomas Kigabo
Exploring the Social and Political Economy of Alexis de Tocqueville by
Quality of Life and Human Well-Being in Sub-Saharan Africa: Prospects for Future Happiness by Møller, Valerie, Roberts, Benjamin J.
Entrepreneurial Innovation for Securing Long-Term Growth in a Short-Term Economy by
Supercommunities: A handbook for the 21st century by Harrison-Broninski, Keith
The Pandemic Information Solution: Overcoming the Brutal Economics of Covid-19 by Gans, Joshua
Die Dresdner Bank in Der Wirtschaft Des Dritten Reichs by Bähr, Johannes
Die Dresdner Bank Und Die Deutschen Juden by Köhler, Ingo, Ziegler, Dieter, Janetzko, Maren
Die Expansion Der Dresdner Bank in Europa by Osterloh, Jörg, Wixforth, Harald, Bähr, Johannes
Islamic Economics and Covid-19: The Economic, Social and Scientific Consequences of a Global Pandemic by Choudhury, Masudul Alam
The secret code of Bitcoin: Hidden algorythm revealed!: Why Elon Musk twitted "Bitcoin" in 2021? by Salvini, J. P.
5 Un-Beatable Strategies to Fast-Track Your Rice Rubber Roll Business (And Quadruple Your Customer Base) by Garg, Amit
Quatro qualificações e uma teoria: sobre as teorias do desenvolvimento econômico by Morais, José Micaelson Lacerda
Histories of Racial Capitalism by
Proceedings of the First International Forum on Financial Mathematics and Financial Technology by
Die Wirtschaft Im Wandel: Innovation, Soziale Sicherheit, Und Wohlfahrt by
Histories of Racial Capitalism by
The Preconceptions of Economic Science by Veblen, Thorstein
Don't Be Evil: The Case Against Big Tech by Foroohar, Rana
Sustainable Development and Infrastructure: An Islamic Finance Perspective by Gundogdu, Ahmet Suayb, Diallo, Amadou Thierno
Image und Bedeutung des Begriffs "Nachhaltigkeit": Ausgangssituation und Rahmenbedingungen der Einführung des Nachhaltigkeits- und Diversitätsverbesse by Gangoly, Jürgen
Daten und deren Nutzung in der Medizin. Gestaltung der Datenspende und aktuelle Anwendungsbeispiele by Buley, Florian
Pleno emprego e comércio livre by
Circular Economy: Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications by
Sustainability Principles and Practice by Robertson, Margaret
The Geography of Energy by Manners, Gerald
The Politics of Energy: The Development and Implementation of the Nep by Toner, Glen, Doern, Bruce
Sustainability Principles and Practice by Robertson, Margaret
A Bubble that Broke the World by Garrett, Garet
Erfolgsdeterminanten von Geschäftsmodellen europäischer Banken: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Stehr, Felix
Painting the Mediterranean Phoenician: On Canaanite-Phoenician Trade-nets by Regev, Dalit
Human Capital Investment: A History of Asian Immigrants and Their Family Ties by Sanders, Seth, Duleep, Harriet, Regets, Mark C.
Eine nachhaltige Wirtschaftspolitik. Grundlagen und Möglichkeiten by Rotermund, Timm Jens
The Impact of Free Trade Agreements on Trade in Goods in the Agricultural Sector of the Republic of Korea. The KORUS FTA and the KOREU FTA by Schmid, Alexander
Infrastruktur in privater oder staatlicher Hand?: Das Beispiel der British Rail und der Österreichischen Bundesbahnen by Rudolph, Sebastian
Alfred Sohn-Rethels Kritik an der Grenznutzentheorie by Kuntz, Carolin
D'O Capital de Karl Marx: Interpretação em verso e prosa by Morais, José Micaelson Lacerda
Cooperation Networks and Economic Development: Cuba's High-Tech Potential by Cárdenas O´farrill, Andrés
Does EU Membership Facilitate Convergence? the Experience of the Eu's Eastern Enlargement - Volume I: Overall Trends and Country Experiences by
Does EU Membership Facilitate Convergence? the Experience of the Eu's Eastern Enlargement - Volume II: Channels of Interaction by
Optimization of the Fuel Cell Renewable Hybrid Power Systems by Bizon, Nicu
Markt Und Marketing Der Contemporary Art: Accrochages Und Arrondiertes by Dahlhoff, H. Dieter
Experimetrics: A Survey by Moffatt, Peter J.
Modeling Economic Growth in Contemporary Malaysia by
The Cotton and Textiles Industry: Managing Decline: Case Studies in Industrial History by
Global Financial Crisis: - The Eye of the Storm Oct '08 by Jain, Sameer
The Generational Wealth Gap, Supply and Demand, The Kazakh Model. by Hill, Malik
The Empty Sea: The Future of the Blue Economy by Perissi, Ilaria, Bardi, Ugo
Trade in Health Services in South Asia: An Examination of the Need for Regional Cooperation by
Reshaping the Economic Cooperation Pattern of the Belt and Road Initiative by Zhao, Jinping
The Argentinian Model, Five Year Plans, EU's Green Bonds by Hill, Malik
Argentina, China and Malaysia Economic Model by Hill, Malik
Alternative Investments, Saudi Arabia Sovereign Wealth Fund, The Swedish Model by Hill, Malik
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, The Irish Model by Hill, Malik
The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative Economics by
Who Speaks for Earth: IMAGINE - a world without war, hunger, poverty, injustice, inequality and plutocracy by Parker, E. J.
Economic Development and Growth Issues in Advanced Countries by Hill, Malik
Recessions, Debt, Inflation, The Modern Monetary Theory, Norway and Australia's economic model by Hill, Malik
The United States Debt Problem, Saudi Arabia Vision 2030, China Dodging Recession by Hill, Malik
The Economic Model of Bangladesh, Indonesia, India by Hill, Malik
The Global Economy Without OPEC, The Economic Model of Vietnam and the Philippines by Hill, Malik
The Economic Model of Singapore, Germany and Poland by Hill, Malik
Financial Instruments Analytics and Financial Fragility by Hill, Malik
Clásicos Resumidos: Weber by Fau, Mauricio
China's Propensity for Innovation in the 21st Century: Identifying Indicators of Future Outcomes by Blumenthal, Marjory S., Popper, Steven W., Han, Eugeniu
The Growth Report of Zhongguancun Neeq Listed Firms (2019) by Zhongguancun Listed Companies Association
Reviving Arab Reform: Development Challenges and Opportunities by Abdelbary, Islam
New Frontiers in Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Peace Science by
Cadres, engagez le fer contre les politiques de surendettement public ! by Motte, Jean Pierre
Mutualism: Building the Next Economy from the Ground Up by Horowitz, Sara
Billones En Juego: El Futuro de la Energía Africana Y de Cómo Hacer Negocios/Billions at Play (Spanish Edition) by Ayuk, Nj
Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt als Indikator für Wohlstand und Entwicklung. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen by Ebenführer, Moritz
Handbook of Brics and Emerging Economies by
Painting by Numbers: Data-Driven Histories of Nineteenth-Century Art by Greenwald, Diana Seave
Forty Years of Renovating the Income Distribution in China: Experience, Theory and Expectation by Quan, Heng
Companies and Entrepreneurs in the History of Spain: Centuries Long Evolution in Business Since the 15th Century by
Le capital au XXIe siècle de Thomas Piketty: Mieux comprendre les inégalités contemporaines by 50minutes, Steven Delaval
Industrial Policy and the Transformation of the Colonial Economy in Africa: The Zambian Experience by Chitonge, Horman
Stock Market Investing for Beginners: Mastery of The Market with Confidence and Discipline Strategies to Earn Passive Income, Grow your Wealth and Sta by Martinez, Ryan
Golden Gates: The Housing Crisis and a Reckoning for the American Dream by Dougherty, Conor
Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future by Krugman, Paul
Sacred Economics, Revised: Money, Gift & Society in the Age of Transition by Eisenstein, Charles
Clásicos Resumidos: Hobbes by Fau, Mauricio
Clásicos Resumidos: Rousseau by Fau, Mauricio
Rebuild by Arora, Arun
How Incumbent Firms Navigate Nascent Digital Platform Ecosystems in the Internet of Things: A Contextualized Perspective on Value Co-Creation in Platf by Hodapp, Daniel
Clásicos Resumidos: Durkheim by Fau, Mauricio
Clásicos Resumidos: Locke by Fau, Mauricio
Concussion in Professional Team Sports: Time for a Harmonised Approach? by Veuthey, Alexandra
Darwin >= Marx: Eco/Logical R/Evolution by Pater, Ciprian Florin
Clásicos Resumidos: Saussure by Fau, Mauricio
Handbook of Research on Emerging Theories, Models, and Applications of Financial Econometrics by
Neo-Abolitionism: Abolishing Human Rentals in Favor of Workplace Democracy by Ellerman, David
The Political Economy of Gulf Defense Establishments by Barany, Zoltan
Strategic Sport Management: Sustainability of Sports Clubs by Kubina, Milan, Adámik, Roman, Varmus, Michal
The Rise and Fall of the Privatized Pension System in Chile: An International Perspective by Solimano, Andrés
Loose-Leaf Managerial Economics and Business Strategy by Prince, Jeff, Baye, Michael
The Israeli Economy, 1995-2017 by
The Israeli Economy, 1995-2017 by
Comparative Social Dynamics: Essays in Honor of S. N. Eisenstadt by Cohen, Erik
Clásicos Resumidos: Pierre Bourdieu by Fau, Mauricio
Clásicos Resumidos: Zygmunt Bauman by Fau, Mauricio
Liberty & Prosperity: Liberal economics for achieving universal prosperity by Suvanam, Gopi Krishna
Too Much Money by McKenzie, Gregory J.
Too Much Money by McKenzie, Gregory J.
Current Economic Problems in China by Fung, Kwok-Kwan
Liberalization and Crisis in Colombian Agriculture by Jaramillo, Felipe
Life Is A Little Better: Redistribution As A Development Strategy In Nadur Village, Kerala by Franke, Richard W.
Understanding the concept of a currency peg by Berndt, Anja
Europe's Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality by
The Renegotiations of Public Private Partnerships in Transportation: Theory and Practice by Oliveira Cruz, Carlos, Miranda Sarmento, Joaquim
Game Theory and Fisheries Management: Theory and Applications by Munro, Gordon, Grønbæk, Lone, Lindroos, Marko
America's Great Depression by Rothbard, Murray, Rothbard, Murray N.
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