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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1990

A Curriculum for a Jewish Religious School by Marcus, Audrey Friedman
Managing Toward the Millennium by Hennessy, James E., Robins, Suki
Gay Plays: Vol 4 by Bentley, Eric, Bartlett, Neil
Advances in Organizational Development, Volume 1 by Massarik, Fred
Cognition, Curriculum, and Literacy by Hedley, Carolyn, Houtz, John, Baratta, Anthony
Cognitive Assessment of Language and Math Outcomes by Legg, Sue M., Algina, James
Evaluation and Library Decision Making by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R.
Library Performance, Accountability and Responsiveness: Essays in Honor of Wernest R. Deporspo by
Communication and Student Socialization by Staton, Ann Q.
Evaluation and Library Decision Making by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R.
Intensivschulung Word 5.0 by Bitef
Jugend ALS Objekt Der Wissenschaften: Geschichte Der Jugendforschung in Deutschland Und Österreich 1890-1933 by
Portrait of a Soviet School Under Glasnost by Muckle, James
Intelligence and Realism: A Materialist Critique of IQ by Nash, Roy
Didaktik Des Rechnungswesens by
Tips: Music Activities in Early Childhood by Feierabend, John M.
The Ets Test Collection Catalog: Volume 4: Cognitive Aptitude and Intelligence Tests by Educational Testing Service, Unknown
Audiovisual Equipment and Materials II: A Basic Repair and Maintenance Manual by Lare, Gary, Schroeder, Don
The Method of Coordinates by Gelfand, I. M., Glagoleva, E. G., Kirilov, A. a.
Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture by Passeron, Jean Claude, Bourdieu, Pierre
Learning All the Time by Holt, John
Introduction To Race Relations by Troyna, Barry
Introduction To Race Relations by Troyna, Barry
Using Television in the Primary School by Choat, Ernest, Griffin, Henry
Career Index: A Selective Bibliography for Elementary Schools by Baldauf, Gretchen S.
Children's Library Services Handbook by Connor, Jane Gardner
Super Memory - Super Student: How to Raise Your Grades in 30 Days by Lorayne, Harry
Zum Gedenken an Christian Weißmantel: Metastabile Phasen in Ionengestützt Abgeschiedenen Dünnen Schichten by Breuer, Klaus, Rompe, Robert, Bewilogua, Klaus
The Decline of the German Mandarins: The German Academic Community, 1890-1933 by Ringer, Fritz
Education and Government Control in Zimbabwe: A Study of the Commissions of Inquiry, 1908-1974 by [Deceased], Dickson Mungazi
Institutions of Higher Education: An International Bibliography by Sparks, Linda
General Issues in Literacy/Illiteracy in the World: A Bibliography by Hladczuk, John, Eller, Betty, Epstein, Amy
The Rise of the Modern Educational System: Structural Change and Social Reproduction, 1870-1920 by
Pädagogik Und Didaktik Der Freizeit by Opaschowski, Horst W.
Volunteers in Public Schools by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Precollege Science and Mathematics Teachers: Monitoring Supply, Demand, and Quality by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
U.S. Nuclear Engineering Education: Status and Prospects by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Primary Education From Plowden To The 1990s by Norman Thomas
Children's Difficulties In Reading, Spelling and Writing: Challenges And Responses by
The Levels of Analysis Paradigm: A Model for Individual and Systemic Therapy by Skurky, Thomas A.
Role Change: A Resocialization Perspective by Fein, Melvyn L.
Judgment in International Accounting: A Theory of Cognition, Cultures, Language, and Contracts by Belkaoui, Ahmed, Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Working Class Without Work: High School Students in A De-Industrializing Economy by Weis, Lois
Mathematics and Cognition: A Research Synthesis by the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education by
Learning Strategies in Second Language Acquisition by Chamot, Anna Uhl, J. Michael, O'Malley, O'Malley, J. Michael
The Language Teaching Matrix: Curriculum, Methodology, and Materials by Jack C., Richards, Richards, Jack C.
Philosophy, Mind, and Cognitive Inquiry: Resources for Understanding Mental Processes by
Communication for All: A Cross Curricular Skill Involving Interaction Between "Speaker and Listener" by Aherne, Pam, Thornber, Ann
The Art of Problem Posing by Brown, Stephen I., Walter, Marion I.
By Design: Planning Research on Higher Education by Light, Richard J., Willett, John B., Singer, Judith D.
Understanding Schooling: An Introductory Sociology of Australian Education by Knight, John, Lingard, Robert, Henry, Miriam
Between Capitalism and Democracy: Educational Policy and the Crisis of the Welfare State by Shapiro, H. Svi, Shapiro, Svi
Between Capitalism and Democracy: Educational Policy and the Crisis of the Welfare State by Shapiro, Svi, Shapiro, H. Svi
Labor Relations in Europe: A History of Issues and Developments by Slomp, Hans
Cultural Conflict & Adaptation by Kirton, Elizabeth, Trueba, Henry T., Jacobs, Lila
The World We Created at Hamilton High by Grant, Gerald
Public Education: Who's in Charge? by Burke, Fred G.
International Handbook on Internal Migration by
Improving Educational Quality: A Global Perspective by
The Politics of Nonformal Education in Latin America by Torres, Carlos, Torres, Carlos Alberto
Pattern Thinking by Coward, L. Andrew
Homelessness in the United States: Volume II: Data and Issues by
Homelessness in the United States: Data and Issues by Momeni, Jamshid a.
International Encyclopedia of Foundations by Kiger, Joseph
Professors as Writers: A Self-Help Guide to Productive Writing by Boice, Robert
Black Students and School Failure: Policies, Practices, and Prescriptions by Irvine, Jacqueline
The Path to a Larger Life: Creating Kentucky's Educational Future by Prichard Committee
The Encyclopedia of Human Development and Education: Theory, Research, and Studies by
The Development of Second Language Proficiency by Ontario Institute for Studies in Educati
A Whole-Souled Woman: Prudence Crandall and the Education of Black Women by Strane, Susan
The Art of Problem Posing by Brown, Stephen I., Walter, Marion I.
The Moral Collapse of the University: Professionalism, Purity, and Alienation by Wilshire, Bruce
Learning Opportunities for Adults by
The Role of the Academic Reference Librarian by Whitlatch, Jo B.
The New Servants of Power: A Critique of the 1980s School Reform Movement by
The University of Kentucky: A Pictorial History by Cone, Carl B.
Lorca Plays: 2: Shoemaker's Wife;don Perlimplin;puppet Play of Don Christobel;butterfly's Evil Spell;when 5 Years by Lorca, Federico Garcia
Index to International Public Opinion, 1988-1989 by
Words of Wisdom by Safire, William
Readers Theatre for Children: Scripts and Script Development by Laughlin, Mildred Knight, Latrobe, Kathy Howard
Time, Memory, and Society by Ferrarotti, Franco
The Motor Impaired Child by Tingle, Myra
Critical Psychology and Pedagogy: Interpretation of the Personal World by Sullivan, Edmund V.
Transforming Children's Mathematics Education: International Perspectives by
Dimensions of Thinking and Cognitive Instruction by
Clear Thinking: A Practical Introduction by Ruchlis, Hy
Schoolworks: Reinventing Public Schools to Create the Workplace of the Future by Nothdurft, William E.
Art in the Primary School by Lancaster, John
Local Management of Schools: Some Practical Issues by
Who Cares for Them?: Workers in the Home Care Industry by Kane, Nancy M., Feldman, Penny Hollander, Sapienza, Alice
Choosing the Right School for Your Child: A Guide to Selected Elementary Schools in the Washington Area by Lyons, Blythe, Janes, Missy
The Crisis in Historical Materialism: Class, Politics and Culture in Marxist Theory by Aronowitz, S.
The Crisis in Historical Materialism: Class, Politics and Culture in Marxist Theory by Aronowitz, S.
Personal Teaching: Efforts to Combine Personal Love and Professional Skill in the Classroom by Dillon, J. T.
The State, Corporatist Politics, and Educational Policy Making in Mexico by Torres, Carlos Alberto, Gomez, Daniel A. Morales
The Martyrs of Turón and Tarragona by Salm Fsc, Luke
Qualitative Research: Analysis Types and Software by Tesch, Renata
Qualitative Research: Analysis Types & Tools by Tesch, Renata
Early Literacy by McLane, Joan Brooks, McNamee, Gillian Dowley
Learning about Education by Hamilton, David, Hamilton, E.
Utilization, Misuse, and Development of Human Resources in the Early West Indian Colonies by Bacchus, M. K.
Politics, Markets, and America's Schools by Moe, Terry M., Chubb, John E.
Guided Discovery Tutoring: A Framework for ICAI Research by
Environmental Science in the Primary Curriculum by Elstgeest, Jos, Harlen, Wynne
Paragraph Writing, Grade 2 - 4 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Computer Assisted Learning: 3rd International Conference, Iccal '90, Hagen, Frg, June 11-13, 1990, Proceedings by
Restructuring the Labour Market: The Implications for Youth by Spilsbury, M., Ashton, D., Maguire, M.
Restructuring the Labour Market: The Implications for Youth by Spilsbury, M., Ashton, D., Maguire, M.
Assessment and Examination in the Secondary School: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Trainers by Butterfield, Susan, Riding, Richard
Community Education and the Western World by
Drugs in Adolescent Worlds: Burnouts to Straights by Loughlin, J., Glassner, B.
Drugs in Adolescent Worlds by Glassner, B., Loughlin, J.
Mercer Plays: 1: Where the Difference Begins; A Suitable Case for Treatment; The Governor's Lady; On the Eve of Publication; The Cellar by Mercer, David
Fanfares by Irving, Jan
The Etheric Body by Wolff, Otto
One-Person Puppet Plays by Wright, Denise
A History of Art Education by Efland, Arthur D.
The American Cultural Dialogue And Its Transmission by Trueba, Henry, Spindler, George, Spindler, Louise
The Good City by Haworth, Lawrence
Psychotherapy and a Christian View of Man by Unknown, Roberts, David E.
Population Aging in the United States by Wrigley, J. Michael, Serow, William J., Sly, David F.
Southern Cities, Southern Schools: Public Education in the Urban South by
Making Schools Work for Underachieving Minority Students: Next Steps for Research, Policy, and Practice by
Women in Higher Education: Changes and Challenges by
Sunsets and Glories by Barnes, Peter
John Goldthorpe: Consensus And Controversy by
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume VI by
Toward a Scientific Practice of Science Education by
Teachers and Their Workplace: Commitment, Performance, and Productivity by Reyes, Pedro
Exiles and Communities: Teaching in the Patriarchal Wilderness by Pagano, Jo Anne
Scripted Fantasy in the Classroom by Hall, Eric, Leech, Alison
The Counter-Revolution in France 1787-1830 by Roberts, James
Education of the African American Adult: An Historical Overview by McGee, Leo, Neufeldt, Harvey
Practitioner Research In The Primary School by
Full Text Databases by Tenopir, Carol, Ro, Jung Soon, Soon Ro, Jung
Rethinking the Curriculum: Toward an Integrated, Interdisciplinary College Education by
The Social Psychology of Education: Current Research and Theory by Feldman
Homo Academicus by Bourdieu, Pierre
New Directions In The Sociology Of Health by
The Happiest Days?: How Pupils Cope With Schools by Peter Woods the Open University
Problems and Solutions: A Guide to Psychotherapy for the Beginning Psychotherapist by Kantor, Martin
Between Understanding and Misunderstanding: Problems and Prospects for International Cultural Exchange by
Foreign Teachers in China: Old Problems for a New Generation, 1979-1989 by Porter, Edgar A.
Computing in Scottish Education: The First Decade and Beyond by Conlon, Tom, Cope, Peter, Conion, Tom
Hesitation: Impulsivity and Reflection by Doob, Leonard William
Study Abroad: The Experience of American Undergraduates by Useem, John, Carlson, Jerry S., Burn, Barbara B.
Pluralism and Social Conflict: A Social Analysis of the Communist World by Brucan, Silviu
Textverstehen: Kognitive Und Kommunikative Grundlagen Der Sprachverarbeitung by Strohner, Hans
Marva Collins' Way: Updated by Collins, Marva
Among Schoolchildren by Kidder, Tracy
100 Writing Remedies: Practical Exercises for Technical Writing by Weiss, Edmond H.
Learning Environments: Contributions from Dutch and German Research by
Opcions sobre accions. Estratègies d'inversió by Pallarès Alemany, Ramon
Once in a While by Godfrey, Paul
Children's Services in the American Public Library: A Selected Bibliography by
The Social Production Of Merit by McCallum, David
Teachers and international labour standards. A handbook by Ilo
Shogun's Ghost: The Dark Side of Japanese Education by Schoolland, Ken
French Jews, Turkish Jews: The Alliance Israelite Universelle and the Politics of Jewish Schooling in Turkey, 1860-1925 by Rodrigue, Aron
Organizational Behavior in the Marine Corps: Three Interpretations by Marutollo, Frank
Evaluation in Education: Foundations of Competency Assessment and Program Review by Wolf, Richard
Primary School Management: Learning from Experience: Case Studies by Primary and Middle School Headteachers by Briault, Eric, West, Neville
Contexts of Competence: Social and Cultural Considerations in Communicative Language Teaching by Berns, Margie
Managing Strategy in Academic Institutions: Learning from Brazils by Hardy, Cynthia
Educational Values and Cognitive Instruction: Implications for Reform by
Making a Middle Class: Student Life in English Canada During the Thirties by Axelrod, Paul
Neue Medien und Erwachsenenbildung by Treumann, Klaus P., Baacke, Dieter, Schäfer, Erich
The Black Student Protest Movement at Rutgers by McCormick, Richard P.
Talking and Learning in Groups by Bennett, Neville, Dunne, Elizabeth
Insights Into Teachers' Thinking And Practice by Day, Christopher, Pope, Maureen, Denicolo, Pam
Childhood, Youth And Social Change: A Comparative Perspective by
Childhood, Youth And Social Change: A Comparative Perspective by
The Educational Legacy of Romanticism by
Hooked on Language Arts!: Ready-To-Use Activities and Worksheets for Grades 4-8 by Strouf, Judie L. H.
Effective Interventions: Applying Learning Theory to School Social Work by Ginsburg, Evelyn Harris
Organization Transformation Theorists and Practitioners: Profiles and Themes by Fletcher, Beverly R.
The Re-Education of the American Working Class by
Self-Esteem Therapy by Steffenhagen, R. A.
Idle Hands and Empty Hearts: Work and Freedom in the United States by Schleuning, Neala
Idle Hands and Empty Hearts: Work and Freedom in the United States by Schleuning, Neala
On the Study Methods of Our Time by Vico, Giambattista
On the Study Methods of Our Time by Vico, Giambattista
The Pursuit of Race and Gender Equity in American Academe by Witt, Stephanie L.
Handbook on International Migration by
International Handbook of Housing Policies and Practices by
Mediating Languages and Cultures by
Cognition, Education, and Multimedia: Exploring Ideas in High Technology by
School System Administration: A Strategic Plan for Site-Based Management by Candoli, Carl I.
Britain's Educational Reform: A Comparison with Japan by Howarth, Mike
Hearts And Minds: Self-Esteem And The Schooling Of Girls by Kenway, Jane, Willis, Sue
Race, Ethnicity and Education: Teaching and Learning in Multi-Ethnic Schools by Gillborn, David
Supportive Schools: Case Studies for Teachers and Other Professionals Working in Schools by Charlton, Tony, David, Kenneth
Geoffrey Hartman: Criticism as Answerable Style by Atkins, G. Douglas
Miss Manners' Guide for the Turn-Of-The-Millennium by Martin, Judith
Advances in International Marketing by
An Introduction to the Work of Pierre Bourdieu: The Practice of Theory by
Introduction to the Work of Pierre Bourdieu by
The Looking-Glass Self: An Examination of Self-Awareness by Canfield, John V.
To Die or Not to Die?: Cross-Disciplinary, Cultural, and Legal Perspectives on the Right to Choose Death by Unknown
Vygotsky and Education by
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