• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

European Art in 2002

Apelles: The Alexander Mosaic by
Visiones de Estereoscopio: Paradigma de Hibridación En La Ficción Y El Arte de la Vanguardia Española by Fernández Utrera, María Soledad
Great Museums of Italy by Petrioli, Annamaria
Peter Friedl: Kromme Elleboog by
The People's Art / A Arte Do Povo by
Raphael's Stanza della Segnatura by Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L.
The Cambridge Companion to Velazquez by Stratton-Pruitt
Gauguin: A Savage in the Making, Catalogue Raisonne of the Paintings (1873-1888) by Wildenstein, Daniel
The Cambridge Companion to Piero Della Francesca by
The Victorian Illustrated Book by
Prehistoric Rock Art in Cumbria: Landscapes and Monuments by Beckensall, Stan
Twentieth-Century American Art by Doss, Erika
Early Medieval Art by Nees, Lawrence
The Art of Acquiring: A Portrait of Etta & Claribel Cone by Gabriel, Mary
The Enigma of Piero: Piero della Francesca by Ginzburg, Carlo
Théâtre de la Mode: Fashion Dolls: The Survival of Haute Couture by Lottman, Herbert R., Garfinkel, Stanley, Charles-Roux, Edmond
This Meager Nature by Ely, Christopher
The Irish Sketch Book & Character Sketches by Thackeray, William Makepeace
Art, Culture, and Media Under the Third Reich by
Vel Zquez's 'Las Meninas' by Velazquez, Diego
Van Gogh by Sund, Judy
Velazquez's 'Las Meninas' by Velazquez, Diego
Squatters by