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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Juvenile Fiction in 2010

The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais, Doctor in Physick ... by Rabelais, Francois
Cooper and Me by Peters, Monique
Jake and the Magic Soccer Ball by Bloomberg, Sandi
Broccoli Bob and the Organic Outlaws by Drum, Karyn
Mudder by Rosendahl, V. B.
Owl Tree by Montgomery, R. a.
Blood on the Handle by Montgomery, R. a.
Sheep on a Ship by Shaw, Nancy E.
Marco Polo Blackberry by Heller, Ginger
Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum: Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi and Anacanthini. 1862 by Günther, Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf
Minutes of Proceedings of the Courts of Inquiry and Court Martial, in Relation to Captain David Porter: Convened at Washington, D.C., On Thursday, the by Porter, David
The Out-Door World, Or, Young Collector's Handbook by Furneaux, William S.
Einleitung Zur Erkentnis Und Gebrauch Der Erd- Und Himmels-Kugeln: Auf Die Leichteste Art in Frag Und Antwort. by Anonymous
The Clydesdale Stud-Book. ..., Volume 18 by
The Canadian Entomologist, Volume 22 by Bioone
Scholia Græca in Homeri Odysseam Ex Codicibus Aucta Et Emendata by Dindorf, Wilhelm
Navigation Aérienne: Aéronef À Ailes Artificielles Articulées by Pompéïen-Piraud, J. C.
The Canadian Entomologist, Volumes 25-26 by Grote, Augustus Radcliffe
Sketches, Historical and Descriptive: Of Noted Maine Horses, Past and Present, Their Ancestors and Descendants by Thompson, John Wallace
A Children's Book of Necromancy by Melton, Darcy, Case, Debrin
Cat the Cat, Who Is That? by Willems, Mo
Let's Say Hi to Friends Who Fly! by Willems, Mo
Pony Scouts: Pony Crazy by Hapka, Catherine
The Works of Mrs. Sherwood: Being the Only Uniform Edition Ever Published in the United States ... by Sherwood
Birds of the Kansas City Region by Harris, Harry
Meditations for the Afflicted, Sick and Dying by Wright, Thomas, Lowell, Charles
Farm Life Readers, Book 4 by Evans, Lawton Bryan, Duncan, Luther Noble, Duncan, George William
Parliamentary Usage for Women's Clubs: A Manual of Parliamentary Law and Practice, Designed for the Use of Societies, Literary, Social, Musical, Phila by Fox, Emma Augusta
Preliminari AI Trattati Di Mascalcía by
La Consolation Du Chrétien, Ou, Motifs De Confiance En Dieu Dans Les Diverses Circonstances De La Vie by Roissard, Nicolas
Oliver Twist, Volume 1 by Dickens, Charles
Philosophie Anatomique ... by Anonymous
Ser Inteligente Y Tener A Dios En Tu Corazón Es Buena Onda by Reaves, Janice
Report, Volume 28 by
Living Testimonies: Or, Spiritual Letters on Divine Subjects by Huntington, William
Die Familie Oswald; Oder, Erweckungen Des Religiosen Sinnes Der Kindheit by Lhr, Johann Andreas Christian, Lohr, Johann Andreas Christian
Graded Classics: First [--Fifth] Reader by Haliburton, Margaret Winifred, Norvell, Frank Turner
Brethren of the Coast: A Tale of the West Indies by Munroe, Kirk
The Polar Bear Tanguista by Bowdre, Cheryl
Aunty Felicia in the Evil Forest: Aunty Felicia Series by Begho, Philip
Los 7 Hábitos de Los Niños Felices: ¡Visita a la Pandilla de Los 7 Robles Y Descubre Cómo Cada Niño Puede Ser Un Niño Feliz! by Covey, Sean
The Polar Bear Tanguista by Bowdre, Cheryl
Ms. Mabel's Fables by Dukes, Alicia
The Adventures of Rico by Randy
Tale of Polly Puffin by Miller, Patricia
Mission BOYS4PEACE: Was Jungs gegen Gewalt und für eine friedliche Welt tun können by Boys4peace Org
No Regrets by Christy Mahler Mills, Mahler Mills, Mills, Christy Mahler
No Regrets by Mills, Christy Mahler, Christy Mahler Mills, Mahler Mills
Last King of Damascus by Armstrong, Jennifer L.
My Vancouver Sketchbook by Perry, Robert
Stolen Children by Kehret, Peg
Down at the Seaweed Cafe by Perry, Robert
Big Chickens Fly the COOP by Helakoski, Leslie
Try Me by Blue, Parker
Hailey's Magic Stone by Allman, Joy
Henrietta Peddles Her Eggs by Williams, Lori
Everyone Needs Love by Piper, Sophie
Peaches the Private Eye Poodle: Finding Foster a Home by Hamilton, Patricia D.
Mrs. Winkler's Cure by Holly, Julia
Woodruff the Chili Dog by Fryd, Sara
I Sit in a Wheelchair...But I Will Be Okay! by Crawford, Brittany
Harry the Caterpillar by Birkenstock, Michelle M.
Bloomin' Harmony by Pandelis, Judy E.
The Boy on a Black Horse by Springer, Nancy
Anatomy and Histology of the Mouth and Teeth by Broomell, Isaac Norman
Die Anatomie Der Zahne Des Mensehen Und Der Wirbelthiere Sowie Deren Histiologie Und Entwickelung Nach Charles S. Tomes' Manual of Dental Anatomy Huma by Hollaender, Ludwig Heinrich, Tomes, Charles Sissmore
Areostiade: Ossia Il Mongolfiero by Lancetti, Vincenzo
European Butterflies by De Kane, W. F. Vismes
I Was Almost Five by Zuljevic, Vida
Nod by Siriano, A. M.
Heroism in Humble Life; Or, the Story of Ben Pritchard and Charlie Campion: A Temperance Tale by Anonymous
A Bibliography of Protozoa, Sponges, Coelenterata, and Worms: Including Also the Polyzoa, Brachiopoda, and Tunicata, for the Years 1861-1883 by Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth
Lettres de Charles Weiss À Charles Nodier by Weiss, Charles
Primer by Wheeler, William Henry, Calmerton, Gail
Eratosthenis Catasterismorum Reliquiae by Eratosthenes
American Kennel Club Stud Book, Volume 6 by
Polydactylism in Man and the Domestic Animals with Especial Reference to Digital Variations in Swine by Prentiss, C. W.
Die Normale Histologie Menschlicher Zahne by Walkhoff, Otto
I Pesci del Trentino E Nozioni Elementari Intorno All'organismo Allo Sviluppo Ed Alle Funzioni Della Vita del Pesce ...: Parte Speciale. Storia Natura by Largaiolli, Vittorio
Sooner or Later by Brooks, Shirley
The Youth's Keepsake: A Christmas and New Year's Present by Anonymous
Festival Poems: A Collection for Christmas, the New Year, Easter by Anonymous
Fr. Berge's Schmetterlings-Buch by Berge, Friedrich
Em; Or, Spells and Counter-Spells by Bramston, Mary
Gesammelte Ornithologische Und Jagdliche Skizzen by Rudolph
Ueber Den Gottesdienst Und Den Götterglauben Des Nordens Während Der Heidenzeit. by Petersen, Henry
Die Altenglischen Fischnamen by Khler, Johann Jakob, Kohler, Johann Jakob
Description Des Cols: Ou Passages Des Alpes, Volumes 1-2 by Jurine, Louis, Bourrit, Marc-Théodore
Robin Hood: Ein Balladenkranz Nach Altenglischen Volksliedern by Grun, Anastasius, Grn, Anastasius
Contagious Diseases of Domesticated Animals, Volume 2 by
Deutsche Mythologie by Kauffmann, Friedrich
Versuch Uber Die Naturgeschichte Des Maulwurfes Und Die Anwendung Verschiedener Mittel Ihn Zu Vertilgen. by De La Faille, Clement, De La Faille, Clment, De La Faille, CL Ment
Some Fools, A Turtle, and Queen Elizabeth by Lascurain, Anna
Some of My Feathered and Four-Footed Friends by Barker, Lucy D. Sale
Diccionario Hípico Y Del Sport by Huesca, Federico
Animal Husbandry for Schools by Harper, Merritt Wesley
Bulletin, Issue 36 by
Physiologie De L'abeille; Suivie De, L'art De Soigner Et D'exploiter Les Abeilles D'après Une Méthode Simple, Facile Et Applicable À Toutes Sortes De by Monin, F.
Edwin, Or, the Motherless Boy: Interspersed with Pieces of Original Poetry by Anonymous
A Round Dozen by Coolidge, Susan
The Childs Pictorial Preceptor by Anonymous
Der Olymp: Mythologie Der Griechen Und Römer; Mit Einschluss Der Aegyptischen, Nordischen Und Indischen Götterlehre; Zum Selbstun by Petiscus, August Heinrich
Three New Species of Pipunculidae (Diptera) from Panama by Malloch, John Russell
Geschichte Der Fabeldichtung in England Bis Zu John Gay (1726). by Aesop, Bullokar, William, Plessow, Max
A Message to the Magians: Studies Upon the Story of the Nativity by De Talmage, Frank Witt
Lyoner Yzopet: Altfranzösische Übersetzung Des Xiii. Jahrhunderts in Der Mundart Der Franche-Comté, Mit Dem Kritischen Text Des Latei by Aesop, Neveleti, Anonymus, Foerster, Wendelin
The Sisters by Hofland, Barbara
Automobile Laboratory Manual: Projects for the Study of Engines, Carburetors, Electrical Systems and Mechanisms, Their Construction, Operation, Adju by Good, Frederick Foreman
... Der Tanz ALS Kunstwerk: Studien Zu Einer Asthetik Der Tanzkunst by Thiess, Frank
Notice Historique Sur L'emploi De L'air Comprimé Considéré Comme Force Motrice Et Comme Agent De Locomotion: Comprenant L'histoire Des Diverses Applic by Gaugain, A. P. H.
Mary: A Nursery Story for Very Little Children by Molesworth, Brooke, Leonard Leslie, &. Co, MacMillan
Dialogues of the Dead: Dialogues of the Moderns, and the Fables by
Uber Die Fortpflanzungsverhaltnisse Der Rindenbrutenden Borkenkafer Verbunden: Mit Einer Geschichtlichen Und Kritischen Darstellung Der Bisherigen Lit by Fuchs, Gilbert
Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, Issue 2 by
Taschenbuch Der Kleinhaustiere by Wulf, Arthur
Der Zoologische Garten, Volume 52 by Zoodirektoren, Verband Deutscher
Instrucciones Para Los Observadores Encargados De Las Estaciones Pluviométricas by Anonymous
Cours D'hippiatrique ...: A L'usage De Mrs. Les Pages Du Roi ... by Valois, Jean
Die Missbildungen Des Menschen: Eine Systematische Darstellung Der Beim Menschen Angeboren Vorkommenden Missbildungen Und Erklarung Ihrer Entstehungsw by Anonymous
Le Confesseur: Par l'Abbé ... by Michon, Jean Hippolyte
Die Neue, Nützlichste Bienenzucht: Oder, Der Dzierzonstock, Dessen Sweckmässigkeit Zur Honiggewinnung Und Zur Vermehrung Der Bienen, Nebst Vielen Beig by Huber, Ludwig
A Manual of Toy Dogs: How to Breed, Rear, and Feed Them by Williams, Leslie
Two Lectures Read Before the Essay Society of Exeter College, Oxford ... by King, Richard John
Chips from a German Workshop, Volume 4 by Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias, Muller, Friedrich Maximilian
Johnnie and Billie Bushytail: Original Illustrations by Louis Wisa by Garis, Howard R.
Jenny und das Zauberpferd by Dommer, Elisabeth
Mick Maus baut ein Haus: Schwierigkeiten beim Bezug einer Papp-Immobilie by Mehring, Carola
Alice and Tom: Or, the Record of a Happy Year by Brown, Kate Louise, Benson, Edward White
Ado' 60 by Celac, Silvia
Where the Mushgnomes Live - the Mushgnome Fairy and the Silver Bell by McMahan, Virginia
Keeping One Cow: Being the Experience of a Number of Practical Writers, in a Clear and Condensed Form, Upon the Management of a Single Milch Cow by Anonymous
Fairy tales by Andersen, Hans Christian
Ten Girls from History by Sweetser, Kate Dickinson
Household Words, Volume 11 by Dickens, Charles
Ichthyologische Beitrage XV - XVII. by Steindachner, Franz
The Forest, the Jungle, and the Prairie Or, Scenes with the Trapper and the Hunter in Many Lands by Elliott, Alfred
Poetry of America: Selections from One Hundred American Poets from 1776 to 1876 by Linton, William James
Synonymia Insectorum, Oder: Versuch einer Synonymie aller bisher bekannten Insecten by Schoenherr, C. J.
Suffolk Tales & Other Stories, Fairy Legends, Poems, Miscellaneous Articles by Gurdon, Lady Eveline Camilla
The Clergyman's Orphan: Or, the Child of Providence. a Tale Founded Upon Facts by
The Birds of Maine: With Key to and Description of the Various Species Known to Occur Or to Have Occured in the State, an Account of Their by Knight, Ora Willis
L'imagination: Ses Bienfaits Et Ses Égarements, Surtout Dans Le Domaine Du Merveilleux by Tissot, Joseph
Lettres Spirituelles, Volume 2 by Olier, Jean-Jacques
Chants Héroïques Et Chansons Populaires Des Slaves de Bohème by Leger, Louis
The Book of Easter by Doane, William Croswell
Sirven: Étude Historique Sur l'Avènement de la Tolérance by Rabaud, Camille
Letters Written by the Late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield: To His Son, Philip Stanhope, Esq. ... Together with Several by Stanhope, Philip, Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope
The Golden Rule: Or Stories Illustrative of the Ten Commandments by Mackarness, Henry S.
Report of the Royal Commission On the Care and Control of the Feebleminded, Volume 8 by
Select Tracts from the Writings of the ... Rev. J. Hall by Hall, Joseph
A Treatise on the Care, Treatment, and Training of the English Race Horse: In a Series of Rough Notes, Volume 1 by Darvill, Richard
Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum, Volume 1 by Günther, Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf
Les Soupers De Famille; Ou, Nouveaux Contes, Moraux, Instructifs Et Amusans Pour Les Enfans ... by Delafaye-Bréhier, Julie
Rural Community Organization by Hayes, Augustus Washington
Applied Orthodontia by McCoy, James David
Living Way: Devoted to the Advancement of Christian Charity and Truth, Volume 1 by Anonymous
We Girls: A Home Story by Whitney, Adeline Dutton
Chambers's Pocket Miscellany, Volumes 3-4 by Chambers, Robert, Chambers, William
Snow Dreams, or Funny Fancies for Little Folks by Saxby, Jessie Margaret Edmondston
The Snow Flake by Anonymous
The Shooter's Guide; Or, Complete Sportsman's Companion: Containing a Compendious View of the Game Laws; A Description of the Various Kinds of Dogs .. by Johnson, Thomas Burgeland
The Merman and the Figure-Head: A Christmas Story by Guernsey, Clara Florida
La Nature De L'espace D'aprés Les Théories Modernes Depuis Descartes by Nys, Désiré
Professorentöchter: Eine Erzählung Für Junge Mädchen by Helm, Clementine
Der Ursprung Der Mythologie: Dargelegt an Griechischer Und Deutscher Sage by Schwartz, Friedrich Leberecht Wilhelm
Babrii Fabulae Aesopeae by Lewis, George Cornewall, Babrius
Kate Carlton: The Story of a Proud, Vain Girl by Wise, Daniel
Chambers's Pocket Miscellany, Volume 12 by Chambers, Robert, Chambers, William
Princess Eve by Anonymous
Harmony Hall: A Story for Girls by Anonymous
Golden-Hair by Wraxall, Frederick Charles Lascelles
Every Man His Own Cattle Doctor: Containing the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of All the Diseases Incident to Oxen, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, and Rabbi by Mayhew, Edward, Clater, Francis
Les Ballons-Sondes De Mm. Hermite Et Besançon Et Les Ascensions Internationales by Fonvielle, Wilfrid
Something, Maybe by Scott, Elizabeth
Time for T-Ball: Ready-To-Read Level 1 by Heller, Alyson
Once I Ate a Pie by Charest, Emily MacLachlan, MacLachlan, Patricia
V.I.B. by Gillmaster, Deborah
Les Phares by Renard, Leon
Chips from a German Workshop, Volume 5 by De Pereira, Fernando Arteaga y., Muller, Friedrich Maximilian, Sauer, Karl Marquard
Horae Subsecivae: Rab and His Friends and Other Papers by Brown, John
The Order for the Visitation of the Sick, from the Book of Common Prayer; Interspersed with Prayers, Exhortations and Inerrogatories, Taken from Diffe by Stevens, William, Mant, Richard, Jones, William
Die Mitteleuropaischen Susswasserfische: Ihre Naturgeschichte, Lebensweise Und Ihr Fang, Volume 1 by Bade, E.
Bag in the Wind by Kooser, Ted
Dialogues of the Dead: Together with Some Fables, Composed for the Education of a Prince, Volume 1 by Elphinston, James
The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place: Book I: The Mysterious Howling by Wood, Maryrose
If I Grow Up by Strasser, Todd
Hate That Cat by Creech, Sharon
Baseball Great by Green, Tim
No T. Rex in the Library by Buzzeo, Toni
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary by Mull, Brandon
The Hunt for Dark Infinity by Dashner, James
The Secret Garden by Burnett, Frances Hodgson
Every Cowgirl Needs a Horse by Janni, Rebecca
Jim & Me by Gutman, Dan
My Garden by Henkes, Kevin
Good Tidings; Or, News from the Farm: A Poem ... by Bloomfield, Robert
Ten Tales by Lauder, Harry
Revenge of Poseidon's Trident: An Ethan Sparks Adventure by Nick Barry, Nick Barry, Barry
De Reformatie: Tijdschrift Der Christelijke Gereformeerde Kerk in Nederland by Kerk, Christelijke Gereformeerde
The Horseman's Manual: Being a Treatise on Soundness, the Law of Warranty, and Generally on the Laws Relating to Horses by Surtees, Robert Smith
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