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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Architecture in 2012

Städtebau: Ein Grundkurs by Meyer, Johannes
Sustainable Rural and Urban Ecosystems: Design, Implementation and Operation: Manual for Practice and Study by
Analyzing Building Structures: An Exercise and Solutions Manual by Nawari, Nawari O.
Building Structures: Fundamentals of Crossover Design (Revised Edition) by Nawari, Nawari O., Kuenstle, Michael
A Framework for Geodesign: Changing Geography by Design by Steinitz, Carl
Planning Major Infrastructure: A Critical Analysis by Marshall, Tim
Die Oper von Versailles by Purath, Anna
Architecture & Design Versus Consumerism: How Design Activism Confronts Growth by Thorpe, Ann
Palimpsests: Biographies of 50 City Districts by Knox, Paul
Real Estate: Property Markets and Sustainable Behaviour by Dent, Peter, Patrick, Michael, Ye, Xu
Proyecto Arquitectonico En Zonas Sismicas by Contreras, Alejandro Rojas
Proyecto Arquitectonico En Zonas Sismicas by Contreras, Alejandro Rojas
Perspektiven für eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung in Zentralasien: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit am Beispiel einer exemplarischen Anwendung auf Almaty, K by Mews, Gregor
Twenty Years of Church Acoustics by Perdue, Jay
Partizipation in raumbezogenen Planungs- und Entwicklungsprozessen by Glas, Alex
Spatial Planning and Governance: Understanding UK Planning by Tewdwr-Jones, Mark
Spatial Planning and Governance: Understanding UK Planning by Tewdwr-Jones, Mark
Lost Butte, Montana by Gibson, Richard I.
Lost Butte, Montana by Gibson, Richard I.
Heat - Cool: Energy Concepts, Principles, Installations by Hegger, Manfred, Reichel, Alexander, Schultz, Kerstin
Designing Exhibitions: A Compendium for Architects, Designers and Museumprofessionals (2nd, Updated Edition) by Schwarz, Urich, Frey, Claudia, Bertron, Aurelia
Housing the Urban Poor in Nigeria: User Involvement in the Production Process by Okonkwo, Moses Madubueze, Uji, Zanzan Akaka
Creating Child Friendly Cities: Reinstating Kids in the City by
Personal Mobilities by Kellerman, Aharon
English Country Houses Open To The Public by Hussey, Christopher
The Autobiography Of An Idea by Sullivan, Louis Henri
Loci Sacri: Understanding Sacred Places by
Fractal Architecture: Organic Design Philosophy in Theory and Practice by Harris, James
Landmarks Preservation and the Property Tax: Assessing Landmark Buildings for Real Taxation Purposes by Listokin, David
Denkmal Ost-Moderne: Aneignung Und Erhaltung Des Baulichen Erbes Der Nachkriegsmoderne by
Medieval Church Window Tracery in England by Hart, Stephen
Die fünfschiffige Basilika in Gadara - Umm Qais Jordanien by Al-Daire, Mohammad
Environmental Technologies In Architecture by Sharp, Howard M., Kinzey, Bertram York, Jr.
Old Adobes Of Forgotten Fort Tejon by Cullimore, Clarence C.
Colonial Gardens: The Landscape Architecture Of George Washington's Time by
Sticks And Stones: A Study Of American Architecture And Civilization by Mumford, Lewis
Construction Technology for Tall Buildings (4th Edition) by Chew, Yit Lin Michael
Full Frontal T.O.: Exploring Toronto's Architectural Vernacular by Micallef, Shawn
The Civilization of Rome by Dudley, Donald R.
San Antonio: A Historical and Pictorial Guide by Ramsdell, Charles
San Antonio: A Historical And Pictorial Guide by Ramsdell, Charles
Surface Tension Supplement No. 5: Beyond Utopia by
AITC Timber Construction Manua by American Institute of Timber Construction (Aitc)
Eetbaar Park/Edible Park by
Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods by Yee, Rendow
Straßenverkehr in einer Niedrigtechnologiemetropole am Beispiel von Cotonou, Bénin by Akohou Gbacada, Sagbo Rogatien
Urbanization in Southeast Asia: Issues and Impacts by
Lives of the Engineers - Volume 1 by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Lives of the Engineers - Volume 2 by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Lives of the Engineers - Volume 3 by Smiles, Samuel, Jr.
Old Architecture of Southern Mexico by Van Pelt, Garrett, Jr.
Art In Latin American Architecture by Damaz, Paul F.
Die jüdische Katakombe am Monteverde zu Rom by Müller, Nikolaus
Projektentwicklung im Objektbereich Bürobauten - Ausgangssituation: "Projektidee sucht Standort" Von der Marktanalyse zum Entwurfskonzept by Keßler, Markus
Cause and Effect: Visualizing Sustainability by
Methods for Stakeholder Analysis by Meyer-Ohlendorf, Lutz, Kimmich, Christian, Janetschek, Hannah
Green Roofs and Rooftop Gardens by
Inheritance LAWS in an Islamic Society: Islamic Cultures are Distinct in Everyway by Murphy, Papa
An Introduction to Enterprise Architecture: Third Edition by Bernard, Scott A.
Pyramid Gravity Force: How the Earth's Pyramids Work by Shaughnessy, John
Steuerungsmöglichkeiten der kommunalen Energiewende durch Energieleitstellen: Untersuchung anhand der Energieregion-Erzgebirge by Zuk, David
The Vulgar Autobiography of a Shoe: Volume Tin by Ray, Sandip Indus
Kitchen Designer: Your Dream Job!: Your Dream Job! by Tinc, Valentin
System of Open Spaces: Concrete Project Strategies for Urban Territories by Tardin, Raquel
How to Design a Truly Sustainable City: What does it take to reach true sustainability? by Oikarinen, Lauri M.
Materials and Skills for Historic Building Conservation by
Four Dimensional Vistas by Bragdon, Claude Fayette
A History of the West Virginia Capitol: The House of State by Wallace, Jim
Steuerungsmöglichkeiten der kommunalen Energiewende durch Energieleitstellen: Untersuchung anhand der Energieregion-Erzgebirge by Zuk, David
Modernitalia: Edited by Francesca Santovetti by Schnapp, Jeffrey
Reviving Critical Planning Theory: Dealing with Pressure, Neo-Liberalism, and Responsibility in Communicative Planning by Sager, Tore ØIvin
La "Chiesa dell'Autostrada" di Giovanni Michelucci. Una lettura estetica. by Scotto, Giuliana
100 Hotels + Resorts: Destinations That Lift the Spirit by
Reviving Critical Planning Theory: Dealing with Pressure, Neo-Liberalism, and Responsibility in Communicative Planning by Sager, Tore ØIvin
Parking Structures: Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Repair by Bhuyan, Sam, Chrest, Anthony P., Smith, Mary S.
Emergent Dialectics Design for Poetic Sustainability by Zarro, Valeriano C.
Guided from Beyond: The Story Of The Templar, A Divine Edifice for the Coming Golden Age by Myers, Linda K.
Dezentrale Energiewende: Chancen Und Herausforderungen by Eiselt, Jürgen
The Shape of Space: Food Preparation Spaces by Dixon, Crane
A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture 2 Volume Set: With Illustrations, Notes, and an Examination of Grecian Architecture by Chambers, William
How To Build Twenty Cabins: Modern, Rustic, Prefab by
How To Build A California Adobe by Harrington, Mark Raymond
John McHugh Travel Sketches by Crowe, Norman
Let's Go Out!: Interiors and Architecture for Restaurants and Bars by
Brasilien - Eine Gratwanderung der Stadtplanung zwischen Metropole und illegaler Siedlung by Wede, Christine
Das Neue Rathaus Hannover by Ehlers, Christin
Perceptions of African American Women about Their Dietary Habits by Dial-Benton Ph. D., Christine
Perceptions of African American Women about Their Dietary Habits by Dial-Benton Ph. D., Christine
Night Fever 3: Hospitality Design by Van Rossum-Willems, Marlous
Trimming, Miniaturization and Ideality Via Convolution Technique of Triz: A Guide to Lean and High-Level Inventive Design by Salamatov, Yuri, Kwatra, Saurabh
Designing To Avoid Disaster: The Nature of Fracture-Critical Design by Fisher, Thomas
The Truth of Babri Mosque by Pant, Ashok
Josep Lluís Mateo: On Building: Matter and Form by
Building Inclusive Cities: Women's Safety and the Right to the City by
Die gotischen Wandmalereien der Burgkapelle von Mauterndorf in Salzburg - Eine stilkritische Analyse zur chronologischen Einordnung by Pucher, Sonja
Architectural Photography: Construction and Design Manual by Hausberg, Axel
Building Inclusive Cities: Women's Safety and the Right to the City by
Islamic Architecture in Iran: Poststructural Theory and the Architectural History of Iranian Mosques by Khaghani, Saeid
Food for the City: A Future for the Metropolis by
Architectuur In Nederland Jaarboek/Architecture In The Netherlands Yearbook: 25 Jaar Architectuur In Nederland/25 Years Of Architecture In The Netherl by
Maximillian Meisse: Museumsinsel Berlin by
Sweet & Salt: Water and the Dutch by
Vite de Piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori E Architetti: In Questa Prime Ed. Sanese Arricchite Pi Che in Tutte L'Altre Precedenti Di Rami, Di Giunte E D by Vasari, Giorgio
Vite de Piu Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori E Architetti: In Questa Prime Ed. Sanese Arricchite Pi Che in Tutte L'Altre Precedenti Di Rami, Di Giunte E D by Vasari, Giorgio
Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Tourismus und urbanem Raum. Funktionsprinzipien am Beispiel der räumlichen Entwicklung und der gegenwärtigen Ausprägung by Richter, Jana
Brick Structures: How To Build Them by Stoddard, Ralph Perkins, Carver, William
Manual de Tipografía: Nueva Edición by Kane, John
Evolo Skyscrapers by Aiello, Carlo
Tectonic Acts of Desire and Doubt: Architectural Words 9 by Rakatansky, Mark
Preliminary Reconnaissance Report of the 2011 Tohoku-Chiho Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake by
Belastung und Belästigung durch Gerüche. Evaluation von Geruchssanierungsmaßnahmen aus Umweltpsychologischer Sicht by Neudorfer, Ernst
Frankfurt am Main und seine Bauten by Frankfurter Architekten- Und Ingenieurve
Store Design: A Complete Guide to Designing Successful Retail Stores by Green, William R.
Sustainable Collective Housing: Policy and Practice for Multi-Family Dwellings by Nicol, Lee Ann
The Barns of Maine: Our History, Our Stories by Perkins, Don
The Barns of Maine: Our History, Our Stories by Perkins, Don
Decentralized Development in Latin America: Experiences in Local Governance and Local Development by
New Network Architectures: The Path to the Future Internet by
Tourist Shopping Villages: Forms and Functions by Moscardo, Gianna, Murphy, Laurie, Benckendorff, Pierre
Comparative Castellology by Slapac, Mariana
Das Städtebauförderungsprogramm "Aktive Stadt- und Ortsteilzentren" by Trübenbach, Veit
Landmarks & Monuments of Baton Rouge by Krousel, Hilda S.
The Sustainable Building Bible by Pullen, Tim
Religion and Place: Landscape, Politics and Piety by
Prefabricated Systems: Principles of Construction by Hasselbach, Reinhard, Knaack, Ulrich, Chung-Klatte, Sharon
The Very Small Home: Japanese Ideas for Living Well in Limited Space by Brown, Azby
Die karolingische Pfalz Ingelheim by Gosslar, Anna
The Cairo of Naguib Mahfouz by
Making Geometry: Exploring Three-Dimensional Forms by Allen, Jon
Das schwedische Urbanisierungsprogramm: "Daß die Bürger in Schweden Bettler sind" - Der Kontrast der Bürgerhäuser im schwedischen Reich in der frühen by Wede, Christine
Was Bleibt Von Der "Grazer Schule"?: Architektur-Utopien Seit Den 1960ern Revisited by
Medienstädte in Deutschland - Standortanforderungen für Medienstädte der Film- und Fernsehwirtschaft by Drenk, Dirk
Meaning and Aesthetics in Architecture by Brandle, Kurt
Design Thinking Research: Measuring Performance in Context by
Regimegeförderte Architektur - Speers Großbauprojekte by Seerhausen, Hans-Egmont
An Illustrated Handbook of Egyptian, Theban and Ethiopian Temple Architecture by Anon
An Illustrated Handbook of Middle Eastern Temple Architecture - Including Temples in Syria and Egypt by Anon
An Illustrated Handbook of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Architecture of the Iberian Peninsula by Anon
An Illustrated Guide to Ancient Assyrian, Persian and Syrian Architecture by Anon
The Transatlantic Collapse of Urban Renewal: Postwar Urbanism from New York to Berlin by Klemek, Christopher
The Chapels of Notre Dame by Cunningham, Lawrence S.
Bevölkerungsentwicklung und -politik in Indien by Steger, Martin
Old Forts and Trading Posts of the West, V1: Bent's Old Fort and Bent's New Fort on the Arkansas River by Mumey, Nolie
Cover to Cover by Franklin, Bryan C.
Cover to Cover by Franklin, Bryan C.
Louis C. Tiffany and the Art of Devotion by
A Illustrated Handbook of Civil and Ecclesiastical Architecture in Belgian by Anon
An Illustrated Handbook of French Civil and Ecclesiastical Architecture by Anon
An Illustrated Handbook of Central European Civil and Ecclesiastical Architecture - Including Germany, Switzerland, Lombardy and the Rhone Valley by Anon
An Illustrated Handbook of Roman Civil and Ecclesiastical Architecture - Including Descriptions of the Finest Triumphal Arches and Tombs by Anon
Ecological Urban Architecture: Qualitative Approaches to Sustainability by Schroepfer, Thomas
An Illustrated Handbook of Hindu Temple Architecture - The Temples of Northern and Southern India by Anon
An Illustrated Handbook of Buddhist Architecture - Including Architecture from, Ceylon, India, Burmah, Java and More by Anon
Soils and Foundations for Architects and Engineers by
Transforming Asian Cities: Intellectual Impasse, Asianizing Space, and Emerging Translocalities by
Large-Scale Solar Power Systems: Construction and Economics by Gevorkian, Peter
The Life and Work of an English Landscape Architect by Mawson, Thomas H.
Kleinhaus und Kleinsiedlung by Muthesius, Hermann
Der Ziviltechniker ALS Unternehmer: Rechtliches, Steuerliches Und Betriebswirtschaftliches Basis-Know-How Fur Architektinnen Und Ingenieurkonsolenten by
Die Baustile: Lehre der architektonischen Stilarten von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart by Von Sacken, Ed Freiherr
Dash 07: The Eco-House: Typologies of Space, Production and Lifestyle by
Enabling Environments: Measuring the Impact of Environment on Disability and Rehabilitation by
The William S. Paley Collection by
How to Make a Japanese House by
Max Dudler Die Neue Dichte: Der Neue Stadtteil Europaallee Und Die Pädagogische H+ochschule Zürich by
Vite de' Pi Eccellenti Pittori Scultori E Architetti, Volume 1 by Vasari, Giorgio
Vastu City Planning: Sustainable Cities in Harmony with Natural Law by Vastu, Maharishi
Vite de' Pi Eccellenti Pittori, Scultori E Architetti. Illustr. Con Note by Vasari, Giorgio
Living in Provence/Vivre En Provence by Stoeltie
Young People and Housing: Transitions, Trajectories and Generational Fractures by
Transforming Asian Cities: Intellectual Impasse, Asianizing Space, and Emerging Translocalities by
Housing and Social Transition in Japan by
Get Accepted Into Architecture School by Glasscock, Luke
Zwischen Aufklärung und Moderne: Die Inszenierung von Licht auf der Weltausstellung von 1889 in Paris by Conrad, Norman
Performance of 8 Cold-Climate Envelopes for Passive Houses by Jacobson, Rolf
Slums als touristisches Highlight in der Megastadt Mumbai?: Untersuchungen zum Slumtourismus aus geographischer Perspektive by Schröder, Wiebke
Kraftfahrzeugführung by
Das Recht Des Architekten: Vertrag, Honorar & Haftung by Seul, Jürgen
Istanbul. Freiraum- und Stadtentwicklung in einer Metropole Resilente Städte in Südamerika: Brasilia: Ist Brasilias Grün noch zu retten? Von der Utopi by Wede, Christine
Architectural Acoustics: Blending Sound Sources, Sound Fields, and Listeners by Ando, Yoichi
Aesthetics beyond the Arts: New and Recent Essays by Berleant, Arnold
Stilkunde by Hartmann, Karl Otto
Built In U.S.A.: Post-War Architecture by
Remaking Metropolis: Global Challenges of the Urban Landscape by
Design of Steel Structures by Abu-Saba, Elias G.
Remaking Metropolis: Global Challenges of the Urban Landscape by
Kräfte in Bewegung: Die Techniken Des Erdbebensicheren Bauens by Pocanschi, Adrian, Phocas, Marios
Foundation and Anchor Design Guide for Metal Building Systems by Newman, Alexander
Urkundenbuch Des Landes Ob Der Enns: 1283 - 1308, 22. M�rz. Anhang 1040 - 1281, Volume 4 by Sturmberger, Hans, Hageneder, Othmar, Trinks, Erich
Modern Thai House: Innovative Designs in Tropical Asia by Powell, Robert
Land Use Dynamics in a Developing Economy: Regional Perspectives from India by Fazal, Shahab
Computers in Building: Proceedings of the Caadfutures'99 Conference. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computer Aided Arc by
Barocco Leccese: Eine Sonderform des Barock betrachtet in Lecce an der Basilika Santa Croce by Costede, Sabina
Das Amerika Haus als Bauaufgabe der Nachkriegszeit in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Architecture Makes a Good Ambassador by Paulix, Gabriele G. E.
The Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust by Belzberg, Hagy
The Unofficial Revit 2013 Certification Exam Guide by Moss, Elise
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Buildings: Policy and Practice by Stevenson, Fionn, Gupta, Rajat
Gentrification in Paris - Ein Vergleich der Stadtteile Marais und Belleville by Hellwig, Tina
Schweizer Möbellexikon by
Hour 25 by
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