• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2016

Use Cases of Discrete Event Simulation: Appliance and Research by
Architecture Principles: The Cornerstones of Enterprise Architecture by Greefhorst, Danny, Proper, Erik
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia: Systems and Services: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia System by
Handbook on Decision Support Systems 1: Basic Themes by
High Performance Computing on Vector Systems: Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, March 2006 by
Advances in Spatial Data Handling: Geospatial Dynamics, Geosimulation and Exploratory Visualization by
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '12: Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (Hlrs) 2012 by
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Porous Media: Benchmarks and Examples by
Rediscovering the World: Map Transformations of Human and Physical Space by Hennig, Benjamin
Advanced Bimanual Manipulation: Results from the Dexmart Project by
Handbook on Architectures of Information Systems by
On the Construction of Artificial Brains by
Space-Filling Curves: An Introduction with Applications in Scientific Computing by Bader, Michael
Architecture and Design of Molecule Logic Gates and Atom Circuits: Proceedings of the 2nd Atmol European Workshop by
SMIL 3.0: Flexible Multimedia for Web, Mobile Devices and Daisy Talking Books by Bulterman, Dick C. a., Rutledge, Lloyd W.
The RFID Roadmap: The Next Steps for Europe by
100 Volumes of 'Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics': 40 Years of Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics in Retrospect by
Techniques and Tools for Designing an Online Social Network Platform by Karampelas, Panagiotis
Haptic Systems Architecture Modeling by Weber, Anton, Dustdar, Schahram
Handbook on Information Technology in Finance by
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications: Proceedings of Enumath 2007, the 7th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applic by
Computer Vision: Detection, Recognition and Reconstruction by
Morphogenetic Engineering: Toward Programmable Complex Systems by
Modeling and Tools for Network Simulation by
Climbing and Walking Robots: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile by
Gpu Solutions to Multi-Scale Problems in Science and Engineering by
Compendium of Quantum Physics: Concepts, Experiments, History and Philosophy by
Advances in Cognitive Information Systems by Ogiela, Lidia, Ogiela, Marek R.
Advances in Robotics and Virtual Reality by
Proceedings of the 20th International Meshing Roundtable by
Surgical Scene Generation for Virtual Reality-Based Training in Medicine by Harders, Matthias
Global Design to Gain a Competitive Edge: An Holistic and Collaborative Design Approach Based on Computational Tools by
Visualization of Time-Oriented Data by Aigner, Wolfgang, Miksch, Silvia, Schumann, Heidrun
Tensors in Image Processing and Computer Vision by
Intelligent Mechatronic Systems: Modeling, Control and Diagnosis by Merzouki, Rochdi, Samantaray, Arun Kumar, Pathak, Pushparaj Mani
Solid Modelling and CAD Systems: How to Survive a CAD System by Stroud, Ian, Nagy, Hildegarde
Enterprise Interoperability IV: Making the Internet of the Future for the Future of Enterprise by
Decision Forests for Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (Iea) 2012: Volume 4 by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (Iea) 2012: Volume 1 by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (Iea) 2012: Volume 3 by
The Coming Robot Revolution: Expectations and Fears about Emerging Intelligent, Humanlike Machines by Bar-Cohen, Yoseph, Hanson, David
Ontologies: A Handbook of Principles, Concepts and Applications in Information Systems by
Device Applications of Silicon Nanocrystals and Nanostructures by
Perception-Action Cycle: Models, Architectures, and Hardware by
Proceedings of the European Computing Conference: Volume 1 by
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics: Theory, Dynamical Phenomena and Modeling by Lacarbonara, Walter
Principles of Distributed Database Systems by Özsu, M. Tamer, Valduriez, Patrick
Green Computing with Emerging Memory: Low-Power Computation for Social Innovation by
Variational Analysis and Aerospace Engineering by Buttazzo, Giuseppe, Frediani, Aldo
Fundamentals of Speaker Recognition by Beigi, Homayoon
Information Systems Development: Business Systems and Services: Modeling and Development by
Handbook of Mobile AD Hoc Networks for Mobility Models by Roy, Radhika Ranjan
Research on E-Learning and ICT in Education by
Engineering Haptic Devices: A Beginner's Guide by
Guide to Wireless Network Security by Vacca, John R.
Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques by
Knowledge Management for Development: Domains, Strategies and Technologies for Developing Countries by
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: Optimal and Adaptive Design Approaches by Lewis, Frank L., Zhang, Hongwei, Hengster-Movric, Kristian
Scalable Pattern Recognition Algorithms: Applications in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics by Paul, Sushmita, Maji, Pradipta
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
Modelling and Simulation of Diffusive Processes: Methods and Applications by
Dynamic Memory Management for Embedded Systems by Mamagkakis, Stylianos, Poucet, Christophe, Atienza Alonso, David
Heuristic Reasoning by
Instance-Specific Algorithm Configuration by Malitsky, Yuri
Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice by
Advanced Takagi‒sugeno Fuzzy Systems: Delay and Saturation by Benzaouia, Abdellah, El Hajjaji, Ahmed
Networks of Echoes: Imitation, Innovation and Invisible Leaders by West, Bruce J., Turalska, Malgorzata, Grigolini, Paolo
Innovative Technologies in Management and Science by
Fixed Point Theory in Distance Spaces by Kirk, William, Shahzad, Naseer
Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII by
Robust Subspace Estimation Using Low-Rank Optimization: Theory and Applications by Oreifej, Omar, Shah, Mubarak
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - Enumath 2013: Proceedings of Enumath 2013, the 10th European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and by
Computer Vision in Control Systems-2: Innovations in Practice by
Proceedings of Elm-2014 Volume 1: Algorithms and Theories by
Arbitrary Modeling of Tsvs for 3D Integrated Circuits by Salah, Khaled, El-Rouby, Alaa, Ismail, Yehea
Solving the Dynamic Complexity Dilemma: Predictive and Prescriptive Business Management: Answering the Need for a New Paradigm by Perks, Maurice J., Abu El Ata, Nabil
Developing and Evaluating a Cloud Service Relationship Theory by Huntgeburth, Jan
Recent Advances in Natural Computing: Selected Results from the Iwnc 7 Symposium by
3D Geoinformation Science: The Selected Papers of the 3D Geoinfo 2014 by
Traffic and Granular Flow '13 by
Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data: A Systematic Approach by Andrienko, Natalia, Andrienko, Gennady
Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Media: Modelling and Benchmarking: Closed-Form Solutions by
Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, Volume 1 by
Human-Centered and Error-Resilient Systems Development: Ifip Wg 13.2/13.5 Joint Working Conference, 6th International Conference on Human-Centered Sof by
Novel Insights in Agent-Based Complex Automated Negotiation by
Chaos Modeling and Control Systems Design by
Chaos-Based Cryptography: Theory, Algorithms and Applications by
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming: 22nd International Conference, Cp 2016, Toulouse, France, September 5-9, 2016, Proceedings by
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 7th International Conference of the Clef Association, Clef 2016, Évora, Portuga by
Design Science Methodology for Information Systems and Software Engineering by Wieringa, Roel J.
Handbook of Strategic E-Business Management by
Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems: Ifip Wg 8.4, 8.9, Tc 5 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-Ares 2016, and Worksh by
Intelligent Control: A Hybrid Approach Based on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms by Siddique, Nazmul
Visibility-Based Optimal Path and Motion Planning by Wang, Paul Keng-Chieh
Biometrics in the New World: The Cloud, Mobile Technology and Pervasive Identity by Ashbourn, Julian
Human-Centered Social Media Analytics by
Autonomic Nervous System Dynamics for Mood and Emotional-State Recognition: Significant Advances in Data Acquisition, Signal Processing and Classifica by Valenza, Gaetano, Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale
Scalable and Near-Optimal Design Space Exploration for Embedded Systems by Goutis, Costas, Kritikakou, Angeliki, Catthoor, Francky
Formal Specification Level: Concepts, Methods, and Algorithms by Drechsler, Rolf, Soeken, Mathias
Energy Efficient Smart Phones for 5g Networks by
Internetworking: Technological Foundations and Applications by Sack, Harald, Meinel, Christoph
Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 15th Ifip Wg 6.11 Conference on E-Business, E-Services, and E-Society, I3e 2016, Swansea, Uk, September by
Protecting Chips Against Hold Time Violations Due to Variability by Neuberger, Gustavo, Wirth, Gilson, Reis, Ricardo
Turbo Decoder Architecture for Beyond-4g Applications by Wong, Cheng-Chi, Chang, Hsie-Chia
Clusters, Orders, and Trees: Methods and Applications: In Honor of Boris Mirkin's 70th Birthday by
Embedded Memory Design for Multi-Core and Systems on Chip by Mohammad, Baker
Smart Multicore Embedded Systems by
Computing with Memory for Energy-Efficient Robust Systems by Paul, Somnath, Bhunia, Swarup
Topical Directions of Informatics: In Memory of V. M. Glushkov by Sergienko, Ivan V.
Feedback Strategies for Wireless Communication by Özbek, Berna, Le Ruyet, Didier
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XI by
Soft City Culture and Technology: The Betaville Project by Skelton, Carl
Lipid-Mediated Protein Signaling by
Ready: A Commodore 64 Retrospective by Dillon, Roberto
Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems by Pal, Ajit
Image and Geometry Processing for 3-D Cinematography by
Story of AI Consciousness: Second Edition by Ken Yik, Nicklaus Yap
Resource Allocation and Mimo for 4g and Beyond by
Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave by Quarteroni, Alfio, Saleri, Fausto, Gervasio, Paola
Numerical Methods for the Life Scientist: Binding and Enzyme Kinetics Calculated with Gnu Octave and MATLAB by Prinz, Heino
Enterprise Information Systems Engineering: The Merode Approach by Snoeck, Monique
Computational Musicology in Hindustani Music by Mazzola, Guerino, Chakraborty, Soubhik, Tewari, Swarima
Cuckoo Search and Firefly Algorithm: Theory and Applications by
People, Problems, and Proofs: Essays from Gödel's Lost Letter: 2010 by Lipton, Richard J., Regan, Kenneth W.
Nanophotonic Information Physics: Nanointelligence and Nanophotonic Computing by
Trace-Based Post-Silicon Validation for VLSI Circuits by Liu, Xiao, Xu, Qiang
Case-Based Reasoning: A Textbook by Weber, Rosina O., Richter, Michael M.
Information Sciences and Systems 2013: Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences by
Ontology Matching by Shvaiko, Pavel, Euzenat, Jérôme
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI by
Saga - Advances in Shapes, Geometry, and Algebra: Results from the Marie Curie Initial Training Network by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (Iea) 2012: Volume 5 by
Designing 2D and 3D Network-On-Chip Architectures by Tatas, Konstantinos, Siozios, Kostas, Soudris, Dimitrios
Advanced Hardware Design for Error Correcting Codes by
Handbook on Decision Making: Vol 2: Risk Management in Decision Making by Zhang, Guangquan, Lu, Jie, Jain, Lakhmi C.
Quantum State Transfer and Network Engineering by
Decision and Game Theory in Management with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets by Li, Deng-Feng
Optimization and Security Challenges in Smart Power Grids by
The Circulation of Agency in E-Justice: Interoperability and Infrastructures for European Transborder Judicial Proceedings by
Privacy and Data Protection Issues of Biometric Applications: A Comparative Legal Analysis by Kindt, Els J.
Non-Additive Measures: Theory and Applications by
Web Services Foundations by
Secure Smart Embedded Devices, Platforms and Applications by
Ramsey Theory for Discrete Structures by Prömel, Hans Jürgen
Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story: The Bruno Buchberger Festschrift by
Computational Models of Complex Systems by
Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspectives in Engineering by Şen, Zekâi
Applied Information Science, Engineering and Technology: Selected Topics from the Field of Production Information Engineering and It for Manufacturing by
Visualization and Simulation of Complex Flows in Biomedical Engineering by
Evolving Software Systems by
Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks on Reconfigurable Hardware: Information Reduction Techniques by Ang, Li-Minn, Seng, Kah Phooi, Chew, Li Wern
Computational and Robotic Models of the Hierarchical Organization of Behavior by
Combinatorial Search: From Algorithms to Systems by Hamadi, Youssef
Building and Using Comparable Corpora by
Facets of Combinatorial Optimization: Festschrift for Martin Grötschel by
Transforming Field and Service Operations: Methodologies for Successful Technology-Driven Business Transformation by
Enabling Things to Talk: Designing Iot Solutions with the Iot Architectural Reference Model by
Pocket Data Mining: Big Data on Small Devices by Stahl, Frederic, Gomes, João Bártolo, Gaber, Mohamed Medhat
Trends and Challenges in Digital Business Innovation by Morabito, Vincenzo
Parametric Packet-Based Audiovisual Quality Model for Iptv Services by Garcia, Marie-Neige
Socioinformatics - The Social Impact of Interactions Between Humans and It by
Tof Range-Imaging Cameras by
The Economics of Information Security and Privacy by
Quality Assurance in Lis Education: An International and Comparative Study by
Immuno Systems Biology: A Macroscopic Approach for Immune Cell Signaling by Selvarajoo, Kumar
Handbook of Simulation Optimization by
Analysis of Engineering Drawings and Raster Map Images by Henderson, Thomas C.
Empirical Agent-Based Modelling - Challenges and Solutions: Volume 1, the Characterisation and Parameterisation of Empirical Agent-Based Models by
Embedded and Real Time System Development: A Software Engineering Perspective: Concepts, Methods and Principles by
Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology by Kowalczuk, Zdzislaw, Orlowski, Cezary
Introduction to Public Key Infrastructures by Wiesmaier, Alexander, Buchmann, Johannes A., Karatsiolis, Evangelos
Open Learning Cultures: A Guide to Quality, Evaluation, and Assessment for Future Learning by Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel
Geometrically Constructed Markov Chain Monte Carlo Study of Quantum Spin-Phonon Complex Systems by Suwa, Hidemaro
False Feathers: A Perspective on Academic Plagiarism by Weber-Wulff, Debora
User-Centric Social Multimedia Computing by Sang, Jitao
Systemc and Systemc-Ams in Practice: Systemc 2.3, 2.2 and Systemc-Ams 1.0 by Banerjee, Amal, Sur, Balmiki
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes - Hpsc 2012: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on High Performance Scientif by
Security and the Networked Society by Gregory, Mark A., Glance, David
Computational Engineering by
Increasing Perceptual Skills of Robots Through Proximal Force/Torque Sensors: A Study for the Implementation of Active Compliance on the Icub Humanoid by Fumagalli, Matteo
System-Level Design Methodologies for Telecommunication by
Exploring Memory Hierarchy Design with Emerging Memory Technologies by Sun, Guangyu
Physics, Nature and Society: A Guide to Order and Complexity in Our World by Marro, Joaquín
Static and Dynamic Buckling of Thin-Walled Plate Structures by Kubiak, Tomasz
Innovations in Intelligent Machines-4: Recent Advances in Knowledge Engineering by
Sample Efficient Multiagent Learning in the Presence of Markovian Agents by Chakraborty, Doran
Socio-Technical Design of Ubiquitous Computing Systems by
Applications of Metaheuristics in Process Engineering by
Preventive Methods for Coastal Protection: Towards the Use of Ocean Dynamics for Pollution Control by
Logic Synthesis for Genetic Diseases: Modeling Disease Behavior Using Boolean Networks by Khatri, Sunil P., Lin, Pey-Chang Kent
Perspectives in Computational Complexity: The Somenath Biswas Anniversary Volume by
Large-Scale Networks in Engineering and Life Sciences by
Computational Diffusion MRI and Brain Connectivity: Miccai Workshops, Nagoya, Japan, September 22nd, 2013 by
Frontiers and Challenges in Warm Dense Matter by
Connecting a Digital Europe Through Location and Place by
Principle and Application Progress in Location-Based Services by
Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks by
Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology by
Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (If&gis 2013): Environmental and Urban Challenges by
See More