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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2013

Re-Appropriating "Marvelous Fables": Justin Martyr's Strategic Retrieval of Myth in 1 Apology by Pretila, Noël
Text & Context: Church Planting in Canada in Post-Christendom by
El Arte de La Duplicacion by Serrano, Eduardo
Mother Zion in Deutero-Isaiah: A Metaphor for Zion Theology by Low, Maggie
Messiah: The Son of God: He came to save his own. His own received him not. The rejected stone became the corner stone of the new Church. by Tom, C.
Big Bang Big God: A Universe Designed for Life? by Holder, Rodney
Reproducible Bible Studies: For Individuals or Small Groups by Canfield, Jeff
A Theological Metaphor of Philosophy for Education: Open Source Theology by Nortje Dth, Johannes a.
Seht zu und hütet euch vor jeglicher pleonexia: Eine synchrone und diachrone Analyse von Lk 12,13-21 by Nachtrab, Michael Martin
Becoming One: Nurturing Spiritual Intimacy in Marriage by Perrine, Myra
iPray: A simple Prayer book for- Ministry, Mercy and Multiplication by Buckman, James D.
Foundations: A Study of God: Teacher Edition by Schmidt, Troy
Who Wrote the Bible? by Gladden, Washington
The Apprentice: Empowered To Impact Your World by Boateng, Joshua
InFormation: When knowledge requires conformity by Gerbig, Jeremy D.
A Brief Instruction in Christian Religion by Fontana Sr, William
You Say You Are A Christian: Have You Been Born Again? by Harvey, Denise
The Fine Art of Worship II: True Worship in the Church Today by Belew Ph. D., Dell
Divine Communion: A Eucharistic Theology of Sexual Intimacy by Johnson, Jay Emerson
Resurrecting Easter: Meditations for the Great 50 Days by Moorehead, Kate
La indigestion espiritual by Huertas Ph. D., Frank
What Happens When We Live In God's Grace by Blackburn, Joy Renee, Carpenter, The Village
Jesus the Phoenician by El Koussa, Karim
Augustin Planque et l'histoire des cinquante premières années de la SMA by Babinet Sma, Gilles
Foundations: A Study of God: Student Edition by Schmidt, Troy
Church in the Wildwood: Sermons and Prayers by a Lay Leader by Weber, Clyde a.
Time to Celebrate and Not Worry by LeSieur, David
Catholicism, Communism & Criminal Reformation by Lukenbill, David H.
What's Next?: A Path for Your New Walk with Christ by Ptak, James W.
The Basic Christian: Doctrine 101 by Matey, John J.
Von Gott in existentieller Betroffenheit sprechen: Luthers Gotteslehre nach der Auslegung des ersten Gebots im großen Katechismus by Nachtrab, Michael Martin
The God of How: Understanding How Trials, Transitions, and Triumphs Fit Into God's Plan for Your Life by Williams, Preston, II
Church in the Wildwood: Sermons and Prayers by a Lay Leader by Weber, Clyde a.
Preaching Power by Witschorik, Charles A.
Gospel Story for Kids New Testament Coloring Book by Machowski, Marty
The Laws of God and the Laws of the State Vol. 2. by Blankenship, Reverend Lawrence L.
The God of How: Understanding How Trials, Transitions, and Triumphs Fit Into God's Plan for Your Life by Williams, Preston, II
The World of Kosmas: Illustrated Byzantine Codices of the Christian Topography by Kominko, Maja
Christlicher Fundamentalismus!: Von der Selbstbezeichnung zum sozialkonstruktivistischen Herrschaftsbegriff by Jäggi, David
Preaching Power: Gender, Politics, and Official Catholic Church Discourses in Mexico City, 1720-1875 by Witschorik, Charles A.
Children's Chats: Truths about Life and God by Bowles Sr, Walter Allen
Color Me Holy by Harriman, Hubert P.
Misiones Del Paraguay... by Cardiel, José
Becoming More One In You by Emerson, Minister Charles Lee, Carpenter, The Village
Dead Wood and Rushing Water: Essays on Mormon Faith, Culture, and Family by Petersen, Boyd Jay
As Though We Were Dreaming by Ruckhaus, Keith
The Political Aspects of St. Augustine's City of God by Figgis, John Neville
Losing Our Religion? by Ward, Kevin Ronald
Through the Storm, Through the Night: A History of African American Christianity by Harvey, Paul
Entrene: Capacite a Otros Para Conducir Eficazmente a Un Grupo Pequeno by Comiskey, Joel
Work That Matters by Brown, Kevin, Wiese, Michael
The Pillars of Zion Series - The Third Pillar of Zion-The Law of Consecration (B by Lds Book Club, Barkdull, Larry
Zion: The Pure In Heart (Book 5) by Lds Book Club, Barkdull, Larry
The Pillars of Zion Series - No Poor Among Them (Book 6) by Lds Book Club, Barkdull, Larry
Speaking of Mission Volume 2 by
Healing All by Emerson, Charles Lee, Carpenter, The Village
On Pelican Wings by Hoover, Rick
The Ten Positive Commandments by Wilson, Susan
Monastic Prisons and Torture Chambers: Crime and Punishment in Central European Monasteries, 1600-1800 by Lehner, Ulrich
As Though We Were Dreaming: A Commentary on the Songs of Ascents for Lent by Ruckhaus, Keith
Losing Our Religion?: Changing Patterns of Believing and Belonging in Secular Western Societies by Ward, Kevin Ronald
The Pillars of Zion Series - Zion-Our Origin and Our Destiny (Book 1) by Lds Book Club, Barkdull, Larry
Zion - The Second Pillar of Zion-The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood by Barkdull, Larry, Lds Book Club
Beyond Chains by Nze, Markanthony
100 Questions and Answers: Energize Your Faith and Reign by Igene, Andrew E.
On Being Spiritual by Abbott, Stan
Church Memories: Writings and Memories for Sergeantsville United Methodist Church 175th Anniversary by Hamel, J. P.
Passing Over and Returning by Ingram, Paul O.
Conspiracy of Light by Martin, D. S.
Faces of Advent for Christ-Seekers by Streeter Shade, Joann
Empowered for Global Mission - Revised Edition: A Missionary Look at the Book of Acts by Miller, Denzil R.
The Pillars of Zion Series - Portrait of a Zion Person (Introduction) by Barkdull, Larry, Lds Book Club
Who is this King of Glory?: A New Commentary on the Book of The Revelation by Como, J. J.
Journey Into the Heart of God: Living the Liturgical Year by Pfatteicher, Philip H.
Hermeneutical Theology and the Imperative of Public Ethics: Confessing Christ in Post-Colonial World Christianity by Chung, Paul S.
A Guide to Christian Ethics by Inch, Morris A.
Pentecost and Parousia by Hocken, Peter D.
Passing Over and Returning: A Pluralist Theology of Religions by Ingram, Paul O.
Pentecost and Parousia: Charismatic Renewal, Christian Unity, and the Coming Glory by Hocken, Peter D.
Hermeneutical Theology and the Imperative of Public Ethics: Confessing Christ in Post-Colonial World Christianity by Chung, Paul S.
Paradigmas: De la distorsión del conocimiento, a la nitidez de la relación con Dios by Nava, Angel
C. G. Jung and Hans Urs Von Balthasar: God and Evil - A Critical Comparison by Oglesby, Les
A Guide to Christian Ethics by Inch, Morris A.
Fight Bible Study Guide: Winning the Battles That Matter Most by Groeschel, Craig
Fan Into Flame: Burn White-Hot with His Love by Terry, Bobbye R.
History: The Light by Snellings, Jasper
He Put a New Song in My Mouth: Revelation of Prophetic Songs for the Church by Parks, Rob &. Vicki
Islamic Education in Secular Societies: In Cooperation with Sedef Sertkan and Zsófia Windisch by
Gottlos von Gott reden: Gedanken fuer ein menschliches Christentum by Gerber, Uwe
An Ideal Platform To Present The Divine Message by Beyeye Djema, Rudy, Jr., Beyshoo
Corners in the City of God by
The Origins of Southern Evangelicalism: Religious Revivalism in the South Carolina Lowcountry, 1670-1760 by Little, Thomas J.
The Age of Reason by Paine, Thomas
Living Justification by Huggins, Jonathan R.
Amish Knitting Circle Christmas: Granny & Jeb's Love Story by Vogel, Karen Anna
Give It Away: Reflections on how Christians use money by Pendergrass Phd, David W.
Sister Churches: American Congregations and Their Partners Abroad by Bakker, Janel Kragt
Moral Evil by Flescher, Andrew Michael
The Future of Ethics: Sustainability, Social Justice, and Religious Creativity by Jenkins, Willis
Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Thompson, Jim
Sudden Death: God's Overtime: The tale of one man's miracle recovery from sudden cardiac death by Bembry, Jacob E.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Arnold Köster: Two Distinct Voices in the Midst of Germany's Third Reich Turmoil by Spanring, Paul
From Wall Street to Main Street by Davis, Reginald F.
Living Spiritual PRAXIS: Foundations for Spiritual Formation Program Development by Kyle, Eric J.
Corners in the City of God: Theology, Philosophy, and the Wire by
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Arnold Köster: Two Distinct Voices in the Midst of Germany's Third Reich Turmoil by Spanring, Paul
Living Justification: A Historical-Theological Study of the Reformed Doctrine of Justification in the Writings of John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and N by Huggins, Jonathan R.
From Wall Street to Main Street: Why America Is Being Destroyed from Within by Davis, Reginald F.
Tree of Salvation: Yggdrasil and the Cross in the North by Murphy, G. Ronald
Living Spiritual PRAXIS: Foundations for Spiritual Formation Program Development by Kyle, Eric J.
The Trinitarian Theology of Stanley J. Grenz by Sexton, Jason S.
Woman, Women, and the Priesthood in the Trinitarian Theology of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel by Hinlicky Wilson, Sarah
The Mind of Christ: Humility and the Intellect in Early Christian Theology by Pardue, Stephen T.
The Perfect Path: At The Mountain Top by Gomez I., Saeed
God's Word Is...: The Bible's Metaphors for Itself by Hake, Faye
Sessions with John: The Vocabulary of Grace by Setzer, Robert B., Jr.
The Cosmic Game: The Unique Relationship Between Sport and Christianity - Second Edition by Slyk, James G.
To the Jew First or to the Jew at Last?: Romans A: 16C and Jewish Missional Priority in Dialogue with Jews for Jesus by Fritz, Antoine X. J.
Studying ... The Testimony by Havrelock, Deidre D.
Muslim-Christian Dialogue in Post-Colonial Northern Nigeria: The Challenges of Inclusive Cultural and Religious Pluralism by Iwuchukwu, M.
What Would Jesus Post?: Seven Principles Christians Should Follow in Social Media by Wassom, Brian D.
What Would Jesus Post?: Seven Principles Christians Should Follow in Social Media by Wassom, Brian D.
The Messiah Conquers the White House: Uncover the Sacred Weapons of the First African American President of the United States by Godman, Aying
Muslim-Christian Dialogue in Post-Colonial Northern Nigeria: The Challenges of Inclusive Cultural and Religious Pluralism by Iwuchukwu, M.
Being a Progressive Christian by Queen, Chuck
Why Believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible?: A Source Book of Biblical Evidences by Pratte, David E.
Natural Evangelism Leaders Guide by Marable, Dwight
Natural Evangelism Participants Guide by Marable, Dwight
To the Jew First or to the Jew at Last? by Fritz, Antoine X. J.
who?Jesus: bNotes: Genesis - 1 Samuel by McMahon, Brennan
Raising Ephesus: Christian Hope for a Post-Christian Age by Hanna, T. E.
God and Goodness: A Natural Theological Perspective by Wynn, Mark
7,240 Miles to Feed His Sheep by Morris, Peter J.
Towards a Theology of Healthcare in Creation by Thwaites, James Francis
The Cathars: Their Mysteries and History Revealed by Martin, Sean
The Book of Andrew: A Past-Life Memoir by Lehman, Charles Cale
Christology, Ancient and Modern: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics by Sonderegger, Katherine
who?Jesus: Christianity: Then, Now & Later by McMahon, Brennan
Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World by Groeschel, Craig
Prophesy in Poems by Marshall, Robert John
Catechismo di Pio X by Pio X., Papa
Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics by Niebuhr, Reinhold
All in a Teacher's Day: Essays of a Mormon Professor by Christensen, Parley A.
All in a Teacher's Day: Essays of a Mormon Professor by Christensen, Parley A.
Life Eternal: A Series of Four Lectures by McKinlay, Lynn A.
True Christian Religion: A Digest by Wilde, Arthur, Swedenborg, Emanuel
What Does Quakerism Mean to Us? by Albrecht, Hans
Revelation and the Holy Spirit: An Essay in Barthian Theology by Camfield, F. W.
Scouting for the Mormons on the Great Frontier by Hanks, Ephraim K., Hanks, Sidney A.
Sermons of Goodwill: The Churchman's First Series on Brotherhood and Goodwill by
Sermon on the Sea by Gandhi, Mohandas
Sermons on Revelation by Baldinger, Albert H.
This Questioning Age: Sermons Preached to Young People by Fagerburg, Frank B.
Freud and Christianity by Lee, R. S.
Holiness Triumphant and Other Sermons on Holiness by Chapman, J. B.
Jesus and Civil Government: A Contribution to the Problem of Christianity and Coercion by Cadoux, A. T.
The Jewish Antecedents of the Christian Sacraments by Gavin, F.
An Analysis of the Book of Mormon by Ziegler, Wesley
I Will Build My Church by Lillie, Amy Morris, Rudolph, Norman Guthrie
The Inquisition: A Critical and Historical Study of the Coercive Power of the Church by Vacandard, E., Conway, Bertrand L.
Augustine and Evolution: A Study in the Saint's de Genesi Ad Litteram and de Trinitate by Woods, Henry
The Episcopal Church in Town and Country by Fenner, Goodrich R.
Not Now, But Afterward: And Other Sermons by McGinlay, James
The Beauty of the Lord and Other Sermons: A Selection of Sermons Preached by D. R. Drukker by Drukker, D. R.
The Boyhood Days of President Calvin Coolidge: Or from the Green Mountains to the White House by Carpenter, Ernest C.
Sunrise in the Nation's Capital: Devotional, Expositional and Evangelistic Messages as Broadcast on the Right Start for the Day by Crowley, Dale
Three Typical Beliefs of Christianity by Soares, Theodore Gerald
Seven Questions in Dispute: Shall Christianity Remain Christian? by Bryan, William Jennings
Soul Trapping and Other Sermons by Snape, John
Vocation to the Priesthood: Its Canonical Concept, a Historical Synopsis and a Commentary by Carr, Aidan
Pastor La Rue: The Pioneer by Hanley, May Carr, Wheeler, Ruth
The Mystery of the Divine Motherhood: A Theological Portrait of Mary by Feckes, Charles
How to Teach Evangelical Christianity: With Special Reference to the Word of God by Heckel, Theodor, Richardson, Norman E.
Talks on Truth by Fillmore, Charles
Borrowed Axes and Other Sermons by Conwell, Russell H.
The Church Welfare Plan by Bowen, Albert E.
He Will Abundantly Pardon: Radio Messages of the Second Part of the Thirteenth Lutheran Hour by Maier, Walter a.
Evolution and Christianity by Gibbs, Jessie Wiseman
Jesus Jeshua: Studies in the Gospels by Dalman, Gustaf
Riches by Rutherford, J. F.
Christianity and the New World: An Approach to Christian Ethics by Barry, F. R.
Provo: Pioneer Mormon City by Workers of the Writers' Program, Work Pr
Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, V2 by
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi, Michael I., Dowling, Eva S.
The World Service of the Methodist Episcopal Church by Diffendorfer, Ralph E.
The Heart of Mormonism by Evans, John Henry
The Baptism in the Holy Ghost or Before and After Pentecost: An Exegesis of Acts One and Two by Neighbour, R. E.
The Eternal Priesthood by Manning, Cardinal
Like Unto Him: Or the Spirit of Christianity by Nepveu, Francis
Elizabeth Fry: Quaker Heroine by Whitney, Janet
The Truth Seeker and Mormonism by Merrill, Joseph F.
The Quakers as Pioneers in Social Work by Brown, Thomas Kite, Jorns, Auguste
The Considerate Priest by Kerby, William J.
Mission on the Nile by Dempsey, James
The Significance of Silence and Other Sermons by Weatherhead, Leslie D.
Moral and Pastoral Theology, V2: Commandments of God, Precepts of the Church by Davis, Henry S. J.
Exploring the Trail with the Master Guide by Edland, Elisabeth, Newton, Annie Laurie
The General Who Rebuilt the Jesuits by North, Robert G.
Goforth of China by Goforth, Rosalind
The Jesuit Martyrs of North America: Isaac Joques, John de Brebeuf, Gabriel Lalemant, Noel Chabanel, Anthony Daniel, Charles Garnier, Rene Goupil, Joh by Wynne, John J.
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