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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Latin American History in 2021

Modernization, Exploitation and Dependency in Latin America by Kahl, Joseph A.
Soldiers of the Nation: Military Service and Modern Puerto Rico, 1868-1952 by Franqui-Rivera, Harry
Atlantic Transformations: Empire, Politics, and Slavery during the Nineteenth Century by
Domingo F. Sarmiento's Argirópolis: A Critical Translation by Fares, Gustavo
Latin America: Social Structure and Political Institutions by Lambert, Jacques
Latin America: Writings on Architecture, Landscape, and the Environment, 1876-1925 by Lambert, Jacques
Historia general de Las Indias: (Edición completa y revisada) by López de Gómara, Francisco
The Forests And Flora Of British Honduras; Botanical Series Volume XII by J. Record, Samuel, C. Standley, Paul
Descendants of Aztec Pictography: The Cultural Encyclopedias of Sixteenth-Century Mexico by Boone, Elizabeth Hill
Sociology in Argentina: A Long-Term Account by Blois, Juan Pedro
Intrepid Dudettes of the Inca Empire by Pugh, Helen
The Southernmost End of South America Through Cartography: Tierra del Fuego, the South Atlantic Ocean and Antarctica from the 16th to 19th Century by de Lasa, Luis Ignacio, Luiz, María Teresa
What's Going on in Brazil? by Yamamura, Luis
A Guerra Mexicano-Americana: A História da Guerra Polêmica que Resultou na Anexação do Sudoeste e da Califórnia by Charles River
La Periquera: The Parrot House by Dieguez Fernandez-Leon-Rondan, Francisco
The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry by Mackey, Albert G.
The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry by Mackey, Albert G.
La Concepción del Estado En La Obra de Andres Bello by Brewer Carías, Allan R.
Museum of Consumption: The Archives of Mass Culture in Argentina (1880-1930) by Montaldo, Graciela
The People & The Water by Muthle, Champion
Deconstructing the Enlightenment in Spanish America: Margins of Modernity by Sharman, Adam
Clothing the New World Church: Liturgical Textiles of Spanish America, 1520-1820 by Stanfield-Mazzi, Maya
Peasants, Entrepreneurs, and Social Change: Frontier Development in Lowland Bolivia by Gill, Lesley
Liberalization and Crisis in Colombian Agriculture by Jaramillo, Felipe
Guerrilla Warfare by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Affect, Gender and Sexuality in Latin America by
The Caribbean Front in World War II by Bolívar, José L.
The Caribbean Front in World war II by Bolívar, José L.
The Impact of Intervention by Calder, Bruce J.
Nationalizing Nature by Freitas, Frederico
The Cristero War: The History and Legacy of the Major Religious Uprising in Mexico by Charles River
The Cristero War: The History and Legacy of the Major Religious Uprising in Mexico by Charles River
Ancient Advanced Technology in South America by Romney, Norah
A History of Book Publishing in Contemporary Latin America by Sorá, Gustavo
Cacicas: The Indigenous Women Leaders of Spanish America, 1492-1825 by
Morir en el Socialismo del Siglo XXI Tomo I by Gonzalez, Rodulfo
Struggles for Recognition: Melodrama and Visibility in Latin American Silent Film by Ospina León, Juan Sebastián
Struggles for Recognition: Melodrama and Visibility in Latin American Silent Film by Ospina León, Juan Sebastián
Minority Influences in Medieval Society by
Boricuas in Gotham: Puerto Ricans in the Making of Modern New York City by
Staging Violence: Gender and Social Control in Jácaras and Entremeses by De Miguel Magro, Tania
Coffeeland: One Man's Dark Empire and the Making of Our Favorite Drug by Sedgewick, Augustine
Staging Lives in Latin American Theater: Bodies, Objects, Archives by Hernández, Paola
Slave Traffic in the Age of Abolition: Puerto Rico, West Africa, and the Non-Hispanic Caribbean, 1815-1859 by Dorsey, Joseph C.
Opportunism and Goodwill: Canadian Business Expansion in Colombia, 1867-1979 by Tijerina, Stefano
For Land and Liberty by Bowen, Merle L.
Essays on Transculturation and Catalan-Cuban Intellectual History by Jerez Columbié, Yairen
Twice a minority: Kosovo Circassians in the Russian Federation by Schneider, Marieta
Hispanic Lands and Peoples: Selected Writings of James J. Parsons by
Jamaican Labor Migration: White Capital and Black Labor, 1850-1930 by Petras, Elizabeth McLean
Debt and Democracy in Latin America by
Hemispheric Security and U.S. Policy in Latin America by
Race and Transnationalism in the Americas by
La frontera salvaje: 200 años de fanatismo anglosajón en América latina by Majfud, Jorge
Juan Perón: The Life of the People's Colonel by Hedges, Jill
Salem - A Literary Profile: Themes and Motifs in the Depiction of Colonial and Contemporary Salem in American Fiction by Petino, Clara
Finding Afro-Mexico by Cohen, Theodore W.
Palm Oil Diaspora by Watkins, Case
The Rio de la Plata from Colony to Nations: Commerce, Society, and Politics by
Jacobo de la Pezuela: Semblanza y Crónicas Escogidas del mejor Historiador Español de la Cuba Colonial by Chao, Raul
La Habana de ayer: 1519-1949: (Edición en blanco y negro) by Ladaga, Leopoldo
Batallas culturales: Hegemonía y política cultural entre Nación y Río Negro (1973-1983) by Ytati Valle, María
Catecismos políticos: Pedagogía cívica en tiempos de la revolución by Duprat, Agustina
Migration and Development in the Caribbean: The Unexplored Connection by Pastor, Robert
Mexico's Economy: A Policy Analysis with Forecasts to 1990 by Looney, Robert E.
Determinants of Emigration from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean by Diaz-Briquets, Sergio
Revolution In The Balance: Law And Society In Contemporary Cuba by Evenson, Debra
Regional And Sectoral Development In Mexico As Alternatives To Migration by Weintraub, Sidney, Diaz-Briquets, Sergio
The Political Economy Of Argentina: Power And Class Since 1930 by Peralta-Ramos, Monica
The Caribbean In World Affairs: The Foreign Policies Of The Englishspeaking States by Braveboy-Wagner, Jacqueline Anne, Braveboy-Wagner, J.
The Latin American Development Debate: Neostructuralism, Neomonetarism, And Adjustment Processes by Meller, Patricio
Rural Electrification And Development: Social And Economic Impact In Costa Rica And Colombia by Saunders, John, Davis, J. Michael, Moses, Galen
Migration, Remittances, and Small Business Development: Mexico and Caribbean Basin Countries by
Migrations by Torres, J. L.
Pushing Past the Human in Latin American Cinema by
Afro-Latinx Digital Connections by
Lenguaje y política: Conceptos claves en el Río de la Plata II (1780-1870) by Cansanello, Oreste Carlos, Entin, Gabriel, Palti, Elías
La teoría del Estado después de Poulantzas: Ensayos sobre el Estado y el poder by Orovitz Sanmartino, Jorge
Contact, Conquest and Colonization: How Practices of Comparing Shaped Empires and Colonialism Around the World by
El Fraile Castañeda, ¿El trompeta de la discordia?: Intervenciones públicas, de Mayo a Rosas by Herrero, Fabián
Orígenes de la dependencia argentina: Algunas razones históricas de nuestra actualidad by Niebuhr, Jorge Luis
Infancias peronistas: La cultura física y el deporte en la Fundación Eva Perón by Almada, Cecilia
Rethinking Atlantic Empire: Christopher Schmidt-Nowara's Histories of Nineteenth-Century Spain and the Antilles by
Between Norteño and Tejano Conjunto: Music, Tradition, and Culture at the U.S.-Mexico Border by Díaz-Santana Garza, Luis
Una etnografía de las élites del Alto Paraná durante la explotación yerbatera-maderera (1870-1930) by Alcaráz, Alberto Daniel
Alvearismo y justismo: La fractura política en los años 30 by Piñeiro Iñíguez, Carlos
Comunidades, historia local e historia de pueblos: Huellas de su formación by Lobato, Mirta Zaida
La historia argentina nacional y popular: De los orígenes hasta la actualidad by Lettieri, Alberto
Niveles de vida en un país en ciernes: Dimensiones de la desigualdad en la Argentina en el largo plazo, 1700-1900 by Santilli, Daniel
Transnational Chicanx Perspectives on Ana Castillo by
Oxford Handbook of the Incas by Alconini, Sonia
No balão do Patrocínio: José do Patrocínio e o advento da aviação no Brasil by Fappi, Tiago
Contrapuntos: Ensayos escogidos sobre autoritarismo y democratización by O'Donnell, Guillermo
Las revoluciones hispánicas y la historiografía contemporánea: Historia de las ideas, liberalismo e Ilustración en el mundo hispánico durante la Era d by Breña, Roberto
Latin American Experiments in Neoconservative Economics by Foxley, Alejandro
Latin American Experiments in Neoconservative Economics by Foxley, Alejandro
The Afro-Latino: A Historical Journey by Best, Leslie
Hombres en movimiento: Deporte, cultura física y masculinidades en la Argentina 1880-1970 by Scharagrodsky, Pablo Ariel
Latina Lives, Latina Narratives: Influential Essays by Vicki L. Ruiz by
Latina Lives, Latina Narratives: Influential Essays by Vicki L. Ruiz by
Fronteras en escena: La construcción de la cultura popular moderna en la Argentina y Uruguay by Acree, William
Los futuros del pasado: Marxismo, peronismo y revolución: una historia de las FAR by González Canosa, Mora
The Iberian World: 1450-1820 by
Science and Society in Latin America: Peripheral Modernities by Kreimer, Pablo
The First Wave of Decolonization by
La izquierda peronista: Transitando los bordes de la revolución: 1955-1974 by Gil, German
Montoneros y la memoria del peronismo: La izquierda nacional by Otero, Rocío
Antigone in the Americas: Democracy, Sexuality, and Death in the Settler Colonial Present by Henao Castro, Andrés Fabián
Freedom's Captives by Barragan, Yesenia
Modernity in Black and White by Cardoso, Rafael
Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs by Townsend, Camilla
En pelota y a los gritos: Historia de la pasión por el mando en la Argentina by Lettieri, Alberto
Environmental History of Oceanic Islands: Natural and Human Impacts on the Vegetation of the Juan Fernández (Robinson Crusoe) Archipelago by Stuessy, Tod F.
José María Heredia in New York, 1823-1825: An Exiled Cuban Poet in the Age of Revolution, Selected Letters and Verse by
America Hispanica by Cardelus, Borja
La formación de la clase terrateniente bonaerense: Un clásico de la historia ecónomica rioplatense by Halperín Donghi, Tulio
Enrique Raab: claves para una biografía crítica: Periodismo, cultura y militancia antes del golpe by Eseverri, Máximo
Archivos del silencio: Estado, indígenas y violencia en Patagonia central, 1878-1941 by Pérez, Pilar
¿Y el pueblo dónde está?: Contribuciones para una historia popular de la Revolución de Independencia en el Río de la Plata by Fradkin, Raúl O.
Translating Cuba: Literature, Music, Film, Politics by Lesman, Robert S.
Cuestiones agrarias en Argentina y Brasil: Conflictos sociales, educación y medio ambiente by Girbal-Blacha, Noemí, Regina de Mendonça, Sonia
Informal Urbanization in Latin America: Collaborative Transformations of Public Spaces by Werthmann, Christian
Informal Urbanization in Latin America: Collaborative Transformations of Public Spaces by Werthmann, Christian
Políticas del sentimiento: El peronismo y la construcción de la Argentina moderna by Soria, Claudia, Cortés Rocca, Paola, Dieleke, Edgardo
Ladrones conocidos / Sospechosos reservados: Identificación policial en Buenos Aires, 1880-1905 by García Ferrari, Mercedes
Los votos y las botas: Estudios sobre la defensa nacional y las relaciones civil-militares en la democracia argentina by Sain, Marcelo Fabián
La historia económica y los procesos de independencia en la América hispana: Un abordaje continental by Bandieri, Susana
Mito y realidad de la "cultura política latinoamericana": Debate en IberoIdeas by Palti, Elías José
Los talleres de la revolución: La Buenos Aires plebeya y el mundo del Atlántico, 1776-1810 by Johnson, Lyman L.
Las revistas políticas argentinas: Desde el peronismo a la dictadura (1973-1983) by Borrelli, Marcelo
La Universidad Nacional y Popular de Buenos Aires: La reforma universitaria de la izquierda peronista, 1973-1974 by Friedemann, Sergio
Tiempo de violencia en la Patagonia: Bandidos, policías y jueces 1890-1940 by Rafart, Gabriel
Córdoba rural, una sociedad campesina (1750-1850): Lógicas y avatares de las unidades domésticas agrarias by Tell, Sonia
En busca de mejor fortuna: Los inmigrantes españoles en Buenos Aires desde el Virreinato a la Revolución de Mayo by Pérez, Mariana Alicia
Las filosofías de la revolución: Mariano Moreno y los jacobinos rioplatenses en la prensa de Mayo: 1810-1815 by Carozzi, Silvana
Firms, Farms, and the State in Colombia: A Study of Rural, Urban, and Regional Dimensions of Change by Helmsing, A. H. J.
Petróleo, peronismo y sindicalismo: La historia de los trabajadores de YPF en la Patagonia, 1944-1955 by Carrizo, Gabriel
Argentine Cinema and National Identity (1966-1976) by Rocha, Carolina
Boom and Bust in Puerto Rico: How Politics Destroyed an Economic Miracle by Maldonado, A. W.
Justicia, política y derechos en América Latina: Lucha por el pluralismo legal y el acceso a la justicia by Candioti, Magdalena, Palacio, Juan Manuel
Terrorismo de Estado y genocidio en América Latina: Un abordaje de la Doctrina de Seguridad Nacional by Rostica, Julieta Carla, Rico, Álvaro, Périès, Gabriel
Echoes of Triumph: Belizean Narratives by Ramirez, Gustavo
Echoes of Triumph: Belizean Narratives by Ramirez, Gustavo
Estado, frontera y turismo: Historia de San Carlos de Bariloche by Méndez, Laura Marcela
Journey to Indo-América by Dorais, Geneviève
Una y otra vez, Sarmiento: Polémicas y debates by Meglioli, Mauricio, de Titto, Ricardo
Eva Perón: A Reference Guide to Her Life and Works by Vega, María Belén Rabadán, Vohnsen, Mirna
La salud de nuestra América: Una perspectiva histórico-antropológica by Kohl, Alejandro
La política de dar en el Virreinato del Río de la Plata: Donantes, prestamistas, súbditos y ciudadanos by Grieco, Viviana L.
Gold, Oil and Avocados: A Recent History of Latin America in Sixteen Commodities by Robinson, Andy
Playing with Things: Engaging the Moche Sex Pots by Weismantel, Mary
Pachamama, diosa extraordinaria by Pugh, Helen
The Power of Hope: Thoughts on Peace and Human Rights in the Third Millennium by Esquivel, Adolfo Perez, Ikeda, Daisaku
Bolívar's Afterlife in the Americas: Biography, Ideology, and the Public Sphere by Conn, Robert T.
The Maya Apocalypse and Its Western Roots by Solari, Amara, Restall, Matthew
The Maya Apocalypse and Its Western Roots by Solari, Amara, Restall, Matthew
Reise in Südamerika. Erster Band. by Von Ernst Bibra, Freiherr
Reise in Südamerika. Zweiter Band. by Von Ernst Bibra, Freiherr
In Indian Mexico (1908) by Starr, Frederick
Guatemala and Her People of To-day; Being an Account of the Land, Its History and Development; the People, Their Customs and Characteristics; to Which by O. Winter, Nevin
Guatemala, the country of the future by M. Pepper, Charles
Journal of a Voyage to Brazil; And Residence There During Part of the Years 1821, 1822, 1823 by Maria Callcott, Lady
Leid und Freud einer Erzieherin in Brasilien by Von Binzer, Ina
Journal of a West India Proprietor; Kept During a Residence in the Island of Jamaica by G. Lewis, M.
Los guaraníes y sus misiones: Una historia socioeconómica by Sarreal, Julia, Lassaque, Luisa
A Californian in South America; a Report on the Visit of Professor Charles Edward Chapman of the University of California to South America Upon the Oc by Priestley, Herbert Ingram 1875-1944
The Teaching of Geography in Canada by Wood, Harold A.
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio De Janeiro; 1947 by
The Teaching of Geography in Canada by Wood, Harold A.
The Road to Pan-Americanism by Tenenbaum, Joseph 1887-
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio De Janeiro; 1947 by
The Program of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs by
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil . .; 1946 by
Latin America Pattern by
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil . .; 1946 by
The Latin Americas; 29th Couchiching Conference by
Roosevelt's Good Neighbor Policy by
Basic Ecclesiastical Statistics for Latin America, 1954; by Burch, Thomas Kirby 1934-
Latin America Pattern by
The Shark and the Sardines by
Famous Latin-American Liberators; by Bailey, Bernadine 1901-
The Man at the Door With the Gun by Belfrage, Cedric 1904-
British Craftsmen by Hennell, Thomas 1903-1945
The Historical Background of the Church-state Problem in Mexico by Steck, Francis Borgia 1884-1962
The Pan American Sanitary Bureau .. by Galarza, Mae Taylor 1902-
Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Peace by Inman, Samuel Guy 1877-1965
The Pattern of Communist Revolution: a Historical Analysis by
Spanish America; or, A Descriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Continental & Insular .. by
The Pattern of Communist Revolution: a Historical Analysis by
Call for Forty Thousand by Considine, John Joseph 1897-1982
Beggars on Golden Stools; Report on Latin America by Schmid, Peter 1912-
Latin America and the Enlightenment;; 2ed by Whitaker, Arthur Preston 1895-1979
Arctic Area by Collins, Henry Bascom 1899-
The Spanish Conquistadores by
Hispanic-American History: a Syllabus by
The Spanish Conquistadores by
The Western Hemisphere Idea: Its Rise and Decline. -- by Whitaker, Arthur Preston 1895-
Minimum Wages in Latin America by
Latin-American Resentment by Villoldo, Pedro A.
The Western Hemisphere Idea: Its Rise and Decline by Whitaker, Arthur Preston 1895-
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