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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2009

Biomedical Data and Applications by
Bail 2008 - Boundary and Interior Layers: Proceedings of the International Conference on Boundary and Interior Layers - Computational and Asymptotic M by
Fault Diagnosis of Nonlinear Systems Using a Hybrid Approach by Sobhani-Tehrani, Ehsan, Khorasani, Khashayar
Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization, Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration by
Essential Mathematics and Statistics for Science by Currell, Graham, Dowman, Antony
Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 3(1) by
Markov Logic: An Interface Layer for Artificial Intelligence by Lowd, Daniel, Domingos, Pedro
Classical Mechanics: An Introduction by Strauch, Dieter
Computing and Combinatorics: 15th Annual International Conference, Cocoon 2009 Niagara Falls, Ny, Usa, July 13-15, 2009 Proceedings by
Functional Equations and Inequalities with Applications by Kannappan, Palaniappan
Automata, Languages and Programming: 36th International Colloquium, Icalp 2009, Rhodes, Greece, July 5-12, 2009, Proceedings, Part II by
Games, Groups, and the Global Good by
The New Ether, Science and Speculation by Lane, Clyde H.
Vedic Short Cuts and Ideas by Totakura, Satyanarayana Raju
Vedic Short Cuts and Ideas by Totakura, Satyanarayana Raju
The Basics of Practical Optimization by Levy, Adam B.
Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems by Antoulas, Athanasios C.
Ontology-Based Multi-Agent Systems by Wongthongtham, Pornpit, Hadzic, Maja, Chang, Elizabeth J.
Modellierung Und Simulation Technischer Systeme: Eine Praxisnahe Einführung by Nollau, Reiner
Riemannsche Flächen by Lamotke, Klaus
Geometric Analysis and Pdes: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Cetraro, Italy, June 11-16, 2007 by Lanconelli, Ermanno, Gursky, Matthew J.
English Language Learners and Math: Discourse, Participation, and Community in Reform-Oriented, Middle School Mathematics Classes (PB) by Hansen-Thomas, Holly
English Language Learners and Math: Discourse, Participation, and Community in Reform-Oriented, Middle School Mathematics Classes (Hc) by Hansen-Thomas, Holly
"Der Jumbo- Jet" und "Ein Jumbo auf dem Schulhof" - Zwei Unterrichtsversuche aus dem Mathematikunterricht by Umnirski, Merle
Einführung in die Analysis, 3, De Gruyter Lehrbuch 3 by Walter, Rolf
Chaotic Transitions in Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamical Systems: Applications of Melnikov Processes in Engineering, Physics, and Neuroscience by Simiu, Emil
Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations by Alinhac, Serge
Global Propagation of Regular Nonlinear Hyperbolic Waves by Li, Tatsien, Libin, Wang
Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise by
Computational Intelligence Techniques for Bioprocess Modelling, Supervision and Control by
Constructions of Strict Lyapunov Functions by Malisoff, Michael, Mazenc, Frédéric
Boundary Value Problems and Markov Processes by Taira, Kazuaki
Séminaire de Probabilités XLII by
Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 5: Function Approximation and Classification by
Unterrichtsstunde: Wir lernen das Zauberdreieck kennen: Klasse 3, Mathematik by Umnirski, Merle
Games, Puzzles, and Computation by Hearn, Robert A., Demaine, Erik D.
Cryptanalysis of RSA and Its Variants by Hinek, M. Jason
Cooperative and Noncooperative Multi-Level Programming by Sakawa, Masatoshi, Nishizaki, Ichiro
Clcul D'Una Variable by Magaa Nieto, Antoni
Measure and Integration: A Concise Introduction to Real Analysis by Richardson, Leonard F.
An Integrated Introduction to Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling by Goldman, Ronald
Handbook of Applied Analysis by Kyritsi-Yiallourou, Sophia Th, Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.
The Humongous Book of Geometry Problems by Kelley, W. Michael
Linear Regression Analysis: Theory and Computing by Su, Xiaogang, Yan, Xin
Thinking About Equations by Bernstein, Matt A., Friedman, William A.
Philosophy of Mathematics by
Introduction to Real Analysis: An Educational Approach by Bauldry, William C.
Advances in Computers: Volume 77 by
Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary Equations: Volume 5 by
Secondary Lenses on Learning Participant Book: Team Leadership for Mathematics in Middle and High Schools by
Introduction to the Foundations of Applied Mathematics by Holmes, Mark H.
Algorithmics of Large and Complex Networks: Design, Analysis, and Simulation by
The Collected Papers of Lewis Fry Richardson 2 Part Paperback Set by
The Collected Papers of Lewis Fry Richardson by
Schwierigkeiten bei der Durchführung der Multiplikation und der Division: Eine Darstellung typischer Fehler bei der Durchführung von Multiplikation un by Koch, Marie
Netzwerke. Ein spezielles Gebiet der Graphentheorie by Riedemann, Sandra
Elliptische Differentialgleichungen Zweiter Ordnung: Eine Einführung Mit Historischen Bemerkungen by Kalf, Hubert, Kriecherbauer, Thomas, Wienholtz, Ernst
The Revelation: The Peace Machine Hypothesis by Richards, Mark, Spain, Karl H.
Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields by Araki, Huzihiro
Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation: Volume II: Regression by Eggermont, Paul P., Lariccia, Vincent N.
Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles by
Sphere Packing, Lewis Carroll, and Reversi: Martin Gardner's New Mathematical Diversions by Gardner, Martin
Sphere Packing, Lewis Carroll, and Reversi by Gardner, Martin
Signals and Systems with MATLAB by Yang, Won Young
Fundamentals of Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks: Theory and Algorithms by Wiczanowski, Marcin, Boche, Holger, Stanczak, Slawomir
Perspectives in Mathematical Science II: Pure Mathematics by
Numerical Simulation of Magneto-Rheological Fluids by Nichita, Constantin
Visual Complexity and Intelligent Computer Graphics Techniques Enhancements by Miaoulis, Georgios, Plemenos, Dimitri
Mathematical Theory and Computational Practice: 5th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2009, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2009, Proceedings by
Optimization: Structure and Applications by
An Introduction to Fronts in Random Media by Xin, Jack
Advances in Numerical Methods by
Wavelet Theory Approach to Pattern Recognition (2nd Edition) by Tang, Yuan Yan
The Practice of Econometric Theory: An Examination of the Characteristics of Econometric Computation by Renfro, Charles G.
Noncommutative Spacetimes: Symmetries in Noncommutative Geometry and Field Theory by Dimitrijevic, Marija, Kulish, Petr, Aschieri, Paolo
A Guide to Middle School Math by Bingham, Chauna
Elementary Functional Analysis by Swartz, Charles W.
Topologie: Eine Anschauliche Einführung in Die Geometrischen Und Algebraischen Grundlagen by Ossa, Erich
Jibunoh's Method for Evaluating the Determinant of an N x N Matrix: A Monograph on Research Discovery by Jibunoh, C. C.
Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Partial Differential Equations: Notes of a Lecture Series by
Practical Computing on the Cell Broadband Engine by Koranne, Sandeep
Robust Static Super-Replication of Barrier Options by Maruhn, Jan H.
Stochastic Dynamics and Boltzmann Hierarchy by Petrina, Dmitri Ya
Biomathematik: Mathematische Modelle in Der Medizinischen Informatik Und in Den Computational Life Sciences Mit Computerlösungen in Mathematica by Schuster, Reinhard
Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Differential Equations by
Genome Refactoring by Kuldell, Natalie, Lerner, Neal
Selected Works of A.I. Shirshov by
Introduction to Analytical Geometry by Robson, A.
Foundations in Applied Nuclear Engineering Analysis by Sjoden, Glenn E.
Arithmetica Tyronica Eller Grundig Beiviisning (1766) by Cramer, Christian
Exercitationum Mathematicarum (1656) by Schooten, Frans Van
Dissertatio De Principio Minimae Actionis Una Cum Examine Obiectionum Cl. Prof. Koenigii (1753) by Euler, Leonhard
The Cryptography Of Dante (1921) by Arensberg, Walter
Dernieres Pensees (1913) by Poincare, Henri
Beschreibende Statistik Und Wirtschaftsstatistik by Mosler, Karl, Schmid, Friedrich
Arithmetica Tyronica Eller Grundig Beiviisning (1766) by Cramer, Christian
Arithmeticae Practicae Brevis Institutio (1679) by Malapert, Carl
Geometria Motus Opusculum Geometricum (1692) by Ceva, Giovanni
Geometrica Demonstratio Theorematum Hugeniarum (1701) by Grandi, Guido
Geometrica Inquisitio In Parabolas, Hyperbolas Ac Praecipue In Quadraturam Hyperbolae Apollonianae (1688) by de Jonghe, Ignatius
Dissertations Physiques Et Mathematiques (1778) by Hennert, Johann Friedrich
Dell'Aritmetica Comune E Speciosa (1731) by Brunetti, Francesco Saveria
Euclidis Elementorum Libri Priores Sex, Item Undecimus Et Duodecimus (1756) by Simson, Robert
Epitome Elementorum Physico-Mathematicorum, Conscripta In Usus Academicos (1726) by Van Musschenbroek, Petrus
Epitome Institutionum Physices, Et Matheseos Applicatae (1792) by Imhof, Maximus
Vollstaendige Anleitung Zur Niedern Und Hohern Algebra (1797) by Gruson, Johann Philipp
Entretiens Mathematiques V1: Sur Les Nombres, L'Algebre (1743) by Regnault, Noel
Deutliche Und Vollstandige Vorlesungen Uber Die Rechenkunst Und Geometrie (1747) by Segner, Johann Andreas Von
Entretiens Ou Lecons Mathematiques, Part 2: Sur La Maniere D'Etudier Cette Science, Et Sur Ses Principales Utilites (1743) by Panchaud, Benjamin
Institutionum Mathematicarum (1630) by Stegmann, Joachim
Disciplinae Mathematicae Traditae Anno Institutae Societatis Jesu Seculari (1640) by Ciermans, Jean
Elemens De Mathemathiques (1731) by Varignon, Pierre
Matematiche Discipline Per Uso Della Illustrissima Accademia Delia Di Padoua (1665) by Bonvicino, Valeriano
Dissertatio De Principio Minimae Actionis Una Cum Examine Obiectionum Cl. Prof. Koenigii (1753) by Euler, Leonhard
Materialien Zur Geist- Und Weltlichen Statistick Des Niederrheinischen Und Westphalischen Kreises, Ersten Jahrganges V2 (1781) by Eichhoff, Johann Peter
Elemens Du Calcul Integral, Part 1 (1768) by Leseur, Thomas, Jacquier, Francois
Key To The Art Of Solving Problems In Higher Arithmetic (1884) by Hunter, John
Fundamenta Arithmetica Et Geometrica (1615) by Ceulen, Ludolf Van
Grundlehren Der Reinen Mathematik (1791) by Voigt, Johann H.
Miscellanea Mathematica: Consisting Of A Large Collection Of Curious Mathematical Problems, And Their Solutions (1775) by Hutton, Charles
Elemens D'Arithmetique, D'Algebre Et De Geometrie (1774) by Mazeas, Jean Mathurin
Gerardi Joannis Vossii De Quatuor Artibus Popularibus: De Philologia, Et Scientiis Mathematicis (1650) by Vossius, Gerardus Joannes
Exercitationum Mathematicarum (1656) by Schooten, Frans Van
Erlauterungen Uber Herrn Karstens Mathematische Analysis: Und Hohere Geometrie (1789) by Rode, J. B. Von
Francisci Dulaurens Specimina Mathematica Duobus Libris Comprehensa (1667) by Dulaurens, Francois
Grundsatze Der Heut Zu Tag Ublichen Und Allen In Krieg Und Civil Bedienungen Bochst Nothigen Mathematischen Wissenschafften (1726) by Liebknecht, Johann Georg
Theoremata (1757) by Regi, Francesco Maria
Erste Grunde Der Rechenkunst Vor Baugewerke (1778) by Voch, Lukas
Hypsiclis Anaphoricus: Sive De Ascensionibus (1657) by Hypsicles
Neutoni Genesis Curvarum Per Umbras: Seu Perspectivae Universalis Elementa (1746) by Newton, Isaac, Murdoch, Patrick
Die Rechenkunst, Part 1 (1774) by Schmid, Nicolaus E.
Guilelmi Oughtred Aetonenis, Quondam Collegii Regalis In Cantabrigia Socii (1677) by Oughtred, William, Scarburgh, Charles
Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) by Mydorge, Claude
Elementa Arithmeticae Numericae, Et Literalis Seu Algebrae (1761) by Hell, Maximilian
Elementa Euclidea Geometriae V1 (1762) by Tacquet, Andre
Elementa Euclidea Geometriae, Planae Ac Solidae, Et Selecta Ex Archimede Theoremata (1725) by Tacquet, Andrea
Grundlicher Unterricht Zur Praktischen Rechenkunst (1790) by Anonymous
Episagogicon Geometricum Sive Primitiva Mathesis Initia (1705) by Castroni, Benedetto Maria
Encyclopaedia Positionum Philosophicarum Ac Mathematicarum (1772) by Anonymous
Leichte Und Grundliche Anleitung Zur Rechenkunst (1761) by Holtzwart, Matthias
Einleitung In Die Physisch. Mathematische Kosmologie (1776) by Wiedeburg, Johann Ernst Basilius
Einleitung Zur Matematischen Bucherkentnis V1 (1775) by Scheibel, Johann Ephraim
Einleitung Zur Rechen-Kunst Zum Gebrauch Des Gymnasii (1738) by Imperatorskai a Akademii Khudozhestv
Elementos De La Mathematica (1755) by Wendlingen, Juan
Elementos Mathematicos (1634) by Stafford, Ignacio
Dissertationes Mathematicae Et Physicae (1771) by Kaestner, Abraham Gotthelf
Auszug Aus Den Anfangsgrunden Und Dem Lehrbegriffe Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften (1785) by Karsten, Wenceslaus Johann Gustav
Clavis Mathematicae Denuo Limata, Sive Potius Fabricata (1667) by Oughtred, William
Analecta Ex Omni Meliorum Literarum V1-2: Genere, Sacro, Historico, Philologico, Mathematico (1725) by Societas Caritatis Et Scientiarum
Andreae Argoli Serenissimi Senatus Veneti Equtitis: Et In Patauino Lyceo Mathematicas Profitentis, Pandosion Sphaericum (1653) by Argoli, Andrea
Anfangsgunde Der Angewandten Mathematik (1789) by Huth, Gottfried
Calcolo Integrale Delle Equazioni Lineari (1798) by Brunacci, Vincenzo
De Mathesis In Rebus Physicis Utilitate Praelectio (1720) by Poleni, Giovanni
Examen Du Livre Des Recreations Mathematiques (1639) by Mydorge, Claude
Geometria Indivisibilibus Continuorum Nova Quadam Ratione Promota (1653) by Cavalieri, Bonaventura
Materialien Zur Geist- Und Weltlichen Statistick Des Niederrheinischen Und Westphalischen Kreises, Ersten Jahrganges V2 (1781) by Eichhoff, Johann Peter
Elenchus Geometriae Hobbianae (1655) by Wallis, John
Lineae Tertii Ordinis Neutonianae (1717) by Stirling, James
La Construction, L'Usage Et Les Proprietez Du Quadrant Nouveau De Mathematique (1631) by Vernier, Pierre
Trattenimenti Matematici Del Conte Giambatista Suardi Bresciano (1764) by Suardi, Giovanni Battista
A Risk Neutral Stochastic Implied Volatility Model and Applications by He, Peng
Combinatorics and the Feynman Identity by Lin, Mingshr
Harmonic Analysis of Mean Periodic Functions on Symmetric Spaces and the Heisenberg Group by Volchkov, Vitaly V., Volchkov, Valery V.
Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur by Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
Handbook of Large-Scale Random Networks by
Graph Theory, Computational Intelligence and Thought: Essays Dedicated to Martin Charles Golumbic on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday by
Classical and Modern Numerical Analysis: Theory, Methods and Practice by Allen, Edward James, Kearfott, R. Baker, Ackleh, Azmy S.
Pairing-Based Cryptography - Pairing 2009: Third International Conference Palo Alto, Ca, Usa, August 12-14, 2009 Proceedings by
Leçons Sur l'Intégration Et La Recherche Des Fonctions Primitives Professées Au Collège de France by Lebesgue, Henri Leon, Henri Leon, Lebesgue
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 1 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
Oeuvres Complètes: Series 2 by Cauchy, Augustin-Louis
The Theory of Sets of Points by Young, Grace Chisholm, Young, William Henry
Statics: Including Hydrostatics and the Elements of the Theory of Elasticity by Lamb, Horace
The New Quantum Mechanics by Birtwistle, George
Dynamics by Lamb, Horace
Vollstandige Anleitung Zur Niedern Und Hohern Algebra by Euler, Leonhard
Mathematical and Physical Papers by Stokes, George Gabriel
Mathematical and Physical Papers by Stokes, George Gabriel
Elements of the Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism by Thomson, John Joseph
Elements of Algebra by Euler, Leonard
A Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences by Boole, George
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