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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2014

Structural Health Monitoring Using Genetic Fuzzy Systems by Pawar, Prashant M., Ganguli, Ranjan
Use Fractions to Multiply!: Vedic Mental Math by Carlin, John
Generalized Linear Models by
Weakly Wandering Sequences in Ergodic Theory by Hajian, Arshag, Ito, Yuji, Eigen, Stanley
Stability of the Turnpike Phenomenon in Discrete-Time Optimal Control Problems by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Werke: Siebenter Band by Gauß, Carl Friedrich
Elements of Stochastic Modelling (2nd Edition) by Borovkov, Konstantin
Practical Latex by Grätzer, George
Elementary Applied Topology by Ghrist, Robert
Formelsammlung Mathematik by Schimmel, Patrick
Kakurokirja 3: 100 vaikeampaa summaristikkoa by Hepola, Mauno
de l'Analyse Infinitésimale, Étude Sur La Métaphysique Du Haut Calcul... by de Saulces de Freycinet, Charles Louis
Gouvernement Général Civil de l'Algérie. Etude Sur Les Impots Arabes En Algérie by Sans Auteur
Sous-Intendant Militaire Pitois. Situation Économique Actuelle de l'Algérie by Pitois
Gouvernement Général de l'Algérie. Discours Prononcé À l'Ouverture Des Délégations Financières: Le 6 Novembre 1899 Et À l'Ouverture Du Conseil Supérie by Laferrière, Édouard
Essais de Géométrie Appliquée by Le Pelletier
Exposé Statistique Du Tunkin, de la Cochinchine, Du Cambodge, Du Tsiampa, Du Laos, Du Lac-Tho. T 1 by La Bissachère, Pierre-Jacques, Montyon, Antoine-Jean-Baptiste-Robert Auget
Théorèmes Et Problèmes de Géométrie Élémentaire (3e Éd. Rev. Et Augm.) by Catalan, Eugène
Nouvelle Méthode Pour La Résolution Des Équations Numériques d'Un Degré Quelconque by Budan de Boislaurent, Ferdinand-François-Désiré
Théorie Élémentaire Des Fonctions Elliptiques by Laurent, Hermann
Israélites Électeurs. Décrets de Naturalisation, Conséquences, Tableau Des Israélites Algériens: Électeurs by Sans Auteur
Leçons Sur La Théorie Des Fonctions Circulaires Et La Trigonométrie by Lecointe, Ignace-Louis-Alfred
Cours de Géométrie Théorique Et Pratique: À l'Usage Des Lycées Et Des Collèges... (11E Éd.) by Girod
Sur Les Fonctions Continues d'Un Nombre Quelconque de Variables by Riquier, Charles, Riquier, Charles
Recueil de Problèmes Relatifs Au Calcul Décimal Appliqué Au Système Métrique: Exercices Propres À Former Le Jugement Des Jeunes-Gens... by Dutripon, J. -B -A
Éléments de Géométrie Descriptive: 2e Éd., Augm. Des Éléments de la Science Du Dessin. Texte by Menetrier, A.
Éléments de Géométrie Descriptive: 2e Éd., Augm. Des Éléments de la Science Du Dessin. Atlas by Menetrier, A.
Eléments de Géométrie Descriptive Suivis de Notions de Géométrie Cotée by Dufailly, Jules
Théorèmes, Lieux Géométriques Et Problèmes by Neël, E. E.
Théorèmes, Problèmes Géométrie Suivis Théorie Plans, Préliminaires de la Géométrie Descrip. 10e Éd: Contenant Principes Généraux de Cette Science, Pro by Reynaud, Antoine-André-Louis
Problèmes de Géométrie Analytique Avec Les Solutions Développées (2e Éd.) by Ritt
L'Abattoir Et Le Marché-Entrepôt by Sans Auteur
Oeuvres de Lagrange. T. 12 by Lagrange, Joseph-Louis
Statistique Et Colonisation by Cerisier, Charles
Recueil d'Exercices Sur Le Calcul Infinitésimal: Ouvrage Destiné Aux Élèves de l'École Polytechnique, À Ceux de l'École Normale by Frenet, Frédéric
Théorie Analytique Du Logarithme Népérien Et de la Fonction Exponentielle by Méray, Charles
Deuxième Lettre À M. de Humboldt Sur Quelques Points Histoire Astronomie, Mathématiques Orientaux by Sédillot, Louis Amélie
Elémens de Géométrie, À l'Usage de l'École Centrale Des Quatre-Nations (7e Éd. Rev. Et Corr.) by LaCroix, Silvestre-François
Gouvernement Général de l'Algérie. Discours Prononcé Par M. Ed. Laferrière: Gouverneur Général de l'Algérie; À l'Ouverture Des Délégations Financières by Sans Auteur
Leçons d'Analyse Infinitésimale Résumé Du Cours d'Analyse Infinitésimale de l'Université de Gand by Mansion, Paul
Nouveaux Symboles À l'Usage Des Mathématiques, Ou Notation de Position Géométrique by D' Henry, Louis
Dessin Linéaire Géométrique, Ou Géométrie Pratique À l'Usage Des Écoles Primaires (5e Éd.) by Sardan
Eléments de Géometrie: Rédigés Conformément Aux Programmes Des Lycées... (2e Éd. Rev. Et Augm.) by Salve-Villedieu, Ernest de
Encyclopédie Sciences Mathématiques Pures, Appliquées. Tome II. Premier Volume by Sans Auteur
Sur Les Principes de la Théorie Générale Des Fonctions by Riquier, Charles
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Tome II. Deuxième Volume by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Tome II. Troisième Volume by Sans Auteur
Analyse Appliquée À La Géométrie: Comprenant Les Surfaces Du Second Degré, Avec La Théorie Générale Des Surfaces Courbes 2nde Éd. REV by Leroy, Charles-François-Antoine
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Tome II. Quatrième Volume by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Tome IV. Cinquième Volume Fasc.1 by Sans Auteur
Encyclopédie Des Sciences Mathématiques Pures Et Appliquées. Tome IV. Cinquième Volume Fasc.2 by Sans Auteur
La Colonisation. Guide de l'Émigrant En Algérie, Notice Sur l'Émigration, Géographie Agricole: , Productions, Statistique, d'Après Les Documents Les P by Geph, Noé
Cursus Mathematicus, Nova, Brevi Et Clara Methodo Demonstratus. Tome 5: Cours Mathématique, Demonstré d'Une Nouvelle, Briefve, Et Claire Methode by Hérigone, Pierre
Pathologie Exotique: Indo-Chine, Études Statistiques Et Cliniques by Grall, Charles
Oeuvres de Fermat by de Fermat, Pierre
Cours de Géométrie Analytique Plane by Falisse
Oeuvres de Fermat by de Fermat, Pierre
Cursus Mathematicus, Nova, Brevi Et Clara Methodo Demonstratus. Tome 4: Cours Mathématique, Demonstré d'Une Nouvelle, Briefve, Et Claire Methode by Hérigone, Pierre
Traité Complet Des Carrés Magiques Pairs Et Impairs, Simples Et Composés Tome 1 by Violle, Bernard
Traité Complet Des Carrés Magiques Pairs Et Impairs, Simples Et Composés Tome 2 by Violle, Bernard
Cursus Mathematicus, Nova, Brevi Et Clara Methodo Demonstratus. Tome 2: Cours Mathématique, Demonstré d'Une Nouvelle, Briefve, Et Claire Methode by Hérigone, Pierre
Application de l'Algèbre À La Géométrie Par M. Bourdon, ... by Bourdon
Traité Élémentaire de Géométrie Analytique À Deux Et À Trois Dimensions.: Contenant Toutes Les Théories Générales de Géométrie Accessibles À l'Analyse by Comte, Auguste
Traité de Physique Mathématique. Tome 3, 1ère Partie by Mathieu, Émile
Essai d'Une Méthode de Calcul Commune Aux Distances Lunaires Et Aux Occultations by Arago, François
Cursus Mathematicus, Nova, Brevi Et Clara Methodo Demonstratus. Tome 3: Cours Mathématique, Demonstré d'Une Nouvelle, Briefve, Et Claire Methode by Hérigone, Pierre
Traité de Physique Mathématique. Tome 5 by Mathieu, Émile
Traité de Physique Mathématique. Tome 4, 2ème Partie by Mathieu, Émile
Asymptotics of Cubic Number Fields with Bounded Second Successive Minimum of the Trace Form by Brockschnieder, Gero
The Amazing 7-Day, Super-Simple, Scripted Guide to Teaching or Learning Decimals by Hernandez, Lisa
Semi-Markov Processes: Applications in System Reliability and Maintenance by Grabski, Franciszek
Complexity: A Very Short Introduction by Holland, John H.
Mathematics and the Real World: The Remarkable Role of Evolution in the Making of Mathematics by Artstein, Zvi
Concepts of Combinatorial Optimization by
Advanced Materials for Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Safety by
Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization in VLSI and Embedded Systems by
Dynamic Management of Sustainable Development: Methods for Large Technical Systems by Krishans, Zigurds, Mutule, Anna, Merkuryev, Yuri
A Basic Course in Complex Variables by Kay, David C.
Modeling Students' Mathematical Modeling Competencies: Ictma 13 by
Classical Mathematics from Al-Khwarizmi to Descartes by Rashed, Roshdi
Combinatorial Computational Biology of RNA: Pseudoknots and Neutral Networks by Reidys, Christian
Problem-Solving and Selected Topics in Number Theory: In the Spirit of the Mathematical Olympiads by Rassias, Michael Th
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications: Using MATLAB and Octave by Ford, William
Social Networks and the Economics of Sports by
Geometric Regularization in Bioluminescence Tomography by Kreutzmann, Tim
Spiele, Rätsel, Zahlen: Faszinierendes Zu Lasker-Mühle, Sudoku-Varianten, Havannah, Einstein Würfelt Nicht, Yavalath, 3-Hirn-Schach, ... by Voigt, Roland, Althöfer, Ingo
Conformal Field Theory, Automorphic Forms and Related Topics: Cft, Heidelberg, September 19-23, 2011 by
Multisector Growth Models: Theory and Application by Saracoglu, D. Sirin, Roe, Terry L., Smith, Rodney B. W.
Isospectral Transformations: A New Approach to Analyzing Multidimensional Systems and Networks by Webb, Benjamin, Bunimovich, Leonid
Children's Fractional Knowledge by Steffe, Leslie P., Olive, John
Additive Number Theory: Festschrift in Honor of the Sixtieth Birthday of Melvyn B. Nathanson by
How Much Pi Do You Want?: history of pi, calculate it yourself, or start with 500,000 decimal places by Miller, Jerry
Stochastic Processes in Cell Biology by Bressloff, Paul C.
A Course on Rough Paths: With an Introduction to Regularity Structures by Friz, Peter K., Hairer, Martin
Vedic Math: Vedic Multiplication Mathematics by Carlin, John
Lectures on Formal and Rigid Geometry by Bosch, Siegfried
Volumen eines Rotationskörpers. Oder: Wir modellieren ein Glas: Lehrprobe Mathematik (9. Klasse) by Dörr, Thomas
Essential Mathematics for Cambridge Secondary 1 Stage 8 Work Book by Kivlin, Patrick, Manning, Andrew, Pemberton, Sue
La afectividad hacia las Matemáticas by Vazquez, Dorinda Mato
Vedic Math Tips: Easy Vedic Mathematics by Carlin, John
Selected Papers II: On Algebraic Geometry, Including Correspondence with Grothendieck by Mumford, David
The H-Function: Theory and Applications by Haubold, Hans J., Mathai, A. M., Saxena, Ram Kishore
Recent Advances in Delay Differential and Difference Equations by
Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: Icdea, Muscat, Oman, May 26 - 30, 2013 by
Handbook of Portfolio Construction: Contemporary Applications of Markowitz Techniques by
Inequalities for Differential Forms by Nolder, Craig, Agarwal, Ravi P., Ding, Shusen
A Method for Solve the Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations by MILICI Constantin, Draganescu Gheorghe
Generalised Thermostatistics by Naudts, Jan
The Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic in the 1920s and 1930s in Poland by Murawski, Roman
Trends in Contemporary Mathematics by
Mathematical Tools for Shape Analysis and Description by Falcidieno, Bianca, Giorgi, Daniela, Biasotti, Silvia
Life-Cycle Cost Approach for Management of Environmental Resources: A Primer by Kurian, Mathew, Ardakanian, Reza, Reddy, V. Ratna
Applications of Combinatorial Optimization by
Introduction to Numerical Programming: A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers Using Python and C/C++ by Beu, Titus A.
Algebraic K-Theory of Crystallographic Groups: The Three-Dimensional Splitting Case by Ortiz, Ivonne Johanna, Farley, Daniel Scott
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science: For B.SC (Computer Science), B.C.a, M.C.A and All Computer Science Courses by Ramesh, Pushpalatha
Applied Mathematics for Science and Engineering by Glasgow, Larry A.
Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality by Frenkel, Edward
Funktionalanalysis: Im Hinblick Auf Anwendungen in Der Physik by Großmann, Siegfried
Mathematik Im Betrieb: Praxisbezogene Einführung Mit Beispielen by Holland, Doris, Holland, Heinrich
Practicing Mathematics for BJC Success: A Workbook for Junior High School Mathematics Students by Burrows, Paula L.
MATLAB Differential Equations by Lopez, Cesar
Collective Action Theory and Empirical Evidence by Francisco, Ronald A.
Iscs 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems by
Abstract Algebra: Structure and Application by Morandi, Patrick J., Finston, David R.
An Introduction to Mathematical Cryptography by Hoffstein, Jeffrey, Pipher, Jill, Silverman, Joseph H.
Kontinuumsschwingungen: Vom Einfachen Strukturmodell Zum Komplexen Mehrfeldsystem by Wauer, Jörg
Numerical Simulation of Viscous Shocked Accretion Flows Around Black Holes by Giri, Kinsuk
Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference 2013 by
Einführung in Algebra Und Zahlentheorie by Schulze-Pillot, Rainer
The Politics of Gender: A Survey by
Slicing the Truth: On the Computable and Reverse Mathematics of Combinatorial Principles by Hirschfeldt, Denis R.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen II by Weyl, Hermann
Knots and Borromean Rings, Rep-Tiles, and Eight Queens: Martin Gardner's Unexpected Hanging by Gardner, Martin
Formalism and Beyond: On the Nature of Mathematical Discourse by
Medical Statistics and Computer Experiments (2nd Edition) by
A Gentle Introduction to Optimization by Tunçel, L., Guenin, B., Könemann, J.
Lectures on Lyapunov Exponents by Viana, Marcelo
Smooth Analysis in Banach Spaces by Hájek, Petr, Johanis, Michal
Knots and Borromean Rings, Rep-Tiles, and Eight Queens by Gardner, Martin
Roles, Trust, and Reputation in Social Media Knowledge Markets: Theory and Methods by
Introduction to Time-Delay Systems: Analysis and Control by Fridman, Emilia
The Painlevé Handbook by Musette, Micheline, Conte, Robert M.
Gesammelte Abhandlungen I by Weyl, Hermann
Gesammelte Abhandlungen III by Weyl, Hermann
Mathematics Without Boundaries: Surveys in Interdisciplinary Research by
Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB by Merrien, Jean-Louis, Lyche, Tom
Index Matrices: Towards an Augmented Matrix Calculus by Atanassov, Krassimir T.
Vector Optimization and Monotone Operators Via Convex Duality: Recent Advances by Grad, Sorin-Mihai
Interactive Multimedia Learning: Using Social Media for Peer Education in Single-Player Educational Games by Konert, Johannes
Turnpike Phenomenon and Infinite Horizon Optimal Control by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Das Gesellschaftsspiel als Grundlage für diagnostische Interviews im Vorschuljahr: Mathematische Lernchancen und Einblicke in Vorerfahrungen am Beispi by Rahder, Stefanie
The Fourth Dimension: Toward a Geometry of Higher Reality by Rucker, Rudy
Unterrichtsentwürfe Mathematik Primarstufe, Band 1 by Heckmann, Kirsten, Padberg, Friedhelm
Brückenkurs Mathematik Für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler by Purkert, Walter
Tea Time Numerical Analysis: Experiences in Mathematics by Brin, Leon Q.
Entropy and Information Theory by Gray, Robert M.
Formality Theory: From Poisson Structures to Deformation Quantization by Esposito, Chiara
Stochastic Ordinary and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Transition from Microscopic to Macroscopic Equations by Kotelenez, Peter
Wideband Amplifiers by Staric, Peter, Margan, Erik
Mathematics Without Boundaries: Surveys in Pure Mathematics by
Mind and Nature by Weyl, Hermann
Topics in Fractional Differential Equations by N'Guérékata, Gaston M., Abbas, Saïd, Benchohra, Mouffak
Natural Locomotion in Fluids and on Surfaces: Swimming, Flying, and Sliding by
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications: Selected Contributions from the Mopta 2010 Conference by
Type-2 Fuzzy Neural Networks and Their Applications by Aliev, Rafik Aziz, Guirimov, Babek Ghalib
Problems in Probability by Shiryaev, Albert N.
Dynamics of Information Systems: Mathematical Foundations by
Graph Energy by Gutman, Ivan, Li, Xueliang, Shi, Yongtang
Applications of Mathematics and Informatics in Military Science by
Analysis, Retrieval and Delivery of Multimedia Content by
Optimization and Data Analysis in Biomedical Informatics by
Scheduling of Power Generation: A Large-Scale Mixed-Variable Model by Mayer, János, Strazicky, Beáta, Prékopa, András
Henri Poincaré: Impatient Genius by Verhulst, Ferdinand
Quiver Representations by Schiffler, Ralf
Mathematics and the Making of Modern Ireland: Trinity College Dublin from Cromwell to the Celtic Tiger by Attis, David
Unity Root Matrix Theory - Mathematical and Physical Advances - Volume II by Miller, Richard J.
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics: In Honour of Ali Süleyman Üstünel, Paris, June 2010 by
Sharp Martingale and Semimartingale Inequalities by Osękowski, Adam
Evolution Equations of Hyperbolic and Schrödinger Type: Asymptotics, Estimates and Nonlinearities by
Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems - Professor Zdzislaw Pawlak in Memoriam: Volume 1 by
Econophysics of Systemic Risk and Network Dynamics by
Green's Functions and Finite Elements by Hartmann, Friedel
Essays in Mathematics and Its Applications: In Honor of Stephen Smale´s 80th Birthday by
Shall We Play the Festschrift Game?: Essays on the Occasion of Lauri Carlson's 60th Birthday by
Algebraic Operads by Loday, Jean-Louis, Vallette, Bruno
Modelling and Applications in Mathematics Education: The 14th ICMI Study by
Decision Making in Manufacturing Environment Using Graph Theory and Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making Methods: Volume 2 by Rao, R. Venkata
Advances in Applied Analysis by
Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations: Theory and Shape Optimization by Plotnikov, Pavel, Sokolowski, Jan
Uncertain Fuzzy Preference Relations and Their Applications by Lin, Yi, Yao, Tianxiang, Gong, Zaiwu
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2012 by
Poisson Structures by Laurent-Gengoux, Camille, Pichereau, Anne, Vanhaecke, Pol
Stability Loss and Buckling Delamination: Three-Dimensional Linearized Approach for Elastic and Viscoelastic Composites by Akbarov, Surkay
Einstein's Relativity: The Ultimate Key to the Cosmos by Tieu, Steven, Cooperstock, Fred I.
Ordering Block Designs: Gray Codes, Universal Cycles and Configuration Orderings by Dewar, Megan, Stevens, Brett
Global Analysis of Dynamic Models in Economics and Finance: Essays in Honour of Laura Gardini by
Wkb Approximation in Atomic Physics by Karnakov, Boris Mikhailovich, Krainov, Vladimir Pavlovich
Trading Systems: Theory and Immediate Practice by Di Lorenzo, Renato
Teach Your Kids to Count in One Day!: Fun Animal Numbers by Molina, Claudia
See More