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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 1997

Linear Algebra, Geodesy and GPS by Borre, Kae, Strang, Gilbert
The Sensual (Quadratic) Form by Conway, John Horton
Algorithmische Informationstheorie: Statistische Informationstheorie Und Anwendungen Auf Algorithmische Fragestellungen by Hotz, Günther
Integrable Systems and Foliations: Feuilletages Et Systèmes Intégrables by Dufour, Jean P., Albert, Claude, Brouzet, Robert
Stochastic Processes and Functional Analysis: In Celebration of M.M. Rao's 65th Birthday by Goldstein, Jerome A., Goldstein, Goldstein, Rao, M. M.
Nonlinear Dynamics, Mathematical Biology, and Social Science by Epstein, Joshua M.
Stochastik Für Einsteiger by Henze, Norbert
Differentialgeometrie: Kurven Und Flächen by Wünsch, Volkmar
Dynamische Module: Eine Verwaltung Für Maschinencode-Objekte Zur Steigerung Der Effizienz Und Flexibilität Von Computeralgebra-Systemen by
Mathematische Modellierung: Eine Einführung in Die Problematik by
Numerik Der Optimierung by Terno, Johannes, Großmann, Christian
Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering by
Fractals and Chaos: An illustrated course by Addison, Paul S.
Markov Processes for Stochastic Modeling by Kijima, Masaaki
Neural Network Analysis, Architectures and Applications by
Tensoranalysis by Schade, Heinz
Formulas in Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems: by Anikonov, Yu E.
Numbers and Symmetry: An Introduction to Algebra by Richman, Fred, Johnston, Bernard L.
Expert Systems: Introduction to First and Second Generation and Hybrid Knowledge Based Systems by Nikolopoulos, Chris
Convex Analysis by Rockafellar, Ralph Tyrell
Mathematical Analysis in Engineering: How to Use the Basic Tools by Mei, Chiang C.
Harmonic Maps, Loop Groups, and Integrable Systems by Guest, Martin A.
Thinking about Ordinary Differential Equations by O'Malley, Robert E., Jr., O'Malley, Jr.
Thinking about Ordinary Differential Equations by O'Malley, Robert E., Jr., Robert E., O'Malley, Jr., O'Malley, Jr.
Harmonic Maps, Loop Groups, and Integrable Systems by Guest, Martin A., Martin a., Guest
Security Protocols: International Workshop Cambridge, United Kingdom April 10-12, 1996 Proceedings by
Graph Drawing: Symposium on Graph Drawing Gd'96, Berkeley, California, Usa, September 18 - 20, 1996, Proceedings by
Matrizen Und Ihre Anwendungen 1: Grundlagen Fur Ingenieure, Physiker Und Angewandte Mathematiker (7. Aufl. 2011) by Zurmuhl, Rudolf, Zurm Hl, Rudolf, Falk, Sigurd
Latent Variable Modeling and Applications to Causality by
Global Bifurcation in Variational Inequalities: Applications to Obstacle and Unilateral Problems by Schmitt, Klaus, Khoi Le, Vy
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 9 by
Asymptotics and Special Functions by Olver, Frank
Sheaf Theory by Bredon, Glen E.
Linear Programming 1: Introduction by Thapa, Mukund N., Dantzig, George B.
Principles of Linear Systems by Sarachik, Philip E.
Vector Bundles on Curves - New Directions: Lectures Given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.), Held in Cetrar by Laumon, Gérard, Kumar, Shrawan
Principles of Linear Systems by Sarachik, Philip E.
Eigenspaces of Graphs by Cvetkovic, Dragos, Cvetkovic, D., Rowlinson, P.
Low Rank Representations and Graphs for Sporadic Groups by Praeger, Cheryl E.
The Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold: An Introduction to Analysis on Manifolds by Rosenberg, Steven
The Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold: An Introduction to Analysis on Manifolds by Rosenberg, S., Rosenberg, Steven
Lectures on Vector Bundles by Le Potier, J., Le Potier, Joseph, J, Le Potier
The Hardy-Littlewood Method by Vaughan, R. C.
Group Theory in Subnuclear Physics by Stancu, Fl
Integrability, Self-Duality, and Twistor Theory by Woodhouse, N. M. J., Mason, L.
International Handbook of Mathematics Education by
Haar Series and Linear Operators by Novikov, I., Semenov, E.
Interior Point Techniques in Optimization: Complementarity, Sensitivity and Algorithms by Jansen, B.
Quality of Numerical Software: Assessment and Enhancement by
Finite Fields: Normal Bases and Completely Free Elements by Hachenberger, Dirk
A User's Guide to Algebraic Topology by Dodson, C. T., Parker, P. E.
The Geometry of Higher-Order Lagrange Spaces: Applications to Mechanics and Physics by Miron, R.
Developments in Global Optimization by
Computational Issues in High Performance Software for Nonlinear Optimization by
Minimax Theorems by Willem, Michel
Sch Outline Graph Theory by Balakrishnan
Heinemann Maths 3: Home Link-Up by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Classics in Game Theory by
Three-Dimensional Geometry and Topology, Volume 1 by Thurston, William P.
Höhere Mathematik 2: Differentialgleichungen - Funktionentheorie Fourier-Analysis - Variationsrechnung by Meyberg, Kurt, Vachenauer, Peter
Massive Data Sets: Proceedings of a Workshop by Commission on Physical Sciences Mathematics and Applications, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 22nd International Workshop, Wg '96, Cadenabbia, Italy, June 12-14, 1996, Proceedings by
Sieve Methods, Exponential Sums, and Their Applications in Number Theory by Greaves, G. R. H.
A Mathematical Introduction to Wavelets by Wojtaszczyk, P., Wojtaszczyk, Przemysaw
A Mathematical Introduction to Wavelets by Wojtaszczyk, P., Wojtaszczyk, Przemysaw
Gesammelte Abhandlungen III - Collected Works III by Hahn, Hans
Elliptic Functional Differential Equations and Applications by Skubachevskii, Alexander L.
The Arnold-Gelfand Mathematical Seminars by
Complete Second Order Linear Differential Equations in Hilbert Spaces by Shklyar, Alexander Ya
The Mathematical Universe: An Alphabetical Journey Through the Great Proofs, Problems, and Personalities by Dunham, William
Realizations of Polylogarithms by Wildeshaus, Jörg
Partial Differential Equation Methods in Control and Shape Analysis: Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics by
Survey Measurement and Process Quality by
Numerical Analysis and Its Applications: First International Workshop, Wnaa'96, Rousse, Bulgaria, June 24-26, 1996 Proceedings by
Algorithms and Complexity: Third Italian Conference, Ciac'97, Rome, Italy, March 12-14, 1997, Proceedings by
Logic with Trees: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic by Howson, Colin
Logic with Trees: An Introduction to Symbolic Logic by Howson, Colin
Numerical Computation 2: Methods, Software, and Analysis by Ueberhuber, Christoph W.
Numerical Computation 1: Methods, Software, and Analysis by Ueberhuber, Christoph W.
Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computing by Graph Transformation, Vol 1: Foundations by
Which Way Did the Bicycle Go?: And Other Intriguing Mathematical Mysteries by Velleman, Dan, Wagon, Stan, Konhauser, Joseph D. E.
Many Visions, Many Aims: A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intentions in School Mathematics by
Geometry of Lie Groups by Rosenfeld, B., Wiebe, Bill
Advances in Algorithms, Languages, and Complexity by
Many Visions, Many Aims: A Cross-National Investigation of Curricular Intentions in School Mathematics by
Foundations of Mathematical Optimization: Convex Analysis Without Linearity by Pallaschke, Diethard Ernst, Rolewicz, S.
Iutam Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis of Fracture by Willis, J. R.
Hierarchically Structured Economies: Models with Bilateral Exchange Institutions by Spanjers, Willy
Quantum Chaos and Mesoscopic Systems: Mathematical Methods in the Quantum Signatures of Chaos by Hurt, N. E.
Duality in Analytic Number Theory by Peter D. T. a., Elliott, Elliott, Peter D.
Semantics and Logics of Computation by
Dynamic Impulse Systems: Theory and Applications (1997) by Sesekin, A. N., Zavalishchin, S. T.
Spherical Means for Pdes by Shalimova, Irina S., Sabelfeld, Karl K.
Parametrized Measures and Variational Principles by Pedregal, Pablo
Nonclassical and Inverse Problems for Pseudoparabolic Equations: by Atamanov, E. R., Asanov, A.
Heinemann Maths 3: Check-Up Booklets (8 Pack) by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Evolution Equations and Lagrangian Coordinates by Meirmanov, Anvarbek M., Shmarev, Sergei I., Pukhnachov, Vladislav V.
Mathematics, Science, and Postclassical Theory by
Numerical Schemes for Conservation Laws by Kröner, Dietmar
Handbook of Matrices by Lütkepohl, Helmut
Vita Mathematica: Historical Research and Integration with Teaching by Calinger, Ronald
Clifford Algebra: A Computational Tool for Physicists by Snygg, John
Learning Automata and Stochastic Optimization by Poznyak, A. S., Najim, K.
Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 5 Quantenmechanik: Teil 2: Methoden Und Anwendungen by Nolting, Wolfgang
From Calculus to Cohomology: de Rham Cohomology and Characteristic Classes by Madsen/Tornehave, Madsen, Ib
Admissibility of Logical Inference Rules: Volume 136 by Rybakov, V. V.
Molecular Dynamics Simulation: Elementary Methods by Haile, J. M.
Topics in Topology by Todorcevic, Stevo
Branched Standard Spines of 3-Manifolds by Petronio, Carlo, Benedetti, Riccardo
Knots and Links in Three-Dimensional Flows by Sullivan, Michael C., Ghrist, Robert W., Holmes, Philip J.
Series in Banach Spaces: Conditional and Unconditional Convergence by Kadets, Vladimir
Classical Nonintegrability, Quantum Chaos by Knauf, Andreas, Sinai, Yakov G.
Current and Future Directions in Applied Mathematics by
Sequences, Discrepancies and Applications by Drmota, Michael, Tichy, Robert F.
Financial Mathematics: Lectures Given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Bressanone, Italy, by Björk, Thomas, Biais, Bruno
Heinemann Maths 2: Check-Up Booklets (8 Pack) by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Heinemann Maths 1: Check-Up Booklets (8 Pack) by Spmg, Scottish Primary Maths Group
Frege's Philosophy of Mathematics by
Training Mathematik, Band 2, Analysis by Severin, Thomas, Heinrich, Gert
Beginning Calculations in Physical Chemistry by Johnson, Barry R., Scott, Stephen K.
Reality Rules, the Fundamentals by Casti, John
Reality Rules, the Frontier by Casti, John
Linear Electric Actuators and Generators by Boldea, I., Nasar, Syed A.
Nonnegative Matrices and Applications by Bapat, R. B., Raghavan, T. E. S.
Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties, Part 2, Automorphic Forms, Trace Formulas and Langlands Correspondence by Laumon, Gerard, Laumon, G. Rard, Waldspurger, Jean Loup
Thermodynamics and Rheology by Verhás, J.
The Structure of Classical Diffeomorphism Groups by Banyaga, Augustin
Oscillation Theory of Two-Term Differential Equations by Elias, Uri
Information Dynamics and Open Systems: Classical and Quantum Approach by Ohya, Masanori, Ingarden, Roman S., Kossakowski, A.
Advection and Diffusion in Random Media: Implications for Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies by Piterbarg, Leonid, Ostrovskii, A.
Handbook of the History of General Topology, Volume 1 by
Cooperative Game Theory and Applications: Cooperative Games Arising from Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Curiel, Imma
Gauge Theory and Symplectic Geometry by
Meeting Special Needs in the Early Years: Directions in Policy and Practice by Wolfendale, Sheila
Numerical Methods and Software Tools in Industrial Mathematics by
Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems in Mechanics and Physics by Temam, Roger
Arch Models and Financial Applications by Gourieroux, Christian
Versicherungsmathematik: Teil 1: Personenversicherung by Wolfsdorf, Kurt
Fantasia Mathematica by
Multiparticle Quantum Scattering with Applications to Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics by Truhlar, Donald G.
Applications of Combinatorial Mathematics by Mitchell, Adrian
Gâteaux Differentiability of Convex Functions and Topology: Weak Asplund Spaces by Fabian, Marián J.
Abstract Homotopy & Simple Homotopy the by Porter, Timothy, Kamps, K. Heiner
Number Theory III: Diophantine Geometry by Lang, Serge
The Semi-Simple Zeta Function of Quaternionic Shimura Varieties by Reimann, Harry
General Vector and Dyadic Analysis: Applied Mathematics in Field Theory by Tai, Chen-To
Mathematical Scandals by Pappas, Theoni
Computational Intelligence. Theory and Applications: International Conference, 5th Fuzzy Days, Dortmund, Germany, April 28-30, 1997 Proceedings by
Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 5 by
Spectral Elements for Transport-Dominated Equations by Funaro, Daniele
Ethnomathematics: Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics Education by
Motor Vehicle Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation by Genta, Giancarlo
Variational Methods for Potential Operator Equations by Chabrowski, Jan H.
Idempotent Analysis and Its Applications by Kolokoltsov, Vassili N., Maslov, Victor P.
Conflict-Controlled Processes by Chikrii, A.
The Analysis of Solutions of Elliptic Equations by Tarkhanov, Nikolai
Quaternions and Cayley Numbers: Algebra and Applications by Ward, J. P.
Nonstandard Analysis: Theory and Applications by
Dynamics of One-Dimensional Maps by Sivak, A. G., Sharkovsky, A. N., Kolyada, S. F.
Random Evolutions and Their Applications by Swishchuk, Anatoly
Asymptotic Methods for Investigating Quasiwave Equations of Hyperbolic Type by Mitropolsky, Yuri A., Khoma, G., Gromyak, M.
Microlocal Analysis and Spectral Theory by Rodino, Luigi, NATO Advanced Study Institute on Microlocal Analysis and Spe
Existence Theory for Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations by O'Regan, Donal
Mathematical Modelling of Immune Response in Infectious Diseases by Marchuk, Guri I.
Advanced Topics in Difference Equations by Agarwal, R. P., Wong, Patricia J. y.
Mathematics Teachers in Transition by
Advances in Combinatorial Methods and Applications to Probability and Statistics by
Semantic Modeling for the Acquisition of Topographic Information from Images and Maps: Smati 97 by
Mathematics of Climate Modeling by Dymnikov, Valentin P., Filatov, Aleksander N.
How to Be Brilliant at Mental Arithmetic by Haigh, J., Webber, B.
Singularities and Oscillations by
Geometry from the Pacific Rim by
Comparison Geometry by
Continued Fractions by Khinchin, A. Ya
Minimum Entropy Control for Time-Varying Systems by Iglesias, Pablo, Peters, Marc A.
Integrationstheorie Und Monopolistische Konkurrenz by
An Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Scattering Theory by Roach, G. F.
Gauge Field Theory and Complex Geometry by Manin, Yuri I.
Geometry of Cuts and Metrics by Laurent, Monique, Deza, Michel Marie
Coexistence and Persistence of Strange Attractors by Rodriguez, Angel J., Pumarino, Antonio
Viscosity Solutions and Applications: Lectures Given at the 2nd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Montecatini by Crandall, Michael G., Bardi, Martino
Mécanique Des Grandes Transformations by Rougée, Paul
Combinatorics of Finite Geometries by Batten, Lynn Margaret
Combinatorics of Finite Geometries by Batten, Lynn Margaret
Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer Science and Computational Biology by Gusfield, Dan
Introduction to Subfactors by Sunder, V. S., Jones, Vaughan, Jones, V.
Elliptic Curves by McKean, Henry
Mathematica (R) in the Laboratory by Dick, Samuel
Modelling Longitudinal and Spatially Correlated Data by
Algebraic and Differential Topology of Robust Stability by Jonckheere, Edmond A.
Nonlinear Wave Dynamics: Complexity and Simplicity by Engelbrecht, J.
Mathematics of Neural Networks: Models, Algorithms and Applications by
Fractional Programming: Theory, Methods and Applications by Stancu-Minasian, I. M.
Advances in Sensitivity Analysis and Parametric Programming by
Gaussian Scale-Space Theory by
Chaos in Electronics by Van Wyk, M. a., Steeb, W. -H
Optimal Control of Random Sequences in Problems with Constraints by Piunovskiy, A. B.
Adaptive Filtering: Algorithms and Practical Implementation by Diniz, Paulo S. R.
Inverse Stefan Problems by Gol'dman, N. L.
Oh Gott, Mathematik!? by Rosenberger, Bernd, Neunzert, Helmut
See More