• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

The new mind of the king In THE SHADOW OF THE NAKED MIND by Mironova, Larisa
Some Mathematical Techniques in Image Steganography by Al-Momen, Saad, Abod, Mohamed
Algèbre I by Belgaid, Youcef
Creating Numbers and Number Systems by Fleming, Edward G.
Introduction to Intelligent Systems, Control, and Machine Learning Using MATLAB by Schoen, Marco P.
Mathematical Thinking: Why Everyone Should Study Math by Karloff, Howard
Distributed Economic Operation in Smart Grid: Model-Based and Model-Free Perspectives by Qin, Jiahu, Wan, Yanni, Li, Fangyuan
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists by Jianu, Marilena, Popescu, Sever Angel
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Mechanics: Existence, Blow-Up, and Discrete Exterior Calculus Algorithms by Moschandreou, Terry E., Afas, Keith, Nguyen, Khoa
Body of Knowledge for Modeling and Simulation: A Handbook by the Society for Modeling and Simulation International by
Stochastic Processes, Statistical Methods, and Engineering Mathematics: Spas 2019, Västerås, Sweden, September 30-October 2 by
New Class of Generalized Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities by Javed, Iram
Functional Analysis: Fundamentals and Applications by Willem, Michel
Getting Started in Mathematical Life Sciences: From MATLAB Programming to Computer Simulations by Sato, Makoto
Modelos matemáticos aplicados a conminución by Valverde Espinoza, Santiago G., Basurto Contreras, César Marino, Perez Matos, Edgar Ademar
Kindergarten Math Puzzles: Kids Ages 4, 5, 6, & 7 - Matching Words to Numbers, Place Value Blocks, Counting, 2D Shapes, Geometric Shapes, Adding, by Jo, Heather
Advanced Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Methods by Gonzalez, Guillermo
Deterministic and Stochastic Optimal Control and Inverse Problems by
Inverse Problems with Applications in Science and Engineering by Lesnic, Daniel
Mathematical Modelling by Serovajsky, Simon
Irrationality and Transcendence in Number Theory by Angell, David
Numerical Modeling of COVID-19 Neurological Effects: ODE/PDE Analysis in R by Schiesser, William
The Method of Moments in Electromagnetics by Gibson, Walton C.
Algebra Structure Sense Development amongst Diverse Learners: Theoretical and Empirical Insights to Support In-Person and Remote Learning by
Mathematics for Social Justice by
Optimization with Lingo-18: Problems and Applications by Ali, Irfan, Gupta, Neha
Conexiones Matemáticas by Díaz Nunja, Luis, Palomino Alva, David
Supportive Foundation for High School Mathematics by Woldetensae, Yohannes
Manuel des méthodes et techniques d'analyse by Omar, Besseboua
Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of an Ecological System by Kamel Naji, Raid, Kurnaz, Sefer, Ali Rahi, Sabah
Efeitos da adição de resíduo de acerola nas características de iogurte by Farias, Juanne Queiroz, Tomé, Anna Emanuelle Soares, Sousa, Severina de
M.C. Escher: Infraestructura Matemática Detrás de las Obras del Genio by Mumcu, Özer
Mathematik Für Den Studieneinstieg: Ein Mathematischer Werkzeugkoffer Für Studierende Verschiedener Disziplinen by Krapf, Regula, Kiesel, Antje
Chaotic Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Optimal Design of Structures by Kaveh, Ali, Yousefpoor, Hossein
The AMTE Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Reflection on Past, Present and Future - Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Educ by
Discussion and comparison of different approximate formulas by Kim, Jin-Song, Kim, Hyon-Chol, Jo, Hyo-Kun
Comparison of Different Approximate Formulas of Constants by Jin, Ryu, Han, Sinjong, Kim, Hyonchol
Mathematics Unveiled: From Beauty to Utility by Kumari, Mina, Vats, Pooja
Mathemagic Through the Eyes of Vedas by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
Validation de la teneur P2O5 dans engrais par méthode colorimétrique by Gmouh, Said, Aitsir, Houssaine, Jebbari, Said
Harmonic Numbers and Open problems in Series by Ri, Il-Ung, Kim, Hae-Ryong, Kim, Hyon-Chol
The AMTE Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education: Reflection on Past, Present and Future - Paving the Way for the Future of Mathematics Teacher Educ by
Mechanical Engineering in Biomedical Application: Bio-3D Printing, Biofluid Mechanics, Implant Design, Biomaterials, Computational Biomechanics, Tissu by
Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces, and Calculus of Variations by Pedregal, Pablo
The International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, 1908-2008: People, Events, and Challenges in Mathematics Education by
Exploring Time Travel: Unmasking Time's Hidden Potentials by Kattan, Peter
Nonlinear Systems and Their Remarkable Mathematical Structures: Volume 3, Contributions from China by
Stirling Numbers by Deza, Elena
Handbook of Mathematical Concepts and Formulas for Students in Science and Engineering by Asadzadeh, Mohammad, Emanuelsson, Reimond
Дидактические последов&# by Родригес &#1
Number Search Puzzle Book: Large Print Number Search Puzzle With no Eyestrain. Number puzzles For Teens, Adults and Seniors. Gift for Seniors and Adul by Stan, Jason
Royal Road to Topology, A: Convergence of Filters by Dolecki, Szymon
Cat(0) Cube Complexes: An Introduction by Schwer, Petra
Applied Mathematics and Modelling in Finance, Marketing and Economics by
Schadenversicherungsmathematik by Morlock, Martin, Goelden, Heinz-Willi, Hess, Klaus Th
Semigroups, Algebras and Operator Theory: Icsaot 2022, Cusat, India, March 28-31 by
Interaktionsqualität Im Sprachbildenden Mathematikunterricht: Instrumententwicklung Und Differentielle Analysen by Quabeck, Kim
Digitale Signatur: Unterschreiben Mit Hilfe Der Algebra by Manz, Olaf
Der Garten Der Unendlichkeit: Ein Projekt Zur Erforschung Der Unendlichkeit in Der Sekundarstufe I by Kasparek, Stephanie
Genetic and Evolutionary Computing: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (Volume I), October 6- by
Computational Epigenomics and Epitranscriptomics by
Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics: Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2021 by
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen: Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Lehramts Gymnasium. Mit 40 Examensaufgaben Und Lösungen. by Kraus, Daniela, Roth, Oliver, Grahl, Jürgen
Advances in Best-Worst Method: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Best-Worst Method (Bwm2022) by
Dynamics of Rational Negotiation: Game Theory, Language Games and Forms of Life by Gaffal, Margit, Padilla Gálvez, Jesús
Dilations, Completely Positive Maps and Geometry by Bhat, B. V. Rajarama, Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar
MATLAB for Beginners: A Gentle Approach by Kattan, Peter I.
The Econometrics of Multi-Dimensional Panels: Theory and Applications by
The Foundations of Modality: From Propositions to Possible Worlds by Fritz, Peter
Synergies in Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Soft Computing and Modelling by
Frontiers in Industrial and Applied Mathematics: Fiam-2021, Punjab, India, December 21-22 by
Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra: First International Conference, Icacga 2022, Denver, Co, Usa, October 2-5, 2022, Proceedings by
Understanding the Generality of Mathematical Statements: An Experimental Study at the Transition from School to University by Damrau, Milena
Unicorn Color by Math Addition & Subtraction: 25 Magical Unicorn Coloring Pages with Addition and Subtraction Activities. by Publishing, H. N. N.
Solutions of the CAHN HILLIARD equations by Basu, Rahul
The regularity within the distribution of prime numbers by Mahmoud, Mostafa Yacoub Abdellatif
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Experimental and Computational Mechanics in Engineering: Icecme 2022, Banda Aceh, September 14-15, by
Linear and Nonlinear Non-Fredholm Operators: Theory and Applications by Efendiev, Messoud
Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics by
Mathematical Recreations in the Middle Ages by Sesiano, Jacques
Algèbre by Harzalla, Driss
Skripte zur Mathematik - Einführung in die Analysis by Wyss, Christian
Skripte zur Mathematik - Einführung in die Analysis by Wyss, Christian
Mathematics for Social Sciences and Arts: Algebraic Modeling by
Emerging Studies and Applications of Grey Systems by
The Numerical Method of Lines and Duality Principles Applied to Models in Physics and Engineering by Botelho, Fabio Silva
Seven Science Articles on Nanotechnology, Chaos Theory, MATLAB, Solving Equations, Golden Ratio, etc. by Kattan, Peter I.
Differential Calculus in Several Variables: A Learning-By-Doing Approach by Ghergu, Marius
Differential Calculus in Several Variables: A Learning-By-Doing Approach by Ghergu, Marius
Sharpening Everyday Mental/Thinking Skills Through Mathematics Problem Solving and Beyond by Posamentier, Alfred S., Humenberger, Hans
Sharpening Everyday Mental/Thinking Skills Through Mathematics Problem Solving and Beyond by Humenberger, Hans, Posamentier, Alfred S.
Medienprojekte Im Mathematikunterricht: Projektentwicklung Und Evaluation Affektiv-Motivationaler Merkmale Und Leistung by Barton, Daniel
The Blue Book: Smart Sustainable Coastal Cities and Blue Growth Strategies for Marine and Maritime Environments by
Nonlinear Dynamics of Time Delay Systems: Methods and Applications by Xu, Jian
Data Science and Big Data in Biology, Physical Science and Engineering by
Random Graphs and Complex Networks by Van Der Hofstad, Remco
Entstehung und Konsolidierung der brasilianischen mathematischen Gemeinschaft by Pereira Da Silva, Clovis
Origine et solidification de la communauté mathématique brésilienne by Pereira Da Silva, Clovis
Origine e solidificazione della comunità matematica brasiliana by Pereira Da Silva, Clovis
Origem e solidificação da comunidade matemática brasileira by Pereira Da Silva, Clovis
Зарождение и становлени& by Перейра д&#1
Internet of Things: Architectures for Enhanced Living Environments: Volume 133 by
A Vision for Dynamics in the 21st Century by
Advances in Computational Mechanics and Applications: Oes 2023 by
Bioinformatics: A One Semester Course by Sayood, Khalid, Otu, Hasan H.
Spectra and Normal Forms by Barreira, Luís, Valls, Claudia
Optimization Models and Applications by
Nonlinear Control Systems with Recent Advances and Applications by
32 SHORTCUTS FOR FOUR OPERATIONS Arithmetic and algebra Strategies with Vedic Mathematics: Quick math strategies for middle and high school students E by Nolasco, Pietro
New Summability Method and Applications by Sinha, Santosh Kumar
Leading Maths: The Essential Guide for New and Aspiring Maths Leaders by Mattock, Peter
500 Sudoku Puzzles: Medium to Hard Sudoku Puzzle Book With Solutions by Designs, Elmsleigh
The Riemann Problem in Continuum Physics by Lefloch, Philippe G., Thanh, Mai Duc
Computational Statics and Dynamics: An Introduction Based on the Finite Element Method by Öchsner, Andreas
Operational Research: IO 2021--Analytics for a Better World. XXI Congress of Apdio, Figueira Da Foz, Portugal, November 7-8, 2021 by
Problems in Number Theory: Elementary Number Theory by J. Wick, Adam
Prime Panorama: Collection of 1 Million Primes by Logar, Rishit
A Numerical Approach to the Simplified Laminate Theory of Composite Materials: The Composite Laminate Analysis Tool--Clat 1d by Öchsner, Andreas, Makvandi, Resam
Sequencing Models by Gupta, Deepak, Sehgal, Poojadeep
Calculus and Linear Algebra: Fundamentals and Applications by Ventre, Aldo G. S.
The Principia by Newton, Isaac
Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics by
Instability and Non-Uniqueness for the 2D Euler Equations, After M. Vishik by Brué, Elia, Lellis, Camillo De, Albritton, Dallas
Peter Schroeder-Heister on Proof-Theoretic Semantics by
Instability and Non-Uniqueness for the 2D Euler Equations, After M. Vishik by Brué, Elia, Lellis, Camillo De, Albritton, Dallas
Basic Math for Adults - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division Exercises with Answers: Simple Math Refresher for Adults with more than 2000 e by Education, Arc's
Advanced Linear Algebra: With an Introduction to Module Theory by Chang, Shou-Te
Advanced Linear Algebra: With an Introduction to Module Theory by Chang, Shou-Te
Mesurer la réingénierie des logiciels by Sood, Sumesh
Misurare la reingegnerizzazione del software by Sood, Sumesh
Medir a reengenharia de software by Sood, Sumesh
Измерение реинжиниринг&# by Суд, Сумеш
Messung des Software Reengineering by Sood, Sumesh
Back-Of-The-Envelope Quantum Mechanics: With Extensions to Many-Body Systems, Integrable Pdes, and Rare and Exotic Methods (Second Edition) by Olchanyi (Olshanii), Maxim
Point-Set Topology with Topics: Basic General Topology for Graduate Studies by Andre, Robert
Chaos Monitoring in Dynamic Systems - Analysis and Applications by
History of Astronomy by Forbes, George
Vladimir I. Arnold--Collected Works: Dynamics, Combinatorics, and Invariants of Knots, Curves, and Wave Fronts 1992-1995 by Arnold, Vladimir I.
Introduction to Linear Optimization by Nemirovski, Arkadi
Teaching Secondary Mathematics by Rock, David, Brumbaugh, Douglas K., Brady, Thomas J. P.
Teaching Secondary Mathematics by Rock, David, Brumbaugh, Douglas K., Brady, Thomas J. P.
Introduction to Linear Optimization by Nemirovski, Arkadi
Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables by Pemantle, Robin, Wilson, Mark C., Melczer, Stephen
Psychology Behind Mathematics - The Comprehensive Guide by Shivan, Viruti Satyan
Quantum Measurement by Siddiqi, Irfan, Jordan, Andrew N.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Numerical Modelling in Engineering: Volume 1: Numerical Modelling in Civil Engineering, Nme 2022, 2 by
Applications of Ant Colony Optimization and Its Variants: Case Studies and New Developments by
Planificaciones para primaria by Primaria, Planificaciones Para
Engaging Young Students in Mathematics Through Competitions - World Perspectives and Practices: Volume III - Keeping Competition Mathematics Engaging by
Local Mathematics for Local Physics: From Number Scaling to Guage Theory and Cosmology by Benioff, Paul
Oxford's Sedleian Professors of Natural Philosophy: The First 400 Years by
Methods of Geometry in the Theory of Partial Differential Equations: Principle of the Cancellation of Singularities by Suzuki, Takashi
I AM A PROBLEM SOLVER! COMMON CORE ARITHMETIC SEQUENCE PUZZLES FOR SUCCESS VOl. 1: Practice Problems with Solutions with Growth Mindset Message Grade by Kumar
Number Fill In Puzzle Book for Adults: Number Place with 222 Puzzles & 3000+ Numbers to Fit In (Brain Games Number fill in)! by Austin, S. B. Lane
Bayesian Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning: Modeling, Tuning-Free Algorithms, and Applications by Cheng, Lei, Chen, Zhongtao, Wu, Yik-Chung
Mathematics What you didn't know and now you know on your math journey!: Kindergarten Edition by Pearson-Campbell Ed D., Jannell
Learning and Teaching for Mathematical Literacy: Making Mathematics Useful for Everyone by Pead, Daniel, Stacey, Kaye, Burkhardt, Hugh
Automatic Complexity: A Computable Measure of Irregularity by Kjos-Hanssen, Bjørn
Differentialgleichungen in Der Theoretischen Ökologie: Räuber-Beute-Modelle Zur Dynamik Von Populationen by Oprandi, Adriano
Learning and Teaching for Mathematical Literacy: Making Mathematics Useful for Everyone by Pead, Daniel, Stacey, Kaye, Burkhardt, Hugh
Pi Und Co.: Kaleidoskop Der Mathematik by
La Correspondance Entre Henri Poincaré Et Les Mathématiciens by
Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: Proceedings of Comso 2022 by
Mathematical Research for Blockchain Economy: 3rd International Conference Marble 2022, Vilamoura, Portugal by
Birkhoff-James Orthogonality and Geometry of Operator Spaces by Sain, Debmalya, Mal, Arpita, Paul, Kallol
Banach Function Algebras, Arens Regularity, and Bse Norms by Dales, Harold Garth, Ülger, Ali
Reinforced Concrete Design I Lecture Notes: A Student Practice Textbook for Structural Engineering by Kattan, Peter
Electronic String Art: Rhythmic Mathematics by Erfle, Stephen
Electronic String Art: Rhythmic Mathematics by Erfle, Stephen
Die Rolle Der Position Der Fragestellung Beim Textverstehen Von Mathematischen Modellierungsaufgaben: Zwei Empirische Studien Mit Befragungen Und Eye- by Böswald, Valentin
Frontiers in Genetics Algorithm Theory and Applications by
Complex Mathematical Problems and Their Solutions for Quantum Engineers by Aksara, Kuro
Bertrand Russell, Feminism, and Women Philosophers in His Circle by
Pensées éparpillées suivies de poèmes plébéiens by Et-Tahiri, Abdessadek
Easily decode any digital information by Doumbia, Amara
Nonlinear Nonautonomous Difference Equations: Global Behavior and Applications by Kocic, Vlajko L., Kent, Candace M.
Was Geht Mich Die Physik An?: Physikalisch Denken in Gesellschaft, Politik Und Management. by Kree, Reiner
Das Klingonische Rechenbuch: 'ay' wa'DIch: ghIq ghIqtu' tu'. mI'mey paq mach - Teil 1: Algebra. Ein kleines Buch der Zahlen by Horn, Martin Erik
Math Mazes for Kids Addition and Subtraction Activity Book by Putman, Laura
Explizit Mathematik Unterrichten by Kenya, Emmanuel
Teaching Mathematics Explicitly by Kenya Kyangambi, Emmanuel
Insegnare La Matematica in Modo Esplicito by Kenya Kyangambi, Emmanuel
Ensinar Matemática de Forma Explícita by Kenya Kyangambi, Emmanuel
Eine Studie des Elektroenzephalogramms und der elektrodermalen Signale bei der by M. C. Branco, Luiz, Oliveira Goncalves, Werley, Kupac Vianna, Gizelle
A Study of Electroencephalogram and Electrodermal Signals in the by Oliveira Goncalves, Werley, Kupac Vianna, Gizelle, M. C. Branco, Luiz
Étude de l'électroencéphalogramme et des signaux électrodermiques chez l'homme by Oliveira Goncalves, Werley, Kupac Vianna, Gizelle, M. C. Branco, Luiz
Uno studio dell'elettroencefalogramma e dei segnali elettrodermici nell'uomo by Oliveira Goncalves, Werley, Kupac Vianna, Gizelle, M. C. Branco, Luiz
Исследование электроэн&# by Оливейра &#1, Купак Виа&#1, M. C. &#1041&#1088&#1072&#1085&#1082&#1086, Лу&#
The Split-Second Integral: The Derivation of the Instant: Object 4D Rotation in the Space-Time/Manifold by Holland, William
Der Goldene Schnitt: Geometrische Und Zahlentheoretische Betrachtungen by Walser, Hans
Power and Responsibility: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century in Honor of Manfred J. Holler by
Notes on Tug-Of-War Games and the P-Laplace Equation by Parviainen, Mikko
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization: From Theory to Applications: CTW 2023, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, June 20-22 by
Recent Developments in Algebra and Analysis: International Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics, Dubai, 2022 - Volume 1 by
Primes and Particles: Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Physics by Krieger, Martin H.
Abelian Varieties Over the Complex Numbers: A Graduate Course by Lange, Herbert
Reinforced Concrete Design I - Design Sessions by Kattan, Peter I.
Effects of adding acerola residue on yogurt characteristics by Sousa, Severina de, Farias, Juanne Queiroz, Tomé, Anna Emanuelle Soares
Auswirkungen des Zusatzes von Acerola-Resten auf die Eigenschaften von Joghurt by Farias, Juanne Queiroz, Tomé, Anna Emanuelle Soares, Sousa, Severina de
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