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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2013

Multivariate Characteristic and Correlation Functions by Sasvári, Zoltán
Distribution Theory: Convolution, Fourier Transform, and Laplace Transform by Dijk, Gerrit
Spectral Sequences And Homotopy: Lectures, Notes by Halpern, Edward, Mac Lane, Saunders
Nonlinear Differential Equations: International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics by Struble, Raimond Aldrich
Classification And Kinematic Analysis Of 3-Link Screw Mechanisms by Rasche, William Henry
Advanced Ordinary Differential Equations: Institute For Mathematics And Mechanics, New York University, 1948-1949 by Friedrichs, Kurt Otto
Earthquake Hazard Evaluation by
Configurational Forces as Basic Concepts of Continuum Physics by Gurtin, Morton E.
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Bipedal Walking by
Evolution Equations Arising in the Modelling of Life Sciences by Efendiev, Messoud
Clifford Algebras and Lie Theory by Meinrenken, Eckhard
Generalized Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Distributed Parameters by Lyashko, S. I.
Foundations of Differential Calculus by Euler
Potential Function Methods for Approximately Solving Linear Programming Problems: Theory and Practice by Bienstock, Daniel
Inside Calculus by Exner, George R.
Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems by Hoppensteadt, Frank C.
One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations by Nagel, Rainer, Engel, Klaus-Jochen
Analytic Number Theory by Newman, Donald J.
Mathematical Approach to Multilevel, Multiscale Health Interventions, A: Pharmaceutical Industry Decline and Policy Response by Wallace, Deborah, Wallace, Rodrick
Network Interdiction and Stochastic Integer Programming by
Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: A Computational Approach by Winther, Ragnar, Tveito, Aslak
Computational Number Theory by Das, Abhijit
Counting (2nd Edition) by Koh, Khee-Meng, Tay, Eng Guan
Counting (2nd Edition) by Koh, Khee-Meng, Tay, Eng Guan
Simple Adaptive Strategies: From Regret-Matching to Uncoupled Dynamics by Hart, Sergiu, Mas-Colell, Andreu
Generalized Time Scales Calculus by Aldwoah Khaled Ahmed
Time: Poincaré Seminar 2010 by
Interfacial Instability by Narayanan, Ranga, Johns, Lewis E.
Optimization by Lange, Kenneth
Fuzziness and Medicine: Philosophical Reflections and Application Systems in Health Care: A Companion Volume to Sadegh-Zadeh's Handbook of Analytical by
Active Networks and Active Network Management: A Proactive Management Framework by Bush, Stephen F., Kulkarni, Amit B.
Mathematical Risk Analysis: Dependence, Risk Bounds, Optimal Allocations and Portfolios by Rüschendorf, Ludger
Matematiikka on avain luontoon by Ilmonen, Jukka
Zahlentheorie by Scheid, Harald, Frommer, Andreas
Computational Mathematical Modeling: An Integrated Approach Across Scales by Calvetti, Daniela, Somersalo, Erkki
Introduction to Analysis of the Infinite: Book I by Euler, Leonhard
System Modelling and Optimization: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Ifip Tc7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 1995 by Dolezal, J., Fidler, Jiri
Performance Analysis of ATM Networks: Ifip Tc6 Wg6.3 / Wg6.4 Fifth International Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks July by
Computational Issues in High Performance Software for Nonlinear Optimization by
Stochastic Networks by Williams, Ruth J., Kelly, Frank P.
Stochastic Geometry: Selected Topics by Rataj, Jan, Benes, Viktor
Advances in Superprocesses and Nonlinear Pdes by
Geometrisches Zeichnen. Eine Untersuchung zu den Zeichenfähigkeiten von Viertklässlern by Wettstein, Lucie
Joseph Liouville 1809-1882: Master of Pure and Applied Mathematics by Lützen, Jesper
Differential Equations with Maple: An Interactive Approach by Davis, Jon
Dynamical System Synchronization by Luo, Albert C. J.
The Mathematical Theory of Information by Kåhre, Jan
Numerical Methods and Software Tools in Industrial Mathematics by
Singular Perturbation Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations by O'Malley
Small Universal Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces: A Collection of Jewels by Margenstern, Maurice
Random Heterogeneous Materials: Microstructure and Macroscopic Properties by Torquato, Salvatore
Different Faces of Geometry by
An Introduction to Abstract Harmonic Analysis: University Series in Higher Mathematics by Loomis, Lynn H.
The Otto Dunkel Memorial Problem Book: The American Mathematical Monthly, V64, No. 7, Part 2 by
An Introduction To Abstract Harmonic Analysis: University Series In Higher Mathematics by Loomis, Lynn H.
On Sets Of Probability Laws And Their Limit Elements by Loeve, Michel
The Theory of Valuations: Mathematical Surveys, No. 4 by Schilling, Otto Franz Georg
Modellierungskompetenzen Langfristig Und Kumulativ Fördern: Tätigkeitstheoretische Analyse Des Mathematischen Modellierens in Der Sekundarstufe I by Böhm, Ulrich
Rigidity Theory and Applications by
Basic Elements of Real Analysis by Protter, Murray H.
Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool by Dickey, David A., Rawlings, John O., Pantula, Sastry G.
An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra by Frazier, Michael W.
Practical Mathematics in a Commercial Metropolis: Mathematical Life in Late 16th Century Antwerp by Meskens, Ad
Rings Of Continuous Functions: The University Series In Higher Mathematics by Gillman, Leonard, Jerison, Meyer
Elliptic Cohomology by Thomas, Charles B.
Optimization Theory by Meer, Klaus, Triesch, Eberhard, Jongen, Hubertus Th
Value Distribution Theory and Related Topics by
Frontiers of Evolutionary Computation by
Digital Dice: Computational Solutions to Practical Probability Problems by Nahin, Paul
Arithmetic Compactifications of Pel-Type Shimura Varieties by Lan, Kai-Wen
Aliquot Cycles for Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication by Morrell, Thomas
Secret History: The Story of Cryptology by Bauer, Craig P.
Classical and Multilinear Harmonic Analysis by Muscalu, Camil, Schlag, Wilhelm
From Kinetic Models to Hydrodynamics: Some Novel Results by Colangeli, Matteo
Statistics with Power: Using SPSS (First Edition) by Davis, Steven, Davis, Evelyn R.
Mathematical Computing: An Introduction to Programming Using Maple(r) by Redfern, Mylan, Betounes, David
Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences by
Nexus Network Journal 14,3: Architecture and Mathematics by
Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics: The Danish-Swedish Analysis Seminar, 1995 by
Heterogeneous Materials I: Linear Transport and Optical Properties by Sahimi, Muhammad
Infobiotics: Information in Biotic Systems by Manca, Vincenzo
Dynamical Problems in Continuum Physics by
Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: Ictma 13 by
Imagine Math 2: Between Culture and Mathematics by
Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Their Representations by Varadarajan, V. S.
Game Theory Relaunched by
Über zweidimensionale allgemeine metrische Räume by Berwald, Ludwig
Über den Hilbert´schen Unabhängigkeitssatz beim Lagrange´schen Variationsproblem by Bolza, Oskar
Über Variationsprobleme mit Ungleichungen als Nebenbedingungen by Bolza, Oskar
Über den "Anormalen Fall" beim Lagrangeschen und Mayerschen Problem mit gemischten Bedingungen und variablen Endpunkten by Bolza, Oskar
Omega: Eine Reise durch das Reich der unendlich großen Zahlen by Ripota, Peter
Theoretical Systems Biology of Metabolism: Mathematical Modelling of Biochemical Networks by Schuster, Stefan
Asymptotic Geometric Analysis: Proceedings of the Fall 2010 Fields Institute Thematic Program by
Optimization Software Class Libraries by
Guarding Your Business: A Management Approach to Security by
Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data by Molenberghs, Geert, Verbeke, Geert
The Algebra of Mohammed Ben Musa by Ben Musa, Mohammed
Lilawati; Or a Treatise on Arithmetic and Geometry by Acharya, Bhascara
Matrices and Determinoids: Volume 2 by Cullis, C. E.
Matrices and Determinoids: Volume 1 by Cullis, C. E.
Chaos and Complex Systems: Proceedings of the 4th International Interdisciplinary Chaos Symposium by
Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After by
Algebra of Analysis: Notre Dame Mathematical Lectures, No. 3 by Menger, Karl
Modern Probability Theory and Its Applications: Wiley Publication in Mathematical Statistics by Parzen, Emanuel
The Theory of Numbers: And Diophantine Analysis by Carmichael, Robert Daniel
Georg´s Freiherrn von Vega Logarithmisch-Trigonometrisches Handbuch by Bremiker, C.
The Genesis and Evolution of a Theory: Fourier's Series by Langer, Rudolph Ernest
Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory: Graduate School Studies, Mathematics Series, No. 1 by Mann, Henry B.
Theory of Functions of a Real Variable by Natanson, Isidor Pavlovich
Gaming as Imagination Technology (Revised Preliminary Edition) by
Geometrische Deutungen spezieller Summendarstellungen der Null by Buchholz, Florian
Dice World: Science and Life in a Random Universe by Clegg, Brian
Opuscules Mathématiques. Tome 3: Ou Mémoires Sur Différens Sujets de Géométrie, de Méchanique, d'Optique, d'Astronomie. by D' Alembert
Opuscules Mathématiques. Tome 6: Ou Mémoires Sur Différens Sujets de Géométrie, de Méchanique, d'Optique, d'Astronomie. by D' Alembert
Opuscules Mathématiques. Tome 8: Ou Mémoires Sur Différens Sujets de Géométrie, de Méchanique, d'Optique, d'Astronomie. by D' Alembert
Opuscules Mathématiques. Tome 7: Ou Mémoires Sur Différens Sujets de Géométrie, de Méchanique, d'Optique, d'Astronomie. by D' Alembert
Manuel d'Algèbre, Ou Exposition Élémentaire Des Principes de Cette Science: , À l'Usage Des Personnes Privées Des Secours d'Un Maître by Terquem, Olry
Eléments de la Géométrie de l'Infini . Suite Des Mémoires de l'Académie Royale Des Sciences by de Fontenelle, Bernard
Nouvelle Théorie Du Module, Déduite Du Texte Même de Vitruve, Et Application de Cette Théorie: À Quelques Monuments de l'Antiquité Grecque Et Romaine by Aurès, Auguste
Briefve Méthode Et Instruction Pour Tenir Livres de Raison Parparties Doubles: , En Laquelle Se Void La Plus Grandpartie Des Négoces Que Faict Lyon... by Boyer, Claude
Briefve Méthode Et Instruction Pour Tenir Livres de Raison Par Parties Doubles by Boyer, Claude
Manuel de Géométrie, de Dessin Linéaire, d'Arpentage Et de Nivellement: , À l'Usage Des Écoles Élémentaires. Atlas by Rebout, A., Normand, Louis Marie
Quelques Aperçus Sur l'Esthétique Des Formes by Henry, Charles
Manuel d'Arithmétique Démontrée: À l'Usage Des Jeunes Gens Qui Se Destinent Au Commerce (7e Éd.) by Collin, Pierre-Nicolas
Éclaircissemens Sur l'Analyse Des Infiniment Petits by Varignon, Pierre
Cours de Mathématiques À l'Usage de l'Ingénieur Civil. Planches: . Traité Des Ponts Biais En Pierre Et En Bois: Application de Géométrie Descriptive by Adhémar, Joseph
Manuel d'Arithmétique Ancienne Et Décimale (3e Édition) by Blocquel, Simon-François
The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics by Thakur, Rajesh Kumar
Information and Communications Technologies in School Mathematics: Ifip Tc3 / Wg3.1 Working Conference on Secondary School Mathematics in the World of by
Math Power for Secondary Schools: Book One by Suleiman, Luutu
Analysis II by Tretter, Christiane
The Foundations of Geometry by Hilbert, David
Meetkundig Schoolboek by Sluijters, H.
Meetkundig Schoolboek by Sluijters, H.
An Den Grenzen Des Endlichen: Das Hilbertprogramm Im Kontext Von Formalismus Und Finitismus by Tapp, Christian
Marine 2011, IV International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering: Selected Papers by
Single Variable Differential and Integral Calculus: Mathematical Analysis by Mahmudov, Elimhan
How Math Works: A Guide to Grade School Arithmetic for Parents and Teachers by Williams, G. Arnell
Modern Mathematics for Community Elementary Schools (Grade 5): Teacher's Edition by Jarkloh, J. Nyenetu
Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations I by
Dispersal, Individual Movement and Spatial Ecology: A Mathematical Perspective by
Problem-Solving Methods in Combinatorics: An Approach to Olympiad Problems by Soberón, Pablo
Group Theory Seminar Lectures: 1960-1961 by Blackburn, N.
A Theory of Psychological Scaling: Engineering Research Bulletin, No. 34 by Coombs, Clyde Hamilton
Topics in Analytic Number Theory by Lang, Serge
A Fifth Necessary Condition for a Strong Extremum of the Integral by Bolza, Oskar
A Generalization of Lindelöf´s Theorems on the Catenary by Bolza, Oskar
Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology (Am-185) by Mazzeo, Rafe, Epstein, Charles L.
Statistical Design and Analysis for Intercropping Experiments: Volume II: Three or More Crops by Federer, Walter T.
Degenerate Diffusion Operators Arising in Population Biology (Am-185) by Epstein, Charles L., Mazzeo, Rafe
Sui Differenziali Secondi Covarianti by Berwald, Ludwig
A First Course in Computational Algebraic Geometry by Decker, Wolfram, Pfister, Gerhard
Sphere Packings by Zong, Chuanming
Mathematical Modelling in One Dimension by Banasiak, Jacek
Singularities of the Minimal Model Program by Kollaar, Jaanos, Koll R., J. Nos, Kollr, Jnos
Tex in Practice: Volume III: Tokens, Macros by Bechtolsheim, Stephan V.
Computing System Reliability: Models and Analysis by Min Xie, Kim-Leng Poh, Yuan-Shun Dai
Drawing Inferences from Self-Selected Samples by
The Math Teacher's Toolbox: How to Teach Math to Teenagers and Survive by Rinaldi, Nicholas J.
A First Course in Topos Quantum Theory by Flori, Cecilia
Equilibrium and Advanced Transportation Modelling by
Credibilistic Programming: An Introduction to Models and Applications by Li, Xiang
Algebraic Number Theory by Lang, Serge
Modern Mathematics for Community Elementary Schools (Grade 5) by Jarkloh, J. Nyenetu
Cosmology, Physics, and Philosophy: Including a New Theory of Aesthetics by Gal-Or, Benjamin
Concerning the Geodesic Curvature and the Isoperimetric Problem on a Given Surface by Bolza, Oskar
Ein Satz über eindeutige Abbildung und seine Anwendung in der Variationsrechnung by Bolza, Oskar
Über die Integrationsbedingungen beim Bestehen von Nebenbedingungen by Bolza, Oskar
The Theory of Functions by Bolza, Oskar
Some Instructive Examples in the Calculus of Variations by Bolza, Oskar
The Dialectic Relation Between Physics and Mathematics in the Xixth Century by
Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics: Proceedings of a Conference November 10-17, 1983 by
Geometrie Und Billard by Tabachnikov, Serge
Topics in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics: Cetraro, Italy 2010, Editors: Hugo Beirão Da Veiga, Franco Flandoli by Galdi, Giovanni P., Constantin, Peter, Debussche, Arnaud
Matrices, Elimination and the Simplex Method by Orchard-Hays, William
Linear Algebra and Projective Geometry: Pure and Applied Mathematics, V2 by Baer, Reinhold
Topology of Manifolds: Colloquium Publication, V32 by Wilder, Raymond Louis
Probability Theory: University Series in Higher Mathematics by Loeve, Michel Moise
Algebraic Number Theory: International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics by Weiss, Edwin
Die Lagrangesche Multiplikatorenregel in Der Variationsrechnung Fur Den Fall Von Gemischten Bedingungen Und Die Zugehorigen Grenzgleichungen Bei Varia by Bolza, Oskar
Uber Die Algebraisch Rektifizierbaren Kurven Im Nicht-Euklidischen Raum by Berwald, Ludwig
Einfuhrung in E. H. Moores General Analysis Und Deren Anwendung Auf Die Verallgemeinerung Der Theorie Der Linearen Integralgleichungen by Bolza, Oskar
Uber Die N-Dimensionalen Cartanschen Raume Und Eine Normalform Der Zweiten Variation Eines (N-1)-Fachen Oberflachenintegrals by Berwald, Ludwig
An Application of the Notions of General Analysis to a Problem of the Calculus of Variations by Bolza, Oskar
Zur Geometrie Ebener Variationsprobleme by Berwald, Ludwig
Elementare Kombinatorik Für Die Informatik: Abzählungen, Differenzengleichungen, Diskretes Differenzieren Und Integrieren by Witt, Kurt-Ulrich
Fourier Analysis on Groups: Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 12 by Rudin, Walter
Fourier Analysis on Groups: Interscience Tracts in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 12 by Rudin, Walter
Fourier Transforms: International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 27 by Sneddon, Ian Naismith
Finite Difference Methods for Partial Differential Equations: Applied Mathematics Series by Forsythe, George E., Wasow, Wolfgang R.
Wavelet Image and Video Compression by
The Architecture of Scientific Software: Ifip Tc2/Wg2.5 Working Conference on the Architecture of Scientific Software October 2-4, 2000, Ottawa, Canad by
Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature by Gromov, Misha, Schroeder, Viktor, Ballmann, Werner
Partial Differential Equations and the Calculus of Variations: Essays in Honor of Ennio de Giorgi Volume 2 by Marino, Modica, Colombini
Laplace Transforms by El-Hewie, Mohamed F.
Number Theory: Arithmetic in Shangri-La - Proceedings of the 6th China-Japan Seminar by
Topology with Applications: Topological Spaces Via Near and Far by Peters, James F., Naimpally, Somashekhar A.
Particle Filters for Random Set Models by Ristic, Branko
Buildings by Brown, Kenneth S.
Progress in Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry by Gamkrelidze, R. V.
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