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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

GLBTQIA Studies in 2024

Contemporary Intersectional Criminology in the UK: Examining the Boundaries of Intersectionality and Crime by
Territorios Queer by Reyes García, Samy Zacarías
Queer Data Studies by
Queer Data Studies by
Querer Como Las Locas by Sánchez Herrera, Jesús Pascual
The City Aroused: Queer Places and Urban Redevelopment in Postwar San Francisco by Scott, Damon
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Jacobs, Andrew, Gillis, Melissa
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Queer Studies and Communication by
Transgender Inclusion: All the Things You Want to Ask Your Transgender Coworker But Shouldn't by Fowlkes, A. C.
Sex Clubs: Recreational Sex, Fantasies and Cultures of Desire by Haywood, Chris
Yes Gawd!: How Faith Shapes LGBT Identity and Politics in the United States by Cravens, Royal G., III
Yes Gawd!: How Faith Shapes LGBT Identity and Politics in the United States by Cravens III, Royal G.
The Color of Desire: The Queer Politics of Race in the Federal Republic of Germany After 1970 by Ewing, Christopher
You Are My Happy Ending: Schitt's Creek and the Legacy of Queer Television by Garside, Emily
A Body of One's Own: A Trans History of Argentina by Simonetto, Patricio
Navigating ABDL Boundaries: A Guide for Family Members by Love, Peter
Perspectives on Transforming Higher Education and the LGBTQIA Student Experience by
Fighting Inequality: Social Justice Movements by M, Maria
The LGBTQIA+ Community and Betrayal: Heterophobia vs. Homophobia And How the Alphabet Mob Is Erasing Heterosexuality and Trying to Bully Us "Straights by Lewis, K. B. Lewis
Tomboy Chic by Higgins, Stacy
Queer Kinship on the Edge? Families of Choice in Poland by Mizielińska, Joanna
Jewish Lesbian Scholarship in a Time of Change by
Music, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: A Teacher's Guide by Warwick, Jacqueline
Routledge Handbook of Queer Rhetoric by
Queering STEM Culture in US Higher Education: Navigating Experiences of Exclusion in the Academy by
Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe: The Experiences of LGBTQ People in Sport by
Between Byzantine Men: Desire, Homosociality, and Brotherhood in the Medieval Empire by Masterson, Mark
LGBTQI+ Allies in Education, Advocacy, Activism, and Participatory Collaborative Research by Cumming-Potvin, Wendy M.
Bayard Rustin: A Legacy of Protest and Politics by Long, Michael G.
Bayard Rustin: A Legacy of Protest and Politics by Long, Michael G.
Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology by Cheng, Patrick S.
In Our Words: Stories from the Intersection of LGBTQIA+ Identity and Disability by Herbert, Wayne, Purkis, Yenn
A Short History of Trans Misogyny by Gill-Peterson, Jules
100 Blue Jays: Gary, IN Born and Raised to be Your Murderer!!!! by Kilgore, Darryl L., Jr.
Jewcy: Jewish Queer Lesbian Feminisms for the Twenty-First Century by
Jewcy: Jewish Queer Lesbian Feminisms for the Twenty-First Century by
Gender Recognition and the Law: Troubling Transgender Peoples' Engagement with Legal Regulation by Renz, Flora
Identities and Place: Changing Labels and Intersectional Communities of LGBTQ and Two-Spirit People in the United States by
Octopus Magic by James, Ellis
Cult Zero Cuts Deep: A Dive Into Genital Nullification by Sandrego, Carmen
The Struggle to Be Gay--In Mexico, for Example by Lancaster, Roger N.
Tomboy Chic (Hardcover Edition) by Higgins, Stacy
Citizens and Sodomites: Persecution and Perception of Sodomy in the Southern Low Countries (1400-1700) by Roelens, Jonas
The Struggle to Be Gay--In Mexico, for Example by Lancaster, Roger N.
Lilith Wife or Myth? by Neuman, Morgan L.
Somacultural Liberation: An Indigenous, Two-Spirit Somatic Guide to Integrating Cultural Experiences Toward Freedom by Kuhn, Roger
Cult Zero Cuts Deep (Hardcover Edition): A Dive Into Genital Nullification by Sandrego, Carmen
TRANSformative Mentoring by Lange, Tiffany
TRANSformative Mentoring by Lange, Tiffany
Tapes of Coron: An Epic Poem Recollection by McKinney, T. Lydia W.
Queer Anthropology by Dennis, Megan
Men at War: Loving, Lusting, Fighting, Remembering 1939-1945 by Turner, Luke
Surviving the Closet: Learning to Live After Coming Out Later in Life by Deluzio, Jo
Love Offers No Safety: Nigeria's Queer Men Speak by
Gender/Fucking: The Pleasures and Politics of Living in a Gendered Body by Ashley, Florence
Queer Criminology: Exploring LGBTQ+ Experiences in the Criminal Justice System by Dennis, Megan
Queer Adolescence: Understanding the Lives of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Youth by McNabb, Charlie
Queer Newark: Stories of Resistance, Love, and Community by
Queer Migration Studies by Dennis, Megan
Queer Newark: Stories of Resistance, Love, and Community by
Feminist Perspective on Russia's War in Ukraine: Hear Our Voices by
Transgender Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Gender Diversity by Dennis, Megan
Blokes Joy by Ford, Robert
Italian Fascism's Forgotten LGBT Victims: Asylums and Internment, 1922 - 1943 by Romano, Gabriella
Evil Tran by Russell, Russell
Between Shadows and Noise: Sensation, Situatedness, and the Undisciplined by Musser, Amber Jamilla
Violent Intimacies: The Trans Everyday and the Making of an Urban World by Zengin, Asli
Between Shadows and Noise: Sensation, Situatedness, and the Undisciplined by Musser, Amber Jamilla
Violent Intimacies: The Trans Everyday and the Making of an Urban World by Zengin, Asli
The Detransition Diaries by Fell, Kallie, Lahl, Jennifer
Bisexual Love: The Homosexual Neurosis by Wilhelm Stekel
Closures: Heterosexuality and the American Sitcom by Lavery, Grace
Closures: Heterosexuality and the American Sitcom by Lavery, Grace
Christian Science: Its Encounter With Lesbian/Gay America...2nd Edition by Stores, Bruce
Covenant Sexuality: Essays on Religion, Sexuality, and Identity: Essays on by Wright, Nate, Fenske, Theodore, Boot, Joseph
Understanding and Overcoming LGBT Challenges by Kumar, C. P.
Coming on Strong: Gay Politics and Culture by
A Deleuzian Critique of Queer Thought: Overcoming Sexuality by Kedem, Nir
Queeristan: LGBTQ Inclusion in the Indian Workplace by Shahani, Parmesh
Going Along with Trans, Queer, and Non-Binary Youth by Stiegler, Sam
Communities and Place: A Thematic Approach to the Histories of LGBTQ Communities in the United States by
Shift: A Memoir of Identity and Other Illusions by Guisinger, Penny
Souls of Queer Black Folk by Roulette, T. Anthony
The Complete Winchester Letters by Green, Sarah, Johnson, Lionel, Derham, Ruth
Before Lawrence V. Texas: The Making of a Queer Social Movement by Phelps, Wesley G.
One of Them by Lal, Shaneel
Math in Drag by Santos, Kyne
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Serano, Julia
The Heart Wants What it Wants: A Destined Twin Flame Journey by Batten, D. M.
The Elusiveness of Equality by McGroarty, Alexandra
Queer Jews, Queer Muslims: Race, Religion, and Representation by
Cambiando nuestra mente: Traducción en español de la 3ra edición final en inglés del llamado histórico a la inclusión de los cristianos LGBTQ c by Gushee, David P.
Queer Jews, Queer Muslims: Race, Religion, and Representation by
La Revolución LGBT En Cuba (the LGBT Cuban Revolution) by Labiosa, Wilfred W.
Under Mountain Shadows: Kay Kershaw, Lesbian Eco-Warrior of the Pacific Northwest by Frank, William D.
Embrace the Rainbow: Navigating Identity, Acceptance, and Pride by Maxwell, George
Beyond Trans by Jackson, Ash
Beyond Trans by Jackson, Ash
Queer Conflict Research: New Approaches to the Study of Political Violence by
Enticements: Queer Legal Studies by
Enticements: Queer Legal Studies by
The Fox Spirit, the Stone Maiden, and Other Transgender Histories from Late Imperial China by Sommer, Matthew H.
The Fox Spirit, the Stone Maiden, and Other Transgender Histories from Late Imperial China by Sommer, Matthew H.
Who's Afraid of Gender? by Butler, Judith
Your Queer Career: Workplace Advice from "The Gay Leadership Dude" by Yacovelli, Steven
Gay Aliens and Queer Folk: How Russell T Davies Changed TV by Garside, Emily
Your Queer Career: Workplace Advice from "The Gay Leadership Dude" by Yacovelli, Steven
The Transgender Encyclopedia by Pickett, Brent L.
Fractal Repair: Queer Histories of Modern Jamaica by Chin, Matthew
Fractal Repair: Queer Histories of Modern Jamaica by Chin, Matthew
Advocating for Queer and BIPOC Survivors of Rape at Public Universities: The #ChangeRapeCulture Movement by Factory, Kimiya, Hale, Coreen, Waits, Taylor
Queer World Making: Contemporary Middle Eastern Diasporic Art by Gayed, Andrew
Long Live Queer Nightlife: How the Closing of Gay Bars Sparked a Revolution by Ghaziani, Amin
Not Playing Around: Feminist and Queer Rhetorics in Videogames by Richards, Rebecca S.
Вера без горечи: фрагмен&#1090 by Алисон, Дж&#
Samoan Queer Lives by Kihara, Yuki, McMullin, Dan Taulapapa
EFFEMERIDE vol. II: Pensieri e aforismi 2016-2023 by Ricci, Ethan
Deviant Hollers: Queering Appalachian Ecologies for a Sustainable Future by
No Son of Mine: A Memoir by Corcoran, Jonathan
Deviant Hollers: Queering Appalachian Ecologies for a Sustainable Future by
Winter Kept Us Warm by Dupuis, Chris
A Short Jew in the Body of a Tall W.A.S.P. by Okun, Mark
Winter Kept Us Warm by Dupuis, Chris
Queering Urbanism: Insurgent Spaces in the Fight for Justice by Yeros, Stathis G.
Italian Trans Geographies by
Great LGBTQ+ Speeches: Empowering Voices That Engage and Inspire by Uglow, Tea
Pride: A Celebration in Quotes by
Queer Techné: Bodies, Rhetorics, and Desire in the History of Computing by Fancher, Patricia
Beyond the Heteronorm: Interrogating Critical Alterities in Global Art and Literature by
Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity by
Queering Desire: Lesbians, Gender and Subjectivity by
Against Muerto Rico/Contra Muerto Rico: Lessons From the Verano Boricua/Lecciones del Verano Boricua by Lebrón, Marisol
A Little Gay Natural History by Davis, Josh
Deviant Leisure and Events of Deviance: A Transgressive Compendium by
Eunuch 7 by Wells, Adrian C.
Routledge Handbook of Chinese Gender & Sexuality by
Mechanic Shop Femme's Guide to Car Ownership: Uncomplicating Cars for All of Us by Milchtein, Chaya M.
Leather Bears: Calendar 2025 by Zuniga, Teddy
The Only Way Out: The Racial and Sexual Performance of Escape by Brewer Ball, Katherine
The Only Way Out: The Racial and Sexual Performance of Escape by Brewer Ball, Katherine
Reclaiming Queer: Activist and Academic Rhetorics of Resistance by Rand, Erin J.
Bodies and Boundaries of UK Bear Spaces by McGlynn, Nick
The Third Space: A Nonconformist's Guide to the Universe by Keig, Zander
The Third Space: A Nonconformist's Guide to the Universe by Keig, Zander
LGBTQ+ Long Beach by Schipske, Gerrie
Class, Identity, and Finding the Right Wine in Schitt's Creek: A Place to Love by
Dear Bi Men: A Black Man's Perspective on Power, Consent, Breaking Down Binaries, and Combating Erasure by Yussuf, J. R.
Oedipal Experiences in Same-Sex Families by Eitan-Persico, Yifat
Oedipal Experiences in Same-Sex Families by Eitan-Persico, Yifat
Healthy Chest Binding for Trans and Non-Binary People: A Practical Guide by Reed, Frances
Masculinities and the Culture of Competitive Cycling by Hardwicke, Jack
LGBTQ Denver by Nash, Phil
Gay Science: The Totally Scientific Examination of LGBTQ+ Culture, Myths, and Stereotypes by Anderson, Rob
de Souza Lima Et Al. (Eds.), Feminisms in Movement: Theories and Practices from the Americas by
How will human around the world lives freely from mental slavery? by Singh, Meghraj
Everyone is Queer by Maduforo, Rosemary, Maduforo, Rosemary Ijeoma
Towards a Queer and Trans Ethic of Care in Education: Beyond the Limitations of White, Cisheteropatriarchal, Colonial Care by Owis, Bishop
Viral Times: Reflections on the Covid-19 and HIV Pandemics by
Outskirts: Queer Experiences on the Fringe by
Outskirts: Queer Experiences on the Fringe by
It Was Vulgar and It Was Beautiful: How AIDS Activists Used Art to Fight a Pandemic by Lowery, Jack
Pride & Prejudice: Healing Division in the Modern Family by Salmon, Matt R.
Pride & Prejudice: Healing Division in the Modern Family by Salmon, Matt R.
A Political Biography of the Indonesian Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Movement by Wieringa, Saskia
In Transition: Young Adult Literature and Transgender Representation by Corbett, Emily
Feminism Against Cisness by
Feminism against Cisness by
Lesbian Lives in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia: Post/Socialism and Gendered Sexualities by Stella, F.
The Children's Hour: Volume 10 by Erhart, Julia
Social Perspectives on Trans Health by
Stroke Book: The Diary of a Blindspot by Alexander, Jonathan
The Coloniality of Humanitarian Intervention by Vernon, Patrick J.
The Children's Hour: Volume 10 by Erhart, Julia
Body Impossible: Desmond Richardson and the Politics of Virtuosity by Osterweis, Ariel
The T in LGBT: Everything You Need to Know about Being Trans by Raines, Jamie
Queer Power Couples: On Love and Possibility by Murphy Winter, Hannah
Queer Villains of Myth and Legend: A Revelry of Queer Rogues and Outlaws Through the Ages by Jones, Dan
72 Genders: A Comprehensive Guide to Identity by Alfonso, Heather
Triumphant: Stories of Inspiration, Empowerment, and Success: VOLUME 1 by Parsons, Rich, Henkel, Pamela, Goggins, Trunnis, II
Sexuality Reimagined: Msm in Modern India by Tandon, Shailja
Finding Love in the Rainbow: A Guide to Black Gay Dating by Blackwell, Ross
Modern Genders: Understanding Gender-Neutral Pronouns and Identity: Ze/Hir, Ze/Zir, Xe/Xem/Xyr, They/Them/Theirs by C, S.
Embracing Queer Family: Learning to Live Authentically in Our Families and Communities by Chiaramonte, Nia, Chiaramonte, Katie J.
Embracing Queer Family: Learning to Live Authentically in Our Families and Communities by Chiaramonte, Nia, Chiaramonte, Katie J.
Before Trans: Three Gender Stories from Nineteenth-Century France by Mesch, Rachel
Embracing Queer Family: Learning to Live Authentically in Our Families and Communities by Chiaramonte, Nia, Chiaramonte, Katie J.
Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-Vs.-Christians Debate by Lee, Justin
Radiantly Queer: Affirming Our Authentic Lives by Sawyer, Liam
Queer Correspondence: Literary Love Letters and Lyrics by
The Regulation of Desire, Third Edition: Queer Histories, Queer Struggles by Kinsman, Gary
Queer Correspondence: Literary Love Letters and Lyrics by
Unsettling Queer Anthropology: Foundations, Reorientations, and Departures by
The Universal Reference on Gender Neutral Pronouns or That's What They Said by Dennis, Megan
How to Burn a Rainbow: My Gay Marriage Didn't Make Me Whole, My Divorce Did by Dunn, Karl
Unsettling Queer Anthropology: Foundations, Reorientations, and Departures by
How To Drain Your Gender Fluid by Bush, Cait
Sissy School: A Comprehensive Guide to Feminization Training by Lala, Mistress
Hiv, Sex and Sexuality in Later Life by
Who Needs Gay Bars?: Bar-Hopping Through America's Endangered LGBTQ+ Places by Mattson, Greggor
Breaking the Rainbow Ceiling: How LGBTQ+ People Can Thrive and Succeed at Work by McCay, Layla
See More