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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2012

Proceedings Of The Royal Society Of Edinburgh, Volume 1 by
Core Mathematics For High Schools by Persson, Lars-Erik, Essel, Emmanuel Kwame
Paradigmas by Medina Torres, Jorge Galo, Lira Saldivar, Ricardo Hugo
Who's Who of Well-Known Mathematicians (Volume IV) by
La Construccion de La Nocion de Variable by G. Mez Otero, Enrique Javier, Gomez Otero, Enrique Javier
Theory of Computation by Tourlakis, George
The Common Core Mathematics Standards: Transforming Practice Through Team Leadership by Hull, Ted H., Balka, Don S., Harbin Miles, Ruth
The Mathematics of Infinity by Faticoni, Theodore G.
Introduction to Cultural Mathematics by Gilsdorf, Thomas E.
Nonoscillation Theory of Functional Differential Equations with Applications by Berezansky, Leonid, Braverman, Elena, Agarwal, Ravi P.
A Beginner's Guide to Finite Mathematics: For Business, Management, and the Social Sciences by Wallis, W. D.
Isolierte Involutionen in endlichen Gruppen by Waldecker Rebecca
Energy as a challenge to development by Krasniqi, Azra
Who's who of well-known mathematicians (volume III) by
Who's who of well-known mathematicians (volume II) by
Kalkulu Diferentziala Eta Integrala by Aristondo, Oihana
Complex Analysis and Differential Equations by Barreira, Luis, Valls, Claudia
Geometrische Optik by Zimmer, Hans-Georg
Representations for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms by Rothlauf, Franz
Inverse Problems: Proceedings of the Conference Held at the Mathematical Research Institute at Oberwolfach, Black Forest, May 18-24,1986 by Hornung, Cannon
Stochastic Integral Equations and Rainfall-Runoff Models by Hromadka II, Theodore V., Whitley, Robert J.
Exotic Attractors: From Liapunov Stability to Riddled Basins by Buescu, Jorge
Lineare Funktionalanalysis: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung by Alt, Hans Wilhelm
Sums, Trimmed Sums and Extremes by Hahn
The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Nebesnaya Mekhanika Na Sfere I V Prostranstve Lobachevskogo by Vozmishcheva Tat'yana
Some fixed point theorems in Menger spaces and applications by Kumar, Suneel, Pant, B. D.
Graded Prime Submodules by Khazaa'leh, Ala', Bataineh, Malik
Repertorium Der Theorie Der Differentialgleichungen by Tricomi, F. G.
An Exhibit Denied: Lobbying the History of Enola Gay by Harwit, Martin
Boundary Elements: Implementation and Analysis of Advanced Algorithms: Proceedings of the Twelfth Gamm-Seminar Kiel, January 19-21, 1996 by
Solitons: Differential Equations, Symmetries and Infinite Dimensional Algebras by Miwa, T., Jimbo, M., Date, E.
An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry by Russell, Bertrand A. W.
Neuere Untersuchungen Über Eindeutige Analytische Funktionen by Wittich, Hans
Information Processing in the Cortex: Experiments and Theory by
Vorlesungen Über Orthogonalreihen by Tricomi, Francesco Giacomo
Boundary Element Techniques: Theory and Applications in Engineering by Wrobel, L. C., Brebbia, C. A., Telles, J. C. F.
Linear Programming Over an Infinite Horizon by Evers, J. J. M.
Some Improperly Posed Problems of Mathematical Physics by Lavrentiev, Michail M.
Constructive Methods of Wiener-Hopf Factorization by Gohberg, Kaashoek
Multicriteria Design Optimization: Procedures and Applications by
Numerical Methods of Approximation Theory, Vol.6 \ Numerische Methoden Der Approximationstheorie, Band 6: Workshop on Numerical Methods of Approximati by Meinardus, Werner, Collatz
Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type by Miranda, C.
Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping: Reihe: Moderne Funktionentheorie by Jenkins, James A.
Asymptotic Behavior and Stability Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations by Cesari, Lamberto
How To Use A Chinese Abacus: A step-by-step guide to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, roots and more. by Green, Paul
Complex Integration & Cauchy's Theorem by Watson, George Neville
An Introduction to the Theory of Groups by Alexandroff, Paul
Gene Regulation by Numbers by Antoine Buetti-Dinh
Improving Solutions of Nonlinear Differential Equations Using Control by Sayed, Mohamed
Indicador Sintetico Para La Evaluacion Ambiental En Zonas Costeras by Vivas Aguas, Lizbeth Janet
Clusters, Una Estrategia Para Generar Ventajas Competitivas by Alvarez Bernal, Claudia, Curiel Morales, Rosa Mar
Induccion de Arboles de Decision by Loyola Gonz Lez, Octavio, Guti Rrez, Andres E., Garc a., Milton
The Beltrami Equation: A Geometric Approach by Gutlyanskii, Vladimir, Ryazanov, Vladimir, Srebro, Uri
Reasoning, Communication and Connections in Mathematics: Yearbook 2012, Association of Mathematics Educators by
Der Lange Weg Zur Erfolgsmannschaft: Strategisch-Situative Führung Am Beispiel Von Sportteams by Fontanari, Markus
Numerik Gewöhnlicher Differentialgleichungen: Nichtsteife, Steife Und Differential-Algebraische Gleichungen by Strehmel, Karl, Weiner, Rüdiger, Podhaisky, Helmut
Control of Partial Differential Equations: Cetraro, Italy 2010, Editors: Piermarco Cannarsa, Jean-Michel Coron by Glass, Olivier, Alabau-Boussouira, Fatiha, Brockett, Roger
Foundations Of Potential Theory by Kellogg, Oliver Dimon
Determining The Profit Maximization Level by Chowdhury, Nour Mohammed
Convective heat transfer analysis for visco-elastic fluids by Mustafa, Naeem
Foundations Of Potential Theory by Kellogg, Oliver Dimon
Handbook Of Elementary Technical Mathematics by Chriswell, Marcus Irving, Greenwood, John Washburn
Locally Convex Spaces and Linear Partial Differential Equations by Treves, François
Priblizhennye Metody Resheniya Zadach Teorii Fil'tratsii I Myagkikh Obolochek by Badriev Il'dar
Resheniya Modeli Margerra-Vlasova S Sharnirnym Zakrepleniem Kraya Obolochki by Kolpakova E., Sedenko V.
Pol'skaya Shkola Teorii Mnozhestv by Sinkevich Galina
Diagnosis of Learning Difficulties on Fractions and Decimals by Rameshchandra G., Kothari, Hemendra S., Mistry
Pseudo-nitzschia in Tropical Estuary by Su Nyun Pau, Suriyanti
Eco-restoration of High Sulphur Coalmine Overburden Wasteland by Handique, Arun Kr, Gogoi, Juli, Deka Boruah, Hari Prasanna
Mumford-Tate Groups and Domains: Their Geometry and Arithmetic by Kerr, Matt, Green, Mark, Griffiths, Phillip A.
Mumford-Tate Groups and Domains: Their Geometry and Arithmetic by Green, Mark, Griffiths, Phillip A., Kerr, Matt
Mathematics for Maths and Science Students by Jones, Peter Martin
Advances in Dune: Proceedings of the Dune User Meeting, Held in October 6th-8th 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany by
Obrazovanie I Perenos Kapel'noy Vlagi Pri Rabote Vodosbrosa Ges by Koterov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Stokhasticheskie attraktory: chuvstvitel'nost', bifurkatsii, upravlenie by Ryashko Lev, Tsvetkov Ivan, Bashkirtseva Irina
Sistemnyy analiz samostoyatel'noy raboty uchashchikhsya by Tovbis Elena Mikhaylovna, Yakimov Sergey Petrovich
Mixed-model Just-in-time Sequencing Problem by Khadka, Shree Ram
Conservation by Nautiyal, Harish
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Pipes by Mahdi, Haifa, Mohammad, Husain
Genetic Algorithm Approach to Some Graph Theoretic Problems by Nayeem, Sk MD Abu
Environmental Management by Abraham, Ernest Mensah
Alan M. Turing by Turing, Sara
Cómo Utilizar Un Abaco Chino: (Edición en Español) by Green, Paul
Hamiltonian Cycle Problem and Markov Chains by Filar, Jerzy A., Borkar, Vivek S., Ejov, Vladimir
A Network Model: Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem (MCNFP) by Uddin, MD Farhad
Plane Waves in Elastic Material with Voids by Singh, Jaswant
Anaerobic digestion of organic by-products from meat-processing by Luste, Sami
Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture by Kumar, Uthpal, Khan, M. Shah Alam
Surface Visualization Using Rational Bi-Quadratic Spline FunctionS by Faisal, Ayesha
Marcadores Moleculares y Conservacion de Especies Amenazadas by Perez-Collazos, Ernesto
Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance: Arbitrage and Option Pricing by Roman, Steven
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 1 by Friedman, Avner
Stochastic Systems: Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation by Grigoriu, Mircea
The Biology of Computer Life: Survival, Emotion and Free Will by Simons
Combinatorial Theory by Aigner, Martin
Use Cases of Discrete Event Simulation: Appliance and Research by
Progress in Turbulence and Wind Energy IV: Proceedings of the Iti Conference in Turbulence 2010 by
Matematicheskie Modeli Teplofiziki Pri Pereplave Metallov(eshp, Vdp) by Potapov Viktor, Igiz'yanova Nadezhda
Estudio Axiomatico de La Geometria by Robres Lopez, Ramon Angel, Robres L. Pez, Ram N. Ngel, Gonz Lez C., Jos
Identificacion Dinamica Estructural Utilizando Vibraciones Ambientales by Gomez Araujo, Ivan Dario, G. Mez Ara Jo, N. Dar O., IV
Moscas Blancas by Castillo-Gutierrez, Antonio, Carapia-Ruiz, Vicente Emilio
Babylonian Mathematical Astronomy: Procedure Texts by Ossendrijver, Mathieu
Manfredo P. Do Carmo - Selected Papers by Do Carmo, Manfredo P.
Prob & Sol Group, Lie Group, Lie Algeb.. by Steeb, Willi-Hans, Hardy, Yorick, Tanski, Igor
Georg Cantor 1845 - 1918 by Purkert, Walter, Ilgauds, Hans J.
Sparsity: Graphs, Structures, and Algorithms by Nesetřil, Jaroslav, Ossona De Mendez, Patrice
Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation: Simulation Tools and Applications by
Sinkhroniziruemye avtomaty by Pribavkina Elena
Geometricheskie Svoystva Konusov Funktsiy by Smirnov Evgeniy, Berezhnoy Evgeniy, Bondarenko Yuriy
Teoriya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya by Novikov Georgiy Vladimirovich
Network of Scheduling Problems by Gupta, Deepak, Singla, Payal
Multi-commodity multi-period supply chain network design by Megahed, Aly
Understanding the human postural control system by Hur, Pilwon
15 Problemas Basicos de Ingenieria (de Sistemas) by Camacho Rodriguez, Cristhian Alexander
Progress in Commutative Algebra 2: Closures, Finiteness and Factorization by
The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast Monographs in Mathematics Education Monograph 12, Crossroads in the History of Mathematics and Mathematics Educatio by
Acht- Und Neunstellige Tabellen Zu Den Elliptischen Funktionen / Eight and Nine Place Tables of Elliptical Functions: Dargestellt Mittels Des Jacobisc by Schuler, Max, Gebelein, Hans
Kompleksnyy Analiz by Aleksandrov Igor' Aleksandrovich
Uchimsya Matematike Vmeste by Tarbokova Tat'yana
Vvedenie V Teoriyu Obratnykh I Nekorrektnykh Zadach by Ol'khovoy Aleksey
Design of Data Acquisition System for Measurement of Power and Energy by Umale, Pratibha Marskole
Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics by Mishiwo, Mark
Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Fish from Laguna de Bay by Molina, Victorio
Parameter uniform numerical methods for singular perturbation problems by Mohapatra, Jugal
On Strong Semilattices of Some Types of Algebras by Elagan, Sayed
Discrete Quartic and Quintic Spline Interpolation by Dubey, Yadvendra
Construcción de la derivada by Engler, Adriana, Camacho Ríos, Alberto
Competencias Lectoras En El Mundo Matematico by Herrera Murgas, Lidia Dolores
What Is Integrability? by
Varieties of Groups by Neumann, Hanna
Self-Adjoint Extensions in Quantum Mechanics: General Theory and Applications to Schrödinger and Dirac Equations with Singular Potentials by Gitman, D. M., Tyutin, I. V., Voronov, B. L.
Contemporary Ring Theory 2011 - Proceedings of the Sixth China-Japan-Korea International Conference on Ring Theory by
Case-Based Predictions: An Axiomatic Approach to Prediction, Classification and Statistical Learning by Gilboa, Itzhak, Schmeidler, David
Elementary Theory of Numbers: International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics by Griffin, Harriet
Teaching Learning Concepts in Calculus by Sidelil, Ashebir
The concept of a function by Nyikahadzoyi, Maroni Runesu
A Concise History Of Mathematics, V1-2: Dover Series In Mathematics And Physics by Struik, Dirk Jan
Upper Bound Limit Load Solutions for Welded Joints with Cracks by Alexandrov, Sergey
Cómo Utilizar Un Abaco Chino: (Edición en Español) by Green, Paul
Fun With Mathematics by Meyer, Jerome Sydney
Elementary Mathematical Analysis by Bristol, James D., Herberg, Theodore
Game Theory for Control of Optical Networks by Pavel, Lacra
Operational Calculus by Krabbe, Gregers
The Intersection of History and Mathematics by
ABC Of Environmental Pollution by Nautiyal, Harish
Measure and Category: A Survey of the Analogies Between Topological and Measure Spaces by Oxtoby, John C.
Level Set Methods and Dynamic Implicit Surfaces by Osher, Stanley, Fedkiw, Ronald
A Wealth of Numbers: An Anthology of 500 Years of Popular Mathematics Writing by
On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Theory by Atanassov, Krassimir T.
Ergodic Theory, Hyperbolic Dynamics and Dimension Theory by Barreira, Luís
From Scientific Instrument to Industrial Machine: Coping with Architectural Stress in Embedded Systems by
Lob Des Fünfecks: Mathematisch Angehauchte Gedichte by
Effective Tracking of Building Energy Use: Improving the Commercial Buildings and Residential Energy Consumption Surveys by Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, Board on Energy and Environmental Systems, National Research Council
Algebra Tomo II: Hake Mate by Ake Mian, Hector Alonso, Ak Mi N., H. Ctor Alonso
Algebra Tomo I: Hake Mate by Ake Mian, Hector Alonso, Ak Mi N., H. Ctor Alonso
Coding Theory and Design Theory: Part II Design Theory by
Second-Order Equations with Nonnegative Characteristic Form by Oleinik, O.
Modelirovanie Zadach Metodom Granichnykh Elementov by Evgeniy Nikolaevich Berezin, Konstantin Evgen'evich Afanas'ev
Obratnye Zadachi Spektral'nogo Analiza by Sedov Andrey
Lecture Notes on Differential Calculus by Rahman, Shamsur
Umbral Calculus by K. S., Nisar
Applications in Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability by Sharma, Hari Mohan
Iterative Methods for Nonlinear ILL-posed Problems by George, Santhosh, Elmahdy, Atef Ibrahim
Nature of Groundwater in & around Satkhira, South-west Bangladesh by Dey, Subroto Kumar, Datta, Dilip Kumar
Pricing and Hedging of Defaultable Models by Leniec, Marta, Antczak, Magdalena
On Almost Primary Ideals and Generalized k- Primary Rings by Ahmed, Chwas, Jabbar, Adil
New concepts in sequences by Qena, Muna, Al-Ashhab, Saleem
Effective Community Participation in Ecotourism Management by Wandaka John K. M.
Bayesian Inference for Gene Expression and Proteomics by
Quantitative Logic and Soft Computing - Proceedings of the Ql&sc 2012 by
Synchronization stability and robustness of Lattice Oscillators by Keny Rambaei, Silver Jeptoo, Rotich, Titus
Unterrichtsentwürfe Mathematik Sekundarstufe I by Heckmann, Kirsten, Padberg, Friedhelm
Opinions Et Curiosités Touchant La Mathématique (Éd.1898) by Maupin, Georges
Petit Traité de Gnomonique, Ou l'Art de Tracer Les Cadrans Solaires, (Éd.1788) by Polonceau
Cours de Mathématiques Appliquées (Éd.1880) by Girod, Félicien
Applications de la Géométrie Élémentaire (4e Éd.) (Éd.1865) by Amiot, A.
Leçons de Géométrie Descriptive (5e Éd) (Éd.19e) by Berniolle, P.
Statistique Générale de la France. Catalogue Détaillé Des Ouvrages Exposés (Éd.1889) by Sans Auteur
Exposé Statistique Du Tonkin, de la Cochinchine, Du Cambodge, Du Tsiampa, Du Laos, (Éd.1811) by Le Mounier, Pierre-Jacques
Divers Ouvrages de M. de Roberval (Éd.1693) by Personne de Roberval, Gilles
Kak otkryt' samoe bol'shoe prostoe chislo by Vladimirov Valerian
Metody Trigonometricheskoy Approksimatsii by Runovskiy Konstantin
Permutation Polynomials and their Applications in Cryptography by Singh, Rajesh Pratap
Leçons Sur Le Calcul Des Fonctions (Nouv. Éd. Rev. Et Corr.) (Éd.1806) by Lagrange, Joseph-Louis
Essai Historique Sur Les Services Et Les Travaux Scientifiques de Gaspard Monge (Éd.1819) by Dupin, Charles
Cours Élémentaire de Trigonométrie Rectiligne (3e Éd.) (Éd.1863) by Guilmin, Adrien
Esquisse d'Une Histoire de la Logique (Éd.1838) by Franck, Adolphe
Cours de Mécanique de l'Ecole Polytechnique. T. 1 (Éd.1883) by Sturm, Charles
Essai Sur l'Histoire Générale Des Mathématiques. Tome 1 (Éd.1802) by Bossut, Charles
Essai Sur l'Histoire Générale Des Mathématiques. Tome 2 (Éd.1802) by Bossut, Charles
L'Algèbre de Jaques Peletier Du Mans, Départie En 2 Livres (Éd.1554) by Peletier, Jacques
L'Algèbre Nouvelle (Éd.1630) by Viète, François
Théorie Des Nombres. T. 1 (Éd.1830) by Legendre, Adrien-Marie
Abrégé de Géométrie Pratique: Appliquée Au Dessin Linéaire (21e Éd.) (Éd.1851) by Bransiet, Mathieu
Élémens d'Algèbre. T. 1 (Éd.1774) by Euler, Leonhard
Essai Sur La Théorie Des Nombres (2nde Édition) (Éd.1808-1825) by Legendre, Adrien-Marie
Élémens de Trigonométrie: Contenant La Trigonométrie Rectiligne, (3e Ed) (Ed.1836) by Lefébure de Fourcy, Louis-Etienne
Cursus Mathematicus, Nova, Brevi Et Clara Methodo Demonstratus. Tome 1 (Éd.1634-1637) by Hérigone, Pierre
Eléments de Géométrie, Avec Des Notes (Éd.1817) by Legendre, Adrien-Marie
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