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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1989

The Nature of Social and Educational Inquiry: Empiricism Versus Interpretation by Smith, John K.
Locating Learning: Ethnographic Perspectives on Classroom Research by Emihovich, Catherine
Reconstructing American Education by Katz, Michael B.
Personality and the Teaching of Composition by DiTiberio, John K., Unknown, Jensen, George H.
United States Scientific and Technical Information Policies: View and Perspectives by
Styles of Learning and Teaching: An Integrated Outline of Educational Psychology for Students, Teachers and Lecturers by Entwistle, Noel J.
Fundamentale Ideen Der Informatik Im Mathematikunterricht: Grundsätzliche Überlegungen Und Beispiele Für Die Primarstufe by Knöss, Petra
The Transfer of Cognitive Skill by Singley, Mark K., Anderson, John R.
Militär Und Jugend Im Ns-Staat: Rüstungs- Und Schulpolitik Der Wehrmacht by Kersting, Franz-Werner
An Appalachian Symposium: Essays Written in Honor of Cratis D. Williams by
Berufsstartprobleme Junger Facharbeiter Und Facharbeiterinnen in Nordrhein-Westfalen by Vesper, Joachim
Lernen Und Handeln Im Lernbüro Kaufmännischer Berufsfachschulen by Benteler, Paul
Mädchen Und Mathematik: Historisch-Systematische Untersuchung Der Unterschiedlichen Bedingungen Des Mathematiklernens Von Mädchen Und Jungen by Srocke, Bettina
Die Erlebnisdimension Der Physik: Eine Analyse Ihrer Entwicklungsstruktur ALS Grundlage Für Das Lernen Von Physik by Rascher, Raimund
Aktive Medienarbeit Mit Jugendlichen: Theorie Und PRAXIS by Schell, Fred
Selecting a Basal Reading Program: Making the Right Choice by Barnard, Douglas P., Hetzel, Robert W.
Music Booster Manual by The National Association for Music Educa
Penser, Lire, Écrire: Introduction Au Travail Intellectuel by Giroux, Aline, Forgette-Giroux, Renée
Hungary and the USSR, 1956-1988: Kadar's Political Leadership by Felkay, Andrew
Social Support Networks: A Bibliography, 1983-1987 by Abell, Neil, Farkas, Kathleen J., Biegel, David E.
The New Servants of Power: A Critique of the 1980s School Reform Movement by
Spotlight on the Child: Studies in the History of American Children's Theatre by Tolch, C. John, Bedard, Roger
Transformations in French Business: Political, Economic, and Cultural Changes from 1981 to 1987 by
Homelessness in the United States: Volume I: State Surveys by
Strategic Executive Decisions: An Analysis of the Difference Between Theory and Practice by Stahl, Michael J.
Rousing Minds to Life: Teaching, Learning, and Schooling in Social Context by Gallimore, Ronald, Gallimore, Ronald G., Tharp, Roland G.
Seniorplots: A Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 15-18 by Gillespie, John, Naden, Corinne
Unterricht Und Didaktik Der Politischen Bildung in Der Bundesrepublik: Aktueller Stand Und Perspektiven by
Essays on Anaphora by Lasnik, H.
Nationalsozialismus Und Schule: Amtliche Erlasse Und Richtlinien 1933-1945 by
International Handbook of Pollution Control by Kormandy, Edward
Modern Analytical Auditing: Practical Guidance for Auditors and Accountants by McKee, Thomas E.
Growing Minds by Kohl, Herbert R.
The Marketer's Guide to Selling Products Abroad by Weber, Robert E.
Yankee Red: Nonorthodox Marxism in Liberal America by Gorman, Robert a.
Can We Teach Ethics? by Radest, Howard B.
History of Universities by
Essays on Anaphora by Lasnik, H.
International Perspectives on Psychology in the Schools by
Coming of Age in New Jersey: College and American Culture by Moffatt, Michael
The Complete Problem Solver by Hayes, John R.
Sikhism and the Sikhs: An Annotated Bibliography by Rai, Priya
Coping with Your Grown Children by Klingelhofer, Edwin L.
Housing Issues of the 1990s by
Getting Down to Business: Baruch College in the City of New York, 1847-1987 by Berrol, Selma Cantor
Critical Reflections On Dist. by
The Art of Teaching by Highet, Gilbert
Teaching as Story Telling: An Alternative Approach to Teaching and Curriculum in the Elementary School by Egan, Kieran
Critical Perspectives On Educational Leadership by
Critical Perspectives On Educational Leadership by
Textual Practice: Issue 7 Volume 3 No. 1 by
From Dependence to Autonomy: The Development of Asian Universities by
A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 1, the University to 1546 by Leader, Damian Riehl
Teaching Gymnastics by Mauldon, Elizabeth, Layson, June
Radical Institutionalism: Contemporary Voices by
Handbook of Marketing for Continuing Education by Simerly, Robert G.
Primary Teachers Talking: A Study of Teaching As Work by Nias, Jennifer
Public Relations Research by Brody, E. W., Stone, Gerald C.
Linkage or Bondage: U.S. Economic Relations with the ASEAN Region by Indorf, Hans H., Mayerchak, Patrick M.
International Issues in Social Economy: Studies in the United States and Greece by Bruyn, Severyn T., Smoklvittis, Nicolaou
Effective Teaching of Modern Languages by Wringe, C. a.
Experiential Education for Community Development by
The Second Language Curriculum by
The Construction Zone: Working for Cognitive Change in School by Newman, Denis
Traditional Chinese Folk Tales by Yin-Lien, C. Chin
A Walking Tour of the University of Georgia by Boney, F. N.
Hebrew/English Dictionary by Yehuda, Ben
Mathematics in the Primary School by Skemp, Richard R.
Soviet Strategy Toward Southern Africa: The National Liberation Movement Connection by Kempton, Daniel R.
The Developing School by Holly, Peter, Southworth, Geoff
Guide to Historical Resources in the Regional Municipality of Waterloo by Macnaughton, Elizabeth, Wagner, Pat
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume V by
The Null Subject Parameter by
The Null Subject Parameter by
Evaluation for School Development.: Young Offenders. by Hopkins, David, Hopkins, Eric
The Living Organization: Systems of Behavior by Tracy, Lane
Mountain High, White Avalanche: Cocaine and Power in the Andean States and Panama by MacDonald, Scott B.
The Medical Offset Effect and Public Health Policy: Mental Health Industry in Transition by Wight, Jonathan B., Wight, Johathan, Fiedler, John L.
Students, Professors, and the State in Tsarist Russia by Kassow, Samuel D.
International Psychotherapy: Theories, Research and Cross-Cultural Implications by
The Invisible Medium: Public, Commercial and Community Radio by
When the Mind Hears: A History of the Deaf by Lane, Harlan
The Protectionist Threat to Corporate America: The U.S. Trade Deficit and Management Responses by Nevaer, Louis E. V., Deck, Steven A.
Culture Acquisition: A Holistic Approach to Human Learning by Eisikovits, Rivka A., Dobbert, Marion Lundy, Pitman, Mary Anne
Scientific Development and Higher Education: The Case of Newly Industrializing Nations by Altbach, Philip G., Davis, Charles H., Eisemon, Thomas O.
Religion and Political Behavior in the United States by
Religious Issues and Interreligious Dialogues: An Analysis and Sourcebook of Developments Since 1945 by
Handbook of Task Analysis Procedures by Jonassen, David H., Tessmer, Martin, Hannum, Wallace
Discourse by Cook, Guy
101 Mathematical Projects by Bolt, Brian, Hobbs, David
Nomads of the Battlefield: Ranger Companies in the Korean War, 1950-1951 by Provost, John G.
The History of Education: The Making of a Discipline by Szreter, R., Gordon, Peter
Writing to Read by Martin, John Henry, Friedberg, Andy
Critical Pedagogy, the State, and Cultural Struggle by
Gorbachev's Military Policy in the Third World by Katz, Mark N., Unknown
The State and Capitalist Development in Africa: Declining Political Economies by Nyang'oro, Julius EDO, Nyang'oro, Julius E.
Philanthropy and Gerontology: The Role of American Foundations by Sontz, Ann H. L.
Revolution in the World-System by
Textual Practice: Issue 8 Volume 3 No. 2 by Hawkes, Terence
Popular Culture: Schooling and Everyday Life by Simon, Roger, Giroux, Henry A., Aronowitz, Stanley
Popular Culture: Schooling and Everyday Life by Simon, Roger, Giroux, Henry A.
Inside the Us Treasury Market by Wann, Peter
John Locke: Some Thoughts Concerning Education by Locke, John
Military Personnel Measurement: Testing, Assignment, Evaluation by
Labor and Industrial Relations Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide by Vocino, Michael C., Cameron, Lucille
Who Made You?: Theology, Science, and Human Responsibility by Howell, Alfred H.
Paradoxes of Education in a Republic by Brann, Eva T. H.
Hassle-Free Homework: A Six-Week Plan for Parents and Children to Take the Pain Out of Homework by Clark, Faith
The Will to Win: A Biography of Ferdinand Eberstadt by Willett, Edward F., Perez, Robert C.
Student Political Activism: An International Reference Handbook by Altbach, Philip G.
The Ethics Of Educational Research by
Early Childhood Programs and the Public Schools: Between Promise and Practice by Seligson, Michelle, Mitchell, Anne, Marx, Fern
Philosophical Issues In Education: An Introduction by Hamm, Cornel M.
Philosophical Issues In Education: An Introduction by Hamm, Cornel M.
International Encyclopedia of Educational Technology by
The Symbolic Order: A Contemporary Reader On The Arts Debate by
Social Competence in Developmental Perspective by
Psychological Factors in Competitive Sport by Davies, Don
The Symbolic Order: A Contemporary Reader On The Arts Debate by
Handbook for Alumni Administration by Unknown
Children at Risk: Assessment, Longitudinal Research and Intervention by
Campus Ministry: The Church Beyond Itself by Shockley, Donald G.
Planting the Grassroots: Structuring Citizen Participation by Haeberle, Steven H.
Rural Poverty: Special Causes and Policy Reforms by
Religious Politics in Global and Comparative Perspective by Jr, William H. Swatos
Real Interest Rates and Investment and Borrowing Strategy by Spiro, Peter S.
African-American Principals: School Leadership and Success by Lomotey, Kofi
Readers Theatre for Young Adults: Scripts and Script Development by Laughlin, Mildred Knight, Latrobe, Kathy Howard
Towards A New Education System: The Victory Of The New Right? by Clyde Chitty University of Birmingham
Managing Human Service Organizations by Unknown
Residential Care for the Elderly: Critical Issues in Public Policy by Baggett, Sharon
Perceptions of Aging in Literature: A Cross-Cultural Study by Vn Dorotka Bagnell, P., Spencer Soper, Pat
Curricular Landscapes, Democratic Vistas: Transformative Leadership in Higher Education by Tierney, William G.
Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems in Law Enforcement by Ratledge, Edward C., Jacoby, Joan E.
Competency Based Education And Training by
Individualism and Educational Theory by Watt, J.
Competency Based Education And Training by
A Practical Guide to Teacher Education Evaluation by
State, Society and the Elementary School in Imperial Germany by Lamberti, Marjorie
Taiwan's Development: Implications for Contending Political Economy Paradigms by Clark, Cal
Impossible Organizations: Self-Management and Organizational Reproduction by Stryjan, Yohanan
The Relevance of Culture by
The Relevance of Culture by
First & Last by Frayn, Michael
Population and Community in Rural America by Garkovich, Lorraine, Goldsmith, Authur
The Democratic Tradition and the Evolution of Schooling in Norway by Rust, Val Dean
Suburbia Re-Examined by
Textual Practice: Issue 9 Volume 3 No. 3 by
The Adolescent as Decision-Maker: Applications to Development and Education by
Industrial Dynamics: Technological, Organizational, and Structural Changes in Industries and Firms by
Interpreting Education by Edel, Abraham
Play, Drama and Thought: The Intellectual Background to Dramatic Education by Courtney, Richard
The Food Sector by Fallows, Stephen
World Trade and Payments Cycles: The Advance and Retreat of the Postwar Order by Cohen, Richard
The White Collar Working Class: From Structure to Politics by Sobel, Richard
The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines: Implications for Criminal Justice by
From the Campus: Perspectives on the School Reform Movement by
The Management of International Advertising: A Handbook and Guide for Professionals by Kaynak, Erdener
Trends in Public Opinion: A Compendium of Survey Data by Niemi, Richard G., Mueller, John, Smith, Tom W.
Learning to Learn: A Study of Swedish Preschool Children by Pramling, Ingrid
Education for Equality: Women's Rights Periodicals and Women's Higher Education, 1849-1920 by Smith Butcher, Patricia, Butcher, Patricia Smith
Self-Realization, Success, and Adjustment by
Literature for Young People on War and Peace: An Annotated Bibliography by Eiss, Harry Edwin
Propaganda: A Pluralistic Perspective by
International Handbook of Women's Education by
Shared Housing for the Elderly by
The New Handbook of Teacher Evaluation: Assessing Elementary and Secondary School Teachers by
Encountering the Self: Transformation & Destiny in the Ninth Year by Koepke, Hermann
Scenarios of Change: Advocacy and the Diffusion of Job Redesign in Organizations by Whitsett, David a., Yorks, Lyle
Disability And Dependency by
International Guide to Children's Theatre and Educational Theatre: A Historical and Geographical Source Book by Swortzell, Lowell
Diffusion of Innovations in English Language Teaching: The Elec Effort in Japan, 1956-1968 by Henrichsen, Lynn E.
The Soviet Union and Arms Control: Negotiating Strategy and Tactics by Bennett, Paul R.
Theodore M. Hesburgh: A Bio-Bibliography by Ames, Charlotte
Regulating Utilities with Management Incentives: A Strategy for Improved Performance by Kohler, Mark F., Strasser, Kurt A.
Da Xue Sheng Shou Ce by Yu, Xiaobei
Histoire des idées linguistiques: Tome 1: Naissance des métalangages by Sylvain Auroux