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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2013

Interviewers' Deviations in Surveys: Impact, Reasons, Detection and Prevention by
Offbeat Integral Geometry on Symmetric Spaces by Volchkov, Valery V., Volchkov, Vitaly V.
Selected Papers by Walsh, Joseph L.
The Kolmogorov-Obukhov Theory of Turbulence: A Mathematical Theory of Turbulence by Birnir, Bjorn
Networks Against Time: Supply Chain Analytics for Perishable Products by Masoumi, Amir H., Nagurney, Anna, Yu, Min
Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory: The Stefan Samko Anniversary Volume by
The Tower of Hanoi - Myths and Maths by Klavzar, Sandi, Milutinovic, Uros, Hinz, Andreas M.
The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward New Discourse by
The Brilliance of Black Children in Mathematics: Beyond the Numbers and Toward New Discourse (Hc) by
Regularity and Complexity in Dynamical Systems by Luo, Albert C. J.
System Modeling and Optimization: 25th Ifip Tc 7 Conference, Csmo 2011, Berlin, Germany, September 12-16, 2011, Revised Selected Papers by
Distribution-Valued Analytic Functions - Theory and Applications by Wagner, Peter, Ortner, Norbert
Guide to Essential Math: A Review for Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Students by Blinder, Sy M.
A First Course in Functional Analysis: Theory and Applications by Sen, Rabindranath
Flow Networks: Analysis and Optimization of Repairable Flow Networks, Networks with Disturbed Flows, Static Flow Networks and Reliability Networks by Todinov, Michael T.
Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Oscillatory Differential Equations by Wang, Bin, Wu, Xinyuan, You, Xiong
Application of Genetic Algorithm in Worm Gear Mechanism by Verma, Durgesh
Collected Papers III: 1978-1990 by Lang, Serge
Risk Measures and Attitudes by
New Trends of Research in Ontologies and Lexical Resources: Ideas, Projects, Systems by
Understanding the Zeta function, without getting lost in the tricky paths of advanced complex analysis by Bredakis, John
Unterrichtsstunde: Zufall und Wahrscheinlichkeit: Das Würfeln mit zwei Würfeln by Smoleski, Henriette
Development of Memristor Based Circuits by Fitch, Andrew L., Iu, Herbert Ho-Ching
Biomechanics of the Human Urinary Bladder by Miftahof, Roustem N., Nam, Hong Gil
Engineering of Chemical Complexity by
Structural Analysis with the Finite Element Method. Linear Statics: Volume 2: Beams, Plates and Shells by Oñate, Eugenio
Functional Calculus of Pseudodifferential Boundary Problems by Grubb, Gerd
The Mathematical Theory of Dilute Gases by Illner, Reinhard, Cercignani, Carlo, Pulvirenti, Mario
A Guide to the Classification Theorem for Compact Surfaces by Gallier, Jean, Xu, Dianna
Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control by Clarke, Francis
Mathematical Models for Communicable Diseases by Castillo-Chavez, Carlos, Brauer, Fred
Algebraic and Geometric Ideas in the Theory of Discrete Optimization by Köppe, Matthias, Hemmecke, Raymond, de Loera, Jesús
Mechanics of Advanced Functional Materials by Wang, Biao
Water Quality Modelling for Rivers and Streams by Benedini, Marcello, Tsakiris, George
Selecta by Hlawka, Edmund
Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields: Asymptotic Methods by
Matter Matters: Metaphysics and Methodology in the Early Modern Period by Smith, Kurt
Combinatorial Matrix Theory and Generalized Inverses of Matrices by
Eratosthenian Averages by Wintner, Aurel
An Arithmetical Approach to Ordinary Fourier Series by Wintner, Aurel
Structure of Solutions of Variational Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling by Salomon, David
Cuadrados Magicos: Descripcion, Creacion, y Ejemplos de sus diversos tipos by Granados Vasquez, Rafael
Nonuniform Sampling: Theory and Practice by
The Finite Element Method in Charged Particle Optics by Khursheed, Anjam
The Foundations of Mathematics and Other Logical Essays by Ramsey, Frank Plumpton
Generalized Vectorization, Cross-Products, and Matrix Calculus by Turkington, Darrell A.
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra: An Applied Approach by Lockwood, Joanne, Aufmann, Richard
Topological Vector Spaces II by Köthe, Gottfried
Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung by Hack, Franz
Teaching Secondary Mathematics by Rock, David, Brumbaugh, Douglas K.
Logical Methods: In Honor of Anil Nerode's Sixtieth Birthday by
Engineering Risk and Finance by Tapiero, Charles S.
Orthogonal Polynomials for Exponential Weights by Levin, Eli, Lubinsky, Doron S.
Momentum Maps and Hamiltonian Reduction by Ortega, Juan-Pablo, Ratiu, Tudor S.
Program Your Calculator (Large Print Edition) (Large Print Edition) by Moore-Russo, Deborah, Rising, Gerald R., Schoaff, Eileen K.
Wahrscheinlichkeiten großer Abweichungen normalverteilter Zufallsvektoren: Mathematisches Seminar in der Integral- Asymptotik by Kasten, Felix
Memoirs of the Life, Writings and Discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton by Brewster, David
Trigonometrie. Einführung des Kosinus eines Winkels: Ausarbeitung für das Proseminar der Didaktik der Mathematik by Kasten, Felix
Probleme der Entwicklung grundlegender Begriffe der Integralrechnung: Belegarbeit für das Hauptseminar in der Mathematikdidaktik by Kasten, Felix
Matrix Computations by Van Loan, Charles F., Golub, Gene H.
Zur Doppelten Diskontinuität in Der Gymnasiallehrerbildung: Ansätze Zu Verknüpfungen Der Fachinhaltlichen Ausbildung Mit Schulischen Vorerfahrungen Un by
Mathematics And The Biological Sciences: Reprint And Circular Series Of The National Research Council, No. 77 by Williams, Horatio Burt
The Fourier Transforms Of Probability Distributions by Wintner, Aurel
Rigorous Treatment Of Maximum-Minimum Problems In The Calculus by Walsh, Joseph Leonard
Mathematical Modeling and Optimization: An Essay for the Design of Computer-Based Modeling Tools by Hürlimann, Tony
Collected Papers V: 1993-1999 by Lang, Serge
Twist Mappings and Their Applications by
Malliavin Calculus and Stochastic Analysis: A Festschrift in Honor of David Nualart by
Numerical Approximation of Exact Controls for Waves by Ervedoza, Sylvain, Zuazua, Enrique
System Modelling and Optimization: Methods, Theory and Applications. 19th Ifip Tc7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization July 12-16, 1999, C by
Wave Motion: Theory, Modelling, and Computation: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Peter D. Lax by
Vorlesungen über Variationsrechnung by Bolza, Oskar
Polygonal Approximation and Scale-Space Analysis of Closed Digital Curves by Ray, Bimal Kumar, Ray, Kumar S.
Levels of Infinity: Selected Writings on Mathematics and Philosophy by Weyl, Hermann
Ausgleichsrechnung nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate by Weitbrecht, Wilhelm
Theorie Der Zahlenreihen Und Reihengleichungen by Voigt, Andreas
Further Developments in Fractals and Related Fields: Mathematical Foundations and Connections by
Mathematik-Problemlösungen Mit MathCAD Und MathCAD Prime by Benker, Hans
Level E Tpb 1 by
Level E Tpb 2 by
Level D Tpb 2 by
Level D Tpb 1 by
Evolution of Mathematical Concepts by Wilder, Raymond L.
Numerische Integration. Ausarbeitung zum numerischen Praktikum by Kasten, Felix
Combinatorics Problems and Solutions by Hollos, J. Richard, Hollos, Stefan
Emerging Topics on Differential Equations and Their Applications - Proceedings on Sino-Japan Conference of Young Mathematicians by
Ibn Al-Haytham's Theory of Conics, Geometrical Constructions and Practical Geometry: A History of Arabic Sciences and Mathematics Volume 3 by Rashed, Roshdi
OCR Additional Mathematics Practice Book by Hanrahan, Val
An Introduction for to Lerne to Recken by Anonymous
Meshless Methods and Their Numerical Properties by Li, Hua, Mulay, Shantanu S.
The Study of Time III: Proceedings of the Third Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time Alpbach--Austria by
An Introduction to Robust Mechanism Design by Bergemann, Dirk, Morris, Stephen
Felix Hausdorff - Gesammelte Werke Band Ia: Allgemeine Mengenlehre by
Contributions to Order Statistics: Wiley Publication in Applied Statistics by
Cauchy's Problem for Hyperbolic Equations: Winter and Spring Quarters, 1957, University of Chicago by Garding, Lars
Application Of Trigonometric Series To Cable Stress Analysis In Suspension Bridges: Department Of Engineering Research, No. 12 by Priester, George Charles
Variable Lebesgue Spaces: Foundations and Harmonic Analysis by Cruz-Uribe, David V., Fiorenza, Alberto
Euler-Lagrange-Gleichungen in der angewandten Analysis by Kasten, Felix
Die Potentialfunction und das Potential by Clausius, R.
A Description of the Admirable Table of Logarithmes by Napier, John
Invisible in the Storm: The Role of Mathematics in Understanding Weather by Roulstone, Ian, Norbury, John
Towing Icebergs, Falling Dominoes, and Other Adventures in Applied Mathematics by Banks, Robert B.
Trigonometric Delights by Maor, Eli
Evaluating Supplier Quality Performance by Kalimuthu Rajoo, Shanmugam Sundram
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Information and Computation and Its Applications to Nano- And Bio-Systems by Ohya, Masanori, Volovich, I.
Approximation Algorithms for Complex Systems: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Algorithms for Approximation, Ambleside, Uk, 31st Aug by
Mining of Data with Complex Structures by Hadzic, Fedja, Tan, Henry, Dillon, Tharam S.
Algebraic Patching by Jarden, Moshe
Evolving Fuzzy Systems - Methodologies, Advanced Concepts and Applications by Lughofer, Edwin
Level E Teacher Materials Package Subassembly by
The Linear Ordering Problem: Exact and Heuristic Methods in Combinatorial Optimization by Martí, Rafael, Reinelt, Gerhard
Mono- And Multivariable Control and Estimation: Linear, Quadratic and LMI Methods by Ostertag, Eric
Combinatorics and Reasoning: Representing, Justifying and Building Isomorphisms by
Fourier Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Bahouri, Hajer, Chemin, Jean-Yves, Danchin, Raphaël
Math for Real Life for Dummies by Schoenborn, Barry
Stability of Vector Differential Delay Equations by Gil', Michael I.
Special Functions of Mathematical (Geo-)Physics by Freeden, Willi, Gutting, Martin
Proving Darwin: Making Biology Mathematical by Chaitin, Gregory
Handbook of Optical Dimensional Metrology by
Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance: Finite Element Methods for Derivative Pricing by Schwab, Christoph, Hilber, Norbert, Reichmann, Oleg
Musical Performance: A Comprehensive Approach: Theory, Analytical Tools, and Case Studies by Mazzola, Guerino
Tractable Models of Solid Mechanics: Formulation, Analysis and Interpretation by Gendelman, Oleg V., Manevitch, Leonid I.
From Geometric Modeling to Shape Modeling: Ifip Tc5 Wg5.2 Seventh Workshop on Geometric Modeling: Fundamentals and Applications October 2-4, 2000, Par by
Dynamics of Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems by Lakshmanan, Muthusamy, Senthilkumar, Dharmapuri Vijayan
Macroeconometric Models by Welfe, Wladyslaw
Vorlesungen Uber Die Vektorenrechnung by Jahnke, Eugen
Macro and Micro Mathematics: Digital, Relational and Behavioral Mathematics, A systemic approach to Matrix Analysis by Hubbert, Roy
Macro and Micro Mathematics' Matrix Tables: Digital, Relational and Behavioral Mathematics, A systemic approach to Matrix Analysis by Hubbert, Roy
Applications of Teichm Ller Theory to 3-Manifolds by Hamenstadt, Ursula, Lecuire, Cyril, Otal, Jean-Pierre
Business Intelligence and Performance Management: Theory, Systems and Industrial Applications by
Collected Papers by Artin, Emil
Perspectives in Control Theory: Proceedings of the Sielpia Conference, Sielpia, Poland, September 19-24, 1988 by Jakubczyk, B.
Decision Control, Management, and Support in Adaptive and Complex Systems: Quantitative Models by Andreev, Rumen D., Pavlov, Yuri P.
Bija Ganita; Or, the Algebra of the Hindus by Acharya, Bhascara
Evolvodynamics - The Mathematical Theory of Economic Evolution: A Coherent Way of Interpreting Time. Scarceness, Value and Economic Growth by Wallast, Len H.
Didaktik Des Mathematischen Modellierens: Erste Bausteine by
Einstieg in Die Mathematikdidaktik by Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa
Multiscale Methods in Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Experiment by
Maths for Science by Jordan, Sally, Murphy, Pat, Ross, Shelagh
Introduction to the Theory and Application of Data Envelopment Analysis: A Foundation Text with Integrated Software by Thanassoulis, Emmanuel
Periodic Solutions of Singular Lagrangian Systems by Ambrosetti, A., Coti-Zelati, V.
An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems Theory by Zwart, Hans, Curtain, Ruth F.
How to Study as a Mathematics Major by Alcock, Lara
Verborgene Ideen: Historische Mathematische Instrumente by Vollrath, Hans-Joachim
Lesebuch Mathematik Für Das Erste Studienjahr by Hilgert, Joachim
Astronomical Cuneiform Texts: Babylonian Ephemerides of the Seleucid Period for the Motion of the Sun, the Moon, and the Planets by
Thomas Gray in Copenhagen: In Which the Philosopher Cat Meets the Ghost of Hans Christian Andersen by Davis, Philip J.
Algol-Like Languages by O'Hearn, Peter, Tennent, Robert
Fourier Analysis on Number Fields by Valenza, Robert J., Ramakrishnan, Dinakar
Analytische Studien by Schlömilch, Oskar
Model Building in Mathematical Programming by Williams, H. Paul
Partial Differential Equations: Methods, Applications and Theories by Hattori, Harumi
The Third Number -Enigmatic Summation- (The Value of Zero): -Enigmatic Summation- (The Value of Zero) by Liddell, Keith(fastest Punch)
Proofs of the Cantor-Bernstein Theorem: A Mathematical Excursion by Hinkis, Arie
Analytical Methods in Rotor Dynamics: Second Edition by Dimarogonas, Andrew D., Paipetis, Stefanos A., Chondros, Thomas G.
Model Based Parameter Estimation: Theory and Applications by
Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers Using Excel, Vba, and MATLAB by Law, Victor J.
Analytische Studien: Theorie Der Gammafunktionen by Schlomilch, Oskar
Homological Algebra: In Strongly Non-Abelian Settings by Grandis, Marco
Introduction to Differential Equations, An: Stochastic Modeling, Methods and Analysis (Volume 2) by Ladde, Gangaram S., Ladde, Anilchandra G.
Chaos, Cnn, Memristors and Beyond: A Festschrift for Leon Chua (with DVD-Rom, Composed by Eleonora Bilotta) by
Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems: Ifip Tc7 / Wg7.2 International Working Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Differential Syst by
Pseudo-Differential Operators, Generalized Functions and Asymptotics by
Level D Teacher Materials Package Subassembly by
Introduction to Differential Equations, An: Stochastic Modeling, Methods and Analysis (Volume 2) by Ladde, Anilchandra G., Ladde, Gangaram S.
Foundations of Real and Abstract Analysis by Bridges, Douglas S.
Studies in Phase Space Analysis with Applications to Pdes by
Physics of Continuous Media: Problems and Solutions in Electromagnetism, Fluid Mechanics and MHD, Second Edition by Vekstein, Grigory
Elementare Arithmetik Und Algebra by Schubert, Hermann
Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics by Vein, Robert, Dale, Paul
Exponential Families of Stochastic Processes by Küchler, Uwe, Sorensen, Michael
Interest Rate Derivatives: Valuation, Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis by Beyna, Ingo
Quasi-Likelihood and Its Application: A General Approach to Optimal Parameter Estimation by Heyde, Christopher C.
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering by Ihlenburg, Frank
A Practical Approach to Robustness Analysis with Aeronautical Applications by Ferreres, Gilles
Weyl Transforms by Wong, M. W.
Log-Linear Models and Logistic Regression by Christensen, Ronald
Practical Mathematical Analysis by Sanden, Horst Von, Levy, H.
Price Predictions, V2: Mathematical Tables and Supplementary Data by Granville, Joseph Ensign
Moon Bound: Choosing and Preparing Nasa's Lunar Astronauts by Burgess, Colin
Über die Hauptkrümmungen einer Fläche im dreidimensionalen Finslerschen Raum by Berwald, Ludwig
On the Projective Geometry of Paths by Berwald, Ludwig
Die Grundgleichungen der Hyperflächen im Euklidischen R(n+1) gegenüber den inhaltstreuen Affinitäten by Berwald, Ludwig
Über einige mit dem Satz von Kakeya verwandte Sätze by Berwald, Ludwig
Untersuchung der Krümmung allgemeiner metrischer Räume auf Grund des in ihnen herrschenden Parallelismus by Berwald, Ludwig
Nonsmooth Analysis and Control Theory by Stern, Ronald J., Clarke, Francis H., Ledyaev, Yuri S.
Applied Diffusion Processes from Engineering to Finance by Manca, Oronzio, Manca, Raimondo, Janssen, Jacques
Introduction to Topology and Geometry by Stenson, Catherine, Stahl, Saul
Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis by Schlag, Wilhelm, Muscalu, Camil
The Soyuz Launch Vehicle: The Two Lives of an Engineering Triumph by Lardier, Christian, Barensky, Stefan
Analysis of Variance for Random Models: Volume I: Balanced Data Theory, Methods, Applications and Data Analysis by Sahai, Hardeo, Ojeda, Mario M.
Math on Trial: How Numbers Get Used and Abused in the Courtroom by Schneps, Leila, Colmez, Coralie
Modeling Dynamic Climate Systems by Robinson, Walter A.
Entwicklung von Längenvorstellungen im jahrgangsgemischten Unterricht durch Stützpunktwissen by Kushmann, Cindy
Fermat's Last Theorem for Amateurs by Ribenboim, Paulo
Key Ideas in Teaching Mathematics: Research-Based Guidance for Ages 9-19 by Pratt, Dave, Watson, Anne, Jones, Keith
New Horizons in Geometry by Mnatsakanian, Mamikon A., Apostol, Tom M.
Methodik des Rechenunterrichts in der Volksschule by Behl, Ferdinand
Allgemeine Arithmetik und Algebra by Lembcke, Karl
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