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General Mathematics in 1999

Mathematical and physical papers, by Sir William Thomson. Collected from different scientific periodicals from May, 1841, to the present time. Vol. 3 by Kelvin, William Thomson Baron
Mathematik in Übungsaufgaben by Scholz, Siegfried
Starthilfe Bwl by Altmann, Jörn
Mathematical Sorcery: Revealing the Secrets of Numbers by Clawson, Calvin C.
Radar Imaging of Airborne Targets: A Primer for Applied Mathematicians and Physicists by Borden, Brett
Fundamentals of Algebraic Microlocal Analysis by Kato, Goro, Struppa, Daniele C.
Mathematics for Health Professionals-Second Edition by Whisler, B. Louise
Pattern Formation in Viscous Flows: The Taylor-Couette Problem and Rayleigh-Bénard Convection by Meyer-Spasche, Rita
Numerische Mathematik: Das Grundwissen Für Jedermann by Roos, Hans-Görg, Schwetlick, Hubert
Computer Supported Calculus by Ben-Israel, Adi, Ben-Israel, A., Gilbert, R. P.
Mathematics at Work by Ryffel, Henry
Engineering Formulas: Conversions, Definitions & Tables [With CDROM] by Simms, Frank
Strength in Numbers: Discovering the Joy and Power of Mathematics in Everyday Life by Stein, Sherman K.
An Introduction to the Mathematics and Methods of Astrodynamics, Revised Edition by R. Battin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Battin, Richard H.
Strength in Numbers: Discovering the Joy and Power of Mathematics in Everyday Life by Stein, Sherman K.
Ancient Egyptian Science, Vol. III: A Source Book, Ancient Egyptian Mathematics, Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 232) by Clagett, Marshall
Tensorrechnung by Iben, Hans Karl
Graph Drawing: 6th International Symposium, GD '98 Montreal, Canada, August 13-15, 1998 Proceedings by
How to Sparkle at Beginning Multiplication and Division by Wilson, Moira
Elliptic Operators, Topology, and Asymptotic Methods by Roe, John
Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications by Mortenson, Michael E.
Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2 by Stanley, Richard P., Fomin, Sergey P.
Design Analysis: Mathematical Modeling of Nonlinear Systems by Thompson, David E.
Special Functions by Askey, Richard, Roy, Ranjan, Andrews, George E.
The Algorithmic Resolution of Diophantine Equations by Smart, Nigel P.
Classical Invariant Theory by Olver, Peter J.
Dynamic Multilevel Methods and the Numerical Simulation of Turbulence by DuBois, Thierry, Temam, Roger, Jauberteau, Frangois
Classical Invariant Theory by Olver, Peter J., Peter J., Olver
Elementary Geometry of Algebraic Curves: An Undergraduate Introduction by C. G., Gibson, Gibson, C. G., Gibson, Christopher G.
The Algorithmic Resolution of Diophantine Equations: A Computational Cookbook by Smart, Nigel P.
Profinite Groups by Wilson, John S.
An Introduction to Semilinear Evolution Equations by Haraux, Alain, Cazenave, Thierry
P- And Hp- Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications to Solid and Fluid Mechanics by Schwab, Ch
The Mathematical Experience by Davis, Phillip J., Hersh, Reuben, Davis, Philip J.
The Mathematics of Ciphers: Number Theory and RSA Cryptography by Coutinho, S. C.
Essentials of Stochastic Finance: Facts, Models, Theory by Shiryaev, Albert N.
Differential Equations with Operator Coefficients: With Applications to Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations by Kozlov, Vladimir, Maz'ya, Vladimir
Differential Games: A Mathematical Theory with Applications to Warfare and Pursuit, Control and Optimization by Isaacs, Rufus
Elements of the Theory of Numbers by Dence, Thomas P., Dence, Joseph B.
Simulation ALS Betriebliche Entscheidungshilfe: State of the Art Und Neuere Entwicklungen by
Operations Research Proceedings 1998: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research Zurich, August 31 - September 3, 1998 by
Sets, Logic and Categories by Cameron, Peter J.
Life's Other Secret: The New Mathematics of the Living World by Stewart, Ian
Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows - Version 6: A Beginner′s Guide by Foster, Jeremy J.
Introduction to the Theory of Distributions by Friedlander, F. G., Joshi, M.
Introduction to the Theory of Distributions by Friedlander, F. G., Joshi, M.
Galois Representations in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry by
Calculus of Variations by Jost, Jurgen, Jost, Xianqing Li, Li-Jost, Xianqing
Plasma Physics: Proceedings of the 1997 Latin American Workshop (VII Lawpp 1997), Held in Caracas, Venezuela, January 20-31, 1997 by
Estimators for Uncertain Dynamic Systems by Matasov, A. I.
Highly Linear Integrated Wideband Amplifiers: Design and Analysis Techniques for Frequencies from Audio to RF by Sjöland, Henrik
Introduction to the Theory and Applications of Functional Differential Equations by Myshkis, A., Kolmanovskii, V.
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Economic and Financial Data by
Astrophysical Plasmas and Fluids by Krishan, V.
Approximation Theory IX: Volume I: Theoretical Aspects by
Approximation Theory IX: Volume II: Computational Aspects by
Global Perspectives for Local Action: Using Timss to Improve U.S. Mathematics and Science Education, Professional Development Guide by Board on Science Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Micropolar Fluids: Theory and Applications by Lukaszewicz, Grzegorz
Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications by Hornung, Urs, Slodicka, Marian, Gerke, Horst H.
Control of Nonlinear Differential Algebraic Equation Systems with Applications to Chemical Processes by Kumar, Aditya
Capitalism and Arithmetic by Swetz, Frank J.
Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing by Eubank, Randall L.
Fermat's Last Theorem for Amateurs by Ribenboim, Paulo
Heights of Polynomials and Entropy in Algebraic Dynamics by Everest, Graham, Ward, Thomas
The Q-Schur Algebra by Donkin, Stephen, Donkin, S.
Orthogonal Rational Functions by Bultheel, A., Gonzalez-Vera, P., Bultheel, Adhemar
Einführung in Die Angewandte Statistik Für Biowissenschaftler by Nachtigall, W., Kesel, Antonia, Junge, Monika M.
La Correspondance Entre Henri Poincaré Et Gösta Mittag-Leffler: Avec En Annexes Les Lettres Échangées Par Poincaré Avec Fredholm, Gyldén Et Phragmén by
Number Theoretic Methods in Cryptography: Complexity Lower Bounds by Shparlinski, Igor
Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis by Kolmogorov, A. N., Fomin, S. V.
Complex Variables: Second Edition by Fisher, Stephen D.
Geometric Group Theory Down Under by
Introduction to Topology: Second Edition by Greene, Robert Everist, Gamelin, Theodore W.
Visual Complex Analysis by Needham, Tristan
Current Trends in Economics: Theory and Applications by
Homogenization of Multiple Integrals by Braides, Andrea, Defranceschi, Anneliese
Exploring Abstract Algebra with Mathematica(r) by Levasseur, Kenneth M., Hibbard, Allen C.
Facing the Consequences: Using Timss for a Closer Look at U.S. Mathematics and Science Education by Cogan, Leland S., Schmidt, W. H., McKnight, Curtis C.
Smart Structures: Requirements and Potential Applications in Mechanical and Civil Engineering by
Smart Structures: Requirements and Potential Applications in Mechanical and Civil Engineering by
Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science by
Locating Lines and Hyperplanes: Theory and Algorithms by Schöbel, Anita
Stochastic Models of Systems by Korolyuk, Vladimir V., Korolyuk, Vladimir S.
Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations by
Matematica E Cultura 2: Atti del Convegno Di Venezia, 1998 Supplemento a Lettera Matematica Pristem 30 by
Wild New York: Der Naturreiseführer Durch Die Metropole by Crewdson, Michael, Mittelbach, Margaret
African Fractals: Modern Computing and Indigenous Design by Eglash, Ron
Numerik Im Maschinenbau by Schäfer, Michael
Euler: The Master of Us All by Dunham, William
Math Dictionary with Solutions: A Math Review by Kornegay, Chris
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 8th International Conference, Dgci'99, Marne-La-Vallee, France, March 17-19, 1999 Proceedings by
Rational Drug Design by
Groups St Andrews 1997 in Bath: Volume 2 by
Groups St Andrews 1997 in Bath: Volume 1 by
Life by the Numbers by Devlin, Keith
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Reflectometry: A User's Guide by Tompkins, Harland G., McGahan, William A.
Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics by Neudecker, Heinz, Magnus, Jan R.
Semi-Markov Models: Theory and Applications by Janssen, Jacques
Einführung in Die Analysis III by Kaballo, Winfried
Quantitative Fish Dynamics by Quinn, Terrance J., Deriso, Richard B.
Elements of Functional Analysis by Hirsch, Francis, Lacombe, Gilles
Fractals for the Classroom: Strategic Activities Volume Three by Saupe, Dietmar, Jürgens, Hartmut, Peitgen, Heinz-Otto
Stochastic Dynamics by
Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups and Applications by Terras, Audrey
Geometry of Sets and Measures in Euclidean Spaces: Fractals and Rectifiability by Mattila, Pertti
Permutation Groups by Cameron, Peter, Peter J., Cameron
Permutation Groups by Cameron, Peter J.
Infinite Dimensional Optimization and Control Theory by Hector O., Fattorini, Fattorini, Hector O., Fattorini, H. O.
Linear Analysis: An Introductory Course by Bollobas, Bela, Bolloboas, Boela
Celestial Encounters: The Origins of Chaos and Stability by Diacu, Florin, Holmes, Philip J.
Structural Modeling and Experimental Techniques by Sabnis, Gajanan, Harris, Harry G.
Optimization Methods for Logical Inference by Hooker, John, Chandru, Vijay
What Is Negation? by
Iutam Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Vienna, Austria, 2-6 June 1997 by
Control of Distributed Parameter and Stochastic Systems: Proceedings of the Ifip Wg 7.2 International Conference, June 19-22, 1998 Hangzhou, China by
Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control by
Nonlinear Analysis, Differential Equations and Control by
Topics in Number Theory: In Honor of B. Gordon and S. Chowla by
Foundations of Rational Agency by
Advances in Decision Analysis by
Mathematical Models in Medical and Health Science: A Medical Odyssey by
Matematica: Insegnamento E Computer Algebra by Impedovo, Michele
Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications: Centro Stefano Franscini, Ascona, September 1996 by
Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Linear Models by Koch, Karl-Rudolf
Mathematicall Praeface to the Elements of Geometrie of Euclid of Megara by Dee, John
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications: Seventh International Conference in Zürich, February 1998 Volume II by
Spectral Theory of Canonical Differential Systems. Method of Operator Identities by Sakhnovich, L. a.
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics: Qmath7 Conference, Prague, June 22-26, 1998 by
Differenzengleichungen Und Diskrete Dynamische Systeme: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und Anwendungen by Krause, Ulrich, Nesemann, Tim
Mathematics Classrooms That Promote Understanding by
Mathematics Classrooms That Promote Understanding by
Math Dictionary with Solutions: A Math Review by Kornegay, Chris
Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications by Folland, Gerald B.
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS Software by Khattree, Ravindra, Naik, Dayanand N.
Topologies and Uniformities by James, Ioan M.
Number Theory in Progress by
Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry: A Basic Exposition of Classical Mechanical Systems by Marsden, Jerrold E., Ratiu, Tudor S.
Finanzmarktökonometrie: Zeitstetige Systeme Und Ihre Anwendung in Ökonometrie Und Empirischer Kapitalmarktforschung by Singer, Hermann
Adaptive Learning by Genetic Algorithms: Analytical Results and Applications to Economic Models by Dawid, Herbert
Unix, C Und Internet: Moderne Datenverarbeitung in Wissenschaft Und Technik by Alex, Wulf
L'Épreuve de Mathématiques En Psi, Volume 2: Concours d'Entrée a l'École Polytechnique Et a l'École Normale Supérieure de Cachan 1998 by Lafitte, Olivier, Clouet, Jean-Francois, Despres, Bruno
Courbes Et Dimension Fractale by Tricot, Claude
Higcse Mathematics Foundation Module by University Of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate
Computational Radiology and Imaging: Therapy and Diagnostics by Borgers, Christoph, Bhorgers, Christoph, Natterer, Frank
The Topology of Fibre Bundles by Steenrod, Norman
Completely Regular Semigroups by Reilly, Norman R., Petrich, Mario
Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing with MATLAB Algorithms by Soumekh, Mehrdad
Wavelets Made Easy by Nievergelt, Yves
Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance by Hossack, I. B., Pollard, J. H., Zehnwirth, B.
The Shaping of Deduction in Greek Mathematics: A Study in Cognitive History by Netz, Reviel
Principles of Quantitative Living Systems Science by SIMMs, James R.
Model Development and Optimization by Ivanov, V. V.
Reproducing Kernels and Their Applications by
Optimization of Dynamic Systems by Agrawal, S. K., Fabien, B. C.
Functional Differential Operators and Equations by Kurbatov, U. G.
Correlations, Coherence, and Order by
Global Analysis in Linear Differential Equations by Kohno, M.
Minimax Under Transportation Constrains by Mironov, A., Tsurkov, Vladimir
Singular Quadratic Forms in Perturbation Theory by Koshmanenko, Volodymyr
Metodi Matematici in Complessita Computazionale by Codenotti, Bruno, Resta, Giovanni, Bernasconi, Anna
The Geometry of Domains in Space by Parks, Harold R., Krantz, Steven G.
Slide Rules: Their History, Models, and Makers by Hopp, Peter M.
Supersymmetry and Equivariant de Rham Theory by Guillemin, Victor W., Sternberg, Shlomo
Elementary Lie Group Analysis and Ordinary Differential Equations by Ibragimov, N. H.
Percolation by Grimmett, Geoffrey R.
Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Conservation Laws and Elliptic Equations by Thomas, J. W.
The Man Who Loved Only Numbers: The Story of Paul Erdos and the Search for Mathematical Truth by Hoffman, Paul
Integrable Systems: Twistors, Loop Groups, and Riemann Surfaces by Hitchin, N. J., Segal, G. B., Ward, R. S.
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Lattice Models by Marro, Joaquin, Dickman, Ronald
Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance by Hossack, I. B., Pollard, J. H., Zehnwirth, B.
Mathematical Explorations with MATLAB by Chen, Ke, Chan, Ke, Chen, K.
Mathematical Explorations with MATLAB by Chen, Ke, Chan, Ke, Chen, K.
Semimodular Lattices: Theory and Applications by Stern, Manfred
Algebraische Algorithmen by Pethö, Attila
Scientific Computing in Chemical Engineering II: Simulation, Image Processing, Optimization, and Control by
Evolutionäre Spieltheorie: Grundlagen Und Neue Ansätze by Amann, Erwin
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 7th International Ipco Conference, Graz, Austria, June 9-11, 1999, Proceedings by
Computersimulation von Regelungen by Feindt, Ernst-Guenther
Geometric Discrepancy: An Illustrated Guide by
Mathematische Methoden Der Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Festschrift Für Otto Opitz by
Dynamical Systems V: Bifurcation Theory and Catastrophe Theory by Arnold, V. I.
Homological Algebra by Gelfand, S. I.
Partial Differential Equations II: Elements of the Modern Theory. Equations with Constant Coefficients by Egorov, Yu V.
Emerging Applications of Number Theory by
Self-Consistent Quantum-Field Theory and Bosonization for Strongly Correlated Electron Systems by Haussmann, Rudolf
Algebraic Number Theory by Neukirch, Jürgen
Models for Concurrency by Abraham, Uri
Mathematical Models in Boundary Layer Theory by Samokhin, V. N.
Ace Your Midterms & Finals: Fundamentals of Mathematics by Axelrod, Alan, Rawls, Walton, Oster, Harry
Forecasting by
Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics by Averbach, Bonnie, Chein, Orin
Einführung in Die Organische Stereochemie by Roberts, Stanley M., Buxton, Sheila R.
General Relativity by Ludvigsen, Malcolm
New Trends in Algebraic Geometry by
General Relativity by Ludvigsen, Malcolm
Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms by Kitaoka, Yoshiyuki
Rigidity Theory and Applications by
Elliptic Cohomology by Thomas, Charles B.
Finite Fields: Theory and Computation: The Meeting Point of Number Theory, Computer Science, Coding Theory and Cryptography by Shparlinski, Igor
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Via Ratio and Difference Judgement by Lootsma, Freerk a.
See More