• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2019

Agile Software Development with C#, Scrum, Extreme Programming, and Kanban Revised Edition by Smith, Lynn
My Little Black Book of Addresses by Notebooks, B&c
The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book by Burkov, Andriy
Multiphysics in Porous Materials by Liu
Advanced Topics in Nonsmooth Dynamics: Transactions of the European Network for Nonsmooth Dynamics by
Hierarchical Perceptual Grouping for Object Recognition: Theoretical Views and Gestalt-Law Applications by Meidow, Jochen, Michaelsen, Eckart
Soft Computing for Problem Solving: Socpros 2017, Volume 1 by
Adaptive Dynamic Programming: Single and Multiple Controllers by Wei, Qinglai, Li, Qing, Song, Ruizhuo
Berru Predictive Modeling: Best Estimate Results with Reduced Uncertainties by Cacuci, Dan Gabriel
Social Networks: Models of Information Influence, Control and Confrontation by Gubanov, Dmitry A., Novikov, Dmitry a., Chkhartishvili, Alexander G.
Rational Reasoning with Finite Conditional Knowledge Bases: Theoretical and Implementational Aspects by Eichhorn, Christian
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXI by
Machine Learning at the Belle II Experiment: The Full Event Interpretation and Its Validation on Belle Data by Keck, Thomas
Spectrum-Aware Mobile Computing: Convergence of Cloud Computing and Cognitive Networking by Subbalakshmi, Koduvayur, Uma, R. N., Mahmoodi, Seyed Eman
Computational Biology of Non-Coding RNA: Methods and Protocols by
Modern Approaches for Intelligent Information and Database Systems by
Fuzzy Graph Theory with Applications to Human Trafficking by Mordeson, John N., Mathew, Sunil, Malik, Davender S.
Modern Digital Radio Communication Signals and Systems by Michael Yang, Sung-Moon
E-Learning Uncovered: Adobe Captivate 2019 by Pinder, Desirée, Everhart, William, Elkins, Diane
Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VII by
Optimization of Process Flowsheets Through Metaheuristic Techniques by Ponce-Ortega, José María, Hernández-Pérez, Luis Germán
It Management in the Digital Age: A Roadmap for the It Department of the Future by Ahlemann, Frederik, Urbach, Nils
Advanced Social Interaction with Agents: 8th International Workshop on Spoken Dialog Systems by
Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services: Proceedings of 2018 Conference by
Design Automation Techniques for Approximation Circuits: Verification, Synthesis and Test by Große, Daniel, Drechsler, Rolf, Chandrasekharan, Arun
Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2018: Foreword by Sigrid Brell-Çokcan and Johannes Braumann, Association for Robots in Architectur by
Recent Developments and the New Direction in Soft-Computing Foundations and Applications: Selected Papers from the 6th World Conference on Soft Comput by
Timing Performance of Nanometer Digital Circuits Under Process Variations by Champac, Victor, Garcia Gervacio, Jose
Accelerated Path to Cures by
Big Scientific Data Benchmarks, Architecture, and Systems: First Workshop, Sdba 2018, Beijing, China, June 12, 2018, Revised Selected Papers by
Self-Learning Optimal Control of Nonlinear Systems: Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach by Li, Benkai, Wei, Qinglai, Song, Ruizhuo
It Convergence and Security 2017: Volume 2 by
Proceedings of 2017 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II by
Theory of Elastic Oscillations: Equations and Methods by Fridman, Vladimir
Analysis and Control of Coupled Neural Networks with Reaction-Diffusion Terms by Wu, Huai-Ning, Huang, Tingwen, Wang, Jin-Liang
3D Kinematics by Haslwanter, Thomas
iPad in Easy Steps: Covers All Models of iPad with IOS 12 by Provan, Drew
Designing Embedded Systems with Arduino: A Fundamental Technology for Makers by Pan, Tianhong, Zhu, Yi
Visual Quality Assessment for Natural and Medical Image by Ding, Yong
Smart Computing and Informatics: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Sci 2016, Volume 1 by
Information Systems: 15th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference, Emcis 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, October 4-5, 2018, Proceedings by
The Sage Handbook of Web History by
Life Bytes: Growing Up Geek: Part One - The New Frontier by Bland, Kristian
Mastering Python: Machine Learning, Data Structures, Django, Object Oriented Programming and Software Engineering (Including Programming by White, Michael B.
New Trends in Emerging Complex Real Life Problems: Ods, Taormina, Italy, September 10-13, 2018 by
Logic Functions and Equations: Binary Models for Computer Science by Steinbach, Bernd, Posthoff, Christian
Computational Methods to Study the Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules and Biomolecular Processes: From Bioinformatics to Molecular Quantum Mechani by
Einführung in Die Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik by Göbel, Holger
Internet of Things and Big Data Analytics for Smart Generation by
Nikon D3500 for Dummies by King, Julie Adair
Virtuelle Prototypen Für Lamellenventile in Pkw-Kältemittelverdichtern by Hennig, Jakob
Real-Time & Stream Data Management: Push-Based Data in Research & Practice by Ritter, Norbert, Gessert, Felix, Wingerath, Wolfram
Power Estimation on Electronic System Level Using Linear Power Models by Schuermans, Stefan, Leupers, Rainer
Designing Digital Musical Instruments Using Probatio: A Physical Prototyping Toolkit by Calegario, Filipe
Seo 2019: Actionable, Hands-on SEO, Including a Full Site Audit by Williams, Andy
Python Deep Learning - Second Edition: Exploring deep learning techniques and neural network architectures with PyTorch, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd Ed by Slater, Daniel, Spacagna, Gianmario, Vasilev, Ivan
Echtzeitfähige 3D Posenbestimmung Des Menschen in Der Robotik: Methoden Und Anwendungen by Ehlers, Kristian
Intelligent Random Walk: An Approach Based on Learning Automata by Khomami, M. Daliri, Meybodi, Mohammad Reza, Saghiri, Ali Mohammad
A New Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm Based on the Self-Defense Mechanism of Plants in Nature by Castillo, Oscar, Caraveo, Camilo, Valdez, Fevrier
Solid Edge 2019 Bauteile by Engelke, Hans-J
Disruptive Technologies for the Militaries and Security by Lele, Ajey
Handbook of Biometric Anti-Spoofing: Presentation Attack Detection by
Protein-Protein and Domain-Domain Interactions by Kangueane, Pandjassarame, Nilofer, Christina
Advances in Intelligent Informatics, Smart Technology and Natural Language Processing: Selected Revised Papers from the Joint International Symposium by
Data-Intensive Systems: Principles and Fundamentals Using Hadoop and Spark by Wiktorski, Tomasz
Positive Systems: Theory and Applications (Posta 2018) by
Proceeding of the 24th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 2018 by
Modeling and Simulation with Compose and Activate by Campbell, Stephen L., Nikoukhah, Ramine
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 22nd International Workshop, Jsspp 2018, Vancouver, Bc, Canada, May 25, 2018, Revised Selected Pape by
Playing Smart: On Games, Intelligence, and Artificial Intelligence by Togelius, Julian
Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking: 4th International Conference, Mspn 2018, Paris, France, June 18-20, 2018, Revised Selected Papers by
Issac '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM on International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation by Issac
EC '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation by Ec
Ht '18: Proceedings of the 29th on Hypertext and Social Media by Ht
Tvx '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video by Tvx
Podc '18: Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing by Podc
Advances in Natural Language Processing, Intelligent Informatics and Smart Technology: Selected Revised Papers from the Eleventh International Symposi by
Computational Pulse Signal Analysis by Zhang, David, Zuo, Wangmeng, Wang, Peng
Reinventing Ourselves: How Technology is Rapidly and Radically Transforming Humanity by Bell, Larry
Social Practices and Dynamic Non-Humans: Nature, Materials and Technologies by
iPhone X User Manual for Newcomers: Complete IOS 12 Guide for Beginners and Seniors by Rock, Stephen W.
World Internet Development Report 2017: Translated by Peng Ping by
Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2016 by
Scrum Project Management: Avoiding Project Mishaps: The Expert's Guide by Metcalfe, Gary
Lean Software Development: Efficient Deployment Strategies: An Expert's Guide by Metcalfe, Gary
Distributed Computing by Mobile Entities: Current Research in Moving and Computing by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XL by
3D Printing Guide for Newcomers: Simple Steps for Learning How to Use a 3D Printer, Including Tips and Tricks for Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your by Rock, Stephen W.
The Bottomless Cloud: How AI, the next generation of the cloud, and abundance thinking will radically transform the way you do business by Koulopoulos, Thomas, Friend, David
From Zero to iOS Hero: Swift Development for Kids and Teens by Kalra, Etash
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Ai, Analytics, and the New Machine Age (with Bonus Article Why Every Company Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy by Michael E. by Davenport, Thomas H., Review, Harvard Business, Porter, Michael E.
Iphone X, XS & XS Max User Manual For Newcomers: Complete iOS 12 guide for beginners and seniors by Rock, Stephen W.
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Ai, Analytics, and the New Machine Age (with Bonus Article Why Every Company Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy by Michael E. by Porter, Michael E., Davenport, Thomas H., Review, Harvard Business
Raising Humans in a Digital World: Helping Kids Build a Healthy Relationship with Technology by Graber, Diana
IT Application Security and Control by Keshava Narayana, Dileep
Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine Learning by
Guide to Ambient Intelligence in the Iot Environment: Principles, Technologies and Applications by
Uncertainty Modeling for Engineering Applications by
Fog Computing, Deep Learning and Big Data Analytics-Research Directions by Prabhu, C. S. R.
Adaptive Reasoning for Real-world Problems: A Schema-based Approach by Turner, Roy
Artificial Believers: The Ascription of Belief by Ballim, Afzal, Wilks, Yorick
Incremental Conceptualization for Language Production by Guhe, Markus
Communications and Networking: 13th Eai International Conference, Chinacom 2018, Chengdu, China, October 23-25, 2018, Proceedings by
Remote / Webcam Notarization by Franks, Jeannie Eunice
iPhone XS User Guide for Newcomers: Complete IOS 12 Guide for Beginners and Seniors by Rock, Stephen W.
Orchestrating a Platform Ecosystem. The Effects of Platform Control on Platform Performance by Schmidt, Christian
iPhone XS Max User Manual for Newcomers: Complete IOS 12 Guide for Beginners and Seniors by Rock, Stephen W.
Ethical Hacking: The Ultimate Guide to Using Penetration Testing to Audit and Improve the Cybersecurity of Computer Networks for Beginn by Evans, Lester
My Little Black Book of Goals by Notebooks, B&c
Industrial Process Control Systems, Second Edition by Fardo, Stephen W., Patrick, Dale R.
IT Architect Series: The Journey: A Guidebook for Anyone Interested in IT Architecture by Palmer, Melissa
The Second Quantum Revolution: From Entanglement to Quantum Computing and Other Super-Technologies by Jaeger, Lars
Investigación UX: Métodos y herramientas para diseñar Experiencia de Usuarios by Barahona Ch, Jorge
Landscape Lab: Drawing, Perception and Design for the Next Landscape Models by Bianconi, Fabio, Filippucci, Marco
Soft Computing and Signal Processing: Proceedings of Icscsp 2018, Volume 1 by
Leadership Mit Synercube: Eine Dynamische Führungskultur Für Spitzenleistungen by Zankovsky, Anatoly, Von Der Heiden, Christiane
Cultures of Prediction in Atmospheric and Climate Science: Epistemic and Cultural Shifts in Computer-based Modelling and Simulation by
Online Urbanization: Online Services in China's Rural Transformation by Zi, Li
Multiview Machine Learning by Dong, Ziang, Sun, Shiliang, Mao, Liang
The Essential Social Media Marketing Guide (2 Books in 1): Social Media Marketing for the Future: Strategies for 2020 & Beyond + Command the Crowd: Th by Ford, J. E.
Tele-Improvisation: Intercultural Interaction in the Online Global Music Jam Session by Mills, Roger
Transformation and Your New EHR: The Communications and Change Leadership Playbook for Implementing Electronic Health Records by Inch, Samantha, DeLisle, Dennis R., McLamb, Andy
The survival of an organization: Technology + Cyber by Lush, Jeffrey
Elephants do not float on Clouds? Welcome to the Information Age by Lush, Jeffrey
Data Structures and Program Design Using C++ by Malhotra, N., Malhotra, D.
Computational Intelligence in Sports by Fister, Dusan, Fister, Iztok, Fister Jr, Iztok
Innovations in Soft Computing and Information Technology: Proceedings of Icemit 2017, Volume 3 by
Advanced Hdl Synthesis and Soc Prototyping: Rtl Design Using Verilog by Taraate, Vaibbhav
Computer Vision and Audition in Urban Analysis Using the Remorph Framework by Nematollahi, Mohammad Ali, Shahbazi, Samaneh, Nabian, Nashid
Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems: 14th Eai International Conference, Iniscom 2018, Da Nang, Vietnam, August 27-28, 2018, Proceedings by
Description Approaches and Automated Generalization Algorithms for Groups of Map Objects by Yan, Haowen
Business Model Innovation in the Era of the Internet of Things: Studies on the Aspects of Evaluation, Decision Making and Tooling by
Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security: Proceedings of Iemis 2018, Volume 1 by
Advanced Manufacturing and Automation VIII by
Advances in Intelligent, Interactive Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent, Interactive Systems and by
Nonsymmetric Operads in Combinatorics by Giraudo, Samuele
E-Business and Telecommunications: 14th International Joint Conference, Icete 2017, Madrid, Spain, July 24-26, 2017, Revised Selected Paper by
Data-Driven Process Discovery and Analysis: 7th Ifip Wg 2.6 International Symposium, Simpda 2017, Neuchatel, Switzerland, December 6-8, 2017, Revised by
Technical System Maintenance: Delay-Time-Based Modelling by Werbińska-Wojciechowska, Sylwia
Locally Relevant ICT Research: 10th International Development Informatics Association Conference, Idia 2018, Tshwane, South Africa, August 23-24, 201 by
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, Ecml Pkdd 2018, Dublin, Ireland, September 10-14, 2018, Proceedings, Part by
Numerical Methods and Applications: 9th International Conference, Nma 2018, Borovets, Bulgaria, August 20-24, 2018, Revised Selected Papers by
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, Ecml Pkdd 2018, Dublin, Ireland, September 10-14, 2018, Proceedings, Part by
The Machine Learning Toolbox: For Non-Mathematicians by Letort, Brian
Internet and Technology Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, VOL 1 by
Internet and Technology Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, VOL 2 by
FinTech as a Disruptive Technology for Financial Institutions by
Managing Screen Time in an Online Society by
Critical Issues Impacting Science, Technology, Society (STS), and Our Future by
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Information Systems and Software Engineering by
Sous Vide: Das Kochbuch mit den 127 besten Rezepten zum aromatischen Schongaren inkl. Dessert und Bonus: Tipps&Tricks für ein leckeres Schongaren by Experts, Food
Influence and Behavior Analysis in Social Networks and Social Media by
Advances in Soft and Hard Computing by
Advances in Information and Communication Networks: Proceedings of the 2018 Future of Information and Communication Conference (Ficc), Vol. 1 by
Vehicle Dynamics of Modern Passenger Cars by
Investigations in Computational Sarcasm by Bhattacharyya, Pushpak, Carman, Mark J., Joshi, Aditya
Knowledge Computing and Its Applications: Knowledge Manipulation and Processing Techniques: Volume 1 by
Bioinformatics: Sequences, Structures, Phylogeny by
Analytical Methods in Nonlinear Oscillations: Approaches and Applications by Younesian, Davood, Askari, Hassan, Esmailzadeh, Ebrahim
Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Ictis 2018, Volume 2 by
Advanced Informatics for Computing Research: Second International Conference, Icaicr 2018, Shimla, India, July 14-15, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, P by
Soft Computing in Data Science: 4th International Conference, Scds 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, August 15-16, 2018, Proceedings by
Emerging Technologies for Developing Countries: Second Eai International Conference, Africatek 2018, Cotonou, Benin, May 29-30, 2018, Proceedings by
Human-Computer Interaction: 4th Iberoamerican Workshop, Hci-Collab 2018, Popayán, Colombia, April 23-27, 2018, Revised Selected Papers by
The Future of Digital Democracy: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Complex Networks and Their Applications VII: Volume 1 Proceedings the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications Complex by
Software Engineering Aspects of Continuous Development and New Paradigms of Software Production and Deployment: First International Workshop, Devops 2 by
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing: Proceedings of Sohoma 2018 by
Applications of Computational Intelligence: First IEEE Colombian Conference, Colcaci 2018, Medellín, Colombia, May 16-18, 2018, Revised Selected Paper by
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing: 13th Ccf Conference, Chinesecscw 2018, Guilin, China, August 18-19, 2018, Revised Selected P by
Recent Advances in Applications of Computational and Fuzzy Mathematics by
Control Engineering by Bars, Ruth, Hetthéssy, Jenő, Keviczky, László
Engineering a Robust DNA Circuit for the Direct Detection of Biomolecular Interactions by Yan Shan, Ang
Energy Efficient High Performance Processors: Recent Approaches for Designing Green High Performance Computing by Ben Asher, Yosi, Haj-Yahya, Jawad, Mendelson, Avi
Machines, Mechanism and Robotics: Proceedings of Inacomm 2017 by
Liquid Metal Soft Machines: Principles and Applications by He, Zhi-Zhu, Liu, Jing, Sheng, Lei
Pathological Brain Detection by Wang, Shui-Hua, Zhang, Yu-Dong, Dong, Zhengchao
A.I. - 101: A Primer on Using Artificial Intelligence in Education by Cameron, Ryan M.
Sensing of Non-Volatile Memory Demystified by
Evolutionary Algorithms and Neural Networks: Theory and Applications by Mirjalili, Seyedali
Computational Intelligence and Its Applications: 6th Ifip Tc 5 International Conference, Ciia 2018, Oran, Algeria, May 8-10, 2018, Proceedings by
Cognitive Biases in Visualizations by
Biomechanics of Anthropomorphic Systems by
Learning from Imbalanced Data Sets by García, Salvador, Galar, Mikel, Fernández, Alberto
Turkish Natural Language Processing by
The Internet of Things for Smart Urban Ecosystems by
Beyond-CMOS Technologies for Next Generation Computer Design by
Managing Data from Knowledge Bases: Querying and Extraction by Zhang, Wei Emma, Sheng, Quan Z.
Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0: Ifip Wg 5.7 International Conference, Apms 2018, Seoul, Korea, August by
AI Self-Driving Cars Inventiveness: Practical Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by Eliot, Lance
iPhone User Manual for Newcomers: All in One IOS 12 Guide for Beginners and Seniors (Iphone, 8, X, XS & XS Max User Guide) by Rock, Stephen W.
Jaya: An Advanced Optimization Algorithm and Its Engineering Applications by Venkata Rao, Ravipudi
Mathematical Logic: On Numbers, Sets, Structures, and Symmetry by Kossak, Roman
Intuitionistic Fuzziness and Other Intelligent Theories and Their Applications by
Physics of Quantum Rings by
Trust Management XII: 12th Ifip Wg 11.11 International Conference, Ifiptm 2018, Toronto, On, Canada, July 10-13, 2018, Proceedings by
New Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science: Proceedings of the 12th Iftomm International Symposium on Science of Mechanisms and Machines (Syrom 201 by
Human Friendly Robotics: 10th International Workshop by
Time-Space, Spiking Neural Networks and Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence by Kasabov, Nikola K.
Apple Watch User Guide for Newcomers: The Unofficial Apple Watch Series 4 User Manual for Beginners and Seniors by Rock, Stephen W.
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