• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2007

A Manual Of Naval Architecture by White, William H.
Manual Of Naval Architecture For Use Of Officers Of The Royal Navy, Officers Of The Mercantile Marine, Yachtsmen, Shipowners And Shipbuilders by White, W. H.
The Medieval Church Architecture Of England by Moore, Charles Herbert
Radford's Cyclopedia Of Construction: Carpentry, Building And Architecture by
Proportion And Harmony Of Line And Color In Painting, Sculpture And Architecture: An Essay In Comparative Aesthetics by Raymond, George Lansing
Athens And Its Monuments by Weller, Charles Heald
The Colonial Architecture Of Salem by Cousins, Frank, Riley, Phil M.
Glimpses Of China And Chinese Homes by Morse, Edward S.
The Student's Instructor In Drawing And Working The Five Orders Of Architecture by Nicholson, Peter
Development By Christian Architecture In Italy by Okely, W. Sebastian
The Building Materials Of Otago And South New Zealand Generally by Blair, W. N.
Multi-National City by Martin
Josef Paul Kleihues: Galeria Kaufhof Berlin Alexanderplatz: Josef Paul Kleihues by
Verb Natures by Hwang, Irene
Gmp: Volumes Volume 4 Private Houses: Vol 4: Private Houses by
Bauhaus Dessau: Architecture-Design-Concept: Architektur - Gestaltung - Idee by
The Themed Space: Locating Culture, Nation, and Self by
The Themed Space: Locating Culture, Nation, and Self by
The Functional City: Ciam and the Legacy of Van Eesteren by Somer, Kees
Transforming the Gardiner Expressway- A Vision for Personal Rapid Transit in 2015 by Li, Chloe
Houseboats: Aquatic Architecture of Sausalito by Shaffer, Kathy
Les fenêtres qui louchent. Jacques Tati und die Moderne by Groß, Jens-Florian
Nationaldenkmal "Walhalla". Architektur, Entstehungs- und Baugeschichte by Poloczek, Annika
Idealstädte verschiedener Epochen by Seewald, Björn
Cellular Hypoxia and Neuro-Immune Fatigue by Bell, David S.
Sustainable Residential Development: Planning and Design for Green Neighborhoods by Friedman, Avi
Stadtkulturerbe Villingen: Stadtbaukunst des Mittelalter; Die Beweiskraft der euklidischen und fraktalen Geometrie im Städtebau by Hettich, Thomas
Interior Design: Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 3-120-10 by Department of Defense
Architettura Razionale. Staatsarchitektur im Italien Mussolinis by Novikova, Lana
Der "Outback" Australiens aus siedlungsgeographischer Sicht: Chancen und Probleme by Daniels, Uwe
Makers of Modern Architecture: From Frank Lloyd Wright to Frank Gehry by Filler, Martin
Konzeptionelle Ansätze des Citymanagements und Vegleich zum Regionalmanagement by Raddatz, Kay
Die Auslandschinesen als Minderheit in Südostasien by Rothensteiner, Markus, Grabherr, Irene
Developing writing Strategies for Professionals- Meshing Value with each Professional by Guenther, John J.
Armut und Armutsbekämpfung in Süd-, Südost-, und Ostasien: Dimensionen, Strategien, Resultate by Grabherr, Irene, Rothensteiner, Markus
Bevölkerungsprognosen - Methoden und Ergebnisse by Bachofer, Felix
Der schlaue Turm von RIESA: Wissenswertes über den VOLKSHAUS-Bau by
Hauptseminar Prof. Dr. Jürgen Newig: Städte und Stadtensemble: Moskau - Der Kreml und der Rote Platz als Bauensemble by Naumann, Bastian
Recueil de Plans/Atlante Delle Planimetrie: d'Habitation/Residenziali by
Hof und Stadt (1600 bis 1750) Würzburg by Bohlender, Dana
Konzept des Nachbarschaftsladens by Finger, Jens
The Ecclesiastical And Architectural Topography Of England by Archaeological Institute of Great Britai
Some Account Of The Institution, Plan And Present State Of The Society For The Improvement Of Naval Architecture by Society for the Improvement of Naval Arc
Projective Ornament by Bragdon, Claude Fayette
Sporting Architecture by Tattersall, George
Painted Veils by Huneker, James
The House Beautiful by Gannett, William C.
Historic Ornament: Treatise on Decorative Art and Architectural Ornament by Ward, James
The Amateur's Guide To Architecture by Beale, S. Sophia
Some Account Of Domestic Architecture In England, From Richard II To Henry Viii: Part II by Parker, John Henry
Fragments On Ethical Subjects By The Late George Grote by Grote, George
Christian Monuments In England And Wales: An Historical And Descriptive Sketch Of The Various Classes Of Sepulchral Monuments Which Have Been In Use I by Boutell, Charles
The Life And Works Of Winslow Homer by Downes, William Howe
Greek Architecture and Greek Sculpture by Redford, George, Smith, T. Roger
The Ethical Problem by Carus, Paul
The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture with an Explanation of Technical Terms, and a Centenary of Ancient Terms by Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche
A History Of Architecture In Italy From The Time Of Constantine To The Dawn Of The Renaissance by Cummings, Charles A.
The Ethical Basis of the State by Wilde, Norman
Famous Cathedrals As Seen and Described by Great Writers by
Flemish Relics: Architectural, Legendary And Pictorial As Connected With Public Buildings In Belgium by
The Music Of The Eye Or, Essays On The Principles Of The Beauty And Perfection Of Architecture by Legh, Peter
Antiquities and Curiosities of the Church by Andrews, William
Gunethics: Or The Ethical Status Of Woman by Brown, W. K.
The Monastery And Cathedral Of Worcester by Noake, John
Christian Art and Archaeology: Being a Handbook to the Monuments of the Early Church by Lowrie, Walter Macon
Early Renaissance Architecture In England: A Historical Descriptive Account Of The Tudor, Elizabethan And Jacobean Periods 1500-1625 by Gotch, J. Alfred
A Manual Of The Historical Development Of Art: Pre-Historic, Ancient, Classic, Early Christian With Special Reference To Architecture, Sculpture, Pain by Zerffi, G. G.
The Aesthetic And Miscellaneous Works Of Friedrich Von Schlegel by Schlegel, Friedrich Von
A Record Of The Great Fire In Newcastle And Gateshead by J. R.
Westminster Abbey V2: Its Architecture, History And Monuments by Pratt, Helen Marshall
The Jewel City: Its Planning And Achievement; Its Architecture, Sculpture, Symbolism And Music; Its Gardens, Palaces And Exhibits by Macomber, Ben
The Essentials Of Aesthetics In Music, Poetry, Painting, Sculpture And Architecture by Raymond, George Lansing
Berlin's Potsdamer Platz - Planning in a local, national and global context by Koglin, Till
Manual Of Oriental Antiquities: Including The Architecture, Sculpture And Industrial Arts Of Chaldea, Assyria, Persia, Syria, Judea, Phoenicia And Car by Babelon, Ernest
A History Of Architecture In All Countries V1: From The Earliest Times To The Present Day by Fergusson, James
The Architecture Of Colonial America by Eberlein, Harold D.
Die Entdeckung der Perspektive in der Renaissance und die Auswirkungen auf Kunst und Architektur by Schuppe, Mareike
Inszenierung Barcelona. Städtebauliche Entwicklung durch Großveranstaltungen by Stahl, Karolin
Metropolisierung der Erde - Aktuelle Prozesse und Trends by Kühn, Bettina
Messenger in Built Form and Design by Wegner, Ramona
Dunga Manzi: Stirring Waters by
Der Einfluss von Trabrennbahnen auf die Raumentwicklung in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Eine empirische, freizeitgeographische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Re by Finger, Jörn
European Architecture in the Twentieth Century - Volume One by Whittick, Arnold
Umsetzungsstrategien zur EU-Umgebungslärmrichtlinie in NRW by Anonym
Schutzgebietsmanagement in Australien: Administrative und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen am Beispiel von New South Wales by Scheiflinger, Martin
The Feng Shui Factor by Russell, Maryann
The Feng Shui Factor; Modern Homes, Ancient Blueprint by Russell, Maryann
Universal and Accessible Design for Products, Services, and Processes by Erlandson, Robert F.
Kindergarten Chats and Other Writings by Sullivan, Louis H.
Pionierarchitektur - Ein bergtouristisches Entwicklungskonzept für den Copland Track in Neuseeland by Neubauer, Timo
Ursachen und stadtgeographische Erscheinungsformen von Segregation in Johannesburg nach 1994 by Mittag, Andreas
London Houses from 1660 to 1820 - A Consideration of Their Architecture and Detail by Richardson, A. E.
ONTIC SPACE- An Ontological Approach to Architecture and Design by Faber, Simon
Nutzungsmischung und öffentlicher Raum: Vergleich von zwei unterschiedlich strukturierten Münchner Stadtteilen - Haidhausen versus Hasenbergl by Bock, Alexander
Road Safety Planning by Lovegrove, Gordon
Das Stadttheater in Chemnitz by Richter, Kay
Space and Muslim Urban Life: At the Limits of the Labyrinth of Fez by O'Meara, Simon
Belgrad - Beograd. Die serbische Donaumetropole by Wittig, Falko
Thinking like an Ecosystem by Karau, Gordon G.
Representative British Architects by Reilly, C. H.
Die Architektur des Rationalismus und Faschismus im "Großvenedig" der 1930er Jahre by Petsch, Martin
Strukturwandel am Hamburger Cityrand und seine Verzahnung mit den Problemen des Hafenrandes - aufgezeigt an der südlichen Hamburger Neustadt und der s by Fritze, Mathias
English Shop-Fronts Old and New by Morgan Willmott, E. C., Dan, Horace
English Leadwork: Its Art and History by Weaver, Lawrence
Boutiques and Other Retail Spaces: The Architecture of Seduction by
The Dwelling Houses of Charleston, South Carolina (Collector's) by Smith, Alice R. Huger, Smith, D. E. Huger
Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings by Morse, Edward S.
Löffingen: Stadt auf der Baar im Umbruch? - Eine Lokaluntersuchung by Fritsche, Andreas
Das Ruhrgebiet. Der strukturelle Wandel einer Region. Siedlungsraum, Kultur und Identität. by Metzger, Yvonne
Der Um- bzw. Ausbau der Burg zum Renaissanceschloss by Wagner, Birgit
Design Relationships- Integrating User Information into Product Development by Galvao, Adriano
Cafes and Bars: The Architecture of Public Display by
The University & Urban Revival: Out of the Ivory Tower and Into the Streets by Rodin, Judith
New Power: Elektropolis Im Wandel /Transforming the Elektropolis by
Environment and Children by Midbjer, Anita, Day, Christopher
Den delade staden? Boendesegregation i Malmö och Lübeck by Koglin, Till
Berninis Petersplatz. Die Baugeschichte by Klissouras, Anna
Corporate Architecture. Architektur innerhalb globaler Unternehmen: Markenlandschaften der Zukunft by Schilling, Ole
Pre-transitional populations: Natural Fertility by Langhoff, Christine
Sound Insulation by Hopkins, Carl
The Post-Socialist City: Urban Form and Space Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe After Socialism by
Die Deutsche Gartenstadtgesellschaft und die "Verwässerung" der deutschen Gartenstadtidee by Redlin, Julian
Conceptual Communal Home Design: The Functional and Efficient, Land-Conscious Way by Eldridge, Christopher John
The Designing Of Draw-Spans by Wright, Charles H.
Defects In House-Drainage And Their Remedies by Philbrick, Edward S.
Smaller Houses of the 1920s: 55 Examples by Power, Ethel B.
Buildings of Pittsburgh by Toker, Franklin
Buildings of Pittsburgh by Toker, Franklin
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School by Frederick, Matthew
Tadao Ando - Sunken Courts by Blaser, Werner
Residential Flats by Perks, Sydney
Drop Shipping for Sellers by Boone, Lloyd J.
Aesthetics and Architecture by Winters, Edward
The Picturesque: Architecture, Disgust and Other Irregularities by MacArthur, John
They Laid the Foundation: Lives and Works of German-Speaking Jewish Architects in Palestine: 1918-1948 by Warhaftig, Myra
Fresno's Architectural Past, Volume II by
Milwaukee County Parks by Albano, Laurie Muench
Skycar City by Mvrdv, University Of Wisconsin
The Country Builder's Assistant by Benjamin, Asher
The American Builder's Companion by Benjamin, Asher
Building After Katrina: Visions for the Gulf Coast by
Cafes and Bars: The Architecture of Public Display by
Die Stadt im europäischen Kontext - Die Stadt und das kulturelle Erbe by Berghaus, Lars
Identität und Identifikation in einer Megastadt: Ethnische Bevölkerungsgruppen in Los Angeles als Bestandteile einer fragmentierten Stadt by Berghaus, Lars
Boutiques and Other Retail Spaces: The Architecture of Seduction by
Die Bevölkerungsentwicklung der Megastädte by Schulze, Simon
Villa of the Birds: The Excavation and Preservation of the Kom Al-Dikka Mosaics by Kolątaj, Wojciech
Globalisierung - Die Veränderung der Arbeits- und Lebensverhältnisse by Berghaus, Lars, Engelhardt, Steffen
Definition und Beispiele zum informellen Sektor by Benisch, Arthur
Cement, Concrete and Bricks by Searle, Alfred B.
DVD-Produktionen: Gestalten - Erstellen - Nutzen by Stapelkamp, Torsten
Flavoring Materials, Natural And Synthetic by Clarke, A.
Structural Visualization by O'Connor, Johnson
Beautiful Norfolk Buildings by
Architecturally Speaking by Raskin, Eugene
Guidebook to Historic Places in Western Pennsylvania by Western Pennsylvania Historical Survey
The Cathedral by Lowell, James Russell
Types Of Prehistoric Southwestern Architecture by Fewkes, J. Walter
Ventilation Of Buildings by Nolan, Thomas, Snow, William G.
Strength And Elasticity Of Structural Members by Woods, R. J.
Fuel And Refractory Materials by Sexton, A. Humboldt
A Cathedral Pilgrimage by Dorr, Julia C. R.
The Small Place: Its Landscape Architecture by Rehmann, Elsa
A Study Of Ethical Principles by Seth, James
School Architecture: Or Contributions To The Improvement Of Schoolhouses In The United States by Barnard, Henry
Georgian: A Pattern Of Spoons, Forks And All Other Pieces Of Table Flatware Is Partly Shown In This Book; Georgian Architecture, Etc. by Tilton, George P.
The Small Place: Its Landscape Architecture by Rehmann, Elsa
Skeleton Construction In Buildings: With Numerous Practical Illustrations Of High Buildings by Birkmire, William H.
School Architecture: Or Contributions To The Improvement Of Schoolhouses In The United States by Barnard, Henry
Fuel And Refractory Materials by Sexton, A. Humboldt
The Villas of Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret 1920-1930 by Benton, Tim
Building with Steel: Details, Principles, Examples by Hochberg, Anette, Ackermann, Peter, Hentschel, Alexander
Bizarre Buildings by Cattermole, Paul, Westwell, Ian
Providing Access to Affordable Credit to the Poor - Evaluating the Effectiveness of Credit Counseling for Building Assets by Birkenmaier, Julie
Retaining Walls - Their Design and Construction by Paaswell, George
Metaphorical Visualization- Using Multidimensional Metaphors to Visualize Data by Aley, Eric
Grünzeit. Zwischennutzung von Brachflächen by Zehner, Carsten, Hoffmann, Heike
Die neuen Grenzen des Wachstums by Canak, Nihat
Armut in Deutschland by Stelzer, Daniel
Planning and Transformation: Learning from the Post-Apartheid Experience by Todes, Alison, Watson, Vanessa, Harrison, Philip
Planning and Transformation: Learning from the Post-Apartheid Experience by Harrison, Philip, Todes, Alison, Watson, Vanessa
Perspective, Projections and Design: Technologies of Architectural Representation by
Perspective, Projections and Design: Technologies of Architectural Representation by
Future Office: Design, Practice and Applied Research by
Scavengers & Other Creatures in Promised Lands by
Konzeption eines Metainformationssystems der deutschen Landesvermessung by Wolf, Daniel
The Aesthetics of Equity: Notes on Race, Space, Architecture, and Music by Wilkins, Craig L.
Building A Better Mouse: The Story Of The Electronic Imagineers Who Designed Epcot by Green, David, Alcorn, Steve
Enduring Innocence: Global Architecture and Its Political Masquerades by Easterling, Keller
Future Proofing 02: Stuart Lipton, Richard Rogers, Chris Wise and Malcolm Smith by
African Dream Machines: Style, Identity and Meaning of African Headrests by Nettleton, Anitra
The Ethical System Of James Martineau (1894) by Hertz, Joseph H.
Light, Heat And Power In Buildings (1901) by Adams, Alton Dermot
Palaces And Courts Of The Exposition: A Handbook Of The Architecture, Sculpture And Mural Paintings With Special Reference To The Symbolism (1915) by James, Juliet
The Prevention Of Dampness In Buildings: With Remarks On The Causes, Nature And Effects Of Saline Efflorescences And Dry-Rot (1902) by Keim, Adolf Wilhelm
Heidegger for Architects by Sharr, Adam
Deleuze and Guattari for Architects by Ballantyne, Andrew
Heidegger for Architects by Sharr, Adam
Deleuze and Guattari for Architects by Ballantyne, Andrew
Statutory Valuations by Sams, Gary, Ellis, Jennifer, Baum, Andrew
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