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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Law in 2002

The Second Amendment in Law and History: Historians and Constitutional Scholars on the Right to Bear Arms by
Is Jihad a Just War? War, Peace and Human Rights Under Islamic and Public International Law by Zawati, Hilmi
Principles of European Union Law by Birtwistle, Tim
Valuation and Exploitation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets by King, Kelvin, Sykes, John
Codex: European Labour Law and Social Security Law: European Labour Law and Social Security Law by Hendrickx, Frank, Blanpain, Roger
Edirectives: Guide to European Union Law on E-Commerce: Commentary on the Directives on Distance Selling, Electronic Signatures, Electronic Commerce, by Lodder, Arno R.
Institutional and Procedural Aspects of Mass Claims Settlement Systems by The International Bu Reau of the Permanent Court of Arbitrat
European Air Law Association Volume 13: Tenth Annual Conference in Vienna: Tenth Annual Conference in Vienna by Dagtoglou, P. D., Soames, T., Jarolim, G.
European Air Law Association Volume 15: Eleventh Annual Conference in Lisbon: Eleventh Annual Conference in Lisbon by Dagtoglou, P. D., Soames, T., Zineke Dos Reis, A.
Dutch Telecommunications Law by Eijsvoogel, Peter V., De Ru, Hendrik Jan
Negotiating Flexibility in the European Union: Amsterdam, Nice and Beyond by Stubb, A.
The American Conception of Neutrality After 1941 by Gabriel, J.
Intervention for Human Rights in Europe by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Innocent Civilians: The Morality of Killing in War by McKeogh, C.
Managing Conflict in the New Europe: The Role of International Institutions by Callan, Theresa, Carr, F.
Natural Law and Civil Sovereignty: Moral Right and State Authority in Early Modern Political Thought by
Second Generation United Nations by Bartolo
Betriebliche Steuerlehre by Seigel, Günter
Bilanzsteuerrecht by Seigel, Günter
Life, Death and the Law: Law and Christian Morals in England and the United States by St John-Stevas, Norman
Anhang VI nach § 452: Cmr by Helm, Johann Georg
The Constitution at Work: 10 Years of Namibian Nationhood by
Johann Jacob Moser: Politiker Pietist Publizist by Gestrich, Andreas, Lächele, Rainer
Constitutionalism in Africa. Creating Opportunities, Facing Challenges by
Constitutionalism in East Africa by Kibwana, Kivutha
Compendium of Laws on Banking in Uganda, by Buri, Alex
Compendium of Laws Under Nigerian by
Offences Against the Person: Homicides and Non-Fatal Assaults in Uganda by Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza, Lillian, Tibatemwa-Ekirikubinza Lillian
Die Maßnahmen Der XIV Eu-Mitgliedstaaten Gegen Österreich: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Einer "Streitbaren Demokratie" Auf Europäischer Ebene by Schorkopf, Frank
Justice Talking Censoring the Web: Leading Advocates Debate Today's Most Controversial Issues [With CD] by Kolbert, Kathryn
Earthsummit.Biz: The Corporate Takeover of Sustainable Development by Bruno, Kenny, Karliner, Joshua
Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business by Campbell, Dennis
The Legal Regime for Transboundary Water Pollution: Between Discretion and Constraint: Between Discretion and Constraint by Nollkaemper, André
The Promotion and Licensing of Petroleum Prospective Acreage by Bunter, Michael A. G.
Trusts in Prime Jurisdictions by Kaplan, Alon
Chinese Real Estate Law by Jianbo Lou, Randolph Jr. Patrick a.
Laws Affecting Business Transactions in the PRC by Guanghua Yu, Minkang Gu
Access and Equity in Postsecondary Education: A Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education by
Zur Psychologie Der Aussage: Experimentelle Untersuchungen Über Erinnerungstreue by Stern, L. William
An Outline of Silozi Grammar by Fortune, George, Fortune, G.
The Essential Antifederalist by
Judging the Jury by Hans, Valerie P.
Zur Auslegung und Anwendung des § 46 a StGB: (Taeter-Opfer-Ausgleich, Schadenswiedergutmachung) by Kasperek, Sebastian
Empty Justice: One Hundred Years of Law Literature and Philosophy by Williams, Melanie
The European Court of Justice by
Voting Rights on Trial: A Handbook with Cases, Laws, and Documents by Zelden, Charles L.
Natural Rights on the Threshold of the Scottish Enlightenment: The Writings of Gershom Carmichael by Carmichael, Gershom
Sustainability Land Use and the Environment by
Natural Rights on the Threshold of the Scottish Enlightenment: The Writings of Gershom Carmichael by Carmichael, Gershom
Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking by Schneider, Elizabeth M.
Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch Nebst Einführungsgesetz: Für Preussen Zusammengestellt Unter Einfügung Der Sämmtlichen Preussischen Ausführungsbestimmungen.Te by
Kirchenrecht by Posener, Paul
Völkerrecht. Internationales Recht by Posener, Paul
Zwangsvollstreckung. Konkurs. Freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit by Posener, Paul
Wechselrecht. Seerecht by Posener, Paul
Handelsrecht by Posener, Paul
Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte by Posener, Paul
Staatsrecht. Verfassungsrecht by Posener, Paul
Verwaltungsrecht by Posener, Paul
Römische Rechtsgeschichte by Posener, Paul
Strafprozeß by Posener, Paul
Strafrecht by Posener, Paul
Copyright and Multimedia Products: A Comparative Analysis by Stamatoudi, Irini A.
The European Commission and the Integration of Europe: Images of Governance by Hooghe, Liesbet
The First Amendment and the Media in the Court of Public Opinion by Yalof, David Alistair, Dautrich, Kenneth
Stay the Hand of Vengeance: The Politics of War Crimes Tribunals by Bass, Gary Jonathan
Justice vs. Law by MacDowell, Gary L., Hickok, Eugene
Equality and Responsibility by Lake, Christopher
Understanding Common Law Legislation: Drafting and Interpretation by Bennion, Francis Alan Roscoe, Bennion, F. A. R.
Abecedarium zu bauorganisationsrechtlichen Anordnungen in Niedersachsen by Voges, C. D.
Practical Criminal Investigations in Correctional Facilities by Bell, William R.
The Mormon Question: Polygamy and Constitutional Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America by Gordon, Sarah Barringer
The Law of Internal Armed Conflict by Moir, Lindsay
European Law in the Past and the Future by Caenegem, R. C.
The European Commission and the Integration of Europe by Hooghe, Liesbet
European Law in the Past and the Future: Unity and Diversity Over Two Millennia by Van Caenegem, R. C., Caenegem, R. C., R. C., Caenegem
Die wirtschaftliche Betätigung im Idealverein und deren Auswirkungen bei Überschreiten der Grenze des Nebenzweckprivilegs auf Rechtsform und Gemeinnüt by Lachmair, Siegfried
Der Abrechnungsbetrug Des Vertragsarztes by Herffs, Harro
The Political Writings of William Penn by Penn, William
Commonwealth Caribbean Constitutional Law by Phillips, Fred
The Political Writings of William Penn by Penn, William
The First Amendment and the Media in the Court of Public Opinion by David a., Yalof, Dautrich, Kenneth, Yalof, David Alistair
The Private Trustee in Victorian England by Stebbings, Chantal
Precedence in Nigerian Courts by Umoh, P. U.
The Role of Customary Courts by Okany, M.
Student's Guide to Landmark Congressional Laws on Youth by Uradnik, Kathleen Ann
Qualitätssicherung im Journalismus by Schwiering, Stephanie
Silenced Angels: The Medical, Legal, and Social Aspects of Shaken Baby Syndrome by Peinkofer, James
A Judgment Too Far: Judicial Activism and the Constitution by Morgan, David Gwynn
Dracula Was a Lawyer by Barrett, Erin, Mingo, Jack
European Criminal Law by Pradel, Jean, Corstens, Geert
On-line Rights for Employees in the Information Society, Use & Monitoring of E-Mail & Internet at Work by
The Optimal Enforcement of EC Antitrust Law: Essays in Law & Economics by Wils, Wouter P. J.
Freedom of Movement of Persons, a Practitioner's Handbook by
Arbitration in Air, Space and Telecommunications Law: Enforcing Regulatory Measures by The Permanent Court of Arbitration, International Bureau of
Legal Regulation of the Employment Relation by Davies, M., Collins, Hugh, Rideout, Roger
Competition Law in the Eu, Its Member States and Switzerland by Vogelaar, Floris O. W.
The Arbitration Process: The Arbitration Process - Special Issue, 2001 by Meek, Susan, Campbell, Dennis
Copyright Limitations and Contracts: An Analysis of the Contractual Overridability of Limitations on Copyright by Guibault, Lucie M. C. R.
Litigating Rights: Perspectives from Domestic and International Law by
Visible Women: Essays on Feminist Legal Theory and Political Philosophy by
Body Lore and Laws: Essays on Law and the Human Body by
Body Lore and Laws: Essays on Law and the Human Body by
William M. Kunstler: The Most Hated Lawyer in America by Langum, David J.
The European Union Handbook by
Baltimore Iconoclast by Hughes, William
Ohio Traffic Tickets Are for the Birds: A Practical Defense Manual for Juveniles and Adults by Wolk, Brian Jonathan
Dimensions of Western Military Intervention by
Environmental Regulation Through Financial Organisations: Comparative Perspectives on the Industrialed Nations by Richardson, Benjamin J.
Perspectives in International Economic Law by Qureshi, Asif H.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Proceedings of New York University 51st Annual Conference on Labor by Estreicher, Samuel
Delegated Legislation and the Role Of Committees In the European Community by Rk, Alexander Tanduuml, Andenas, Mads
Convergence of Competition Laws and Policies in the European Community: Germany, Austria and the Netherlands by Drahos, Michaela
Principles of Social Order: Selected Essays of Lon L. Fuller by
The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial by Van Pelt, Robert Jan
The International Law Commission's Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries by James, Crawford, Crawford, James, United Nations
The Lost Children of Wilder: The Epic Struggle to Change Foster Care (National Book Award Finalist) by Bernstein, Nina
The Supreme Court by Rehnquist, William H.
Human Dignity in Bioethics and Biolaw by Beyleveld, David, Brownsword, Roger
Tort Liability Under Uncertainty by Porat, Ariel, Stein, Alex
Abortion Politics, Women's Movements, and the Democratic State: A Comparative Study of State Feminism by
Grundrechtsschutz in Europa und der Beitritt der Europaeischen Gemeinschaften zur Europaeischen Menschenrechtskonvention by Strasser, Kyra
Mass Atrocity, Ordinary Evil, and Hannah Arendt: Criminal Consciousness in Argentina`s Dirty War by Osiel, Mark J.
Veränderung und Angleichung tarifvertraglich geregelter Arbeitsbedingungen nach Betriebsübergang by Mayer, Joachim
Das Ausscheiden einzelner Miterben aus der Erbengemeinschaft durch Abschichtung by Spanke, Tobias Steffen
Studium Der Umweltwissenschaften: Naturwissenschaften by
Sceptical Essays on Human Rights by
Sceptical Essays on Human Rights P/B Edn. by
When Health Care Employees Strike: A Guide for Planning and Action by Metzger, Norman, Kruger, Kenneth F.
E C Membership and the Judicialization of British Politics ( S.E.L. ) by Nicol, Danny
The Warren Court and American Politics by Powe, Lucas A.
Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations: The Unspoken Forces of Organization Violations by Parkin, Pauline Wendy, Hearn, Jeff R.
The International Law Commission's Articles on State Responsibility: Introduction, Text and Commentaries by United Nations, Crawford, James
Extraterritoriality in the Matters of Antitrust by Pavic, Vladimir
Unveräußerliches Kulturgut Im Nationalen Und Internationalen Rechtsverkehr by Weber, Marc
Rethinking International Organisation: Deregulation and Global Governance by Emadi-Coffin, Barbara
Legislating Morality: Pluralism and Religious Identity in Lawmaking by Peach, Lucinda J.
Corporations and the Third Way by Wheeler, Sally
Law and War: An American Story by Maguire, Peter
The British Contribution to the Europe of the Twenty-First Century: The Clifford Chance Lectures by
Effizienzsteigerung Im Umweltschutz: Das Eg-Umweltauditsystem ALS Instrument Anreizorientierter Umweltpolitik by Orthmann, Frank
Minority Shareholders' Remedies by Boyle, A. J.
The Toxicologist as Expert Witness: A Hint Book for Courtroom Procedure by Furst, Arthur
Die Nationale Zusammenarbeit Mit Den Internationalen Straftribunalen Für Das Ehemalige Jugoslawien Und Für Ruanda: State Cooperation with the Internat by Stroh, Dagmar P.
Handbuch Für Kaufrecht, Rechtsdurchsetzung Und Zahlungssicherung Im Außenhandel by
Civil Liberties and Human Rights in England and Wales by Feldman, David
Incidents and International Relations: People, Power, and Personalities by
Why Constitutions Matter by
Law and Bioethics: An Introduction by Menikoff, Jerry
The Court and the Administration of Law by Ume, Fidelis Ejike
Jimutavahana's Dayabhaga: The Hindu Law of Inheritance in Bengal by Jimutavahana
Rechtspolitische und rechtsvergleichende Aspekte des geltenden Pflichtteilsrechts by Werkmüller, Sandra
Introduction to Italian Law by Mattei, Ugo, Lena, Jeffrey S.
The Practice of Transnational Law by Berger, Klaus Peter
The Council of Europe and the Social Challenges of the Xxist Century by Blanpain, Roger
User Protection in IT Contracts, a Comparitive Study by Girot, Clarisse
Involvement of Employees in the European Union: European Works Councils, the European Company Statute, Information and Consultation Rights by Blanpain, Roger
European Integration and International Co-Ordination: Studies in Transnational Economic Law in Honour of Claus-Dieter Ehlermann by Mavroidis, Petros C., Yves Mandeacute, Von Bogdandy, Armin
Environmental Contracts: Comparative Approaches to Regulatory Innovation in the United States and Europe by Orts, Eric W.
Italian Law on Business Crime by Di Amato, Astolfo
Developments in European Company Law: Directors' Conflicts of Interest, Legal, Socio-Legal and Economic Analyses by Sugarman, David, Andenas, Mads
Chinese Banking Law & Foreign Financial Institutions by Zhongfei Zhou
The Law on International Trade in Agricultural Products: From GATT 1947 to the Wto Agreement on Agriculture by Desta, Melaku Geboye
Intellectual Property Rights Trade and Biodiversity by Dutfield, Graham
Speaking Our Minds: Conversations With the People Behind Landmark First Amendment Cases by Russomanno, Joseph
A. Lincoln, Esquire by Spiegel, Allen D.
Unification of Tort Law: Strict Liability by Koch, Bernhard A.
Providing Protection for Plant Genetic Resources: Patents, sui generis Systems and Biopartnerships by Cantuaria Marin, Patricia Lucia
The Impact of Community Law on Tax Treaties - Issues and Solutions by Pistone, Pasquale
Sovereign Virtue: The Theory and Practice of Equality by Dworkin, Ronald
The International Effectiveness of the Annulment of an Arbitral Award: International Effectiveness of the Annulment of an Arbitral Award by Gharavi, Hamid G.
Multilateral Development Banking: Environmental Principles and Concepts Reflecting General International Law and Public Policy by Handl, Günther
Handbook on Cross-Border Industrial Sub-Contracting by Mastellone, Carlo H.
The Legal Aspects of Community Trade Mark by Gastinel, Eric, Milford, Mark
Derivatives Law & Regulation by Gengatharen, Rasiah
Speaking Our Minds: Conversations with the People Behind Landmark First Amendment Cases by Russomanno, Joseph
The Law and Practice of the International Court of Justice 1945-1996 by Oduntan, Gbenga
O'Ryan's Law by Murray, Michael Patrick
The Law and Economics of Marriage and Divorce by
Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies Vol 3, 2000 by
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law:2000 by Fischer, Horst
Das Genußrecht aus handels- und gesellschaftsteuerrechtlicher Hinsicht by Hofer, Vera
Der Pfarrkirchenrat: Eine kanonistische Bestandsaufnahme by Süß, Monika Margarete
Crime in Europe: Causes and Consequences by Entorf, Horst, Spengler, Hannes
E-Commerce Law in Europe and the USA by
Die Haftung für Umweltschäden durch Immissionen anhand OGH 11.10.1995, 3 0b 508/93 - Sandstrahlentscheidung by Huber, Jürgen
Law and Social Norms by Posner, Eric
The Dynamics of Judicial Proof: Computation, Logic, and Common Sense by
A Case Book on Law the of Evidence in Nigeria by Tobi, Niki
Human Rights in Private Law by
The Rule Against Perpetuities, Fourth Edition, Vol. 1 by Gray, John Chipman
The Rule Against Perpetuities, Fourth Edition, Vol. 2 by Gray, John Chipman
Studies in Law, Politics and Society by
Viewpoints on American Culture by
Wiretaps: A Complete Guide for the Law and Criminal Justice Professional by Alberti, Anthony
Sprache und Recht by
Die Sperrwirkung im Strafrecht by Seiler, Dirk
Strafzwecke in Strafrechtslehre und Öffentlichkeit by Brettling, Merle
Industrial Relations Law by Barrow, Charles
Law and American Education: An Instructor's Guide by Falk, Karen Palestini, Palestini, Robert
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