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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Environmental Studies in 2024

Encounters with the Posthuman and the Environment by
Sustainable Soil Systems in Global South by
The Organization of Journalism: Market Models and Practice in a Fraying Profession by Ferrucci, Patrick
Livelihood and the Environment in Vietnam by
Propagation to Pharmacopeia: Modern Approaches in Medicinal Plants by
Quantitative Remote Sensing: Fundamentals and Environmental Applications by Gao, Jay
Warming Mountains: Implications for Livelihood and Sustainability by
Sustainable Plant Nutrition and Soil Carbon Sequestration by
Pflanzenwelt in Damietta, einem Nebenarm des Nils in Ägypten by Zahran, Mahmoud A., Al-Mamoori, Shaymaa O., El-Amier, Yasser A.
La vie végétale dans le bras de Damiette du Nil en Égypte by El-Amier, Yasser A., Zahran, Mahmoud A., Al-Mamoori, Shaymaa O.
La vita vegetale nel ramo di Damietta del fiume Nilo in Egitto by El-Amier, Yasser A., Zahran, Mahmoud A., Al-Mamoori, Shaymaa O.
Vida vegetal no braço Damietta do rio Nilo no Egito by El-Amier, Yasser A., Zahran, Mahmoud A., Al-Mamoori, Shaymaa O.
The Trialism and Application of Human Settlement, Inhabitation and Travel Environment Studies: Applications in Valley, Plain, Hilly, and Arid Regions by Liu, Binyi
The Green New Deal from Below: How Ordinary People Are Building a Just and Climate-Safe Economy by Brecher, Jeremy
The First Settler of Lewes: A History of the Fourth Street Preserve by Rawl, Michael
Investing in the Era of Climate Change by Usher, Bruce
The Organization of Journalism: Market Models and Practice in a Fraying Profession by Ferrucci, Patrick
The Green New Deal from Below: How Ordinary People Are Building a Just and Climate-Safe Economy by Brecher, Jeremy
The Tensaw River: Alabama's Hidden Heritage Corridor by Bunn, Mike
Phantom Border: A Personal Reconnaissance of Contemporary Germany by Lange, Kerstin
Bay Area Wildlife: An Irreverent Guide by Miller, Jeff
Treekeepers: The Race for a Forested Future by Oakes, Lauren E.
Roots and Resilience: California Ranchers in Their Own Words by
Eight Bears: Mythic Past and Imperiled Future by Dickie, Gloria
Feed the Planet: A Photographic Journey to the World's Food by
Gator Country: Deception, Danger, and Alligators in the Everglades by Renner, Rebecca
Vanishing Treasures: A Bestiary of Extraordinary Endangered Creatures by Rundell, Katherine
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea by
Hardwiring Sustainability Into Financial Mathematics: Implications for Money Mechanics by Papazian, Armen V.
Durch Markenführung Und Innovation Zu Mehr Nachhaltigkeit Im Unternehmen: Wie Sie Nachhaltigkeit Bei Gleichzeitigem Wirtschaftlichen Erfolg Erreichen by Schlimok, Christian, Von Lehsten, Bastian
Forest Management for Timber Production and Climate Change Mitigation: Linking Dynamics of Carbon Cycle in Ecosystem Management by Kellomäki, Seppo
Green Start: Simple Steps to an Eco-Friendly Life by Venka, Art
Handbuch Zukunft: Was künftig möglich ist. Essays für die Zukunft. by Pendzich, Marc
The Mekong Delta Environmental Research Guidebook: Volume 5 by
Afrotropical Streams and Rivers: Structure, Ecological Processes and Management by
Urban Wetlands in Latin America: Protection, Conservation, Innovation, Restoration, and Community for Sustainable and Water Sensitive Cities by
The Patagonian Shelfbreak Front: Ecology, Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation by
Andrew Sansom: A Life in Conservation by Raun, Laura
Nature-Based Solutions in Supporting Sustainable Development Goals: Theory and Practice by
Feathered Entanglements: Human-Bird Relations in the Anthropocene by
Working Watersheds: Water and Energy in the Lackawanna Valley by Conlogue, William
Working Watersheds: Water and Energy in the Lackawanna Valley by Conlogue, William
The Magnificent Giants of the Ocean: Ocean Anatomy and Oceanology: Understanding the Ocean Giants from Giant Squid to Sharks, Whales, and Orcas by Omar, Omak Charlie
Piante Velenose: Guida Completa per Riconoscerle in Italia e nel Mondo con Tecniche e Esempi Pratici by Creativi, Testi
Coltivare gli Agrumi: Guida Completa e Tecniche Pratiche per Crescere Limoni, Arance e Altri Agrumi in Terra e in Vaso by Creativi, Testi
Problemas e impactos do efluente da empresa Pharmakina by Paluku, Muheruki
Probleme und Auswirkungen der Abwässer des Unternehmens Pharmakina by Paluku, Muheruki
Problèmes et impacts des effluents de la société Pharmakina by Paluku, Muheruki
Problemi e impatti degli effluenti dell'azienda Pharmakina by Paluku, Muheruki
The Dialectical Agroecologist by VanderMeer, John, Perfecto, Ivette
Ecohydrology of Kerala: River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters by
Old Land, New Landscapes by Williams, Chris
Avaliação de base da flora e da fauna da zona húmida de Surajpur, Índia by Ansari, Nasim Ahmad
Podstawowa ocena flory i fauny mokradel Surajpur w Indiach by Ansari, Nasim Ahmad
Grundlegende Bewertung der Flora und Fauna des Surajpur-Feuchtgebiets, Indien by Ansari, Nasim Ahmad
Évaluation de base de la flore et de la faune de la zone humide de Surajpur, Inde by Ansari, Nasim Ahmad
Valutazione di base della flora e della fauna della zona umida di Surajpur, India by Ansari, Nasim Ahmad
Pollution Control for Clean Environment--Volume 1: Proceedings of Icpcce 2023 by
Metal Value Recovery from Industrial Waste Using Advanced Physicochemical Treatment Technologies by
The San Joaquin Kit Fox: Biology, Ecology, and Conservation of an Endangered Species by Cypher, Brian L.
Biotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery: Current Trends and Future Scope by
Holy Ground: Climate Change, Preaching, and the Apocalypse of Place by Neal, Jerusha Matsen
Wild Forest Home: Stories of Conservation in the Pacific Northwest by Howell, Betsy L.
Everyone's Trash: One Man Against 1.6 Billion Pounds by Watson, Duncan
Hydrology and Urban Water Supply by
Environmental Protection and Disaster Risks (Envirorisks 2024): Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Protection and Disaste by
Extremophiles for Sustainable Agriculture and Soil Health Improvement by
Prehistoric Wetland Sites of Southern Europe: Archaeology, Dendrochronology, Palaeoecology and Bioarchaeology by
Aquatic Animal Nutrition: Plant Preparations by Steinberg, Christian E. W.
Mammals of North America - Volume 1: Systematics and Taxonomy by Álvarez-Castañeda, Sergio Ticul
Soft Computing in Industry 5.0 for Sustainability by
Lifelong Learning for Green Skills and Sustainable Development: Southern European Perspectives by
Sustainable and Innovative Mining Practices: International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Mining Practices 2023 by
Impatto degli effluenti dei mattatoi sulla qualità dell'acqua del fiume K/Ala, Nigeria by Addy, Jose
Impact des effluents d'abattoirs sur la qualité de l'eau de la rivière K/Ala, Nigeria by Addy, Jose
Auswirkungen von Schlachthofabwässern auf die Wasserqualität des Flusses K/Ala, Nigeria by Addy, Jose
Impacto dos efluentes de matadouro na qualidade da água do rio K/Ala, Nigéria by Addy, Jose
Giant Beneath the Waves: The Hidden Mega Coral of the Solomon Islands and Its Role in the Future of Ocean Conservation by DeWitt, Delphine
Bosque en miniatura: Mi guía del método Miyawaki by Rodriguez Gonzalez, Francisco
Yosemite: Where Mules Wear Diamonds by Barrett, Bob
The Glitter Guys by R. Pius, J.
The Glitter Guys by R. Pius, J.
Emerging Digital Media Ecologies: The Concept of Medialogy by Cinque, Toija
Emerging Digital Media Ecologies: The Concept of Medialogy by Cinque, Toija
Climate Change and Education Playbook: Investing in Education and Skills for Climate Resilience in Asia and the Pacific by Asian Development Bank
Polish Flows: An Aqua-Critical Reading of Cultural and Educational Narratives about Rivers by
Climate Change Resilience in the Urban Environment (Second Edition) by Kershaw, Tristan
Hot Talk, Cold Science, Third Edition: Global Warming's Unfinished Debate by Singer, S. Fred
Low-Temperature Selective Catalytic Reduction Catalysts by Guo, Ruitang, Pan, Weiguo
Earthworms and Ecological Processes by
Cull of the Wild: Killing in the Name of Conservation by Warwick, Hugh
The Global Environmental Crisis: The Limitations of Scientific Knowledge and the Necessity of Utopian Imagination by Lie, John
The Global Environmental Crisis: The Limitations of Scientific Knowledge and the Necessity of Utopian Imagination by Lie, John
Refusing Ecocide: From Fossil Capitalism to a Liveable World by Carroll, William K.
Refusing Ecocide: From Fossil Capitalism to a Liveable World by Carroll, William K.
Tropic Ice: Dialog Between Places Affected by Climate Change by Dombrowski, Barbara
Falling in Love with Nature: The Values of Latinx Catholic Environmentalism by Baugh, Amanda J.
Mountains Before Mountaineering: The Call of the Peaks Before the Modern Age by Hollis, Dawn L.
Embodying Biodiversity: Sensory Conservation as Refuge and Sovereignty by
Gunflint Falling: Blowdown in the Boundary Waters by Griffith, Cary J.
Mushroom Miscellany: An Illustrated Guide Featuring Fun Facts, Mushroom Profiles, Recipes & More by Nozedar, Adele
El Nacimiento de la Tierra: Cómo Nuestro Planeta Cobró Vida / Becoming Earth: H Ow Our Planet Came to Life by Jabr, Ferris
Toward Oregon 2050: Planning a Better Future by
Into the Thaw: Witnessing Wonder Amid the Arctic Climate Crisis by Waterman, Jon
The World Beneath: The Life and Times of Unknown Sea Creatures and Coral Reefs by Smith, Richard
Honey Bee Social Evolution: Group Formation, Behavior, and Preeminence by Delaplane, Keith S.
Falling in Love with Nature: The Values of Latinx Catholic Environmentalism by Baugh, Amanda J.
Power Metal: The Race for the Resources That Will Shape the Future by Beiser, Vince
Trees in Winter: A Beautiful Book for Anyone Who Loves Printmaking and Nature by Shimell, Richard
Transitions in Tension, Volume 3: Controversies and Tensions Around Ecological Transitions by
Natural Hazards and Risk Mitigation: Natural Hazards in Himalaya and Risk Mitigation by
Sustainable Waste Management Practices for the Mining Sector Through Recycling of Mining Waste by Mishra, Meghana, Das, Manas R., Satapathy, Suchismita
Umweltgenehmigungen by Moraes, Luís Carlos Araújo
Permis environnementaux by Moraes, Luís Carlos Araújo
Licenze ambientali by Moraes, Luís Carlos Araújo
Environmental Licensing by Moraes, Luís Carlos Araújo
Transition to a Safe Anthropocene in the Asia-Pacific: Sustainability, Climate Action, and Green Technology by
Glaciers - Recent Research, Importance to Humanity and the Effects of Climate Change by
The Indian Ocean and the Portuguese-Speaking World: Literary and Cultural Intersections by
Teaching Writing in the Age of Catastrophic Climate Change by
Capitalism, Colonisation and the Ecocide-Genocide Nexus by Crook, Martin
Capitalism, Colonisation and the Ecocide-Genocide Nexus by Crook, Martin
Plastic and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Innovative Solutions to Mitigate Plastic Pollution by
Living Water: Marine Ecotourism, Communities and Conservation by Truda Palazzo, Jose
Fluoride and Fluorocarbon Toxicity: Sources, Issues, and Remediation by
Nachhaltigkeit der Aquakultur von Küsten-Garnelen by Bhuiyan, Sajjad
Durabilité de l'industrie de l'aquaculture de la crevette côtière by Bhuiyan, Sajjad
Sustentabilidade da indústria de aquacultura do camarão costeiro by Bhuiyan, Sajjad
Zrównoważony rozwój sektora akwakultury krewetek przybrzeżnych by Bhuiyan, Sajjad
Sostenibilità dell'industria dell'acquacoltura del gambero costiero by Bhuiyan, Sajjad
Special Volume on Kogia Biology Part 2: Volume 99 by
Qanats and Historic Structures in Persia: Potential Modern Applications by Pazwash, Hormoz
Education and Learning for Sustainable Futures: 50 Years of Learning for Environment and Change by Tilbury, Daniella, Wals, Arjen, MacIntyre, Thomas
Renewable Energy: Requirements and Sources by Dunlap, Richard A.
Introduction to Catastrophe Risk Modelling: A Physics-Based Approach by Mignan, Arnaud
Introduction to Catastrophe Risk Modelling: A Physics-Based Approach by Mignan, Arnaud
Esistenza Naturale: Racconti dalla natura by Maccani, Mirko
FOREST BATHING in the ADIRONDACKS: A Guide For House Or Forest by Chorba, Holly
Management of Hydropower Enterprises: Intelligent Operation, Exploration and Practice in China's Dadu River Watershed by Tu, Yangju
Sustainable Agricultural Production Systems: Traditional and Modern Perspectives by
FOREST BATHING in the ADIRONDACKS: A Guide For House Or Forest by Chorba, Holly
Progress in Soil Microbiome Research by
Regenerativer Tourismus by Marbun, Saortua
Tourisme régénérateur by Marbun, Saortua
Turismo rigenerativo by Marbun, Saortua
Turismo regenerativo by Marbun, Saortua
Stechmücken von Bedeutung für die öffentliche Gesundheit by Vythilingam, Indra
Moustiques importants pour la santé publique by Vythilingam, Indra
Zanzare di importanza per la salute pubblica by Vythilingam, Indra
Mosquitos de importância para a saúde pública by Vythilingam, Indra
Sustainable Management and Conservation of Environmental Resources in India by
Remote Sensing Image Processing Algorithms for Detecting Air Turbulence Patterns by Marghany, Maged
Advances in Photonics and Electronics: Innovations for Smart and Sustainable Development by
Forest Lost: Producing Green Capitalism in the Brazilian Amazon by Greenleaf, Maron E.
Forest Lost: Producing Green Capitalism in the Brazilian Amazon by Greenleaf, Maron E.
Sustainable Education and Development--Green Buildings: Proceedings of the Applied Research Conference in Africa (Arca), 2023, Volume 2 by
Carbon Footprint Assessments: Case Studies & Best Practices by
The Future of Electric Aviation and Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the 2023 International Symposium on Electric Aviation & Autonomous Systems by
Water Reuse and Unconventional Water Resources: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by
Five Easy Pieces on Water: Essentials of Water Science Explained by an Engineering Scholar by Rosso, Renzo
Climate Change, Education, and Technology by
Terrible Beauty: Reckoning with Climate Complicity and Rediscovering Our Soul by Schendler, Auden
Statistics and Modeling of Regional Climate Variability in China: Qingdao-Hamburg Cooperation in Oceanography and Climate Studies Since the 1980s by
Mikrobiologische Analyse von Wasser und Abwasser by El-Tras, Wael F.
Analyse microbiologique de l'eau et des eaux usées by El-Tras, Wael F.
Analisi microbiologica dell'acqua e delle acque reflue by El-Tras, Wael F.
Análise microbiológica de águas e águas residuais by El-Tras, Wael F.
Global Climate Change: A Guide for Future Action by Prowle, Malcolm
Gold: How It Shaped History by Ereira, Alan
Climate Change and the Endurance of Democracy by Lindvall, Daniel
The Long Descent: A User's Guide to the End of the World by Greer, John Michael
Chemical Ecology: Insect-Plant Interactions by Chen, Ri Zhao, Ali, Jamin
The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning of a Post-Peak World by Greer, John Michael
The Wealth of Nature: Economics as If Survival Mattered by Greer, John Michael
Chemical Ecology: Insect-Plant Interactions by Ali, Jamin, Chen, Ri Zhao
Advances in Environmental Sustainability, Energy and Earth Science: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Aesee-2024 by
Prevention and Reclamation of Mining-Induced Land Subsidence by Zhou, Wanfang, Dong, Shuning, Wang, Hao
Biomass Wastes for Sustainable Industrial Applications: A Waste-To-Wealth Approach by
Marxism in the Age of Ecological Catastrophe: Theory and PRAXIS by Sá Barreto, Eduardo
Air Pollutants in the Context of One Health: Fundamentals, Sources, and Impacts by
Fire Ecology of Florida and the Southeastern Coastal Plain by Noss, Reed F.
Anthropology in the Anthropocene: An Earthed Theory for Our Extended Present by Antweiler, Christoph
Feminist Conservation: Politics and Power in Madagascar's Marine Commons by Baker-Medard, Merrill
What Are Zoos For? by Browning, Heather, Veit, Walter
Feminist Conservation: Politics and Power in Madagascar's Marine Commons by Baker-Medard, Merrill
Slow Wood: Greener Building from Local Forests by Donahue, Brian
Seismic Control of Structures Using Tuned Mass Dampers: Theory and Practice by Radmard Rahmani, Hamid
Beyond the Wonder: An Ecologist's View of Wild Alaska by Bancroft, Thomas
Terrible Beauty: Reckoning with Climate Complicity and Rediscovering Our Soul by Schendler, Auden
Beyond the Sea: The Hidden Life in Lakes, Streams, and Wetlands by Strayer, David
Heart Disease and Climate Change by Stewart, Simon
Ökologischer Zustand der heißen Quellen in Ost-Amhara, Äthiopien by Mengesha, Sisay Derso
Stato ecologico delle sorgenti termali nell'Amhara orientale, Etiopia by Mengesha, Sisay Derso
Estado ecológico das fontes termais em Amhara Oriental, Etiópia by Mengesha, Sisay Derso
Statut écologique des sources thermales dans l'est de l'Amhara, en Éthiopie by Mengesha, Sisay Derso
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve: From Local Thinking to Global Actions by
Water Pollution and Remediation: A Global Concern by Sharma, Deepa, Saxena, Neha, Islam, MD Merajul
Climate Crisis and Sustainable Solutions: Strategies for Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development by
Introduction to Functional Nanomaterials by
Emerging Technologies in Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment: Lessons from Developed to Enhancing Practices in Developing Countries by
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