• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Juvenile Fiction in 2010

The Spyglass in the Attic by McMurry, Ciara
Tinderbox Cottage by Rockley, Frank
Way Out West on My Little Pony by Peck, Jan
A Beach Tail by Williams, Karen Lynn
The Secret of Willow Ridge: Gabe's Dad Finds Recovery by Moore, Helen H.
Crowlyle Finds His Caw by Sbarbaro, Vic, Pezzella, Marcia, Deross, Sandy
Hot Shot by Christopher, Matt
Poeme Moral by Anonymous
Mortimer by Munsch, Robert
A Good Day by Henkes, Kevin
How to Be a Pirate by Cowell, Cressida
Noodles for Baby by
The Hiccupotamus by Zenz, Aaron
Waiting for Normal by Connor, Leslie
Classic Starts(r) Moby-Dick by Melville, Herman
How to Train Your Dragon by Cowell, Cressida
How to Train Your Dragon: How to Be a Pirate by Cowell, Cressida
How to Train Your Dragon: How to Speak Dragonese by Cowell, Cressida
Sit-In: How Four Friends Stood Up by Sitting Down by Pinkney, Andrea Davis
Hot Hands and the Weirdo Winter by Brown, Derrick
Shoo Bobby Don't Bother Me by Jefferson, Courtney
Chucks by Reznicsek, Renee
Jayden and the Return of the Jalon Warriors by Jamal L q'Ettelle, Jamal L. Q'Ettelle, L. Q'Ettelle
Secrets of the Dragon Riders: Your Favorite Authors on Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle by
Dad, Jackie, and Me by Uhlberg, Myron
The Chocolate Tree by Damian, Gabriela Georgeta
Dugout Rivals by Bowen, Fred
The Viper's Nest (the 39 Clues, Book 7) by Lerangis, Peter
Whirl of the Wheel by Condie, Catherine
Le Vade-Mécum De L'aéronaute: Traité Pratique D'aérostation Sportive, Exposant Le Métier Et Les Tours De Main Que Doivent Connaître Les Futurs Navig (Large Print Edition) by Blanchet, Georges
Macbeth by Furness, Horace Howard, Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Furness, Horace Howard, Von Harnack, Adolf, Shakespeare, William
Essays by Müller, Friedrich Max
The Museum of Remarkable and Interesting Events: Containing Historical and Other Accounts by Anonymous
Every Saturday by Anonymous
Phædri Fabularum Æsopiarum Libri Quinque, Volume 1 by Phaedrus, Romulus
Classification of the Coleoptera of North America by Horn, George Henry, LeConte, John Lawrence
The Works of Stephen Olin: Lectures and Addresses: The Theory and Practice of Scholastic Life. Baccalaureate Discourses. Essays and Addresses (Large Print Edition) by
A Check-List of the Fishes and Fishlike Vertebrates of North and Middle America by Evermann, Barton Warren, Jordan, David Starr
Gleanings in Bee Culture, Volume 24 by Anonymous
A Report On "The Influence of Forests On Climate and On Floods" by
Moon Year by Hall, Susan A.
Frank Forester's Horse and Horsemanship of the United States and British Provinces of North America, Volume 1 by Herbert, Henry William
Bulletin, Issues 1-10 by
An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects: Founded On the Natural Habits and Corresponding Organisation of the Different Families, Volum by Westwood, John Obadiah
Gleason's Horse Training Made Easy: Being a New and Practical System of Teaching and Educating the Horse by Anonymous
Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum, Volume 3 by Günther, Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf
Les Gens Mal Élevés by Frémy, Arnould
Die Landwirthschaftliche Thierproduction, I theil by Von Weckheklin, August
Traité Sur La Connaissance Et La Conservation Du Cheval; Ou, Cours D'hippiatrique ... by Houdaille, A.
Nums of Shoreview: Baka's Curse by Wedgeworth, Anthony G.
Knight Swam by Lezin, Katya
The Skull of Amiurus by Kindred, James Ernest
The Metaphysics of the School: Book4. Principles of Being; Book 5. Causes of Being by Harper, Thomas
Final Report of the State Geologist, Volume 6 by Anonymous
Opuscules, Volume 3 by Fleury, Claude
Guida Ovvero Scorta de'Peccatori by Luis
Climbing the Stairs by Venkatraman, Padma
Buddy And Brighteyes Pigg by Garis, Howard R.
Five Children and It by Nesbit, E.
Five Little Peppers Abroad by Sidney, Margaret
Five Little Peppers and their Friends by Sidney, Margaret
Gritli's Children by Spyri, Johanna
Jack Winters Gridiron Chums by Overton, Mark
Sylvie and Bruno by Carroll, Lewis
The Camp Fire Girls at School by Frey, Hildegard G.
Heroes Every Child Should Know by Mabie, Hamilton Wright
Seventh-Grade Weirdo by Lee Wardlaw, Lee Wardlaw, Wardlaw
Rising Star by Waters, Summer
Flame and the Rebel Riders by Gregg, Stacy
Gimbels & Gooseberries by Rouncville, Bibi
The Easter Sparrows by Larson, Michael J.
The ABC's of Traffic Safety by Hemstock, Whitney M.
The Beach Buoy by Moon, Jonny
The Nit Picker by Moon, Jonny
Heart to Heart by Aitken, Amber
Dragonbreath #2: Attack of the Ninja Frogs by Vernon, Ursula
Party Dreams by Bentley, Sue
Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland by
Smoking = Problems (Big Problems!): Flora-Lee's Journal by Maria Muirhead, Muirhead, Maria Muirhead
Studien Über Die Entstchung Der Nordischen Götter- Und Heldensagen by Anonymous
L'utile Col Dolce: Overo Quattro Centurie Di Argutissimi Detti, E Fatti Di Saviissimi Huomini by Casalicchio, Carlo
Tracey's Originals by Scott, Iris
The Adventures of Powerpup and Wonderboy and the Case of the Wicked Chickens by Bray, Sorcha
To Jump A Fence by Walton, Wave
The Elephant in the Tree by Nagarajan, Mallika
Jessica Saint-Cloud & The Spyglass of the Caribbean by Anstead, T. E.
The Fairy Troll by Walton, Wave
Don't Be Stupid, Advice for Young People and a Few Old Fools by Lewis, Darlene
Fairies Towne Book # 3 Adel Bell Fairies Friends Help Friends by Shifflett Ridner, Melanie Marie
Fairies Towne Book # 1 Luna Fairies Growing Up & Rules by Shifflett Ridner, Melanie Marie
Fairies Towne Book # 2 Blue Bell Fairies A Lesson For All by Shifflett Ridner, Melanie Marie
How Harry Found the Meaning of Friendship by Stave, Mel
Blue Ribbon Champ: 6 by Hubler, Marsha
Aha Jones: New School Blues by Swift, B. Edward
A History of British Birds, Their Nests, and Eggs by Mosley, Seth Lister
Worthwhile Family Tales by Bisbee, Richard J., Ostendorf, Jenifer Wirth
The Dog Sisters: One Missing Sister by Machoka, Rebecca
The Golden Ring by Gatien, Theresa
El Kanino: Elf Geschichten und ein Gedicht für Kinder und Erwachsene by Brandl, Carmen
Ant and an Elephant by Syed, Kamran
Island of the Blue Dolphins: A Newbery Award Winner by O'Dell, Scott
Living On A Farm Is Fun: My Life At Home by Engledow, Carolyn H., Engledow, Amanda
Children of the Olden Time by Mackarness, Matilda Anne
My Sister The Alien by Lariviere, D. E.
The Poinsettia Adventure by Bennett, Marilyn J.
Chaz McGann and the Case of the Missing Beagle by Hirschy, John
I Never Feared Buildings Until Now: Dealing with Fears in an Ever Changing World by Jones M. Ed, Laura A.
Seekers #4: The Last Wilderness by Hunter, Erin
Frankie Pickle and the Pine Run 3000 by Wight, Eric
Palace of Mirrors, 2 by Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Wolli Wollkäfer und seine Bande: Schauplatz: Die Borgholzschule in Bochum-Wiemelhausen! by Mehring, Carola
Fairies Towne Book # 9 Marie's Fairies Fairies Don't Die by Shifflett Ridner, Melanie Marie
Annie and Snowball and the Pink Surprise: Ready-To-Read Level 2 by Rylant, Cynthia
The Indian in the Cupboard by Banks, Lynne Reid
Judy Moody, M.D. by McDonald, Megan
Here Comes the Garbage Barge! by Winter, Jonah
Judy Moody Saves the World! by McDonald, Megan
Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days by McDonald, Megan
The Girl Who Threw Butterflies by Cochrane, Mick
Calendar Mysteries #4: April Adventure by Roy, Ron
Judy Moody Gets Famous! by McDonald, Megan
Judy Moody Goes to College by McDonald, Megan
The Indian in the Cupboard by Banks, Lynne Reid
Biscuit's Earth Day Celebration: A Springtime Book for Kids by Capucilli, Alyssa Satin
Seekers: Toklo's Story by Hunter, Erin
Judy Moody Declares Independence by McDonald, Megan
Jake Ransom and the Skull King's Shadow by Rollins, James
Fancy Nancy: Every Day Is Earth Day: A Springtime Book for Kids by O'Connor, Jane
The Secret Story of Sonia Rodriguez by Sitomer, Alan Lawrence
The Easter Egg by Brett, Jan
Dogs by Gravett, Emily
The Return of the Indian by Banks, Lynne Reid
The Secret of the Indian by Banks, Lynne Reid
Amanda and the Angel by Hutchings, Harriet Anne
Allgemeine Und Spezielle Physiologie Des Menschenwachstums: Fur Anthropologen, Physiologen, Anatomen Und Arzte Dargestellt by Friedenthal, Hans
Healed from the Inside Out! by Ives, Pastor Carla
Drowning in the Mainstream: Confessions of a Sister by Nahall Nikoo Fells, Nikoo Fells, Nahall Nikoo Fells
Travis Taylor and the Dragon Quest by K. B. Kendricks
Travis Taylor and the Dragon Quest by K. B. Kendricks
Drowning in the Mainstream: Confessions of a Sister by Nahall Nikoo Fells, Nahall Nikoo Fells, Nikoo Fells
The Case of the Missing Bone by Sanders, Mary
What No One Knew by Briget
Le Chrétien Intérieur, Ou, La Conformité Intérieure Que Doivent Avoir Tous Les Chrétiens Avec Jésus-Christ ... by Louvigny, Bernieres
Haren Den Graa: Roman Fra de Danske Agre by Fleuron, Svend
Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae by Babrius, Lachmann, Karl, Meineke, August
Les Fables De Phèdre: Affranchi D'auguste, Traduites En François, Augmentées De Huit Fables Qui Ne Sont Pas Dans Les Éditions Précédentes, E by Phaedrus
Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum: Physostomi: Salmonidoe, Percopsidoe, Galaxidoe, Mormyridoe, Gymnarchidoe, Esocidoe, Umbridoe, Scombreso by Gunther, Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf
It's Kool to be Smart and to Have God... by Reaves, Janice
Quicksilver by Phillips, Azelin
Cheese Cake Thief by Bristol, Annette Louise
Jago and the Book of Ages by Graye, Janis
Scouting for Secret Service by Dooley, Bernard F. J.
What Emma Left Behind by Spackman, Carolyne, Spackman, Anne
Natalie Locke & the Shapeshifter by Leonard, Leah
Papillons D'europe: Peints D'après Nature, Volume 6 by Anonymous
Beitrage Zur Griechischen Monatskunde Von Theodor Bergk by Bergk, Theodor
Our Domestic Animals in Health and Disease, Volumes 1-2 by Gamgee, John
Our Insect Allies by Wood, Theodore
Die Griechischen Gotter Und Die Menschlichen Missgeburten by Schatz, Friedrich
Chronicles of Charter-House by Roper, William John Duff
A Monographic Revision of the Twisted Winged Insects Comprising the Order Strepsiptera Kirby by Pierce, William Dwight
On the Road with Ruben Doyle by Seaman, John E.
The Best Me I Can Be by McMullan, Akilah
Horses and Heartbeats by Thompson, Polly
The Boy Tar by Reid, Captain Mayne
On The Road With Ruben Doyle by Seaman, John E.
Horses and Heartbeats by Thompson, Polly
Bella Arabella by Fosburgh, Liza
The Puzzle Piece Thief by Murphy, Bonnie S.
Wing T Fullback by Christopher, Matt
Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
A Briefe Exposition of the Lords Prayer by Hooker, Thomas
Once Upon a Time: The Worm King by Robinson, G. Lewis
The Adventures of Jake & Rascal: A New Friend by Martinez, Jay
Considérations Générales Sur La Classe Des Insectes by Dumeril, Constant
School Ideals: Sermons by James, Herbert A.
Dictionnaire D'hippiatrique Et D'équitation: Ouvrage Où Se Trouvent Réunies Toutes Les Connaissances Hippiques, Volume 2 by Cardini, F. Joseph
Le Guide Du Propriétaire D'abeilles by Collin, Sylvestre Antoine
Histoire Des Polypiers Coralligenes Flexibles, Vulgairement Nommes Zoophytes by Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Flix
Mollie Darling by Howard, Constance Eleanora C.
Allgemeine Und Spezielle Physiologie Des Menschenwachstums: Fur Anthropologen, Physiologen, Anatomen Und Arzte Dargestellt by Friedenthal, Hans
Four and Five: A Story of a Lend-A-Hand Club by Hale, Edward Everett
Die Flugbewegung Der Vogel by Milla, Karl
Lessons for Children, Volume 2 by Barbauld
Die Verteidigung Und Sicherung Der Walder Gegen Die Angriffe Und Die Gewalt Der Sturme: Unter Besondere Berucksichtigung Der Ortlichen Windablenkungen by Bargmann, Bernhard Alexander
Die Tauben Und Das Ubrige Biergeflugel by Baldamus, A. C. Eduard
Handbuch Der Vergleichenden Mikroskopischen Anatomie Der Haustiere by Ellenberger, Wilhelm
Die Verbreitung Der Pferdeschläge in Deutschland Nach Dem Stande Vom Jahre 1898: Nebst Darstellung Der Öffentlichen Zuchtbestrebungen by Knispel, Oskar
The Farm: A New Account of Rural Toils and Produce by Taylor, Jefferys
Maximum Radar and the Shark Club by Covington, Shanna
Grundzuge Einer Geschichte Des Bilderrathsels by Hoffmann, F. R.
Vollständige Praktische Anleitung Zur Bienenzucht: Auf 50 Järige Erfahrung Gestützt by Dinkel, G. M.
Pebbles from the Sea-Shore: Or, Lizzie's First Gleanings by Anonymous
L'opposition Universelle: Essai D'une Théorie Des Contraires by De Tarde, Gabriel
The American Kennel Club Stud-Book, Volume 7 by
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