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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Art in 2010

Opera Inedite by Guicciardini, Francesco
Cours D'archéologie by Rochette, Raoul-
Of the Tumbler of Our Lady and Other Miracles by Gautier
Claude Lorrain, Sa Vie Et Ses Oeuvres: Suivi d'Un Catalogue Des Oeuvres de Claude Lorrain, Conservées Dans Les Musées Et Dans Les Collections Particul by Dilke, Lady Emilia Francis Strong
NU: Månadsskrift by Gronstedt, Johan
Il Castello Di Caprese E Michelangelo Buonarroti: Compendio Storico Con Appendici E Documenti by Chinali, Geremia
Notes by Mr. Ruskin on His Collection of Drawings by the Late J.M.W. Turner, Ra., Exhibited at the Fine Art Society's Galleries: Also a List of the En by Ruskin, John, Turner, Joseph Mallord William
Le Bulletin De L'art Ancien Et Moderne by Anonymous
La Giovine Italia E La Giovine Europa Dal Carteggio Inedito Di Giuseppe Mazzini a Luigi Amedeo Melegari by Mazzini, Giuseppe, Melegari, Dora
Hand-Book of Painting. the Italian Schools by Eastlake, Charles Locke, Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth Rigby
Art Recreations: Being a Complete Guide to Pencil Drawing, Oil Painting ... Moss Work, Papier Mache ... Wax Work, Shell Work ... Enamel by Urbino, Levina Buoncuore
Classification of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, U.S.A., L893 by
Mein Romerzug, Volume 1 by Gaudy, Franz
Memoire Di Antonio Canova by Este, Antonio D.
Essai Sur l'Origine de la Gravure En Bois Et En Taillerdouce: Et Sur La Connoissance Des Estampes Des Xve. Et Xvie. Siècles; Où Il Est Parlé Aussi de by Jansen, Hendrik
Annales de la Société Littéraire, Scientifique Et Artistique d'Apt (Vaucluse). by
Reminiscences of Charles West Cope, R. A. by Cope, Charles West
Moeurs, Usages, Costumes Des Othomans, Et Abrégé de Leur Histoire, Volume 6 by Castellan, Antoine Laurent
The Life and Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds by Reynolds, Joshua, Cunningham, Allan
Le Musée Royal-Bourbon by Finati, Giovanni Battista
Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 7 by Anonymous
Lettere, Volume 5 by Zeno, Apostolo, Morelli, Jacopo, Forcellini, Marco
Scenes in Europe: For the Amusement and Instruction of Little Tarry-At-Home Travellers by Taylor, Isaac
Das Drama in Seinem Gegensatz Zur Dichtkunst: Ein Verkanntes Problem Der Aesthetik, Volume 1 by Foth, Max
Catalogo Della Mostra d'Antica Arte Umbra by Perugia
Pictures and Painters: Essays Upon Art: The Old Masters and Modern Artists by Anonymous
Hans Suess V. Kulmbach Und Seine Werke: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Schule Durers by Koelitz, Karl
Geschichte Der Malerei, Volume 4 by Muther, Richard
A Cura Della Direzione Della Medesima Biblioteca by
Rafael Und Cornelius: Vortrag Zur Feier Des Centenariums Gehalten by Fischbach, Friedrich
Notice Des Tableaux Exposés Dans La Galerie Du Musée Royal by
Landseer: A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter by Hurll, Estelle May, Landseer, Edwin Henry
George Frederick Watts by Schleinitz, Otto Julius Wilhelm
Tarif Und Lohn Im Deutschen Buchdruckgewerbe ... by Morgenstern, Ernst
Guide Général Du Musée National de Naples ... by
R. Sabbathai Bassista Und Sein Prozess by Oelsner, Ludwig
Notice Des Bronzes Antiques Exposés Dans Les Galeries Du Musée Impérial Du Louvre (Ancien Fonds Et Musée Napoléon III) by De Longperier, Henri Adrien Prevost
Pictorial Notes in the National Gallery: The British School by Blackburn, Henry
Joseph Pennell's Pictures of the Panama Canal: Reproductions of a Series of Lithographs Made by Him on the Isthmus of Panama, January-March, 1912 by Pennell, Joseph
Traité Pratique Complet d'Impression Photographique Aux Encres Grasses by Moock, L.
The Hart, Schaffner & Marx Labor Agreement: Being a Compilation and Codification of the Agreements of 1911, 1913 and 1916 and Decisions Rendered by th by Hart, Schaffner &. Marx
Pictures, Drawings, Designs and Studies by the Late Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Born 1828; Died 1882 by Anonymous
Osservazioni Sulla Chirotipografia: Ossia Antica Arte Di Stampare a Mano by Requeno, Vincenzo
Les Ventes de Tableaux, Dessins, Estambes Et Objects d'Art Aux Xviie Et Xviiie Siècles (1611-1800) ... by Duplessis, Georges
Experience with Trade Union Agreements--Clothing Industries: Research Report by
The Third Reader by Town, Salem
Islandica, Volume 13 by
List of Manuscripts, Volumes of Autograph Letters, Illustrated and Other Books, Etc. the Bequest of the Late Captain Montagu Montagu, R.N. to the Bodl by
de Nominibus Vasorum Graecorum Diputatio by Ussing, Johan Louis
de Amazonum Antiquissimis Figuris ... by Corey, Arthur Deloraine
Umberto I Il Buono: Memorie Storico-Biografiche, Aneddoti, Impressioni Spigolature Da Libri E Giornali by Cortesi, Giacomo
Musée de Versailles: Avec Un Texte Historique, Volume 1 by Burette, Theodose
Schriften Zur Kunst Und Kunstwissenschaft: 1. Ueber Darstellungsmittel Der Malerei. 2. Ueber Kunstwissenschaft Und Kunst by Ludwig, Heinrich
Der Gesetzgeberische Kampf Gegen Schadigungen Im Bauhandwerk, in Der Illoyalen Konkurrenz Und Im Kreditwesen: Drei Gesetzgebungsfragen by Meili, Friedrich
La Tapisserie de Bayeux: Étude Archéologique Et Critique by Marignan, Albert
Storia d'Italia, Continuata Da Quella de Guicciardini, Sino Al 1789 by Anonymous
Storia D'Italia Continuata Da Quelle Del Botta Dall' Anno 1814 Al 1834 by Martini, Giuseppe
Vaticanische Miniaturen by Beissel, Stephan
Diebolt Lauber Et Les Calligraphes de Haguenau Au Xve Siècle by Hanauer, Auguste
Lezioni Di Paleografia E Di Critica Diplomatica Sui Documenti Della Monarchia De Savoia by Datta, Pietro Luigi
Memorie Istoriche Di Più Uomini Illustri Pisani, Volume 4 by Fabroni, Angelo
Exoten Skulpturen Und Marchen by Hausenstein, Wilhelm
The Need for Art in Life: A Lecture Delivered at the University of Manchester by Holbourn, Ian Bernard Stoughton
Kaolin of Indiana by Logan, William Newton
Philostrati Minoris Imagines Et Callistrati Descriptiones by Philostratus
Notizie Intorno Alla Vita Di Antonio Canova: Giuntovi Il Catalogo Chronologico Di Tutte Le Sue Opere by Canova, Antonio, Paravia, Pier Alessandro
Saggio Di Memorie Su La Tipografia Parmense del Secolo XV by Affo, Ireneo
Proceedings of the American Association of Museums ..., Volume 7 by
The Rock-Temples of Elephanta or Ghârâpurî by Anonymous
Spanske Høstdøgn by Kinck, Hans Ernst
Manuale Teorico-Pratico de Bibliografia by Mira, Giuseppe Maria
L'Italia a Bologna by Anonymous
English Costume, Volume 3 by Calthrop, Dion Clayton
Lettres Sur l'Italie, En 1785, Volume 2 by Dupaty, Charles Marguerite Jean Baptiste
Geschichte Der Deutschen Kunst ... by Forster, Ernst
Die Beldensnyder: Ein Beitrag Zur Kenntnis Der Westfaleschen Steinplastik Im Sechszehnten Jahrhundert by Born, Friedrich Gottlob
Untersuchungen Uber Albrecht Durer ... by Von Sallet, Alfred Friedrich Constantin
Art Course, Chicago Public Schools, Volume 6 by
M Moires de Garibaldi, Volume 2 by Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Siemering by Daun, Berthold
Impressioni, Critiche, E Corrispondenze, Volume 3 by Cassano, Francesco Paolo
Harvard University: Handbook of the Germanic Museum by Francke, Kuno
Statue Und Ort in Ihrem Verhaltniss Bei Den Griechen: Eine Archaologische Untersuchung Von Ernst Kuhnert ... by Kuhnert, Ernst
Courbet: Souvenirs Intimes by Gros-Kost, Emile
Le Colonie, Volume 3 by Cesaro, Giovanni Antonio Colonna Di
La Délicatesse Dans l'Art: Review of the Work by Constant Martha by Leveque, Charles, Egger, Emile
Johann Ludwig Ernst Morgenstern: Ein Beitrag Zu Frankfurts Kunstgeschichte Im XVIII. Jahrhundert by Schapire, Rosa
Albrecht Durer, Der Deutsche Grossmeister Der Kunst: Vortrag Gehalten Bei Gelegenheit Der Feier Von Durer's 425 by Rattermann, H. A.
The Museum of Science & Art, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Rosenborg: Mindeblade Fra de Danske Kongers Kronologiske Samling by Andersen, Carl
Le Livre, Sa Technique, Son Architecture by Audin, Marius
Explication Des Ouvrages de Peinture Et de Sculpture de l'École Moderne de France Exposés Dans Le Musée Royal Du Luxembourg: Destiné Aux Artistes Viva by Anonymous
Tizian by Gronau, Georg
Geschichte Der Malerei, Volume 1 by Muther, Richard
Guide de l'Amateur de Livres À Vignettes Du Xviiie Siècle by Cohen, Henry
Proceedings of the American Association of Museums, Volume 5 by
Memoirs, Volume 18 by
Cividale del Friuli by Fogolari, Gino
Rossetti by Jessen, Jarno
Programma Scolastico Di Paleografia Latina E Di Diplomatica, Volume 1 by Paoli, Cesare
Dissertazione Sopra Una Statua Di Marmo by Torremuzza, Gabriele Lancillotto Castell
Romische Bildwerke Einheimischen Fundorts in Osterreich by Anonymous
The Comic Album: A Book for Every Table, Volume 1843 by Anonymous
La Gloria d'Urbino by Ricci, Corrado
Julius Oldach by Lichtwark, Alfred
Outward Bound, Or, Young America Afloat: A Story of Travel and Adventure by Optic, Oliver
Schriften Der Goethe-Gesellschaft, Volume 17 by Goethe-Gesellschaft
The Historic Gallery of Portraits and Paintings: Or, Biographical Review, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Histoire de la Peinture Flamande Et Hollandaise, Volume 1 by Michiels, Alfred
Etudes d'Archéologie Et d'Histoire, Volume 1 by Fortoul, Hippolyte
The Rise of the Book-Plate: Being an Exemplification of the Art, Signified by Various Book-Plates, from Its Earliest to Its Most Recent Practice by Bowdoin, William Goodrich
Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, Volume 1 by Lodge, Edmund
Entwicklungsgeschichte Des Stils, Volume 1 by Schlieffen-Renard, Anne Bertha Jane Caro
Dboec Vanden Houte by Van Maerlant, Jacob, Tideman, Jan
China: Its Costume, Arts, Manufactures, &c, Volume 2 by Breton
Sir Joshua Reynolds' Notes and Observations on Pictures: Chiefly of the Venetian School ... Also, the REV. W. Mason's Observations on Sir Joshua's Met by Cotton, William
Die Altchristlichen Orpheusdarstellungen by Heussner, Alfred
Memoirs of the Early Italian Painters: And of the Progress of Painting in Italy. from Cimabue to Bassano, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Brasses by Anonymous
Works, Volume 8 by Lamb, Mary
Skýrsla Um Forngripasafn Íslands Í Reykjavík. I by Guomundsson, Sigurour
Albrecht Durer Und Friedrich II. Von Der Pfalz by Peltzer, Alfred
Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Der Kaiserlichen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Volume 152 by
Le Peintre Graveur, Volume 8 by Weigel, Rudolph, Heller, Joseph, Von Bartsch, Adam
Le Signe de la Croix Avant Le Christianisme by De Mortillet, Gabriel
The History of Painting from the Fourth to the Early Nineteenth Century, Volume 1 by Muther, Richard
The Globe: A New Review of World-Literature, Society, Religion, Art and Politics, Volume 7 by Anonymous
Sitzungsberichte Der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse Der Kaiserlichen Akademie Der Wissenschaften, Volume 157 by
The National Portrait Gallery of Distinguished Americans: With Biographical Sketches by Herring, James
Galerie Mythologique: Recueil de Monuments Pour Servir À l'Étude de la Mythologie, de l'Histoire E de l'Art, de l'Antiquité Figurée, Et Du L by Anonymous
Galerie Du Musée Napoléon, Volume 7 by Filhol, Antoine Michel, Caraffe, Armand Charles
Du Beau: Essai Sur l'Origine Et l'Évolution Du Sentiment Esthétique by Anonymous
Handbuch Der Kunstgeschichte: Zum Gebrauche Für Künstler Und Studirende Und ALS Führer Auf Der Reise by Springer, Anton
Dizionario Degli Architetti, Scultori, Pittori, Intagliatori in Rame Ed in Pietra Coniatori AI Medaglie, Musaicisti, Niellatori, Intarsiatori: D'Ogni by Ticozzi, Stefano
Watteau by Rosenberg, Adolf
An Elementary Treatise on Descriptive Geometry... by Heather, John Fry
Picture Study in Elementary Schools: For Grammar Grades by Wilson, Lucy Langdon Williams
Industrial Classes and Industrial Statistics by Anonymous
The Approach to Painting by Bodkin, Thomas
Alphabets Old and New - For the Use of Craftsmen with an Introductory Essay on 'Art in the Alphabet' by Day, Lewis Cecil
The Approach to Painting by Bodkin, Thomas
Alphabets Old and New - For the Use of Craftsmen with an Introductory Essay on 'Art in the Alphabet' by Day, Lewis Cecil
Das Komische: Eine Untersuchung by Ueberhorst, Karl
Fuhrer Durch Die Offentlichen Sammlungen Klassischer Altertumer in ROM, Volume 2 by Amelung, Walther, Helbig, Wolfgang
History of Ancient, Early Christian, and Mediaeval Painting, Volume 1 by Woltmann, Alfred Friedrich Gottfried Alb, Colvin, Sidney, Woermann, Karl
A Series of Proof Portraits and Embellishments, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Dictionnaire Raisonné de Bibliologie ... by Peignot, Gabriel
The Caxtons: A Family Picture, Volume 2 by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton, Lytton, Edward George Bulwer
Goethe's Works: Pt. 1. Wilhelm Meister's Travels by Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth
Studi Storici, Volume 13 by Crivellucci, Amedeo
Reisen Und Jagden in Nord-Amerika by Verbrugghe, Louis
Geschichte Der Griechischen Kunst, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Memoires d'Un Prisonnier d'État Au Spielberg, Volume 3 by Andryane, Alexandre Philippe
Kunstgewerbeblatt, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Bibliographie de la Typographie Néerlandaise Des Années 1500 À 1540, Volumes 15-16 by Nijhoff, Wouter
Delle Istorie d'Italia, Volume 8 by Guicciardini, Francesco
Le Peintre Graveur, Volume 5 by Heller, Joseph, Von Bartsch, Adam, Weigel, Rudolph
de l'Italie Et de Ses Forces Militaires by Oudinot, Nicholas Charles Victor
The Argosy, Volume 19 by Anonymous
Bibliographie de la Typographie Néerlandaise Des Années 1500 À 1540, Volumes 5-6 by Nijhoff, Wouter
Le Salon de 1863: Suivi D'Une Tude Sur Eug Ne Delacroix Et D'Une Notice Biographique Sur Le Prince Gortschakow by Stevens, Arthur
Histoire d'Italie, de 1789 À 1814, Volume 5 by Anonymous
de Amsterdamsche Boekdrukkers En Uitgevers in de Zestiende Eeuw, Volume 2 by Burger, Combertus Pieter, Jr., Moes, Ernst Wilhelm
Réflexions Sur La Peinture, Volume 2 by Huber, Christian Ludwig, Von Hagedorn, Christian Ludwig
The Arts, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Studya I Szkice Z Dziejów Literatury Polskiéj, Volume 2 by Chmielowski, Piotr
Histoire de l'Imagerie Populaire by Champfleury
Bibliographie de la Typographie Néerlandaise Des Années 1500 À 1540, Volumes 3-4 by Nijhoff, Wouter
Mémoires De L'académie Des Sciences, Belles-Lettres Et Arts De Lyon: Sciences Et Lettres by
Der Cicerone: Sculptur by Burckhardt, Jacob
Lettres Sur l'Italie: Souvenirs Du VIII Décembre MDCCCLIV À Rome by Le Mire, Noel
Museum of Painting and Sculpture: Or, Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, Vol by Reveil, Etienne Achille, Duchesne, Jean
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal: Exhibiting a View of the Progressive Discoveries and Improvements in the Sciences and the Arts, Volume 1 by Rogers, Henry Darwin, Jardine, William, Jameson, Robert
Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, Volumes 56-61 by
Notice Des Dessins Placés Dans Les Galeries Du Musée Royal Au Louvre by
Museum of Painting and Sculpture: Or, Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, Vol by Duchesne, Jean, Reveil, Etienne Achille
Histoire Des Plus C L Bres Amateurs Fran Ais Et de Leurs Relations, Avec Les Artistes: Pierre-Jean Mariette, 1694-1774. - [t.2] Jean-Baptiste Colbert, by Dumesnil, Antoine Jules
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 13 by Anonymous
Works, Volume 10 by Lamb, Mary, MacDonald, William, Lamb, Charles
Museum of Painting and Sculpture: Or, Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, Vol by Duchesne, Jean, Reveil, Etienne Achille
Le Peintre Graveur, Volume 21 by Weigel, Rudolph, Heller, Joseph, Von Bartsch, Adam
Lehrbuch Der Klinischen Arzneibehandlung by Penzoldt, Franz
Histoire Du Grand Duché de Toscane, Sous Le Gouvernement Des Médicis, Volume 2 by Galluzzi, Riguccio, De Keralio, Louise-Felix Guinement
Bibliographie de la Typographie Néerlandaise Des Années 1500 À 1540, Volumes 11-12 by Nijhoff, Wouter
Beitrage Zur Incunabelnkunde by Reichhart, Gottfried
Guide Des Amateurs de Peinture: Ou Histoire Et Procèsverbaux Des Auteurs, Des Collections Générales Et Particulières, Des Magasins Et Des Ventes; Écol by De Germain, Pierre Marie Gault Saint
Diario Privato-Politico-Militare Nella Campagna Navale Degli Anne 1860 E 1861 by Persano, Carlo Pellion
Les Fleurs Animées, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Regal Armorie of Great Britain: From the Time of the Ancient Britons to the Reign of Queen Victoria by Brunet, Alexander
The Works of John Ruskin, Volume 7 by Ruskin, John
Il Conte Fulvio Testi Alla Corte Di Torino Negli Anni 1628 E 1635 by Perrero, Domenico
Études Sur Le Péloponèse by Beulé, Beulé, Charles Ernest
Observations On Cup-Shaped and Other Lapidarian Sculptures in the Old World and in America, Volume 5 by Rau, Charles
Histoire Du Livre En France Depuis Les Temps Les Plus Reculés Jusqu'en 1789, Volume 2 by Werdet, Edmond
L'Art Moderne, Volume 28 by Anonymous
Museum of Painting and Sculpture: Or, Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues and Bas-Reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe, Vol by Duchesne, Jean, Reveil, Etienne Achille
Mercure de France, Part 2 by Anonymous
Decorative Painting by Saward, Blanche C.
The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Volume 35 by Anonymous
Catalogue of the Loan Collection of Antiquities, Curiosities, and Appliances Connected with the Art of Printing by Bullen, George
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