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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Economics in 2023

Microeconomic Analysis for Developing Countries by Glewwe
Recession Proof Business: A Time Tested Battle Plan For Tough Economies by Barry, Jason
Brief Principles of Macroeconomics, Loose-Leaf Version by Mankiw, N.
Brief Principles of Macroeconomics by Mankiw, N.
Unite History Volume 3 (1945-1960): The Transport and General Workers' Union (Tgwu): Post War Britain, the Welfare State and the Cold War by Mayo, Marjorie
Environmental Economics 3rd Edition by Kolstad
China, Latin America, and the Global Economy: Economic, Historical, and National Issues by
The Trillion Dollar Silencer: Why There Is So Little Anti-War Protest in the United States by Roelofs, Joan
Principles of Microeconomics by Mankiw, N.
Vorteile und Nachteile von Nachhaltigkeitszertifikaten von Immobilien by Anonymous
The Art Of Money Getting; Or, Golden Rules For Making Money by Barnum, P. T.
Principles of Macroeconomics by Mankiw, N.
Principles of Economics by Mankiw, N.
Tourism and Hospitality in Asia: Crisis, Resilience and Recovery by
Explorations in Marx's Theory of Price-Why Marx Is Still Relevant for Understanding the Modern Economy: Volume I: Money and Money Prices by Nicholas, Howard
Make Capitalism History: A Practical Framework for Utopia and the Transformation of Society by Meretz, Stefan, Sutterlütti, Simon
Investment Treaty Law and Climate Change by Restrepo Rodríguez, Tomás
Die Gestaltung Der Ewigkeit: Die Konstitutive Bedeutung Von Nichtwissen Für Den Entsorgungsprozess Nuklearen Abfalls by Wulf, Nele
Stock Price Dynamics of Us Reits: The Effect of Short Selling, Covid-19, and Esg by Trefz, Nick Martin
Migrant Construction Workers in Times of Crisis: Worker Agency, (Im)Mobility Practices and Masculine Identities Among Albanians in Southern Europe by Dimitriadis, Iraklis
Political Economy of Gender and Development in Africa: Mapping Gaps, Conflicts and Representation by
Das Resilienz-Management Von Einzelunternehmern: Der Transalpenhandel Des Augsburgers David Gauger Und Des Bozners David Wagner Um 1600 by Baumgartl, Matthias
Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues and a New Global Economic Order by Welfens, Paul J. J.
The Gas Industry in Latin Europe: Economic Development During the 19th and 20th Centuries by
A Macroeconometric Model for Saudi Arabia: A Case Study on the World's Largest Oil Exporter by Mikayilov, Jeyhun I., Joutz, Frederick L., Hasanov, Fakhri J.
Agricultural Transformation in Africa: Contemporary Issues, Empirics, and Policies by
The Politics and Policies of European Economic Integration, 1850-1914 by Laborie, Léonard, Kouli, Yaman
Digital and Sustainable Transformations in a Post-Covid World: Economic, Social, and Environmental Challenges by
General Average and Risk Management in Medieval and Early Modern Maritime Business by
Plattformökonomie Im Gesundheitswesen: Health-As-A-Service - Digitale Geschäftsmodelle Für Bessere Behandlungsqualität Und Patient Experience by
Circular Business Management in Sustainability: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental by
Ärztliche Weiterbildung Effektiv Gestalten: Psychologisches Know-How Für Ärztinnen Und Ärzte in Führungspositionen by Marquardt, Michael
Portugal in a European Context: Essays on Taxation and Fiscal Policies in Late Medieval and Early Modern Western Europe, 1100-1700 by
Mit Sustainable Finance Die Transformation Dynamisieren: Wie Finanzwirtschaft Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften Ermöglicht by
Global Labour in Distress, Volume II: Earnings, (In)Decent Work and Institutions by
Biofuels in Circular Economy by
Annual Report on Actions to Address Climate Change (2019): Climate Risk Prevention by
Exploring What Drives Indian Stock Market During Covid-19: Fads or Fundamentals by Chakraborty, Indrani
Energy Productivity and Economic Growth: Experiences of the Japanese Industries, 1955-2019 by Nomura, Koji
Creative Product Design with Cultural Codes by Wang, Ming-Feng
Global Labour in Distress, Volume I: Globalization, Technology and Labour Resilience by
Calming the Storms: The Carry Trade, the Banking School and British Financial Crises Since 1825 by Read, Charles
Resurgent India by Misra, Pooja, Shettigar, Jagadish
The Rise of the Middle Class in Contemporary China by Chang, Fenglin, Wang, Hong, Su, Hainan
Great Minds in Regional Science, Vol. 2 by
Regulation of Energy Markets: Economic Mechanisms and Policy Evaluation by Mulder, Machiel
The Contemporary Russian Economy: A Comprehensive Analysis by
The Pearl of the East: The Economic Impact of the Colonial Railways in the Age of High Imperialism in Southeast Asia by Cubeiro Rodríguez, Dídac
Money and Thoughtlessness: A Genealogy and Defense of the Traditional Suspicions of Money and Merchants by Pack, Justin
Contemporary Strategic Chinese American Business Negotiations and Market Entry by
Storm Warning: How To Prepare For And Survive A Financial Crisis by Smith, Dorothy A.
Reimagining Civil Society Collaborations in Development: Starting from the South by
Empowering the New American Worker: Market‐​Based Solutions for Today's Workforce by Lincicome, Scott
Das National-Magazin Von Friedrich List: Eine Pionierleistung Im Deutschen Journalismus Des Vormärz by Wendler, Eugen
Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika by
Smart Region: Angewandte Digitale Lösungen Für Den Ländlichen Raum: Best Practices Aus Den Modellprojekten "Digitales Dorf Bayern" by
The Many Faces of Socioeconomic Change by Toye, John
The Market Power of Technology: Understanding the Second Gilded Age by Kurz, Mordecai
The Market Power of Technology: Understanding the Second Gilded Age by Kurz, Mordecai
Continent in Crisis: The U.S. Civil War in North America by
Continent in Crisis: The U.S. Civil War in North America by
Unending Capitalism: How Consumerism Negated China's Communist Revolution by Gerth, Karl
Essays On Some Unsettled Questions Of Political Economy by Mill, John Stuart
Retirement Watch: The Essential Guide to Retiring in the 2020's by Carlson, Bob
Value, Historicity, and Economic Epistemology: An Archaeology of Economic Science by Herscovici, Alain
Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 4 by
Corporate Social Responsibility. Die Wirkung von unternehmerischen Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattungen by Anonymous
A Casebook on Corporate Renewal by
Literary Representations of Precarious Work, 1840 to the Present by
Risk Management: Insights from Different Settings by
Women's Economic Empowerment: Feminism, Neoliberalism, and the State by Michaeli, Inna
Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives: Proceedings of the 33rd Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference by
Financial Crises, Poverty and Environmental Sustainability: Challenges in the Context of the Sdgs and Covid-19 Recovery by
African Special Economic Zones: Lessons and Investments from China by Robinson, Bryan
Overtourism, Technology Solutions and Decimated Destinations by
Sustainable Development Report 2022 by Sachs, Jeffrey D., Kroll, Christian, Lafortune, Guillame
Sustainable Development Report 2022 by Sachs, Jeffrey D., Kroll, Christian, Lafortune, Guillame
To Establish a Supra-Sovereign International Currency: The Reform of International Monetary System by Li, Chong
Globalisation Impacts: Countries, Institutions and COVID19 by
Handbook of Research on the Regulation of the Modern Global Migration and Economic Crisis by
Examining the Aging Workforce and Its Impact on Economic and Social Development by
Examining the Aging Workforce and Its Impact on Economic and Social Development by
China Versus the Us, World Bank and IMF in Sub-Saharan Africa by Ciochetto, Lynne
The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century: Evolution and Impact by
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas by
Medical Entrepreneurship: Trends and Prospects in the Digital Age by
G20 Entrepreneurship Services Report by Su, Qing, Gao, Jian, Jia, Ruitao
Doing Social Research and Publishing Results: A Guide to Non-Native English Speakers by Saliya, Candauda Arachchige
Measuring the Inclusivity of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem by Petker, Julia
The Palgrave Handbook of Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: The Case of the Belt and Road Initiative by
Tsinghua Pbcsf Chief Economists Forum: Turbulent 2022 by
Asian City Crossings: Pathways of Performance through Hong Kong and Singapore by
China in the Asian Financial Crisis by Nolan, Peter
Benchmarking Islamic Finance: A Framework for Evaluating Financial Products and Services by
Foundations of Modern Slavery: Profiles of Unfree and Coerced Labor through the Ages by Dowlah, Caf
The Financialized Economy: Theoretical Views and Empirical Cases by Styhre, Alexander
The Evolution of Economic Development in Africa: African Trade, 1948-2017 by Mbroh, Francis K.
Transdisciplinarity For Sustainability: Aligning Diverse Practices by
Offshore Financial Centres and the Law: Suspect Wealth in British Overseas Territories by Thomas-James, Dominic
A Market Process Theory of the Firm: An Alternative to the Neoclassical Model by Machaj, Mateusz
Beyond the Blue Economy: Creative Industries and Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States by Rudge, Peter
Emerging Economies and the Global Financial System: Post-Keynesian Analysis by
The East African Community: Intraregional Integration and Relations with the EU by
The Economic and Legal Impact of Covid-19: The Case of Poland by
The Macroeconomics of Malthus by Pullen, John
Brexit and the Political Economy of Ireland: Creating a New Economic Settlement by Teague, Paul
Globalising Everyday Consumption in India: History and Ethnography by
Asian Foreign Direct Investment in Europe by
Robot Ethics and the Innovation Economy by Johannessen, Jon-Arild
Labour and Economic Change in Southern Africa c.1900-2000: Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi by Pilossof, Rory, Cohen, Andrew
A History of Cold War Industrialisation: Finnish Shipbuilding between East and West by Matala, Saara
The Economics and Science of Measurement: A Study of Metrology by Link, Albert N.
False Feedback in Economics: The Case for Replication by Spescha, Andrin
Inflation Targeting and Central Banks: Institutional Set-ups and Monetary Policy Effectiveness by Niedźwiedzińska, Joanna
Foundations of a Sustainable Economy: Moral, Ethical and Religious Perspectives by
A History of International Monetary Diplomacy, 1867 to the Present: The Rise of the Guardian State and Economic Sovereignty in a Globalizing World by Gallarotti, Giulio M.
Markets in their Place: Context, Culture, Finance by
Intellectual Property in Russia by Vlasova, Anna S., Udalova, Natalia M.
The Economics of Intellectual Property and Openness: The Tragedy of Intangible Abundance by Biga, Bartlomiej
Power and Influence of Economists: Contributions to the Social Studies of Economics by
Capital Theory and Political Economy: Prices, Income Distribution and Stability by Tsoulfidis, Lefteris
European Economic Legal Order After Brexit: Legacy, Regulation, and Policy by Cardi, Enzo
Competitiveness and Economic Development in Europe: Prospects and Challenges by
Taiwan's Economic and Diplomatic Challenges and Opportunities by
Households and Financialization in Europe: Mapping Variegated Patterns in Semi-Peripheries by
Social Enterprise in Western Europe: Theory, Models and Practice by
The Nordic Economic, Social and Political Model: Challenges in the 21st Century by
Thomas Aquinas and the Civil Economy Tradition: The Mediterranean Spirit of Capitalism by Santori, Paolo
Neoliberalism in the Emerging Economy of India: The Political Economy of International Trade, Investment and Finance by
Auditor Going Concern Reporting: A Review of Global Research and Future Research Opportunities by Gold, Anna, Wallage, Philip, Geiger, Marshall A.
Politics and the Theory of Spontaneous Order by Szafruga, Piotr
Preventing the Next Financial Crisis by Beker, Victor A.
Higher Education and Policy for Creative Economies in Africa: Developing Creative Economies by
Poverty in Contemporary Economic Thought by
North Eurasian Trade in World History, 1660-1860: The Economic and Political Importance of the Baltic Sea by Scheltjens, Werner
Family Business and Regional Development by
Value Chains Transformation and Transport Reconnection in Eurasia: Geo-economic and Geopolitical Implications by Pepe, Jacopo Maria
American Globalization, 1492-1850: Trans-Cultural Consumption in Spanish Latin America by
The Economics of Government Regulation: Fundamentals and Application in China by Junhao, Wang
A History of Public Banking in Portugal in the 19th and 20th Centuries by Lains, Pedro
Financialisation in the Automotive Industry: Capital and Labour in Contemporary Society by Do Carmo, Marcelo José, Sacomano Neto, Mário, Donadone, Julio Cesar
Sustainable Lifestyles after Covid-19 by Echegaray, Fabián, Brachya, Valerie, Vergragt, Philip J.
Women and Global Entrepreneurship: Contextualising Everyday Experiences by
Inflation, Unemployment and Capital Malformations by Schmitt, Bernard
Covid-19 and Social Protection: A Study in Human Resilience and Social Solidarity by
Liberalism: The Classical Tradition by Von Mises, Ludwig
Human Capital and Regional Development in Europe: A Long-Run Comparative View by Diebolt, Claude, Hippe, Ralph
Progressive Policies for Economic Development: Economic Diversification and Social Inclusion after Climate Change by Saad-Filho, Alfredo
Financing China's Belt and Road Initiative: Investments and Infrastructure by Gang, Xiao
Chinese Economic Development: Theories, Practices and Trends by Hong, Yinxing, Sun, Ninghua
The Routledge Handbook of Financial Geography by
The Routledge Handbook of Critical Finance Studies by
Pricing Carbon Emissions: Economic Reality and Utopia by Verbruggen, Aviel
The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Economics by
The German Residential Real Estate Market and the Presence of a Bubble by Anonymous
Art and Merchandise in Keith Haring's Pop Shop by Raffel, Amy
John Locke and the Bank of England by Roche, Claude
Economic Growth and Convergence: Global Analysis Through Econometric and Hidden Markov Models by Witkowski, Bartosz, Bernardelli, Michal, Próchniak, Mariusz
Liberalism: The Classical Tradition by Von Mises, Ludwig
Public Value and the Digital Economy by Chohan, Usman W.
Compte Définitif Des Recettes Et Des Dépenses de l'Exercice by Colonie Du Senegal
Compte Définitif Des Recettes Et Des Dépenses de l'Exercice by Colonie Du Senegal
Budget Des Pays de Protectorat by Sénégal
Budget Des Pays de Protectorat by Sénégal
Le Problème Monétaire by Fournier de Flaix, Ernest
Annuaire de l'Économie Politique Et de la Statistique by Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain
Annuaire de l'Économie Politique Et de la Statistique by Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain
Annuaire de l'Économie Politique Et de la Statistique by Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain
Bulletin by Societe d'Economie
Compte Définitif Des Recettes Et Des Dépenses de l'Exercice by Colonie Du Senegal
Annuaire de l'Économie Politique Et de la Statistique by Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain
Annuaire de l'Économie Politique Et de la Statistique by Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain
Annuaire de l'Économie Politique Et de la Statistique by Guillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain
The Anthem Companion to David Ricardo by
The Rise of the New Economic Powers and the Changing Global Landscape by Ebbers, Haico
Consumer Behavior by Aljuraisy, Khalid
The Rise of Central Banks: State Power in Financial Capitalism by Wansleben, Leon
Fiscal Policy Under Low Interest Rates by Blanchard, Olivier
Understanding Institutions: The Science and Philosophy of Living Together by Guala, Francesco
The Rise of the New Economic Powers and the Changing Global Landscape by Ebbers, Haico
No Return: Jews, Christian Usurers, and the Spread of Mass Expulsion in Medieval Europe by Dorin, Rowan
War, Wine, and Taxes: The Political Economy of Anglo-French Trade, 1689-1900 by Nye, John V. C.
The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class by Kotkin, Joel
Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World by Goodman, Peter S.
The Lords of Easy Money: How the Federal Reserve Broke the American Economy by Leonard, Christopher
Essentials of Economics by Mankiw, N.
International Labour Mobility: How Remittances Shape the Labour Migration Model by Stefan, Daniel, Vasile, Valentina, Bunduchi, Elena
The Federal Reserve: A New History by Hetzel, Robert L.
International Trade Under President Reagan: Us Trade Policy in the 1980s by La Barca, Giuseppe
Poverty, Food Consumption, and Economic Development by Jayasinghe, Maneka
Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies by
Cross-border Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Approaches of Life Quality by
Handloom Sustainability and Culture: Entrepreneurship, Culture and Luxury by
Einfluß Des Weltkrieges Auf Schiffahrt Und Handel in Der Ostsee by Firle, Rudolph
Wärmepumpenheizungen: Planungshilfe Und Ratgeber Für Neubauten Und Bestandsgebäude by Glaesmann, Nicolas
Crises and Uncertainty in the Economy by
Corruption and Fraud in Investment Arbitration: Procedural and Substantive Challenges by Tussupov, Adilbek
China's Miracle in Foreign Trade by Yu, Miaojie
Unfree Workers: Insubordination and Resistance in Convict Australia, 1788-1860 by Quinlan, Michael, Maxwell-Stewart, Hamish
Banking, Projecting and Politicking in Early Modern England: The Rise and Fall of Thompson and Company 1671‒1678 by Winter, Mabel
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