• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

French Cooking in 2013

French for Food Lovers by Newborn, Sasha
The Perfect Meal: In Search of the Lost Tastes of France by Baxter, John
French Holiday Cookery by Garnett, Liz
Le Cuisinier François Enseignant La Manière de Bien Apprester Et Assaisonner: Toutes Sortes de Viandes Grasses Ou Maigres, Légumes Ou Patisserie En Pe by La Varenne, François-Pierre
Nouvelle Cuisinière Bourgeoise Ou Manuel Du Cuisinier Et de la Cuisinière Contenant Des Recettes...: Nouvelle Édition Augmentée 1° d'Un Traité Sur Les by Lombez
Bébé Gourmet: 100 French-Inspired Baby Food Recipes for Raising an Adventurous Eater by Carenco, Jenny
Le Pâtissier Pittoresque (4e Édition) by Carême, Marie-Antoine, Fayot, Charles-Frédéric-Alfred
Nouvelle cuisine bourgeoise pour la ville et pour la campagne, 8e édition by DuBois, Urbain
L'Art de Bien Faire Les Glaces d'Office, Ou Les Vrais Principes Pour Congeler: Tous Les Rafraîchissemens by Emy
The Whole Fromage: Adventures in the Delectable World of French Cheese by Lison, Kathe
The French Market Cookbook: Vegetarian Recipes from My Parisian Kitchen by Dusoulier, Clotilde
Cooking, while learning French! Apprenez l'Anglais en cuisinant!: A bilingual journey in Provence by Sanchez, Martine, Moore, Laurence
Daniel: My French Cuisine by Bigar, Sylvie, Boulud, Daniel
French Country Cooking 19 Dix-neuf: Cuisine du terroir Correzienne by Alder-Smith, Malcolm
The Art of French Pastry: A Cookbook by Shulman, Martha Rose, Pfeiffer, Jacquy
My Favorite French Recipes by Blake, Marian
Hidden in Paris -- The Cookbook: Easy French Comfort Food by the Author of Hidden in Paris by Gantz, Corine